Ararat Keshchyan with his wife Yekaterina Shepeta. Univer's star Ararat Keschyan congratulated his wife on her sixth wedding anniversary. Serious conversation with dad

Was born on October 19, 1978 in Gagra into an Armenian family. Later, together with his family, he moved to Adler.

In 1999, at the suggestion of his brother Ashot Keshchyan, he began to participate in the KVN games. As part of the "Lumumba's Grandsons" team in the 2000-2001 season, he became the absolute champion of Sochi, having won the championship in Sochi and the Super Cup in Sochi. In 2002, as a member of the Lumumba Grandsons, he again won the championship in Sochi. As part of the Big Sochi KVN national team, in 2001 he became the champion of the Start KVN League, in 2002 - the semifinalist of the KVN Northern League. As a member of the National Team of Peoples (RUDN University) team, he became the champion of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful of the 2006 season.

In 2007, together with his brother Ashot, he took part in the filming of the entertainment program "Blah-Blah Show". Took part in the filming of the program "Out of the game", and in the issue number 10 - as a host (together with his brother Ashot). Also, together with his brother, he participated in the third season of "Fight Club" - a humorous project of the studio "Kvartal-95". In 2009 he took part in the filming of "Comedy Woman" (issue No. 20) as a guest actor.

In May 2008, he took part in one of the demonstration battles in the TV show King of the Ring against Nikolai Lukinsky and lost in it.

From 10 to 24 August 2008, at the Humor FM radio station, together with his brother, he hosted a humorous program “Olympic Reserve” about the events of the 2008 Olympics.

At the beginning of 2009 he was invited to the second season of the sitcom "Univer", where he plays one of the main roles - Arthur "Michael" Mikaelyan, a cunning and charming Armenian who came to Moscow from Adler.

He starred in one of the episodic series "Happy Together" in a cameo role.

Ararat Keshchyan's new wife. Model from Kostanay (Kazakhstan), who studies in Moscow. In 2007, after graduating from the gymnasium. M. Gorky, the girl went to Moscow to receive higher education. At first, she tried herself as a student at the Faculty of Design at the Moscow State Technical University. Kosygin. But a month later, she realized that it was not hers, and entered the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), choosing the specialty "public relations". Now she is graduating from the university, an excellent student, she is going to graduate with honors. I must say that Ekaterina Shepeta is quite in demand in Moscow. For example, while preparing this material, we found a photo of her with the famous Russian actor Dmitry Dyuzhev. It was made at a time when Katya was working in one of the capital's film companies and participated in the PR campaign for the film "Pregnant" with Dyuzhev, Mikhail Galustyan and Anna Sedokova in the lead roles. Now the girl works in one of the Moscow PR agencies. - I was lucky with the choice of a specialty, and I am satisfied with the knowledge gained at the university for five years, - says Ekaterina. - I will note that I went to Moscow not to conquer it, but to get an education and live here. I have always liked this city, I feel comfortable here. I come home once every six months, I really miss my family! - Is your modeling career a thing of the past or do you continue to do it? - I never tried to build a career in the modeling business, - says Ekaterina. - I was more just participating in competitions than working as a model. It all started from childhood. When I was five years old, the question: "What do you want to become?" I answered, spinning in front of the mirror: "Model". When I grew up, I had very long hair, and everyone around me kept saying that I needed to go to a model school. Let's go. Then I was invited to the Miss Kostanay beauty contest, where I won the nomination. Further - “Miss Tourism Kostanay-2005”, nominations “Miss star smile” and “Miss Prophoto Agency” at the Kazakhstan contest “Miss Tourism Kazakhstan-2005”, entered the top ten at the All-Russian beauty contest “Miss Volga”. It was exciting for me to visit different cities, communicate with girls, learn something new. I think it was a hobby. The time has come when it has outlived its usefulness, I entered the university, and the crown, ribbons with nominations and memories remained from the competitive years. I don't really like the fact that now, due to my marriage, the media presents me as a Kostanay / Kazakh model. By the way, we did not advertise our wedding with Ararat, and journalists always attack him with questions about his personal life, and we do not want to do this. Our joint photo, posted on the website of a Kostanay newspaper, was taken with my iPhone - it is not clear how it got into the media ... according to the materials of the Local newspaper

Photo: in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus!" Ararat Keshchyan played with Gennady Khazanov and Nastya Zadorozhnaya. On January 11, 2013, Ekaterina Shepeta became the wife of Ararat Keshchyan. Ararat Keshchyan talks about his life and publishes many interesting photos on the official Instagram page - @araratkeshchyan.

