Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna: latest news. Who is he, Zhanna Friske's husband? Biography of Dmitry Shepelev Where does Shepelev work now?

Dmitry Shepelev was born on May 25, 1983 in Minsk. Today, the personal life of an actor, television and radio host is the subject of discussion for many. Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl are constantly in the spotlight scandalous stories, which have no end after the death of singer Zhanna Friske.


Dmitry's family has never had anything to do with the world of show business. The boy grew up interested in sports, like any normal child, periodically attending different sections. He loved tennis and swimming. Over time, he achieved certain success in sports, entering the top ten best juniors in Belarus. The self-confident young man was very ambitious, and after the 9th grade he firmly decided to enter the faculty of journalism.

We must give Dmitry his due, he did it. Moreover, it was held on a state basis. Shepelev managed to combine study and work perfectly. He was hired as a presenter on a TV channel and at the same time, he began broadcasting on the radio and tried himself as a DJ. For some time young man I managed to combine work on television, and had to film in different countries.

Dmitry Shepelev in his youth

Since 2008, Shepelev finally moved to Kyiv. The decisive factor was the invitation to the role of presenter in the project “Star Factory-2”.

Then job offers came one after another. And in 2009, he was invited to Moscow as a presenter. So he finally moved to Russia.

His Creative skills and talent were not wasted. Bright to that confirmation of the program “Actually”, which he hosts on Channel One. Today, Dmitry Shepelev is not only recognizable, he is so popular that his personal life has become a general subject of discussion.

A short marriage is a mistake of youth

Despite his attractive appearance and the fact that Dmitry was not deprived of female attention, he is not one of those who can be called a Casanova. He had a girlfriend whom he dated for 7 years and then married her. But the marriage lasted only about a month.

The first wife of a famous TV presenter

The couple divorced, as Dmitry says, they rushed into marriage, it was a mistake of youth. Then Zhanna Friske appeared in his life.

The romantic story of Dmitry and Zhanna

At that time, the charming Zhanna Friske did not leave the TV screens. However, the star did not talk much about her personal life. For the first time, information that Zhanna and the young promising presenter were together appeared in 2011, when journalists were able to capture them together in a photo. They themselves did not give any comments on this matter, but, as they say, there is no smoke without fire.

Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

After some time, they stopped hiding their relationship from others. Their romance developed rapidly. Six months after meeting Shepelev, Zhanna breaks the lucrative contract and goes on vacation to Italy with her lover. And in April 2013, Plato, the son of Zhanna and Dmitry, was born. But even despite this, the matter never reached the registry office. Dmitry proposed to his beloved, but they never had time to sign. Soon Zhanna passed away.

The reason for the conflict with the relatives of Zhanna Friske

Dmitry and Zhanna were not officially married; while she was still alive, when she was ill, he went abroad, taking their joint son with him. He explained his action by saying that the baby had no need to look at his mother’s suffering and wanted only one thing, to protect his son from unnecessary worries.

Relatives famous singer they considered his actions beyond the bounds of morality, which became the beginning of a serious conflict between them, which lasts for many years even after the death of Jeanne.

The famous TV presenter can’t make peace with Zhanna Friske’s parents

Dmitry himself does not share this position, saying that he acted within the law and carried out his will common-law wife, who herself asked him to do just that. Dmitry was also accused of embezzling funds for personal needs, which were collected for Zhanna’s treatment of cancer. But this information was not confirmed and remained just speculation and nothing more.

Son of Dmitry Platon Shepelev

Today's personal life of Dmitry Shepelev still haunts Zhanna's relatives. They can't come to a peaceful agreement with each other. Each of them defends their right to educate Plato.

Who is Dmitry Shepelev's new chosen one?

She became Ksenia Stepanova, who was friends with Zhanna and was included in her and Dmitry’s house. The girl worked as a makeup artist in the group “Brilliant” and was responsible for how the members of the group looked during filming and at concerts.

When Zhanna Friske left the group “Brilliant” and started solo career, Ksenia became her personal cosmetologist and soon their relationship from just a business relationship grew into strong friendship, erasing all boundaries. Ksenia almost always accompanied the singer on tour. So the doors of the house of Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev became open to Ksenia Stepanova.

