Where to find films and programs about fashion. The most rated shows about models

This program, which is a competition among girls who dream of becoming models, has already had its 21st season! The show was launched in 2003 by model Tyra Banks, who is not only the producer of the program, but also the main jury of the competition. It is noteworthy that Tyra selects not only girls with ideal model parameters, but also those whose height is up to 170 centimeters, girls in the “plus-size” category and even male models.

The show has a Russian analogue, the first season of which was called “You are a supermodel!”, and later – “Top Model in Russian”. Starting very soon new season Russian-language version of the program. 20 Russian girls will take part in the competition, 10 of whom live abroad. “Top Model in Russian” will be hosted by Natasha Stefanenko.

"Project Runway"

"Project Runway" is another American show that has a Russian version. Aspiring designers participate in the competition. According to the conditions, they must, within a certain amount of time, from certain materials and create an outfit based on a specific theme. On our television, the program was hosted by Anna Sedokova. The judges of the American version for a long time Designer Michael Kors, journalist and writer Nina Garcia and supermodel Heidi Klum performed.

"Get it done in 24 hours"

The creators of the show and its host Alexander Rogov are confident that it only takes 24 hours to completely change. Every girl who wants to transform herself and has the ability to do so can participate in the casting. good reason: dreams of impressing her new boyfriend, going to a class reunion or going to a job interview. Within 24 hours, Alexander Rogov and his team of hairdressers, makeup artists and cosmetologists will make anyone ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.


Unlike all programs related to transformation, the hosts of Ugly.NET do not abandon their heroines after the work has been done. They stay with the girls until they understand that they are able to independently maintain the image created by the stylists. Interestingly, an additional psychologist works with the girls, helping program participants to believe in themselves, their own attractiveness and strength.

A true fashionista will gladly exchange watching some TV series for a popular fashion program.

In Russia there is " Fashionable verdict" And " Female form", in the USA and Great Britain, an incredible number of projects and reality shows with transformations are devoted to fashion in general.

DELFI invites you to support the domestic manufacturer and presents the TOP 5 Ukrainian TV shows about fashion.

"Goddess of Shopping"

Presenters: Daniil Grachev, Alexey Durnev, Vladimir Ostapchuk

TV channel: TET

About the project: folk wisdom It says it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes than from your own. The Shopping Goddess program gives you this opportunity. The rules of the show are simple: every week four beauties compete for the title of "Goddess of Shopping". Girls storm boutique fitting rooms and try to choose the best ones for themselves. best outfits. Only the best one wins fashionable girl. The host of the show, fashion expert, Danil Grachov, gives tasks and assessments to the participants. There are also celebrity commentators on the show. On this moment these are Lesha Durnev and Vladimir Ostapchuk. The creators of the project also promise that Andrei Merzlikin and Vladimir Dantes will soon appear on air again.

"Fashion Chronicles"

Presenters: Katya Tokareva

TV channel: M1

About the project: “Fashion Chronicles” is a “must-have” for every girl who wants to look stylish and correspond to modern fashion trends. The program often pampers viewers exclusive videos from fashion shows in Paris, London, Milan and New York.

"Fashion Week with Daria Shapovalova"

Presenters: Daria Shapovalova

TV channel: "Kyiv", "Inter +", "Maxxi TV"

About the project: one of the few professional television programs about fashion. Its creator and presenter, Daria Shapovalova, is directly related to the fashion industry. Daria's articles appear on the covers of magazines such as Elle, Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, and it is at her invitation that recognized professionals of the global fashion industry visit the Ukrainian capital every season.

"Queen of the ball"

Presenters: Inna Tsymbalyuk, Evgeniy Kalkatov, Theo Dean

TV channel: TET

About the project: Prom fashion is also fashion. After all, for any girl, prom is one of the most suitable events to show herself in all her glory.

Inna Tsymbalyuk, together with hairdresser Evgeny Kalkatov and stylist Theo Dean, is simply the embodiment of the fairy godmother from famous fairy tale. Very soon the audience is waiting new release programs and, as always, the team of stylists of the “Prom Queen” will transform shy and timid girls into stunning, spectacular beauties. Each of the four participants in the show will be able to try on the Queen’s crown at her prom, but only one will have the opportunity to compete for the honorary title of All-Ukrainian Queen.

"Everything will be fine. Roman Medny"

Presenters: Nadezhda Matveeva and Roman Medny

TV channel: STB

About the project: fun show"Everything will be fine" is a kind of parade useful tips. the main task the show is to change the lives of viewers for the better. This is what the cheerful presenter Nadezhda Matveeva and the invited experts are doing.

Fashion stylist Roman Medny gives excellent advice to all fashionistas. He does not force women to chase fashion trends, but simply and clearly explains how to choose the right outfit, highlight advantages, hide flaws, and so on.

Winter is ahead, with long nights and dark evenings, but not everything is so bad, you can find many things to do, including watching an interesting and educational movie about fashion.

A lot of publications have been written on the topic of fashion films, but they all tell the same thing, without revealing anything new. Websites and blogs provide almost the same list, without giving advice on how to find something new. will try to fill this gap.

First, let's start with what is known and publicly available, and then move on to more complex...