The wife announced that she was pregnant in an unusual way, - the actor recalls. - The surprise was presented in a small box with the results of pregnancy tests. On an ultrasound scan, Ekaterina and I (the actor's wife. At the end of pregnancy, I urged my wife to: "Come on, give birth to a daughter. Stop keeping her." that the pregnancy had a strong impact on Katya's character.Everything went within the framework of the rules.

In terms of his wife's health, everything went, pah-pah-pah, smoothly. We went to the hospital together, but I was waiting outside the door of the delivery room. I was allowed to the first bath only as an observer. The mother-in-law and wife were working in the bathroom. And now the spouse, in most cases, copes independently.

There is no need to force, I do it with pleasure and without problems. The choice of a name for the child was left at the mercy of his wife. First, Katya suggested calling her daughter Victoria, as her close friend.

In his life, there were also novels, though not in such an amount as in his character Michael. The actor's first marriage, which lasted three years, ended in divorce, and this happened due to the fact that, in the opinion of Ararat's friends and relatives, he was too hasty and chose the wrong girl as his wife.

Ararat Keshchyan, wife

Ararat Keshchyan is reluctant to share with the public the details of his personal life. When the actor had a daughter a year ago, the couple did not even immediately tell what they called her. Ararat believes that the birth of Eve changed his life for the better.

I became more attentive, concentration, speed and coordination increased significantly. I can teleport in a second if a person is hanging from the couch. On the other hand, I can get lost in a second. Keshchyan's all-encompassing love for his daughter does not affect the methods of his upbringing. Ararat believes that a child should learn from birth to understand what is good and what is bad. “I don’t want my daughter to be spoiled.

Ararat does not hide that he is proud of his daughter. Our daughter is calm. Evochka is great, she gives her dad a good night's sleep, ”the actor says in an interview with the website“ Woman’s ”. Photos, interviews, ratings, polls, all the most relevant and interesting about celebrities - 24/7 on the pages of

Ararat Keshchyan is a Russian actor, presenter, comedian. Was born on October 19, 1978 in the city of Gagra, Abkhazia. At an early age, he moved with his family to Adler. After school, he entered the Sochi branch of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

In 2009, Ararat made his debut in the popular TV series Univer, with the role of Michael. Michael, or Arthur Mikaelyan, is a real Armenian, and unlike his friends Alexander Sergeev and Eduard Kuzmin, he does not miss a single pretty student at the university. However, his unbridled love for the female sex does not prevent him from studying, and by the end of the first part of the series, he graduates from university and enters graduate school.

In 2014, Keshchyan played Dzhabrail in the film Prisoner of the Caucasus. The actor is not registered on the VKontakte social network! Be careful, there are several dozen fake stars in VK! The family of the star of the "Univer" series Ararat Keshchyan is considered by many to be exemplary. The subscribers of Keshchyan's chosen one noted how glad they were that the spouses still spend time together. Many could not fail to note that Ararat looks very tired.

Nevertheless, Katerina is sympathetic to this, and therefore shows only care and attention to her husband. When we got married, we did not spend a day without Solik, and by the end of the year we even thought to divorce.

Ararat Keshchyan's wife first appeared after childbirth

You can role-play - for example, come to a meeting as if you don't know each other. Then the romance in the relationship will not fade away. " Video version ”dated June 26, 2010, Ararat Keshchyan announced that he was divorced, but the place of his girlfriend is no longer vacant.

Hooray! Hooray! Here we are. I'm stressed, - Katya admitted. - For the first time in 3 months I went out in the evening and left the baby at home. I am very worried about how my grandparents will cope with her there. " Katya Keshchyan has not yet returned to work. Recall that Ararat and Ekaterina secretly got married on January 11, 2013. Earlier, Ararat Keshchan was already married, but he became a father for the first time.

Ararat Keshchyan: "I lisp with my daughter until I get impudent"

In 2004, the RUDN National Team again reached the season finale, where, losing only 0.6 points to the Pyatigorsk National Team, it became the second. At the 2004 Jurmala festival, Ararat performed a new parody of Khazan's monologue "Parrot", and his team won the "Big KiViN in the dark".

Also, together with his brother, he participated in the third season of "Fight Club" - a humorous project of the studio "Kvartal-95". The news of the arrival of the famous Michael with his young wife to Kostanay was initially taken as a “duck”. But a month later, she realized that it was not hers, and entered the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), choosing the specialty "public relations".

I was lucky with the choice of a specialty, and I am satisfied with the knowledge gained at the university for five years, - says Ekaterina. When I grew up, I had very long hair, and everyone around me kept saying that I needed to go to a model school.

Ararat Keshchyan's second wife was Ekaterina Shepeta, a native of Kostanay, who came to Moscow to get an education and make a career. Ararat's first marriage with Irina Keshchyan lasted three years, in 2010 the couple divorced. In life, Ararat Keshchyan is much more modest, but no less charming than in the TV series "Univer", which made the actor super popular. Photo: Ararat Keshchyan at the premiere of the new film "Prisoner of the Caucasus!"

