Origin of the name Polina Negative side of the name. Folk signs, customs

The female name Polina is common in Russia, popular among newborn girls. There is a rather lively and diverse interest in its origin and interpretation. The name is associated with the ancient Greek sun god Apollo and is given the meaning of "solar", "dedicated to Apollo." The French version of the origin leads to the names Pauline (Pauline) - the female form of Paulin (Russian version - Pavlin) and Pol (in Russian - Pavel). In this case, the name means "small", "modest".

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
  • Ruler Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman Stone: Selenite
  • Color: light blue
  • Wood: poplar
  • plant: lotus
  • Animal: swan
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

Polina is a charming, sociable, proud and very wayward woman. In judgments - independent, able to dictate and coerce. It seems impregnable, such a lady with big “claims”. He hides his feelings under the mask of indifference and cold observation. She absolutely does not know how to argue, rarely trusts anyone, she is quick-tempered, aggressive. He is very critical of himself, he can engage in self-discipline.

The girl of the Field attracts attention with her exceptional accuracy, carefree and cheerful character. Girlfriends trust her with secrets, boys show attention. Polina is a congenital fashionista, she has a developed sense of perception of beauty. He is engaged in music, writes poetry, loves cinema. This is a comprehensively developed personality. She loves luxury, convenience, strives to successfully marry, improve her social status.

The secret of the name Polina is that a girl, depending on her upbringing and environment, can receive different directions for the development of life priorities. Arrogance and arrogance, as pronounced character traits, always interfere with the achievement of the goal. A woman trusts only the logic of her judgments. There is no intuition in this name. In the circle of friends, her benevolence and responsiveness are appreciated. She is able to be sharp and straightforward, but sincere. He does not refuse help, understands and does not condemn.

Interests and hobbies

Most often, children's passion for fashion turns into a real hobby or even a profession. Polina is a sports fan, loves TV shows, takes part in various events, competitions, exhibitions. She has a delicate taste, so many influential people listen to the opinion of the girl. She is seriously interested in collecting, knows a lot about the intricacies of this work.

Profession and business

Thriftiness, caution and purposefulness are the main driving forces behind the girl's career growth. Polina strives for public recognition, therefore she is looking for ways of personal recognition. In this, education, the ability to adapt, to stand out help her a lot. Successful for her is considered to be the profession of a fashion designer and an expert in the field of art. Success brings the work of a television presenter, actress. The professions of a cartoonist, florist, hairdresser, jeweler, photographer give such a woman pleasure.

The achievement of the set goal and self-realization in a career is most often hindered by marriage and attachment to the house, the usual environment.


Polina's health is poor. Depends on nervous loads, stress, physical overwork. She is contraindicated in home retreat, gambling, diet. Cold and dampness are the first enemies of such a woman's health.

Sex and love

Polina always hides her emotions, but chooses a very sexy man as a partner. The complex of a rational approach to all life problems prevents her from revealing her feelings. But she has her own "trick", she hides behind an imaginary weakness.

Family and marriage

Polina was created for family and home comfort. She is a wonderful mother, a brilliant hostess. Her thriftiness and frugality surprise loved ones. Such a spouse is able to tame any obstinate husband, make him an understanding, caring and affectionate father.

The meaning of the name Polina: this name for a girl means "sunny", "small", "baby". The name Polina is translated as "meaningful" from Greek or small from Latin. The French meaning of the name Pauline is that of Apollo. The French name is paired to the male - Paul, which translates as "baby." Polina is sometimes affectionately called Apollinaria, which means "sunny".

Origin of the name Polina: French.

Diminutive form of the name: Polinka, Fields, Polyunya, Polyusha, Polyusya, Pusya, Pupsik, Pan, Panya, Pasha, Lina.

What does the name Polina mean? An impulsive and cheerful girl chooses professions related to physical activity. This is a thoughtful mother and a loving wife, her house is always clean despite the fact that she does not like cleaning.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Polina once a year celebrates a name day: January 18 (5) - Reverend Apollinaria the Virgin. She performed miracles with her prayers.

Signs: Polina's day coincides with the eve of Epiphany, the main day of Christmas divination. On this day, the old women remove the snow from the stacks in full confidence that only he can bleach the entire canvas; they throw him into the well in the deep conviction that he would be of help if there was not even a single drop of rain in the summer. The same snow heals various infirmities.


