Captain is the most stellar title. General's shoulder straps: colors and types of shoulder straps

The insignia of officers of the Russian Army were introduced by Presidential Decree No. 1010 of May 23, 1994, simultaneously with the introduction of the uniform of the Russian Army. Significant change in the insignia of officers did not happen. Only the size of the shoulder straps and the shape have decreased, the colors of the shoulder straps have changed. The emblems of the combat arms have been changed. Now the shoulder strap does not reach the tunic collar, has a pentagonal shape and a button at the top. Shoulder strap width 5 cm., Length 13.14 or 15 cm. Shoulder strap colors:
* on a white shirt, shoulder straps of white color with colored gaps, emblems of golden color for the branches of service and golden stars;
* on a green shirt, shoulder straps of green color with colored gaps, emblems of the arms of the army of golden color and golden stars;
* on an everyday tunic, a woolen jacket, an overcoat, a summer raincoat, a demi-season jacket, green shoulder straps with colored gaps, golden-colored emblems (where appropriate) and golden stars;
* on the front tunic shoulder straps of golden color with colored gaps and edging, golden stars;
* on a blue shirt of the Air Force, shoulder straps of blue color with blue gaps, emblems of the Air Force in golden color and golden stars;
* on a casual tunic, a woolen jacket, an overcoat, a summer raincoat, a demi-season jacket of the Air Force, shoulder straps in blue with blue gaps, gold-colored Air Force emblems (where applicable) and golden stars.
* on the field form shoulder straps-straps in the color of the form with dull gray stars.

The number of gaps and sprockets has not changed. Also, as before, the stars of senior officers are larger than those of warrant officers and junior officers.

Junior officers -one clearance and asterisks:
1st Junior Lieutenant.
2nd Lieutenant.
3-Senior Lieutenant.

Senior officers - two gaps and; stars:
1st Major.
2-Lieutenant Colonel.

Examples of officers; shoulder straps:

1-parade captain's shoulder strap ground forces... 2-parade shoulder strap of a major of the Air Force, VKS, Airborne Forces. 3-parade shoulder strap of the Army Colonel. 4-Daily epaulette of the army colonel. 5-Casual epaulette of an Air Force major. 6-Daily shoulder strap of the senior lieutenant of the Airborne Forces, VKS. 7-Lieutenant's shoulder strap to a white shirt with a combined arms emblem. 8-Field epaulette of the lieutenant colonel. 9-Field epaulette of the lieutenant. Captain's 10th field shoulder strap. 11-Lieutenant's shoulder strap to a green shirt with a combined arms emblem.

The ranks of the senior officers with the creation of the Armed Forces of Russia (Presidential Decree No. 466 of May 7, 1992) have undergone significant changes. First of all, the titles of marshals and chief marshals of the branches of the armed forces were canceled, the title of "marshal Soviet Union". Generals' ranks have lost the addition of the type" general ... ... ..artillery. "This addition was left only to generals of medical, veterinary services and justice.

In this regard, as well as in connection with the change in uniforms (Decree of the President of Russia No. 1010 of 05/23/94) in 1994, the shape and size of the shoulder straps of generals and other insignia changed.

The color of the shoulder straps for the dress uniform for all is golden, the edging of shoulder straps and embroidered stars (diameter 22mm) is red for generals of the ground forces and blue for generals of the aviation, airborne troops and military space forces.

The color of everyday shoulder straps for generals of the ground forces is green with red edging of shoulder straps. For generals of the Airborne Forces and VKS, the edging of shoulder straps is blue with a green field.

The color of the casual epaulettes of aviation generals is blue with blue edging

Field shoulder straps of generals are green with green stars

Generals' shoulder straps to white shirts are white with golden embroidered stars. For green shirts, shoulder straps are green with golden embroidered stars. For blue shirts of aviation, shoulder straps are blue with golden embroidered stars. Emblems on shirt shoulder straps are worn only by generals of medical, veterinary services and justice.

It should be noted that if before the generals differed in the types of troops (for example, major general of the signal corps, lieutenant general of artillery, etc.), now the general ranks, however, like the officer ranks, have become the same for all types of troops and among themselves do not differ in colors or emblems. Only the color difference remained between the generals of the Airborne Forces and the Aerospace Forces, and in aviation with the transition to blue color uniforms, shoulder straps became blue.

