Functional styles of modern Russian language. Functional styles of the Russian language

Extralinguistic, or extra-linguistic, style-forming factors of functional styles

- these are those phenomena of extra-linguistic reality in which verbal communication takes place and under the influence of which selection and organization take place linguistic means, i.e. speech acquires its own stylistic characteristics. The use of language by speakers does not occur in a vacuum, but in a certain non-verbal context of a speech act, the factors of which, like the properties of the linguistic personality, influence the style of speech. These factors are very diverse. For the formation of functional styles, the so-called basic (or primary) factors are especially important. The main specific style features of the functional. styles are formed under the influence of such E. s. f., as a sphere of communication associated with one or another type of activity, correlative with the form of consciousness (science, art, politics, law, religion, everyday consciousness in the everyday sphere); the form of thinking (logical-conceptual, figurative, deontic, etc.), the purpose of communication is the main one (as opposed to the individual intention of a specific speech act), determined by the purpose of these types of activities in society; type of content (usually different in different areas of communication); functions of language (communicative, aesthetic, expressive, phatic, etc.); typical (basic) communication situation (formal/informal). Other (conditionally secondary) factors determine stylistic features, although they are characteristic of a particular function. style, but not essential and therefore found in other styles (usually with modification), but, most importantly, forming features not of the macrostyle, but of more specific varieties (substyle, genre, etc.). These are the conditions of communication and forms of speech that are not directly related to the purpose of the form of consciousness itself and the corresponding type of activity, but to the implementation of additional tasks of communication in some more specific type of activity, the conditions for its “course,” taking into account the uniqueness of the audience; in addition - interpersonal or mass communication, direct or indirect; oral or written form of speech, prepared/unprepared (spontaneous); monologue/dialogue; specific communication situation; kind of literature; specificity of the genre; relationships between speakers; their social role; individual intentions of the speaker (up to the manifestation of his style of thinking in speech), etc. These factors determine the stylistic features of speech, as if superimposed on the main, macro-style specificity, otherwise revealing more specific features of speech (for example, features of the popular science substyle in the field scientific speech, as if added to the latter and somewhat transforming it, or genre: article - review - review, etc.). Basic factors and their corresponding style features are invariant. Thus, in speech (text) there is, as it were, a hierarchy of stylistic features that constitute unity: secondary factors and stylistic features characterize the internal differentiation of each function. style into substyles, genres, etc. (see Classification and internal differentiation of functional styles). However, they are interconnected with the primary ones.

The situation is more complicated with the determination of the basic factors of decomposition. speech ( colloquial-everyday function. style– see), regarding which there are different points of view (see: ABOUT. Sirotinina, 1997). But most likely, the basic factors here should be recognized as formality/informality, immediacy/mediation, preparedness/unpreparedness of communication, which, together with goal setting, determine the type of work of consciousness in this area. For some functions styles, eg. newspaper-journalistic, the conditions of communication are essential (thus, the short time frame for creating newspaper texts determines the transition of expressive means to standard ones) ( V.G. Kostomarov, 1971).

Stylistic features are in an intermediate relationship from extralinguistic factors to linguistic means. Based on basic extralinguistic factors, a constructive principle of function. style(see) as a style-forming factor that determines the principles of selection and combination of linguistic means, organizing them into a system. The term-concept “extralinguistic” itself is quite conventional, since we are talking about functional. the nature of language, the conditionality of the stylistic distribution of linguistic means; therefore this term “acquires its own linguistic significance” ( D.N. Shmelev).

The study of extralinguistic factors of communication, their influence on the nature of speech and its stylistic originality contributed not only to the development of functionality. stylistics, but also sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, linguo-sociopsychology, theory of speech acts, pragmatics. In this case, it is obviously advisable to distinguish, on the one hand, factors (and their influence on speech) that are consciously realized by the speaker in the process of generating speech (writing a scientific work or newspaper article, etc.), and, on the other hand, factors independent of the desires of the speaker (for example, gender, age). It is the first ones that are associated with the concept of style, in particular functionality. style (as a conscious phenomenon).

When defining the function. styles and their classification, it is of paramount importance to rely on the type of activity corresponding to one or another form of social consciousness, since the nomination “sphere of communication” is broad and vague. Based on it, V.A. Avrorin identifies 12 spheres of communication, and Yu.M. Skrebnev generally believes that there are an infinite number of them. Meanwhile, it was the correlation in style of the sphere of communication with the specified extrafactor that made it possible to identify five intuitively realized functions. styles (usually studied in stylistics different countries): scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic, colloquial and, naturally, religious.

E. s. f. studied to varying degrees (in relation to one or another functional style). Meanwhile, their insufficient study and consideration in the study of functionalities. styles have a negative impact when solving certain issues of stylistics, for example: classification of styles, their internal differentiation, interaction, etc. E. s. f. scientific style(see), including such deep ones as the epistemic situation (in the unity of its three aspects - ontological, methodological, axiological), phases (stages) of the productive activity of a scientist - from problematic situation to the idea/hypothesis, its proof and conclusion), background knowledge, factors determining the composition of scientific. text, the subject of speech and his dialogue with the addressee, etc. ( M.P. Kotyurova, E.A. Bazhenova, L.M. Lapp, M.N. Kozhina, L.V. Krasilnikova, N.M. Razinkina, E.S. Troyanskaya, O.A. Lapteva, V.A. Salimovsky and etc.).

The importance of accounting for E. s. f. undoubted; especially in terms of explaining certain phenomena of style. Thus, taking into account the “shuttle nature” of scientific-cognitive activity and thinking made it possible to determine high status categories of retrospection and prospection and the retrospective/prospective principle of development of a scientific text.

Extensive literature is devoted to the issue of extralinguistic, including style-forming, factors ( D.H. Himes, V. Labov, M.A.K. Halliday, R. Fowler, R. Posner, scientists of the Prague School - B. Gavranek, F. Travniček, J. Filipec, K. Gauzenblas, J. Mystrik, M. Jelinek, J. Kraus). The latter develop the idea of ​​subjective and objective E. s. f. and styles. In Russian stylistics, the problem under consideration is presented in the works of V.V. Vinogradova, L.P. Yakubinsky, G.O. Vinokura, R.A. Budagova, A.N. Vasilyeva, M.N. Kozhina, V.G. Kostomarova, M.P. Kotyurova, V.L. Nayer, O.B. Sirotinina and many others. etc.

Lit.: Vinokur G.O. On the tasks of the history of language, in his book: Favorite works in Russian language. – M., 1959; Vinogradov V.V. Stylistics. Theory of poetic speech. Poetics. – M., 1963; Kozhina M.N. To the foundations of functionality. stylistics. – Perm, 1968; Hers: On speech systematicity scientific. style compared to some others. – Perm, 1972; Hers: Russian Stylistics. language. – 3rd ed. – M., 1993; Kostomarov V.G. Russian language on a newspaper page. – M., 1971; Vasilyeva A.N. A course of lectures on the stylistics of the Russian language. General concepts of stylistics. – M., 1976; Bakhtin M.M. The problem of speech genres // Aesthetics verbal creativity. – M., 1979; Vinokur T.G. Patterns of language use. units. – M., 1980; Nayer V.L. Levels of linguistic variability and the place of functional styles // Scientific literature. Language, style, genres. – M., 1985; Kotyurova M.P. On the extralinguistic foundations of the semantic structure of a scientific text. – Krasnoyarsk, 1988; Veshchikova I.A. Publ. style as a unit in the functional system. varieties of language, "Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. Philology", 1992. - No. 1; Baranov A.G. Functional-pragmatic text concept. – Rostov n/d., 1993; Sirotinina O.B. Studying colloquial speech as one of the problems of Russian stylistics, "Stylistyka-VI". – Opole, 1997; Hausenblas K. Vystavba slovesných komunikatů a stylistíka. Čsl. přednašky pro VI mezd. Sjezd slavistů. – Praha, 1968; Jelinek M. Stylove rospeti soucasne spisovne čestiny // Bĕlič, Daneš č etc. Kultura českého jazyka. – Liberec, 1969; Kraus J. Uvod do stylistiky pro informačni pracovniky. – Praha, 1977; Wilkoń A. Tipologia odmian językowych wspolczesnej polszczyzny. – Katowice, 1987; Halliday M.A.K. Language as Social Semiotic. The social interpretation of language and meaning, – London, 1990; Toshovich B. Functional style. – Beograd, 2002.

