Children's drawings on the theme of New Year's holiday. How to draw the New Year with a pencil step by step: step-by-step description and interesting ideas

The most wonderful, most delightful and most long-awaited holiday of the year - New Year 2017 - is quietly and silently creeping up on us.

This day, or to be more precise, night, awakens happiness, tenderness and fun in all people. Each of us, imbued with the holiday atmosphere, begins to believe in a miracle, in the fact that all good things will definitely happen to us.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, people are in a hurry to buy or make, buy cute gifts, buy a beautiful Christmas tree. In these troubles, time passes unnoticed, and most importantly, quickly.

If you have already decided on gifts, choosing a suit and have compiled holiday menu, but you’re still racking your brains over the decor, draw it yourself New Year's drawings 2017 in pencil, using them in the future as an exclusive decoration for an apartment, workplace and other premises. Fortunately, even those who do not have the talent of an artist are able to draw beautiful drawings on New Year theme.

Note that drawings created in pencil can not only be used as decoration, but also as additions to a gift or for yourself, so to speak, for a collection. Surprisingly, armed with just one pencil, a grater and an example, you can create a truly wonderful New Year's drawing.

Beautiful New Year's pencil drawings

Father Frost

Cheerful and good-natured Grandfather Frost should definitely appear at your holiday. Even if the real one does not dare to look at the fire, you can always replace it with a drawn one. This grandfather can be painted and hung on the Christmas tree so that he will delight guests throughout the holidays.


The intricate patterns of snowflakes amaze with their grace and beauty. This is one of the real miracles, because they are created by Mother Nature herself.

Feel like a creator by drawing with a simple pencil a few snowflakes. They will be a wonderful addition to the winter decor of the apartment, they will take up place of honor on a window, mirror or anywhere else.

If you can’t come up with a pattern yourself, take a look at some of the options presented below and just copy it. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, believe in yourself and you will get the most beautiful snowflake in the world.

Snow Maiden

When drawing Grandfather Frost, one should not forget about the young and charming Snow Maiden - a laughing girl who accompanies Frost on all holidays. In the fantasy of each of us, the Snow Maiden stands in a long blue fur coat, a matching hat with a waist-length braid.

Draw the Snow Maiden and you have a traditional holiday couple. Having made a sketch, you can entrust coloring to the children - they will be captivated by this activity for a while, and you will do all the necessary preparations for the New Year.

Christmas tree

What would New Year be without a brightly decorated Christmas tree? Even if you already have a forest beauty at home that sparkles with colorful balls, garlands and tinsel, you can still capture its image on paper to show it to all your friends after the New Year holidays.

You don't have to be an artist at all - drawing a Christmas tree is very easy. In addition, you yourself can decide what decorations to “hang” on it, how long the branches will be and how green the tree will be.

If you doubt your own abilities, they can help step by step drawings. They clearly show the algorithm of actions, following which you will draw on paper a charming winter tree with all kinds of decorations on branches.

Step 1. To begin, take a blank sheet of paper on which you will draw a Christmas tree. At the place where it will directly “grow”, draw a triangle.

Step 2. Divide the rectangle into two parts and draw a vertical line in the middle, as shown in the example. From the top of this line, draw two lines (outline of a Christmas tree). The example clearly shows how this can be done.

Step 3. Divide the triangle into several tiers with semicircular horizontal lines.

Step 4. Each tier should be “attached” with triangles with rounded corners.

Step 5. Gently erase the outline of the triangle with an eraser and you should have a nice Christmas tree.

Step 6.“Hang” garlands on each tier.

Step 7 Decorate the top with a star. It is not necessary to place a star on the top of the tree; you can choose a cone or any shape that you like.

Step 8“Hang” various toys (cones, balls, icicles) on the remaining branches of the tree. Our Christmas tree is ready! Now you have a beautiful one that will undoubtedly delight the children.


You all have known for a long time that 2017 will be the year Fire Rooster. We must not lose sight of this fact and, when drawing holiday pictures, we must depict a cockerel on paper. He can either alone or in the company of his faithful family - hens and chicks.

Below we have shown the main stages of drawing this beautiful bird, so if you decide to test your powers as an artist before the New Year, you are welcome to our master class.

Step 1. First, draw a simple circle - the head of the future bird. Then you need to draw eyes, a small beak and draw smooth lines from the head - this will be the neck.

