Historical Dictionary. Sejm - Big legal dictionary

In the feudal monarchies of Poland, Lithuania (and in the united Polish-Lithuanian state - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth), in the Czech Republic in the 12th-14th centuries. - beginning of the 20th century; 2) the Russian name of the parliament in the Grand Duchy of Finland (in 1809-1917), which was part of the Russian Empire; 3) parliaments in independent Lithuania in 1922-1940. (according to the constitution of 1922) and since 1990 and independent Latvia in 1922-1934. (under the 1922 constitution) and since 1991; lower house of the Polish parliament in 1921-1939, gg. and since 1989 (in 1952-1989 - supreme body state power and the only legislative body of the People's Republic of Poland).

Large legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .


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    Seimas, and... Russian word stress

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    Sejm is a polysemantic term: Wiktionary has an article “Sejm” ... Wikipedia

    - (Polish). In former times, the assembly of people's representatives in Poland; now government assemblies existing in many states; national assemblies in Switzerland and Sweden. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    River, Desna lp, Russia (Kursk region) and Ukraine. In chronicles and other monuments the hydronym is mentioned in the form Seven and only from the 17th century. It is written Seim, which is associated either with a typo or with a false interpretation of the name. Hydronym Iran. origin, cf.... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    SEIM, Sejm, husband. (Polish sejm) (polit.). 1. The name of the legislative assembly, parliament in some states. 2. Meeting of class representatives (source). Sejm of the Polish-Lithuanian State. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - [se] and [se], a; m. [Polish] sejm] Unicameral highest body of government in some countries. Polish Sejm. ◁ Diet, oh, oh. ● Estate representative institution in a number of countries of Eastern Europe during the era of feudalism. * * * Seim river in... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - [se] and [se], a; m. [Polish] sejm] Unicameral highest body of government in some countries. Polish Sejm. ◁ Diet, oh, oh. ● Estates representative institution in a number of countries in Eastern Europe during the era of feudalism. * * * Sejm (Polish ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    See advice... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. Seim parliament, council Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    SEIM, ah, husband. In some countries: name of parliament. | adj. Seim, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Grodno Sejm of 1793. The last Sejm of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. , Ilovaisky D.I.. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. The book is a reprint of 1881. Despite the fact that a serious…
  • Grodno Sejm of 1793. The last Sejm of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Historical and biographical essays, Ilovaisky Dmitry Ivanovich. Dmitry Ivanovich Ilovaisky is a major Russian historian - a man of complex creative, socio-political, literary destiny. Life path it was formed thanks to his personal talents...

    Seimas, and... Russian word stress

    Sejm- Seimas, and... Russian spelling dictionary

    Sejm- Sejm/… Morphemic-spelling dictionary

    Sejm is a polysemantic term: Wiktionary has an article “Sejm” ... Wikipedia

    - (Polish). In former times, the assembly of people's representatives in Poland; now government assemblies existing in many states; national assemblies in Switzerland and Sweden. Dictionary of foreign words included in Russian... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    River, Desna lp, Russia (Kursk region) and Ukraine. In chronicles and other monuments the hydronym is mentioned in the form Seven and only from the 17th century. It is written Seim, which is associated either with a typo or with a false interpretation of the name. Hydronym Iran. origin, cf.... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    - [se] and [se], a; m. [Polish] sejm] Unicameral highest body of government in some countries. Polish Sejm. ◁ Diet, oh, oh. ● Estates representative institution in a number of countries in Eastern Europe during the era of feudalism. * * * Seim river in... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - [se] and [se], a; m. [Polish] sejm] Unicameral highest body of government in some countries. Polish Sejm. ◁ Diet, oh, oh. ● Estates representative institution in a number of countries in Eastern Europe during the era of feudalism. * * * Sejm (Polish ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    See advice... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. Seim parliament, council Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    SEIM, ah, husband. In some countries: name of parliament. | adj. Seim, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Grodno Sejm of 1793. The last Sejm of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. , Ilovaisky D.I.. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. The book is a reprint of 1881. Despite the fact that a serious…
  • Grodno Sejm of 1793. The last Sejm of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Historical and biographical essays, Ilovaisky Dmitry Ivanovich. Dmitry Ivanovich Ilovaisky is a major Russian historian - a man of difficult creative, socio-political, and literary destiny. His life path was formed thanks to his personal talents...

