Spelling dictionary of male and female names. Women's names

From the book The big Book aphorisms author

Names A person's name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Dale Carnegie There is no such offensive word that would not be given to a person's surname. Ilya Ilf The one who starts with the letter "I" lives longer - for the time being it will reach him. Mikhail Zhvanetsky At the beautiful

From the book Dictionary-reference book of Russian personal names author Melnikov Ilya

Women's names AAva rus. abbr. to August, Augustine and others. August Rus. (from Latin and means sacred; honorary title of wife, mother, sister and daughter of the Roman emperor); abbr. Ava.Augustina Russian (from lat. j. to Augustine); abbr. Ava, Tina. Avdotya Rus. nar., see Evdokia. Avigey rus.

From the book Encyclopedia of Etiquette by Emily Post. good manners and refined manners for all occasions. [Etiquette] author Post Peggy

Female names AAvgusta, AugustaAgataAgafyaAglayaAgnessa, AgnesAgniyaAgrafena, AgrippinaAdaAdelaidaAdelAzaAlevtinaAlexandraAlinaAlisaAllaAlbinaAnastasia, NastasyaAngelinaAngela,

From the book How to write a story author Watts Nigel

Male names AAbo, I.8 (Georgian). Avvakum, D.2, Il.6 - God's love (Heb.). Augustine, John. 15. Avda, Mr. 31 - servant (Khald.). Avdelai, Ap. 17 (pers.). Avdies, Ap. 9 - servant of Jesus (Heb.). Obadiah, N. 19, p. 5 - servant of the Lord (Heb.). Avdikiy, Ap. 10 (pers.). Avdifaks, Il. 6 (pers.). Avdon, Il. 30 - servant (Heb.). Abel,

From the book Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete Academic Handbook author Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Female names AAvgusta, N. 24 - sacred (lat.). Agapia, Ap. 16 - love (Greek). Agathia, F. 5, D. 28, John. 23 - good (Greek). Agathoklia, S. 17 - blessed (Greek). Agathonics, O. 13 - victorious (Greek). Agnia, I. 21 - immaculate (Greek). Agrippina, John. 23. Akilina, Ap. 7, Jn. 13 - eagle

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FEMALE NAMES By tradition status women and, therefore, the form of address to her was determined by her marital status. IN different periods women are treated differently in life. to the girls and unmarried women"miss". When marrying, a woman along with a surname

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Names Pay attention to the pronunciation of names and occupations. In the field of literary fantasy there are no neutral names - they all bear the burden of their predecessors. Calling a character Juliet, Norma Jean, or Madonna will awaken the corresponding

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From the book Your name and destiny author Vardi Arina

Common nouns § 119. The following categories of nouns are written together.1. Nouns whose continuous spelling is determined general rules: words with prefixes and initial parts like false-, semi-, self- (see § 117, item 1), Difficult words with the first part

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Names In ancient times, a Roman could have only one name (such as "Romulus" or "Remus"), but in historical times every self-respecting citizen had three of them: a personal name (praenomen), a generic name (nomen) and a family name (cognomen) - for example, Gaius Julius Caesar or Publius

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"Names" is team game designed for free communication of children among themselves. The more children will take part, the more interesting it will be. You will need a ball for the game. Children should throw it to each other. But not just pass from hand to hand, but throw the ball high,

From the author's book

Section 1. Female names of August - came from Latin. Means "sacred person". This honorary name was given to women - members of the family of the Roman emperor. Wed expression "August person". Angel Day: November 24. Aurora - associated with the name of the goddess of the morning dawn,

From the author's book

From the author's book

Names A person's name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Dale Carnegie There is no such offensive word that would not be given to a person's surname. Ilya Ilf The one who starts with the letter "I" lives longer - for the time being it will reach him. Mikhail Zhvanetsky At the beautiful

From the book Dictionary-reference book of Russian personal names author Melnikov Ilya

Male names AAaron Rus. bibl. (from other Hebrew); Russian unfold Aron.Abakum rus. (from other Hebrew and means a hug (of God)); church Avvakum.Abram and Abramy Rus. in-you bible. them. Abraham (from other Hebrew and means the father of many (peoples)). Abrosim Russian; in-t im. Ambrose. Abrosia Rus. abbr.

