Dry eyes wearing contact lenses. Typical problems when wearing contact lenses. Why do contact lenses dry out your eyes?

One of the biggest problems modern man there remains a catastrophic drop in vision, both in adults and in children. Smartphones, computers, wear and tear in front of the monitors of all kinds of gadgets, not to mention the color television that has become commonplace, leaves its mark on people's vision.

Many children suffer from various eye diseases since early age. Therefore, the means of correcting vision - glasses and contact lenses are more popular today than ever.

Are Contacts Really Causing My Dry Eye?

However, before you treat your dry eye, it's important to find out what else might be causing it in the first place. In all cases of dry eye, the irritation is caused by a lack of lubrication, which exposes the nerves on the surface of the cornea and causes pain. This is similar to the discomfort you feel from dry, chapped lips. However, the actual cause of dryness may be related to contacts or these other common causes.

Sometimes the medications we take, such as antihistamines, birth control pills, or antidepressants, can cause us to experience symptoms such as dry mouth, dry skin, and dry eyes. Check these labels for possible side effects.

Dry eye syndrome - sources and problems

Humanity has been familiar with the problems of dry eye syndrome for a long time. In fact, this is a deficiency in the production of tear fluid in the eye. It would seem nothing serious, but it is this thin film on the surface of the eyeball that helps the eyelid move easily over the eye without causing discomfort. In addition, the tear protects the eye from drying out, besides it is good for the eye. It contains useful substances that protect the eye from infections, protect it, and nourish the cornea itself. With the help of a tear, dust particles and allergens are removed from the surface of the eye.

The tear fluid even helps to heal minor injuries and damage to the eye faster. The main and accessory lacrimal glands are responsible for the production of tears in the eye. Additional glands are responsible for creating tears, like lubricants. But when a person cries, this is the work of the main gland. For this, the blink reflex is necessary, that the tear film on the surface of the eye gradually dries up, and in order for the eye to function normally, it needs to be moistened again. Dry eye syndrome (DES) refers to either insufficient secretion of tears in the eye, or too high a tear's ability to evaporate from the surface of the eye.

Hydration is important for all bodily functions. If you are dehydrated, you may be experiencing dry eyes as a symptom. Try drinking an extra glass of water or juice and reduce the amount of coffee, soda, and alcohol you drink. These drinks can make your body lose water.

External factors can worsen dry eyes. This may include airborne particles such as cigarette smoke, pollutants and dust. This may also include wind from ceiling fans or a motorcycle. Heavy use of computers or any other task that requires close attention for a long time can reduce the frequency of moments. When you blink less, your eyes may become dry. Think blinking with a glass cleaner: the action spreads to your tear film and refreshes your eye's natural lubrication.

Diseases that cause dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome can be both an independent disease and one of the manifestations of other diseases.

Among them, the most frequent:

  • Sjögren's syndrome;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • neuralgic non-closure of the eyelids;
  • eyelid deformity.
Also, dry eyes can occur as a side effect of taking antidepressants or other medications, in addition, dryness of the cornea often accompanies the wearing of contact lenses.

Sjögren's syndrome is manifested by a decrease in the secretion of any glands in the body, including the lacrimal. Tears are released a little, the composition of the tears may change. The amount of bactericidal substances in the lacrimal fluid decreases. The frequency of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the eye is growing - from conjunctivitis to keratitis. Sjögren's syndrome occurs against the background of systemic connective tissue diseases, for example, rheumatoid arthritis. As an independent disease, it practically does not occur.

If you use your computer frequently, open it for a few minutes or try flashing more. Sometimes patients experiencing irritation have eyelashes that are inverted and touch the surface of their cornea, causing the person's eye to tear or become irritated. Manually remove offending eyelashes so that they do not touch the cornea or contact your local ophthalmologist. Insurance usually covers the removal of these misdirected lashes.

If these causes are unlikely, contact lenses can cause dry eyes. Contacts constantly remove moisture from the surface of your eye. You can test this by pulling the contact out and looking at how long it takes for the lens to dehydrate and wrinkle. It is often minutes or less, indicating that when the contact is in your eye, it retains its flexible shape, drawing moisture from your natural tear production.

Very often, such a syndrome can be caused by climate (too dry), air-conditioned air, long-term work at the computer. One more common cause development of dry eyes is a deficiency in the body of vitamin A.