the name of a unicameral highest representative body or the lower house of a bicameral representative body in some countries (Poland, the Baltics). V.E. Chirkin

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1) In Poland and Lithuania 14–18 centuries. highest class representative bodies. At first, S. gathered only in emergency cases. Large feudal lords (secular and spiritual) played a decisive role in them; the townspeople had no representation in S.

Regional sejmiks existed locally, and the general, “great” or “valny” Sejmik gradually became the highest authority in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which united the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the union of 1569. S. declared wars, made peace, and chose kings. The monarchy in Poland has become an electoral one. From the beginning of the 16th century. The gentry achieved mandatory participation of S. in legislation. However, each member of the S. had a “liberum veto,” that is, the freedom to prohibit the adoption of any law in the S. Abuse of this right by individual feudal lords, especially the gentry, intensified the growth of feudal anarchy in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and facilitated the partitions of Poland at the end of the 18th century.

Since 1815, C, created on the basis of the “Constitutional Charter,” existed as the parliament of the autonomous kingdom of Poland within the Russian Empire, but after the uprising in 1830 in Poland, the Polish constitution was abolished by the government of Nicholas I.

2) In gentry Poland (1918–1939), the S. began to be called the lower house of the bourgeois Polish parliament.

In Finland, after its annexation to the Russian Empire in 1809, the Russian government created a highest class-representative assembly of the nobility, clergy and townspeople, and this assembly was given the name S. In connection with the bourgeois reforms of the 60s. 19th century In Russia, the Finnish S. received the rights of the local parliament of the autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland.

With the granting of independence to Finland as a result of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Finland, according to the constitution of 1919, became the bourgeois parliament of Finland.