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Male names

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Male names Alexander - something good, big, courageous, active, simple, beautiful, majestic, cheerful, joyful, loud, brave, powerful. Alex - something good, bright, beautiful, light, safe, round. Albert - something good, big ,

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Vintage male Russian

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Men's French

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Men's church

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Men's latin

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Section 2. Male names Aaron - the name came from Hebrew and means "covenant ark". Angel Day: July 20. Habakkuk - translated from Hebrew as "God's embrace." Angel days: July 6, December 2. August means "sacred." The name comes from Latin

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Men's diseases Points on the chest and abdomenDa-hen ("across the large intestine") is located 4 cun outward from the navel (Fig. 2.7, a). Additional effect of exposure to the point: treatment of abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery, cramps in the limbs .Kuan-yuan ("key to primary qi")

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Men's problems Impotence Often, men are embarrassed by this condition and do not go to the doctor. And it’s completely in vain, since today there are a lot of effective methods treatment of impotence. This topic is extremely important also because impotence, or,

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"What's in a name?" This is the question of a classic, and hundreds of young parents are racking their brains over the same question daily and hourly.

What to take as the basis for the choice - phonetic sound, combination with patronymic, national characteristics Or start purely from the meaning of the name? name after dear person or a famous historical character? Choose a simple, common name or study the dictionary of names and find the rarest, most refined? Correct solution can only suggest loving heart and a sound mind.

As we explore the online dictionary of names, let's keep in mind a simple truth that pragmatic Americans have long discovered. First of all, you have to like the name. If a person is constantly asked why he was called that, then subsequently his life is reduced by five years. Scroll through our dictionary of foreign names - what simple and sonorous names are common abroad.

Modern philologists argue a lot - does the name affect the fate of a person? If everything were so simple - I studied the meanings of names in an online dictionary, named the baby and provided a bright, cloudless, happy life! This mystical representation reaches out to us from the deepest antiquity. And although the ancient Greeks dispelled this myth, still doubting parents look into the dictionary of the meanings of female and male names with the hope of choosing the only correct and unique one.

When studying a dictionary with names, we focus on the following points.

phonetic sound

Say the name in combination with the patronymic, surname. You must not stutter, letters must not be lost, swallowed. The name and patronymic should sound harmonious, as a whole.

Nationality and place of residence

Giving a child a name that is closely connected with the history and character of your people, you unwittingly identify him with the nationality. And choosing international name provide the opportunity to be a “citizen of the world”. But do not forget to pay attention to this - it is much more pleasant to hear if the name and patronymic of a similar origin have the same national roots.

Famous predecessors

Faced during training with their namesakes, the child will involuntarily be equal to their character traits, actions. Think about what hero your baby should be equal to in order to become a full-fledged and self-sufficient person.


Of course, no one will call the girl Tender Dawn, but the boy keen eye. But each name has its own original meaning. An online dictionary will help you find out the meanings of names.

What do you know about your name? The online encyclopedia of names will help to study its meaning, history of origin, find information about famous namesakes. This will help you change not only your attitude towards him, but also discover new character traits, hidden talents, unexpected abilities. And perhaps fate will turn to you the other side.

In our time, a lot of different names can be heard. Sometimes I was in such countries where people were called Tugboat or Tractor, yes, this is true. For example, I love football and everyone is familiar to me, I can say for sure that there are a lot of names that are always on everyone's lips. But I like the names more - Russian ones, which I have known since childhood. As for whether or not a name influences a person's fate, I think it does. Many football players under the name of Paolo, for example, are very famous, everyone can check it. Valentine

As the great captain Vrungel said: "Whatever you call a yacht, so it will float." The same is hidden in the name of a person. After all, it has long been noticed that with character, actions, and sometimes even life destiny a person is largely associated with his name. True, sometimes there are exceptions. Therefore, before giving a name to your child, you need to familiarize yourself with his lexical meaning. In addition, it is desirable to choose not only sonorous and beautiful name, but also to make sure that it is combined with the patronymic of his parents. After all, if you name the child Arnold, and his father is Ippolit, then the sound of Arnold Ippolitovich will be, to put it mildly, strange. Therefore, in such a situation, a dictionary of names will become a reliable assistant. tarasatv


For a long time, people thought and studied the names of their ancestors, relatives, friends, acquaintances in order to successfully choose a name for their firstborn. So that in the future he would live well, and there would be no threats to his life. Any parent wants to provide their child with a good and worthy future, and when choosing a name for parents, as a rule, there are especially strict requirements. And after many years for long years collecting information, a dictionary of names was compiled. On it you can easily find all the information about your name or the name of a friend or relative. The dictionary of names helped more than one parent to choose correct name for his beloved and desired child, and it will direct the life of the child in the right direction. Valentine

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