How to place bets in bookmakers and win? We bet on sports! How to win on sports betting: the most successful and win-win strategies, tips

Betting on sports is a popular way to increase equity. People experienced in this matter achieve high results. Most beginners lose more often than they win.

In terms of the principle of action and the degree of risk, this activity is comparable to trading. The bookmaker acts as a broker, and the total capital is made up of bets made by players. The winners receive more than they bet due to the losers' bets, with the distribution of money depending on how a particular sporting event ends.

You should immediately forget about such concepts as “luck”, “fortune” and so on. Betting is the same type of income as any other independent business. "Secret of success" - systems approach, sober calculation and the ability to think strategically. They start with theoretical preparation, with definitions and classification.

Historically, bookmaking was preceded by betting. This was the name for a dispute between two or more participants about what the outcome of a certain event would be. Each bettor confirmed his willingness to bet with certain values, usually money. The losing side lost the assigned values, and they went to the winning side as a reward. Over time, such activities were systematized and legalized, so that it became quite widespread - on the eve of any sporting event at the regional level or higher, interested people seek to make money on bets. Their request is implemented by bookmakers - holders of licenses for the right to accept bets and distribute winnings.

Previously, bookmakers worked exclusively live, that is, the player directly communicated with a company employee. Today, every major bookmaker develops a web service, releases an official application - in a word, keeps up with the times. Now they also bet not only cash, but also electronic money, including funds in bank accounts and electronic wallets.

What is the bookmaker's interest in this? Usually his income is a small percentage of each amount paid to the winner. And if for a player these are insignificant numbers (for example, he receives 1950 rubles instead of 2000 minus a commission of 2.5%), then thousands and millions of bets already bring the bookmaker enormous income.

Whether betting in person or online, the key concepts have remained the same for decades. The three main terms that a player encounters are: outcome, line, bet.

Exodus- the result of an event in sports, such as a match between two teams. Usually there are three possible outcomes: victory of one participant, victory of another participant, draw. The bookmaker assigns a coefficient to each outcome, which means how much a person will win with such an outcome. For example, a coefficient of 1.5 means that if you win, instead of the bet 2,000 rubles, a person will receive 3,000. Usually, when calculating odds, the potential chances of a team or competitor to win are taken into account.

Line- a list of events and outcomes offered by the bookmaker. Events should not be mutually exclusive, but their outcomes are indicated unambiguously (we will consider this option in more detail later).

Bid- money that is bet on certain scenarios. If the result coincides with the player’s prediction, he receives the amount back plus winnings due to the odds. If it does not match, the player loses the bet money. Also called a bet is the very set of outcomes on which money is bet.

Classification of bets

Since those times when bets were made only on who would win or lose, the bookmaker system has become significantly more complex. Today there are several types of bets:

  1. Single (single)- for one event with one outcome. For example, a player bet 1000 rubles before the match between CSKA and Spartak, assuming that Spartak would win. The bookmaker offers odds of 2.0. This means that if Spartak wins, the player will receive 2000 rubles; if he loses, he will lose his thousand.
  2. Express- a bet on a line of events with certain outcomes. For example, matches are planned between CSKA and Spartak, between Shakhtar and Dynamo. The player bets that CSKA will win (the bookmaker offers odds of 1.5), and Shakhtar will draw with Dynamo (odds of 2.0). If both predictions coincide with reality, the winner will receive an amount based on the multiplied coefficient: 1.5 * 2.0 = 3.0. That is, instead of 1000 rubles, he will receive 3000 rubles. But if at least one event does not coincide with the forecast, then the bet will lose.
  3. System- several express bets with a common bet. In this case, the player assumes that one of several express bets will be correct. The total amount is divided by their number. If there are three express bets and one of them wins, then the final winnings will be calculated based on the multiplied odds of this express bet and divided by three. This is an “express portfolio” (similar to an investment portfolio), in which the winnings are smaller, but the chance of winning is higher.

Single and express bets are easier to do, but working with the system is more difficult. In each case, you need to calculate and estimate how much the potential winnings will cover the losses from other bets that did not win.