Zhanna Friske and Ksenia Stepanova

The singer trusted her friend unconditionally, as herself. Maybe that’s why Zhanna’s relatives cannot forgive her for this, considering their relationship with Shepelev to be a betrayal of Zhanna Friske.

Having learned about the disease, tour life The singer’s relationship faded away, but Ksenia continued to visit her friend and she continued to treat her with confidence.

The news about the illness of his common-law wife crippled Dmitry, all his thoughts were occupied only with this and, of course, he did not pay any attention to Ksenia, despite her constant presence in their house. He stopped appearing in public and giving interviews.

Care of Zhanna Friske

The relationship between Dmitry and Ksenia began after the death of Zhanna. Until this moment, the young man tried to spend as much time as possible with Zhanna and their son together. The terrible diagnosis sounded like a bolt from the blue. This became known to the public in 2014. Then Shepelev addressed everyone from the TV screen with the only request to pray for the health of his common-law wife.

The singer herself found out that she was sick while pregnant. But that didn't stop her, and she accepted firm decision give birth to. Despite doctors' prohibitions. The singer has repeatedly said in her interviews that she dreams of having a child.

Zhanna Friske with her parents

Friends, relatives and doctors believed to the last that the disease would recede and Zhanna would defeat this terrible illness, but, unfortunately, a miracle did not happen.

As soon as she gave birth to a son, to whom she and Dmitry gave the name Plato, Zhanna, accompanied by Shepelev, left for the States for treatment.

Oksana Stepanova was nearby at every opportunity, taking care of Zhanna and her son. Since by that time it was difficult for the singer to cope with everything without outside help.

In June 2015, changes occurred in the personal life of Dmitry Shepelev. Zhanna passed away. At that moment he was not with her. He did not come to the funeral, remaining with his son abroad. Today, as Zhanna Friske’s father suggests, Shepelev lives with her friend, the same Ksenia Stepanova, and is raising her son Plato. Rumor has it that in fact the romance between Shepelev and Stepanova began before the death of Zhanna Friske. Whether this is really so, only they themselves know.

Today they do not particularly hide their relationship, periodically posting joint photos online. Ksenia is raising Zhanna's son, and they all live together in Plato's house, whose guardian is his father, Dmitry Shepelev. According to Zhanna Friske’s father, Dmitry refused the services of a nanny who was watching the boy, since Ksenia is now helping to raise the child, new darling Dmitry.

Dmitry with his son

Today, not only Dmitry Shepelev’s personal life is developing successfully, but also his career. He became the host of a popular talk show on Channel One. Dmitry works hard to provide his son with a comfortable life and so that the boy does not need anything. In addition, not long ago he published a book called “Jeanne,” in which he shares with readers how he lived for a year without his beloved Jeanne, who died so early.

And he says words of gratitude to all those who provided support not only financially, but also simply kind words. Before the book’s release, Shepelev decided to give an interview for the first time in a year and a half and dot the i’s. Friske's relatives were not present at the presentation for obvious reasons. The conflict that flared up does not subside to this day, despite the fact that two years have passed since Zhanna’s death.

Dmitry Shepelev now

The singer’s father believes that it is Ksenia, Dmitry’s current girlfriend, who is preventing Plato from meeting with them. Dmitry himself tries not to comment on this in any way, preferring to resolve all issues regarding this topic in court.

The singer’s younger sister told the details of the scandal with her ex-son-in-law

Today, information appeared in the media about a huge scandal between the family of Zhanna Friske and her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev. It was reported that Jeanne's father was for not allowing him to see his grandson Plato. We talked to the sister of the singer Natalia, who died of cancer. She told us that Dmitry more than once allowed himself to insult his sick wife, her parents, and Natalya herself.

The first time I heard him shouting at Zhanna was back in Jurmala,” says Natalya. “You are scary and no one needs you anymore except me. “You’ll just die without me,” he shouted at her. I then asked Zhanna whether he often allows himself to do this. She said yes, it happens. But she immediately began to take the blame on herself: “Maybe I said or did something wrong. I got him there."

Natalya is in tears. The family has not yet recovered from the death of their beloved Jeanne. The singer's son Plato is the only outlet for everyone. After all, the boy grew up in the arms of his mother Zhanna and Natalya. Until the last day of Zhanna's life, he lived with the Friske family.