Insignia of generals (embroidered stars with a diameter of 22 m, located in one vertical row):
1 star-major general
2 stars- lieutenant general
3 stars-Colonel General
1 large star and above combined arms emblem-army General
1 large star and above double-headed eagle-marshal Russian Federation

1-parade shoulder strap of the Marshal of the Russian Federation. 2-parade shoulder strap of an army general. 3-parade shoulder strap of the Colonel-General of Aviation, Airborne Forces, Aerospace Forces. 4-parade shoulder strap of the Lieutenant General of the Ground Forces. 5-Everyday shoulder strap of the Marshal of the Russian Federation. 6-Daily epaulette of an army general. 7-Colonel-General's everyday shoulder strap. 8-Daily epaulette of the major general of aviation. 9-epaulet to the green shirt of the lieutenant general of the medical service. 10-Shoulder straps to the white shirt of the Lieutenant General of Justice. 11-Field epaulette of an army general. 12-Field epaulette of the Lieutenant General.

By decree of the President of Russia No. 48 of January 27, 1997. generals of the army were canceled shoulder straps with one a big star and the combined arms emblem, and the usual general's shoulder straps with four stars in one vertical row were introduced.

Generals shoulder straps Russian army, like the Soviet one, preserved the continuity of pre-revolutionary Russian insignia. The main element that distinguishes them is the zigzags. Over the years, there have been cases when the misappropriation high rank colonels recognized directly on the front line, and before the attack drew broken lines directly on the old shoulder straps with chalk.

V tsarist army there were four senior command ranks. These were the field marshal general (shoulder straps with zigzags and crossed wands), cavalry and other types of troops, also called a "full general" (shoulder straps with zigzags without stars), a lieutenant general (three stars over zigzags) and a major general (two stars ).

In February 1917, revolutionary-minded soldiers and sailors, incited by agitators, tore off the shoulders of their former bosses the hated symbols of the “old government”.

After a long break in 1943, the insignia traditional for Russia were reintroduced in the Soviet Army. The rank of major general, as before 1917, turned out to be the first and youngest among the generals. Then, in the increasing number of stars, were the lieutenant general and the colonel general.

The insignia of the senior command personnel remained almost unchanged. The only exceptions are the shoulder straps of an army general, the appearance of which has changed several times already. The title is really intermediate, and the official duties are so close to the marshal's that the line between the two sometimes became indistinguishable.

The shoulder straps of an army general with four stars were a rank, after which it was not far from the marshal. During the Great Patriotic War commanders in this rank, as a rule, held the post of deputy front commander.

In 1974, the insignia of the senior command personnel underwent some changes. There were reasons for this - the status and responsibilities of the marshal and the general of the army turned out to be almost identical. In addition, in contrast to the war years, in these years, later called "stagnant", the next rank was awarded not for special abilities and personal qualities manifested in the course of command and control, but or even just for the anniversary. As if hinting at the prospect of career growth, one star "fell" on the new shoulder straps of the army general, but what a! Marshal's! Next to it is a motorized rifle emblem. Such insignia lasted in the armed forces of the USSR, and then the Russian Federation for twenty years.

In 1993, the rank of marshal in the Russian armed forces was abolished, and in 1997, the shoulder straps of the general of the army again became four-star, like in 1943.

In 2013, the pendulum swung again towards the Marshal's stars. It is possible that one large star is more beautiful than four smaller ones. It is possible that in this way they are trying to mislead the intelligence services of the countries - potential adversaries. It can also be assumed that aesthetic ideas play a significant role in the choice of the style of insignia. The fact remains - today the shoulder straps of the general of the army are again similar to those of the marshal. Whether they will change in the future is not yet very clear.

Generals in the Russian Federation, as in any other country, belong to the senior officer corps. General's shoulder straps are used to designate the highest ranks in the military and security structures of Russia.

When were shoulder straps introduced?