Bookmaker designations

Conventional notation is traditionally used. Using the example of the most common sports competition in this area - a match between two teams - the notation looks like this:

  • 1 - the first team won;
  • 2 - the second team won;
  • X - teams tied;
  • 1X - the first team won or the teams tied;
  • X2 - the second team won or the teams tied;
  • 12 - one of the teams won, there was no draw.

What is a handicap and what is it used for?

Beginners lose when they do not take into account the handicap, looking only at the odds. The handicap can be considered using the same example of two football teams. For example, a match is planned between CSKA and Spartak - teams 1 and 2. In this case, the handicap of team 1 is –1.5, and the handicap of team 2 is +1.5.

The final result is considered taking into account the handicap that bookmakers give to the favorite over the outsider. For example, if the match result was 1:0 in favor of team 1, then as a result of the calculation with a handicap it will be 1:1.5 - bets will be distributed as if the second team had won.

Handicap is a tool used by bookmakers to balance the odds of those who bet on the favorite and those who bet on the underdog. A bet with a handicap is called a handicap and is used in professional sports. The ability to quickly calculate the outcome of a competition, taking into account the handicap, will increase the chances of success.

Hard and soft handicap

There are two types of handicaps:

  • tough- a fractional coefficient that is added to the whole result (for example, the number of goals in football or goals scored in hockey), ultimately eliminating a draw;
  • soft- a whole coefficient, leaves a chance of a draw and gives players the opportunity to bet more carefully.

Asian handicap is a calculation algorithm during which bets with soft and hard handicaps are combined, and the cost of each of them is half of the bet amount.

Bet on total

Total is a specific number that is not related to winning or losing. Let's say a bookmaker offers to bet on the total before a hockey match. If the total is set to 4, this means that four goals are predicted to be scored.

In football, total is the number of goals, in hockey - goals scored, in tennis - games played

Players can bet on “over” or “under”. These bets are designated, respectively, TB (total over) and TM (total under). At the end of the match, winnings will be distributed as follows:

  1. If more than four goals are scored (4:1, 2:3, and so on), then those who bet on “over” win, those who bet on “under” lose.
  2. If they scored less than four goals (0:0, 1:0, 0:2 and so on), then those who bet on “under” win, those who bet on “over” lose.
  3. If exactly four goals are scored (2:2, 3:1, 4:0 and so on), then the odds for bets on the total are equalized - the players receive money back.

Working with totals requires experience in the relevant sport. It is necessary not only to assess which participant in the competition is stronger, but to estimate the potential of the game, and to calculate in advance the likely level of tension on the sports field.

Other bets

In addition to the rates already mentioned, there are some more:

  • for the difference in results- similar to a bet on the total, only the player bets not on the total number of goals, pucks, etc., but on the difference between the result of the winner and the loser (betting on a draw is the same as betting on a zero difference in the result);
  • for a half-match- the player tries to predict at what stage of the game the outcome will become known in advance; used in sports where the winner can be known, although the game has not yet ended;
  • to the exact score- the riskiest type of bet, always has a high coefficient, but the chance of winning is extremely small;

The lower the probability of an outcome, the more the player engages in pure guessing. Calculation and analysis are losing relevance.

Financial and gaming strategies

Strategy is the system by which the player acts to achieve his goal. Without a strategy, he can easily lose capital due to chance or because of a trick that the bookmaker uses. Since sports betting is at the intersection of financial and gaming theories, strategic approaches also called financial and gaming.

Financial Strategies

These are systems based on calculation. It is assumed that in order to use such methods it is necessary first of all to use mathematical models. In fact, the player fully calculates possible outcomes in advance and acts so that events turn out favorably or neutrally for him.

The most common financial ones include the following.


Allows you to objectively assess your skills and chances of success. It is enough to place bets with a fixed amount throughout the entire period. Thus, based on the results of the period, it will be possible to understand how profitable or unprofitable this activity is in the current conditions.


  • the amount spent is known in advance;
  • You can use this strategy as an indicator of your professional skills.


  • novice players may overestimate their professionalism and go to a loss;
  • The shorter the period, the less the statistics based on its results are suitable for use in the future.