Step 2. Using light intermittent movements, draw two lines, which will later become the body of the rooster.

Step 3. Draw the wing of the bird and round the body. If you have extra lines, remove them with a grater.

Step 4. Make the cockerel a comb and earrings under the beak, as shown in the sample.

Step 5. Draw the wings, feathers and sketch out the legs.

Step 6. In the next picture you can see that the rooster has already “appeared” a bushy tail, so try to make it look the same on your paper.

Step 7 Each feather on the bird's body should be drawn in more detail so that they look like real ones.

Step 8 That's all! New Year's drawing of a rooster is ready. Color it as you wish.

Video, master class

I don’t know about you, but I get into the New Year’s mood already in November. And this is good. After all, there is a lot to do before the New Year: home decoration, cards, gifts...Therefore, you should start preparing in advance!

And the question arises, what to draw for the New Year to please your friends and loved ones?

We have collected 25 ideas for New Year's stories for you. Useful for postcards, wall newspapers, paintings for gifts. Choose the ones you like and draw with inspiration! And reference pictures will help you achieve the expected result :)

25 ideas on what to draw for the New Year:

1. Christmas tree

You can imagine the New Year without streamers, sparklers, even tangerines, but if there is no festively decorated Christmas tree, consider that the holiday did not take place!

Drawing a Christmas tree is very easy! In this case, you can use the simplest images that even children can do.

2. Santa Claus

And what would New Year be without Santa Claus?

Red nose, rosy cheeks, beard, and most importantly - a red sheepskin coat and a bag of gifts!

3. Snowflakes

Don't expect snowfalls and blizzards - beautiful snowflakes you can draw!

Is it difficult to come up with an openwork pattern? Then find several options you like on the Internet using the queries “paper snowflakes” or “snowflake templates” :)

4. Snowman

Snowman - pretty popular character New Year's and winter scenes.

And it’s very simple to draw: a couple of round pieces, a nose like a carrot, handles and a twig, and all the other attributes are a flight of your imagination!

Don't know how to draw people? The snowman will completely replace them! Can do everything like a human: give gifts, skate, laugh and dance.

? MK in pictures!

The history of the creation of the first snowman, according to an old legend, takes us back to the distant year 1493. It was then that Michelangelo Buonarotti, a sculptor, poet and architect, sculpted the first snow figure. But the first written mention of a beautiful huge snowman is found in one of the books of the 18th century. The 19th century was marked by a “warming” in the relationship between man and snowmen. These winter beauties become good heroes of holiday fairy tales, integral attributes of New Year's cards.

5. New Year (Christmas) wreath

Decorating a house with a Christmas and New Year's wreath is a very beautiful custom that came to us from Western countries. New Year's wreaths in last years are becoming a popular interior decoration.

“Weave” hand-drawn New Year’s wreaths from spruce branches or holly, add red “Christmas star” flowers, fruit, ribbons, beads, Christmas decorations. When composing compositions there is room for your imagination to run wild.

By the way, you can decorate a wreath not only with the usual New Year’s decorations, but also with everything that your imagination can tell you. For example - dried flowers, pine cones, berries, fruits, vegetables, cinnamon sticks, spices, citrus peels cut in a spiral, cayenne pepper, tangerines, apples, flowers, candies, sweets, Christmas cookies.

More interesting and useful information about drawing
from the artist Marina Trushnikova

You will find in electronic magazine“Life in Art.”

Receive magazine issues to your e-mail!

6. Socks for gifts

Do you know where the tradition of hanging socks on mantels for gifts came from?

According to legend, a poor man was worried that his daughters would not marry because he did not have a dowry for them.

Saint Nicholas, having learned about their plight, wanted to help them. On Christmas Eve, after the girls had hung their stockings on the fireplace to dry, he threw a few gold coins into the house's smoker. The coins landed in the stockings and filled them.

As word spread, other people also began hanging up stockings in hopes that they would receive gifts.

This is interesting:

7. Gingerbread cookies and gingerbread

Perhaps the most delicious plot of our New Year's selection!

Every housewife probably has molds in the shape of stars, houses, hearts... They can be used not only in baking, but also in drawing:)

By the way, if you have a proven cookie recipe, share it in the comments!

8. Atmospheric cups

If you are not yet familiar with my course

In one of the lessons we draw a cute watercolor scene with cups. Such a sketch will be an excellent addition to a gift for your mother, sister, friend, or someone with whom you want to have a heart-to-heart talk over a cup of tea or coffee...

