Jamala managed to change everything: nationality, political views and even gender. An interview with Jamala's mother living in Russia has been published. video Singer Jamala biography personal life

1992-1998 - studied piano at music school No. 1 in Alushta.

IN solo concerts x has been participating since he was 16 years old.

1992 – Music Laureate children's competition“Starry Rain”, this year an album of children’s and Crimean Tatar songs was recorded, which was broadcast on local radio.

1993 – Laureate of the children's competition “Living Springs”.

1998-2001 – studied at the Music College named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky in opera vocal class (Simferopol).

2000 – Grand Prix winner of the international competition “Voices of the Future” (Russia).

2001 – entered the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky in opera vocal class (Kyiv).

2001 – third prize winner vocal competition"Crimean Spring".

2001 – owner special prize"Dodge 2001".

2001 – joint concert with the famous saxophonist Alexander Novoselsky (Moscow).

2004 – laureate of the International competition “1 Concorso Europeo Amici della musica” (Italy).

2005 - guest of honor international festival"Tricolore della canzone italiana."

2006 - laureate of the festival of young performers “Dо#Dж junior 2006” (second prize for the vocal quintet “Beauty Band”), special diploma “Best Vocal” of the same festival.

2007 - soloist of the musical "Pa".

In August 2009, she took part in the International Competition for Young Performers of Popular Songs " New wave-2009".

From the first days Jamala was a leader. Jamala performed the hit “Mama's Boy” superbly, making the entire audience clap to the beat of the song and receiving a storm of applause at the end. The Diva herself applauded Jamal loudly and for a long time.

Jamala won the 1st prize, sharing it with a participant from Indonesia - Sanddi Sandorro.

Jamala is passionate about yoga. He admits that “60 percent of my day I listen to good music- love very much different genres- starting with gospel, soul, jazz, ending with classics.”

In the style of clothing, I look for “a harmony of shapes, colors that correspond to my mood and attitude, my music... and on stage I like to feel a little bit like an “object of a spectacle.” In general, Jamal is close to the idea of ​​the great Yves Saint Laurent: “The most important thing in women's clothing- the woman who wears it.” Favorite colors are brown and green.

The artist does not believe in omens. Afraid of... silence.

Jamala's motto is “Treat people the way you would like to be treated.”

Single. Lives and works in Kyiv.

I just heard on TV how someone compared Jamala to “Lady” Gaga. Sheer absurdity!!! How can you compare a “computer monkey” with the same computer voice and the most unique singer, owner of the rarest vocal abilities - Jamala! For me - so This is the second Imma Sumac. Probably few people know or have heard her now, but she was a singer from another civilization, as if she was sent from space to the land of Peru. And Jamala was sent to us in Ukraine! Happiness to you, dear, love, confidence and good health_you simply need it_. I am 60 years old. I am a choir master and, believe me, I know what I’m saying!

Why does the current Eurovision winner Susana Jamaladinovna - the same singer Jamala - not like to talk about her family, which completely refused to move to Kyiv?

She insists that her father does not want to give up his house in the expensive resort village of Malorechenskoye near Alushta: “We are one of the first Crimean Tatars bought a house in Crimea. My mother taught piano, and my father was a conductor by profession. But he realized that he would not be able to provide for his family if he studied music, and began to grow vegetables and fruits. We have a big garden there - there are figs, persimmons, and pomegranates...”

I spent a long time trying to persuade my parents to leave. But they said no,” says Jamala. - They with my own hands built a house and grew a garden, and now I asked for a second to give up all this…. They are, of course, in Crimea. All my attempts and conversations came to nothing. Mom can't leave dad, dad can't leave grandfather... It's very painful and difficult. I understand that they cannot go. That pomegranate tree that grows in our yard, the persimmon, the fig... This house, it’s impossible to abandon everything like that. They are not even afraid, say, to die, no matter how scary it may sound, but they refuse to leave this house.

To put it mildly, Jamala is being a hypocrite. None of her relatives are going to die at all. On the contrary, the family is really thriving. All relatives of the “Ukrainian patriot” received Russian citizenship and are quite happy with life. Moreover, they unanimously issued the so-called “Putin’s certificates” of rehabilitation and now receive crazy benefits on utility bills - 50% discounts on water, electricity and gas, and enjoy free vouchers to a sanatorium.