  • Polina's zodiac - Capricorn
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Color - light blue
  • Auspicious tree - poplar
  • Treasured plant - lotus
  • Patron - swan
  • Talisman stone - selenite

Characteristics of the name Polina

Positive features: The name Polina gives the ability to patiently endure adversity. A girl with this name is restrained, content with little and achieves her goal. She is one of the most responsible people.

Negative Traits: She can be cold, thoughtful, prone to melancholy, causeless fears, excessive criticism.

The nature of the name Polina: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Polina? This girl is charming, charming and very contact. The conversation will support on any topic, it is perfectly kept in any society. She needs success in life! She seems proud and unapproachable, although she often has to overcome herself in order to take on some business or communicate with someone. The young woman who owns the name is nervous, easily loses her temper - especially when defending her opinion, or rather, imposing it on others: she doesn’t know how to argue at all. She is very self-confident in her soul, has a very low opinion of the mind and abilities of others. If Polya gives someone an objective , a good assessment, which means that this person is really dear to her and deserves her respect. He trusts reason more than intuition. A girl named Polina likes to put on a mask of indifference, and indeed, you can’t call her sentimental. The beauty of nature and the subtlety of feelings are not for However, behind this firework of contradictions, Polina is a true friend, who is very pleased to trust her secrets, who will always sympathize and help.

The child immediately attracts everyone with his liveliness of character, immediacy. Polinka is responsive, accommodating, friendly.

Already at school, she strives, if not to chase after fashion, then to look modern both in clothes and in behavior. In her youth, she will not avoid big noisy companies, although their fun does not really captivate her. Polinka is musical, sings well, writes poetry, draws.

A woman named Polina is charming, sociable, well-behaved in any society. Outwardly, she seems proud and impregnable, although in fact she is a very insecure person. The meaning of the name Polina is increased excitability. This girl can go on a cry, defending her opinion, she does not know how to argue at all. She is often indifferent to everything that does not concern her personally. But at the same time, Polya is a true friend, she can be trusted with secrets, she is responsive and disinterested. Can be too direct in communication, say what he thinks, albeit calmly, but still forgetting to soften hard-hitting statements. However, she is also very critical of herself.

A girl with the name of Paul does not experience a special need for work. If she is an actress, artist, writer - for her life is creativity. In other professions, Polina is calm, but conscientious. She loves children, knows how to find a common language with them, so it would be good for her to become a teacher, a kindergarten teacher. But Polina can also be a good doctor and nurse.

Polina and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The union of the name with Anufry, Arseny, Vavila, Valery, Benjamin, Vissarion, Evstigney, Epiphany, Zinovy, Izot, Kupriyan, Naum, Paisius, Paramon, Potap, Severyan, Spiridon, Philon is favorable. The name is also combined with Frol, Kharlampy. Complicated relations of the name are likely with Abraham, Karp, Kuzma, Longinus, Miron, Parfyon, Prokhor, Thomas.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Polina promise happiness in love? Polya attracts the opposite sex with her charm and beauty, although at the same time her lack of expressed feelings alarms her partners.

Attaches great importance to sex. A girl named Fields does not separate sex from love. However, she is very sexy and sensitive, although she wears a mask of indifference. She does not like all men, and it is rather difficult to meet her ideal. A woman named Polina is very caring, but cold to household affairs. However, he knows how to create comfort and coziness in the house. She welcomes guests with pleasure, in the company she is witty, sociable, but also proud, she can demonstrate her superiority. Fields most often beloved wife.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The professional path can be rocky. She will strive to gain experience, accumulate knowledge, to constantly expand the horizons of her "I", to spiritual and emotional maturity. A girl by nature is a psychiatrist, an astrologer.

Business and career: For her, excessive prudence and caution are of particular importance, which subsequently becomes an obstacle to a successful business.

Health and energy

Polina's health and talents:"Noyabrskaya" Polina is very restless in infancy. She may have a bad gas, so she needs to be given dill water. With age, she becomes calmer, goes to everyone's hands. The field is located to infectious diseases, as well as to the disease of nephritis. Vaccinations should be done only in consultation with the doctor.

The "August" Poly has a predisposition to cholecystitis. Sometimes she has flat feet, with this you need to contact an orthopedist. By the age of seven, Polya is a completely healthy girl, but sometimes she can get sick with acute respiratory infections, which is why she misses school.

From early childhood, Polina's body has been weakened, she has a weak immune system. It should be protected from any diseases. She may have otitis, pharyngitis. Outwardly, Fields is balanced and calm, but passions rage inside, her nervous system is weak. It is necessary to carefully monitor the work of the stomach. She often suffers from infectious diseases. If in childhood it is possible to save her from them, then in adulthood she can get rubella and chickenpox.