Famous feature films about fashion

1. Funny Face, 1957
2. Photo enlargement, 1966
3. High Fashion, 1994
4. Model male, 2001
5. The Devil Wears Prada, 2006
6. Coco before Chanel, 2009
7. Shopaholic
8. Glyanec (Russia)
9. Sex and the City
10. Desert Flower
11. Gia

You can watch all these films, but you can’t learn anything really useful about the fashion world from them. These films are entertaining in nature; only Blow-Up and Coco before Chanel can be taken seriously. The film “Gia” cannot be called entertaining, but you also cannot learn anything useful about fashion from it. The film is simply sad, tragic, and Desert Flower is more about the plight of African women and the fight for women's rights than fashion.

Documentary and educational films about fashion

1. Podium, 1996
Documentary film where the main character is a story about the world of fashion and fashion shows in Milan, Paris, New York...

2. Verushka - life in front of the camera 2005


3. Secrets of Lagerfeld, 2007
4. Valentino - The Last Emperor, 2008
5. September issue, 2009
6. Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge - Mad Love, 2010
7. Bill Cunningham New York 2010

Bill Cunningham is a veteran of streetstyle photography, it was he who became the founder this direction fashion shooting.

Most of these films are available in Russian and can be purchased or watched directly online. On this traditional lists fashion films are ending. But if you're actually interested in fashion, try a creative DIY search on youtube.com.

I managed to find more than a hundred films and TV shows about fashion, as well as many different lectures and master classes. By asking queries like fashion history, fashion industry, you will find a lot of films. When you open a video for viewing, youtube.com will present a whole column on the right similar videos, where you may find many more interesting things on the topic of fashion that you never thought about. Many films and programs about fashion have completely unpredictable names, so the only way to search for them is with a creative approach.

Having found interesting film or a show about fashion, you can watch directly on youtube.com, and if you prefer a big screen, download the video and record it on a flash drive. How to download videos from youtube.com? There are a lot of programs for this, the most common and simple is Free YouTube Download, it is shareware, works as long as you like, but displays advertising.

If you wish, you can find a great variety of videos that will delight and bring new knowledge.

Television in the USA is a terrible force. It's no secret that Americans can make a show out of anything, even gender reassignment surgery. Hence the number of entertaining programs for all ages. Everyone can find a show to suit their taste. Of course, American television does not ignore the sphere of fashion and modeling business. For this purpose, there is a separate layer of entertainment programs, many of which we have known and loved for a long time. Most successful projects analogues even appeared in Russia. Let's remember the most rating shows related to the modeling business.

Without exaggeration we can say that the most popular show about fashion is “America’s Next Top Model” with Tyra Banks. The enormous success of the project can be judged by the number of seasons released - there are 22 of them! Season 23 is currently being filmed. Similar shows have spread throughout the world. Even distant Australia has its own “Top Model”. Certainly, this project- this is, first of all entertainment, which cares more about its own ratings than about a deep dive into the modeling business. Therefore, most of the show's airtime is devoted to the personal lives of the models living under the same roof. The producers focus special attention on the quarrels and even fights that happened more than once between the girls during the project. And yet, the number of invited stars from the fashion world as judges and mentors is impressive. In addition, the show “America’s Next Top Model” has always been distinguished by the presence of participants with non-standard parameters and beauty: in addition to plus-size models, short girls, tattooed, and with scars took part in the project. There were even transgender people appearing on the show.

Not so long ago Russian channels started broadcasting another show about the difficult life of a model, “TheFace” (“Gloss”). In essence, this is an analogue of “America's Next Top Model”, only the format is slightly changed. Here, according to the same principle, models compete with each other, and star mentors help them in this. However, Glyants has its own characteristics. Naomi Campbell, Coco Rocha and Karolina Kurkova - supermodels and the main faces of the project - recruit a team of several girls, who are taught everything they can do. Thus, the struggle is not only between aspiring models. Supermodels also do not want to concede to each other in anything, so they fiercely defend their charges. Well, where would we be without Naomi’s scandalous antics, because, in fact, the whole project rests on her alone.

In addition to the successful shows listed above, there are, of course, one-day projects that fly by like comets and then are forgotten as if they never happened at all. One of these reality shows was “The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency”. The project lasted only two years from 2006 to 2008, and then disappeared into oblivion. Perhaps the reason for this was the scandalous nature and non-standard approach to work main star project - supermodel Janice Dickinson.

Another show, which, unfortunately, did not last long on television, has the simple name “I am a supermodel!” (“Make me supermodel”). The hosts were Nicky Taylor and Tyson Beckford. The television program aired on American TV in 2008-2009. The main intrigue of the show is the confrontation between girls and boys who had to live under the same roof and fight on equal terms. It is not entirely known what ruined the show. Perhaps the reason was the absence of A-list stars like Tyra or Naomi on the project.

The most famous reality show for designers, without a doubt, was and remains “Project Runway” with Heidi Klum. Here designers compete with each other for the right to present their collection at Fashion Week. At the same time, there is a competition between the models that the designers participating in the project choose to demonstrate their creations. "Runway" also boasts celebrity guests. For example, the permanent judge of the project is Michael Kors. Diane von Furstenberg often comes to visit designers. Every week, participants complete tasks of varying complexity: from making dresses from flowers and confectionery to sewing an evening dress for the next appearance of a Hollywood star.

