Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: “Barankin, be human!” “Barankin, be a man!” Literary carousel based on the book by Valery Medvedev

A very funny and at the same time very instructive story “Barankin, be a man!” was established in 1961 Soviet writer Valery Vladimirovich Medvedev. This amazing story will tell about the adventures of two friends - fellow classmates Yura Barankin and Kostya Malinin, who one day suddenly no longer wanted to study.

“Barankin, be a man!” Brief summary of the work

It all started with Barankin and Malinin receiving bad marks in geometry. Zinka Fokina developed vigorous activity in this regard. An evil wall newspaper was created, on which the faces of these two unfortunate boys were stuck with caustic inscriptions.

But this is only the beginning of the work “Barankin, be a man!” Summary Then it unfolds around a demonstrative meeting, or rather, not a meeting, but a very serious conversation. What did Barankin and Malinin not hear about themselves there! As a result, it was decided that on Sunday the excellent student Mishka Yakovlev would study with the newly minted poor students. They will solve problems with him. And then everyone will go to the school garden to plant trees. The boys were ashamed, but they had nowhere to go. At the end of the meeting, the same annoying Fokina comes up to them and says: “Barankin, be a man, urgently correct Kostya’s deuces!”

First reincarnation

And then simply fantastic events take place in the work “Barankin, be a man!” A chapter-by-chapter summary tells of those ill-fated adventures in which our heroes constantly barely escaped danger.

So, in the very first chapters, Barankin and Malinin received a good thrashing. Barankin was so stunned and offended that he no longer wanted to be human.

And then Sunday came. And suddenly Barankin persuades Malinin to turn into sparrows with the help of simple actions and spells. And so it happened. Now the two of them are sitting on a branch and thinking: “This is the real carefree life!” But she didn’t turn out to be that carefree either. Seeing their prey, the cat Muska chased after them and wanted to eat them. Then an old sparrow flew at them and began to educate them in its own way. Then their neighbor Venka Smirnov began chasing them with a slingshot. And then a mother sparrow appeared, who recognized them as her sons and forced them to learn how to build a nest. Daddy Sparrow himself came after her. And then they, with their entire large family of sparrows, rushed to fight with other sparrows for the birdhouse.

I don't want to be a sparrow, I want to be a butterfly

But this is not the end of the work “Barankin, be a man!” Its summary is just entering the acute phase of its development. Disillusioned with the life of a sparrow, the boys wanted to become butterflies. And again they succeeded in the transformation trick. Only Barankin became a skittish, and Malinin a swallowtail. Now they were incredibly happy that they would flutter carefree from one flower to another.

But again, that was not the case, they were immediately noticed by a bully - a tailless sparrow. Having barely managed to escape from this feathered creature, the butterflies were so hungry that the aroma of pollen made them dizzy. Then they heard someone’s steps and screams; these were their classmates with shovels, who were already chasing the butterflies, thinking that they were harmful silkworms. Barankin and Malinin suddenly really wanted to see their friends, and without even knowing why, because the guys were working at the site, and Fokina was giving them all sorts of orders. But then a bee began to chase the butterflies Barankin and Malinin.


Then it was even more difficult for the heroes of the work “Barankin, be a man!” The summary continues with the fact that they barely escaped from this terrible bee, when suddenly ants appeared. And immediately our heroes wanted to become ants. But then they thought that the ants were constantly working, and they immediately stopped wanting. But now Barankin wanted to become a drone. And then suddenly the swallowtail-Malinin fell asleep, Barankin could not wake him up! And then Fokina and the guys appeared again. Seeing a beautiful swallowtail, she wanted to put it in a stain. In general, barely, but Barankin fought off the swallowtail from Fokina, and they flew wherever they could, as long as they were farther away. These heroes suffered a lot, but continued their transformations.