The only problem for Jamala’s parents is that the Tatar neighbors themselves reproach the father: “Why did your daughter decide to sing such a song?”

This is all at the level of market conversations. “I keep telling them not to pay attention,” Susana reassures.

Although no matter what the crazy daughter sings, no one throws grenades or Molotov cocktails into the parents’ yard. Normal people live here adequate people. This is not a Maidan-era Ukraine; Crimeans do not suffer from “brain embroidery.”

A few months ago, the Bandera blockade hit the singer’s family hard. So, according to Jamala herself, her father was ready to heat the house with wood on his own, just so as not to leave his native Crimea. However, today all Ukrainian villagers are offered to drown with dung. Remaining in the “Moscow occupation”, Jamaladinov Sr. was spared such a prospect.

In Alushta and Simferopol they provided light for at least a couple of hours, but my father was told that there would be no light for two months. The father replied that he had firewood and coal... The only problem was communication. This is difficult. Mom missed me very much. And when we met her, my mother was crying...,” the “Eurostar” shared.

Fortunately, my mother comes to see me often. She helps her sister look after the children and takes care of the big house. So I try to give her a rest, to entertain her. We are like two friends: we walk a lot, go to the movies and shopping.

No one in Crimea prevents such contacts. The singer said that she managed to see her family after the energy blockade of the peninsula. However, for some reason she refused to comment on the current situation on the South Coast. Otherwise, we would have to talk about the frantic influx of Russian holidaymakers. And one would have to compare the well-being of one’s own Crimean elderly with the nightmare of Ukrainian reality.

Here is another characteristic revelation from Jamala:

Every autumn and winter, my dad sends me fruits from our garden to Kyiv. Persimmons, figs, pomegranates. Now, on the so-called border with Crimea, he has to pay a bribe to get these fruits through - he leaves a box of persimmons or figs for the border guards. He always tells me about this with tears in his eyes, because he collected these boxes for me with such love! I answer him: “Baba, this is such a small thing! The main thing is that they allowed us to transport it anyway.” We rejoice in the little things that should be the norm for everyone.

It remains to add that the Ukrainian border guards are robbing the old Tatar. One box for yourself - and a whole container forward to Kyiv, not caring about the “Poroshenko-Islamist” blockade.

However, today the Jamala family has a very specific reason to hate the Russian administration. The Jamaladinov clan suddenly lost an illegal tavern on the coast! Like many Majlis establishments, the resort tavern did not meet any sanitary standards, worked without taxes and was closed. As they say, quote without comment:

Now new government“ennobles” the coast using inhumane methods. All cafes and restaurants are being demolished coastal strip. A tractor comes and razes to the ground what people have invested money in for many years. It leaves you without a piece of bread, because everyone is living the dream of summer and tourists.

And I, for example, it was thanks to such an institution that I received higher education. We had a family cafe with four tables: mom cooked, for example, manti, dad cooked pilaf, I washed the dishes, and my sister served and counted people in the hall. If it weren't for him, neither I nor my sister would have had the opportunity to study at the conservatory.

Jamala's sister Evelina married a Turkish citizen and moved to live in Istanbul.

London, May 20. Edition published in London in Bulgarian Bulgarian times reported that the Eurovision winner with the song “1944” Jamala was a boy named Abdulkhair at her birth on August 27, 1983 in the Kyrgyz city of Osh. She changed her gender after surgery in 2006 and became Susanna Jamaladinova. As proof, the publishing house publishes a photograph in which a secondary feature left over from her male past is clearly visible - the Adam's apple, the Adam's apple.

Regarding her victory, the publication writes that, in principle, there is nothing new in this, because in 2014 the Eurovision was won by an Austrian Thomas Neuwirth, better known as the bearded woman Conchita Wurst.

In his other articles Bulgarian times informs its readers about the singer’s grandfather, who served the Germans in one of the ten Crimean Tatar battalions formed by the Germans. It is especially emphasized that they were formed exclusively by volunteers. In April-May 1944, they entered into battle with units Soviet army who liberated Crimea from the Nazis. The defeated remnants of these battalions flee from Crimea, but do not stop fighting - the Tatar SS Mountain Jaeger Regiment under the command of SS Standartenführer Fortenbach was formed from their remnants. Its number was 2,500 Crimean Tatars.