Clinical manifestations of dry eye syndrome

When the disease is just beginning, it is manifested by a sensation of a permanent foreign body in the eye, sand or fine dust, which patients often complain about. And this feeling appears when strong wind, when the room is heavily conditioned, when wearing contact lenses, or when using the computer for extended periods of time.

The state of moderate severity is characterized by an increase in discomfort in the eyes. There is an acute burning sensation, the eyes constantly itch, they react sharply to bright light. The cornea may turn red, tears flow from the eyes, because. the body seeks to compensate for the lack of normal moisturizing of the eye by increasing the work of the lacrimal glands.

Your eye doctor can help you determine the cause of your dry eye and best method treatment. Treatment may include drinking more water or use lubricants eye drops. Treatment may also include the use of pinpoint plugs, which are inserted into the canal that connects your eyes to your nose. When you connect this channel, your tears stay longer in your eyes, resulting in less dry eyes. Punctual traffic jams are covered by most insurance companies, but can cost a couple of hundred dollars, depending on your insurance coverage.

If the dry eye syndrome is not treated, the patient's condition worsens. In the eye, the surface of which is not sufficiently moistened, infection easily enters, chronic inflammation develops. Erosions and ulcers develop on the surface of the cornea.

Wearing contact lenses is not always convenient and comfortable. Some of the consumers refuse them just because wearing lenses is associated with discomfort and dry eye syndrome. However, much depends on the correct use of lenses and on the choice of size, model and manufacturer. Lenses should be changed in time, observing all hygiene measures.

Some contact lens cleaning solutions have a more aggressive cleaning mechanism than others. If you are having trouble getting the recommended time out of your contact lenses, ask your eye doctor if you should use a stronger cleaning solution or reduce contact wear time.

Wearing contact lenses is a risk factor for dry eye problems. Dry eyes, in turn, can make contacts much less comfortable. This is a situation that causes a lot of frustration for many contact lens wearers. In fact, this combination of dryness and discomfort is the number one reason people stop wearing contact lenses.

How can you tell if lenses are not being worn correctly?

In a patient with dry eye syndrome, lenses can only cause a serious exacerbation of the disease, because. the eye will be additionally irritated by the lens (in fact, by a foreign body) without being wetted with a sufficient amount of tears. Lenses for dry eye syndrome are almost a deliberate choice for worsening the patient's condition. The fact that the lenses are chosen incorrectly and aggravate the condition of the eyes can be suggested by the following symptoms:

There's another problem: contact lens wearers can get serious eye infections if they're not meticulous about proper lens care. A healthy tear film is a vital immune barrier for the eye. Lack of tear production in people with dry eyes can increase the risk of infection because tears help protect the eyes from germs and promote overall eye health.

But do not discard your contacts. If you have dry eye, the steps below can make it safer and more comfortable to wear contacts. The best way to prevent contamination is to follow the lens care recommendations from your eye care professional. These tips can reduce your risk.

  • any pain in the eyes;
  • inconvenience when putting on the lens for the first time;
  • any discharge from the eyes, including increased tearing;
  • decreased visual acuity
  • dry eyes.
If any of these signs appear, the lenses should be removed immediately. If the cause is really in the lenses, the feeling of discomfort should pass. The lens should be inspected for any debris or damage on it. Rinse thoroughly with a special solution (or get a new lens for daily wear lenses) and try again. If the feeling of discomfort returned again, then you can no longer wear such lenses. You should see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible to have your eyes checked. Each eye is unique, and the selection of lenses should be handled by a qualified doctor, taking into account not only visual acuity, but also the condition of the eyes.

The material of contact lenses also affects the condition of the eyes. Hydrogel lenses are well wetted by tear fluid and do not cause a feeling of dryness, but they have a significant drawback, they are impermeable to oxygen and therefore cannot be worn for a long time. The cornea is devoid of blood vessels and receives oxygen exclusively from atmospheric air, which directly contacts, if the lenses "block" the access of oxygen, oxygen starvation of the cornea and the formation of ulcers on it may develop. Silicone lenses have a high oxygen permeability and are safe for the cornea even when worn for a long time, but they are hydrophobic and dry out very quickly, provoking an increase in dry eyes. Compromise options are modern silicone hydrogel lenses, which are wetted better than purely silicone ones and at the same time provide oxygen access to the cornea. In any case, careful selection of the lens and adherence to the wearing time is important.