Ararat Keshchyan's house was covered with rubbish from Olympic construction sites

The charming Armenian who played the cunning macho Arthur MIKAELYAN nicknamed Michael is so enterprising and loving only on the screen. In life, Ararat KESHYAN is much more modest: he grew up in a simple Soviet family, and in love he was much less fortunate than his hero - an unsuccessful marriage led to divorce, and stormy romances now and then ended in disappointment and loneliness.

Ararat Keshchyan hails from the village of Nizhnyaya Shilovka, which is near the border with Abkhazia. The parents of the future star moved here from Gagra to save the family from the war in the early 90s. Once Nizhnyaya Shilovka was a flourishing place - today this small village of a dozen yards is more like a dump where construction waste from Olympic facilities is taken out. The people closest to Ararat live here: dad, mom, friends and relatives.


Raising children (Ararat has an older brother Ashot - the director of the films "Moms", "Nanny".) In our family was engaged in the wife, - says the actor's father Gevorg Ashotovich. - She worked as a teacher and kept the guys tight-lipped, they had a rather tough daily routine: school, homework, homework. Every hour is scheduled.
- Did the boys even have time to misbehave?
- Once I wanted to beat Ararat well. I asked him to collect tangerines after school, and he met a friend and played in the yard. I'm returning from work, and my son hasn't done anything. But then I didn't touch my son with a finger: he was as thin as a bicycle. I was afraid that I would not calculate my strength and would knock the boy down - my hand was heavy. I had to promise Ararat that I would postpone the punishment until later, when his meat grew.

Lumumba's grandson

While studying at the Sochi Polytechnic College in 1999, Ararat fell ill with KVN, as part of the "Lumumba's Grandchildren" team he was the absolute champion of the season. In 2003, the Keshchyan brothers were invited to Moscow to the RUDN National Team, where he became a leading actor, and soon the star of a popular TV channel.
- Did Ararat know that he would be an artist?
- He knew nothing! Grew up as an ordinary boy, - says the father of the actor. - Do you know why I called him that? In honor of the victory of the football club "Ararat" in 1973 in the USSR Cup tournament. My wife and I really wanted our son to become a football player. He did well, but the war started, we had to move, and there was no opportunity to train regularly. It was difficult for the guys: many of ours went to bandits, someone drank themselves.
- Success and fame often spoil people. You have not observed manifestations of star fever for Ararat?
- In relation to my own - no, but I began to notice that, coming home, my son avoids communication with neighbors, hides from passers-by: he does not like it when people ask him to give an autograph. I scold him: "You have achieved fame thanks to the attention of these people to you, so why are you running from them?" I think this is not star fever or pride. Rather, some kind of arrogance: not yet used to public life. Ararat listens to me because he knows: if it gets spoiled, I will keep my promise to crush his bones and put them back in their place!

Your village was covered with construction waste from the Olympic facilities. They say there are constant interruptions in electricity and communications. Do the guys plan to take you to Moscow?
- It is not customary in our family for a father to eat his son's bread. I'm 65, but until recently I worked - first as a civil engineer, then as a driver. Now retired. Ashot and Ararat once helped my wife and me build a house. During the Kaveen tours, the guys earned good money and invested everything in the construction site. This is their home!
- Do they often visit?
- Not like I wanted to. I scolded my wife: we had to give birth to another son so that at least someone could live nearby. Right now we are sitting at home alone, and besides, without light. Tired of calling different authorities - there is no life with this Olympics!

Not a street girl

In the fall of 2007, half of Adler went to the weddings of the Keshchyan brothers - they played two weeks apart. The elder's marriage turned out to be happy: his wife Karina had already given Ashot two daughters. Ararat's family life lasted less than three years: after the divorce, the actor tries not to remember his ex-wife Irina. Friends of the couple assure that the young people rushed to the wedding: they were completely different, from the common interests of only KVN. Irina is an arrogant Muscovite accustomed to freedom, Ararat is an Armenian raised in a family with strict morals. It is not surprising that immediately after the celebration, the spouses began to disagree.
“Ararat made an unfortunate choice,” his father thinks. - A man should marry, not marry a wife! It is customary for us: when a girl comes to the house as a bride, she needs to forget her ambitions and orders. Ira came to us with her charter, began to give orders - apparently, her parents did not teach her the rules of etiquette. They started scandals: Ira wanted to walk, Ararat dreamed of seeing his wife at home.

