Groups singing acapella. Jazz a cappella in Russia: vocal ensembles. Acapella Express at the Durov club

Just like Russian folk traditions traditional for our country vocal groups, ensembles singing jazz a cappella in Russia have long gained considerable popularity and interest among new listeners. Domestic a cappella vocalists are rapidly developing in professionally, constantly raising your level and interacting with other choirs or singers of our and foreign countries. In many ways, the creative growth of vocal groups is facilitated by international festivals and master classes, which have begun to appear more often in our country. Live performances by voice virtuosos leave few people indifferent. JazzPeople I found out which ensembles inspire new singers to create together.

Jazz Friends

A cappella choir Jazz Friends, created in Moscow by the famous jazz vocalist and teacher Vladimir Sidorkovich, is one of the most popular Russian contemporary vocal ensembles. Talented singers and the singers who are part of the Jazz Friends perform a cappella jazz compositions and develop new concert programs, constantly setting new goals for himself and successfully achieving them, largely thanks to the influence and support of his mentor.

The group's repertoire is mainly gospel, spirituals and popular hits in its own jazz arrangement. Being a young group, Jazz Friends nevertheless managed to perform at prestigious venues in Moscow. The choir won the choral art cup at the Russian Choral Championship.

"Acapella Express"

Today the vocal ensemble "Acapella Express" achieved significant success in developing his career and was loved by many fans. Six members of the team appeared on the air of major Russian radio stations, and were also frequent guests on the country's central television channels. “Acapella Express” performed in Andrei Makarevich’s projects, the rock opera “Perfume”, and sang at many high-level events.

The group's repertoire includes famous songs popular modern, classical, retro music, folk and jazz. Each performance has a certain theatricality: bright stage costumes, dances and production numbers make their shows unforgettable. The choir has already released 4 albums and received several awards in the “Best Jazz” category. vocal group" and "Best Jazz Album".

Phoenix Jazz Vocal Group

The St. Petersburg vocal jazz a cappella ensemble, consisting of 7 charming girls, performs the best world musical hits of all time, popular jazz standards and pop compositions in original arrangements. The team attracts with unconditional harmony of performance and professional vocal technique. The girls take the choice of new songs for their repertoire extremely seriously, and together they choose those that each of them likes best.

Phoenix Jazz Vocal Group regularly appears on major St. Petersburg events music scenes. In 2014, the ensemble performed with the American choir Brothers in Harmony in New Jersey. The team is the owner of many vocal awards, prizes and diplomas accumulated over 10 years of successful performances.


With great respect to the world's best jazz compositions refers to a male a cappella group PlusFive. The guys included in their repertoire such compositions as Lord of Castamere, Hallelujah, Feeling good, Quando, Dont You Worry Bout A Thing, Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong) and many other hits.

The young team includes beat box a performer, thanks to whom each song acquires an additional feature, a modern voice performance. PlusFive can be found giving concerts in various clubs in our city, at creative parties and music festivals.

Jukebox trio

Kazan Vocal Ensemble Jukebox trio You definitely can’t call it exclusively jazz, but the technique and musical genres in which the trio works delight listeners of various genres.

Three young people sing world popular hits with unique virtuosity rhythm and blues, folk, rock, jazz in such a recognizable style that you can recognize their style from the very first notes played. Jukebox trio can work in almost any musical genre, which makes the team universal for implementing a variety of ideas.

The term "a cappella" originated in late XVII century and translated from Italian means “as in a chapel.” The term is usually associated with the practice of papal worship in Rome Sistine Chapel.

Today's a cappella groups have tried to bring a modern approach to non-instrumental performance of melodies, often interspersing such an attribute of hip-hop culture as beatboxing and vocal reproduction of instrumental parts famous songs.

TUT.BY has chosen 10 of the most unusual and famous acapella groups in the world.


The Barbatuques group was founded in 1996 by Brazilian musician Fernando Barba. For a long time Fernando was researching the body percussion technique - musical performance by extracting sounds using human body. First as a hobby, but then, while studying at state university Brazil on the course "Popular Music", he delved into the study of rhythm, and a few years later founded his Research Center. With the Barbatuques team, which includes Barba students, he took part in many socio-cultural projects and traveled almost the whole world. On this moment The group's discography includes two albums and two DVDs from the Corpo do Som show.

Jukebox Trio

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An a cappella trio from Kazan, performing in their own style of “street beat a cappella” and performing cover versions of famous songs and their own works. Creative activity Jukebox Trio started in 2004, in 2006 on music festival "New wave"in Jurmala the musicians received special prize- “Alla Pugacheva’s Golden Star”, and exactly a year later the musicians opened Elton John’s performance in Rostov-on-Don in front of 90 thousand people.

The team became especially famous for their work on the full-length film “Alvin and the Chipmunks,” where the musicians sang all Russian-language songs cartoon characters.

At the moment, Jukebox Trio's discography includes three full-length albums: Acappellipsis, "Motherland I" and "Motherland II".