In the history of Russia, shoulder straps began to be used during the reign of Peter I. Initially, they were intended only for soldiers. Over time, officers began to use them. Since there was no single pattern of shoulder straps, they did not perform the distinctive function well. This was corrected by introducing uniforms of various colors: each battalion or regiment had its own color scheme. The officer's shoulder straps were hexagonal, and the soldiers were pentagonal. General's shoulder straps in those days were a braid of golden or silver color without stars. Similar insignia were used until 1917.

After October revolution soldier's and general's shoulder straps were canceled, since they were perceived in Soviet Russia as the enemy. They were saved by the White Guards. The insignia became a counterrevolutionary symbol, and the officers wearing them were called “gold-chasers”. A similar situation persisted until the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Who wears epaulettes in Russia today?

Today, on the territory of the Russian Federation, as in some other states, not only the personnel of the Armed Forces have the right to wear shoulder straps. In the prosecutor's office, police, tax and environmental inspectorates, railway, sea, river and civil aviation shoulder straps are used.

Who are the generals?

The rank of general refers to the highest officer ranks, for each of which the corresponding general's shoulder straps are provided. Ranks that used to differ from each other depending on the type of troops, today have become the same. The Russian army provides for the presence of ranks:

  • major general;
  • lieutenant general;
  • colonel general;
  • general.

What do the general's shoulder straps look like?

After the Decree of the President of Russia in May 1994, new form for army officers of the Russian Federation. The sizes, colors and shape of the shoulder straps have been changed. Now they do not reach the tunic collar. Shoulder straps, both sewn on and removable, are hexagonal in shape. Their upper part contains a button that serves as a decorative function. Today shoulder straps are 50 mm wide and 150 mm long.

General's stars on shoulder straps are located, depending on the rank, in one vertical row:

  • one star has epaulettes of a major general;
  • wearing two stars is provided for;
  • the colonel general wears three stars;
  • general - four.

After 2013, in the Russian army, general's shoulder straps of all types began to be equipped with a combined arms emblem and one large star. Compared to the star of the marshal, the star of the general of the Russian army is smaller. But the rank of marshal in various branches of the armed forces was abandoned back in 1993. The Marshall Star, an insignia adopted in 1981, was then canceled.

What colors are used?

After the adoption of the 1994 law dress uniform generals is equipped with epaulettes of golden color with sewn stars, the diameter of which is 22 mm. In the ground forces of the Russian Federation, the presence of a red edging is provided for the general's shoulder straps, and for the Airborne Forces, Aerospace Forces and aviation - blue.

On everyday uniform Generals of the ground forces are sewn green shoulder straps with red edging. V airborne troops and the Russian military space forces generals in Everyday life wear green shoulder straps with blue edging. For aviation, it is envisaged to wear blue shoulder straps with blue edging. In the field, the color of the shoulder straps is green. Green stars are sewn on them.

According to the charter, general's shoulder straps are designed for white shirts. Golden stars are sewn on them.

On green shirts - green shoulder straps and golden stars. For aviation generals, it is envisaged to wear blue shirts and blue shoulder straps with gold-colored stars sewn on. For shirt shoulder straps of generals of justice, veterinary and medical services, it is mandatory to wear the appropriate emblems. For everyday wear, generals use sewn-on shoulder straps. Removable for shirts only.

Other distinctive means

The ranks of the senior officers can be identified not only by using the stars sewn on the general's shoulder straps. The photo below shows the design features of these distinctive means. On July 31, 2014, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the creation of a new shoulder strap. You can recognize a general of the Russian Armed Forces using a running edge.

For the Russian Federation it is red, for the Air Force it is blue. The ranks of the FSB generals have cornflower-blue edging on their shoulder straps. Red stars are sewn onto shoulder straps. The Federal Service for the Protection of Special Objects under the President of the Russian Federation also uses cornflower-blue edging for the shoulder straps of generals. Gold stars are provided for these services. General's shoulder straps are characterized by a special texture: even field form equipped with shoulder straps, embroidered with threads. This makes it possible to distinguish the three-star shoulder straps worn by the colonel general from the epaulettes of warrant officers. Their attachment to clothes is carried out using a special clutch and a half-strap.

When wearing a black leather jacket, generals use shoulder straps - couplings.