The girl does not like to play sports, she should be introduced to sports from childhood, then many diseases can be avoided. Polina may have diction defects, she may not pronounce some sounds for a long time, it is necessary to contact a speech therapist as soon as possible. Poorly tolerates ridicule, which is difficult to avoid with incorrect pronunciation.

This reflects badly on her already weak nervous system. In "March" - after a fright, there may be enuresis. In adulthood, Polya is prone to skin diseases, she may have acne on her face, and the intervention of a cosmetologist is necessary. "Autumn" Polinochka does not tolerate pregnancy well, there may be cases of ectopic pregnancy or infertility.

The owner of the name Polina needs a calm atmosphere in the house, a long sleep, fresh air. Violations in the nervous system make themselves felt with age.

Polina's fate in history

What does the name Polina mean for women's fate?

  1. Polina Annenkova (1800–1876), nee Gobl, is a Frenchwoman, wife of the Decembrist Ivan Aleksandrovich Annenkov. When Annenkov was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress after December 14, Polina Gobl was his bride. After Annenkov was sentenced to hard labor in Siberia, she discovered extraordinary energy to alleviate the plight of her beloved. She ensured that Emperor Nicholas I personally accepted her petition and, touched by this devotion to the convict, allowed her to follow him to Siberia and ordered her to be given travel allowance. With the accession to the throne of Alexander II, Praskovya Yegorovna (such was the name of the Catholic after Orthodox baptism), with her husband and large family, returned to Russia.
  2. Pauline Viardot-Garcia (1821-1910) was a famous French singer. Her extraordinary personality aroused the admiring surprise of her contemporaries. Her husband - Louis Viardot - a journalist, art historian and republican - with his political reputation for a long time "closed" her way to the Paris stage, and distant Russia became a country where artistic fame came to the singer. The years spent in Russia became decisive in the artistic life of Pauline Viardot. She was friends with I.S. Turgenev all her life.
  3. Polina Gobl (1800 - 1876) - in marriage - Annenkova Praskovya; the wife of the Decembrist I.A. Annenkov, who followed her husband into exile in Transbaikalia.
  4. Polina Astakhova (1936 - 2005) - Soviet gymnast. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1960).
  5. Polina Kumanchenko (born 1910 - Ukrainian actress.
  6. Polina Dashkova (born 1960) - real name - Tatyana Polyachenko; Russian writer. Debuted as a poet. She was published in the magazines Rural Youth, Youth, Origins, the almanac Young Voices. She gained wide popularity as an author of detective stories. Her very first book, The Blood of the Unborn (1996), brought wide fame. He does not use his real name and surname during the interview, as this is prohibited by the terms of the contract.
  7. Polina Strepetova (1850 - 1903) - famous Russian theater actress.
  8. Polina Barskova (born 1976) is a Russian poetess.
  9. Polina Zhemchuzhina (1897 - 1970) - real name - Pearl Karpovskaya; Soviet party and statesman, wife of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov.
  10. Polina Kutepova (born 1971) - Soviet and Russian actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2004).
  11. Pauline Macabies (born 1986) is a French biathlete.
  12. Polina Fedotova - Russian pianist and music teacher; Soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic, Associate Professor of the Moscow University and the Moscow Conservatory, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of international competitions.

Polina in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. The meaning of the name Pauline in English is translated as Pauline, in Spanish: Paulina, in Italian: Paolina, in German: Pauline, in French: Pauline.

The origin of the name Polina is outlined by several variations of genesis. Its formation from the sun god Apollo, translated as "solar". If we take into account that the name Polina comes from the female name Apolinaria, then its meaning will be “liberated”.

The French version of the interpretation says that the name is formed from the male counterpart Paul, which means "small". There is also a second French version of the genesis, according to him the name Polina, this is the Russian pronunciation of the name Paulina. The name is not included in the church Christian calendar; Pauline girls are baptized under,.

Little Polina is growing up as a calm and joyful child. surrounded by the care and attention of relatives and friends. The frequent illnesses of the girl make the mother spend a lot of time with the baby. Polina will have such attachment of her daughter to her mother throughout her life.

At school, the girl is on top, successfully studies, diligently fulfills all tasks and requests, is among the foremost students. In spirit, named after Polina, visiting various circles, sections. She loves to spend time with her peers. In the characterization of Polina, benevolence and sensitivity stand out. She is ready to help if the situation requires it.

