Icon of the Holy Blessed Queen of Georgia Tamara the Great. Icon of Saint Tamara


Celebration of the Week of Myrrh-Bearing Women

Holy Queen Tamara was the daughter of the pious Georgian King George III, grandson of the holy King David the Builder, and the virtuous and praiseworthy Queen Burdukhan, daughter of the King of Oss 2. The contentment and happiness of the royal spouses was overshadowed by the fact that they did not have children; and they prayed a lot to the Lord that He would send them a child, did good to churches and monasteries, clothed and fed the poor and needy, and tried to rule justly.

Finally, the Lord poured out His mercy on them, and in 1170 or 1171 they had a daughter, a beautiful child who lacked nothing, whom the Tsar named Tamara, and after some time a second daughter, Rusudan, was born.

Almost from infancy the future great Queen fell in love with life according to Christ's commandments, solitary prayers and reading spiritual books translated into Georgian by the Venerable Euthymius of Iveron and St. George the Svyatogorets. Her spiritual mentor was the Georgian Catholicos Nikolai Gulaberidze, who, although placed by the Lord on a high see, secretly wanted to be a simple monk. Later, in 1178, he actually went to Palestine and settled in one of the strictest Trans-Jordanian monasteries.

The Lord endowed the saint with physical beauty and spiritual gifts: she had a regal bearing, dark eyes and white cheeks; her look was chaste and shy; the speech delighted the ear, was alien to any depravity; her gaiety and friendliness never reached the point of swagger and impudence. “He who was born blind is blind and left this world,” they said about everyone who had not seen Queen Tamara. And such beauty and dignity of the soul were not given by chance.

In 1183, Tsar George, who by this time was already a widow, suffered a serious illness. But, dying physically, he never tired of thanking the Lord for everything. Handing it over to your eldest daughter, to the young woman Tamara, the symbol of power - the royal saber, he soon peacefully surrendered his spirit into the hands of the Lord. At the time of her father's death, the saint was with her aunt, the sister of King George III, named Rusudan 3. Iberia's grief over the death of its pious Tsar was tempered by the people's love for his daughter Tamara. All the people, with friendly exclamations, offered Tamara her parents' saber along with the throne that had been given to her by her father. Thus, through the mouth of the people, God was exalted.

At the accession of Tamara, there was great joy among the people and courtiers: with the sound of trumpets, the dignitaries and clergy bowed to their Queen and glorified God. She sat on the throne of the Georgian kings in 1183 from the Nativity of Christ.

She accepted with humility, and not with pride and arrogance royal scepter, although she received it according to her dignity: the humble soul of the saint felt the weight of the work entrusted to her by God, and therefore, placing her trust and hope in Him, she began to rule according to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Her discerning mind recognized among the courtiers the sincere and the treacherous, the faithful and the double-minded, and she showered everyone with favors, wisely reasoning that the faithful, out of loyalty, would be grateful to her, and the double-minded would be forced to remain silent because of the royal gifts they had received.

The queen ordered a church council to be convened in order to defend the purity of the Orthodox faith, for there were then bishops who distorted church rules. She sought to ensure that the evil seeds that had sprouted in the soil of Orthodoxy were destroyed in her kingdom. And in this she soon gained victory, having good morals and trust in God.

Having called Nikolai Gulaberidze from Jerusalem, who out of humility had at one time renounced the rank of Catholicos in order to serve the Lord in obscurity, the saint gathered all the bishops, clergy, monks and hermits of her kingdom - all who knew the law of God.

The bishops at the council were headed by Nikolai Gulaberidze and Anthony, Archbishop of Kutaisi, a strong man in deed and word, renowned for his virtues.

The saint received all the bishops as Angels, and not as people, with great simplicity and humility, like an ordinary person, and not like a queen. When everyone gathered together, she placed the bishops on the thrones, while she herself sat at a distance, despite her royal dignity.

Before the council began, she said: “Oh holy fathers! You have been appointed by God as our mentors and rulers of the Holy Church, and you must say your word. Examine everything carefully, confirm the straight and correct the crooked. Start with me, for the halo that surrounds me is the halo of royal greatness, and not of godlessness. Do not be partial towards princes because of their wealth, and do not despise the poor because of their poverty. You in word, and I in deed, you in teaching, and I in teaching, you in instruction, and I in decree, let us give each other a helping hand in order to keep the laws of God undefiled, so that we all do not suffer punishment: you, as priests, and me, as guard."

Hearing these words, the entire assembly of fathers thanked God and the God-wise queen. Saint Tamara spent a short time at the cathedral and, having received a blessing, retired to her chambers.

Led by Catholicos Nicholas and Archbishop Anthony, the cathedral excommunicated the Catholicos of Kartli, who allowed the distortion of church rules and by deceit received the power of the Archbishop of Chkondidi and Archbishop of Atskur. They did not tolerate the affairs of Mtsignobartukhutses 4, Bishop of Chkondida, but, having worked hard, they could not excommunicate him. Soon, however, he was excommunicated by the punishment of God. Some unworthy bishops were removed by the decision of the council, and worthy ones were appointed in their place.

In addition, some church rules, distorted by people who neglected church order, were corrected, and much was done for the good of the Iveron Church.

When the council came to an end, the most prominent princes, military leaders and eristavis of the kingdom entered the hall, preoccupied at that time with the search for a groom for the Queen, who began to ask their fathers for advice on where to look for a worthy groom, Orthodox Christian of the royal family, pleasant in appearance and a good warrior, so that he could become the head of the Georgian army. The fathers advised to look for him in Rus', in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. They gathered a council and decided to marry Tsarina Yuri, the son of the Suzdal Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky, who after the death of his father found refuge with the Polovtsians.

The courtiers sent to the Polovtsians with rich gifts brought Prince Yuri Bogolyubsky to Tbilisi, who agreed to marry the young Queen. The courtiers and her aunt Rusudan began to rush the Queen into marriage, but the saint answered: “How can you take such a rash step? We do not know the behavior of this stranger, nor his deeds, nor his military prowess, nor his morals. Let me wait until we see its advantages and disadvantages.” But everyone persuaded her: they talked about childlessness, lamented the infertility of the royal house, demanded a leader of the troops and insisted on their own, taking such a serious matter lightly, and after much wrangling, against the will of the saint, they celebrated a magnificent and cheerful wedding.

But a little time passed, and the saint’s fears were justified. Prince Yuri revealed Scythian morals: he drank and committed many obscene acts, which are embarrassing to mention. For two and a half years the holy Queen endured the vices of this man, but those around her, ashamed of their previous bickering, could no longer tolerate them. However, the wise Tamara was looking for a means to heal her husband’s mental illnesses: many times she appealed to his conscience through the admonitions of worthy monks, but this was of no benefit. Finally, she herself began to denounce him. But instead of repenting, Yuri became even more furious, and what Scripture says happened: We healed Babylon, but it was not healed 5 . Not only did he not reform, but he began to commit even worse acts: he even subjected respectable people to beatings and torture by tearing out their members, without any reason.

His behavior finally became unbearable for the saint, and she said to him in the presence of everyone: “Although I was taught by the law of God that one must not leave the first marriage bed, 6 but with a person who will not keep this bed clean, one should not be patient.” to remain because he is bringing to reproach the temple of God. I am unable to straighten the shadow of the crooked tree and, having no guilt behind me, I shake off the dust that has stuck to me through you.” Having said this, she stood up and left him. Queen Rusudan and the princes dishonorably expelled him 7.

And again everyone began to lament the childlessness of Queen Tamara and her loneliness.

In the royal palace lived the son of the Ossetian Tsar, David Soslan, who was raised by Queen Rusudan, a young man, well-educated, courageous warrior, a sharp shooter, beautiful in body and perfect in all virtues. They had every desire to unite Tamara’s fate with him, and the Queen, placing her trust in God, submitted to their will. In 1188, in Diddub they were united in marriage, and in Tbilisi they sat on thrones, like two luminaries illuminating the earth.

Soon the lawless Imers and Svans rebelled against Iberia and wanted to make Yuri reign again, but Tamara’s troops put them to flight and they, disgraced, fled, because the Lord helped the Queen.

The Catholicos of Kartli, chkondideli mtsignobartukhutsesi 8, Mikael, the son of Mirian, died, and “no one was saddened by his death, neither great nor small, because everyone despised him, but the Queen prayed to God that He would enlighten her on whom to appoint for her.” this place to entrust him with the management of the entire army led by King David and the management of the royal house. And among all the eminent people of the kingdom, she chose Anthony Glonistavisdze, from Gareja, who was at one time chkondideli and from whom the late Mikael took this position because of treachery some dignitaries. Anthony was a virtuous man, a true Christian, truthful, sincere, immaculate, kind, merciful to everyone, modest and meek. There is no need to talk about his care for monasteries and churches: in Mgvima, and Klarjeti, and in the one he created In the monastery, his deeds testified about him.The Queen appointed him to the position of Mtsignobartukhutses, and he judged the law, for the benefit of the kingdom and all the people.

She appointed Ivane, a courageous, wise and experienced man, to the post of msakhurtukhutsesi 9, whose family was loyal to the Georgian kings, for which he was loved by Tamara’s grandfathers. And although by faith Ivane was an Armenian, he revered Orthodoxy, and subsequently, knowing well Holy Bible and carefully delving into it, he converted to the Orthodox faith.

The Lord gave the Queen wisdom, and she appointed worthy people to government positions; affairs in the state under her management were increasingly successful.

But how can we describe all the affairs of Queen Tamara? Just as you can’t count the hairs on your head, you can’t describe these things, and even if someone could do this, those who hear about them wouldn’t believe us. If anyone wants to know about her praiseworthy deeds, let him look at the cities, fortresses and regions that belonged to the sultans and were taken by her, at the borders of Iberia, which she expanded twice as much as those that she found during her accession, let him know about the tribute imposed it to the lands from Georgia to Iraq, and that the caliph himself, frightened, begs the Creator for mercy.

The Christian people in Iberia lived happily, but sorrow remained - the Queen was childless. And God, who looked upon Manoah and Abraham, Anna and Elizabeth, sent mercy to Queen Tamara, and she became pregnant. The people throughout Iberia performed prayers for the granting of her a son and heir to the throne of Iberia. The Lord heard their prayers, and the Queen gave birth to a son, and they named him George, in honor of his grandfather, the Queen’s father, and all the people rejoiced and thanked God. A year later the Queen gave birth to a daughter, and they named her Rusudan.

God helped the Queen in her affairs, the country prospered, and her army won victories. The Georgians conquered the lands of Persia, and the fear of the victorious Georgian army was so great that the owners of the fortresses abandoned them only by order of the Georgians. The enemies fled in fear and took cover like foxes in holes, and the Georgian army enriched itself with military booty.

Constrained on all sides and exhausted, the Persians, seeing that the Georgian troops were winning, gathered to the Iranian caliph and asked him to unite the forces of all of Persia in order to defeat the Georgians. The Caliph opened his treasuries and, giving his messengers gold, ordered them to gather as many warriors as possible from all over Persia, and if any principality refused to send them, he was ordered to devastate it.

And troops began to flock to Azerbaijan 10 from all principalities and regions, from India and Samarkand and Derbenet, and even from India. So many troops gathered that there was no number for them.

Having learned about this, Queen Tamara gathered all her subjects for a council and told them: “Hurry to write and distribute a decree so that an army is immediately gathered and that all churches and monasteries pray for victory over the enemy. Give money to the poor and give them everything they need so that they can pray and appease God, so that the infidels cannot say: “Where is their God?”