M.N. Kozhina

Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language. - M:. "Flint", "Science". Edited by M.N. Kozhina. 2003 .

- is a set of various techniques for analyzing a text (and its linguistic means), with the help of which stylistics forms knowledge about the patterns of language functioning in various spheres of communication; methods of theoretical development of the observed and...

- is a functional model. style, which is a subdivision of each of the functions. styles into more specific species formations, structured according to the field principle, i.e. highlighting the center (core) of the style and its periphery, including cases of intersection and... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

- (from Latin stilus, stylus - a pointed stick for writing, then - manner of writing, originality of syllable, style of speech). In linguistics there is no single definition of the concept of S., which is due to the multidimensionality of the phenomenon itself and its study from different points of view... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

- – a situation in which speech interaction between communicants takes place. Its most important parameters are usually described on the basis of classical models of a communicative act (K. Bühler, R. Jacobson, etc.). According to R. Jacobson’s model, these... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language


The article analyzes the factors in the formation of functional styles and the classification of functional styles. Analysis of the material made it possible to create a classification of style-forming factors and a classification of functional styles. The classification of style-forming factors includes linguistic ones (language functions) and extralinguistic ones. The latter are divided into subjective and objective. Objective factors include three groups: 1) related to the sphere of communication and activity; 2) associated with the attribute social (public); 3) related to the pragmatic situation. Subjective factors reflect the psychophysiological characteristics and states of the subjects of communication. The classification of functional styles is two-level, the first level consists of the styles themselves, the second - substyles, a more detailed division of styles. The presented classification summarizes the currently existing classifications of functional styles.

classification of functional styles.

extralinguistic style-forming factors

language style-forming factors

functional style

1. Arnold I.V. Stylistics. Modern English. – M.: Flinta, Nauka, 2002. – 384 p.

2. Bally S. Exercises in French stylistics. – M.: Librocom, 2009. – 275 p.

3. Budagov R.A. Literary languages ​​and linguistic styles. – M.: graduate School, 1967 – 376 p.

4. Galperin I.R. Stylistics of the English language. – M.: Higher School, 1980. – Ed. 3rd. – 316 p.

5. Zherebilo T.V. Dictionary of linguistic terms / T.V. Foaling. – Ed. 5th, corrected and supplemented. – Nazran: Publishing House “Pilgrim”, 2010. – 386 p.

6. Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2008. – 464 p.

7. Laguta O.N. Educational dictionary of stylistic terms / O.N. Laguta. – Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State. univ., 1999. – 332 p.

8. Moiseeva I.Yu. Intensifiers in English language: functional-stylistic and grammatical aspects / I.Yu. Moiseeva, V.F. Remizova // Contemporary issues science and education. – 2015. – No. 1; URL: http://www..

9. Murot V.P. Functional style / V.P. Murot // Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary / Ed. IN AND. Yartseva. M.: Scientific publishing house “Big Russian Encyclopedia”, 2002. – 507 p.

10. Nelyubin L.L. Explanatory translation dictionary / L.L. Nelyubin. – 3rd edition, revised. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2003. – 531 p.

11. Pedagogical speech science. Dictionary-reference book / ed. T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and A.K. Michalska. – M.: Flinta, Nauka, 1998. – 437 p.

12. Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms / resp. ed. V.Yu. Mikhalchenko. – M.: RAS. Institute of Linguistics. Russian Academy linguistic sciences, 2006. – 436 p.

13. Slyusareva N.E. Functions of language // Linguistics. Big encyclopedic dictionary / Ch. ed. V.N. Yartseva. 2nd ed. – M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1998. – P. 564-565.

The functional direction in stylistics, which arose at the beginning of the 20th century under the influence of the ideas of S. Bally, marked the beginning of a scientific understanding of the problems associated with functional styles. And, despite the fact that many problems have been posed and solved over the century, some questions regarding functional styles remain open. The development of new forms of communication actualizes interest in functional styles.

Purpose of this study: identify factors in the formation of functional styles and analyze the classifications of functional styles developed by linguistics.

Material and research methods

The research material was based on definitions of functional style extracted from dictionaries, textbooks and works on stylistics. The analysis of the factors in the formation of functional styles and the classifications of functional styles developed by linguistics was carried out using both general scientific methods(description, analysis, synthesis, hypothetico-deductive method), and general linguistic methods (method of analysis of lexicographic sources, passive linguistic observation).

Research results and discussion

Functional styles develop under the influence of certain factors. Many authors point to this. Basically, the nature of style-forming factors is extralinguistic in nature. However, V.P. Murot believes that linguistic functions have a direct influence on the formation of functional styles. On the other hand, notes N.A. Slyusarev, the study of functional styles makes it possible to identify with the help of which units and means of the language system certain functions of the language are realized. I.V. Arnold believes that the set of characteristic features of any style depends on the function or set of functions that dominate the act of communication. For example, in her opinion, the main function scientific style- intellectual and communicative - determines the choice of linguistic means for creating scientific texts. It is worth noting that in the “Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary” in the article “Functions of Language” this particular function is absent, which is consistent with the idea that the study of individual aspects of language enriches linguistics as a whole.

The formation of functional styles is mediated, in addition to the actual linguistic factors, by a combination of extralinguistic factors (I.V. Arnold, M.M. Bakhtin,.V. Vinogradov, I.R. Galperin, B.N. Golovin, M.N. Kozhina, V. P. Murot, A. K. Panfilov, J. Russell, etc.).

Spheres of communication, social practice, speech practice, human activity(from V.P. Murot - production activities) influence the choice and use of linguistic means to serve these same areas of communication, social practice, speech practice, and human activity.

Attribute public (social) is directly related to the formation of styles: functional styles are formed in public structures ah, not individually speaking. Hence, the types of social structures, types of social relations, forms and levels of social consciousness play the role of style-forming factors.

In general, the list of extralinguistic style-forming factors is very impressive, but clear classifications of factors this moment not available yet. In the interests of truth, we note that attempts have been made to divide factors into objective and subjective. Subjective factors included education, gender, and age of the communicating individual. As for the factors mentioned in the same source, such as the individual characteristics of the speaker, his belonging to a certain social group, social role, speech situation, they are classified as extralinguistic factors in general; there is no list of directly objective factors.

It is logical to assume that extralinguistic factors influencing the formation of functional styles are associated with pragmatic communication situations, because functional styles “serve” them and manifest themselves in certain communicative circumstances. The pragmatic situation of communication includes the subjects of communication, the subject, and the conditions of communication.

The style-forming factors associated with the subjects of communication are: communicating individuals (private person, official), group subjects, mass audience, social institutions, institutions, organizations.

An important role in the formation of functional styles is played by factors associated with the addresser: intension, i.e. the presence of a special goal, a special motive for the author.