9. Christmas balls

Christmas balls are one of the most common subjects for New Year's cards.

They can be drawn very simple, flat, with an emphasis on the pattern. Or you can, if you know how, in all their glassy glory.

10. Holly and poinsettia

Red bright poinsettia flower resemble a star. This plant blooms in winter. Therefore, poinsettia flowers began to be called the stars of Bethlehem.

Holly (holly)- one of the most common Christmas plants. It is believed that the holly reveals its magical properties It is at Christmas time that brings health, love and prosperity into the house.

11. Christmas cupcakes (cupcakes)

12. Mittens

Knitted mittens are a very cozy winter accessory. For those whom you want to warm with the warmth of your heart!

13. Skates

A pair of skates can not only brighten up a winter weekend, but also become an unusual element of New Year's decor or decorate greeting card unusual idea!

14. Sledge

How do you like this story with winter sleds? And the gifts can be stacked on them, and the winter character can be taken for a ride.

15. Dwarves, elves

Little people in red caps open the door to the world of magic and fairy tales!

16. Angels

The image of an angel will effectively decorate your gift and emphasize the sincerity of your wishes. By the way, from the ancient Greek language the word “angel” is translated as messenger, messenger. Let your holiday pictures and New Year cards bring good news and lift your spirits!

Are you new to watercolor? Want to see how pictures like these are created?

Do you want to draw cards with winter angels after the artist?

Master class “Angel of Christmas” for you!

As a result of this video master class, you will draw 3 beautiful Christmas (New Year) images.

Use them for cards or frame them.

17. Snow globe

Snow globes are exquisite souvenirs for Christmas and New Year.

A figurine is usually placed in the center of the ball: a snowman, Santa Claus or a famous landmark. By shaking such a ball, you can see snowflakes falling.

I just love them...

18. Bells, bells

Bells from the harness of Santa Claus and Santa Claus are a good option simple image. (This is if you don’t know how to draw deer and horses..)

And just a bell is a very good decoration, often found in New Year’s themes.

19. Gifts

Do you like beautifully wrapped gifts? Or do you pay more attention to filling?

In any case, a mountain of bright holiday boxes with colorful bows is a great idea for what to draw for the New Year!

20. Lanterns

A pleasant flickering light in the night, against the backdrop of snow - it’s so romantic and beautiful! And, again, it’s simple!

21. Winter landscapes with houses

Even if we live in a metropolis, for some reason our symbol of home comfort is a snow-covered house with a welcomingly lit window...

Well, then let’s please ourselves and our friends with these festive houses!

Preparing for holidays at school and kindergarten includes conducting interesting competitions drawings and crafts. You usually need to create original images in the appropriate theme of the upcoming celebration. Therefore, a drawing for the New Year 2017 may include both familiar heroes and the symbol of the year itself. About how to draw a Rooster, Christmas tree, Santa Claus in primary, secondary, senior group kindergarten and school will tell you step by step instructions. Ideas and examples of images for the competition, drawn in pencil in the cells, on clean slate or paints, can also be found in this article.

Step-by-step drawing for the New Year 2017 in pencil for school and kindergarten

A beautiful Christmas tree is one of the most popular pictures that are asked to be drawn in school and kindergarten. The symbol of the upcoming holiday can be depicted different ways: both pencils and paints. Preparing such a drawing with your own hands for the New Year is not difficult, since even children 3-4 years old can do it. Below is a master class that describes how to create such an unusual image. To work you will need regular and colored pencils and an eraser.

“Beautiful Christmas tree” - drawing for the New Year step by step with instructions

  1. Two vertical lines are drawn that will be the “skeletons” of the future Christmas trees.
  2. The top of the Christmas tree in front is added.
  3. The second layer of needles is drawn.
  4. The lower branches and the “leg” of the Christmas tree are depicted.
  5. The first Christmas tree is decorated with small balls.
  6. The upper layers of needles are drawn on the tree standing a little further away.
  7. The lower branches and trunk are added.
  8. A snowball lies on the branches of a distant Christmas tree.
  9. The “skeletons” are removed and the Christmas trees and background are painted.

