Is poplin underwear good? Useful information about poplin fabric

Poplin - what kind of fabric? The description of poplin fabric, the composition and photo of this material are presented below in the article on our website, we will also talk about poplin in a small scar.

Poplin is a double-sided fabric that can be plain or patterned. For its manufacture, a thin dense base is combined with a coarse and rare transverse weft, which creates a small scar. You can find out from the photo what kind of fabric - poplin in a small rib, whether it stretches or not - on our website.

It is customary to call this type of fabric material “Papal fabric”, because it was originally developed by specialist weavers in the French manufactories of the city of Avignon, solely in order to sew vestments and clothes from it for the Pope and his entourage. The description of the material also often notes the ancient traditions of its use in many European countries in the realm of the church.

The main properties and composition of poplin

In its modern version, it is a cotton-based product. Previously, poplin was part of the fabric, but such a solution does not find its application today.

Due to the use of a cotton base, the material acquires the following characteristics after production:

  • Complete hypoallergenicity (does not cause allergic reactions in humans and animals);
  • High level of air transmission;
  • No problems with washing and ironing;
  • Increased strength;
  • Wear resistance (withstands many washings and is durable in use);
  • Soft and pleasant to the touch.

These characteristics of poplin fabric are very reminiscent of the one on the basis of which it is produced.

The main feature of the material is the type of plain weave used in the manufacture: in the weave one thread is thin, the second is thick (about 1.5-2 times thicker).

As a result, the fabric has transverse and longitudinal scars, which forms a rep effect. Thick threads are located inside, and thin threads bend around them, ending up on the outside.

Scope of application

Based on the characteristics of the fabric material, a very simple conclusion can be drawn that they are sewn from poplin. It's feminine and Men's shirts and jackets, cocktail and evening dresses, pajamas. In the past, the material was used to make ball gowns.

Very often, in the description of poplin fabric, it is indicated that bed linen is made from it. This is true - such a practice is actively practiced in last years in many countries of the world. soft, thin, has an exquisite matte sheen. It is as durable as calico bed linen, but more pleasant to the touch and softer.

Poplin fabric: advantages and disadvantages

In the description for poplin fabric, all the advantages of the material are indicated, which is also applied to cotton: softness and pleasantness to the touch, air permeability, moisture absorption, heat retention, the ability to keep its shape, no need for ironing after washing. All these properties are also achieved due to the density of the material, which varies from 100 to 110 g/sq.m.

Poplin is practically devoid of flaws, however negative sides can be seriously manifested in low-quality material. Cheap models are not 100% cotton, so such a characteristic as hypoallergenicity and strength indicators is questionable. That is why when choosing, you should not pay attention to the cheapest options, it is best to prefer a more expensive model, which is guaranteed to be of high quality.

Interestingly, bed linen with an unusual and original 3D effect is very often made from this fabric material, which looks very non-standard.

Fine-ribbed poplin is a type of fabric that has become popular all over the world today. You can learn more about the care of the material in our special section "", dedicated to this issue.

Materials used for tailoring bed linen, constitute the main factor in the choice of such home textiles. Every zealous housewife wants all household members to feel comfort and bliss when immersed in their sleeping bed. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to such fabric as poplin, from which a large assortment of KPB is produced.

History of occurrence

Experts agreed that the production of poplin originated in France. Not far from Avignon, where the residence of Catholic dignitaries was located, cotton was grown. The Roman pronunciation of the fabric sounds like "popolino" or, in other words, "papal material."

In that era, the produced fiber was called "European coarse calico", since it came from Europe.

Species and varieties

The main gradation allows you to distinguish the type of fabric into synthetic, silk, cotton. Manufacturers produce various combinations, where, in addition to the cotton base, there is:

  • synthetics;
  • wool;
  • silk;
  • viscose.

