The lead singer leaves the Serebro group. The group "Serebro" is changing its composition again. Who is leaving the group "Serebro"

Maxim Fadeev organized a nationwide online casting for the famous Russian group Silver. And twice! The selection of potential candidates was then followed in a special show on YouTube. But neither the fans nor Fadeev himself were happy with the results of the final groups.

The new 2019 line-up of the Serebro group first appeared at a concert in honor of Valentine's Day, organized by the MUZ-TV channel. True, not all spectators liked the performance - the girls sang to a soundtrack.

So, the final three included the project participants. From the casting, Maxim selected 18-year-old Elizaveta Kornilova and 22-year-old Marianna Kochurova. The third soloist was 22-year-old singer Irina Titova.

Elizaveta Kornilova

The youngest member of the SEREBRO group, Elizaveta Kornilova, is the daughter of performer and composer Igor Kornilov. Igor is the author of songs for Alla Pugacheva, Kristina Orbakaite, Tatyana Ovsienko, Vadim Kazachenko and other stars. Lisa participated in Junior Eurovision.

Marianna Kochurova

Marianna, together with Lisa, participated in the online casting and made it to the very end in the project on YouTube. The girl is directly related to music - Marianna studies at GITIS.

Irina Titova

This is Irina’s first singing project - she previously worked as a manicurist.

Pop trio history

For many years, the Serebro group has been on the music scene; the lineup of participants has changed more than once over the years, including in January 2018. Surnames and names of the Serebro group, biography Serebro always in demand by fans. Singers, be it new soloist or the past best participants in the Serebro group, have always won the hearts of millions of fans of their music.

The article will discuss how a new group Serebro, without the singers who have already become iconic personalities, and the former team of members of the group who were in the pop trio for more than ten years of history.

A new era for the trio

Today the group Serebro has a composition of three girls. One guarded the team - Olga Seryabkina, but she will leave the team before 2019; she came in 2007 when creating the pop trio. The second, Katya Kishchuk, came in 2016 through a fan vote on the Internet, in which she confidently won. The third, newest soloist, Tatyana Morgunova, came at the beginning of 2018 and also through voting, but the process was more complicated.

With the new lineup, the girls have already managed to release fresh songs, excellent videos and, of course, constantly tour cities both in Russia and around the world. New song became “Chico Loco”, a video was also released for the track.

Biography of the compositions

Producer Maxim Fadeev began creating the Serebro group in 2006, and in 2007 the girls were already giving full-fledged performances. The first soloists were Elena Temnikova, a former and best participant, according to the majority. Olga Seryabrina, who to this day is a member of the pop trio. And Marina Lizorkina, who unexpectedly and controversially left the team. They sang together from 2007 to 2009.

Later, Lizorkina was replaced by Anastasia Karpova, and this three existed for quite a long time from 2009 to 2013. But Karpova eventually got a ticket to leave “Silver”, she was replaced by Daria Shashina and in this form the girls performed for only a year from 2013 to 2014, and then Lena Temnikova decided to leave, who was replaced by Polina Favorskaya.

The singers this time kept this composition from 2014 to 2016, when Shashina had to leave for health reasons. She was replaced by Ekaterina Kishchuk and also did not play music for long in this composition from 2016 until the end of December 2017, then Favorskaya decided to leave the band. The lead singer of the Serebro group, Tanya Morgunova, became a new member, replacing her from the first days of 2018. In 2019, Olga Seryabkina will leave the trio; who will replace her is not yet known.

As a result, the Serebro group composition is as follows:

  • Olya Seryabkina
  • Ekaterina Kishchuk
  • Tatiana Morgunova

History of musical success

During their successful years, the girls released three albums. The very first of the tracks from the 1st album - “Song #1” blew up not only Russia, but also the world. At Eurovision 2007 the song took 3rd place. Other tracks from it also became very popular in their time. From the 2nd album, one can highlight the track “Mama Lyuba”, which in Russia only the lazy did not listen to. From the 3rd album there were also quite a few hits, the same track - “I won’t give you up” won girls’ hearts on for a long time, and it is still often played on music services.