Mom did not leave a single step from either Plato or her sister. Yes, during this time she aged 10 years from her worries,” Natalya cries. - And now this! He constantly annoys our dad. He deliberately provoked this whole conversation, made a recording and immediately sold it to journalists. We did not expect such meanness from him. Although he is far from being as white and fluffy as he wants to seem. We understood this immediately.

According to the singer’s sister, Dmitry more than once allowed himself to insult his sick wife, her parents and Natalya herself.

The first time I heard him shouting at Zhanna was back in Jurmala,” says Natalya. - “You’re scary and no one needs you anymore except me. “You’ll just die without me,” he shouted at her. I then asked Zhanna if he often allows himself to do this. She said yes, it happens. But she immediately began to take the blame on herself: “Maybe I said or did something wrong. I got him there." Zhanna's friends also told me that Dima often allows himself to do this.

Zhanna Plato's son was raised by the Friske family until his mother's death. Natalya herself, who does not yet have children of her own, constantly bathed him, read him bedtime stories and put him to bed. Shepelev's parents rarely came to their daughter-in-law's house. And when they were there, they didn’t even take care of the child.

Now he won’t let me near the boy for a cannon shot,” Natalya sobs. - He says that I don’t care about the boy and I’m promoting myself at his expense. But it seems to me that he is afraid that Plato will take me for Jeanne. She and I are very similar. The only thing is that he called our mother to his place in Bulgaria so that she could look after the baby while his parents went somewhere. And not out of pity for her, but because it was convenient for him. And then he strictly forbade her to take pictures with Platosha. He put forward so many conditions, it was just a nightmare. And he himself sold photos with his son left and right.

It turns out that the villa on the Bulgarian coast, where Shepelev rested and recovered after the death of his wife, belongs to.

Philip Bedrosovich actually invited my parents to relax there, who miraculously survived Zhanna’s death. But we gave way to Dima and Plato.

Didn’t Zhanna herself leave any instructions about her son? Who did she want him to stay with?

Before her death, Zhanna could no longer speak at all, but only blinked her eyes “yes” or “no.” We asked her: do you want Plato to live with Shepelev? She didn't answer. And when they asked if she wanted the boy to stay with us, she blinked. But this, of course, is not proof for anyone now. We thought that we would agree on everything peacefully with Dima. That Plato will visit both us and them. But you see how he behaves now. Although we were in vain hoping for his decency. Yes it is last words were when he left us two days before Zhanna’s death: “If only she had died already, I would have taken my son and never seen you all again!” Now, according to the Friske family, Dima lives alone. The child is looked after by his parents.

Do you know what he asked the priest at the wake? He asked when he would be able to live with another woman. I hope everything comes back to this man.

It is clear that Natalya said a lot out of emotion. In the heat of family scandals, they don’t choose expressions and don’t dig into their pockets for words. But, leaving careless accusations aside, is it manly to glorify a grief-stricken father-in-law to the whole world? Even if he went beyond the bounds of decency... MK is ready to provide a platform to Dmitry Shepelev and present his position to readers. I would just really like to hope that both sides of the conflict will find the strength to resolve the problems peacefully. For the sake of Jeanne's memory and for the sake of her son's future.

The personal life of the Belarusian handsome man Dmitry Shepelev has always worried women. A charming guy smiling from the TV screen has excited more than one girl’s heart. The future TV presenter met his first love at school: his desk neighbor Katya Kolesnikova became Dima’s first girlfriend. But due to filming in a Belarusian youth series, the aspiring actor did not pay enough attention to the girl, and the couple broke up.

Shepelev had a serious romance in student years. For 7 years he dated Anna Startseva. The romance ended with a wedding... Three weeks after the wedding, the newlyweds divorced, and Dima left for Kyiv.

Love story of Zhanna and Dmitry

Rumors that Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske began dating appeared in 2012. At first, the showman did not admit this and answered reporters that his relationship with the singer was just PR. And fans imagined next to the luxurious Jeanne not a young boy, but a respectable and wealthy man.

After some time, the paparazzi noticed the singer’s rounded belly - and the couple stopped hiding their relationship.