And in ten days the warriors flew together like falcons, and an army gathered in Somkhiti 11. The Queen also arrived there and stayed there for several days, attended prayer services and, having gathered all the soldiers, said to them: “My brothers! May your hearts not tremble with fear, seeing that there are so many enemies, and you are few - God is with us! You heard how Gideon and his three hundred soldiers destroyed countless numbers of Midianites 12, how the Assyrian camp perished in one minute through the prayer of the prophet Ezekiel 13. Trust in the One God, strengthen your hearts with His truth and have endless hope in the Cross of Christ. Go to their country and defeat the enemy with the invincible power of the Cross! God and the Most Holy Theotokos are with us!”

The queen prayed and commanded that the Cross of Christ be carried before the army, with whom she sent the Catholicos of Georgia.

She herself took off her shoes and, walking on foot to the Church of the Mother of God in Mekheti, fell prostrate before Her holy icon and without ceasing prayed with tears for the granting of victory to Iberia, until, by faith, the Lord fulfilled her prayers, when a few days later a messenger from the army arrived with the news of victory 14 and that the army did not suffer any damage.

When the troops entered the enemy's country, they saw an innumerable army standing between Gandza and Shamkhor, covering the land like locusts. Everyone dismounted, bowed to God, offered Him a tearful prayer before His honorable Cross and struck the enemy. At the very first battle, the Georgians put to flight, by the power of God, a detachment of Persians ten times their size. But Atabek Abu Bekr fled and hid in a ravine.

So the Georgian army drove the enemy and reached the city of Gandza. The townspeople came out to meet them, asked for peace and surrendered the city of their own free will. King David was brought into the palace, seated on the throne of the sultans, drums were beaten and a great feast was held. All residents of the city brought tribute, the Georgians took away many treasures. They camped near Gandza for several days to capture Atabek, but could not find him. The Shamkhori people also asked for peace and surrendered the city.

Leaving Gandey, Ivane appointed Atabek’s brother, Mirmiran 15, who fought on the side of Georgia, as governor of the city. Mirmiran asked for governorship in Gandza, and David allowed him to do so without notifying Queen Tamara. As soon as Abu Bekr learned about the return of the Georgian troops home, he appeared near Gandza, and the Gandza people handed over the city to him, releasing Mirmiran alive, who was then killed by people sent by Atabek.

The victorious troops were returning home, and when they approached Tbilisi, the Queen came out to meet them. She rejoiced and thanked God, welcoming them as her own children and asking about their health. The whole army rejoiced when they saw her. All the fields around Tbilisi were filled with those gathered and could no longer accommodate people, horses, mules and camels. So great was the number of prisoners.

They took tribute from the vanquished to the royal treasury and lined up camels and horses with cargo in formation on the Didubi plain, all the way to Avchalgi, and lined up all the captive amirs, each with their own banner. And all the captive vassals brought tribute to the Queen and bowed to the ground, and the banner of the Caliph himself was thrown at her feet. The city was filled with untold riches.

But the heart of Queen Tamara not only did not become proud, but even more humbled herself before God, bringing him thanks and asking Him for mercy. She began to do charity even more, taking care of the splendor of churches, widows and orphans, the poor and all those in need. She donated her wealth to the One who entrusted it to her for disposal, who Himself gave it to her from His inexhaustible treasures. She surpassed the former kings in her deeds and deeds of piety, and she was ahead of her contemporary ones in the improvement of the state, so that the words of Scripture were fulfilled on her: strength on our land and peace on the heights of God.

Queen Tamara enriched Iveria not so much with earthly blessings as with heavenly ones: it was asserted Orthodox faith, the holy churches were decorated, the number of services and prayers increased everywhere, and services were continuously performed in the palace - God's mercy increased, and the devil's evil weakened.

Everyone worked zealously at their work in order to earn the Queen’s gratitude. Just as the Queen herself did not remain idle, she did not allow her soldiers to remain idle. Messengers brought joyful news of victories every day, and it often happened that they brought three or four messages a day - this is how the Lord God helped the army of Iberia and blessed the affairs of the state.

But who will describe all her deeds and qualities of her God-bearing soul? Should I first talk about her modesty or her commendable calmness? about proper severity or heartfelt compassion; favorable to all mercy, purity, innocence, truthfulness, all-encompassing goodness or amazing generosity? Her soul possessed the beginning of all blessings - the fear of the Lord - and served God faithfully.

How many impoverished kings, thanks to Queen Tamara, regained wealth, how many defeated ones again received their kingdoms from her hands, how many exiles returned to their possessions and how many condemned to death found life again!

No one followed the law of God with such zeal as she did, and no one humbled himself before God so much. Prayer services and vigils were held in her palace almost incessantly, and, fasting herself, she watched how the monks and courtiers observed the fast.

Her love for priests and monks is beyond description. The queen surrounded herself with people of righteous life, providing them with everything they needed. If any of them fell ill, she herself visited them and consoled them, and prepared the bed with her own hands. Queen Tamara allocated a tenth of the state income to the poor and made sure that not a grain was lost from this part. But while performing acts of mercy, she did not think that she was doing a good deed. Freed from government affairs, the Queen sat down to yarn or embroider, so as not to be idle, and donated her products to priests or beggars. By the mercy of her soul, she seemed to move God to mercy.

The enemies defeated by Queen Tamara did not sleep, but being powerless, pressed by the troops of Iveria, they went to the caliph and, without the same arrogance, begged him to persuade Queen Tamara to only take tribute from them, and stop her destroying sword, and remove the chains of conquest from them . The Caliph bowed to their request, sent envoys to her with rich gifts and, bowing before her with respect, asked Queen Tamara to stop the conquests. The queen answered him: “I fulfill your request and to those who wish peace for themselves and bring me tribute, I will give life in fulfillment of your request.”

Since then, the sultans sent her tribute. Among them was the Sultan of Rum 16 Nucardin 17, who sent tribute to the Queen for the sake of peace and gave her many gifts, but in his heart he was plotting deceit. Hiding behind oaths of allegiance to the Queen, he sought to study the state of the military forces of Iberia and secretly gave the order to gather an army, arming all men from all the borders of his kingdom. Also from the Turks, who were as numerous as locusts, he collected a hundred thousand armed horsemen for gold and rich gifts, and from many regions of Asia Minor, intimidating them against their will, he gathered an army.

Seeing the countless army assembled, Nucardin became proud in his heart, like Sennacherib 18, and, not being afraid of the oaths and vows of love and peace given to the Queen, he arrived in the city of Sebastia to prepare military vehicles and sent from there an ambassador to Queen Tamara with the message of a declaration of war. When the message was handed to the Queen, she calmly read it and, praying to God, sighed from the depths of her heart, shedding hot tears and placing all her trust in God. Then she called her courtiers and consulted with him about this message, not being afraid cowardly, not trembling in soul from danger and being guided by true reason. Then messengers were sent to all the borders of Iberia with a decree on the gathering of troops. In a few days, warriors gathered, as agile as tigers and brave as lions. The assembled army, trusting in God, immediately went to the temple Holy Mother of God in Vardzia, and, praying before Her Vardzia icon with tears, the Queen entrusted Her army, led by Exiled David, to Her. From Vardzia the army went to battle, and the Queen, barefoot, saw him off with tears.

When they approached the city of Kari 19 at a distance of one day's journey to the place of battle, then the Queen sent the Sultan's ambassadors with her ambassador and the following message: “Having entrusted herself to Almighty God the Almighty and constantly praying to the Virgin Mary and trusting with faith in honest cross, I read your God-infuriating message, O Nucardin! Don't you know that anyone who swears falsely in the name of the Lord will be wiped out by God from the face of the earth? And if you write to me about such things, then, behold, I am sending a Christ-loving army, but not so that it bows to you to the ground, but so that it crushes your pride and humbles your arrogance, so that you learn to no longer blaspheme God’s name. I know the unreliability of your servants, and therefore I sent my servant to you so that he would give you my answer to your message as soon as possible and warn you in time that the army I sent is standing at your gates.” Then she ordered the troops to mount their horses, and she herself ascended to a high place, from where she could see them all, and, kneeling down, prayed and cried for a long time, watering the ground with her tears. Then, calling all the nobles, she ordered the Eristavis to each approach the Holy Cross and venerate it. Everyone began to approach, and everyone venerated the honorable Cross and the hand of the Queen. With one hand she held the Cross, which on the other hand was supported by the manager of the royal court and the bearer of the Cross, Basili, and each bequeathed to her his house, his children and his souls. When everyone venerated the honorable Cross, she raised it and blessed the army three times on three sides, and it set out on a campaign, protected by the power of the cross and the tears of Tamara.

The queen arrived in Odzrhe and devoted herself to prayer and fasting. With her were Tevdore, the Catholicos of Kartli, a holy and good man, and many bishops and monks pleasing to God, and they all held all-night vigils and prayed for victory for the army.

The humane God looked upon their faith, and heard their prayers, and showed mercy to his people. When the Iberian troops arrived in the country of Basiani 20, the Sultan’s troops were already camped there, but the Georgians saw that they were standing without guards, at ease, not ready for battle. The Georgians immediately formed a detachment and suddenly attacked the enemy. When the Turks saw them, they abandoned their camp and rushed to the fortifications, because God brought great terror upon them. The Christ-loving army rushed after the fleeing Turks in pursuit and surrounded them.

God rewarded the Queen’s tears and firm hope with such a great victory. There was no end to the amount of booty, gold, precious dishes, fabrics, cups, dishes studded with stones and pearls, and outfits. And who could count the horses, mules, camels, tents and carpets that the vanquished abandoned?

David and Tamara victoriously entered Tbilisi, decorated with their subjects, carrying in their hands the banner of the defeated Nucardin. And again the royal treasuries were filled with gold and jewelry, some of which the Queen distributed to churches and the poor.

This is how God magnifies those who magnify Him, this is how He exalts the humble, this is how He helps those who trust in Him, such are the gifts He sends to those who believe in Him. So it was with Queen Tamara, for she had in her soul the beginning of wisdom - the fear of the Lord, justice and mercy, equal to everyone.

Many other women reigned, but Queen Tamara ruled not with cunning and cunning, but with wisdom, integrity, truthfulness and peace of mind, like Jacob; by generosity like Abraham, by mercy like the merciful Lord Jesus, and by imitating His justice. During the days of her reign, no one was subjected to violence on her orders. Even worthy ones death penalty were not subjected to it, and those worthy of exile were pardoned, no one was subjected to amputation of members, no one was punished by blinding, except for Guzan 21, who treacherously retreated from the Queen. The queen sent messengers with the words: “Go around all the regions from Alexandria to Libya and Mount Sinai” - to find out about the needs of churches, monasteries and Orthodox Christians. What can we say about the Holy Land, where she sent chalices, paten, covers for holy relics and a large number of gold for monks and beggars, redeemed from captivity those captured by the Mohammedans, and the tribute that the people paid them compensated him, removing from him every burden that oppressed him.

She did the same things for the inhabitants of Hellas, Macedonia, Thrace, especially for Holy Mount Athos, the monasteries of Constantinople, the Petritsion monastery in Bulgaria, the Black Mountain monastery in Syria, and other monasteries.

One day, monks from the Black Mountain, from the island of Cyprus and from the Holy Mountain and many other places came to her for a donation. The queen, according to her custom, received them as angels and did not let them go for a long time, then endowed them with rich gifts and provided them with everything they needed and gave them a large amount of gold, both for themselves and for distribution to distant temples and monasteries. The monks set off and reached Constantinople. The Byzantine Emperor Alexei Angar, 22, despised by everyone for his greed and cruelty, learned about the gold given by Queen Tamara to the monks and took it away.

Queen Tamara, hearing about this, sent even more gold for the holy fathers, but was angry with the Greek emperor. She ordered her army from Western Georgia to march against him, and the troops took Chaneti 23, Trebizond, Limon, Samison, Sinop, Kerasunt, Kitiora, Amastrida, Araklia 24 and all the lands of Peblagonia and Pontus from the Greeks, and gave them to her relative, Komnenos 25 , who was then himself with Queen Tamara, having found refuge with her.