The song “Love Between Us,” released in 2017, and especially the video, were a resounding success, which proved that changing lineups does not greatly affect the success of the Serebro group in creativity. Max Fadeev carefully selects replacements. And in 2018, the track and, of course, the video for it were released - Chico loco, which was watched by almost 2 million people in just 2 weeks! And this proves that the new group Serebro is a huge success.

We will continue to expect creative experiments and success from the girls. It is clear that the development of the producer and participants does not stand still and let it continue to be so. I am very pleased with their constantly changing style and concept of the approach to filming videos. The approach to writing tracks is always honed to perfection to match the modern flow of musical styles.

Their approach also commands respect at concerts, where they sing exclusively live, which undoubtedly makes the singers stand out among general plan. Success accompanies the Serebro group, but does not make them dizzy, because the bar for their creativity is high from year to year, as evidenced by their success in the radio charts and on TV.

At the age of 33, Olga Seryabkina posted a photo on Instagram where she was in the image of a mulatto; fans were delighted, comparing the image with Tyra Banks; otherwise, J. Lo’s image seemed closer to the truth.

Polina Favorskaya, before leaving and in honor of her 26th birthday, threw a noble party, where Katya Kishchuk, who was then in London and congratulated the ex-participant in a video message, was absent.

Dasha Shashina has not had her previous surname for some time now; she recently married Ivan Chebanov, who participated in the show “The Voice” and, therefore, the girl is now Daria Chebanova.

In the film “The Best Day,” Olya Seryabkina played one of the key roles and in the photo with the film crew she overdid it with her neckline, exposing her breasts almost completely, and her nipples were very clearly visible, but her fans are not used to this.

In 2017, the girls held an excellent live show program on Instagram.

Over the years, the singer in the trio, Olga Serebkina, suffered more than one professional injury: she broke her teeth on a microphone, lost her voice at more than one concert, twisted her legs, which led to operations on her ligaments, often strained her muscles, and even ended up singing to the point of dislocating her jaw.

In 2017, the soloists starred for magazine Maxim in the image of brides, and the photo shoot turned out to be very “hot”, and one of the participants was completely naked. Guess who..?)

In 2018, the girls almost died in a plane crash while they were flying to Montenegro, but everything turned out okay.

Trouble happened to Olya Seryabkina this winter; during a performance, a fan attacked the singer, pulling her leg on stage, but security quickly subdued him.

During one of the periods of change of participants in the Serebro group, Maxim Fadeev wanted to make a duet out of the pop trio, but changed his mind. He also refused to take any members from Dom-2 into the team.

There was a lot of scandal in Elena Temnikova’s departure, but it was never clear who was right. There were interviews on both sides, where each blamed the other, but still this is a thing of the past, we’ll leave it there.

For the period of 2017, Olga Seryabkina stated in one of her interviews that she was not going to give birth in the near future. She plans to develop herself and reach new heights in her singer’s career.

Very interesting fact about Olga Seryabkina - she suffers from pediophobia (afraid of dolls).

From the moment when Lena Temnikova left popular group SEREBRO, quite a lot of time has passed. During this period, the singer managed to get married, become the mother of a charming girl Sasha, launch solo project And own business. In a word, the star does not stand still. The team from which she once left is also actively developing. Despite the fact that both the group and Lena herself have been living their own lives for a long time, some details from the past still sometimes emerge. Only two years later Temnikova found the strength to tell the truth about her departure and reveal the details of her collaboration with the production center of Maxim Fadeev.

Let us remember that the famous producer previously stated that his former ward simply set the team up when, unexpectedly for everyone, she decided to leave the group, having found personal happiness. Moreover, everything happened six months before the end of the contract, and therefore Fadeev still had financial claims against the singer. After a while, Lena Temnikova found necessary funds in order to “buy back your freedom.”

Remembering the time when she still sang in composed of SEREBRO, the artist is horrified by the things she had to do. For example, Temnikova cannot forgive the producer for the fact that she, like the other soloists of the group, was gradually “undressed” for filming and performances. In the end, the group gained crazy popularity, but was known as very depraved and liberated. It was not easy for Lena to come to terms with this.