Then they turned into ants, and then such efficiency was revealed in them that they themselves were afraid. They began to work from morning to evening, until they were eaten by a swift, and they woke up as people again. In general, these foolish guys had to go through a lot and endure a lot until they realized that it was best to be human.

This is how the story “Barankin, be a man!” ended. The summary of the book shows that it was thanks to all these transformations and adventures that the guys developed a sense of responsibility for their work. Then they no longer allowed themselves to be lazy, but gladly did everything that the school and parents required of them.

  • Indicate the genre of the work.

poem in five parts and 36 events

  • Note the main theme of the work.

about friendship

  • From whose perspective is the story told?

on behalf of Yura Barankin

  • Guess the words. Write them down.


  • What can you tell us about these heroes?

Yura Barankin - main character, a tireless dreamer and visionary. A lazy student who one day gets tired of being a person, because a person is obliged to work and study all his life. To solve all his problems, he plans to turn into a sparrow, then into a butterfly, then into an ant, expecting that their existence is aimed at the fact that they can do nothing and be lazy all day. Kostya Malinin is Barankin’s best friend, a fellow inventor and dreamer. Only thanks to true friendship, which helped the children cope with the difficulties of “inhuman” life, did they understand how great it is to be human!

  • Why did something incredible, fantastic and even, one might say, supernatural happen to the guys?

They got D's in geometry at the beginning school year

  • In which section of the newspaper were photographs of Barankin and Malinin placed?

"Humor and Satire"

  • List the classmates of the main characters that you remember most and explain why.

Zinka Fokina, the head of the class, conspired against the main characters. AND famous phrase: "Barankin, be a man!" belongs to her. Alik Novikov, a special photojournalist for the school wall newspaper, placed a photo of Barankin and Malinin in the newspaper. Era Kuzyakin, Chief Editor wall newspapers, believed that “physical labor is best vacation after mental work." Mishka Yakovlev, an excellent student, was going to study with Barankin and Malinin to improve his academic performance. Venka Smirnov, stood up for the guys at the general meeting, but shot at Barankin and Malinin with a slingshot when they turned into sparrows and tried together with Genkoy Koromyslov hit the guys with a shovel when they turned into butterflies, then destroyed the anthill when Barankin and Malinin turned into ants.

  • Color the pictures that could be illustrations for this work.

  • By what “system” did Barankin and Malinin turn into animals?

They cast a spell and had a real wish.

  • Who didn't the main characters turn into?

  • What do you think the word "compatriot" means?

A person who shares a common fatherland with someone.

  • Restore the sentences from the fairy tale.

And there's still a whole lot ahead human life and such a hard school year... And tomorrow is such a hard Sunday!..

It was enough to look once to be convinced that the life of birds and different insects she was carefree and just wonderful...

My profile was the exact opposite of an eagle's. I had a snub nose.

This means that if you really want it, you can really achieve anything and achieve anything!

Man - that sounds proud!

  • What did the boys have to do in their new appearance? Make matches.
Fly away from sparrow
escape from cats
Hide from the boy with slingshot
Disguise among colors
Learn to twist nests
fight for birdhouse
Fight with myrmics
Run away into the bushes from bees
Fly away from the girls with nets
Repair anthill
  • Guess what other works were written by Valery Vladimirovich Medvedev. You might want to read them too.


If Kostya Malinin and I had not managed to get two bad marks in geometry at the very beginning of the school year, then perhaps nothing so incredible and fantastic would have happened in our lives, but we got bad marks, and so the next day something happened to us something incredible, fantastic and even, one might say, supernatural!..

At recess, immediately after this unfortunate event, Zinka Fokina, the head of our class, came up to us and said: “Oh, Barankin and Malinin! Oh, what a shame! Shame on the whole school!” Then she gathered the girls around her and, apparently, began to form some kind of conspiracy against Kostya and me. The meeting continued throughout the break until the bell rang for the next lesson.