What are the epaulettes of police generals?

In appearance, the general's shoulder straps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs almost do not differ from the army ones. In the police, a postscript is added to the ranks of generals - not “army”, but “police”. The presence of titles is stipulated:

  • Major General of Police;
  • Lieutenant General of Police;
  • Colonel General of Police.

Police General of Russia - special title the highest commanding staff. This title can be obtained by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Today it was received. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, generals use shoulder straps on which large stars are sewn. There are no gaps on these shoulder straps.

Insignia in the police of the sample of 2011 and 2014

In 2011, the longitudinal center line of the general's epaulette of the police was equipped with four stars and a red piping. The embroidered stars were 22 mm in diameter. In 2014, the size of the stars increased to 4 cm. The red edging remained the same.

Often on general's shoulder straps one can find a tag of FSUE “43 CEPK” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - the oldest Moscow enterprise engaged in individual tailoring uniforms for senior officers.

The generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs use the products of this enterprise until today, Federal Service Security, FSO, prosecutor's office and EMERCOM of Russia.

In 1993, the transition to a new uniform began in the Russian armed forces. On the shoulder straps of the new model for army generals, the previous elements were retained - the star and the emblem, which in appearance and size corresponded to the model of 1982 for shirt shoulder straps of the USSR period.

On May 23, 1994, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On military uniform and insignia for military ranks"No. 1010 which described appearance shoulder straps of an army general - " shoulder straps are rectangular, with a button in the upper part, with a trapezoidal top edge, with a field of galloon of a special weaving of golden color or the color of the fabric of clothing without edging or with edging in red. On the shoulder straps of the generals of the army are embroidered: a gilded star or a khaki star with red edging, and above the star - a gilded emblem or emblem of khaki".

In the rules for wearing military uniforms, introduced by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on July 28, 1994, No. 255, the diameter of the stars on the shoulder straps of army generals was indicated - 35 mm, as well as the distance from the center of the stars to the lower edge of the shoulder strap - 30 mm. In 1997 (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 210), the distance from the bottom of the shoulder strap to the center of the star was changed, it became 35 mm.

Shoulder straps of the General of the Army Model 1994 to the ceremonial tunic.

On January 27, 1997, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 48, changes were made to the description of shoulder straps of army generals: now they had four stars with a diameter of 22 mm.
Sewn on shoulder straps of an army general on a ceremonial tunic, model 1997.

Sewn on shoulder straps of an army general on a casual jacket.

Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces (2008-2012) N.E. Makarov. Casual sewn on shoulder straps, model 1997.

Removable shoulder straps of the general of the army for the shirt.

The shoulder straps on the shirt were with such a tag. FSUE "43 TSEPK" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is the oldest enterprise in Moscow, which provides services for individual tailoring of uniforms for generals, admirals and senior officers of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, FSO, General Prosecutor's Office, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Galloon shoulder straps of an army general to a white dress shirt.

Galloon shoulder straps for a casual jacket.

Field shoulder straps of an army general. An interesting mount is both a sleeve and a half-strap.

Shoulder straps for a black leather jacket.

The next reform of uniforms was associated with the name of the former Minister of Defense A.E. Serdyukov, who entrusted the development of new samples of uniforms to the Yudashkin Fashion House.
On March 11, 2010, the new uniform was approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 293, and on June 9, 2010, by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 555, its description was approved. On September 3, 2011, by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 1500, the wearing rules were put into effect from December 1, 2011.
The fundamental difference between the shoulder straps of the new model was the return to sewn-on quadrangular shoulder straps with a bevel and the abolition of wearing buttons on such shoulder straps.

Drawing of the shoulder strap of an army general from the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 1500 of September 3, 2011

Sewed shoulder straps of the general of the army arr. 2010 on a gray ceremonial overcoat.

Army General Nikolai Makarov, July 12, 2012 (photo from Wikipedia)

Nothing lasts forever under the moon, and in 2013 the President of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 165, which amended Decree No. 293 "On military uniforms." The emblem in the form of a wreath with a star has also returned. Only the distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the star has changed - it used to be 35 mm, but now it is 45 mm. The text of the decree can be studied in detail

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