Probably the most unusual show about models is the television project “America's Most Smartest Model”. The reality show was broadcast back in 2007 in the USA and lasted only one season. main idea– to prove that models are not at all deprived of intelligence. The project participants, boys and girls, performed various tasks and took part in quizzes, where they answered questions about fashion and more. So, for example, someone could not decipher the abbreviation DKNY, and some did not even know the simplest facts from their history home country. The winner of the show received one hundred thousand dollars, and, of course, honorary title- America's smartest model.

Text: Anzhelika Kapilevich

Olga Dubro

Columnist for Tricolor TV Magazine

Remove this immediately: how fashion is covered on television in Russia

The Big Four fashion marathon started in early September in New York with the spring-summer 2018 collections. In the coming month, fashion weeks will capture minds and be in the TOP news. Let's see how things are going with the coverage of fashion events on TV channels that are available to subscriberslargest Russian operator digital television "Tricolor TV".

One of the participants in the show “Take it off immediately”

In the list of fashionable countries in the world, Russia is trailing behind. But our compatriots on the red carpets of different international festivals regularly appear on the list of the most ridiculously dressed guests. It is obvious that everything is fine with our taste. Only in Russia is “collective farm chic” and a passionate love for show and brands more alive than ever. Perhaps the situation could be corrected by educating viewers through specialized channels about fashion, but federal television there is no such.

The topic of fashion is poorly covered by all-Russian channels: most programs boil down to the “share and dress” scheme and the transformation of Cinderella into a princess. With such a meager selection, it becomes clear why we still respect bell-style fur coats, while among Russian designers they only know Vyacheslav Zaitsev and Valentin Yudashkin.


And yet we love fashion. The richest TV channel in fashion programs "Home" He teaches housewives style as best he can. Programs are designed to instill taste "Take It Off Now", "Style Guide", "Beauty Juries", "Fashion Dictators", "Canons of Beauty", "Let's Get Dressed". Most of them first give their heroes five minutes of shame and self-flagellation, then with the hands of mentors they transform them and direct them on the path of beauty.

Show "Closet" and its host Svetlana Permyakova. Photo: shkaf.friday.ru

The presenters, who are supposed to be experts in the field of fashion and beauty, also raise doubts. Show "Closet" on Friday leads Svetlana Permyakova, best known as the star of KVN and the TV series "Interns" and probably designed to shorten the distance between the average Russian woman and the person on TV. "Beauty Jury" leads Evelina Bledans, whose acting talent and beauty we don’t question, but the presence of taste – yes. “Fashionable verdict” saves Evelina Khromchenko , as the only person I want to imitate in matters of style.

The transmission stands out "In style" on TV channel "Yu". Images of stars from the red carpet, world news, clips from shows, news from Russian designers, trends and anti-trends, master classes from famous makeup artists, presenter Irena Ponaroshku and even the appearance of fashion bloggers, which generally serves as a marker of the modernity of any media, is very similar to the fact that one really wants to learn about fashion.


As we see, there are catastrophically few projects that would introduce female viewers to real situation affairs in the world of trends. In search of programs about taste, let’s turn to the channels that are available to subscribers of the largest Russian digital television operator, Tricolor TV.


Housewives around the world tune in to New York's fashion, entertainment and style channel Fashion One 4K. World fashion lives here: broadcasts from catwalks, makeup trends, secrets behind the scenes of fashion magazines, discussions of designer collections, fashion geography, demonstrations of the latest trends in high, street and wedding fashion.

Thanks to broadcasts and recordings of fashion week shows, viewers are familiar with the names of designers Philipp Plein, Diana von Furstenberg, Zac Posen, Alexander McQueen, their iconic techniques and best collections. The exclusive Fashion 24 Hours series dives into daily life people from the fashion industry. How do models live in ordinary life, what happens outside the podiums and what you have to sacrifice for the sake of your career - you can also get behind the scenes of the podiums.

Included in packages "Ultra HD" , "Unified Ultra HD" .


Stands nearby World Fashion Channel with 30 million viewers in Russian version. The international channel is adapted to the Russian viewer, but does not lose its comprehensive approach to covering the fashion world. For example, weekly news is hosted by Alexander Anatolyevich, known since the stellar times of MTV. The channel’s film crews work at fashion weeks, collaborate with fashion houses, and act as media partners for film awards, festivals and major industry events. Thanks to this, we can observe how elegant pumps are created J `Adior by Dior, evaluate the stellar performances of models and actresses, and gain practical information on how to adapt fashion trends in everyday life.

Included in the package "Single" .


The LUXURY HD channel can be used as a powerful visualization and materialization tool. It helps a lot to create a list of desires and take the first step towards their realization - look and imagine. Luxury houses, expensive restaurants, luxurious clothes, prestigious beauty salons become a little closer with the LUXURY HD TV channel. There is also a little culture in this kingdom of spiritual values: at least information about significant events in the field of high art.

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