Synthetic fiber is woven into the warp in small quantities, even more rarely you can see a fabric made from natural silk or weft containing worsted wool raw materials. Grodesin is considered an expensive variety of poplin. which is produced in India. Modern industry produces the following varieties:

  1. dyed. The canvas is bleached and dyed in the specified color. The process is implemented using dye drums. Manufacturing technology involves ten hours of coloring, washing, after which some of the coloring components are washed off. As a result, the material becomes resistant to color loss.
  2. Printed/printed material. In the work cycle using fabric printing machines, a pattern is applied to the base. The production technology allows you to get a colorful, realistic and clear picture. If high-quality dyes were used, they are not washed out and are resistant to solar exposure, they have complete environmental safety. The ancient techniques implied manual application of the image, now this function has been taken over by machines.
  3. bleached poplin. The canvas gets rid of an unpleasant grayish or yellowish tint through chemical treatment. flawlessly White color can be inherent in both the finished product and the one that is at the stage of preparation for further processing.
  4. Multicolored. Threads and fibers of various shades in the weaving process form patterns with longitudinal or transverse elements.

Manufacturing description

When manufacturing on the machine, thin warp threads and thicker weft threads interact. The fibers are closely intertwined, forming a high strength and wear resistance of the finished product.

Distinctive features of production:

  • plain weave material;
  • high tissue density is created;
  • due to the difference in the thickness of the threads, a characteristic scar is formed.

Poplin coloring and pattern printing

Fabric dyeing occurs immediately after bleaching. Modern textile production positions two methods of industrial printing:

  • Reactive.
  • pigmented.

The first way is more expensive. This is due to the fact that the dye forms a stable relationship with each individual fiber. As a result, a single system is formed that retains softness, where molting is completely excluded. Pigment-type coloring is superimposed on top of the material. After the dye dries, the fabric becomes a little stiffer.

Staining properties

The importance of coloring to style textiles

  1. Bright colors along with pastel colors look equally beautiful on poplin.
  2. The canvas, where a double-sided pattern is implemented, allows you to get interesting combinations when sewing CPB.
  3. The coloring method leaves an imprint on the final cost of the product.

Advantages of poplin

  • high level practical wear resistance;
  • resistance to temperature, solar, aggressive effects;
  • noble shine;
  • the fabric has a pleasant softness;
  • care does not require special manipulations;
  • the material is breathable;
  • repeated washing does not provoke loss of color and shape;
  • ease;
  • the canvas can be used for people who suffer from allergic reactions, skin diseases. The delicacy of poplin will not cause inconvenience;
  • harmlessness;
  • if desired, you can not iron;
  • affordable cost.

The positive characteristics of the canvas can satisfy the needs of the most demanding consumers.

What is the difference between poplin and calico

  1. Poplin is much softer than coarse calico and more pleasant to the touch.
  2. It has higher and more stable wear resistance.
  3. Coarse calico needs to be ironed, poplin - no.
  4. More interesting fiber weave structure.
  5. 100% natural cotton, poplin can combine the weave of other natural fibers.
  6. A material such as calico has a much narrower scope of practical application.

What is the difference between poplin and satin

  1. Satin is more expensive than the canvas in question.
  2. It is less strong, but softer in tactile sensations.
  3. more silky than poplin.
  4. Poplin is woven according to a special technology, where a linen weave of threads is provided. Satin is made according to a separate technique, where there are more weft threads than warps.

Raw material used for making

The canvas can be produced on the basis of the following raw materials:

  1. Cotton. Vegetable fiber. Most often used for the production of home textiles for sleep. The main advantage is high hygroscopicity.
  2. Wool. Combed or trimmed hair from livestock that has been processed. The fabric with wool acquires good hygroscopicity, retains heat. fiber in pure form cannot resist alkaline environment.
  3. Viscose. The fiber is artificially created, but the most natural raw material is cellulose obtained from wood. Viscose allows the finished fabric to be well dyed. Such fabric is not afraid of sun exposure, does not fade, has thermal conductivity and high elasticity.
  4. . The raw material is extracted from the cocoons of silkworm caterpillars. A product with this composition has gloss, strength, elasticity, uniformity in thickness.
  5. Synthetics. Textile fibers obtained by processing polymers of organic origin.