As it turned out, Zhanna and Dima met on the set of the musical television program “Property of the Republic.” The singer immediately liked the charismatic presenter, despite the fact that he was almost 10 years younger than her. Fans were worried about the question: will there be a wedding? In one of candid interviews magazine "OK!" the TV presenter said that he was in no hurry to put a new stamp in his passport, since his previous marriage ended unsuccessfully.

Zhanna Friske never hid that she was ready to leave her career for the sake of her beloved man. Having learned about pregnancy, she began to perform less frequently and did not appear at social gatherings, and then disappeared from the press for a while. In April 2013, Zhanna gave birth to a son, Plato. But after the joyful event, a sad one almost immediately came: the doctors gave the singer a terrible diagnosis - an inoperable brain tumor.

Shepelev was torn between the hospital where Zhanna was lying and work, trying to find funds for expensive treatment. Many fans of the singer were annoyed by Shepelev’s Instagram, in which Dmitry posted “major” photographs from filming and festive events. In an interview, Shepelev admitted that work is his “lifeline”; it allows him to escape at least a little from the difficult reality.

Until the last moment, Dmitry believed that Zhanna would recover. He said that on the singer’s birthday he proposed his hand and heart to her. The couple dreamed of beautiful wedding when the disease subsides. The lovers even exchanged rings, and from then on Shepelev called Friske his wife. The struggle for life lasted for almost two years. Unfortunately, Zhanna was unable to defeat cancer.

Why Shepelev did not have time to say goodbye to Zhanna

Shepelev was not around in last days life of the woman he loved, he took his son on vacation to Bulgaria. After the sad news, the showman was hit with a barrage of reproaches: Jeanne’s fans couldn’t understand why he wasn’t with his dying wife? Shepelev later said that he wanted to save little son from negative impressions, so I took him to a resort. Having learned the terrible news, he waited in Bulgaria for his father to arrive to stay with his grandson. Therefore, Shepelev was not at the farewell ceremony for the singer in Crocus City; he only managed to come to the funeral. Immediately after the funeral, Shepelev returned to Bulgaria to Plato.

Personal life of Dmitry Shepelev after the death of Friske

After Jeanne's death, the showman withdrew into himself, not wanting to give interviews or comments to the press. He only noticed that his relationship with his wife was ideal:

“We were with Zhanna both in joy and in sadness. Zhanna and I were both in health and in illness. This is exactly the relationship that humanity preaches. You can dream about it, but you can live like this.”

Shepelev's acquaintances are extremely concerned psychological state singer TV presenter Andrei Malakhov spoke about a chance meeting with Dmitry at the Moscow airport. According to Malakhov, Dmitry began to look like an exhausted gray-haired man with a beard. He was with Plato, whom he was again taking to Bulgaria. Shepelev told Malakhov that he wanted to get away from gossip and everything that reminded him of the tragedy.

Where is Shepelev today?

Russian producer Evgeny Fridlyand said that he met Dmitry Shepelev and Plato in the Bulgarian city of Ravda at the Emerald Beach Resort and Spa. Plato constantly held dad’s hand and did not want to let go for a minute. Fridlyand called Plato a real hero and said that Dmitry was holding on with all his might. According to the producer, Shepelev deliberately does not go online or watch TV, trying to protect his nerves from negative comments and a sea of ​​articles about the death of Jeanne. The showman will stay in Bulgaria with his son for a few more weeks, about his future plans he doesn't report.

Pictures of Dmitry Shepelev’s apartment, in which he lives with his son, appeared online. It turned out that Zhanna Friske’s widower had recently moved to a new home and asked for help with renovations from the “ Perfect renovation».

As noted by Natalya Barbier, who spoke with famous TV presenter show “Actually”, the case with Dmitry is rare - he is used to creating a comfort zone for himself and the child, closing himself off from strangers and cameras, and clearly knows what he and Plato need. Therefore, this time the team of Dmitry’s colleagues from Channel One did not come up with something unusual, but followed the path outlined by Shepelev in order to please the young father.

Dmitry's new apartment is rented, it has a separate children's room and an adult bedroom, the living room is combined with the kitchen. As the presenter admitted, the kitchen is his favorite place: He cooks a lot, works there and receives guests. Dad and son moved here to be closer to kindergarten Plato.

Shepelev liked the result. The designers decided to paint the walls grey colour, furniture and doors are seasoned, not flashy. And the pillows, carpet and paintings became just the necessary accent that added color.