The crusaders, hearing that the Georgians had taken the lands from the Greeks, marched against Constantinople and conquered it, and the disgraced Alexei fled to Bulgaria. The Bulgarian Tsar, his son-in-law, took him to one castle and, pouring out a huge amount of gold in front of him, said: “Here, Alexey, the object of your desire, gold, because of which you destroyed the Christian royal house, take it and feed on it!” So this pitiful man died of hunger, deprived of God's help 26 .

The queen's heart ached for Alexei, although he was not worth it, because although she was merciless towards her enemies, her soul was distinguished by unforgivingness and had great compassion for everyone.

It was the 23rd or 24th 27th year of the reign of the Queen. The Georgian troops, even after a long siege, could not take the city of Kare, because due to severe frosts, the approaches to the city were covered with snow and closed to the troops, and the water near the city froze. All the villages and surrounding settlements had already been taken, and only this city held the siege. The queen wisely decided to send reinforcements there, led by King David, consisting of troops from Upper Kartli. It took a long time to take the city, and the Queen waited for favorable news in Javakheti. David decided to break through the solid wall built by the inhabitants of the city, which surrounded the source of water that fed the besieged. After some time, the troops made a breach, the water dried up, and the inhabitants of Kars, finding themselves without water, were forced to surrender, but asked David for the Queen herself to arrive, for they were afraid of reprisals. And she arrived, the inhabitants of Kars brought the keys to the city to her and her son George and asked that the Queen not give the city into the wrong hands, but include it within the boundaries of her kingdom 28. This is what the Queen did, and only this city left behind her from among those that she took in victory, from Gaga to Gandza and from Javakheti to Sneri.

How can we give worthy praise to her wisdom, for the number of cities she captured is surprising, and how did she cope with so many matters that required her decision to govern the state? She was always diligent in matters of management, without relaxing, and kept them in her mind. She was condescending when required, and strict, and modest, and majestic, like a queen, like a perfect husband, combining all the virtues in herself.

She sat on her throne as a judge among neighboring kings, making sure that they did not start wars against each other and that peace and justice were not violated. He who heard her name wanted to see her; she was like the second Solomon among kings in her wisdom.

She spread spiritual light and joy around herself, but she was bashful and chaste. When teaching others, she did it gently and punished mercifully. She was a lamp of reason for the foolish and reasonable, a bridle for those who have gone astray from the path of truth and a spur for the careless, a moral canon for the elders and an iron stick for ardent youths, a wise protector for those who walk an honest path, impartial for the obstinate.

Under her rule, the priests strictly observed morality and the fear of God, the princes learned to live holy and walk along the paths of truth, the people served God with a sense of duty and fear and devotedly to their masters. The youths despised unbelief and vicious immorality and youthful obstinacy and rebellion. Even foul language was never heard in her days, either in the royal chambers or at court.

Her soul acquired virtue and in its mercy became like God. This ear of corn was already ripe for eternity, and the Lord compressed it.

After taking the city of Kars, the Queen stopped in the high-lying area of ​​Nacharmagevi. All the nobility were around her, and she gave orders in matters of state, church and monastery. But at this time she began to show signs of some illness, which became more and more severe day by day. So as not to bother anyone, Queen for a long time hid the illness, but when it could no longer be treated, she spoke about it.

Perhaps this illness was inevitable, because women’s weakness could not endure such hard work and military affairs. No medical remedies helped, and the people turned to prayer; prayer services were served everywhere, and everyone shed tears in prayer: both the rich and the poor. But such was God’s will, and her hands, which served the poor, began to weaken, and her legs, hurrying to do God’s work, began to bend, and in illness her bodily strength began to fade. All her devotees asked God to take away their lives, but to save the Queen,” they asked to take away their children, but to avert the coming death.

Gathering at the doors of her chambers, her neighbors cried out: “God, destroy us all, but save her!” But the One who called her was already standing at the door, and it was impossible to resist God’s determination.

Queen Tamara gathered her strength and, lying on her deathbed, said to the vassals of her kingdom gathered around her: “My brothers and children! Behold, the formidable Judge is already calling me, who is more terrible than all earthly kings, who takes the souls of princes. You are all witnesses that I kept love for you in my heart and did not cut off any of your share while I was your Queen. Now I am going to my fathers, by a path unknown to me, by a terrible command and a wondrous determination. I pray to all of you to always do good deeds and remember me in your prayers. “Behold, I leave you the heir of my house, whom God gave me, I leave you my children - George and Rusudan - accept them in my place, let them moderate your grief caused by my death.”

Entrusting her children to them before the image of Christ and the Life-giving Cross, she said: “Christ my God, the One and Eternal King of heaven and earth! I entrust to You this kingdom, which was entrusted to me by You, and this people, redeemed by Your honest Blood, and my children, whom You gave me, and my soul!” And everyone left her chambers, weeping bitterly. The queen fell asleep in the sleep of the righteous on January 18, and the sun of Georgia went out. Endless sorrow enveloped the country: everyone who knew only her name cut off their hair out of great sadness, grief was common, enveloping the country like darkness. Everyone dressed in mourning clothes.

Her relics were placed in the Mtskheta Cathedral for several days, and then buried in her family tomb, where the great and glorious Georgian kings were buried.

By keeping the commandments of the Lord, she gained the mercy of God, and God blessed her life and multiplied the fruit of her soul. Light shines upon the righteous, and joy upon the upright heart (Ps. 96; 11). Throughout her reign, she never once refused the request of orphans and widows and spent all her days in joy, for every day she brought joy to the poor and weak.

To our God be glory always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!

The word “Gospel” means glad news that proclaims remission of sins, grace, eternal life and the approach of the kingdom of heaven, which was inaccessible to people because of sin. No one can receive these blessings without true repentance. You must first change and crush your heart with sorrow for sins, and then there will be a place in it for the consolation of the Gospel. For the Gospel also, by the meaning of its name, means consolation. How will they be comforted by a heart that is not crushed by sorrow? For consolation is joyful news for someone who is sad, but consolation is unnecessary for someone who is joyful.

So, let us repent, so that the consolation of the Gospel may take place in us. Let us change ourselves for good, so that we may partake of the good things proclaimed to us. Let us crush our hearts for our sins, so that we may receive the Gospel as a life-giving plaster. The law and the knowledge of sin crushes the heart with sadness, like a hammer, but it is healed by the consolation that flows from the Gospel. Let us recognize our sins from the law, and our heart will be contrite, and the Gospel, the gospel of peace, the gospel of good things, will draw near to the contrite heart.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

*Kari is the Georgian name of the city of Kars on the Akhuryan River.

1 Holy Great Tamara reigned in Georgia in 1183~1207. after the Nativity of Christ.

2 Ossy - Ossetians.

3 Rusudan is the sister of King George III, the widow of the Iranian Suleiman Shah Seljukid. Having been widowed, she returned to her homeland, Iveria, and took an active part in the life of the country. With her consent, the issue of Tamara’s marriage was decided. Having loved virtue, holiness and chastity, at the end of her life, at the age of 80, she took monastic vows in one of the Orthodox monasteries in Georgia.

4 Mtsignobartukhutsesi - head of notaries, drafters of charters. From the beginning of the 12th century - head of government, chancellor, first person after the king. Since the time of David the Builder, this post was usually occupied by the bishop of the Chkondidi See, thanks to which ecclesiastical and secular power were united in his hands.

5 Jer. 51; 9.

6 Wed. 1 Cor. 7; 10.

7 Having divorced Yuri, Queen Tamara sent him to Byzantium. Yuri twice (in 1191 and 1193) tried to regain his throne, but both times he was defeated by the adherents of the Queen. His further fate is unknown.

8 Prime Minister and Visir of Viziers.

9 The vizier, who was in charge of the palace household, was the chief chamberlain. He was in charge of: the treasury, the bedchamber, the head of the bedchambers, the head of the treasurers.

10 Adarbadagan.

11 Somkhiti is a part of lower Kartli, lying south of the Trialeti ridge, to the Bambak Mountains (in the south), and from the Debeda River (in the east) to Javakheti (in the west).

12 Court. 7; 16.

13 Par. 32; 21.

15 Mirmiran (according to the Georgian source - Amir Miran), ruler of Arran and Gelakun. Driven out of his possessions by his brother Abu Bekr, he took refuge with Shirvanshah Akhsitan, whose daughter he married. But Abu Bekr did not give them peace, Shirvanshah and Mirmiran had to turn to Queen Tamara for help. In the Battle of Shamkhori they acted on the side of Georgia. King David gave the city of Gandza to Mirmiran as a vassal of Georgia. But soon Mirmiran was killed by people sent by Abu Bekr.

16 Sultan of Rum - Sultan of Greece. Greece in this case corresponds to the Rum or Iconian Sultanate - the possession of the Seljuks in Anatolia; the capital of this sultanate is Iconium (Konia).

17 Nukardin - Hands of ad-Din Suleiman II (1196-1204).

18 Sennacherib, king of Assyria (705-681)

19 Kari is the Georgian name for the city of Kars on the Akhuryan River.

20 Basiani- region in the upper reaches of the Arak River.

21 Guzan - a powerful feudal lord of southern Georgia, twice rebelled against the Queen, for. which was punished by David Soslan by burning out his eyes. He, robbing and hiding in the mountains, was captured and brought to King David. The Tsar, knowing how merciful the Queen was, burned out his eyes before notifying her for the blood of Christians shed by the robber.

22 This refers to the Byzantine emperor Alexei III Angel (1195-1203), known for his cruelty and stinginess, according to
consonance with the Georgian word “angari”, meaning “self-seeker”.

23 Chaneti is a region on the southern coast of the Black Sea, on the territory of which the Trebizond Empire was founded.

24 3here are the cities of the Trebizond Empire: Limoni - Limini fortress on the Black Sea coast of Asia Minor. Samison - Samsun in Asia Minor, on the Black Sea, ancient city Amis; Sinop is a port city on the Black Sea coast of Asia Minor; Kerasunt is a city in Asia Minor, on the Black Sea, between Trapezuit and Samsun. Kitiori - a city west of Trebizond; Amastria - the city of Amastris in Asia Minor, west of Sinop; Araklia is the city of Iraklia, west of Amstrida, on the Black Sea coast, in the territory of Asia Minor.

25 Komnenos - the first emperor of the Trebizond Empire, Alexei Komnenos.

26 According to another version, Alexei was brought to Nicaea in 1210 and tonsured at the monastery of Joa-kiifa, where he ended his Life in 1211 (F.I. Uspensky. History of the Byzantine Empire, III). 27 1206 or 1207 respectively.

28 To manage non-Georgian regions, two types of inclusion of new regions into the Georgian kingdom were practiced: direct annexation (inclusion in the crown lands) and feudal-vassal dependence. Residents of Kars asked for the first.

The year 2013 was declared by His Holiness Patriarch-Catholicos of All Georgia Ilia II, for, according to most historians, 800 years have passed since this amazing holy ruler of Iberia passed away to the Lord. The portal presents a biography of the holy Queen Tamara, prepared based on extremely interesting Georgian chronicles.

In Georgia, the people have exceptional love for the two holy wives - and the blessed Queen Tamara. Over the centuries that have passed since her death, this love has not weakened at all, and cannot weaken, for Saint Tamara not only exalted Georgia during her earthly reign, but even after her death she only multiplied prayers for her suffering homeland, which was plunged into ruin for many centuries. into the unbearable horror of the Islamic yoke. The very reign of the blessed queen became a real miracle and a gift for Georgia, since it was in this fragile, unusually beautiful woman, the Georgians found their best ruler, just and merciful, not wise like a woman, but wise like an angel. And most importantly, it was in her that they found an eternal, vigilant prayer book and representative at the Throne of God until the Last Judgment.