If recommended, rub the contacts with your fingers first and rinse with contact lens solution. Throw away solution after each use. Do not transfer the solution to another container, which may affect its sterility. Avoid using taps, bottles, or distilled contacts. Remove your contacts before you swim or get into a hot bath. Store contacts in the lens storage case. Rinse the case with solution after each use and air dry. Replace it at least every three months. Wear your contacts according to your set schedule. Replace them as often as recommended by your eye care professional.

  • Wash your hands with soap and water before handling contacts.
  • Then rinse well and dry with a lint-free towel.
  • Clean your contacts as directed by your eye care professional.
  • Then soak them in the solution overnight.
Dry eye syndrome can cause symptoms such as eye burn, pain, or redness; hard feeling in the eyes; blurred vision; and episodes of overwatering.

Treatment of dry eye syndrome and lenses

In order to avoid the discomfort associated with dry eyes when wearing lenses, it is imperative to use moisturizing eye drops. They are applied as if removed lenses and after removal. Without removing the lenses, drops are convenient to use at work or on the road - where there is no way to remove the lenses and then put them back on without risking disturbing their cleanliness. At first, drops for dry eyes drip often, every two hours. Then, with a decrease in symptoms, they switch to a regimen of 4 instillations per day. In the event that discomfort while wearing lenses continues to occur, you should consult an ophthalmologist and change the type of lenses. It is believed that the optimal lenses for dry eyes are daily lenses with a high percentage of moisture.

Irritation from wearing contacts can cause similar problems. Talk to your eye care professional about ways to reduce any discomfort associated with wearing contacts. If problems persist, your eye care professional may suggest reducing the number of hours you wear contacts or switching to a different type of lens. In severe cases, you may be advised not to wear contacts at all.

New or worsening symptoms, especially those that appear quickly, may signal an eye infection. If you suddenly develop these symptoms, contact your eye care professional immediately. Left untreated, the infection can cause vision loss or even blindness.

In some cases, the treatment of DES while wearing contact lenses may require surgery - for example, if the channel through which the tear flows into the nasopharynx is anatomically too wide. In this case, with the help of an operation, it is narrowed and thus the outflow of tears from the surface of the eyeball is slowed down.

You should also pay attention to the lens solution. It can also be the cause of dryness, therefore, not only when choosing contact lenses, but also when choosing a solution for caring for them, an ophthalmologist's consultation is necessary.

Wearing contacts is a little more difficult when you have dry eyes. But that doesn't automatically mean you're limited to wearing glasses. For many people with dry eyes, some basic precautions can greatly improve their comfort and safety.

Tears are essential for maintaining the health of the anterior surface of the eye and ensuring clear vision. People with dry eyes either don't produce enough tears or have poor quality tears. Dry eye is a common and often chronic problem, especially in the elderly. With each blink of the eyelids, tears spread through the front surface of the eye, known as the cornea. Tears provide lubrication, reduce the risk of eye infection, flush out foreign matter in the eye, and keep the surface of the eye smooth and clear.

There is a direct link between dry eye syndrome and contact lenses. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the right lenses and use them correctly. At the first sign of dry eyes while wearing lenses, you should contact your doctor so that he, if necessary, recommends another type of lenses and prescribes the necessary moisturizing drops.

Excess tears in the eyes flow into small drainage channels inside corners eyelids that merge at the back of the nose. Dry eyes can occur due to an imbalance between tear production and drainage. The most common form of dry eyes is due to insufficient water layer of tears. This condition, called keratoconjunctivitis sikka, is also called dry eye syndrome.

How do I know if I have dry eyes?

People with dry eyes may experience symptoms of irritated, gritty, prickly, or burning eyes, a feeling of something in their eyes, excess watering, and blurred vision. Advanced dry eyes can damage the front surface of the eye and impair vision. Millions suffer from dry eye and yet the vast majority do not get necessary assistance. We have the most advanced technology in diagnosing and treating this annoying condition. Dry eye syndrome usually affects both eyes, but one eye may be more affected.

Not so long ago, soft contact lenses entered the lives of people with visual impairments, and today it is difficult to imagine how one can do without them. Contact lenses are comfortable, discreet and effective. This popular modern method vision correction, which is especially in demand by people leading an active lifestyle, has its pros and cons.

Common symptoms and signs of dry eye syndrome include. When dry eye symptoms affect vision or the eye, a detailed examination by your eye doctor may lead to treatment to improve or control these symptoms. We always provide our patients with compassionate and personalized care.