However, the network decided that the apartment was suitable for a bachelor, but for small child- No.

“It turned out terrible, in such gray gloomy colors, it’s not much fun there anyway, and a small child will grow up in these black and gray walls, it’s tough.”

“For what, for what merit did this hypocrite get the repairs done? Half the country hates him!”

“For a man it is very stylish and beautiful, but for a child it is not enough comfort. It’s as if Dmitry will live there alone.”

Fans of Zhanna Friske are sad that Shepelev is forced to rent housing, because the singer’s father does not allow him into the house built together with Plato’s mother Vacation home. There would have been better conditions for the child there. Although, it seems, Dmitry does not need sympathy and shows that he has more fun with Plato alone and closer to kindergarten. By the way, Dmitry said that he would like a second child.

Platon recently surprised his grandfather with the fact that the incident occurred when the Friske family visited Shepelev’s house, because according to a court decision they can legally spend 1.5 hours a month with their grandson. Andrey Malakhov recently shocked his former colleague on Shepelev’s channel by exploiting this topic and promising to achieve more frequent meetings for the family.

Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian television and radio presenter, producer, showman.

Dmitry Shepelev. Biography

Dmitry Shepelev was born into a family far from show business and television - his parents graduated from technical universities. They raised their son in strictness. As a schoolboy, he delivered mail during the holidays and thus earned his first money. As a child, he was seriously involved in tennis, even being among the top ten junior tennis players in Belarus. In addition, he was fond of water polo and swimming.

TV presenter career Dmitry Shepelev started back in school years. A classmate once suggested that he go to television, where they needed extras for filming a program “ 5x5" It so happened that Dmitriy became one of the presenters of this program. And since " 5x5” aired on Channel One of Belarus, the aspiring TV presenter was seen and known by the whole country. Naturally, he became very popular at school too. Since then, the young man simply fell in love with television and entered the Faculty of Journalism of the Belarusian State University. During his student years, he continued to work on the TV channel, in addition, he was invited as a DJ on “ Alpha radio", then he worked on the channel " ONT", worked part-time as a presenter in nightclubs. Later on the radio station Unistar» Dmitry Shepelev hosted and produced a morning show, prepared the first live radio broadcast of a Robbie Williams concert in Belarus, and was the first commentator on the Grammy ceremony in the country. Since his work took a lot of time, the university raised the issue of his expulsion for non-attendance several times. However Dmitriy was able to complete his studies in 2005 with honors.

At the same time it began successful career Dmitry Shepelev in Ukraine. In 2004, he accepted the invitation of the famous Ukrainian channel “ M 1", on which he began to lead morning show. For four years, Dmitry lived in two countries: in Minsk he broadcast on radio, and in Kyiv he worked on television, and so on week after week. In 2008, the showman decided to live in Kyiv permanently. He became the host of a number of entertainment programs: “ Karaoke star», « Let's go for a ride!", Ukrainian "Star Factory", which was broadcast on " New channel" The TV presenter also worked on the channel " Inter", where he hosted several programs, including " Make the comedian laugh"in a team with Mikhail Galustyan and Vladimir Zelensky.

In his free time from work, Dmitry Shepelev travels a lot. He has traveled all over Europe, the USA, and dreams of sailing around the Earth. In 2010, he took piano lessons at the Moscow Art Theater School and began learning to play the piano in the same year. He snowboards in winter and surfs in summer.

Dmitry Shepelev. Moving to Moscow

In 2010 Dmitry Shepelev hosted the program “Hello, girls!” on " Channel One", was a permanent member of the jury of the project "Ice and Fire". From 2011 to 2013 he hosted “Minute of Fame” on “ Channel One" In 2012 Dmitriy together with Yana Churikova, he led the musical sparring marathon “Star Factory Russia - Ukraine”, in which graduates of the Russian and Ukrainian “ Fabrik».

In 2013 Dmitriy worked in the show “Run before Midnight”. Filming took place in 2014 new program“Empire of Illusions: The Safronov Brothers”, of which they became a permanent member of the jury Dmitry Shepelev and Tigran Keosayan. In July 2015, together with Natalia Vodianova, he hosted the draw for the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifying tournament.