A simple drawing step by step for the New Year 2017 - a beautiful Rooster for school and kindergarten

The image of the symbol of the year of the Rooster will allow every child in school and kindergarten to create beautiful decor for their home or office. The easiest way to prepare such a drawing for the New Year is with pencils. According to the master class below, you need to draw the Cockerel with small lines. This will greatly simplify the task of depicting a bird and will help make it simple and beautiful drawing for the New Year of the Rooster. In this work you should use a regular pencil and eraser. You can color the drawing for the New Year 2017 using at will: using colored pencils of any shade. But it’s better to make it red or orange, because the new symbol is considered fiery.

Master class “Cockerel” - step-by-step depiction of a bird

  1. The upper part of the neck and back of the cockerel is depicted, then its small comb is added. Next, the child must complete the drawing of a sharp beak, an “earring,” and the lower part of the neck.

  2. The chest and the transition to the paws are drawn with a wavy line. Paws with a spur and a lower curl of the tail are added.

  3. The feathers of the wing are drawn, a long tail feather is added. The finished tail goes into the back and connects to the first section.

  4. Lines are added to delimit the earring and comb from the head. A peephole is added, and the silhouettes of the wing and feathers on it are drawn. The finished cockerel is painted.

DIY drawing for New Year 2017 in pencil - Santa Claus for school and garden

Bright Grandfather Frost - main character approaching New Year holidays. He brings gifts to the children, rewarding them for their efforts and good behavior. Children can prepare a colorful drawing for the New Year 2017 with a pencil of Santa Claus different ages. Simple instructions The picture creation tool will help you easily and accurately depict a fairy-tale character. Such a drawing for the New Year 2017 will be suitable for school and kindergarten. To work, the children will need pencils, colored pencils, and an eraser.

Master class “Santa Claus” - step-by-step instructions for drawing a character

  1. You need to draw a small circle-head and divide it horizontally in half with a line. At the bottom, a “bag” is drawn, which will be the body of Santa Claus.

  2. The nose, beard and edge of Santa Claus' cap are carefully drawn at an equal distance on a horizontal line.

  3. Eyes, fluffy eyebrows and a small smile are transferred to the head.

  4. A lush beard and cap lapel are added.

  5. The hat with a pom-pom is being completed.

  6. The silhouette of the body is divided in half. Another line is added parallel to the drawn line. The stripes will then turn into a belt.

  7. The buckle and hands of Santa Claus and the bag behind his back are completed.

  8. The boots are being completed.

  9. Auxiliary lines are removed from the picture, and the resulting picture is colored.

Children's drawing for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten Rooster - for elementary, middle, senior groups

For children in kindergarten, teachers select as a basis for drawing simple figures. They are usually based on simple geometric figures. By correctly repeating the drawing of lines after the teacher, the children will be able to make an attractive picture. Bright children's drawing For the New Year it can be an excellent decoration for a bedroom or dining room. Children can also use the pictures to decorate their rooms at home. A simple drawing for the New Year 2017 in pencil does not require special skills and artistic skills. The little ones will only need to correctly follow the instructions below and repeat each step after the teacher as accurately as possible. To work, children will need colored pencils, a simple pencil and an eraser.

Master class “Fairytale Cockerel” for the little ones - drawing for kindergarten

  1. Two ovals are depicted on the sheet: one for the head, the other for the body.

  2. The ovals are connected to each other by smooth lines, which will become the Cockerel’s neck. A wing is added to the large oval.

  3. Extra lines are removed. A fluffy tail with feathers is added to the large oval. The lower part of the ponytail should be rounded: it will make a cute leg.

  4. Another semicircle is added at the bottom of the large oval. The Cockerel's legs are added to them.

  5. Are drawn on the head big eyes, excess lines are carefully removed with an eraser.

  6. A large beak is drawn under the eyes, and a scallop should be drawn on the head. Extra lines are removed and the picture is colored.

Drawing competition for the New Year in school and kindergarten - ideas and examples

Holding a competition before the New Year holidays allows children to have a pleasant and entertaining time and compete with other students. Beautiful pictures usually contain themed images Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, preparation or celebration. This could be a drawing for the New Year 2017 for a kindergarten in the form of a monkey, rooster, or penguin. You can prepare for such a competition a drawing based on the cells about the New Year: you can add brightness and saturation to the image using colored pencils, felt-tip pens or gel pens. You can also prepare an original image with funny animals. The ongoing drawing competition for the New Year can be supplemented with stylized appliqué images and other unusual crafts. Among the proposed ideas you can find original pictures, which will help inspire your child and help you choose the right theme or character.