Two major works have survived to our time, in which the holy queen’s contemporaries describe her life and reign. The first of them - “The Life of the Queen of Queens Tamar” - was written, according to the most authoritative Georgian researchers, by a close associate of Queen Basili Ezosmodzgvari. In this work, attention is paid primarily to the moral character of the saint, which, in fact, should be most consistent with the hagiographic genre. Another work, “History and Praise of the Crowned People,” was written by a man more secular in spirit than the author of “The Life of the Queen of Queens,” but also an eyewitness to most of the events he describes. It is replete with detailed geographical information, descriptions of battles and state councils. Together, both of these works recreate the life of the era in question in sufficient detail. All other information about the life of Saint Tamara is contained in separate surviving decrees and documents like deeds of gift. Fortunately, both works were translated into Russian in the first half of the 20th century, so we can rely on primary sources, detailed information about which can be read in the relevant articles.

The Life of the Holy Blessed Queen Tamara

Childhood and youth

Holy Queen Tamara (1166-1213) came from the Bagratid family, which, according to established Georgian tradition, is usually traced back to the descendants of King David. The author of “History and Praise of the Crowned Bearers” at the very beginning of his narrative writes that he will “broadcast “praise of praise” to the one who came from the seed of Solomon,” for she “fully corresponded to her ancestors - the Davidids, Khosrovids and Pankratids.”

The father of Saint Tamara was the “king of kings” George, the grandson of the famous Saint David the Builder. He fought a lot with the Mohammedans. Under him, the borders of Georgia were further expanded, so that “the Greek, Alemannic in Jerusalem, Roman, Indian and Chinese kings brought him gifts and fraternized with him; the sultans of Khvarasan, Babylon, Sham, Egypt and Iconium served him.” Burdukhan, the mother of Saint Tamara, was beautiful and smart. From such parents came the one who was to become the adornment of Georgia, and indeed the entire Mediterranean.

In 1178, George, having gathered representatives of his seven kingdoms, with the consent of the patriarchs and all bishops, nobles, military leaders and generals, declared Tamara queen.

Two marriages and confirmation on the throne

From the very beginning of her reign, Tamara showed remarkable intelligence, being concerned, first of all, with electing the most worthy persons to the positions of viziers and military leaders. During this time, Tamara provided the bishops with donations, freeing the churches from dues and taxes. According to the chronicler, “during her reign, farmers became aznaurs, aznaurs became nobles, and the latter became rulers.”

She made Antony Glonistavisdze from Gareji and the two sons of Amirspasalar Mkhargrdzeli: Zacharia and Ivane her close associates. Although they were Armenians by faith, they highly revered Orthodoxy, so that one of them - Ivane - subsequently “understood the crookedness of the Armenian faith, crossed himself and became a true Christian.” In the future, all these people will show themselves with best sides.

However, not everyone appreciated the tenacious mind of the young queen. Some of the highest officials conspired to rise even higher and not to miss new ones close to them higher up. career ladder. Minister of Finance Kutlu-Arslan openly proposed creating some kind of parliament that would deal with the affairs of government, and Tamara’s power would be reduced only to the formal approval of all the laws they adopted. The queen detained the minister, the military stood up for him, but through negotiations the situation was resolved.

In 1185, by unanimous decision of the Patriarch, bishops and courtiers, it was decided to find a husband for young Tamara. For this purpose, the merchant Zerubbabel was sent to Rus', “due to the belonging of the Russian tribes to Christianity and Orthodoxy.” Arriving in Rus' and meeting George, the son of the holy martyr Andrei Bogolyubsky, “a valiant youth, perfect in physique and pleasant to contemplate,” Zankan brought him to Georgia. Everyone approved of the groom’s choice, but Tamara, judicious beyond her age, said: “How can you take such a rash step? Let me wait until you see his advantages or disadvantages." But the courtiers insisted on their decision, forced her consent and arranged a wedding.

A little later, Tamara’s fears were justified: our compatriot, alas, proved himself to be a drunkard who committed “many indecent things.” For two and a half years the saint endured her husband’s vices, addressed him through worthy monks, and then she herself began to denounce him face to face. But George became even more furious and began to commit more destructive offenses. Then Tamara, “shedding tears, sent him into exile, providing him with untold wealth and jewelry.” In 1187, George settled in Constantinople.

Thanks to natural beauty With her intelligence and charm, the saint became the desired bride for many kings and princes from all over the world. The eldest son of the Byzantine emperor Manuel almost went crazy because of her. Several sultans were ready to betray Islam just to win her hand. But Tamara remained adamant, because. Due to her innate craving for purity, she generally wanted to remain celibate.

However, the courtiers were worried about the lack of an heir, and only for his sake did the saint agree to marry the Ossetian prince David, a pupil of her aunt Rusudan, in 1188. This marriage turned out to be successful. In David, Saint Tamara found a wonderful husband and a fearless military leader. Contemporaries said about his abilities that “this David, within one year, surpassed everyone in everything that comes from the hands of man.” Soon Tamara gave birth to an heir, whom she named after her grandfather George, and then a daughter, whom she named after her aunt - Rusudan.

Having learned about the marriage of Saint Tamara, the Russian prince decided to compete for the lost throne. He left Constantinople and came to the country of Ezinkan. There he was joined by numerous traitors. Having gathered a large army, they went to war against Tamara, but were defeated in a night battle at the Kura River. The saint showed mercy and did not execute any of the traitors, even ex-husband releasing him to freedom.

George twice after this tried to regain the Georgian throne, but each time he was defeated by vassals loyal to Tamara.

State achievements

The reign became a time of prosperity not only for Georgia, but also for the surrounding peoples. According to the chronicler, “she sat as a judge between neighboring kings, making sure that no one started wars or tried to throw the yoke of violence on each other.” At the same time, she herself never relaxed from the action of time and did not show disdain for management. And it was during her reign that Georgia achieved such glory and power that it had never possessed before or since.

The enumeration of the cities she took alone could fill a whole book. And therefore we will dwell in detail only on two brilliant victories that she won over those who, out of hatred for Christianity, wanted to wipe Georgia off the face of the earth.

Caliph Abu Bakr, who hated Christianity, “opened the ancient treasuries” to gather a huge army from India, Samarkand and Derbent and move to Georgia. There were so many troops he collected that, according to the chronicler, they “did not have the opportunity to fit into one country.” Having learned about the impending invasion, Saint Tamara ordered the dissemination of a decree so that an army would immediately gather, all-night vigils and litias would be held in all churches and monasteries, and the courtiers would send “more money and everything needed for the poor.” In ten days they managed to gather a considerable army. The saint turned to the soldiers: “My brothers, do not be afraid because there are so many of them and you are few, because God is with us.” After which she entrusted them to God, and she took off her shoes and came barefoot to the Church of the Mother of God in Metekhi, where, falling before the holy icon, she did not stop praying with tears.

The Georgians were the first to attack the enemy. Seeing the Islamic forces between Gandza and Shamkhor, they dismounted, bowed to God and prayed before the Holy Cross with tears, and then struck the enemies and won. The number of prisoners was so great that they were sold for a wooden measure of flour.

“Did Tamar’s heart become proud?” the biography writer asks her and immediately answers: “On the contrary, she became even more humble before God.”

In 1202, the Sultan of Rum Rukn ad-Din came out against Saint Tamara, who feignedly concluded a number of peace treaties with her, and at that time he himself was recruiting troops throughout Eikumene: in Mesopotamia and Kalonero, in Galatia, Gangra, Ankyria, Isauria, Cappadocia , Greater Armenia, Bithynia and on the borders of Paphlagonia.

Rukn-ad-Din, seeing the army he had assembled, sent an envoy to Tamara: “I, Rukn-ad-Din, the Sultan of all the heavens, co-seating with God, I notify you, the queen of Georgia, Tamara. I am going so that you will never dare to take up the sword again. And I will give life only to the one who professes the faith of the Prophet Muhammad, rejects your faith and begins to break the cross with his own hand. Expect reprisals from me for the misfortune you brought upon Muslims.” Tamara, placing all her trust in God, called the courtiers and began to confer with them “not like a woman and not with disregard for the dictates of reason.” In a few days it was possible to gather soldiers, who first went to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vardzia. The queen entrusted her husband and his entire army to the Mother of God, and wrote a letter to the Sultan: “Having entrusted myself to Almighty God the Almighty and eternally praying to the Virgin Mary and trusting with faith in the honorable Cross, I read your message, which angers God, Nucardin. Anyone who falsely swears in the name of the Lord will be wiped off the face of the earth by God. I am sending a Christ-loving army to crush your pride and arrogance." The soldiers bowed to the Life-Giving Cross and went on a campaign, and the queen devoted herself to fasting and prayer.

When the Georgian troops arrived in Basiani, they saw that the Sultan had no guards posted. They attacked first, the Turks abandoned their camp and rushed to the fortifications. The Georgians surrounded them and frightened them so much that the defeated themselves tied up their fellow tribesmen. The townspeople decorated Tbilisi for the arrival of the king and queen, and they entered the city with the banner of Rukn ad-Din. The royal treasuries were filled with gold and golden utensils.

It is interesting that through the efforts of Queen Tamara, the entire Trebizond Empire was established, which appeared in 1204 after. As you know, Saint Tamara patronized a lot. One day, many monks came to her from the Black Mountain, Cyprus and other places. The saint gave them a large amount of gold. When the Byzantine Emperor Alexius Angelos saw it, he took it away from the monks. The queen sent gold to the venerable fathers in another more. At the same time, angry with the Greek king, she sent an army from Western Georgia to the Greek possessions, so that the Georgians took Lazika, Trebizond, Limon, Samison, Sinop, Kerasund, Kitiora, Amastris, Araklia and all the lands of Paphlagonia and Pontus from the Greeks. Over all these lands she placed her distant relative Alexius Komnenos, who became the emperor of the Trebizond Empire.

The rise of Georgian culture

Immediately after her election, Saint Tamara expressed her will that a church council be convened. She called Nikolai Gulaberisdze from Jerusalem, who, due to his modesty, at one time fled the rank of Catholicos of Kartli. When he arrived in Kartli, she gathered all the clergy, monks and hermits of her kingdom and people, experts in the law of God, striving to ensure that the evil seeds that had sprouted in the soil of Orthodoxy were destroyed in her kingdom. Having gathered everyone for the Council in one room and seated them on thrones, the queen sat down at a distance and said: “Oh, holy fathers, examine everything well and confirm what is straight and drive out what is crooked. Do not be partial to princes because of their wealth, and do not despise the poor because of their poverty. You in word, and I in deed, you in teaching, and I in teaching, you in instruction, and I in institution, let us all give each other a helping hand in order to keep God’s laws undefiled.”

The queen did everything to ensure that during her reign the rite of church service was carried out in full, according to the instructions of the Typikon and according to the Rules of the Palestinian monasteries.

Saint Tamara cared a lot about the improvement of God's churches. In the palace itself, vigils and prayers were continuously served, and the Bloodless Sacrifice was offered. During this period, the churches of Ikorta and Kvatakhevi were built in Kartli, and Lurji Monastery in Tbilisi. Only the ruins of the once magnificent Geguta Palace have reached us. A unique monument The 12th century is a rock-hewn monastery complex in Javakheti. This is a fortified city, which consists of several hundred caves. Near Vardzia there is also the Vakhan Monastery carved into the rock. About the high level engineering art evidenced by the Besletsky, Rkonsky bridges and the Dandalo bridge.

She also sent her confidants all over the world, asking them: “Go around, starting from Alexandria, all of Libya and Mount Sinai.” She grieved over the needs of the churches, monasteries and Christian peoples of those countries, sent chalices, paten, covers for shrines and innumerable gold for monks and beggars. She did the same in the regions of Hellas and the Holy Mountain, also in Macedonia and Bulgaria, in the regions of Thrace and in monasteries of Constantinople, in Isauria and all around the Black Mountain and Cyprus.