Factors associated with the subject of communication include topics and subject positions of subjects.

Communication conditions influence the appearance of the following style-forming factors: formality/informality of communication, presence/absence of subjects of communication, simultaneous interaction/delayed interaction of subjects of communication.

In a generalized form, style-forming factors are presented in the table (Table 1).

Table 1

Classification of style-forming factors

Style-forming factors





Language functions

spheres of communication and activity

education of subjects of communication

types of public structures

gender of subjects of communication

types of social relationships

age of the subjects of communication

forms and levels of social consciousness

individual traits of subjects of communication

related to subjects of communication:

individuals (private person, official)

group subjects

mass audience

social institutions, government agencies, organizations

belonging of the subjects of communication to a certain social groups

associated with the addresser: intension (the presence of a special goal, a special motive for the author)

social roles of subjects of communication

related to the subject of communication: topics, subject positions of subjects

psychological condition subjects at the time of communication

related to communication conditions: formality/informality of communication, presence/absence of subjects of communication, simultaneous interaction delayed/interaction of subjects of communication

The question of the number and classification of functional styles remains controversial. A simple count of functional styles named in dictionary entries, textbooks and works on stylistics leads to ambiguous results. Their number varies from three.

However, it is worth noting that not all proposed classifications are simple, single-level. Many linguists see within the same style the presence of substyles or varieties of the same style. Thus, functional styles are presented as both equal, located in the horizontal plane, and subordinate, aligned vertically.

Both the quantity and the one-dimensionality/multidimensionality of functional styles are explained by the absence of a unified principle for their identification. The areas of activity and communication are cited as the basis for distinguishing styles; goals, objectives of communication, communication; types of communication situations.

I.V. believes that the “reference point” for recognizing styles can serve. Arnold and V.P. Murot, the so-called neutral style, possible in any communicative situation. U I.V. Arnold's neutral style comes into opposition with the colloquial and bookish, and in V.P. Murot - with the sublime and the reduced. To the group of book styles by I.V. Arnold classified scientific, business, poetic, oratorical, journalistic; and to the colloquial group - literary-colloquial, familiar-colloquial, vernacular.

Observations show that the criteria for identifying styles do not always follow a clear logic. So, O.N. Laguta contrasts the styles of book speech (scientific, official business, journalistic) with the styles of influencing speech (radio, television, film speech, fiction and oral public speaking). In this case, it is not explained how book speech differs from influencing speech (journalistic style may well perform an influencing function, and fiction can be classified as book speech).

Classifications in which styles are divided into substyles and then into smaller systems seem more thorough. In frequency, L.L. Nelyubin in the style of official communication sees the presence of a substyle of diplomatic documents, the system of which includes: the sublanguage of credentials, the sublanguage of project documents, the sublanguage of protocols, etc. .

Proposal by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and A.K. Michalskaya to distinguish in the scientific style, along with the actual scientific and scientific-technical sub-styles, a separate scientific-educational sub-style seems quite justified. However, the assertion that the scientific and scientific-technical substyles themselves can be presented in a popular science presentation raises the question: does this not result in a deformation of the scientific style itself, and does it not move into the category of other styles/substyles? The answer is most likely yes.

The presence of a scientific style is recognized by all the authors whose works we turned to in order to study the very concept of “functional style”. The only discrepancy was found in the Explanatory Dictionary of Translation Studies, where the style of science and technology is not designated, but rather the style of science and technology. It should be noted that the language of such a field as technology does not have a strict stylistic affiliation, so V.P. Murot believes that the technical substyle does not belong to the sphere of science, but to the sphere of production and distinguishes the production-technical style.

Formal business style present in most classifications. In general, this style in one form or another is recognized by all authors, despite some disagreements in its naming: some authors take into account only one of its components - either only the style of official communication, or only the business style. At I.R. Galperin in the style of official documents there is a substyle of business documents.

In quantitative terms, the scientific and official business styles are slightly inferior to the journalistic style - it is mentioned seven times (against eight mentions of the scientific and official business styles). Here, too, there are modifications of the name of the style: newspaper-journalistic and style of journalism and press.

Style fiction not recognized by all linguists. However, many scholars consider the language of fiction to be a separate functional style. I.R. Halperin distinguishes three substyles in the language of fiction: the language of poetry, the language of artistic prose, and the language of drama.

It is worth pointing out a striking fact: the language of everyday communication is not recognized as a separate functional style by all specialists in the field of functional stylistics, although there is no arguing that the stylistic characteristics of the language of everyday communication are not identical to the stylistic characteristics of, for example, the scientific style. The same linguists who do not deny its existence endow it different characteristics: everyday literary style, style of everyday communication, conversational style.

I.V. Arnold postulates that the presence of a conversational style is a consequence of the presence of an oral form of speech, but its presence is observed in written form in literary works, in correspondence, in advertising. Let us recall that the conversational style system of I.V. Arnold consists of three substyles - literary-colloquial, familiar-colloquial, and vernacular.

The presence of newspaper style in some classifications is controversial. I.V. Arnold, M.D. Kuznets, Yu.M. Skrebnev warns about the danger of substituting concepts: functional style should not be confused with genre. However, it is also wrong to completely ignore the language of newspapers, hence the emergence of such styles as newspaper-journalistic, newspaper-political, journalism and press style. I.R. Halperin insists on the need to recognize newspaper style and includes the language of news, announcements and advertising, headlines, and editorials in the style system.

It should be noted that the Czech linguistic school emphasizes a religious functional style, which is almost not covered in Russian studies.

Functional styles studied by linguistic stylistics show discrepancies with the functional styles identified in sociolinguistics. The subject of linguistic stylistics, the founder of which is S. Bally, is the study of language means associated with a particular style. The subject of sociolinguistics is the functioning of language in society. The range of problems studied by sociolinguistics includes the social functions of language, the social nature of language, the impact of social factors on language, i.e. The subject of sociolinguistics is the functioning of language in society, so sociolinguistics also considers functional styles. In the classification of functional styles adopted in sociolinguistics, the following styles are present: official, informal, professional, ritual or cult.

Generalization existing classifications functional styles allows you to create a unified classification that takes into account different points of view (Table 2).

table 2

Classification of functional styles



Actually scientific

Scientific and educational

Scientific and technical

Production and technical

Language of architecture and construction

Language of computer science

Language of industry, etc.

Official business

Army language

Business language

Language of diplomacy

Language of jurisprudence


Language of speeches

Press language

Radio language

Television language



Familiarly colloquial



Language of cinema

Language of fiction (poetry, prose, drama)

Significant for this classification are such style-forming factors as spheres of communication and activity, as well as the functions of language. The classification includes the often ignored texts of radio and television programs, as well as the language of cinema. The boundaries between styles are fluid, inter-style mobility is high: the language of radio and television can show similarities both with the language of the press and shift towards not only literary-colloquial, but also familiar-colloquial substyles, and even vernacular. The production and technical style intersects with the scientific and technical substyle of the scientific style, but does not duplicate it. Language feature films, like the language of fiction, has much in common with the colloquial style, but also differs from it in its aesthetic function, which is most inherent in the artistic style.

IN this work such a factor, often highlighted, as the type of speech (oral, written) was not considered. We believe that each functional style can be implemented in both written and oral form. This applies even to such, at first glance, purely oral styles as colloquial, the language of cinema, radio, and television. Being predominantly oral, they can also appear in written form. It is enough to point to the language of Internet chats, blogs, Internet forums, comments, and film scripts. However, it must be noted that the language of the press remains mainly written, while the language of radio and television remains oral.