“I felt terrible, I could hardly restrain myself from bursting into tears,” admits the star. - She was a homely girl with complexes - not about sex at all. And Fadeev began to mold us into some kind of sexy “terrorists”, because erotica and scandals sell best. I complained: this is not mine, I’m ashamed. He didn't listen, he said he knew better. On the other hand, a contract is a contract.”

Temnikova cannot forget the PR novels that Temnikova attended at the request of the production center. For example, an alleged love story with Edgard Zapashny was circulated. Reports about Temnikova’s relationship with Fadeev’s brother made no less noise. Lena claims that at first she refused to outright lie to the viewer, but the producer’s threats and attempts to punish her did their job.

“He couldn’t stand disobedience,” says the singer. “I wanted to decide everything for everyone: who to communicate with, how to dress, what time to return home.” I had to constantly report and not let go of the phone around the clock in case it called. I reported what I ate for breakfast, as much as the scales showed, and every time I heard from Max that I was fat and I needed to lose more weight.”

The artist also noted that the producer was categorically against her real novels, explaining this by the fact that this or that love story may adversely affect the reputation of the group. One way or another, Temnikova did not plan to build a serious relationship with one of her suitors - at that time she was completely immersed in work.

Only after meeting her future husband did the artist realize that she had to do everything to free herself from her obligations to the producer. In this matter, the star was helped by her chosen one Dmitry, who not only paid the production center the same penalty that caused a real scandal to break out at the end of 2014, but also supported his beloved.

Analyzing events recent years, the ex-soloist of the group SEREBRO, concluded that she greatly offended the team and, probably, that’s why after a long time she is still facing the consequences of her departure.

"Why? Don't know. There is one guess though. Many years ago, Maxim invited me to dinner, where he made it clear that he was still young, full of strength and knew how to make me happy. I immediately closed this topic once and for all. Perhaps I offended him with this? - Lena Temnikova reflects in an interview "Caravan of Stories".

"This post is not another of my philosophical rants. This is my very important statement. I hope you will feel it to the very heart, because I am addressing him now,” the girl wrote on Instagram. She compared her life to a long road full of incredible and unpredictable adventures.


“Each time she presents you with more and more unexpected turns or forks. And it’s so cool that it’s you who choose which direction to move next,” says the singer. “Yes. I’m leaving. No matter how painful it may sound. But please support me. You can’t imagine how difficult such a decision is. Music is my life,” Favorskaya addressed her fans.

Polina said that at the end of May she began to doubt that it was worth continuing creative way a team. “No, don’t think anything like that, I’m not pregnant and I’m not sick! Bali probably influenced me this way. I began to feel that I needed to change something in my life,” the soloist admitted.

She says that after a trip to Cambodia, where she meditated every day, her heart opened and she realized what she needed to do. “I want to know myself. To know my body and mind. To learn to hear my heart always! Because the heart is the only true guide when you know how to use it! I want to go through various practices! I want to go to India, Tibet, Peru!” – Polina wrote.

She noted that being in a group, it is impossible to accomplish all this. According to Favorskaya, producer Serebro Maxim Fadeev understood and accepted her choice to leave the team. “He told me that it’s very cool when such thoughts come at that age. And he said that I should definitely do it. My uncertainty in my own thoughts quickly disappeared, and I realized that I was on the right path,” the singer concluded.

The girl remembered how lucky it was for her to be in the Serebro group. “What did I experience the moment I heard a voice on the phone that said to me: “Polina, we want you to sing in the Serebro group?” It's impossible to put into words. I'll just tell you that at that moment I was the most happy man in the Universe!” the singer admitted.

Favorskaya reminded fans what her path was like in the team - from her first steps to full-fledged touring activities. The girl thanked her creative colleagues for their support, who became mentors and friends for her.

Fans took Polina's announcement of resignation with pain in their hearts. “Oh God, not this,” “Paul, please, no,” “Darling, don’t go, girl,” “Paul, tell me it’s a joke! Please,” they write.