Cute children's crafts and New Year themed drawings are the best decor for home, school and kindergarten. Bright images are great for holding creative lessons or holding an entertaining competition. Original drawing for the New Year 2017 for kids and schoolchildren can be selected from the proposed ideas and examples. Step-by-step master classes with photos and videos will help you do it carefully and quickly beautiful picture pencils or paints, felt-tip pens. You can transfer images to whatman paper, regular A4 sheets or large checkered sheets. Using the instructions provided, do good drawings Children 3-4 years old and primary and secondary school students will be able to do it.

For students junior classes the most long-awaited and interesting period V academic year– preparation and celebration of the New Year. In addition to the fun matinee, various competitions are held at this time, for example, “Pencil drawings for the New Year 2018.” Children happily take part in such events, especially those who can draw well. But what should those who find it difficult to acquire skills do? visual arts? No problem! Easy examples for sketching will help you create a real New Year's masterpiece on paper.


Alternative to drawing

During the New Year holidays at school, drawings may be needed not only for participation in competitions. Children decorate the classroom, assembly hall, make wall newspapers, invitations for parents, decorations for matinees, etc. The easiest option is to download ready-made templates and print it on a printer. All that remains is to decorate, cut and paste the picture. Therefore, before starting the drawing master class, we decided to post on the website a gallery of New Year’s coloring pages with fairy-tale characters and holiday paraphernalia.

But first, we suggest moving away from the main topic and learning a few interesting facts“a little bit of everything”:

The best Russian illustrators of children's books: I. Oleynikov, E. Antonenkov, V. Erko, E. Gapchinskaya, G. Zinko, A. Lomaev, M. Mitrofanov
The most popular children's drawing for the New Year: herringbone
Most famous child prodigy artist: Aelita Andre, Australia
First New Year's card: 1794, England
Drawing develops skills in children: fantasy, imagination, speech, perception of the surrounding world, fine motor skills, memory, ingenuity, emotional stability, artistic taste, sense of harmony
Age of the first drawing (on the rock): 30,000 years

Symbol of 2018 - Dog

This year, the most relevant image will be the image of a dog. According to Eastern belief, a yellow earthen dog is supposed to bring good luck, wealth and prosperity. Therefore, first of all, we will learn how to draw this cute animal. Shaggy can be placed in a circle fairy-tale heroes or under the tree. All the nuances of the drawing process are shown in the table. To enlarge the picture, click on it with the left mouse button.

Draw the basic contours of the muzzle

1. First draw the outlines of the eyes, nose and mouth.

Detailing the eyes and nose

2. Now we draw the black pupils of the eyes with highlights, the nostrils with highlights on the nose and the lower line of the mouth.

Forming the outlines of the head and ear

3. Next, draw the outline of the head and the right ear.

Adding the left ear

4. Complete the drawing right cheek and left ear. Then add a shadow on the right.

Let's move on to drawing the paw

5. From the face, draw the contours of the left paw and add a line for the chest, smoothly turning into the tummy.

Draw the right paw

6. Now you need to outline the outlines of the right paw. Detailed drawing of the fingers is shown in the next step.

Drawing small details

7. Draw 2 middle fingers in the center, then 2 at the edges.

Draw the back and the right and left paw

8. From the right ear we draw an arch of the back, passing into the right paw. We finish drawing the left paw in the abdomen area.

Detailing of paws, muzzle and tail

9. Draw the toes on the right leg as shown in the figure. Then - the pads on the left foot. Next, draw two lines on the muzzle and draw the outline of the tail.

The drawing is ready

10. The drawing of the puppy is ready. If desired, add a shadow in the chest area. Now you can move on to coloring.

Final result

11. This is what a puppy might look like after coloring.

How to draw a dog: video

Christmas tree drawing step by step

Most popular drawing among children and an integral part of any New Year's composition. We have selected one of the easiest options, so your child will not have to worry a lot of work draw a forest beauty.

Operating procedure:

  1. Draw 3 triangles? As shown in the picture below.
  2. Draw the bends of the branches and erase the remaining contours with an eraser.
  3. Add a rectangular trunk at the bottom of the Christmas tree.
  4. Decorate the picture with garlands.
  5. Over the entire area, draw balls - Christmas tree decorations.
  6. Color with markers, paints or pencils.