Thus, this article presents a classification of style-forming factors and a classification of functional styles. The classification of style-forming factors includes linguistic ones (language functions) and extralinguistic ones. The latter are divided into subjective and objective. Objective factors include three groups: 1) related to the sphere of communication and activity; 2) associated with the attribute social (public); 3) related to the pragmatic situation. Subjective factors reflect the psychophysiological characteristics and states of the subjects of communication. The classification of functional styles is two-level, the first level consists of the styles themselves, the second - substyles, a more detailed division of styles. The presented classification is a generalization of the classifications developed by science to date.

Bibliographic link

Moiseeva I.Yu., Remizova V.F. FUNCTIONAL STYLES: FACTORS OF EDUCATION, CLASSIFICATION // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 2-3.;
URL: (access date: 03/01/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

As is known, style – one of the most polysemantic terms of modern linguistics. Describing the principles of selection and systematization of linguistic means, the concept of “style” varies depending on which principles from among the extralinguistic and linguistic are chosen as basic in the proposed definitions of the concept.

The doctrine of style - the final section elocution in ancient rhetoric that determined style as a system of purposefully selected and coordinated means that are used to express certain meanings . The concept of the relationship between style (tone) and genre of speech developed in antiquity (“the wheel” of Virgil, the theory of genres of Aristotle and Horace), according to which a certain genre corresponds to a certain tone, style), and a certain tone - a certain set of figures, allowed the linguistics of the XVIII- XX centuries indicate linguistic understanding style as a method, principle, manner of linguistic (speech) thinking and interaction . So, Yu.S. Stepanov lists five definitions of essence style as a manner of performing speech acts : 1) language style , or a variety of language traditionally assigned to one of the most general spheres of public life (according to which three styles are distinguished: “neutral”, “high”, or “bookish”, “low”, or “colloquial”, “familiar-colloquial” ", "colloquial"); 2) generally accepted manner of performing speech acts (oratory speech, judicial speech, everyday dialogue, friendly letter, etc.); 3) individual manner of performing speech acts (idiostyle); 4) language paradigm of the era , or the stylistic state of a language in a certain historical period of its development; 5) functional style , or a type of codified literary language in which the codified literary language appears in one or another socially significant sphere of performance of speech acts and the features of which are determined by the communicative originality of this sphere. The last version of the definition made it possible to expand the linguistic understanding of style, placing it in the broad context of the concept of communication, which “highlighted” the connection of stylistics with the linguistics of the text, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, semiotics, indicating the social and communicative orientation of the concept, correlating the category of style with the functioning of language, the function of linguistic communication and standardized use of language.

“...each person can own several individual "languages" , differing from each other both in the sphere of pronunciation and in the auditory sphere: everyday language, official language, the language of church sermons, the language of university departments, etc. (depending on the social status of the individual),” wrote I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay (emphasis mine – ed.). Moreover: “All people use different languages ​​at different points in their lives; it depends on different states of mind, from different times of day and year, from different age periods of a person’s life, from memories of the past individual language and from new language acquisitions" [ibid.: 200]. It is in this sociologized direction of anthropocentric linguistics that the concept of “style” develops in the twentieth century, representing not only the significance of the structural relationships of linguistic signs in the system, but also rules of a different order - the functional relationship of linguistic units in the process of socially significant communication, synthesizing the categories of extralinguistic and linguistic, objective and subjective.

As a special manner of performing speech acts, assigned to a certain socially significant sphere, the concept functional style has an ambiguous content volume in modern style. First of all, attention is drawn to the interpretation of this concept in the Russian and Czech linguistic traditions, because it is with these national schools of linguistics that the history of stylistics as a functional (communicative) section of the science of language is primarily correlated.

1. In the concept of Prague scientists (V. Gavranek, V. Mathesius, etc.), functional style was defined as the manner of performing speech acts, determined by supra-individual taste, convention, or norm, which depends: 1) on the purpose of the utterance; 2) type of statement and 3) situation. In accordance with these style-forming factors functional style this is a type of organization of linguistic expressions, depending on the characteristics of the communication process and, therefore, connecting the communicative aspect of language with a specific speech, text embodiment, extralinguistics and linguistics of speech It was believed that “...functional style is determined by the specific purpose of a particular utterance and represents the function of the utterance, that is, “speech” (parole)” [Gavranek 1967: 366]. In accordance with this definition, the following classification of functional styles was proposed [ibid.]:

Functional styles of literary language

A. Depending on the specific purpose of the statement:

1) practical message, 2) challenge (appeal), persuasion, 3) general presentation (popular), 4) special presentation (explanations, evidence), 5) codifying formulas.

B. Depending on the method of expression:

intimate - public, oral - written;

oral: 1) intimate: (monologue) - dialogue, 2) public: speech - discussion; written: 1) intimate, 2) public: a) announcement, poster, b) newspaper speech, c) book.

System (language) aspect, according to Prague scientists, reflects not the concept of functional style (as the concept of the functional aspect of speech), but the concept "functional language" , which is determined by “...the general tasks of the normative complex of linguistic means and is a function of the language (langue)” [ibid.]. Wed. [ibid: 365]:

Functions of literary language Functional languages

1) communicative 1) conversational

2) practically special 2) business

3) theoretically special 3) scientific

4) aesthetic 4) poetic.

“In linguistic utterance, we are therefore confronted with functional languages ​​in various types of functional styles” [ibid.]. Thus, the dichotomy of structural linguistics language/speech is justified functionally - by the clarity of the opposition of language/speech functions, reflected in the opposition of language (general, standard) and speech (specific, variant) spheres of communication, functional languages And functional styles .

2. In the domestic linguistic tradition (V.V. Vinogradov, G.O. Vinokur, B.A. Larin, A.M. Peshkovsky, L.V. Shcherba, L.P. Yakubinsky, etc.) functional style is defined as a functional variety of literary language , and the main problem is the choice of the basis for the selection and principles of classification of functional styles. At the same time, the “broad” and “narrow” definition of the concept (cf., for example, the behavior of all spheres of literary language under the term "functional style" in the concept of V.V. Vinogradov and the distinction of terms "functional varieties of language" And "functional styles" in the concept of D.N. Shmelev) are correlated in Russian style with central problem stylistic analysis of language in a functional aspect - to generalize real texts as defined by a system of differentiated linguistic means by those boundaries that are defined in the existing stylistic system of the language. So, according to V.V. Vinogradov, functional styles are differentiated, on the one hand, by the social functions of language (the function of communication is performed by the everyday style; messages - everyday business, official documentary and scientific; influences - journalistic and artistic-fiction), and on the other - by communicative functions (the communicative and everyday function is performed by conversational, book, everyday business and everyday life; scientific and communication - scientific and business and scientific and special; propaganda and communication - newspaper and magazine journalistic). According to D.N. Shmelev, the main functional types of literary language (“functional varieties of language”) include oral-colloquial speech, artistic speech and a set of functional styles enshrined in writing (scientific, official business and journalistic speech). Functional styles are areas of literary language that, in the principles of their systemic organization, differ significantly from the language of fiction and colloquial speech(a special aesthetic function of the language of fiction and the uncodified nature of colloquial speech as an “individual”, “personal” “language”). However, in any case, issues of functioning are correlated with the principle of systematicity and the need to represent this systematicity as a standard of real functioning in the language, to draw up a functional classification of the system of stylistic means of language, to implement any communicatively significant unit, a unit that marks certain stylistic relationships. Although the “pre-text” units of communicative motivation of linguistic signs themselves are not clearly fixed enough in this paradigm of stylistics, since, subordinate to the solution of problems of representing units of the stylistic system, the very factors of language conditioning are, as it were, accepted a priori, which implements a structural-functional approach, but not a communicative one. Hence the definition functional style as a phenomenon of the functional aspect of language , which consolidates in the Russian philological tradition the idea of ​​simultaneous fixation in the term “functional style” of “linguistic” and “speech” relevant content. Therefore, in Russian stylistics, a “synthesizing” model of functional style is implemented, considered simultaneously both as a style of language (a certain linguistic standard, an invariant of a separate functional sphere of socially significant communication), and as a style of speech (a specific implementation, a variant of the dynamic nature of language, its functioning in the process of speech activities) (cf. [Kozhina 1993; Stepanov 1990]).