The publication also notes that the deportation of 1944, which Jamal laments in his song, was far from the first in the history of the Crimean Tatar people. During Crimean War the Turks resettled part of the Crimean Tatars to Bulgaria, which was then part of Ottoman Empire. There they became famous for their predatory lifestyle and monstrous atrocities during the suppression of the Bulgarian uprisings. That is why, when Bulgaria was liberated by Russian troops in 1878, almost 100% of the Crimean Tatars fled to Turkey and the largest Crimean Tatar diaspora in the world, numbering about 150 thousand people, still lives there.

Obviously, if relations between the EU and Turkey continue to deteriorate, as is happening now, then Jamala has a real chance of winning Eurovision again. This time with the song “1856”.

If you look closely at Jamala’s biography, you can easily notice that she changed not only her gender, but also everything else. So, for example, initially she called herself a Tatar - it was easier to live in the USSR. Later it was renamed to Crimean Tatar. If necessary, she also called herself Armenian - according to her mother’s nationality.

Her relationship with Russia is also interesting: she took part in festivals three times “ Usadba Jazz"in Moscow and St. Petersburg, took part in the celebration of Moscow City Day and even in a ceremony in memory of the attack on the USSR in Berlin.

Later she changed her views and starred in the film “The Guide,” which talks about repressions in the early 30s in the same USSR.

The film, without a doubt, is a striking example of modern Ukrainian cinema. He talks about how, on orders from Moscow, kobza bandura players are shot in Ukraine. The unfortunate kobzars are gathered in Kharkov for the Republican Congress of Singers folk song, and then, under the guise of sending to All-Union Congress to Moscow, loaded onto a train, taken to the forest and shot there. Traditional friends of Ukraine - US citizens - are trying to thwart Moscow's plans to destroy Ukrainian culture. The role of the Ukrainian singer Olga Levitskaya, the American’s lover, was entrusted to a real Ukrainian Jamal. Despite the fact that even the Ukrainian authorities announced that there was not a single document about this mythical execution, money was allocated for the filming. Moreover, a monument to non-existent victims of a fictitious execution was unveiled in the Kharkov region.

The film was shot before Euromaidan and the return of Crimea. Let us recall that the film “Unbroken”, glorifying the commander of Bandera’s army, Roman Shukhevych, was shot back in 2008. And in Crimea, in October 2011, in the village of Krasnokamenka, a ceremonial burial was held for a deserter from the Red Army, SS Obersturmführer Dengiza Dagci. All these facts indicate that Ukraine was confidently moving towards the creation of a nationalist state, regardless of Russia’s actions in Crimea.

In 2014, Jamala strongly condemned the decision of her compatriots to join Russia, and cried a lot about the fate of the unfortunate people suffering under the heel of the Russian occupiers. However, she went to greet 2015 precisely to the occupiers - to corporate party to the Red Fox residence at Rosa Khutor near Sochi.

Obviously, singing there helped improve her material condition, although it did not correspond to the views she proclaimed.

Interesting changes have also occurred with Jamala's political views. In October 2009, she spoke at the Party of Regions congress, where she was nominated as a candidate for the presidency of Ukraine Victor Yanukovich. Later, in television program“The Truth of Roman Skrypnyk”, when asked by the presenter whether she would sing the song at a rally organized by President Yanukovych, she answered in the affirmative and stated that the elected president must be loved, as US citizens do in relation to their president.

However, in December 2013, she appeared at Euromaidan and announced that she supported all actions leading to the overthrow of President Yanukovych.
The Eurovision management was also unlucky with Jamala, who supported her claims that the winning song “1944” was not political. However, returning to Ukraine after the victory, Jamala said exactly the opposite. It is interesting that the Eurovision organizers did not react to this properly.

It becomes obvious that to win Eurovision you need to sing an anti-Russian song, to get Nobel Prize in literature, you need to write Russophobic works, and to receive the Nobel Peace Prize you only need to bomb five or six states.

The main news of the past weekend in musical world was the victory of the Ukrainian singer Jamala at Eurovision 2016..