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Czech snem, Polish seim, Lithuania saimas) - estate-representative institution in estate feuds. monarchies of Poland and Lithuania (and in the united Polish-Lithuanian state), in the Czech Republic 13-14 centuries. - beginning 20th century, as well as in Finland in 1809-1906; lower house of parliament bourgeois Poland (according to the constitution of 1921) and the parliaments of Finland in 1906-17, bourgeois. Lithuania in 1922-40 (according to the constitution of 1922) and the bourgeoisie. Latvia in 1922-34 (according to the 1922 constitution); highest government body authorities and legislators. organ of the People's Republic of Poland. In Russian In S. usage they often call class-representative institutions of the Middle Ages. "Holy Roman Empire" (Reichstag or Imperial Diet), as well as Hungary, Croatia (cathedral), and sometimes - bourgeois. the latter's parliaments. In the Czech Republic, S. arose in the 13th and 14th centuries. as the class will present it. meeting. Called by the king to discuss critical issues internal and ext. politicians. It consisted of the largest feudal lords, sometimes knights and representatives of cities, and occasionally spiritual magnates were also invited to the north. In conditions of weakening queens. power under John of Luxemburg (1310-46), S. became an instrument of the pansky oligarchy and actually exercised power in the country. Charles I (1346-78) granted S. the right to elect a new king in the event of the end of the dynasty. The period will end. design (from the 40s of the 15th century) S. consisted of three classes - lord, knight and queen. cities. The clergy did not participate in S. Large magnates came to the North in person, knights and cities sent their representatives. The representation of cities in the Czech Republic was repeatedly disputed and was finally secured by the Treaty of Wenceslas in 1517. Until 1620, the importance of the city in the Czech Republic continuously grew. S. was repeatedly in opposition to the absolutist tendencies of the Habsburgs. In 1627 t. Updated land the code nullified the political the meaning of S., which from now on could gather only at the will of the king and only to discuss the issues proposed by him. S.'s competence included the annual formal approval of the amount of tax. The fourth estate was introduced in S. - the Catholic. prelates. During the revolution of 1848 in the Czech Republic, the previous class system was abolished. The Council, established in the Czech Republic according to the October Diploma of 1860 and the February Patent of 1861, was again an estate and advisory body. Elected the law ensured the predominance of the nobility and pro-Habsburg elements in S. S. ceased to exist in 1918 after the formation of the Czechoslovak bourgeoisie. republics. In Poland, S. developed in the 15th century. based on non-periodic congresses of the gentry as a bicameral institution of domination. class. Original predominance in the north. top. chambers - senate, changed in the 16th century. the transition of the decisive role to the Chamber of Deputies (embassy hut), elected by the gentry at sejmiks. The principle of unanimity adopted in S., which was extended to the right of one deputy with his disagreement (liberum veto) to disrupt the entire work of S., led in the 18th century. to long-term paralysis of the activities of the S. Ordinary (ordinary) S. convened once every 2 years for 6 weeks, extraordinary - on the initiative of the king - for 2 weeks. Since the Union of Lublin in 1569, the Council, consisting of representatives of Poland and Lithuania, convened alternately in Warsaw (2 times) and Grodno (Grand Prince of Lithuania). In addition to the usual S., during the “kinglessness” (1572-73), a convocation Diet, an election (elective) Diet, in which every nobleman could take part, and a coronation (in Krakow) Sejm were convened. In the Duchy of Warsaw in 1807-12 . consisted of two chambers: the Senate, appointed by the prince, and the embassy hut (60 ambassadors from the gentry and 40 from the communes). S. met once every 2 years and did not have legislation. initiatives. In the Kingdom of Poland in 1815-31, S. was divided by the legislator. power with the king. The Senate was appointed by the king, 71 ambassadors from the gentry and 51 from the mountains were elected to the embassy hut. gmin. Elected rights were enjoyed by the gentry, priests, teachers and persons who owned property worth 10 thousand zlotys. In the bourgeoisie In Poland, according to the constitution of 1921, S. is the legislator. organ; was a bicameral body; equal elect. All men (with the exception of military personnel) and women enjoyed the right. After the war Pilsudski's coup in 1926, the role of S. was limited in every possible way, constitutional. the rights of S. and the deputies were violated. S.'s rights were decisively limited in an anti-democratic way. constitution of 1935, and the election associated with it. the law excluded the possibility of representatives of opposition parties appearing in S. In the People's Republic of Poland, based on the results of the referendum on June 30, 1946 and according to the constitution of 1952, the People's Republic of Poland has a unicameral legislature. body elected for 4 years by all adult citizens on a consistently democratic basis. law. In Lithuania, S. first met as a body of large feudal lords in 1492 to elect a leader. Prince Alexander. In the 16th century Middle feudal lords, and then the gentry, began to take part in S.'s work. The class composition of Lithuania was established by the second Lithuanian Statute (1566). After the Union of Lublin 1569 separate litas. S. ceased to exist. In Finland, S. was formally established by the Borgo Diet in 1809 as a four-chamber estate-representative body of the Grand Duke of Finland, which was part of the Russian Federation with autonomy rights. empire, but was not convened until 1863. According to the Sejm Charter of 1869 (amended in 1886), the frequency of convocations of the Sejm was introduced (5 years, from 1882 - 3 years). In 1886 S. received the right to draw up draft laws and submit them for consideration by the Russian Federation. Emperor. The February Manifesto of 1899 (suspended in 1905) Russian. the emperor arrogated to himself the right to issue laws for Finland without the consent of S. Under the pressure of the revolutionaries. events that unfolded during the Russian revolution 1905-07) the tsar was forced in October. 1905 issue a manifesto on replacing the estate-representative S. with a unicameral parliament (which became bourgeois in nature), and in October. 1906 approve the adopted fin. C. July 20, 1906, the law on the new Sejm charter and elections. law that provided for the introduction of a unicameral parliament elected on the basis of universal equal suffrage. rights for all citizens from the age of 24 (including women). In independent fin. In the state, the parliament is known as the eduskunt. Lit.: Ralack? F., Dejiny n?rodu cesk?ho v Cech?ch a v Morave, dl 1-6, Prana, 1939; Kamen?cek F., Jedn?n? snemovn? a verejn? v markrabstv? Moravskem od r. 1400-1527, Praha, 1891; him, Zemsk? snemy a sjezdy moravsk?, dl 1-3, Brno, 1900; Vanecek V., Mal? dejiny st?tu a pr?va v Ceskoslovensku, Praha, 1947; Kutczeba S., Historia ustorju Polski w zarysie, t. 1-4, Lw., 1905-20; Burda A., Polskie prawo panstwowe, W., 1965.