3. Of particular importance is the synthesis of two traditions of functional stylistics in their relationship with the latest trends in functionalism and, above all, with discourse theory .

In modern linguistics, the classification and description of text-forming means is the most important task of both functional stylistics and text linguistics, discourse linguistics. Fulfilling this task requires a synthesis of the theory of functional styles and the theory of text, the theory of speech activity, psycholinguistics, and linguistic pragmatics. Since the functional style is realized in the form of texts of the same type of extralinguistic conditioning and communicative task, its speech systematicity is manifested, firstly, in the selection and frequency of units of different levels, and secondly, in the set of textual features themselves, which reflect the facets of the communicatively determined author's intention. Thus, the appeal of functional stylistics to the theory of discourse is natural, since the functional style generalizes certain texts that represent real participants and episodes of the communication process, and the actual communicative components of speech acts are associated primarily with the concept of discourse and the discursive process of speaking and understanding language, generating speech and its real exhibitors - texts. Discourse Usually a communicative event is defined as having the form of a text. In addition, it should be noted that the term discourse itself was originally used precisely in the meaning of “functional style.” The reason for the appearance of the new term lies in the characteristics of national language learning schools [Stepanov 1995]. If in the Russian tradition, thanks to the development of functional stylistics, the idea of ​​a functional style as a special type of texts and a speech system corresponding to each text was formed, then in the Anglo-Saxon tradition there was nothing similar, since there was no stylistics as a sphere of linguistics. However, the need to study the text-forming “forces” of language could not fail to be realized in connection with the debunking of the dogmas of anti-mentalism, which was reflected by the emergence of a new term “discourse”, which describes the functioning of a linguistic sign as a specific communicative event that generalizes the speech behavior of a linguistic personality. Moreover, modern approaches to discourse seem to repeat the logic of the formation of the concept of functional style: from language to communication and vice versa. Discourse is understood as a synonym for a text or an act of utterance, as well as “the originally special use of language to express a special mentality” (P. Serio). Wed: discourse – this is 1) the “givenness of the text” or the system (grammar) behind this givenness; 2) an arbitrary fragment of text consisting of more than one sentence or independent part of a sentence; 3) a communicative event that recreates the situation of “full semiotics” of natural language in the triad “language – world – consciousness”, etc. In accordance with the principles of the structure of discourse, a supporting concept is identified - the focus of the concentration of discourse created by the general context - a description of characters, objects, circumstances , times, actions and determined by a world common to the creator and interpreter - a reality “created” as the discourse unfolds (V.Z. Demyankov, T.A. van Dijk, V. Kinch, etc.). V.Z. Demyankov, in the dictionary of English-Russian terms for applied linguistics and automatic text processing, gives the following definition of discourse: “Discourse is a discourse, an arbitrary fragment of text consisting of more than one sentence or an independent part of a sentence. Often, but not always, centered around some Oprah concept; creates a general context that describes characters, objects, circumstances, times, actions... Elements of discourse: the events presented, their participants, performative information, and “non-events”, i.e.: a) circumstances accompanying the events; b) background explaining the events; c) assessment of the participants in the events; d) information correlating discourse with events.”

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Belgorod Law Institute

Department of Russian and Foreign Languages

Discipline Russian languageEssay

On the Topic: “Functional styles of modern Russian

literary language"

Prepared by:

Listener of group 342

Koptev E.A.


professor of the department

Antonova I.T.

Belgorod 2008


The concept of “speech culture” or “speech culture” includes two stages of mastering a literary language: 1) correctness of speech and 2) speech mastery.

Correct speech is compliance with the norms of oral and written literary language (pronunciation, stress, grammar, word usage, etc.).

Speech skill, in contrast to correct speech, is not only following the norms of the literary language, but also the ability to choose from coexisting options the most semantically accurate, stylistically appropriate, expressive, intelligible, etc.

Speech culture is integral part general culture person. For a lawyer, mastery of speech culture becomes a necessary professional quality, since language acts as a tool of his professional activity: all legal norms are fixed in language forms, law enforcement acts also have a linguistic form . Forming and formulating legal norms, protecting them in various procedural acts, explaining these norms to citizens, a lawyer must have an impeccable command of the language.

A lawyer has to deal with people of a wide variety of professions with different levels of culture. And in each case it is necessary to find the right tone, words that argue and correctly express thoughts.

In addition, every lawyer also acts as a speaker, as a propagandist of legal knowledge, giving lectures; The prosecutor and lawyer make public speeches every day in trials, so a lawyer needs to have public speaking skills.

It depends on whether the accepted norms of oral or writing, how adequately the terms and words he uses reflect the content of the information, whether individual phrases and sentences are correctly formulated, whether the texts of legal and other documents are drawn up, public opinion is largely formed about the level of general and professional culture of the corresponding lawyer, depends on his personal authority and the authority of the state body or public organization that he represents.

Practice shows that the level of language training of many legal practitioners does not meet modern business needs law enforcement. Unfortunately, we often come across lawyers who do not know how to draw up documents that meet the requirements of an official business style of speech, current legislation, and rules of record keeping; They do not know how to structure their speech expediently and logically, or express their thoughts accurately and convincingly.

This textbook aims to teach the construction of oral and written speech in professional legal activities, deepening and systematization of knowledge of the norms of functional styles of the modern Russian language. The material in the textbook promotes active mastery of the norms of official business style, instilling skills in stylistic analysis and drafting legal texts of various types (in law enforcement and law-making), and professional verbal communication skills.

The practical goals of the textbook determine its content, structure as a whole and the construction of individual chapters.

After each theoretical topic, questions and assignments are proposed that are problematic in nature, model some situations of professional speech communication and can be used both for self-test and in work with a teacher.

To consolidate and generalize the material being studied, control questions and assignments are given at the end of each topic.

The application contains directory, including V in the form of condensed formulations the most difficult spelling and punctuation rules, using which students and listeners can independently work on improving grammatical skills.

For current control on spelling and punctuation, the textbook contains special texts for written exercises And dictations of varying degrees of difficulty.

Samples of documents for official and household purposes And legal documents, given in the appendix to the textbook, can be used in the classroom to teach the preparation of official business papers.

Texts for oral exercises will help organize work with students and listeners to develop skills related to the need for public speaking.

The textbook contains the necessary theoretical material about the language of law and the functions of the language of law, about the accuracy of word usage in written and oral speech, about the features of the language of law, about visual media in oral public speech.

Functional styles of modern Russian

literary language. Journalistic, scientific

and official business styles, their features. Functional

stratification of the modern Russian literary language.

Extralinguistic factors in the formation and development of styles

Functional stratification of the modern Russian literary language. Linguistic features of styles and extralinguistic factors in the formation and development of styles. Spoken and book styles

The language is used in everyday life, in production, in the government sphere, in various fields of science and culture. The choice of language means in each case depends on the goals and conditions of communication. So, you yourself can easily determine in which communication situation a different phrase appeared : "In connection with the above, we consider it necessary to notify...", or " Due to the undeveloped problem of prosodic means...", or " He, they say, realized it, but it’s too late..." Here book phrases taken from an official business note or scientific article are adjacent to a colloquial phrase.