How to draw a Christmas tree: video

Santa Claus - red nose

Now let's learn how to draw the most important thing fairy tale character. Take album sheet paper, a “simple” pencil and an eraser. For coloring, prepare paints, markers or colored pencils. At your discretion.

You can also view the drawing technique in the following pictures and video (to enlarge the image, left-click on it):

How to draw Santa Claus: video


We will not tell you step by step how to draw a snowman, since the examples clearly and clearly show the whole process. We have added several options, and you can choose which fairy-tale hero you like best. Click on the image to enlarge. You can also watch the master class in the video.

How to draw easy New Year's drawings with children.

The closer the main New Year's celebration, the more you want miracles and magic. Your child may have the idea to draw a New Year's picture with the essential attributes: a Christmas tree, Santa Claus and a snowman.

This article contains simple step-by-step drawing lessons on a New Year's theme. Choose what you like best, or come up with your own version of a New Year's fairy tale.

Have you come up with your own story? Then see how to cope with difficult areas of the drawing and use your imagination. After all, a New Year's drawing should be unique and unusual, just like the holiday itself. From the proposed New Year's pictures, you can make one composition by placing all the characters on the sheet.

What can you draw for the New Year: photo

This section presents ideas for New Year's drawings. As you can see, you can draw not only traditional snowmen, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens and sparkling Christmas tree balls.

You can draw fairy-tale characters, animals and funny faces, serpentine ribbons and compositions with candles, balls and snow. Watch and be inspired!

How to draw easy and beautiful New Year's drawings step by step with a pencil?

Let's start from the very beginning simple drawing. A child can handle it even without adult help. For our drawing we use a classic plot: a snow-covered park and a snowman next to a Christmas tree decorated with balls.

If the drawing works out, then start creating other New Year's pictures. Step by step lessons There is a lot in this article on such a blessed topic as “New Year”.

  • In the lower half of the sheet, draw a slightly upward curved line. This will be the horizon.
  • On the left side of the sheet we will draw another line, which will be a fence, and from right side Let's outline tree trunks with several large branches at the tops.
  • The trees, like the fence, are far away, so we draw them small. As you can see, everything is very simple.

Draw a horizon line, several trees and a fence
  • Trees also rise above the fence: we draw them large at the edge of the leaf, and small ones closer to the middle.
  • Let's draw vertical lines on the fence. These are partitions. Closer to the edge they are located far from each other, and then - closer and closer.
  • Draw two circles in the center of the sheet. The bottom one is larger than the top one.

Let's draw a snowman in the center
  • Let's draw the third snowball of a snowman. And we will show the crowns of trees covered with snow on the right and left.

Finishing the snowman
  • We draw the snowman coal eyes, a long sharp nose and an arched short mouth.
  • There is a bucket on the snowman’s head; we’ll draw it as a rectangle, but we’ll mark the bottom with a small oval on top, because it’s covered with snow.

Draw hands, eyes and buttons
  • The snowman's hands are sticks with several branches instead of fingers. On the middle snowball we will mark the snowman’s buttons with dots.
  • Now let's draw a pine twig in the snowman's hand. Let's draw a line and draw a thick, dense line on it at a slight angle. These will be needles.

Drawing a pine twig in the hands of a snowman
  • Next to the snowman we will outline the top and base of the Christmas tree.
  • We draw a schematic diagram of the crown of the Christmas tree and use a small rectangle to mark the visible piece of the trunk.

Drawing a Christmas tree

An example of a drawing was taken from the site

Here are some cards that will help you create your own New Year's fairy tale.

Let's try to depict the Snow Maiden and Father Frost with a pencil, as artists draw them on postcards. What would New Year be without these characters? We will focus on this postcard:


  • Let's outline the outline of the figure of Santa Claus in the form of a large cone with a circle at the top.
  • The circle is the head, and we will need to draw symmetrical facial features on it. Therefore, we draw two intersecting lines inside. We also divide the cone into two halves. Let us denote the arms and staff with short lines.