Bedding Care

  • care must be carried out in full accordance with the production marking;
  • Washing is allowed in manual and machine mode. The operation temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. When the laundry is washed in the machine, the number of revolutions should not exceed 600 rpm;
  • washing is carried out from the wrong side;
  • separately;
  • washing with powders with bleaching components is done with care so as not to damage the pattern;
  • pure bleach on the canvas is strictly prohibited;
  • drying should follow immediately after washing;
  • storage should be organized in a dry, ventilated chest of drawers or closet.

  1. Pay attention to the quality of the material and the principle of tailoring the product.
  2. Don't choose kits. home textiles for sleep, if factors such as uneven seams, extra threads, seams without additional “finishing” processing. Such underwear does not meet the requirements of the standard.
  3. It is rational to give preference to those products that are made by well-known manufacturers. Many brands are produced under famous brands who have proven themselves to be the best.
  4. To make sure that the PBC is really made of poplin, it is recommended to crumple the fabric in your hand. The real canvas will take the proper shape.
  5. If possible, a dye fastness test can be performed. From a drop of water that has fallen on the fabric, the paint should not be washed out, the dye does not remain on the fingers when touched.
  6. It is recommended to check the declared parameters of linen for compliance with reality.
  7. The color and pattern in high-quality textiles is clear and bright.

Instead of a conclusion

Poplin is a worthy material that will help you get really nice and practical bedding. The material has rich history, which is backed up modern technologies production. Quality, long service life, softness, interesting decor- everything is available subject to careful and competent choice. Poplin bedding is a must have in any home.

Poplin is a fabric that is already long years considered one of the best for the manufacture of underwear and bed linen. Things sewn from it are distinguished by the softness of the fabric, pleasant to the touch and very beautiful. This fabric originated many centuries ago, but it is still in demand and very popular.


The history of poplin origin dates back to the 14th century, when the technology of its manufacture was developed by French weavers. So, craftsmen from Avignon made poplin canvases and sewed clothes from it for the entourage of the Pope and for himself.

"Poplin" (papalino) translated from Italian means "papal", that is, this fabric is named after the Pope.

The first import of textiles of this type to Russia occurred presumably in the 18th century. In our country, this fabric was known as "European calico", it was expensive and was used for sewing clothes of wealthy people and interior items of their mansions.

Composition and properties

Initially, poplin was produced, for the most part, from silk threads. But later weavers improved the technology of its production and began to make it from cotton and synthetic fibers. The density of quality poplin is approximately 110 g/m2.

Today, cotton poplin is the most popular in the clothing industry.

Textiles of this type can be bleached and dyed, which, in turn, according to the method of applying the dye, is divided into printed, plain-dyed, multicolored. There is a rare type of this fabric, which is made by combining natural silk thread and wool.

  1. The original grayish-yellow color changes to snow-white as a result of the fabric bleaching procedure.
  2. Printed (printed) - images are applied to the fabric with a fabric printing machine.
  3. Plain-dyed - after the bleaching procedure, the material is amenable to uniform coloring.
  4. Multicolored - threads of different colors are used in production, the fabric is obtained with the effect of colored stripes or cells.

Poplin received high performance due to its positive properties:

  • retains heat well;
  • perfectly absorbs moisture;
  • easily passes air;
  • pleasant to the body;
  • high strength of the material;
  • smooth fabric structure;
  • soft and gentle to the touch;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • is not an allergen;
  • things made of poplin keep their shape well and are durable to wear;
  • does not stretch, does not roll, does not deform and does not lose color brightness after washing, drying, ironing;
  • lends itself well to sewing, cutting, dyeing;
  • withstands a large number of washes;
  • after washing, ironing is not required;
  • relatively low material cost.