For example, a weather report will say: " Heavy rains occurred in the Central Chernozem Zone. Rainfall is expected in the coming days in the Moscow region". The same can be described differently: " And indeed, a cloud appeared. Her forehead appeared first. Broad forehead. It was a big cloud. She was approaching from somewhere below. It was a hulk who looked from under his brows. He, having risen above the city to half, turned his back looked over his shoulder and began to fall on his back. The rain continued for two hours". (Yu. Olesha).

The functional stratification of the Russian language is manifested in the fact that in certain communicative situations different sets of linguistic means are activated. Thus, in the protocols, clarifying constructions are frequent (participial and adverbial phrases; circumstances of place, time, manner of action, expressed by nouns with prepositions): " A motorcycle driven by S. was moving in the direction of Udmurtskaya Street along Moskovsky Prospekt in the third row at a speed exceeding 45 km/h".

In abstract reasoning, information is transmitted by other linguistic means (personal forms of the verb, personal pronouns, words in a figurative meaning): " The motorcycle is formidable. You can't play with him. When we think that speed is associated with danger, it is not the image of a car that appears in our minds, but the image of a motorcycle rapidly crossing out our field of vision"(Y. Olesha).

Each given communicative sphere is characterized by different sets of linguistic means (styles).

Functional styles- these are varieties of language, determined by the spheres of human activity and having their own norms for the selection and combination of linguistic units.

It should be noted that the goals of communication, its spheres, situations and other non-linguistic factors have a significant impact on the nature of the statement, on the speech we create.

It is known that different levels of language are differently associated with extra-linguistic phenomena. Style, compared to other aspects of language, is especially closely and deeply connected with extralinguistics. This is understandable: the phenomenon of style is formed as a result of the functioning of language in a specific utterance under the influence of extralinguistic factors. The category of style cannot be understood and explained; it generally cannot exist outside of the extralinguistic, since the phenomenon of the functioning of language and all stylistic changes in language and speech are not carried out outside of place, time and the participants in communication themselves. All this, taken together, certainly makes itself felt in live communication, and certainly affects the nature of speech, the colors of linguistic units and the interrelations of the elements of the utterance.

So, style is a phenomenon closely related to the extra-linguistic, or more precisely, conditioned by this extra-linguistic, outside of which style cannot be understood and assessed. Style is a phenomenon that can be understood only by taking into account the goals, objectives, situation and sphere of communication and the very content of the statement.

Therefore, extralinguistic factors are chosen as the basis for the classification of functional styles and their internal differentiation, considered, of course, in unity with the linguistic principles themselves.

First of all, functional styles correlate with the sphere of communication corresponding to a certain type of activity. The type of activity itself must be correlated with a specific form of social consciousness - science, law, politics, art - according to which functional styles are distinguished: scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic. As the extralinguistic basis of the colloquial-everyday style, one should name the sphere of everyday relations and communication, and ultimately - everyday life as the area of ​​​​relations between people outside their direct production and socio-political activities.

Style system of the Russian language Book styles are contrasted with colloquial styles as fixed in written form, more organized, stable and traditional in following norms, more complex in the use of linguistic means. The functional stratification of language presupposes the existence of three groups of linguistic units: 1) specific linguistic units typical of a particular style and used only within a given sphere of communication (mainly lexical units, some syntactic constructions). For example, in a formal business style: live at the address(cf. live), issue a warrant to occupy residential premises(cf. get an apartment, give an apartment), schedule the case for hearing etc.;2) relatively specific linguistic units. They can belong to several styles and be used in different communication areas. These are some morphological forms and syntactic constructions: infinitives, participial and participial phrases, passive constructions (in official business and scientific style), incomplete sentences (in colloquial and journalistic style), etc.;3) nonspecific units of language that are equally characteristic of colloquial and book styles; inter-style, or neutral. These are basically words and phrases that denote the most general processes, actions, signs, states: work, urban, busy, have, fast, very, white etc. In each style there is a certain ratio of specific, relatively specific and non-specific linguistic units. The use of specific or relatively specific language means in a style that is inappropriate for them is regarded as an error. So, the phrase is incorrect: " He appeared at the trial as a witness", used in colloquial speech. Official business style.Lexical, It is known that the activities of lawyers are multifaceted: it is directly related to the drafting of various documents, and to participation in the debate of the parties during the trial, and to the promotion of legal knowledge, etc. This obliges them not only to know the factual material well, but also to be able to present it in an accepted form, in other words, each time to make an appropriate choice from the means that the language has. However, their search is often carried out largely intuitively, which noticeably reduces the quality of speech. For the activities of lawyers, knowledge of the features of primarily two language styles- official business and journalistic. In fact, when drawing up various legal documents, such as an interrogation protocol, a court decision and the like, a lawyer must have a good understanding of the specifics of the official business style. To speak before an audience (in court or to explain laws), he needs to know the main features of the journalistic style. The features of the official business style were formed as a manifestation of its social function or purpose: it serves the relationships of people that arise in the production process. Formal business style- this is the style of government acts, laws, international documents, charters, instructions, administrative and clerical documentation, business correspondence, etc. With its help, communication is carried out between various institutions and organizations, as well as contact between authorities and citizens. The official business style is also used in the activities of the police, prosecutor's office and court. The purpose of this style shaped the choice of linguistic means. Of all linguistic styles, business style is considered the most conservative and monotonous. It’s understandable, because he serves the office. And any business process requires rigor in the preparation of documents, accuracy and brevity in the presentation of their content. Officially business speech is characterized by the nature and stylistic connotation of prescription and obligation, since in laws and in official documents in general the regulatory function of law approved by state power is expressed. In accordance with the above-mentioned properties of official business speech, its integral, specific stylistic features are accuracy , conciseness, specificity, objectivity and accessibility. Precision in business style plays special role, since in official documents unambiguous expression is required. Clarity of wording, strict normalization and standardization are necessary in a business document. Official business speech is characterized by frequent repetition and uniformity of speech means, which is why language cliches appear in it. They are caused by the fact that the topic of business speech is strictly defined, limited, the situations of its application are relatively few and of the same type. Facts of the same type are documented in documents of a certain type, homogeneous in name, form and content. Examples of clerical stamps are expressions like in pursuance of the order, for the purpose of improvement, for the past period, bring to the attention- stereotypical, template, but appropriate in a business document, in standard official business texts. A stamp in a business document helps to express a thought more specifically, concisely and in a more general way. Consequently, what is commonly called a clerical stamp is a completely justified and even necessary sign of an official business functional style. Lexical, morphological and syntactic features of business speech are determined by the main features of business style and vary depending on the genre and content of the business document , i.e. depending on the latter’s affiliation with a particular branch of state and public activity. These linguistic features of the official business style, due to their attachment to business speech, their functional conditionality and consistency of use, are the functional-stylistic norm of the official business style. Lexical features. Business style vocabulary is characterized by the widespread use of professional terminology (legal, etc.): claim, code, legal capacity. A characteristic feature of business style is the use of stable phrases and standard phrases: subject to satisfaction, to avoid, to impose a penalty, to come to an agreement; criminal case, prosecutorial supervision, investigative authorities. Business speech is distinguished by the absence of words with the meaning of a subjective assessment, which is explained by the properties of speech, the task of an objective attitude to the events being presented, devoid of emotionality and a subjective view of things.