Jamala is not the singer's real name

The true name of the star is Susanna Jamaladinova. Nickname Jamala the singer came up with it by shortening her last name. This happened before the New Wave 2009 competition: having arrived in Jurmala, the girl quickly became one of the undisputed leaders of the competition and won the New Wave Grand Prix, sharing first place with the Indonesian Sandy Sandorro. Alla Borisovna Pugacheva after Jamala performed the song “Mama’s Boy,” she gave the young singer a standing ovation.

To return home, the star’s parents had to divorce

Although Susanna connects her destiny with Crimea, she was born in Kyrgyzstan in the city of Osh, where her great-grandmother was deported during the deportation of the Tatars from Crimea. My great-grandfather and all the men on my grandmother’s side died at the front. The singer's father is Tatar, her mother is Armenian. In 1989, Susanna’s family managed to return to Crimea, to the village of Malorechenskoye (formerly Kuchuk-Uzen), where their ancestors lived. The family decided to move as soon as Jamala was born, but it took six years to buy a house and move the family. It was impossible to find someone who would agree to sell the house to returning Crimean Tatars, so the mother, whose nationality did not raise suspicions, was in charge of the purchase. The parents even had to temporarily divorce so as not to leave a “Tatar trace” in the mother’s documents. According to the singer, it was morally very difficult to decide to take such a step.

Jamala- a rapidly growing star of Ukrainian show business, who brought her country victory in Stockholm with the song “1944”. Ukrainian opera and jazz singer(lyric-dramatic soprano), performing original music at the intersection of jazz, soul, world music and rhythm and blues, electronic music and gospel. Winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016. Fame Jamal brought a performance at the International Competition of Young Performers “New Wave 2009” in Jurmala, where she received the Grand Prix.

Full name: Susana Alimovna Jamaladinova
Date of birth - August 27, 1983
Place of birth Osh, Kirghiz SSR, USSR
Years active 2005 - present
Country Ukraine
Profession singer, actress
Singing voice: lyric-dramatic soprano
Genres: jazz, soul, blues, opera
Nicknames for Jamala

The early years of singer Jamala

Born in the city of Osh (Kyrgyz SSR, USSR). Father - Alim Ayarovich Jamaladinov, Crimean Tatar, mother - Galina Mikhailovna Tumasova, Armenian. Her childhood was spent in Crimea, in the village of Malorechenskoye near Alushta, where she and her family returned from the places of former deportation of the Crimean Tatar people. Play music Jamala started with early childhood. She made her first professional recording at the age of 9, performing 12 children's and folk Crimean Tatar songs in the studio. After graduating music school No. 1 in piano class in the city of Alushta, she entered the Simferopol School of Music them. P.I. Tchaikovsky, and then to the National Music Academy named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky (Kyiv) in opera vocal class, which she graduated with honors.

Being the best graduate of the course, Jamala planned to devote herself to classical music and go to work as a soloist of the famous Milan Opera La Scala, but a serious passion for jazz and experiments with soul and oriental music changed her plans, determining the direction future career. Nickname "Jamal"" was formed from the first syllable of her last name.
Jamala speaks Ukrainian, Russian, Crimean Tatar and English.

I was raised by Zarema Khanum’s arranger, Gennady Astsaturyan. He introduced me to jazz from childhood. Literally forced me to listen to jazz. It started with Fitzgerald playing me one song, and I was tired of it. This is fine. I was 11 years old. Complex music, you have to get to it. Then the second, third and then I started asking him myself. Then he gave me the Fitzgerald tape and said: “In a week everything is the same.” I answered: “How? I don’t know English.” Answer: “As you wish, like gobbledygook.” I filmed everything by ear, approached it responsibly, came to sing to him, and he: “You studied it, right? Well done. Here's another tape for you." He didn't even listen. It's just psychology, he knew I would do it. I remember how offended I was: “How is this? I taught, but he doesn’t want to listen to me.”

Participation of singer Jamala in music competitions, “New Wave”

On big stage Jamala She performed for the first time at fifteen. Over the next few years, she took part in dozens of vocal competitions in Ukraine, Russia and Europe and received a number of prestigious awards, including international competition“1st European competition “Friends of Music”” (Italian 1 Concorso Europeo Amici della musica) in Italy. After performing at jazz festival young performers Do#Dj junior 2006, at which she received a special award, the famous choreographer Elena Kolyadenko invited her to perform main party in the multi-genre musical "Pa". This role became important stage creative path singer Jamala.