During this same time, Alik Novikov, a special photojournalist for our wall newspaper, took a photograph of Kostya and me with the words: “The deuce is galloping! The deuce is rushing!”, stuck our faces to the newspaper, in the “Humor and Satire” section.

After this, Era Kuzyakina, the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper, looked at us with a destroying look and hissed: “Oh, you! They ruined such a newspaper!”

The newspaper, which, according to Kuzyakina, Kostya and I ruined, looked really beautiful. It was all painted with multi-colored paints, in the most visible place from edge to edge there was a slogan written in bright letters: “Study only for “good” and “excellent”! »

To be honest, our gloomy faces of typical losers really somehow did not fit in with her elegant and festive appearance. I couldn’t even stand it and sent Kuzyakina a note with the following content:

“Kuzyakina! I propose to remove our cards so that the newspaper will be beautiful again!”

I underlined the word “beautiful” with two bold lines, but Erka just shrugged her shoulders and didn’t even look in my direction...


They don’t even let me come to my senses...

As soon as the bell rang from the last lesson, all the guys rushed to the doors in a crowd. I was about to push the door with my shoulder, but Erka Kuzyakina somehow managed to get in my way.

- Don't disperse! Don't disperse! There will be a general meeting! – she shouted and added in a malicious tone:

– Dedicated to Barankin and Malinin!

“And it’s not a meeting,” Zinka Fokina shouted, “but a conversation!” Very serious conversation!.. Take your seats!..

What started here! All the guys began to be indignant, slam their desks, scold Kostya and me and shout that they would never stay. Kostya and I screamed, of course, the most. What kind of order is this? Before you had time, one might say, to get a bad grade, you’re immediately faced with a general meeting, well, not a meeting, but a “serious conversation”... It’s still unknown which is worse. This was not the case last school year. That is, Kostya and I had two grades last year too, but no one started a fire out of it. They worked it out, of course, but not like that, not right away... They let me, as they say, come to my senses... While such thoughts were flashing through my head, the head of our class, Fokina, and the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper, Kuzyakina, managed to “suppress the rebellion” and forced all the guys to sit down in their seats. When the noise gradually died down and there was relative silence in the class, Zinka Fokina immediately began a meeting, that is, a “serious conversation” dedicated to me and my best friend Kostya Malinin.

It is, of course, very unpleasant for me to remember what Zinka Fokina and the rest of our comrades said about Kostya and me at that meeting, and, despite this, I will tell everything as it really happened, without distorting a single word and without adding anything Push…


How does opera work...

When everyone was seated and there was silence in the class, Zinka Fokina shouted:

- Oh, guys! This is just some kind of misfortune! The new academic year has not yet begun, but Barankin and Malinin have already received two bad marks!..

A terrible noise immediately arose in the classroom again, but individual shouts, of course, could be heard.

– In such conditions, I refuse to be the editor-in-chief of a wall newspaper! (Era Kuzyakina said this.) - And they also gave their word that they would improve! (Mishka Yakovlev.) - Unlucky drones! Last year they were babysat, and all over again! (Alik Novikov.) - Call your parents! (Nina Semyonova.) - Only they disgrace our class! (Irka Pukhova.) – We decided to do everything “good” and “excellent”, and here you go! (Ella Sinitsyna.) - Shame on Barankin and Malinin!! (Ninka and Irka together.) - Yes, kick them out of our school, and that’s it!!! (Erka Kuzyakina.) “Okay, Erka, I’ll remember this phrase for you.”

After these words, everyone screamed in one voice, so loudly that it was completely impossible for Kostya and me to make out who was thinking about us and what, although from individual words one could understand that Kostya Malinin and I were idiots, parasites, drones! Once again blockheads, loafers, selfish people! And so on! Etc!..

What angered me and Kostya the most was that Venka Smirnov was yelling the loudest. Whose cow would moo, as they say, but his would be silent. This Venka's performance last year was even worse than Kostya and I. That's why I couldn't stand it and screamed too.