The specificity of business speech requires the use of words only in their direct meaning.

Morphological features. The official business style is of a purely personal nature. Therefore, it is characterized by the predominance of the name over the verb, the widespread use of verbal nouns ( non-compliance, performance), as well as the use of numerous noun phrases that give the text an official tone.

Nouns denoting positions in business style are usually used only in the masculine gender ( investigator Ivanova, witness Petrov, director, accountant).

Business texts are also characterized by the use of nouns that denote the names of people based on a characteristic associated with some action or state, for example: witness, adoptive parent, buyer, accused, victim, prisoner.

The need for accuracy and objectivity in the presentation of events in a business document causes the predominance of nouns over pronouns in business style.

Business texts are characterized by the frequent use of verbs in the imperative mood and infinitives. This linguistic feature is associated with the imperative nature of the official business style, with its prescriptive-regulatory function : The court should have left the application without consideration and explained the right to bring a claim on a general basis.

Business speech is also characterized by the use of complex prepositions: in virtue of, in part, for the purpose of, in relation to.

Syntactic features. In order to achieve laconicism and precision in a business style, parallel syntactic constructions (participial and participial phrases, constructions with verbal nouns) are often used.

Stringing case forms: to analyze the results of experiments, implement the decisions of the meeting, familiarize those gathered with the achievements of advanced production.

Special form of the predicate: to strike - to strike, to insult - to insult, to accuse - to bring charges.

Passive designs: Traces were found, he was convicted of fraud, the marriage was dissolved.

A characteristic feature of business speech is also the predominance of complex sentences: a simple sentence cannot reflect the sequence of facts to be considered in an official business plan: He was found guilty of taking advantage of Popov’s housing difficulties, abusing his trust, and received 2 million rubles from him, allegedly for payment to the housing cooperative, and after some time he deceived Marchuk in the same way.

Business style syntax is characterized by a strict and specific word order in a sentence. This is caused by the requirement of logic, consistency, and accuracy of presentation of thoughts in business texts.

A stylistic feature of business speech is also the predominant use of indirect speech. Direct speech in an official business style is resorted to only in cases where verbatim quotation of legislative acts and other documents is necessary.

Substyles of official businessspeech style.

Lexical, morphological and syntactic features

Scope of operation legislative substyle - law, legal relations between citizens, as well as between individual organizations and institutions. The legislative substyle includes the following genres: law, civil and criminal act, decree, code, constitution, various charters.

Lexical peculiarities

1. Use of legal terminology ( appeal, cassation, plaintiff).

2. Use of Latinisms (de jure, de facto).

3. Use of archaisms ( head of state) and historicisms


4. The use of antonyms, since the laws reflect polar

interests - rights and responsibilities of citizens.

Morphological peculiarities

1. Use of abbreviations ( Ministry of Internal Affairs, RF) and compound words (taxpayer, testator).

2. The use of imperative verbs (exercise control, provide assistance).

Syntactic features

1. Frequent use of incentive, imperative sentences with words must, must (The accused is not must prove your innocence).

2. Predominant use of indirect speech.

3. Conditional infinitive constructions (If the applicant requests to register...).

Scope of operation administrative and clerical sub-style is administrative-departmental relations (official correspondence, documentation).

The administrative-clerical substyle includes the following genres: administrative acts, circulars, orders, instructions, as well as various clerical documentation: application, characteristics, autobiography, power of attorney, receipt.