Ladysmith Black Mambazo

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Ladysmith Black Mambazo was founded by Joseph Shabalala. In the 60s, he created a Zulu children's song and dance group, which then transformed into male choir. The choir revived the traditions of the Zulu choral singing iscathamiya, which in Zulu means "step with a stealthy gait." This style originated in the mines of South Africa, when black workers, after a six-day work week, wanted to entertain themselves by singing songs and dancing “on their fingertips” at night, so as not to attract the attention of guards.

The choir recorded its first album, Amabutho, in 1973. It was the first African LP to be certified gold in sales. The record was transferred to CD and is now sold all over the world, becoming the best-selling recording in South African history.

The band's discography includes more than 40 albums, for which the musicians were nominated for a Grammy 13 times, four of which they added to their treasury.

Local Vocal

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Danish choir founded by conductor Anna Østergaard and consisting of 23 people. Its members include singers of various ages, including programmers, actors, teachers and retirees. There is not a single professional singer among the participants. In 2013, the choir won second place at the international vocal competition in Aarhus.

The group's repertoire includes Danish folk songs, as well as cover versions of songs by Leonard Cohen, Dido, Tori Amos, Michael Jackson and hits of the 90s. By the way, the medley video with hits of the 90s received more than 6 million views on YouTube and became one of the most viewed videos among Danish performers.

Naturally 7

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American a cappella group that appeared in New York in 1999. The founders - brothers Roger and Warren Thomas, having gathered 5 more vocalists, actively participated in many music competitions USA, in most of which they took prizes and won victories.

Over the course of 16 years, Naturally 7 released seven full-length albums, and a cover version of Phil Collins' song In the air tonight reached third place in the charts in France, Belgium and South Africa. The Wall of Sound album took 29th place in the British music charts in 2009.

Out of the Blue

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Out of the Blue is the male a cappella choir of the University of Oxford. The team was founded in October 2000, but since it consists of university students, it does not have a permanent composition. The choir participates in the Edinburgh Arts Festival every year. The track record also includes: a performance at the Royal Palace, a tour of the USA and numerous victories in major vocal competitions Britain, including International festival choral arts among colleges and The Voice Festival.

The group gained great popularity through participation in the popular British TV show Britain’s Got Talent and a cover video for Shakira’s song Hips Don’t Lie, which received more than five and a half million views on YouTube.


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Pentatonix is ​​the most popular a cappella group of our time with 7 million subscribers on YouTube and 57 million views of the Evolution of Music video. Formed in 2011 in Arlington, Texas. After winning the American acapella show bands The The five singers' sing-off was noticed by the music label Sony Music.

The musicians released two full-length albums and received a YouTube award in 2013 Music Awards for a cover version of the band's song imagine Dragons“Radioactive”, and this year they were awarded a Grammy in the category “Best acapella group”.

Perpetuum Jazzile

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Slovenian a cappella group, founded in 1983, but gained wide popularity only in 2009, after performing their own interpretation of Toto's song "Africa" ​​at a concert in Italian city Udine.

The video received 17 million views, and the choir went on a tour of Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Canada and the USA, accompanied by constant sold-outs. In 2009, Perpetuum Jazzile took a prize at the World Choir Games, called the Choir Olympics, in Graz, Austria.


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The Spiralmouth band practically does not give concerts, spending most time in the studio to improve my vocal abilities. Self-titled debut album received praise music critics and in 2009 won the "Best Pop Rock Album" award at the British Acapella Act Awards for Innovation in Recording.

Van Canto

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German a cappella metal band founded in 2006. Performs music in the A Capella Hero Metal style, invented by the participants themselves. The group consists of five vocalists and one drummer. According to the musicians, they wanted a beatboxing vocalist instead of a drummer, but not a single candidate could physically withstand more than 5 minutes of performing the group’s rhythms. The band's repertoire includes its own compositions and cover versions of famous songs by Metallica, Black Sabbath, Nightwish and many others. In 2014, Van Canto performed as headliners at Europe's largest metal music festival, Wacken.

Today, performing music a cappella popular all over the planet and featured in a variety of music genres: folk music, rock music, pop, rhythm and blues, jazz and others.

A cappella is not sung exclusively in churches (as most people think). There are a large number of high-quality teams with very big amount admirers. In addition, there are "university" groups that are very popular in the United States.

What is a cappella?

A cappella (Italian a cappella, “like in a chapel”) - polyphonic, mostly choral, performance without instrumental accompaniment.

The choral work of Orthodox cathedrals uses vocals only a capella. In old eastern temples, melodic accompaniment is sometimes allowed, including the use of classical musical instruments.

A capella is also often used in chamber music choral music European composers of the 19th century.

I present to you a selection modern groups singing a capella!

Barbatuques - Baiana

The term originated in the late 17th century and is usually associated with the practice of papal worship in Rome's Sistine Chapel. In a broad sense, a cappella singing refers to any vocal music(soloist, vocal ensemble, choir and combinations vocal lineups) without instrumental accompaniment.

Distributed in folk art, church music(early Christian - the apologist of praise to God, given exclusively by the word (logos), voiced by a human voice, without “flutes and trumpets”, was already Clement of Alexandria; early Catholic and Orthodox - organ accompaniment in the West was first used only around 670), and then in the works of composers of the Dutch school, the work of Giovanni Palestrina.