Did you bless his marriage?
- We had a conversation: I invited my son to find a bride from our circle. But Ararat hoisted: "If you like country girls, marry them yourself!" I knew he would regret it someday, but I said nothing more. So it all came out not like the people. Now I don’t climb into his life: let him marry whoever he wants. If only it was a clean woman, with whom at least one table could sit, and not a street girl.
- There were rumors that the actress Evgenia Sviridova, who played Lisa in the TV series "Univer", helped Ararat survive the divorce. Like, on the set they had an affair and Ararat even made an offer.
- My son did not discuss this with me. For us, his divorce was a great shame, - Gevorg Ashotovich sighs. - I heard that he had a girlfriend, but, apparently, this time he chose a career. Ararat understands that as soon as he gets married, the doors in front of him will begin to close, because the family takes up a lot of time.

Hearing test
Express Gazeta called Evgenia Sviridova to find out who her heart is now occupied.
“It's hard for me to remember our relationship with Ararat,” the actress sighed. - Yes, we had a beautiful romance, but, unfortunately, it didn’t come to the wedding. I do not want to go into details, I will say one thing: today my heart is free.

Ekaterina Shepeta is a spectacular beauty and the wife of the star of the TV series "Univer" Ararat Keshchyan. The article will tell you more about the girl's biography.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina was born in Kazakhstan in 1989. She studied at the gymnasium. Gorky, and after graduation she went to Moscow to enter one of the capital's universities. She succeeded, and the girl became a freshman at the design faculty of Moscow State Technical University. However, soon Ekaterina Shepeta felt that her vocation lay in another area. She took the documents and entered the Russian State Humanitarian University. In 2012, the girl received a diploma in public relations.

Modeling career

From a young age, Ekaterina Shepeta participated in beauty contests. She liked to be in the spotlight, to make interesting acquaintances. The surrounding people admired her pleasant features and luxurious long hair. The first experience was the Miss Kostanay contest, followed by participation in Miss Tourism Kostanay and Miss Tourism Kazakhstan in 2005. At the all-Russian competition of beauties "Miss Volga" Shepeta, according to the estimates of the competent jury, was one of the ten most charming participants.

However, she herself does not like being called a model in the media. Ekaterina shares that it was, rather, her hobby, a way to bring more bright colors to life, to travel, to find new friends. Diplomas and personalized ribbons remind of the past, because now the girl is a young mother and the founder of her own profitable business.

Bright couple

Ekaterina Shepeta is married to actor Ararat Keshchyan, who became famous after the role of heartthrob Arthur Mikaelyan in the youth sitcom "Univer", and then starred in the films "Moms", "Nurses", "Exchange wedding". The celebration took place in 2013. It's funny that the wedding was celebrated three times: for close friends, colleagues and parents of Ekaterina in Kostanay. Reporters were not invited to the holiday - the couple treated the event as an intimate ritual accessible only to those closest to them.

According to the newlyweds, they met thanks to the director Sarik Andreasyan, with whom they worked. Ararat participated in the development of scripts for films and filming in them, and Yekaterina got a job at Andreasyan's company Enjoy Movies for public relations of film projects, in particular the comedy "Pregnant". There the future spouses met.

Ekaterina Shepeta, whose photos on the Internet fascinate, in real life struck the actor. A fair-haired, slender beauty with beautiful curls and an expressive smile - who could resist? At the time of their acquaintance, Keshchyan was recovering psychologically after a recent divorce from his first wife Irina. He was sure that from now on he would never marry. But the meeting with Catherine completely dispelled this pessimism. In 2014, the couple had a daughter, Eva. This was an unexpected surprise, because the doctors were convincing that a son would be born. The role of the father of a tiny and adorable baby is best for Ararat - he has become softer and softer.

The eleven-year age and cultural difference did not prevent the couple from creating a strong family. Ararat Keshchyan and Ekaterina Shepeta are not those who post every minute of family life on Instagram. They prefer to protect their relationship from undue attention, and in interviews they share a minimum of details. It is known that Catherine, out of respect for her husband's traditions and the desire to get to know her beloved better, began to learn the Armenian language. The girl also learned how to cook national dishes in order to pamper her husband with delicious things.

Present time

At the moment, Ekaterina is raising her daughter, and is also the director of the Utkin House wedding agency. The idea to start such a business was successful - the girl combines a source of her own income with the fulfillment of the wishes of the newlyweds. She, like a wedding fairy, strives to make every couple's ceremony perfect and magical.

Ararat notes that his wife is a workaholic. She does not like to spend time idly. A sincere desire to bring happiness to customers and hard work help her in the development of her business. While the husband acts in comedies, the wife manifests herself as a true business woman.

In their free time from active work, young people like to attend various events and shows, for example, "Comedy Club", or just enjoy home peace and comfort. Ekaterina Shepeta, whose biography began in Kazakhstan, managed to achieve success in the capital and find true love.

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