A turning point in her career was her performance at the New Wave International Competition for Young Performers in the summer of 2009. Contrary to the statements of the main director of the competition about the “unformatted” participant, she not only made it to the finals, but also received the Grand Prix, sharing first place with the Indonesian performer.
Jamala- History repeating - First day of competition (Contestants perform a world hit)
Jamala - Vershe, miy vershe - Second day of competition (Contestants perform the hit of their country)
Jamala - Mama's Boy - Third day of competition (Contestants perform an original song)

Singer Jamala's next step to success

With victory in Jurmala Jamala moved into the category of top performers, performing at many venues from Moscow to Berlin. Two large solo concerts of Jamal The Revue Show are being held in Kyiv, during which the singer demonstrates the full range of her vocal capabilities and diversity musical material. For several months, she has been taking part in almost all the main TV shows in Ukraine, from the Teletriumph 2009 award and One Night Only (a tribute to Michael Jackson by Ukrainian top artists) to Alla Pugacheva’s Christmas Meetings.

Cosmopolitan magazine calls her “Discovery of the Year”, she receives the ELLE Style Award in the “Singer of the Year” category and the “Person of the Year 2009” award in the “Ukrainian Idol” category. Despite the busy touring schedule, Jamala continues to study classical music. In the summer of 2009, she performed the main role in Maurice Ravel’s opera “The Spanish Hour”, and in February 2010 she took part in opera production Vasily Barkhatov based on Bond, where her performance was noted by the famous British actor Jude Law.

Videos of singer Jamala

History repeating (2009)
In November 2009, Jamala’s debut video clip appeared on Ukrainian TV, a cover version of the Propellerheads song History Repeating (Watch Jamala - History repeating)

You're Made of Love (2010)
It was followed by a second video in February 2010. original composition You’re Made of Love (Watch Jamala - You’re Made of Love).

It's me, Jamala (2010)
October 18, 2010 aired music channels Ukraine and Russia launched the singer’s third video for the song It’s Me, Jamala! (Watch Jamala - It’s me, Jamala). The video was directed by German director Charlie Stadler, known for his film “Dead Fish” with Harry Oldman in leading role, and the cameraman was the British Fraser Taggert, who shot such Hollywood blockbusters as “Troy”, “The Da Vinci Code”, “National Treasure”, etc.

Smile (2011)
On February 8, 2011, appeared on television screens new clip singer Jamala for the song “Smile” (Watch Jamala - Smile). The director of the video was Max Ksenda, and the cameraman was Sergei Mikhalchuk, one of the creators of such acclaimed films as “The Lover”, “My Step Brother Frankenstein”, “Mamai”, “The Law”. The clip is based on puppet animation. According to the plot of the video, Jamala travels to different parts of the planet in a toy car and a helicopter, followed by a huge cartoon smile, which helps her to establish contact with people in all situations. different faiths and nationalities.

Find me (2011)
The video was directed by the young American documentarian John X Carrey, known for his work for the Disney-ABC channel and successful commercials for Google and Firefox. Filming the video lasted three days. The plot was based on romantic story, which, according to the video director, most resembles in its mood famous movie Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation. (Watch Jamala - Find me)

I Love You (2012)
Director Sergei Sarakhanov. (Watch Jamal - I Love You)

Cactus (2013)
Director Denis Zakharov. (Watch Jamal - Cactus)

All These Simple Things (2013)
Director Alexander Melov (Watch Jamal - All These Simple Things)

Autumn has your eyes (2013)
Director Victor Vilks (Watch Jamal - Autumn has your eyes)

Lost (feat. Apache Crew) (2015)
Director and choreographer - Anatoly Sachivko (Watch Jamal - Lost)

Others (2015)
Director Mikhail Emelyanov (Watch Jamala- Others)

Solo album For Every Heart
Released in the spring of 2011 debut album singer “For Every Heart”, almost entirely consisting of Jamala’s original compositions. The sound producer of the record was the famous Ukrainian musician Evgeniy Filatov (The Maneken).