“Red,” I shouted at Venka Smirnov, “why are you yelling louder than everyone else?” If you were the first to be called to the board, you would not get a two, but a one! So shut up and shut up.

“Oh, Barankin,” Venka Smirnov yelled at me, “I’m not against you, I’m yelling for you!” What do I want to say, guys!.. I say: after the holidays you can’t immediately call him to the board. We need to first come to our senses after the holidays...

- Smirnov! – Zinka Fokina shouted at Venka.

“And in general,” Venka continued to shout at the whole class, “I propose that during the first month no one is asked any questions and not called to the board at all!”

“So you shout these words separately,” I shouted to Venka, “and not with everyone together!”

“Oh, be quiet, guys,” said Fokina, “shut up!” Let Barankin speak!

- What to say? - I said. “It’s not Kostya’s and my fault that Mikhail Mikhalych called us to the board first this school year. I would first ask one of the excellent students, for example Mishka Yakovlev, and everything would start with an A...

Everyone began to make noise and laugh, and Fokina said:

“You better not make jokes, Barankin, but take the example of Misha Yakovlev.”

- Just think, an example minister! – I said not very loudly, but so that everyone could hear.

The guys laughed again. Zinka Fokina began to howl, and Erka shook her head like a big girl and said:

- Barankin! You better tell me when you and Malinin will correct your deuces?

- Malinin! – I told Kostya. - Explain...

– Why are you yelling? - said Malinin. – We’ll correct the deuces...

- Yura, when will we correct the bad grades? – Kostya Malinin asked me.

- And you, Malinin, don’t have your own head on your shoulders? – Kuzyakina shouted.

“We’ll fix it in a quarter,” I said in a firm voice, in order to bring final clarity to this issue.

- Guys! What does this mean? This means that our class must endure these unfortunate twos for the entire quarter!

- Barankin! – said Zinka Fokina. – The class has decided that you will correct your grades tomorrow!

- Excuse me, please! – I was indignant. - Tomorrow is Sunday!

- Nothing, work out! (Misha Yakovlev.) - Serves them right! (Alik Novikov.) - Tie them to their desks with ropes! (Erka Kuzyakina.) – What if Kostya and I don’t understand the solution to the problem? (I already said this.) - And I’ll explain it to you! (Misha Yakovlev.) Kostya and I looked at each other and said nothing.

At the beginning of the school year, Yura and Kostya managed to get bad marks in geometry. The whole class was upset by this first assessment of the team. I wanted to be the best in school in terms of academic performance. Everything happened because of laziness and unwillingness to study. At the meeting, the excellent students decided to tighten up the weak link. Instead of Sunday rest, classes were organized. Friends discussed their dissatisfaction. Barankin was struck by the excellent student’s phrase: “Barankin, be a man!” He is a man after all. Yura and Kostya began to imagine themselves as animals. And they really managed to turn into sparrows, then into butterflies and become ants. They seemed to have a carefree life. But birds need to be protected from cats, butterflies from collectors, and ants work all day. Having become people, the guys became more diligent and active students.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Being human means not just existing, but learning and thinking. If animals are accustomed to work, then it is a shame for a person to choose laziness. It is important to take responsibility, first of all, for your actions. Appreciate simple things, hands, feet. They are given for a reason.

1. from the site: labirint.ru

A good, funny book, my son read it in 2 days! We would also like to see what this author wrote.

2. from the site: labirint.ru

The book is a classic of children's literature.

The most popular Soviet hand-drawn cartoon was based on it. Barankin, be human!».

The cartoon and book are about the adventures of two lazy schoolchildren who, in order to avoid going to class, turned into sparrows, butterflies and ants. But in the end they realized that it was best to remain human.

The quality is normal for the series" School library", but to read this story to a child I would like to buy a more colorful book...