Poplin in terms of cost significantly outperforms similar materials (coarse calico, satin). Its price is low, and the quality is much higher; in operation, it is more wear-resistant and durable.


Poplin manufacturing technology is the application of the method of plain weaving of fibers. The warp and weft threads are intertwined with each other in a ratio of 1:1. hallmark this type of textile is the presence of small scars on the surface of the fabric. They arise as a result of the use of threads of different thicknesses in the weaving process: a thin thread is taken for the warp, and a thicker thread goes along the weft. The thickness of one fiber is greater than the thickness of the other by about 1.5-2 times.

Modern production technologies make it possible to produce poplin with a 3D effect. It is achieved by using a special diagonal weave of fibers.

Application and care

What is sewn from fabric?

A lot of products are sewn from poplin, namely:

  • linens;
  • underwear;
  • pajamas and nightgowns;
  • uniform;
  • clothes for sports;
  • summer clothes (dresses, men's shirts, blouses, bathrobes, sundresses);
  • poplin with silk threads is used in tailoring evening dresses and accessories;
  • curtains;
  • kitchen textiles (napkins, potholders, towels).

Poplin is also used in modern types needlework: patchwork, textile appliqué, scrapbooking, tailoring of toys, accessories, jewelry and interior decor items.

Laundry and ironing

In care, this fabric is very unpretentious. It can be washed in water up to 60 degrees, but even at temperatures up to 40 degrees, this material is perfectly washed. If the pollution is strong, then digestion is acceptable for cotton poplin. In the machine, this procedure is performed in the 90-degree mode. Machine wash allows spinning at maximum speed. It is recommended to dry poplin on fresh air in a shaded area.

The structure of the fabric is such that the fabric practically does not wrinkle and there is no need to iron it. If items of clothing are sewn from poplin, then they are ironed on the “cotton” mode (up to 110 degrees).

Poplin products - a good choice, for a relatively inexpensive price, the consumer receives a thing that is both beautiful, and high-quality, and durable.

Poplin fabric is durable, so it is suitable for bedding

Characteristics of poplin fabric

The fabric is made by weaving. Two threads are taken as a basis, different in thickness, one is thin, and the second is twice as thick. Due to this, a scarred relief is created. The fabric is 100% cotton and contains no synthetic ingredients. Due to this composition and weaving method, it has the following characteristics:

  • dense, but not rough (density is 115 ± 7 g / m²);
  • does not wrinkle;
  • does not roll;
  • keeps its original shape for a long time due to weaving;
  • passes air and moisture;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not shed even at 60°C;
  • not electrified.

Poplin is cheap. Differs in durability and wear resistance.

In reviews of poplin for bed linen they say that the fabric does not shed and does not stretch after washing, it is soft, despite its relief structure, and it is pleasant to sleep on it.

Some poplin manufacturers use synthetic additives, silk or wool. In this case, the canvas differs in its properties. Therefore, when buying poplin products, you need to carefully read the composition.

Poplin fabric for bed linen

The material is similar in characteristics to coarse calico, it is durable. Poplin is suitable for bed linen, as it does not lose its shape and color with regular washing in the machine. If you choose between this material and satin, then it is worth considering that they are absolutely the same in composition. They differ only in the way of weaving. The manufacturing technology of satin is complex, the fabric is shiny with a sheen. It looks like silk, but has all the properties of cotton.

Advantages of satin over poplin:

  1. Softer.
  2. More pleasant to the body.
  3. Easier.
  4. More beautiful to look at.
  5. Has bright colors.

Satin is much more expensive than poplin. But in terms of wear resistance, it loses to all cotton canvases. Deciding which fabric is better - satin or poplin, you need, based on personal preferences.

When choosing a material for bed linen, you need to pay attention to the description and the manufacturer; you can buy synthetics instead of cotton. natural fabric has a soft texture and retains heat. Thanks to the poplin weaving method long time keeps its shape and does not lose to expensive canvases.

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