Field can be called a balanced person who loves all living things. She has a positive attitude towards friends, loves animals.

A girl named Polina is quite patient and completely undemanding to people, looking for the good in every person, trying to justify his stupid actions, to understand the reasons why he did it. A positive characteristic of our heroine can also be called quick decision-making, although they are not always correct.

The temperament of the bearer of the name Polina is eccentric, she is most likely a choleric by nature. At first glance, the girl seems proud, impregnable, although this is not at all the case. In her heart she is vulnerable, modest and even a little timid.

In a conversation, Polina behaves smoothly and naturally, this enchants the interlocutor. She is sociable, well-read helps Field to keep up the conversation on any topic.

What our heroine needs throughout her life is success, only she is waiting for it and slowly but surely moving towards it. But what she finds it in, that's another question.

Full name description

  • Named after Polina, she must constantly be aware of all the affairs.
  • She goes to meetings, gets acquainted with new books, does not miss fashion shows, visits the theater.
  • Knowing about all the innovations, she will not blindly follow them if they are unacceptable to her soul.
  • The girl loves companies, communication in them.

There is also a negative connotation in the characterization of Polina. She elevates her skills and abilities, while lowering the abilities of others. Only her opinion should be the main one and this is not discussed.

A girl named Polina will listen only to the person she loves.

You can’t call our heroine sentimental, it’s hard to break her into tears. The beauty of nature is also alien to her. Polina often puts on a mask of indifference, showing herself proud and impregnable. Called by the name Polina, although she is a balanced person, some life situations lead her out of a rut.

Then she flares up like a match, but she doesn’t really know how to argue and prove. Therefore, he often imposes his opinion on others, and not just announces it. But despite this, the girl will always remain a friend, she will try to help with advice or materially when necessary.

Love and family

What the name Polina means in its feminine manifestation is a fragile and tender, charming and unsurpassed girl. Regarding this, our heroine does not experience a lack of attention, on the contrary, it is excessive. The name Polina is endowed with all the qualities that a woman should have. Our coquette plays with the souls of many, and in her whole life more than one heart will suffer through her.

A woman knows that she is attractive, values ​​\u200b\u200bits reputation, therefore she will not start fleeting romances.

Keeping this state of affairs, our heroine will wrap a rich prince and marry him. Although the marriage will take place out of love, nevertheless, Polina, named after Pauline, can be called prudent, because she was waiting for such a relationship.

Cleanliness reigns in a woman's house although she doesn't really like to do housework. The characterization of the name Polina for the family differs slightly from the general perception. A woman becomes a support and support for her relatives and does not at all seek to manage and command them. But at the same time, everyone listens to her and respects her.

Polina loves her children, takes care of them, devotes herself to their upbringing. She is patient with her husband, even if he begins to change, the named Polina will try to justify him.

Career and professionalism

The intuitive abilities of the girl, named after Polina, are poorly developed, but she rarely relies on them, when making decisions she listens more to her mind.

Polina Vladimirovna Agureeva (Russian theater and film actress, performer of romances)

  • He approaches the choice of a profession without initiative; on the advice of his relatives, he can become a doctor, teacher or psychologist.
  • In professional affiliation, the name Polina does not have much significance, because the priority for her is family.
  • Having entered the university, she begins to think about marriage. But until Polya chooses a wealthy husband who will fit her parameters, more than one year may pass.
  • So we have to work until that happens.
  • The name Polina has absolutely no ambitions for careerism, she does not even try to grow up and achieve more in her professional activity than she has.

Polina is a female name with several meanings. There are two origin theories that we will provide you with.

The first theory of the origin of the name Polina is the entry of the name into the Russian language from the French language. In France, this name was the female form of the name Paul (Paul), and the name Paul comes from the Latin paulus, which means "small" or "baby." So we can say that according to this theory of origin Polina's name means "small" or "baby".

The second theory is the origin of the name Pauline, as a short form of the Greek name Apollinaria. The name Apollinaria comes from the god Apollo from Greek mythology and means "solar". So according to this theory the meaning of the name Polina is "sunny". Well, which of the theories is considered correct, you decide for yourself.

The meaning of the name Polina for a girl

Little Polina is a wonderful child. She is a calm and obedient girl, easily makes contact with both children and adults. With her emotional calm, the girl's activity is good. Likes both active games and other leisure activities. Polina, the girl is very kind, which is noticeable from an early age.