Lexical features 1. Widespread use of bureaucracy ( undersigned, proper, following). 2. Use of departmental words (training part, grade book, travel certificate).Morphological features The use of personal verb forms and personal pronouns ( I, Ivanov Petr Dmitrievich; please provide it to me).Syntactic peculiarities 1. As a rule, complex sentences are used, as well as sentences with point-by-point listing, for example, in acts, protocols.2. Less often than in other types of business speech, a verb in the imperative mood and incentive, imperative sentences are used (they are used only in the genres of order, instruction). Graphics, writing and arrangement of details play a big role in clerical style. So , the official business style, as one of the varieties of literary speech, has clearly defined specifics, reflecting its social purpose. Publicistic style. Lexical,morphological and syntactic features The journalistic style has a different social purpose and other linguistic features. It is used in socio-political literature, periodicals, political speeches, and speeches at meetings. One of the important areas of its application is the work of lawyers. The journalistic style, unlike other styles of modern literary speech, performs a social function of influence (propaganda and agitation), which is closely intertwined with the function of message. The indicated originality of the style could not but affect its linguistic specificity. It manifests itself in the informative richness of speech, specificity, expressiveness and emotionality of presentation. According to the last feature, the named style is clearly opposed to the official business style. The expressiveness and emotionality of the presentation are determined by the task of actively influencing the audience. In this regard, a wide variety of lexical and grammatical means are used in journalism. The main linguistic features of this style are as follows. Lexical features. The journalistic style uses a variety of vocabulary and phraseology, including words that express emotions and expression. This is how I concluded my speech about I.A. Goncharov A.F. Horses: " At the new cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra a river flows, one of the banks of which rises steeply. When Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov died, when the inevitable thing happened to us allordinary history , his friends - Stasyulevich and I - chose a place - on the edge of this steep bank, and the author rests thereOblomov... on the edgebreaks ...(Koni A.F. Memories of writers. L., 1965. P.225). Imagery and the emotionality associated with it are manifested here, in particular, in the fact that the author used the titles of the writer’s works not quite normally, but by giving them expression. A special group of vocabulary that is used in the journalistic style is formed by words denoting socio-political concepts (freedom, democracy, progress, forum, state, society etc.), as well as professional vocabulary of different fields of knowledge. The named style is also characterized by standardized combinations in which words are used in a figurative sense: pre-election watch, tournament orbit.Morphological features. A morphological sign of a journalistic style can be considered the use of personal and possessive pronouns ( I, you, we, my, yours, ours), determining the personal nature of the entire narrative, its expressiveness. Personal forms of verbs are often represented by the 3rd person in a generalized personal or impersonal meaning ( we are informed, conveyed, said, reported, noted etc.).The use of the 1st person plural form is also typical. verbs with the meaning of incitement to action: Let's meet, let's celebrate.Syntactic features. A specific feature journalistic style is the presence of a widely developed system of expressive syntax. These include constructions with nominative themes: Nuremberg. The ancient Bavarian city was chosen for the trial of fascism. An important attribute of journalistic speech are various types of interrogative sentences (problematic questions, questions of denial, non-existent various types of emotional expression, rhetorical questions): Is it possible to convince judges of something without convincing yourself? In the journalistic style, the actualization of logical significant members of the sentence is actively used. This is served by the inversion (reverse word order) often found in journalistic texts: The lawyers made their speeches - very different speeches. Journalistic style is used in different types public speeches, including in debates between the parties in court, and in the promotion of legal knowledge. The characteristic features of this style - the relevance of the issue, passion and imagery, sharpness and vividness of presentation - are determined by the social purpose of journalism - by reporting facts, forming public opinion, actively influencing the mind and feelings of a person. Scientific style.Lexical,morphologicaland syntactic peculiarities The scientific style of the Russian literary language is most clearly manifested in the organization of the speech system when people communicate due to the need to express, transmit and preserve scientific information. The principles of objectivity, abstraction and logic characterize the most important stylistic qualities of scientific speech: impersonality (non-subjectivity) , generality (distraction from particular, unimportant features) and emphasized logic of presentation, which determine the choice of linguistic means. Lexical features. The scientific style is characterized by the use of special vocabulary, a certain terminology of commonly used vocabulary, and limited use of emotional and evaluative vocabulary. A characteristic feature of scientific speech is the widespread use of terminological vocabulary: hypothesis, pneumothorax (accumulation of air in the pleural cavity), icosahedron (twenty-sided), presumption, action.Morphological features. Characteristic use of pronouns we, our to express the author's position: Our experiment was as follows... Of the personal forms of the verb, the 1st person plural forms are usually represented. ( celebrate, celebrate) or 3rd person plural. ( register).For nouns with a real meaning, the use of plural forms is typical. ( resins, oils, steels, concretes This style is also distinguished by the predominance of the present tense form of the verb: The visual part of the brain highlights the contour elements of geometric shapes. Derivative (nominal) prepositions and conjunctions are common in the scientific style: during, as a result, at the expense of, in accordance with and etc. Syntactic features. In the scientific style, complex sentences and simple ones are often used, complicated by participial and adverbial phrases, isolated definitions, and introductory constructions. In a simple sentence, the tendency towards direct word order is clearly expressed. Passive constructions are widespread: the characteristics of an organism are encoded in DNA; krypton compounds obtained...Varieties of scientific style The scientific style is distinguished by the unity of norms for the selection and use of linguistic means. The scientific style functions primarily in written form. But with all this, there are also such varieties as an oral report, conversation, public speaking. The oral form leaves a significant imprint on the nature of speech in these genres. In the case of an oral form, a speech may be unprepared (for example, participation in a discussion), and then it has the characteristics of an oral spontaneous speech. In such a speech, self-interruptions, introductory colloquial words, deviations from written norms of word order, etc. are possible. A prepared speech (for example, a report at a conference) implies oral spontaneous perception, and the speaker always - consciously or unconsciously - takes this into account and constructs his speech in such a way so that it is easier to perceive by ear. As a rule, he uses different methods of dividing the speech flow, uses a variety of constructions with nominative themes, repetitions, introductory phrases, insertion and connecting constructions. Scientific works also have their own stylistic features. A monograph and a textbook, a report, a lecture, a message in different audiences, an article for a scientific or popular science magazine are different from each other. The task of popularization scientific knowledge determines the existence popular science style(or substyle). The degree of popularization can be different, therefore the activity of linguistic means that serve to achieve simplicity and clarity of presentation also turns out to be different depending on the nature of the addressee. Popular scientific literature in proper meaning is addressed to a wide audience and has as its task not only the dissemination of scientific knowledge, but also the influence on the mass reader, the formation of certain views and beliefs in him, which brings popular science literature closer to journalism both in functional tasks and in linguistic terms . Popular science text usually contains open author's inclusions, often addressed directly to the reader and marked by the use of various expressive means of language. Here the author’s “I” is manifested, and “we” is not abstract, but concrete and contact-establishing in nature. For this purpose, various interrogative constructions, exclamatory sentences, and addresses are used. The use of special terms is reduced, the names of complex concepts are given a descriptive form. For the purpose of clarification, comparisons and elements of figurative narration are used, which, however, never reach such a degree of specification as in artistic speech. Popular scientific presentation requires from the author not only high scientific awareness, but also journalistic talent , the ability to present scientific questions accurately, interestingly, and intelligibly. last years The rapid development of science and technology has made it necessary to develop forms of brief, standardized description of scientific and technical achievements. Dictated by various goals, such genres as abstracts, abstracts, patent descriptions, and technical instructions have developed. Since we are talking about scientific and technical information, they are based on linguistic means of the scientific style. The need to unify the form of expression within each genre brings them closer together according to the principle of organizing linguistic means with works of business style. On this basis listed genres sometimes combined into a special scientific-business style(or substyle). CONCLUSIONS 1. Functional styles are varieties of language, determined by areas of human activity and having their own norms for the selection and combination of linguistic units.2. Book styles are contrasted with colloquial styles as fixed in written form, more organized, stable and traditional in following norms, and more complex in the use of linguistic means.3. Official business style is the style of government acts, laws, international documents, charters, instructions, administrative and clerical documentation, business correspondence, etc.4. Journalistic style - the style of newspapers, socio-political magazines, propaganda radio and television programs, speeches at meetings, rallies, ceremonial speeches, etc. The main means of the journalistic style are designed not only for message, information, logical proof, but also for emotional impact.5. Scientific style is the organization of the speech system when people communicate in connection with the need to express, transmit and preserve scientific information. LITERATURE1. Akishina A.A., Formanovskaya E.I. Russian speech etiquette. M., 1986. 2. Alekseev N.S., Makarova Z.V. Oratory in court. L., 1985. 3. Alshevsky T.V., Piskarev I.K. Samples of court documents on criminal and civil cases. M., 1983. 4. Boyarintseva G.S. Lawyer's speech culture. Saransk, 1987. 5. Velts R.Ya., Dorozhkina T.N.. Rhetoric. Ufa, 1995. 6. Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of speech culture. M., 1988. 7. Golub I.B., Rosenthal D.E. A book about good speech. M., 1997. 8. Gorbachevich K.S. Norms of modern Russian literary language. M., 1978.

Functional style is a historically established and socially conscious variety of a literary language (its subsystem), functioning in a certain sphere of human activity and communication, created by the peculiarities of the use of linguistic means in this sphere and their specific organization. However, what is common is the recognition of the functional nature of styles, their connection with a certain sphere of speech communication and types of human activity, the understanding of style as a historically established and socially conscious set of methods of use, selection and combination of language units.
The classification of styles is based on extralinguistic factors: the scope of use of language, the subject matter determined by it and the goals of communication. The areas of application of language correlate with types of human activity corresponding to forms of social consciousness (science, law, politics, art). Traditional and socially significant areas of activity are: scientific, business (administrative and legal), socio-political, artistic. Accordingly, they distinguish the styles of official speech (book): scientific, official business, journalistic, literary and artistic (artistic). They are contrasted with the style of unofficial speech colloquial conversational, the extralinguistic basis of which is the sphere of everyday relations and communication (everyday life as an area of ​​relations between people outside their direct production and socio-political activities).

The classification of functional styles is often associated with language functions, understood as specific goals of communication. Thus, there is a known classification of styles based on three language functions: communication, message and impact. The functions of communication are most consistent with conversational style, scientific and official business messages, journalistic and literary-artistic influences. However, with such a classification there is no differentiating basis that allows us to distinguish between scientific and official business, journalistic and literary and artistic styles. The functions of language characterize it as a whole and are inherent to one degree or another in any style. In speech reality, these functions intersect and interact with each other; a specific utterance usually performs not one, but several functions. Therefore, the functions of language in classifying styles can only be considered in combination with other factors.
Scope of use of language, subject matter and purpose of the statement determine the essential features of a style, its main style-forming features. For the scientific style, this is the generalized abstract nature of the presentation and emphasized logic; for the official and business style, the prescriptive and obligatory nature of speech and accuracy, which does not allow for discrepancies; for the colloquial style, ease, spontaneity and unpreparedness of communication, etc.
Style-forming factors determine the peculiarities of the functioning of linguistic means in a particular style and their specific organization.

There are 5 functional styles:

  • scientific - the meaning is to give an accurate and clear idea of ​​scientific concepts (for example, terminological vocabulary);
  • official business - official correspondence, government acts, speeches; vocabulary is used that reflects official business relations (plenum, session, decision, decree, resolution);
  • journalistic - characterized by abstract words with socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, openness, peace-loving);
  • colloquial - characterized by great semantic capacity and colorfulness, gives liveliness and expressiveness to speech;
  • fiction - used in fiction.
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