For Every Heart
One More Try
You Are Made Of Love
It's Me, Jamala
In My Shoes
Without You
Sing It Out
Find Me
I See You Every Night
Bonus Tracks:

History Repeating
It's better, it's better
Stars in the opera
In January 2012, on the 1+1 TV channel, the show “Stars in the Opera” aired, in which Jamala performed together with Vlad Pavlyuk. On March 4, at the gala concert of the show participants, the jury awarded victory to Jamala and Vlad Pavlyuk.

New album All or Nothing
On March 19, Jamala's second original album, ALL OR NOTHING, was released. The release took place simultaneously on more than 60 digital platforms, including the recently opened iTunes Ukraine and Russia. The album includes 12 compositions: eleven original ones and a Crimean Tatar folk song Unutmasan. (Album Jamala on iTunes)

All or Nothing
How to Explain
What's Worse
All These Simple Things
Your Love
Autumn has Your Eyes
I love you
Why Is That?
Like a Bird
History Repeating
It's me, Jamala! (radio single)
I love you
Autumn has Your Eyes

Participation of singer Jamala in the Eurovision music competition

A few days before the launch of the new video, it became known that Jamala made it to the finals qualifying round Eurovision Song Contest 2011, presenting the jury new composition Smile, however, Mika Newton won the qualifying tournament. There was public outrage over suspicion of dishonest selection of the finalist, but Jamala announced that she refused to participate in the re-selection.

Jamala took part in a song competition Eurovision 2016 with the song “1944”, dedicated to the deportation of the Crimean Tatars after the occupation of Crimea Soviet troops in 1944. According to Jamals, the plot of the song is based on the stories of her ancestors. Despite controversy over its possible political context, the song was not removed from the competition. Jamala won the semi-final of the competition and then won the final. This victory was the second for Ukraine at Eurovision in the history of its participation.

What Jamala sings about: translation of the song for Eurovision

A translation of the Anglo-Crimean Tatar song “1944” has appeared online, with which Ukrainian singer Jamala will perform at Eurovision 2016 in Stockholm.

Jamala's song talks about the deportation of her native Crimean Tatar people. The singer wrote this composition specifically for Eurovision, inspired by the story of her great-grandmother, she writes “Apostrophe”.

That terrible year forever changed the life of one fragile woman, my great-grandmother Nazil Khan. Her life was never the same after that.
- said Jamala.

Lyrics of Jamala's song "1944" in Ukrainian translation:

When strangers come...

They come to your house

They kill you all and say:

"We are not to blame... not to blame"

Where is your mind?

Humanity is crying.

You think you are gods

But everyone dies

Don't swallow my soul

Our souls.

I couldn't spend my youth there because you took away my world.

We could build a future

Where people live and love freely,

Happy times...

Where are your hearts?

Humanity, flourish.

You think you are gods

But people are dying.

Don't swallow my soul

Our souls.

I couldn't spend my youth there because you took my world away

I had no homeland...

Discography of singer Jamala

For Every Heart (2011) (on iTunes)
Live At Arena Concert Plaza (concert DVD, 2011) (on iTunes)
All or Nothing (2013) (on iTunes)
Thank You (2014) (on iTunes)
Podih (2015)

Filmography of singer Jamala

Year Russian name original name Role
2010 f True story about Scarlet Sails The true story about Chervona was performed by a Cuban singer
2013 f Guide Guide Olga Levitskaya, singer of Kharkov drama theater named after Les Kurbas

Awards for singer Jamala for participation in competitions and festivals

1992 - laureate of the children's music competition "Starry Rain"
1993 - laureate of the children's competition "Living Springs"
2000 - Grand Prix of the international competition “Voices of the Future” ( Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
2001 - winner of the 3rd prize in the vocal competition “Crimean Spring”
2001 - winner of the special award "Dodge 2001"
2004 - laureate of the international competition 1 Concorso Europeo Amici della musica (Italy)
2006 - laureate of the festival of young performers “DO # J junior 2006” (second prize for the vocal quintet “Beauty Band”), special diploma “Best Vocal” of the same festival.
2009 - first place at the international competition of young performers “New Wave” (Jurmala, Latvia)

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