“I think that what I do, I do well. And I do television because I get great pleasure from what I do. This is my job and I love it. I studied at the Faculty of Journalism, the Department of Radio and Television - I learned to write, speak, think like a TV broadcaster. I like it".

Since July 24, 2017, Dmitry Shepelev became talk show host“Actually” on Channel One. According to Shepelev, he always dreamed of leading own show on First, and finally he returned to his native TV channel with his own project.

“A lie can ruin a person’s life, destroy his career, his family, his future. For a long time I was covered with this lie, I know how hard it is to live with it. In this program I want to help other people hear each other, find out the truth and find out what is really happening to them. I always wanted to host a talk show on Channel One. The time has finally come for it to happen. “I’m coming home,” Dmitry Shepelev said on the eve of the premiere of the show “Actually.”

Dmitry Shepelev. Personal life

Dmitry Shepelev was married during his student years, but the marriage did not last even a few weeks. In the winter of 2010, the program “ Ice and fire“He invited Sati Casanova on a date.

In the summer of 2011, the TV presenter came to Mexico to congratulate his girlfriend, singer and former soloist group " Shiny» Zhanna Friske. Even then, many publications appeared in the media about possible romantic relationships between them.

Dmitry Shepelev And famous singer met in 2011 during the recording of one of the episodes of the program “ Property of the Republic" Their age difference was almost ten years. In 2012, photographs of them together began to appear, the couple stopped hiding their relationship, appearing together everywhere. At the very beginning of 2013, it became known that the singer was expecting a child from Dmitry.

Son Plato born in April of the same year. Soon after the birth of the baby, the singer learned that she had cancer. Doctors diagnosed an inoperable brain tumor – glioblastoma. Zhanna Friske died on June 15, 2015 at home in Moscow. She would have turned 41 on July 8th.

Dmitry Shepelev in one of his few interviews he announced his intention to write a book about Zhanna Friske. He said that he had never felt such an urgent need to sit down to write a book. A book called "Jeanne" was published at the end of 2016 by EKSMO publishing house, containing memories Dmitry O recent years the singer’s life and a story about how not to lose faith even at the most critical moment.

“We always repeated: “Happiness loves silence.” I remain true to these words, because Zhanna remains for me absolute, pure, unique happiness...”

Dmitry Shepelev. Scandal with the Friske family

After the singer's death Dmitry Shepelev as if caught in the crossfire. It all started after it became known that on the eve of his death Jeanne he flew with his son to Bulgaria. In addition, the conflict between the presenter and the family of the late singer has not subsided for several months. This time the singer's father, Vladimir Friske, publicly threatened the TV presenter with violence and during a public quarrel even tried to get an object that looked like a pistol. At least that's what the statement says Dmitry Shepelev, which he had already registered with the police. The cause of the collision is a two-year-old son Friske And Shepeleva. Singer's father Vladimir Friske claims that the presenter does not allow their family to see their grandson.

Vladimir Friske even came to the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program to talk about why after the death of his daughter he never saw his grandson, what happened to the money for the singer’s treatment, and how his failed son-in-law treated the artist dying of cancer. The father of the family stated that Dmitry Shepelev was waiting for the moment when Zhanna will die, spent very little time with her, and made a show of visiting his dying beloved. Information was also given that during illness Friske Shepelev built a house in the Moscow region.

In June 2017, Dmitry Shepelev came to the Let Them Talk studio to prove that he had nothing to do with the disappearance of money collected for the treatment of Zhanna Friske from Rusfond accounts. The TV presenter passed the so-called lie detector.

Dmitry Shepelev. Filmography

Like Cossacks... (TV, 2010)
Thank God you came! (TV series, 2006-2010)

Dmitry Shepelev. TV projects

Actually (TV, 2017)
Empire of Illusions: The Safronov Brothers (TV, 2014)
The Big Question (TV, 2014)
Minute of Fame (TV, 2013)
Make it before midnight (TV, 2013)
Muz-TV Award 2013 (TV, 2013)
Cinderella (TV, 2012)
Star Factory Russia - Ukraine (TV, 2012)
Hello girls! (TV, 2010)
Ice and Fire (TV, 2010)
Property of the Republic (TV, 2009 - ...)
Big Difference (TV series, 2008 – 2014)
SpotlightParisHilton (TV series, 2008 – 2012)
Can? Sing! (TV, 2008)

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