The a cappella singing style was also developed in secular singing by Renaissance composers, including madrigals.

As a style of professional choral art, a cappella singing was defined in cult polyphony towards the end of the Middle Ages, reached its peak among the masters of the Dutch school and received classical expression in the Roman school (Palestrina, Benevoli, Scarlatti). It should be taken into account that in XVII-XVIII centuries a cappella singing (especially secular) could be accompanied by solo instruments or a general bass; then performance without any accompaniment began to be valued again.

Choral art Orthodox churches uses exclusively a cappella singing. In the ancient (Monophysite) churches of the East (Ethiopian, Coptic, Malabar) it is sometimes allowed musical accompaniment, including the use of traditional African and Asian instruments. In Russia, the famous Alexander Grechaninov was a supporter of the introduction of instruments into divine services, but this decision was not made by the Local Council of 1917-1918.

A cappella singing is widely used in European chamber choral music. composers of the 19th century century. Reached great heights in Russian choral culture XX century (compositions by Taneyev, Kastalsky, Rachmaninov, Chesnokov, Viktor Kalinnikov, Davidenko, Koval, Shebalin, Shostakovich, Sviridov, Salmanov; activities of the Synodal Choir, Court Singing Chapel, etc.). Nowadays, a cappella singing is common in many countries.

IN spoken language musicians use the phrase “acapella singing” (not a term).

Max Timoshin and the production company tMotion present

at the Durov club

The most popular a'cappella group in Russia!

Vocal group "Acapella Express"

Their music is something you dream about at night, and in the morning, they say, it makes wings grow on your back...

There are six of them. They are young and beautiful. Talented dreamers, tireless inventors, lovers of fooling around on stage and at the same time real professionals. Experience and an impeccable sense of proportion give birth to stylish arrangements, ingenious improvisations and that very rare “singability” when several people become a single organism, all of whose components exist in perfect harmony with each other.

It all started ten years ago, when vocalists Narine Dzhinanyan, Max Kostra, Katya Nadareishvili, Anton Kasatkin, Ksenia Penkovskaya and Andrey Tunik, who had known each other for a long time, decided to work together. Completely different individuals, united by one desire - to create something new, truly interesting and extraordinary, intriguing and expressive, international and exclusive in the acapella genre.

The intricate name “A`cappella ExpreSSS” was justified almost immediately: the newly formed group, soon after its creation, set off on a great musical journey. They rushed swiftly and energetically: from Singapore to America, through Asia, Russia and Europe, igniting the flame of inspiration with the power of voices and the beauty of harmony, coloring the canvases of arrangements with bright colors musical cultures all over the world. The musicians themselves define their work with the term “acapella fusion”. The repertoire of “A`cappellaExpreSSS” organically coexists world hits, “non-standard jazz standards”, folklore of various nations, classics, current pop music and their own compositions: reggae, swing, r&b, soul, Russian folk or Georgian choral singing - they succeed in everything with amazing lightness.

From the first minute of the concert to the last chord, they enchant the audience with the perfection of impeccable polyphony of voices, amaze musical surprises and the unique dramaturgy of each individual number. The secret of success of “A`cappellaExpreSSS” is both simple and very complex: they do what they themselves first like.

This approach was appreciated not only by the band’s fans, but also by top managers of the recording industry: having signed a contract with Universal Music Russia, “A`cappella ExpreSSS” became the first Russian jazz musicians whose album (“Voice MeSSSage”) was released worldwide.

The group's arsenal includes not only performances on largest festivals and music fairs, but also collaboration with famous performers including a star Russian stage Laima Vaikule. And at the end of last year, the group debuted in a new genre for themselves - the vrock opera "Perfume" based on the novel Patrick Suskind n and music by IGOR DEMARIN.

In addition, the new composition of A CAPELLA EXPRESS “It’s time to go after the women” hit the top lines of the hit parade on Russian Radio.

Among the group's achievements:

Ward Swingle Award for Best Jazz Vocal Group

(competition "Vokal Total" 2003, Graz, Austria)

CARA Award (Contemporary Acapella Music Association, USA) for “Best Jazz Album 2004” (“Magic Moment”)

Festivals "Montreux Jazz", "Vokal Total", "Jazz Parade", "Solevoci", "Jazz In Time", "Slavic Bazaar", "Jazz Province" and others...

· Soundtracks for the films "One Life" (music by A. Rybnikov, special award festival "Kinotavr"), "Palmist" and others...

Concert « A` cappellaExpreSSS» will take place within the framework of the project « JazzmInMotion» - a series of weekly concerts by the best Russian and foreign jazz musicians at one of the most comfortable and stylish venues in the capital. Recognized luminaries and rising stars, followers of the old school and experimenters discovering new ones modern trends - « JazzInMotion» gives the public magnificent jazz in all its manifestations!

The concert starts at 20.00

Address of the Durov club: st. Pavlovskaya, 6 (metro station Dobryninskaya/Serpukhovskaya)

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