In general, the very time of the reign of Saint Tamara became the “Golden Age” of Georgian culture. Even if we do not mention the names of Chakhrukhadze and Shavteli, little known to Russian readers, who wrote “Tamariani” and “Abdul-Messiah,” everyone is familiar with the most famous Georgian poetic work, “The Knight in the Skin of a Tiger.” It is interesting that its author, the brilliant Shote Rustaveli, according to one version, was hopelessly in love with his mistress and brought out her bright image in the personality of one of his heroines great poem.

Death and posthumous veneration

In 1206, the husband of Saint Tamara, David Soslan, died, a man “full of all goodness, divine and human, beautiful in appearance, brave and courageous in battles and war, generous, humble and exalted in virtues.”

The saint made her son George Lasha her co-ruler, and she herself, according to the inevitable law of the universe, began to prepare for death. First she took care of state affairs and managed them, then she managed church and monastic affairs. It was then that she developed an unknown illness. All human art turned out to be futile. Everywhere lithiums and continuous all-night vigils were served for her health, and one could see “how tears shed equally from both the rich and the poor.” People cried out to God: “If only she alone would remain alive, but destroy us all!”

Wise Tamara called to her all the eminent people of the kingdom: “My brothers and children! So I am called by the Terrible Judge. I kept love for you in my heart. I pray to all of you to do good deeds and remember me. I leave you my children, George and Rusudan, as heirs of my house; accept them in my place.” After which she turned to God: “Christ, my One God, I entrust to You this kingdom, which You have entrusted to me, and this people, redeemed by Your honest Blood, and these children of mine, whom You have given me, and then my soul.”

The ashes of Saint Tamara were placed in the cathedral in Mtskheta for several days, and then buried in Gelati in the Bagrationi family tomb. However, no one knows where her relics actually rest. Knowing that the enemies of Christ would want to take revenge on her after death, she bequeathed to bury herself secretly so that the grave would remain hidden from the world. At night, ten detachments left the gates of the castle where Queen Tamara died. Everyone carried a coffin, ten coffins were secretly buried in different places. No one knew which of them contained the queen’s body. According to one legend, she was buried in the Gelati monastery. Another claims that she was buried in the Cross Monastery of Jerusalem, since she promised to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, but during her lifetime she could not do this, and the new king Lasha fulfilled her mother’s cherished wish.

Moral qualities of the holy queen

The name of Saint Tamara spread everywhere, like “the name of the angel of the four corners of the world, from east to west, from north to south.”

People loved her without regard and the animals themselves obeyed her. Once the Sultan sent her a lion cub as a gift; he grew up in the palace and became so attached to the saint that when he - already a huge, ferocious-looking lion - was taken out for a walk, he put his muzzle on her lap and caressed her like the lion of the Monk Gerasim. When they took him away, he cried profusely, flooding the ground with tears.

Saint Tamara made every effort to “her human nature remained simple, according to the nature of her internal make-up, without connection with passions.” She turned out to be wiser than Solomon, for she loved God and began to shun all the temptations of the world. To the surprise of everyone, she “spent the whole night standing on her feet, staying awake, praying, bowing and tearful supplications to the Lord, as well as doing needlework to help the poor.” She possessed the beginning of all good things - she was imbued with fear of the Almighty and served God faithfully. The prayer services and vigils performed in her palace, according to the chronicler, “exceeded the prayers of Theodosius the Great and even the hermits.”

The saint spent the days of her life in joy because she herself brought joy to all the poor and weak every day. She placed faithful caretakers over the poor. She gave a tenth of all state income - external and internal - to the poor and made sure that not even one grain of barley was lost.

In all of Georgia it was impossible to meet a single person who, with her knowledge, had been subjected to violence. During the 31 years of her reign, by her order, no one was punished even with a whip.

It is impossible to describe her love for priests and monks. Before her there were always people who followed the rules of a righteous life.

Saint Tamara became one of the saints closest to the entire Orthodox world. It is not for nothing that so many women not only in Georgia, but also in Russia bear her name. Caring for her beloved Georgia, during her lifetime she did not forget about Byzantium and the Orthodox Slavic countries, sending help to Christians languishing in captivity, establishing magnificent monasteries and churches. Moreover, now, after death, she has become an intercessor for all of us. Her wisdom in governing the country had a truly Divine basis and is therefore very useful for all of us to study.

Finally, the love for God revealed in her life, the trust in His holy will and Providence is an example to all of us who are looking forward to the life of the next century, which through the prayers of the holy, blessed Queen Tamara, may the All-Merciful Lord, who so generously rewarded His servant, honor us!

Among Georgians who speak Russian, it is customary to call Saint Tamara Queen Tamar.

See Russian translation: Life of the Queen of Queens Tamar / Trans. and input V.D. Dondua. Research and note. M. M. Berdzenishvili. - Tb.: Metsniereba, 1985.

The life of the queen of queens Tamar. pp. 6–8.

See Russian translation: History and praise of the crown bearers / Trans. and input K.S. Kekelidze. - Tb.: AN Georgian SSR, 1954.

“I have now conveyed to History and Vasylography, which means “The Story of the Kings,” only what I either saw myself or heard from wise and reasonable people.”

History and praise of the crowned people. pp. 5–12; The life of the queen of queens Tamar. pp. 6–24.

The exact years of the life of the holy Queen Tamara are still discussed among historians. Cm. Berdznishvili M. M. About the author and time of writing “The Life of the Queen of Queens Tamar” // Life of the Queen of Queens Tamar. P. 18.

Memory of the Holy Queen Tamara ( Tamar * ) Georgian is celebrated twice a year - May 14(this day is called the “holiday of flowers” ​​among many peoples of the world) and in 3rd Sunday after Easter(April 22, 2018), dedicated to. These two days have symbolic meaning.

Regal lily

If we compare the Church with a wondrous garden, then Queen Tamara will be the royal lily in this garden. Whoever pronounces her name in prayer feels the spiritual fragrance, like heavenly flowers, of the monasteries she built in the hearts of the mountains, chapels on the tops of rocks and temples and cathedrals erected in the valleys, as majestic as the cliffs of the Caucasus. Whoever says her name in prayer hears the ringing of bells, announcing victory over the enemies of the cross. Whoever pronounces her name sees the blue and scarlet color of dawn in the sky of Georgia, in the rays of which the moon and stars fade.

Most peoples of the world in their songs and legends called May the most beautiful month of the year. The Georgian Church dedicates May Day to Queen Tamara, perhaps because her kingdom was the brightest and most beautiful day in the life of Georgia.

The Georgian Church celebrates the memory of Queen Tamara on the day of the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women - those who, like the apostles, left everything earthly and followed Christ. Queen Tamara, ruling a vast state, was with Christ in her soul, like one of the myrrh-bearing women. She poured out her mercy, like ointment, on Georgia’s wounds and tried to wipe away every tear from her eyes. If it were possible to call the queen by another name, then this name would be “mercy.” If one could call her reign in one word, then that word would be “nobility.”

The people and history called her great, but it was not only the greatness of her victories, but also the greatness of her Christian soul, which shines to us through the darkness of centuries. Holy Queen Tamara took the scepter - like a cross and, ascending to the throne, said: “I am the father of orphans and the mother of widows.” She became not only a queen, but a mother and guardian angel of the peoples of Georgia.

Queen Tamara was called wise. Love gives a person unearthly wisdom, love opens a person’s heart to God, love gives a person the only true happiness - to be a sacrifice for others.

The life of the holy Queen Tamara was an invisible crucifixion for her people. If the holy fools hid the gift of clairvoyance and healing under the mask of imaginary madness, and the monks hid their spiritual exploits in the desert or behind the walls of monasteries, then the ascetic life of the Iberian crown-bearer was hidden from the eyes of the world even deeper - behind the splendor of the royal court, behind piles of gold and precious stones, which brought the capitals and cities of the East to her feet.

During the day, sitting on the throne, she examined state affairs and administered justice, like Solomon, amazing with the wisdom and generosity of those who came to her. It was a court where truth triumphed, but the spring of its mercy was not closed to the condemned. Solomon's sword reached even the altar of the temple; In Tamara’s palace, even the queen’s enemies found forgiveness and mercy - those who wanted her death and tried to point the sword at her chest. At night Saint Tamara dressed in a hair shirt and prayed Mother of God, calling Her the Queen of Georgia, and himself the last slave. The prayers of the holy crown bearer, like fortress walls, protected the country from visible and invisible enemies.

Kings rule over the people, and the best of them serve their subjects as their masters. The queen's sleepless nights passed in long prayers, like those of a schema-nun, and her tears—sometimes transparent, like a diamond, sometimes bloody, like a ruby—flowed down like streams of peace onto the earth. Her prayer was the flame that the demons feared: just as wild animals are afraid of a lit torch, just as wolves cannot approach the fire of a fire and only howl piercingly from afar.

Even in her youth, the holy Queen Tamara was given a dream: as if she was given wings, and she rose high into the sky above Georgia. She sees the Black Sea in the west. In it, like swans in a lake, Byzantine and Genoese ships float. In the south is Byzantium, the same faith, Constantinople - the fortress of Orthodoxy, standing like a giant on two continents. In the north are the peaks of the Caucasus Mountains, like white clouds, shining like the domes of a temple. She looked to the east and saw the Caspian Sea, which in its rage was raising its waves higher and higher. With a terrible roar they rush like lions to prey, and the boiling waters of the Caspian fall. It seems that the crests of the waves are rising above the Caucasus Mountains, that the Caspian Sea will capsize like a huge bowl and will swallow the entire Caucasus in its abyss, and it, as under Noah, will turn into the bottom of the ocean, and Georgia will forever disappear into the abyss of raging waves.

Holy Queen Tamara began to pray to God for the salvation of her country, and she saw three angels in the form of young men who raced on horses to the shore of the Caspian Sea and, stopping, began to shoot fiery arrows into the sea. There was a roar, as if the Caucasus mountains had collapsed, a pillar of fire rose to the sky, as during the destruction of Sodom, and the entire huge Caspian Sea began to glow, like a swamp of oil is burning. And she again sees the Caspian in the form of an old man who groans and begs for mercy.

Queen Tamara woke up in deep sorrow. She realized that a terrible danger was coming from the east, but the Lord would save Georgia during her earthly life, just as the Lord saved the Jews from the invasions of the Assyrians and Babylonians for the sake of the righteous king Ezekiah.

Under Queen Tamara, Georgia reached the pinnacle of its power. The traveler stands on the top of the mountains and examines the surroundings under his feet, as if from an eagle's flight. He admires the azure flame of the sky and the clouds, like whimsical fairy-tale islands floating in the blue expanse, the meadows, like a carpet embroidered with fresh flowers. Meanwhile, black clouds are gathering over the horizon. A storm can catch a traveler in the mountains, raging streams can block his path. But nothing portends trouble, the sky is clear and calm.

The hordes of Genghis Khan are already gathering in the east. In the Altai mountains, in the plains of Manchuria, in the deserts of Mongolia, terrible forces are gathering. The Mongolian blade will soon cut the world map from the Pacific Ocean to Mediterranean Sea. China will fall. Smoke from burned cities and villages will cover the sky over Georgia with black mourning. A fiery avalanche of Mongolians will sweep over Russia. The Mongol cavalry will reach the borders of Serbia, and Batu, scooping up water from the Adriatic Sea with his helmet, will pour it onto the shore as a sign that this land now belongs to the Mongols. But while Queen Tamara is alive, the sun will shine over Georgia, the farmer will throw grains of wheat into the furrows of the field, the architects will build temples and fortresses, and the mother will breastfeed her child.