But there were also those who accepted the celebrity’s decision with great understanding. “Polina, you made a very wise decision, and all your fans accept it. Good luck to you. Whatever path you choose, your loved ones, family, fans, friends, everyone who loves you, they will definitely support you in your decision! The main thing is , be happy, and we will always be with you,” one of the fans wrote to their favorite singer.

Olga Seryabkina – Russian pop singer, actress, ex-soloist, now performing solo under the creative pseudonym Holy Molly.

In addition to performing on stage, Olga is known for writing music and lyrics to many compositions and releasing poetry collections. Energetic and shocking on stage, she protects her private life from prying eyes.

Childhood and youth

Olga Yuryevna Seryabkina was born on April 12, 1985 in Moscow. There were no artists in Olya’s family, but the girl turned out to be very flexible and sang beautifully, so her parents took the 6-year-old girl to music school and in a ballroom dancing club. As a child, Olga managed everywhere, torn between three schools, because she also had to study lessons.

At the age of 17, Seryabkina became a candidate for master of sports, since over many years of training ballroom dancing Olga has won international competitions more than once.

The parents did not know what their daughter’s fate would be in show business and advised her to get another, basic education. Therefore, Seryabkina, in addition to a diploma from the art school, where she studied in the pop singing department, has a specialty as a translator - she is fluent in English and German.

Seryabkina began her journey into show business as a dancer.


The singer’s creative biography began in 2002. For 2 years, the girl worked as a backing vocalist and dancer for the singer. The petite but vibrant performer was noticed. In 2004, Olga met with, and she brought her friend to the Serebro group. From that moment a rapid career singers.

Seryabkina with her seductive parameters was also noticed by fashionable men's magazines, where quite soon appeared candid photo shoots Olga. The singer's photographs in magazines such as MAXIM brought her fame.

But in the group where Seryabkina came, relations with other participants were not always good. Rumor has it that conflicts often arose between Olya and Lena Temnikova. It got to the point that the singer was even planning to leave the Serebro group. The producer said that he had already found a replacement for Ole, but at the last moment the artist changed her mind and stayed.

Elena Temnikova and Olga Seryabkina

In 2007, no one has yet famous band took part in Eurovision, sensationally taking 3rd place. international competition and the excellent result became a significant boost to the group's popularity. Now the whole country knew the girls by sight. From this year, Olga began writing songs for her band.

In 2009, the group released their first album, “OpiumRoz,” and in 2012, the presentation of their second album, “Silver,” Mama Lover, took place.

Group "Serebro" and Olga Seryabkina at Eurovision

In addition, Seryabkina’s songs began to appear in the repertoires of such famous performers, as well as the “China” groups. However, Olga does not consider herself a songwriter; she did not study this anywhere.

At the beginning of 2015, Olga decided that it was time for her to start solo career. However, she had no intention of leaving Serebro. The girl took the pseudonym Holy Molly and began performing her pop-hip-hop compositions.

Holy Molly (Olga Seryabkina)

The artist writes English songs for her own performance. The first was called Holy Molly and was created together with Maxim Fadeev.

Soon, the Holy Molly video clip premiered together with DJ M.E.G. The composition is called Kill Me All Night Long. The song first appeared on the official YouTube channel of Max Fadeev.

Olga Seryabkina - “Green-Eyed Taxi”

In the summer of 2015, Seryabkina starred in the karaoke comedy “The Best Day,” in which leading role played by the actor.

Olga appeared in the role of one of Dmitry’s partners; she passed the audition on a general basis and received this role. In the film, Seryabkina performed several songs, including a cover of famous composition"Green-eyed taxi".

Olga continues to create songs not only for herself and the group, but also for other performers. In 2016, Seryabkina, for the first time, according to the press, wrote poetry intended to be performed by a man. I recorded a new song composed by Olga, “Let’s find each other” famous musician.

Now the singer has concentrated all her attention and energy on solo career and is working on an album. The Molly project already has 15 songs from 2014-2018, it includes such compositions as For Ma Ma, Zoom, and “I Just Love You.” Fans of Seryabkina’s music are waiting for the presentation of her solo record.

However, the singer does not forget to pay attention to the affairs of the group. In 2016, the third album of the Serebro group “The Power of Three” was released. After this, the group underwent some changes: the vocalist was replaced.