3. from the site: labirint.ru

I have the 2008 edition (as it is written in the annotation) - the paper is gray, loose, despite its density - the text shows through with reverse side. The font is ordinary, but due to the translucency, even I found it very uncomfortable to read. The illustrations are very rare, black and white, just one page at a time. So, at a minimum, my copy of the book does not match one of the reviewers' descriptions. The text is undoubtedly wonderful, but the edition was a big let down.

4. from the site: labirint.ru

Very good work, every child should read it in order to have an understanding of friendship and morality.

This work by V.V. Medvedev tells about the adventures of two friends, Yurka and Kostya. They dream of living without working, at will they first turn into sparrows and are convinced that no one in the world has an idle and careless lot. It's very hard to be human. This is why Yura Barankin and Kostya Malinin shirk being human throughout the entire story. We laugh merrily at the main characters who find themselves in various comical situations. But the most interesting thing is that, no matter who the boys turn into, their behavior remains human. And the reader sympathizes with the heroes because they bravely face all the dangers that threaten them, risking their lives, and come to the aid of each other. Isolated for a while from real world, the guys, thanks to their own friendship, realized how difficult, but how wonderful it is to be human.

Medvedev's story is funny, kind and wise.

The publication itself is decent. The cover is thick, the paper is white, the font is large. Everything students need primary classes. The format of the book is standard, which is also quite important, since you cannot take a huge book with you to the dacha or on the road. And everything is great here. Value for money

5. from the site: labirint.ru

A fascinating and instructive story-tale about amazing adventure Soviet schoolchildren - Yura Barankin and Kostya Malinin, which began with the fact that they managed to get bad marks in geometry at the very beginning of the school year.

May be, modern child, deprived of his pioneer childhood, the reaction of his classmates and, accordingly, the reason for the desire of the main characters not to be more people However, this, in my opinion, does not detract from the fascinating and instructive nature of the story.

As a result, the main characters first become sparrows, then butterflies, ants, and only in the end they come to the conclusion - how wonderful it is to BE HUMAN!

In addition, having been in a place with the heroes of the story “in the shoes” of defenseless creatures, the child should think about more careful attitude to living nature.

About the authors of the book "Barankin, be a man!"

On this tab you will find information about the author (or authors) of the book "Barankin, be a man!" It could be detailed biography writer or just some individual facts from his life. Unfortunately, we know very little or nothing at all about some authors (usually young ones).

We paid special attention to searching for photographs of writers, because it is always interesting to see the person who created the work you liked (or disliked:) or wrote the book that you are now thinking about purchasing.

Medvedev Valery Vladimirovich

FTM Agency:...born in the city of Ishim, Tyumen region. In 1940 he entered the directing department of GITIS. Studying is interrupted during the war. After graduation, he worked at the Theater. Mossovet, acted in films.

Valery Medvedev came to children's literature in 1957. The book "Barankin, be a man!" translated into more than 25 languages ​​of the world and was awarded a diploma International competition them. G. H. Andersen. In 1983, his book "Barankin's Fantasies" was awarded State Prize them. N.K. Krupskaya.

On this tab we try to collect various useful information from the Internet about the book Barankin, be a man!" For example, about where this book can be read for free online: this could be a link to reading the book itself, or to some work published in this book, or to another edition of this books.

We also try to find and publish links about where it can be downloaded for free and in good quality to a computer, tablet, smartphone, iPhone, iPad or other device. We also try to post links here to detailed reviews books (if any) and some other interesting information about her.

Unfortunately, this section is not yet complete for all books presented in the catalog on the website, but it is constantly updated and filled with new useful links.

  1. http://litrus.net/book/read/52807 (price: 0.00)
  2. Barankin, be human! read online for free: http://flibusta.net/b/381485/read (price: 0.00)
  3. Barankin, be human! download for free in fb2, mobi, epub format (these formats are suitable for tablets, iPad, iPhone): http://flibusta.net/b/381485/
  4. Barankin, be human! read online for free: http://likebook.ru/book/view/19255/?page=1 (price: 0.00)
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