Like a royal crown, Queen Tamara decorated the tops of the mountains with stone crosses, erected temples and monasteries in mountain gorges and dense forests, and cathedrals in the plains, as if impregnable fortresses. It seemed that all of Georgia, through the mouths of the altars, was singing a hymn to God. Queen Tamara completed the construction of monasteries, begun under her father George and great-great-grandfather Saint David the Builder. She completed the construction of the cave monastery of Vardzia - the castle of roses, where she spent Lent. She built the Betania monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Mother of God. Restored the Georgian Cross Monastery in Palestine.

Her treasury was like a lake into which the treasures of her vast kingdom and vassal countries flowed like rivers and streams, and from the other end of the lake flowed golden rivers and streams for the needy and poor, for the construction of monasteries, to help the Churches in countries under yoke of Muslim rulers. And her heart was open to foreigners and her hand was generous. She didn’t ask the hungry man: who are you? And the poor man: what is your faith?

Twice the united forces of the Muslim states of the Middle East invaded Georgia and twice found a common grave in Georgian soil. The first campaign was undertaken by the Baghdad caliph, the head of Muslims around the world, who combined royal and religious power. He occupied the same position and had the same unquestioned authority as the Pope in the Holy Roman Empire. The Muslim states neighboring Georgia fielded a huge army. It was led by atabeg Abubekr.

While the Georgian army was gathering, Queen Tamara prayed for many days in the churches of Tbilisi. The army left the gates of the capital. Queen Tamara walked ahead - barefoot, with flowing hair, with a cross in her hands, like the prophetess Deborah before the army of the Israelites. She blessed her warriors with the cross, who passed by her in orderly ranks, sparkling with armor and military weapons, with raised banners, knowing that many of them would not return back.

Then she entered the Metekhi Church of the Most Holy Theotokos and in front of the icon of Hodegetria began to pray that the Virgin Mary would save Georgia, as she had once saved Constantinople, surrounded by hordes of Avars and Scythians. The people prayed with Queen Tamara. Everyone confessed their sins to God. Those who had previously been at enmity with each other made peace, the rich forgave debts to their debtors, and released prisoners and captives. Temples were open day and night. In the Battle of Shamkhor, the Georgian army won. The main trophy in this battle was the Shamkhor fortress, which was considered impregnable.

Particularly formidable for Georgia was the invasion of Muslims under the banners of the Rum Sultan Ruknadin, the ruler of a state formed from a province separated from Byzantium, who, like Caesar of Byzantium, considered himself the heir of the Roman Empire. The Sultan of Rum, confident of his victory, sent a letter to Queen Tamara, where, with unheard-of insolence, he demanded that the queen, together with the people, convert to Islam. Therefore, the fight against the Turkish-Arab army was, first of all, a fight for faith.

The Sultan of Rum expected that the Georgian army, which was inferior to him in numbers, would not dare to engage in battle and would go on the defensive, and he would take fortresses and cities one after another and close the ring of his troops around Tbilisi. The proud sultan, who considered himself the successor of the Caesars, wanted to take Tbilisi by storm, as Titus had once taken Jerusalem, and wash away the shame with the blood of Georgians for the defeat that King David the Builder inflicted on the Turks, snatching Tbilisi from their hands like a crown.

The Rum Sultan was an experienced warrior; he spent his life in battles with the Byzantines and Crusaders, where he won victories and suffered defeats. But now something happened that he did not expect: the war ended in one battle. At the Vardzia Monastery a wave crashed like a rock, and his army perished.

An army was hastily assembled in Georgia, as if the sound of a silver battle trumpet had spread throughout the country. Queen Tamara, addressing the soldiers, said: “Do not let the multitude of the enemy frighten you, rely on the power of the cross. God’s judgment will be carried out in battle.”

The Sultan of Rum received the ambassador in his tent made of snow-white silk, who brought the answer that the Georgians had accepted the challenge to war. At this time, the Sultan was informed that the Georgian army was approaching. “Perhaps a detachment from the allied emirates, who heard the call for jihad, is rushing towards us - holy war with Christians." They answered the Sultan: these are Christians; we saw the cross on their banners.

There is no corner in Georgia where the name of Queen Tamara is not pronounced with blessing. The queen knew that the enemies of Christ would want to take revenge on her after death, and therefore she bequeathed to bury her secretly, so that the grave would forever remain hidden from the world. Georgia fulfilled her will. Her grave was preserved from the Mohammedans and the Mongols, and from those vandals who tear up and desecrate the tombs of their kings. The whole country mourned the queen, the whole people felt orphaned. It seemed that the glory and greatness of Georgia were embodied in the person of the queen, and now formidable trials lay ahead.

At night, ten detachments left the gates of the castle where Queen Tamara died. Everyone carried a coffin, ten coffins were secretly buried in different places. No one knew which of them contained the queen’s body. According to one legend, she was buried in the Gelati Monastery, in the Bagrationi tomb. Another claims that she was buried in Jerusalem, since she promised to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, but during her lifetime she could not do this, and the new king Lasha, George, fulfilled his mother’s cherished wish: a detachment of Georgians, joining the army of the crusaders, brought the coffin of Queen Tamara to the Cross Monastery. But this is a secret that the lips of the earth will never tell...

The mountaineers have a legend that when troubles and sorrows increase, Queen Tamara will come to Georgia again, sit again on her golden throne and console the people. But Queen Tamara, reigning not on earth, but in heaven with her spirit and love, never left Georgia and will never leave it.

Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin)

*Tamar- this is an ancient Caucasian pronunciation, the ending “a” was added later, so to speak, in the Russian way. Tamar is the only queen whom Georgians call a king. Hence this use of the name.

(1184-1213), Georgian queen, was before George III from the beautiful Bur-du-khan. Under her mother, Christianity had already spread in different parts of Georgia. Ta-ma-ra left a good memory of herself in the na-ro-de. Some people in Georgia use Ta-ma-ru as a cure-all for ailments.

Georgian tales glorify her meekness, peace, love, wisdom, reli-gi-ness and beauty. It is also known that Saint Ta-ma-ra cared about the poor nation, about widows, orphans and co-operation wa-la for the spirit of the development of Georgia. In addition, she built a lot of temples, and so- the luxurious Vardzii Palace. The Church, for its kindness and generous gifts, has counted Ta-ma-ru among the saints.

Holy Ta-ma-ra convened a church council, which eliminated the turmoil in church life and swept away the inconsistencies. standing hierarchs. Its state activity was also successful, fortunately the Georgian kingdom increased and got stronger.

The Complete Life of Blessed Tamara, Queen of Georgia

Holy Ta-ma-ra pro-is-ho-di-la from the noble family of Bag-ra-ti-o-nov, according to legend, the rise-ho-div-she- mu to sa-mo-mu king Da-vi-du. Her father Georgiy in 1178 proclaimed his daughter tsar-ri-tsei. 7 years later he died. From this moment on, the saint's reign began.

When Saint Ta-ma-ra ascended the throne, she said: “I am the father of orphans and the mother of widows.” This phrase defines all its rights.

The author of Ta-ma-ry’s bio-graphy left the following description of the young queen: “Regularly complex body, dark color eyes and pink color of white la-nits; behind-the-wall look,<…>a pleasant language, cheerful and alien with all sorts of discord, a speech pleasing to the ear, alien with all the badness talk".

Tsa-ri-tsa na-cha-la her right-le-nie from the personnel re-re-sta-no-vok. She swept away the evil-demanding rulers and chiefs of power, appointing others in their place . She liberated the Church from the taxation and eased the fate of the peasants.

In 1185, the pat-ri-arch proposed to the pra-vi-tel-ni-tse to marry. For this purpose, the right-of-salty came to Rus'. Soon it returned along with Ge-or-gi-em, the son of Prince Andrei Bo-go-lov-sky. Ta-ma-ra assured her surroundings that there would be no harm done with the wedding. After all, you still need to understand what kind of person he is. But the courtiers are on their own. Unfortunately, the wise king’s fears were justified. Ge-or-gy turned out to be unequally attuned to alcohol, doing “many in-personal things.” For two and a half years, Ta-ma-ra endured his rough treatment, trying in every possible way to figure out how- shake your husband Everything would have been in vain. She had to break up with her husband.

For a long time the saint thought of remaining a widow with her living husband, but for the sake of Marry a second time - to an Ossetian tsa-re-vi-cha Yes-vi-da. This marriage turned out to be happy, and soon Georgia saw its future right.

During the reign of the holy Ta-ma-ry, the country reached its glory and power. Tsar-ri-tsa was a fair judge. Her labor-do-love, state-government talent, Christian co-operation pre-determined the “Golden Epo” -hu" of Georgia.

She successfully stopped the invasion of Kha-li-fa Abu-Ba-k-ra, who, having gathered a huge army from India, -I wanted to live on the riches of Georgia. The same fate befell another grab-chi-ka - sul-ta-na Rukn-ad-Di-na.

Immediately after ascending to the throne, Ta-ma-ra paid close attention to the organization of one -go-serv-no-go mouth and church-no-go ka-no-na. She called upon all the God-speaking people, those who know the For-God, the bishops and the priests will come to the city of Kart-li. Here, a general council was soon held, at which there was the presence of va-la and the tsa-ri-tsa.

Before the death of Tsar-ri-tsa Ta-ma-ra managed to finish all the necessary government affairs and arrange -sya on the main churches and mo-na-styr-skim issues. Unexpectedly, an unknown illness overtook her. The doctors turned out to be powerless. The whole country is on you-ma-li-va-la its tsar-ri-tsu, one day on January 18, 1213, the great pra-vi-tel-ni-tsa world -but died.

About the exact location of the holy Ta-ma-ra there are still disputes among is-to-ri-kovs and arch-heo- logs


Ta-ma-ra is a Russian pro-from-water name from the biblical “Fa-mar”. Translated as “fini-ko-vaya palm.”


Troparion to Blessed Tamara, Queen of Georgia

Desiring the highest beauty, / you drove away the lower sweets of the body far from yourself / and, staying in the royal palace, / you conveyed the angelic life, / to the blessed Queen Tamaro, / / ​​pray to Christ Bo May our souls be saved.

Translation: Desiring heavenly sweetness, you drove away base pleasures far from yourself and, staying in the royal palace, led an angelic life, Queen Tamara, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Troparion to Blessed Tamara, Queen of Georgia

In the saints, marvelous,/ Iberia was the luminary,/ faithful to Queen Tamaro,/ who erected temples on the high mountains,/ so that in them prayers are sent to the Lord,/ through your prayers the fortress bestowed by the howl of love for Christ the great people of the country of Iveron, / who, with their right hand, overthrew the Hagaryan hordes, / pray Christ God // our souls will be saved.

Translation: Amazing among the saints, the luminary of Georgia, the orthodox Queen Tamara, who erected temples on high mountains, so that prayers are sent to the Lord in them, through your prayers you have given strength to the Christ-loving warriors of the Georgian country, your right hand Having overthrown the Muslim hordes, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Prayer to Blessed Tamara, Queen of Georgia

Oh, holy, great and faithful Queen Tamaro! We, sinners (name) and humility, as we diligently resort to a warm protector and an ambulance, asking for help and intercession in the abyss of the troubles of those plunging, even at every day and hour from wicked people who adventure , and those who are overcome by various diseases, and through your intercession, since you have great boldness towards God, pray for us in our sorrows, needs and misfortunes, and intercede for us from all enemies visible and invisible, especially from demonic wiles and tricks, arrogant attacks and flattering approaches, yes We will not be a reproach or a mockery to them, and with your strong help we will not Drive us away, just as Iverstey drove us away from the country, and establish true love for God in our hearts and make it worthy.
When our departure from this temporary life and migration to eternity has arrived, come to our aid soon, and free us from the violence of the enemy, for you have eternal life, and bring our hearts ours to true repentance, so that we too may present ourselves to the Most Holy Trinity with undefiled lips and a clear conscience , glorifying and singing Yu, with all the saints for endless ages. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the Holy Blessed Queen Tamara

Kontakion 1

Chosen from the ancient dynasty of the Bagratid kings, a wonderful decoration of the Georgian country and the conqueror of Islam, and the widespread dissemination of the Christian faith, planter of temples, fortresses and monasteries, and the preacher of the Word of God,
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.