In the same year 4 were filmed music videos video for the group's songs, appeared in 3 of them new member. Total videography of “Silver” on this moment has over two dozen videos. Olga also participates in solo music videos. In 2016, videos were released for the songs “I Just Love You” and Style, and in 2017 – “If You Don’t Love Me.”

Olga Seryabkina and Yegor Creed in the program “ Evening Urgant»

This joint track by Seryabkina became the main musical premiere of the year. The artists performed the song on the air of the “Evening Urgant” program, where they told touching story occurrence of a hit. Olga showed Yegor the finished verse and chorus of the song, and the inspired musician completed his part of the composition.

Soon, the channels of the Malfa and BlackStar labels appeared with their own versions of clips for the track. The duo presented the performers with a VK award Music Awards, making them artists of the year.

Olga Seryabkina with and without makeup

Later, Olga pleased fans with another collaboration. Together with the musicians of the Monthly group, which includes the notorious hip-hopper, she took part in the creation of the composition “This is not menstruation.” Solo, the singer performed the original singles Fire and “Drunk”, and together she released the video clip “I Like.”

In 2017, a presentation of the singer’s collection of poems entitled “A Thousand “M”” took place. The book includes 54 poems written by Olga.

Personal life

Seryabkina's personal life is full of secrets. During the period of time when Olya worked as a backing vocalist for Irakli Pirtskhalava, she was often noticed with the singer at various public events and musical parties. The press started talking about the relationship between Olga and Irakli. But the rumors remained rumors.

Olga Seryabkina and Irakli

Later, the singer again began to be credited with having an affair with her stage colleague. While working on a solo project, Olga began communicating with DJ M.E.G., with whom she recorded a joint track. A large number of joint photos of Olya and M.E.G. sparked rumors of their romance. But the DJ is married, he has children, and Seryabkina herself claims that they are just friends.

In 2015, the singer fulfilled the dream of many fans and started official account on a popular social network "In contact with".

In the same year, Olga told the press that for some time she dated a famous, cheerful and cool, as the singer herself put it, musician, but her lover literally tortured the girl with claims, and the couple broke up. Seryabkina did not disclose the name of her ex-boyfriend.

According to her, the former lovers agreed not to tell anyone about the relationship, but the singer’s fans are sure that Olga’s mysterious beau is a rapper.

At the end of the same year, Olga posted on "Instagram" several joint photos with the participant. In the pictures, young people hug and look happy in each other's company. This gave rise to rumors about the singer’s new relationship.

The musicians appeared together at parties and social events, according to rumors, Oleg even called Olga his girlfriend. But the singer quickly denied all speculation about a new romance, saying that journalists simply misinterpreted her friendly relationship with her boyfriend.

In 2017, against the backdrop of Seryabkina’s joint work with Yegor Creed, fans began to discuss possible romance stars But as the rapper himself said, already film set During the video, misunderstandings began between him and the singer, which developed into quarrels. Fans of the artists could not come to terms with the idea that their favorites were not together.

Photos of the couple, altered in Photoshop, began to appear on the Internet, in which they look in love. The singer herself couldn’t resist publishing one photo, signing the photo with the words “With her husband and son.”

Olga pays a lot of attention to her figure. With a height of 158 cm, the girl’s weight is 51 kg (in some sources – 54 kg). She manages to maintain ideal shape thanks to considerable efforts in the gym. The singer claims that she miniature stature And flawless figure help develop your career. Yes and creative biography is directly related to appearance.

Detractors believe that Olga’s appearance is the result of plastic surgery, but the singer herself claims that she did not resort to plastic surgery. plastic surgery, her appearance– the merit of genetics and constant work on oneself.

In the fall of 2018, Seryabkina became a guest on the program, where she spoke frankly about privacy. According to the singer, her heart is not free, she is now in a relationship, but Olga refused to name her chosen one on air. According to the artist, she does not consider herself to be a flighty person, despite the created stage image. The singer needs time to truly get close to a young man, but she is counting on a long-term relationship.

