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The book “Something Wonderful” deserves to become your favorite women's novel. After all, the plot, the writing style, the characters - all this will arouse your admiration. You will definitely want to re-read the book again.

Alexandra Lawrence is a young and charming, gentle and romantic girl. She is still too young to understand what marriage is like. unloved husband. Perhaps this is for the best, because she was not asked when making her choice. All she has to do is submit and marry the seductive Duke Jordon Hawthorne. Imagining scenes life together, the girl does not suspect that fate is already preparing another surprise for her. Before you have time to get used to the new situation, you find out closer than a person Alexandra, with whom fate brought her together, receives news of the death of her husband.

Years have passed. Alexandra intends to remarry. She does not have any tender feelings for her chosen one, but duty obliges her to take such a step. However, another surprise awaits the young charmer. On the wedding day, her first husband, whom everyone thought was dead, appears in all his glory, as well as in absolute health. He has ardent feelings for Alexandra, so he intends to win her favor. What does the future hold for the couple? How will their life turn out after a long separation? This is for you to find out, dear readers. On the pages of the novel “Something Wonderful” you will find many emotional and piquant scenes.

The book was written by Judith McNaught, a writer who has a talent for creating sensual, passionate, exciting love stories. Each A new book gives readers the opportunity to plunge headlong into the voluptuous world of love, full of meetings and partings, quarrels and reconciliations. Judith McNaught knows how to put real emotions and feelings into printed lines, so when reading her books, it’s as if you are living everything that happens on the open spaces of the pages. She describes the story so clearly, vividly, and voluminously.

All this applies to the novel “Something Wonderful.” It's very interesting to read. The novel is written in a pleasant, readable language, full of humor and liveliness, simplicity and lightness, beauty and charm. After reading the novel, you will definitely leave a trace of pleasure in your soul. Judith McNaught filled the book “Something Wonderful” with sensual characters, numerous intrigues, complex life twists and turns and an unpredictable ending. Therefore, you will read in one sitting. You will laugh and cry, rejoice and worry about the fate of the characters. After all, when you open the book, you will forget where reality is and where is the magical story that has overwhelmed you. Leaving aside all your affairs and worries, you will set off along the path of the unknown in order to meet true love, clean and fresh, like an early flower.

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Judith McNaught's novel Something Wonderful takes readers to special atmosphere England in the 19th century and will give you many pleasant emotions from reading a romantic story.

Jordan comes from a noble family, spends his days in idleness and enjoys the benefits of his title. Even when he became Duke, everything in his life remained the same. Jordan went to visit his grandmother at Rosemead when he was attacked. He miraculously managed to escape thanks to an unknown knight. On the battlefield, the knight lost consciousness. Jordan brought him to the tavern to help, but under the armor the knight turned out to be a young girl. This incident could have discredited the honor of the innocent Alexandra, whose mother now insisted that Jordan take her as his wife in order to avoid shame.

Wedding, family life and the whole world is seen by Alexandra as something beautiful. She is young, beautiful and innocent. Alexandra treats everyone with kindness and understanding. But she never got to be the Duke's wife, as he disappears shortly after the wedding. The girl tells others how good her husband is, how pure and noble his soul is. However, representatives high society different opinion. Alexandra learns some details of his life before meeting her.

Time passes, main character finally comes to terms with the disappearance of her husband and decides to enter into a new marriage. But suddenly Jordan appears, who is not going to give up his beloved and will stop at nothing, because for a long time absence he realized a lot...

The book immerses you in a time when it was important to preserve good reputation, when people paid attention to the opinions of other important people, when love was not the most important criterion for marriage. It is very interesting to read about all these features, about the obstacles that lovers will have to face.

On our website you can download the book “Something Wonderful” by Judith McNaught for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