Ikos 1

All the red people of the world neglected their grandfather King David III, the follower of the Christian faith and its renewer throughout the Georgian country, the great holy Tamara, remembering such a strong and strong faith of yours, we bring you this song:
Rejoice, you who have despised all the good things on earth and the red things of the world. Rejoice, having loved Christ from youth with all your heart and with all your soul. Rejoice, King David III, follower of the Christian faith. Rejoice, and with Father George III, co-emperor. Rejoice, you who enlightened many people of the Svaneti region in Christianity. Rejoice, you who also built the temples of the Lord in Svaneti.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Almighty God about your zeal for the faith of Christians, sending help to you to defeat the Muslim faith of the Roman Sultanate of Ruqi-ed-Din, we are amazed, grateful to God, who arranged this, and sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Reason is acceptable to God, Saint Tamara, the all-praised one, it is beneficial to you and others to gain zeal, day and night, from the merciful God, you diligently asked for victory over the Islamic faith, and the philanthropic God heeded your prayer, giving victory, for the sake of which we cry out to you like this:
Rejoice, blessed Tamara, who, according to your desire and God's will, successfully achieved victory. Rejoice, thou who hast acquired many spiritual good and beneficial treasures from God. Rejoice, you who built many temples in the country of Iverstei. Rejoice, having strengthened many Christians with your wisdom. Rejoice, expander of the country's borders. Rejoice, builder of the construction of canals, roads, networks, and water pipelines. Rejoice, great builder of monastic monasteries. Rejoice, and planter of monuments of architecture, painting, literature and science.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High has settled in your pure heart, faithful to Queen Tamara, kindled love, and in historical battle win near Basiani. And in our country, for your wise rule, having won the love of all the people, and seeing your zeal as such, we sing to the Almighty God: Alleluia

Ikos 3

Having a great desire to renew the Christian faith throughout Iberia, the holy queen asked for strength from the Lord God and strengthen us who fall to you with our faith, who wish to diligently sing and glorify your name:
Rejoice, having been heard by the Almighty in your prayer. Rejoice, you who have received strength from the Lord. Rejoice, service to God and the Mother of God, who most of all loved you with all your soul. Rejoice, you who presented the image of humility to all old and young. Rejoice, praised and honored by all the virtues of your peers. Rejoice, you who called the time of your reign the golden age. Rejoice, you who have had glory throughout the whole world, are sung and glorified. Rejoice, and you who counted your reign as nothing. Rejoice, adorned with bright vestments from God. Rejoice, you who have the gifts of miracles.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.

Kontakion 4

You are invincible from godless unrest, blessed Tamara, desiring to work unceasingly for the Lord, extending your labors to great lengths, leaving the royal throne, and spent cave monastery Vardzil, chanting to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing, blessed Tamara, about our fleeting life, she placed the monastic image on herself, and we, thinking about it, thus appeal to you:
Rejoice, having attributed your reign to the salvation of souls. Rejoice, and follower of the monastic life. Rejoice, you who built a church for yourself in the cave monastery of Vardzil. Rejoice, cell that had a window with the temple. Rejoice, who offered prayers from the window into the temple during Divine services. Rejoice, you who transform worldly storms, unrest and rebellion into silence. Rejoice, kindly guiding everyone into a saving haven. Rejoice, fierce and pacifying wisdom of the enemies of vacillation. Rejoice, you who receive under your protection and motherly protection.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.

Kontakion 5

The epiphany star in the country of Iverste, enlightening many with the rays of its shrine, and instructing many on the path of knowledge of God, seeing this God's will for good, we sing with gratitude to the All-Merciful God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen many, your God-pleasing life, they break their hearts, remembering: “He who comes to Me I will not cast out,” we crown you with the same hymn:
Rejoice, queen, distinguished by her high piety. Rejoice, thou who art the continuator of all the undertakings of King George. Rejoice, promoting the wide spread of faith, art and spiritual culture throughout the country. Rejoice, you who successfully led the Iverskian troops to victory. Rejoice, conqueror of the seven Muslim faiths. Rejoice, you who encourage all Christians with your victories. Rejoice, strengthening all your followers through deeds and fervent prayer to God. Rejoice, you who affirm those who are overcome by resistance by sudden relief. Rejoice, watching over all Christians with a cheerful eye.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, Christian faith warrior

Kontakion 6

We preach and everywhere praise your name, holy and faithful queen, at the end of your earthly life, uncovetous in a closed cave, continued, marveling at your patience, the mortification of your body, giving praise to God with the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Vozsia in the Iveron church region, blessed great Tamara, having enclosed herself in a cave, having also illuminated and enlightened the surrounding countries, and having created the hearts of many for good deeds, for this blessing of God, we bring you our singing:
Rejoice, you who still have wise rule over the country as a queen. Rejoice, and in the cell there is grace from God. Rejoice, thou who understandest in the vanity of those who live. Rejoice, stewardship of the good life of beginners. Rejoice, strengthening of those who are weary and shaken by despondency. Rejoice, affirmation of hard work for all. Rejoice, great organizer of Iberia. Rejoice, vigilant guardian of pure and immaculate life. Rejoice, all who want to live a pious and godly life, wise teacher.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.

Kontakion 7

Although the all-evil enemy of your good undertaking created an obstacle, sending in 1204 the ruler of the Roman Sultanate to demand that Iberia renounce Christianity and accept Islam, you, good Queen Tamara, rejected this demand, and in the battle near Bassiani, having defeated the cunning and deceit of the enemy, about which you rejoiced, We sing gratefully to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Saint Tamara, the blessed Tamara, took on new work and a new feat in the life of the cave; in the Vardzil prayer temple you built, the most zealous service to Christ God and we, looking with intelligent eyes, constantly cry out to you:
Rejoice, conqueror of the insidious enemy of the Christian. Rejoice, you who have achieved the monastic sojourn in the cave. Rejoice, guardian of monastic abodes. Rejoice, you who built 365 caves and the Vardzil temple. Rejoice, you who have won many legends about your eternal life. Rejoice, faithful performer of God's commandments. Rejoice, unconstrained ascetic in monastic labors. Rejoice, warm prayer book for us.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.

Kontakion 8

A strange and sorrowful life, working only for God, for this sake we also sing to God, who taught you and taught you: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All your care, faithful Queen Tamara, resisting the all-evil Christian enemy, and trampling on his proud head, glorifying the common Creator. In the same way, the Glory of God rose from your cell and illuminated all the ends of the earth, so for the sake of such praise we sing to you:
Rejoice, working for the One God. Rejoice, powerfully subduing the enemy of pride. Rejoice, adorned with deep humility and meekness. Rejoice, gifted with wisdom from God. Rejoice, in unceasing prayer last years spent life. Rejoice, and peacefully ended your earthly life. Rejoice, numbered among the holy ranks of the faithful.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.

Kontakion 9

Every human mind, looking at your wretched and humble life, leaving the royal throne and all earthly honors, is a great reward, thanksgiving to the Almighty God, glorifying His goodness, and leading many from the soul-destroying path and instructing them on the path of salvation, teaching them to sing to the Creator and Provider: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

You have trampled everything in this world, and having come to hate this useless humility, you have taught our souls this, holy and faithful Tamara, for such your goodness accept our everlasting veneration:
Rejoice, O valiant despiser of the world and all its sweets, beauties and charms. Rejoice, stewards of meekness and abstinence. Rejoice, you who save yourself by silence and by eliminating yourself from the world. Rejoice, you who do not put soft and light robes on yourself. Rejoice, you who, instead of choosing food, have risen by fasting for many days and by mortification of the body. Rejoice, instead of the royal sweet drink, you have drunk yourself with heartfelt tears.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.

Kontakion 10

Although you mercifully expect to save many, all conversion and salvation, the Most Merciful God will show you to the country of Iveron, as a champion of orthodoxy, stirring us with a pure heart to sing to you and to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall is solid and a strong fence has appeared, holy blessed Tamara, giving a helping hand to all who zealously come to you, and for such your benevolence we reward you with singing:
Rejoice, ambulance to the needy. Rejoice, O merciful nurse of the hungry. Rejoice, clothing and shelter for those deprived of clothing and shelter. Rejoice, wise healer of those aggravated by illnesses. Rejoice, speedy banisher of all misfortunes and sorrows. Rejoice, warm protector who flows to you with faith.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.

Kontakion 11

We bring you singing, holy great blessed Tamara, to glorify your deeds and labors, but we, seeing God’s will, bring you this small prayer of ours from all sins and defilements with your prayers, and every day and hour with a pure heart we sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Filled with God's grace and glorified from the country of Iveron, the great holy, blessed queen, pray to God for us sinners who truly glorify you with love:
Rejoice, performer of all virtues. Rejoice, beautiful and wonderful dwelling of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, you are a fertilized receptacle for all Godly deeds. Rejoice, you who have pleased the Creator and God well in your temporary life. Rejoice, you who had national glory during your lifetime. Rejoice, having prepared yourself perfectly for the end of this temporary and difficult life. Rejoice, you who have entered into the heavenly dwelling and are numbered among the saints.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.

Kontakion 12

The All-Bountiful God has given you grace from His treasures, for your valiant diligence and deeds, as you have been pleasing and kind to God, and have received endless reward for yourself in the heavenly villages, constantly singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your victory over the Muslim coalition and the silent care of everyday life, we praise your painful labors and exploits, we honor all-night vigils and prayers, chanting:
Rejoice, you who have become like an Angel in heavenly glory. Rejoice, numbered among the faithful. Rejoice, having gained participation and inheritance with all the saints who have pleased God well. Rejoice, you who are filled with the sweet and blessed things of the Most Holy Trinity. Rejoice, thou who hast righteously merited the ineffable blessings prepared for the righteous from time immemorial.
Rejoice, holy great blessed Tamara, warrior of the Christian faith.

Kontakion 13

Oh, holy great blessed Tamara! Accept this prayer of ours, offered by us, unworthy, out of love. Keep us safe from all enemy slander and attacks and in the long life of us who flow to you with faith and love, deliver us from all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes, so that we may sing gratefully about you to our God and Savior: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1st, kontakion 1st.)

First prayer

Oh, holy, great and faithful Queen Tamara! We are sinners (name) and humble, as if we diligently resort to a warm protector and an ambulance, asking for help and intercession in the abyss of troubles plunged into the abyss of those who befall us every day and hour from wicked people, and those possessed by various illnesses, and through your intercession, since it is great If you have boldness towards God, pray for us in our sorrows, needs and misfortunes, and protect us from all enemies visible and invisible, especially from demonic intrigues and tricks, arrogant attacks and flattering approaches, so that we will not be their reproach and ridicule, and with your strong help drive them away from us, just as you drove them away from the country of Iveron and true love Establish in our hearts towards God and make us worthy.
When our departure from this temporary life and resettlement to eternity is ripe, soon appear to help us, and free us from the violence of the enemy, as if we have eternal life, and lead our hearts to true repentance, so that we too may present ourselves with clean lips and a clear conscience to the Most Holy Trinity , glorifying and singing Yu, with all the saints for endless centuries. Amen.

Second prayer

Oh, holy Queen Tamara!
Do not forget us, but remember in Your holy prayers the servant of God (name), pray for us, holy queen. Do not give up on us in spirit, save us from the arrows of the enemy, from the charms of demons and the snares of the devil. Ask us time to repent and freely pass from earth to heaven through the ordeals of bitter demons, so that through your intercession we will be freed from eternal torment, Heavenly Kingdom We will be deemed worthy to inherit with all the righteous from the ages who have pleased Christ our Lord. To Him is due all glory, honor and worship, now and to the endless ages of ages. Amen.