Olga Seryabkina on the set of the video “Because Love”

At the beginning of 2019, Seryabkina surprised Instagram subscribers with the announcement of a new video “Because love,” in which she used the words “I’ll pretend that you’re mine, all because love...” joint photos with Yegor Creed. The video is also replete with scenes in which the performer is present in a milky swimsuit. Fans perceived the video as evidence of the singer’s unabating feelings for her colleague.

Olga Seryabkina now

In October 2018, Olga announced her departure from the Serebro group. Together with her, other participants decided to leave the team - Katya Kishchuk and. The singers are going to build a solo career.

Olga Seryabkina - “Because Love” (premiere 2019)

Maxim Fadeev began casting candidates for the new group in December. The producer said that he was not going to part with the previous participants. A number of new projects are planned in which the girls will show themselves in a new way. Now the team with the same composition is finalizing the contract. Latest concerts group "Silver" took place in February 2019.


  • 2009 – “Opium Roz”
  • 2012 – Mama Lover
  • 2016 – “The Power of Three”

Olga Seryabkina about leaving the group SEREBRO: “Everything comes to an end someday”

Olga Seryabkina - singer, dancer, poetess, songwriter of Lolita Milyavskaya, Nargiz, Emin Agalarov and, of course, hits of the group SEREBRO, many of which became business card team. Olga has been in the group for more than 10 years, and it’s hard to imagine SEREBRO without her. It is not surprising that when a couple of years ago Olga began developing her own solo project, in which she performs under the pseudonym Molly, fans of the group became worried: was she planning to leave SEREBRO? This year Olga released new song“If you don’t love me,” which she performed in a duet with Yegor Creed, and in June she presented the English-language single Fire, which successfully launched on iTunes. Having decided that such a focus on a solo career could still mean Seryabkina’s departure to solo sailing, HELLO.RU asked Olga a question that interests her fans directly.

Olya, tell us about your plans. Are you planning to leave SEREBRO?

A question that is quite popular now. I can say for sure that one day this will happen - one hundred percent, because everything comes to an end. But I don't know when exactly. I can say that I am not one of those people who is in a hurry. I like not to think ahead now. And I don’t have the feeling that I want to be alone. On the contrary, I really value the time I spend in the group - despite all the talk and rumors that something is wrong with us, that we have hazing... In fact, all this is nonsense. For me SEREBRO is not work, it is life. SEREBRO is a living organism and most of my heart. Therefore, I don’t know when my departure will happen, when I will pursue an exclusively solo career, and I don’t want to think about it. At the moment, I am not touring fully as a solo artist. But I’m thinking about starting to combine them after some time. I'm interested in trying to perform both as Molly and as the lead singer of the group.

Once Maxim Fadeev noted on his Instagram that a group of three soloists is the most unstable, in such groups the composition certainly changes. How do you feel about such changes?

A team of three people is really difficult. When there are three of you, you need to take into account the opinions of all three, compromises are necessary. But everything depends on the human factor: in one version of the composition it is unstable, not strong, but in another the group can exist for quite a long time. I love our team. And it's incredibly interesting. Being a musician is absolutely creative profession, life is inevitably oversaturated with events. For me everyone new round life in SEREBRO is always an adventure, and I really love these adventures. Now we have a very well-coordinated team. The girls and I understand each other perfectly, and this is exactly the state of stability that I was talking about. The three of us are comfortable and, I hope, this state will last long enough.

It seems that in Maxim Fadeev’s music label all the artists are friends. Here at the MUZ-TV awards SEREBRO soloists you were noticeably happy for Nargiz, who received the award, and she for you. Is it corporate consciousness, or are you so close to each other?

This is not happening on purpose - we really are friends. We are friends simply because we are all united by our love for Max’s music, love for our team, and we always treat each other with warmth. Max often gathers us together for some joint barbecues or picnics when he has free time from touring. And this is for real. When Nargiz won, I was incredibly happy for her, because I know how important it is for her, because I feel like this is my victory, because we are one team. Moreover, our company is now expanding, there are more and more artists, and I have already become friends with many. For example, Yura Semenyak is the lead singer of the group KET MORSI. I love him, talented musician! And Tumar from the CARTEL group. In general, we are all a great force and practically one family.
Olga Seryabkina (MOLLY)

In February you released a collection of poems. What was the impetus for their publication?