  • We draw without pressing the pencil, so as not to spoil the picture with indelible lines. Let's outline the legs of Santa Claus with lines.
  • Let's draw Santa Claus's face: let's start with the nose, the eyes are located along the horizontal line. Let's complete the lush eyebrows and mustache. The enlarged fragment of the figure shows how to do this.
  • Using a fluffy zigzag we will draw a hat, beard, collar, fur on a fur coat.
  • Drawing the face of Santa Claus. First, draw the nose, then the eyes, mustache, mouth and eyebrows. Draw the mittens and belt with straight lines.
  • On both sides of the line that we drew for the staff, we will draw one straight line to give the staff volume. Draw a star on the top of the staff. Look at the picture to see how to make it shine.
  • All we have to do is erase all the auxiliary lines and add paint. Santa Claus is ready!

Did you find drawing difficult? Then look in the article for easier options.

A simple drawing of Santa Claus and a Christmas tree for drawing with a child 6-8 years old

A simple drawing of Santa Claus can be no less impressive. The main thing is to carefully read the description and repeat all the steps exactly.

The first lines are a rectangle on the left, with which we will mark the place on the sheet where Santa Claus will be.

Drawing Santa Claus


  • Let's draw the face of Santa Claus. At first a big nose, and then the mustache, eyes and outline of the cap.
  • Draw another oval around the already drawn outline. Let's draw a hanging cap and a pompom on it.

  • Let's draw a short line under the mustache for the mouth. On both sides of the mustache we will draw lines downwards, joining at the bottom. This is a beard.


  • Let's draw a fur coat. It is shaped like a cone, but with a cut off top and a rounded bottom.
  • We finish drawing two triangles with a rounded top in place of the sleeves.
  • Let's draw the boots.
  • Now the mittens. Let's mark the white edges of the fur coat with lines.

  • We wipe the line on the shoulders of Santa Claus. Let's finish drawing the fur coat by separating the white edges on the sleeves with lines.


Let's draw a Christmas tree.

  • Let's start from the top.
  • We draw the top branch like an asterisk.
  • Below we draw the second part of the Christmas tree branches with a triangle with ridges.
  • The same triangle, but bigger size, draw the third branch.

  • We can draw a bag of gifts under the tree. We outline the shadows with short dashed lines.
  • Decorating the Christmas tree.

If your child likes to draw, then invite him to draw the following New Year pictures:

Drawing on the theme of a New Year's window in pencil

To decorate a window for the New Year holidays, you will need thick paper, a series of suitable pictures and a little free time.

We transfer the drawing onto paper and cut it out with sharp scissors. Apply soap solution to one side of the design and glue it to the glass.

Drawings that are suitable for window decoration:

New Year's balls and toys: pencil drawings

It is impossible to imagine the New Year without the obligatory attributes: a Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations and toys, all kinds of garlands. Let's try to draw New Year's balls and toys.

Here's what we'll draw:

Let's draw New Year's toys
  • Let's start with the simplest thing - the New Year's ball. It is not at all difficult to draw if you can draw an even circle.
  • After this, we’ll draw a “pimply” on top, to which the eye of the holder and the thread are attached: we’ll erase a small section of the circle at the top and draw the missing part.

New Year's ball with Santa Claus

Let's draw a toy with a “tail” narrowed at the bottom. It's more difficult to draw.

  • Draw a circle and divide it into two halves with a vertical line, continuing it beyond the boundaries of the circle.
  • We outline the outline, depicting the rectangular top and sharp bottom of the toy.
  • On the top part we draw a metal part-mount and come up with a pattern with which the toy is painted. Let's decorate.

Toy narrowed at the bottom

Let's draw another New Year's toy. It resembles an icicle in shape, only the edges are twisted in the form of a spiral.

  • Let's start from the top: draw a figure as in the picture.
  • Let's draw two more segments from below, and make the last one sharp and elongated. Again we draw the mount on the top and color it.

We complete the segments of the New Year's toy from below

Video: how to draw New Year's toys?

New Year cards: pencil drawings

Interesting New Year's cards are those that depict not the usual scenes with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, but children playing in the snow, a round dance around the Christmas tree, kids with gifts or animals with gifts.

Let's draw a postcard that will show the baby in New Year's suit. The baby is dressed in a New Year's deer costume. That's what we will draw:

  • Let's draw two circles: one on top of the other. The lower one (this will be the body) is larger than the upper one and has the shape of an oval, the upper one (this will be the head) is a small circle.
  • On top of the small circle we will draw another small semicircle and add a decorative element of the hat - a protruding deer nose.