The year the question of succession to the throne became the reason for the uprising of the nobility under the leadership of John Orbeli, who stood up for the rights of Prince Demna (Dimitri), the nephew of George III. The king brutally suppressed the uprising, but understood that the nobility had been defeated only for the time being and was waiting for the right moment to resume the fight. This prompted George to decide the issue of inheriting the throne during his lifetime.

Rusudan supported this proposal and Queen Tamara heeded the request of the nobles, agreeing to a second crowning. During her coronation, the young queen showed exceptional generosity, distributing countless treasures for the needs of the poor and the Church. She promised that she would persecute lawlessness, double-mindedness and other vices, encourage virtue, support legal principles, and take care of the people's well-being and the greatness of the fatherland. The people were delighted with the queen.

"Correctly built body, dark eye color and pink color of white cheeks; shy look... pleasant language, cheerful and alien to any swagger, speech that delights the ear, conversation alien to any depravity" .

Marriages and accession to the throne

From the very beginning of her reign, Tamara showed remarkable intelligence, being concerned, first of all, with electing the most worthy persons to the positions of advisers (viziers) and military leaders. She made her close associates Anthony Glonistavisdze from Gareji and two sons of the chief governor (amirspasalar) Mkhargrdzeli: Zacharia and Ivane, who later showed themselves to be faithful and skillful people. At the same time, Tamara provided the bishops with donations, freeing the churches from dues and taxes, and tried to gather people of righteous life to her.

Some of the senior officials conspired to rise even higher and not to let new associates higher up the career ladder pass. The treasurer (mechurchletukhutses) Kutlu-Arslan openly proposed to create some kind of parliament that would deal with the affairs of government, and the power of the queen would be reduced only to the formal approval of all the laws they adopted. Tamara detained Kutlu-Arslan. The military stood up for him, but the confrontation was resolved through negotiations.

Thanks to her natural beauty, intelligence and charm, the saint became a desired bride for many kings and princes from all over the world. The eldest son of Emperor Manuel Komnenos sought her hand; several sultans were ready to renounce Islam for her sake. But Tamara remained adamant, since, due to her innate craving for purity, she generally wanted to remain celibate. Only yielding to the convictions of the courtiers, who were worried about the lack of an heir, did she finally agree to marry the pupil of her aunt Rusudan, the Alan prince David Soslan. This marriage turned out to be successful: in David, Saint Tamara found a wonderful husband and a fearless military leader. Soon Tamara gave birth to an heir, the future Tsar George IV, and then a daughter, Rusudan.

Having learned about the second marriage of the holy queen, her first husband decided to compete for the lost throne. He came to the country of Ezinkan (Erzincan), where numerous traitors joined him and went to war against Tamara. The rebel army was defeated in a night battle near the Kura River, but the saint showed mercy and did not execute any of the traitors, and released her ex-husband. Subsequently, Yuri Andreevich tried twice more to regain the Georgian throne, but each time he was beaten by vassals loyal to Tamara.

Foreign policy

Ten years after ascending the throne, Queen Tamara launched an offensive policy against neighboring Muslim states. Her forces took Khorasan, Tabriz (now Tabriz) and Erzurum. In response, the Baghdad caliph decided to conquer the growing Christian Georgia and in the year gathered against it a powerful united army of the Muslim world, which included forces from India, Samarkand and Derbent under the command of the atabek of Azerbaijan Abu Bakr. Having learned about the impending invasion, Saint Tamara ordered the dissemination of a decree so that an army would immediately gather, that all-night vigils and litias would be held in all churches and monasteries, and that the courtiers would send “more money and everything necessary for the poor.” In ten days they managed to gather a considerable army. The saint turned to the soldiers: “My brothers, do not be afraid because there are so many of them and you are few, because God is with us.” After which she entrusted them to God, and she took off her shoes and came barefoot to the Church of the Mother of God in Metekhi, where, falling in front of the holy icon, she did not stop praying with tears. Georgian troops won a brilliant victory near Shamkhor (now Shamkir), capturing many enemy soldiers. The great victory brought glory to the queen, but her biography emphasizes that the blessed Tamara did not succumb to pride, but “on the contrary, she became even more humble before God.”

Another difficult test for the queen and the country was the battle with the Sultan of Rum Rukn ad-din. Having feignedly concluded a series of peace treaties with Tamara, he gathered a large army throughout his power, and in the early 1200s he spoke out against her, declaring that life would be left “only to those who profess the faith of the Prophet Muhammad, reject your faith and begin to break with his own hand.” cross " . Tamara, placing all her trust in God, called the courtiers and began to confer with them “not like a woman and not with disregard for the dictates of reason.” In a few days it was possible to gather soldiers, who first went to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vardzia. The queen entrusted her husband and his entire army to the Mother of God, and she herself devoted herself to fasting and prayer. In the Battle of Basian, the Georgians defeated the enemy, took rich trophies and again repelled the threat hanging over the Christians. The biography preserved a letter from the blessed queen to Sultan Rukn ad-din, written on the eve of the battle:

"Having entrusted myself to Almighty God the Almighty and eternally praying to the Virgin Mary and trusting with faith in the honorable Cross, I read your message, which angers God, Nucardin. Anyone who falsely swears in the name of the Lord will be wiped off the face of the earth by God. I am sending a Christ-loving army to crush your pride and arrogance" .

The blessed queen, continuing the expansion of the state in the fight against Muslim countries, also contributed to the creation of the Roman Empire of Trebizond, allied with Georgia. Having received her relatives, the exiled Roman princes Alexius and David Komnenos, she found herself in confrontation with their persecutor, Emperor Alexius III Angelos. The impetus for the aggravation of relations was the withdrawal by Alexy Angel of the generous gifts that Tamara bestowed on the monks who came to her. Having learned about this, the queen sent even greater quantities of gold to the name of the reverend fathers. Then, in the same year, she sent an army to the northeastern borders of the Roman possessions and installed Alexius Komnenos as emperor over these lands with his capital in Trebizond.

Thus, during the years of her reign, the blessed Queen Tamara humbled internal and external enemies, expanded the boundaries of the kingdom and gave Georgia predominant political importance throughout Asia Minor. The queen was able to take the place of arbiter over a vast region - according to the chronicler, “she sat as a judge between neighboring kings, making sure that no one started a war or tried to throw the yoke of violence on each other.” At the same time, Tamara herself did not relax under the influence of time and did not show disdain for management.

Internal management

The reign of Saint Tamara is known as the golden age of Georgian history, not only from the political side, but also from the spiritual and cultural. The queen's high piety and wisdom manifested themselves in many deeds, but the blessed Tamara became especially famous as a guardian of Orthodoxy, a generous patron of the Church and the arts.

Immediately after her election, Saint Tamara announced the convening of a Church Council, to participate in which she called the former Catholicos of Mtskheta Nicholas from Jerusalem and, under his chairmanship, gathered numerous clergy teachers, monks, hermits and experts in the law of God from all over the kingdom. Having seated everyone in one room, the queen sat down at a distance and said:

"Oh, holy fathers, examine everything well and establish what is straight and drive out what is crooked. Do not be partial to princes because of their wealth, and do not despise the poor because of their poverty. You in word, and I in deed, you in teaching, and I in teaching, you in instruction, and I in institution, let us all give each other a helping hand in order to keep God’s laws undefiled" .

Guided by this order, the Council eliminated troubles in church life and removed unworthy hierarchs. Subsequently, the queen did everything to ensure that during her reign the rite of church service was carried out in full, according to the instructions of the Typikon and according to the Charter of Palestinian monasteries. In the palace itself, prayer services and vigils were continuously served, and the Bloodless Sacrifice was offered. Saint Tamara cared a lot about the improvement of God's churches: in Kartli during this period the churches of Ikorta, Betania, and Kvatakhevi were built; Lurgi Monastery was erected in Tbilisi; outstanding monument The monastery complex of Vardzia in Javakheti, carved into the rock, became noteworthy, and the Vakhan monastery, carved nearby at the same time, is also noteworthy.

Under the holy queen, Georgian culture experienced an unprecedented flourishing. Such outstanding poems are being written as “Abdul-Messiah” by St. John Shavteli, “The Knight in the Tiger’s Skin” by Shota Rustaveli and “Tamariani” by Chakhrukhadze. In addition to the magnificent temples, numerous new buildings are being created, such as the Geguta Palace, as well as the masterfully crafted Besletsky, Rkonsky and Dandalo bridges.

The prosperity of Georgia under Tamara was also based on her special concern for the poor. She placed faithful caretakers over the needy and gave a tenth of all state income to the poor, and made sure not even one grain of barley was lost. Executions have stopped in the country; in all of Georgia it was impossible to meet a single person who would have been subjected to violence with the knowledge of the queen. During the 31 years of her reign, by her order, no one was punished even with a whip.

Spiritual appearance

Georgian legends glorify the piety, meekness, peacefulness, wisdom and beauty of the holy queen. People loved her without looking back and the animals obeyed her: the biography writer talks about a lion that grew up at her court, who laid his muzzle on the queen’s knees, fawned over her, and when he was taken away, he wept profusely. Her name was famous as “the name of the angel of the four corners of the world, from east to west, from north to south.”

Saint Tamara was imbued with fear of the Almighty and served God faithfully. She made every effort to ensure that “her human nature remained simple, according to the nature of her internal makeup, without connection with passions.” The queen amazed those close to her by the fact that she “spent the whole night standing on her feet, staying awake, praying, bowing and tearful prayers to the Lord, as well as doing needlework to help the poor.” The queen rejoiced at the opportunity to help the poor and infirm, and she had a special love for priests and monks.

Last years and death

Then Tamara turned to God:

"Christ, my One God, I entrust to You this kingdom, which You have entrusted to me, and this people, redeemed by Your honest Blood, and these children of mine, whom You have given to me, and then my soul" .

With these words, the blessed queen of the Georgian people died peacefully and quietly. Her death is most often dated to January 18 of the year.

Relics and veneration

According to the life writer, with the repose of the holy Queen Tamara, “the sun of Georgia went out,” and the joy of the Georgians gave way to grief: “their lips became like the earth, deprived of salt.” According to “The Life of the Queen of Queens Tamar,” the ashes of Saint Tamara were placed in the cathedral in Mtskheta for several days, and then buried in Gelati in the Bagrationi family tomb. However, in fact, the true resting place of her relics remained hidden. Knowing that the enemies of Christ would want to take revenge on her after her death, she bequeathed to bury herself secretly so that the grave would remain hidden from the world. At night, ten detachments left the gates of the castle where the queen died. Each one carried a coffin, and all ten coffins were secretly buried in different places. No one knew which of them contained the queen’s body. According to one legend, she was buried in the Gelati Monastery. Another tradition claims that she was buried in the Jerusalem Monastery of the Cross, as she had promised to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, but during her lifetime she was unable to do so, and the new king George Lasha fulfilled her mother's cherished wish.

Queen Tamara's contemporaries left two major biographies of the saint that have remained throughout the centuries. “The Life of the Queen of Queens Tamar” was written, according to the most authoritative Georgian researchers, by the queen’s close associate Vasily Ezosmodzgvari and is dedicated primarily to the moral character of the saint. Another work - “History and Praise of the Crowned People” - was written in a more secular vein by an eyewitness to most of the events he describes and is replete with detailed geographical information, descriptions of battles and state councils. Information about the life of the saint is also contained in decrees and documents such as deeds of gift.

Both her personal piety and the unprecedented prosperity of Georgia under her hand contributed to the formation of special veneration around her name. Along with Equal to the Apostles Nina, the blessed queen became the most revered and beloved saint among Georgians. The veneration of the holy queen, conciliarly approved by the Church, was supplemented by various folk legends and beliefs. Over time, veneration of the saint began to spread to other Orthodox nations. On

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