SEIM m. (suim, suem, soimat) secular, civil, zemstvo cathedral; a meeting of officials or elected officials from the entire state. Seim, Seim, related to the Seim. The point is that at the Polish Sejm. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • SEIM - (Czech snem, Polish seim, Lithuanian saimas) - estate representative institution in estate feuds. monarchies of Poland and Lithuania (and in the united Polish-Lithuanian state), in the Czech Republic 13-14 centuries. - beginning 20th century, as well as in Finland in 1809-1906; lower Soviet historical encyclopedia
  • Sejm - -a, m. 1. The name of class-representative institutions in a number of countries during the era of feudalism. 2. Russian name of the parliament in the Grand Duchy of Finland (in 1809-1917), which was part of the Russian Empire with autonomy rights. Small academic dictionary
  • Seym - River, Desna lp, Russia (Kursk region) and Ukraine. In chronicles and other monuments the hydronym is mentioned in the form Seven and only from the 17th century. It is written Seim, which is associated either with a typo or with a false interpretation of the name. Hydronym Iran. origin, cf. other ind. syama "dark". See also Rylsk. Toponymic dictionary
  • Sejm - Sejm, Sejms, Sejm, Sejms, Sejm, Sejms, Sejm, Sejms, Sejm, Sejms, Sejm, Sejms Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • SEIM - SEIM - river in Russian Federation and in Ukraine, the left tributary of the Desna. 748 km, basin area 27.5 thousand km2. Average water consumption approx. 105 m3/s. The lower reaches are navigable. On the Seimas are the cities of Kursk, Lgov, Rylsk, Putivl. SEIM (Polish) Large encyclopedic dictionary
  • Sejm - Sejm, m. [Polish. sejm] (polit.). 1. The name of the legislative assembly, parliament in certain states. 2. Meeting of class representatives (historical). Sejm of the Polish-Lithuanian State. Big dictionary foreign words
  • Sejm - This, borrowed from Polish. language, a word related to the Old Russian senem, senm (from so-imat), we usually call meetings of the state. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • Sejm - This name for parliament in some countries was borrowed from Polish, in which it is derived from sbjeti - “to gather”. The literal meaning is “meeting”; by analogy, it is a congress. Krylov's etymological dictionary
  • Seim - SEIM [se] and [se], -a; m. [Polish] sejm] Unicameral highest body of government in some countries. Polish Sejm. ◁ Diet, -aya, -oe. ● Estate-representative institution in a number of countries in Eastern Europe during the era of feudalism. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • Sejm - SEIM, a, m. In some countries: the name of the parliament. | adj. Seim, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • Sejm - orf. Sejm, -a orthographic dictionary Lopatina
  • Seym - I river in the Kursk region of the RSFSR, Sumy and Chernigov regions of the Ukrainian SSR, the left tributary of the river. Desna (Dnieper basin). Length 748 km, basin area 27.5 thousand km2. It originates on the Central Russian Upland, flows in a wide valley, and there are many oxbow lakes in the floodplain. Big Soviet encyclopedia
  • Seim - (in the upper reaches of Seim Puzaty), the left tributary of the Desna in the territory of Russia (Kursk and Belgorod regions) and Ukraine (Sumy and Chernigov regions). It originates on the Central Russian route. Dictionary of geographical names
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