Understanding Dry Eye Syndrome

This allows the physician to evaluate and accurately measure the thickness of the outer oily lipid layer of the tears, as well as how completely the patient blows. According to recent studies, more than 64% of patients suffering from chronic dry eye have a lipid deficiency caused by blockage of the meibomial glands. This condition is also often referred to as evaporative dry eye. The Meibomian glands are located on the rims of the eyelids. Their main function is to supply meibum, an oily substance that prevents evaporation of the tear film in the eye, which is made up of three layers: a lipid layer, an aqueous layer, and a mucin layer.

Contact lenses are a great alternative to glasses. They do not fog up, do not slip, do not restrict visual fields and provide high-quality peripheral vision. One of the main differences from glasses is that lenses do not distort visible objects, do not change their shape and size. This becomes possible due to the fact that the lens is located close to the surface of the eye and forms a single optical system with him. Thanks to contact lenses, almost any degree of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and other disorders can be corrected. But this method of vision correction also has its drawback: it happens that the contact of the lens with the cornea of ​​​​the eye causes unpleasant sensations - a feeling of sand in the eyes, pain, burning. These symptoms may be a manifestation of the dry eye syndrome that often accompanies contact lens wear.

The device is placed around the lids after placing the stunning drops. The device then heats up and massages the oil glands. The heat inflames the waxy oils that clog the orifices of the gland, while the pulsating massage evacuates the glands so they can function normally. Treatment has been shown to be effective and usually keeps signs and symptoms under control for about 12 months, when treatment can be repeated. This groundbreaking new diagnostic test and innovative treatment could provide relief for many dry eye sufferers who have not responded to conventional therapy with artificial tears, drops and warm compresses.

Why do contact lenses dry out your eyes?

Dry eyes occur due to insufficient moisture in the lacrimal fluid of the outer mucous membrane of the eye. The tear film, which is formed by tear fluid, is responsible for moisturizing the eye. Tear film three-layer:

    The outer layer is composed of lipids (fats). This layer protects, prevents the evaporation of moisture from the middle layer, provides a smooth surface of the film, which is important for the normal refraction of light rays when they pass through the tear film.

    The middle, watery, layer contains proteins and salts dissolved in water. In essence, these are the very tears that are produced by the lacrimal glands. When blinking, tear fluid is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the eye.

    The mucin layer is secreted by the conjunctiva. Mucin smooths out microscopic irregularities of the cornea, participates in the even distribution of tear fluid over the surface of the eye.

Dry eyes when wearing contact lenses occur due to the fact that the surface of the lens is not sufficiently wetted with tear fluid and irritates the cornea. This can be due both to the characteristics of the material from which contact lenses are made, and to the type of activity of the person who wears them. So, for example, dry eyes often worries office workers who, by the nature of their activities, are forced to spend their working day in front of a computer monitor. As a result, inflammation of the cornea develops, microtraumas appear on it, and the initial discomfort, if you do not pay attention to it, leads to the development serious illnesses cornea.

Discomfort that cannot be tolerated

If symptoms of dry eyes appear when using contact lenses, then it is urgent to start using special moisturizing drops - this is the only way to avoid the development of complications from the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye. Such drops are most identical in composition to a human tear, their structure allows them to be easily distributed over the surface of the eye. Moisturizing drops provide a good sliding of the eyelid, make up for the lack of tear fluid and have a calming effect.

Gilan Ultra Comfort, which contains hyaluronic acid, a natural eye moisturizer, successfully copes with this task. The drug has a long-term effect, protecting the mucous membrane of the eye and alleviating discomfort. It creates a thin film, protecting the eye from drying out, irritation and inflammation, cutting and burning. Unlike tear substitutes that only imitate tear fluid in terms of protein and mineral composition, natural hyaluronic acid not only moisturizes the eye qualitatively, but also heals microtraumas on the surface of the cornea that are inevitable when wearing contact lenses. There are no preservatives in the composition of Gilan drops, therefore damage to the tear film, cornea and conjunctiva is excluded. In addition, the preservatives used in many ophthalmic preparations themselves can cause dry eye syndrome. The drug is available in a convenient form - unidoses - disposable polyethylene packaging of one dose, which allows you to always have drops at hand, use them in any conditions, even without removing contact lenses, and ensure the sterility of their use.

The problem of dry eyes when wearing lenses requires special attention. Properly selected moisturizing drops will help solve this problem and make vision correction with soft contact lenses comfortable and safe.

Natalya Namzhiltsyrenova, ophthalmologist, Family Doctor Clinic

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