  • Let's paint a small circle - the nose. Let's draw the initial lines of the branched horns and ears.
Paint over the nose and outline the horns
  • Let's complete the horns by drawing one more line at a short distance and connecting them at the tops of the horns.
  • Inside each ear, stepping back a little from the edge, draw another line. This will be the light part of the ear.
  • We draw the feet, which are made in the form of hooves, and the lower part of the baby’s body.
Let's draw the horns and ears
  • Along the body we will draw two lines of lowered arms and lines of the white part of the suit.
  • At this stage, you can erase the auxiliary lines.

Let's highlight white part suit on the stomach
  • We finish drawing the baby’s face: eyes with large eyelashes, eyebrows, nose and smiling mouth.
Drawing a face
  • The suit has a large bow. Let's draw it, and then draw another line on the cap behind the horns, thus marking the seams on the cap.
  • To make the feet look like hooves, draw two elongated ovals inside and shade them. Let's add volume with short dashed lines throughout the suit.
  • The drawing will become truly New Year's if you add fir branches and New Year's toys. The baby is holding in his hands balloon with the inscription: “Happy New Year!”

Drawing a bow

Add shadows, a spruce branch and a balloon

Let's draw a postcard with a symbol the coming New Year - with a rooster. Our drawing will be stretched horizontally. Therefore, a landscape spread is suitable for drawing. You can take one landscape sheet, but then the drawing will turn out small.

  • We begin the drawing with the image of the head of Santa Claus in the upper half of the sheet. We draw a circle, and in it there are two intersecting lines.
  • Focusing on them, we will depict the facial features of Santa Claus: eyes, nose, mouth, beard, eyebrows and wrinkles. The picture shows how to draw correctly.

Drawing the face of Santa Claus
  • Draw a hat with a fur flap and a pompom, and at the bottom of the sheet draw a long rectangle for the inscription. Above the rectangle we draw the edges of the congratulatory canvas.

Finishing the congratulatory canvas
  • Let's depict the hands of Santa Claus. On both sides of his head we will draw rooster heads with round bulging eyes.

We draw the hands of Santa Claus and the heads of cockerels
  • Let's clarify the shape of Santa Claus's hands and add ribbons to the sides. Let's finish drawing the necks and bodies of the cockerels.
  • We will write an inscription on the congratulatory canvas and add falling snowflakes to the picture.

For coloring we use bright markers.

In the video you can see how to draw Santa Claus.

Video: how to draw a New Year's card?

Drawing - New Year's fairy tale in pencil

One of the popular New Year's stories is Santa Claus rushing to the children with gifts on a sleigh. Let's try to depict it too.

  • Let's draw 2 lines that will divide the sheet into 4 parts (but don't press on the pencil. We need very light lines that can then be easily erased. We'll be guided by them in order to maintain required sizes each element in the figure.
  • At the bottom of the left side we draw a ski from a sled. There will be a horse on the right.
  • The wavy line under the sleigh is the ground covered with snow.

Drawing a ski from a sled
  • We draw the sleigh in the lower left square so that it does not protrude beyond the lines. To draw a horse on the opposite side of the sheet, draw the initial contours with three circles.
  • The circle for the head is the smallest. Let us denote the legs of a running horse with curved lines.
  • Now we outline all three circles to create the body of a horse. At this stage you can draw the eyes, ears and nostrils.

Draw the initial outlines of the sleigh and horse
  • Let's draw a lush mane for the horse, a tail, the tip of which is “hidden” behind the sleigh, and two legs bent high.
    To complete the contours of the horse, you need to draw the second pair of legs and hooves.

Drawing a horse
  • Let's start drawing Santa Claus. Let's limit the future outline of the character with two vertical lines. Let's use wavy lines to mark the fluffy edge of the hat and the collar.
  • Let's finish drawing the cap and a few curling hairs sticking out from under the cap.

  • Let's draw the eyes, nose, and beard of Santa Claus. Add a line for the arm and a fluffy edge for the sleeve. Let's draw a mitten.

Next he draws a face, beard, hand, mitten
  • Santa Claus has a long beard, reaching to his waist. Let's draw its continuation next to the belt. Let's draw another hand.

  • Santa Claus holds a bridle in his hands. Let's draw it with two lines located at an angle.

  • We finish drawing the wooden elements of the harness and saddle.

Finishing the wooden elements of the harness
  • Adding some lines to the sleigh. We draw a big bag behind Santa Claus.

  • You can start coloring, or you can also add “Happy New Year!”

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