I periodically published my poems on Instagram, read comments from people who wrote: they like what I do, it’s close to them. I wanted to share this further, and at some point I decided that it was time to release a book. I admit, I’m incredibly pleased that I even had to print additional circulation, because the first one sold out quickly. This suggests that the book needed to be released. In general, poetry for me is such a subtle art, my favorite. I like to find an exact definition for something barely noticeable. internal state. At this moment, you feel as if you couldn’t take a deep breath for a long time, but suddenly you did it. When I write, I definitely need to be alone so that no one disturbs me, and this is an amazing state.

Let's get back to your solo career. The song "If you don't love me" can also be performed by the group SEREBRO. But Fire is something completely new, more reminiscent of the music of Ayo, Asa or Imany. What key will the first one be in? solo album, if it is planned?

"If You Don't Love Me" Max and I wrote a few years ago. I remember I was flying to Chita and it was then that I wrote one verse and chorus - “If you don’t love me, then I don’t either, if you forget me, then I will too.” I showed the lines to Max, and for a long time we didn’t understand what to do with this song. I don't agree that this song is in the SEREBRO style - in my opinion, it's just the opposite. We didn't think it was right for the band, so we didn't release it. The song just lay there and waited in the wings. The text of the chorus is similar to a children's rhyme. That’s what Maxim told me: “You wrote a children’s song.” And this song was lying “on the shelf”, and then we somehow met on tour with Yegor Creed, I intuitively gave him a demo, and, apparently, Yegor realized that he should not miss this song.

I can say one more thing about the Fire track: it’s a confession to a man. I really like the song, I like to confess to people how I feel. At this moment some kind of magic happens, I call this state deep sea - deep sea. I like to confess my feelings to a person, I like to talk about everything openly. Even though there have been situations in my life where I have been hurt because I have an open heart, I still believe that this is the best and most indescribable state - when you can talk about what you feel.

Returning to the topic of the solo album, I won’t hide: I’m really working on it and on songs - both for the SEREBRO group and for the MOLLY project. At the same time, a solo album is not an end in itself for me. You can have 155 albums, but they will be just a number that will mean nothing to anyone, or you can write one, but people will listen to each song separately and all the songs together for at least another 100 years. So, this is exactly the kind of album I want. That's why I need more time. I already have a lot of songs that are ready for an album, but I’m in no hurry. I want something whole to come out, and it shouldn’t be thoughtless. I am against empty, empty songs. I am against action for the sake of action, without meaning.

The most popular question, but it’s impossible without it: what’s going on in your personal life?

I had very different periods in personal life. Now is the time when I like someone, but he doesn’t know about it. Usually I take the initiative myself: if I like someone, I go forward, and the man, as a rule, is the first to know about it. I'm not arrogant, but active. And now I like the person, but he doesn’t know about it, maybe he doesn’t even know, and I don’t want him to know. This is very different from how I behaved before. In general, this is my kind of game. She inspires me and let it be that way for now. I want this person to notice me and take the first step, if it is mutual. Maxim Fadeev and Olga Seryabkina

You are surrounded by fans and fellow musicians, but you have said more than once that Maxim Fadeev is for you special person, more than a producer. What did you mean?

He is mine best friend. At the same time, I separate friendship and work. When Maxim makes a remark to me or voices some request, I always make sure that he does not repeat it twice. Max is an absolute authority for me, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. It’s just great love, respect for the person who did everything for me. There were situations when I acted differently - not as he told me, but then every time I regretted it, thinking that I should have done as he advised. Max can always count on me in any situation - this applies to both work and human communication. We are friends, we have been working for more than 10 years, and, so to speak, we live our great creative family and that means a lot.

I hope that I will never let Max down. And what I say now, I also openly say to him. He changed my life. Every time I write a song with him as a co-writer, I approach it with the same reverence as the first time. It still seems incredible to me, and I am very grateful for the opportunity he gave, for what we create together and for the fact that he always hears me. I am very grateful to him for raising me to be a person who thinks and feels music.

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