Polina shows herself well in studies. She has an analytical mind and is quite good at exact sciences. Her early emotional maturity makes her an excellent humanitarian. In studies, understanding of the subject is more important for her than assessment. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be praised. Just praise, she considers simply obligatory and vital.

Polina's health cannot be called strong. The main problem in the girl's health can be called the respiratory system. She is prone to colds, a little more than other children. Often she has a runny nose from scratch. The best, albeit probably the most difficult means will be climate change and careful selection of a place to live.

Abbreviated name Polina

Fields, Polka, Polly, Polyukha, Polyakha, Polyusya, Pusya, Lina, Linka.

Diminutive names

Polinka, Polinochka, Polushka, Polyushochek, Polichka, Polchik, Polyunya, Polyasha, Polyusha, Linochka, Linushka.

Polina's name in English

In English, the name Pauline is written as Pauline.

Polina's name for a passport- Polina.

Translation of the name Polina into other languages

Spanish - Pauline
in Italian - Paolina
in Chinese - 波莉纳 (pronounced Bolina)
German - Pauline
in Ukrainian - Polina
French - Pauline
in Japanese - ポリナ (pronounced Porina)

Church name Polina(in the Orthodox faith) Pelageya or Apollinaria, to choose from.

Characteristics of the name Polina

Polina is characterized by several pronounced features. This is kindness, disinterestedness and responsiveness. Polina is a very kind person and quite often people around her use it. She has great taste, which allows her to always look good, even with limited funds. This penchant for beauty can develop into a profession, but even if it remains at the level of a hobby, it will often help in life.

Polina is appreciated at work. She has an innate sense of disgust for intrigues, which distinguishes her from many colleagues. In addition, she is not a conformist, so if someone's stupidity and unprofessionalism will harm the result, then Polina will not be silent. Some people, of course, will have a negative attitude towards such "excessive" honesty, but most of the employees will tacitly support it. Polina has a well-developed intuition, which she uses both at work and in her personal life.

Polina is a wonderful wife and mother. She adores her children, and she has more of a partnership with her husband. She is a wonderful and economical hostess. Her love is mature, even in adolescence. She is not characterized by childish mental impulses and torments. Next to her, only an equally formed mature person can be happy.

The secret of the name Polina

Polina's secret can be called eternal soul-searching. She is very critical of herself. However, if she nevertheless decided that she was right and everything was fine, then this gives rise to a second secret.

Polina is often self-satisfied. If, after internal torment, she decided on something, then the value of this decision for her becomes excessively significant. It will be extremely difficult to convince her, and her self-confidence in this matter can infuriate many.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

totem animal- Swan.

Name color- Light blue.

Wood- Poplar.

Plant- Lotus.

Stone- Selenite.

She was the daughter of King Anphelius. When the girl grew up, she upset her father very much by the decision not to marry. The ruler did not understand what “decided to devote herself to God” means. And yet, the girl's parents resigned themselves to the choice of their daughter and turned to one of the monasteries with a request to mow her as a nun.
But first, Apollinaria decided to go to the Holy places - to the city of Jerusalem. Father and mother gave generous gifts with their daughter: gold, silver. The whole procession was accompanied by many slaves. When the girl arrived in the Holy City, she released all the slaves and generously distributed alms. On the way, she bought monastic robes. Announcing to everyone that he really wants to come to the skete to worship the holy fathers. The path was long, the pilgrims were overtaken by twilight and everyone lay down to rest. Only the saint changed into male monastic clothes and hid from everyone in the local swamp.
Waking up, everyone who accompanied Apollinaria did not find her, grieving for the loss of their mistress, after a long search they returned back to their homeland. She did not go to the skete, but remained in this swamp, where she spent several years. The Lord protected the ascetic in every possible way, took care of her food. She was tormented by the sun, heat, huge mosquitoes. Once an angel appeared to her and ordered her to leave the swamp and go to the skete, where it was necessary to settle with the name Dorotheus.
And so she did. Dorotheus was distinguished by the special severity of fasting and prayer, for which the Lord sent her the gift of healing ailments. Apollinaria, in the form of Dorotheus, came to her home to heal her sick sister from demonic possession. Her parents recognized her, but did not detain her in the palace. By that time, they realized what a feat Apollinaria had undertaken. She went to the Lord in 470. Only before the position in the tomb, the brethren realized that Dorotheus was a woman. Healings began to flow from the relics of the saint, people, through the prayers and intercession of Apollinaria, received what they asked for. It is worth noting that she is canonized with the name of Apollinaria, but not Dorotheus.

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