SPOILERS To put it mildly, I’m disappointed... I didn’t expect such a novel from McNaught. Compared to Once and For All and Heaven's Blessing, this one loses and looks mediocre. Of course, compared to other LRs, it’s not even bad, but it didn’t grab me, despite the original plot. Heroes - none of them evoked sympathy. At first she is so naive that it raises doubts about her mental capacity, then after more than a year she is stubborn as a ram, which also raises doubts in her mind... Despite the fact that the author tried to make an angel out of her, the only thing that caught my eye was her stupidity and too much love about love. She didn’t really suffer for her hubby - more for herself and her unhappy fate. Counting hero dead, her reaction to what she found out about him and his life was very unpleasant. People knew each other for at most a week or two, the marriage was forced, and she had no right to be so angry with her husband, who seemed to be ALREADY IN THE GRAVE, and even more so to REGRET that she saved him from the bandits. Of course, it is known that “all virtues dissolve in self-love, like rivers in the sea,” so she could be understood if the author had not made her an angel of mercy and compassion! She's not positive hero, she was just as stupid as a cork and that was where all her troubles came from, and not because of the hero who took her as his wife, yes, he wanted to send her to live in a remote place, but it was clear that he fell in love with her and already hesitated, but he never It seemed like he didn’t shout to her about his love and, as best he could, he took care of her and was kind to her and her family. She made a monster out of dead person, without really even knowing him. Very clever!! And he was rotting in prison at that time, suffering in captivity and enduring hardships. After returning to the bosom of the family, no one even thought about it or showed sympathy. She attacked him like a fury, with wounded pride and did not think for a minute about what it was like for a man who survived prison and barely escaped. This is the power of love she had, only for HERSELF. I liked the hero more, he was more adequate. But I can’t say anything good about him either. In general, not a single character aroused much sympathy. Stamp on a stamp. The kidnapping and suffering of the hero are generally shown in passing and insofar as. And further forgotten, although I think it was important point, but had almost no effect on either the hero or the plot. The heroine changed so dramatically that she seemed not 19 but 30 years old. It’s as if the hero disappeared for all 10 years. But most of all I didn’t like how he nurtured hatred and disdain for the hero who gave her a name, title, position in society, money, family, pulled her out of a hole called Morsham, gave her love and feelings of happiness, sacrificed her freedom, gave her the opportunity to transform into a swan and endlessly fence and enjoy life, but instead of being at least somehow grateful, she is in his own house in coziness and comfort, sitting on a soft sofa and drinking tea in a beautiful dress and in family jewelry, thinking that it would be better I actually finished him off myself! How great is her sorrow. 7 with a huge minus and then out of respect for McNaught.

Judith McNaught with the novel Something Wonderful for download in fb2 format.

Fate seemed to be playing with young Alexandra Lawrence, throwing surprise after surprise at her. At first, while still a girl, without really having time to understand what had happened, she became the wife of Duke Jordan Hawthorne. Then - almost immediately - she received news of her husband’s death and, after much doubt, without love, she agreed to enter into a new marriage. But during the wedding, Jordan appeared in the cathedral... Jordan, “resurrected from the dead” and not at all willing to give to another the one whom he is painfully jealous and passionately loves, the one whom he intends to force to love himself...

If you liked the summary of the book Something Wonderful, then you can download it in fb2 format by clicking on the links below.

Currently available on the Internet a large number of electronic literature. The publication Something Wonderful is dated 2007, belongs to the “Fantasy” genre in the “Charm-mini” series and is published by AST publishing house, AST Moscow, Khranitel. Perhaps the book has not yet entered the Russian market or has not appeared in electronic format. Don’t be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but in the meantime you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature together with us. Free download in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly to e-book. Remember, if you really liked the novel, save it on your wall in social network, let your friends see it too!

(estimates: 1 , average: 4,00 out of 5)

Title: Something wonderful

About the book "Something Wonderful" by Judith McNaught

The main character of Judith McNaught's "Something Wonderful" - young Alexandra, whose life is rich in romantic events and unexpected turns. Fate never ceases to surprise the girl, throwing her surprises, often not very pleasant. Almost a child, Alexandra marries the Duke. But the heroine's married life ended before it began - she learns about tragic death husband However, the young and beautiful widow does not long feel sad about her deceased husband; after a while she agrees to marry another man. The heroine Judith McNaught does not even suspect that she will be interrupted by a man whom everyone thought was dead. The Duke is not at all going to give up the woman he passionately loves to anyone. Will he be able to win the heart of an indifferent beauty?

It is worth noting that the events of the work take place in England in the 19th century. The opinion of the world and the fear of ruining one’s reputation noble family influence the actions of the heroes. Alexandra has a difficult choice between two men, hatred and love await her, sincere feelings and insidious betrayal. The abundance of contradictory emotions, skillfully described by the author, is so captivating that you don’t want to stop reading until the last page is turned.

As in other works of the writer, in the novel “Something Wonderful” events develop slowly. The reader gets the opportunity to follow the development of their characters, their relationships, which go from hostility to passionate love and sincere affection. We watch as Alexandra transforms from a naive girl into a sensual and elegant woman.

Reading the novel “Something Wonderful,” you inevitably think about how petty insults and misunderstandings can destructively affect relationships, and how important it is to be able to discuss a problem with a partner and not withdraw into oneself. Heroes await Judith McNaught happy ending, and we have the opportunity to improve a little own life, looking at her from the side.

The novel “Something Wonderful” is a women’s read, very light and exciting, filled with dangerous adventures and intrigue, passion and jealousy. Sometimes the actions of the characters are completely banal, but at times deep thoughts slip into the book. This novel teaches not to divide all people into good and bad, and the world into black and white. After all, in fact, everything is not so simple and unambiguous, a naive girl can turn into femme fatale, and the villain-seducer - into a romantic lover.

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read online book"Something Wonderful" by Judith McNaught in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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