Suppose a player bets on football matches for 1000 rubles for two months. The result was different, but in total, having bet 8,000 rubles, he received 10,500 rubles. Thus, the profitability of the period was 31.25%. Based on this, he can predict his profit in future periods. For example, if during the same two months he bets 3,000 rubles each time, then in total he will bet 24,000 rubles and receive 31,500 rubles.

The more experienced the player and the longer the period during which he used the flat, the more reliable the statistics obtained will be. You can conduct it over several periods and sum up the overall result. For example, if during the year the profitability of each month ranged from -2% (small loss) to 10% (high profit), and the arithmetic average is 6%, then this is already a good statistical base. Firstly, the player can, maintaining his methodology, count on a 6% profit from next year's bank. Secondly, he can track those months when he lost the most in order to “work on mistakes.”

Fixed profit

This is the opposite approach. Each bet is calculated separately and in such a way that in case of winning you receive a fixed profit. Requires more calculations and calculations, but with sufficient experience it gives a well-calculated income.

  • the profit in case of winning is known in advance;
  • You can make relatively small bets on risky outcomes.


  • complex calculations are required to generate the required income;
  • the possible winnings are always limited to a certain amount.

For example, before a football match, bets on teams are offered with odds of 1.8 and 1.5, and the player wants to be guaranteed to receive 500 rubles in profit if he wins. You need to make a calculation based on the coefficient. The easiest way is to create a proportion: x:x+500 = 1:1.8 - for the first team, where x is the bet amount. The solution to this proportion: x * 1.8 = (x+500) * 1. That is, 1.8x = x+500, or 0.8x = 500. Accordingly, x = 500/0.8 = 625. That is, in order to receive a guaranteed profit of 500 rubles if the first team wins, the player must bet 625. Then, if he wins, he will receive: 625 * 1.8 = 1125, and the profit will be the desired 500 rubles (1125 - 625). For the second team you need to compose and solve a similar proportion. Her solution will be the amount of 750 rubles. That is, if a player bets 750 rubles on the second team and it wins, then he will receive 750 * 1.5 = 1250, and the profit will be the same 500 rubles (1250 – 750).

It should be remembered that fixed income is not the same as guaranteed. To receive it, you need to correctly predict events. And this is only possible with certain experience.

Percentage from the bank

The size of the bet is determined by the size of the bank. IN classic form this strategy implies that a percentage is taken from the initial bank. In a modified form (Kelly criterion), the percentage is taken from the current bank - if the bank decreases, the rates decrease, and vice versa.

Advantages of this approach:

  • it is guaranteed that you will not receive an unexpected large loss;
  • You can plan your expenses in advance and estimate your winnings.


  • if the bank is exhausted, it is necessary to suspend work until the next period;
  • After a series of losses, the chance of reaching a high income is quite small, especially if the Kelly criterion is used.

For example, a player has allocated 50,000 rubles for a year and each time bets 2%, that is, 1000 rubles. As a result, he will have enough for 50 bets. Therefore, to exhaust the pot he would need to lose all 50 times - unlikely even if he was just guessing. With the Kelly criterion the situation looks like this:

  • if a player loses within a month and his bankroll decreases to 42,000 rubles, then the bet limit will no longer be 1,000 rubles, but 840 rubles (42,000 * 2%);
  • if a player wins during the month and his bank increases to 58,000 rubles, then the bet limit will be 1,160 rubles (58,000 * 2%).

The general trend of financial strategies: their use allows you to minimize losses, but at the same time, the income turns out to be relatively low. Therefore, many decide to use gaming strategies - in fact, approaches from the world of gambling adapted for this type of activity.

Gaming Strategies

In general, they are all based on an assessment of probabilities. Any of these strategies is characterized primarily by the fact that the player is left with “blank spots” - possible scenarios that he has not calculated or taken into account. From point of view mathematical theory, these strategies are based not so much on calculation, but on the expectation of the most likely, in the player’s opinion, outcomes.

Thus, financial strategies can be generally called mathematical, gaming - heuristic.

The most popular gaming strategies are as follows.

Bet on the likely outcome

It is assumed that it is better to bet on outcomes that are more likely to occur. This is the victory of one of the two teams in a doubles competition, which is either 33% (if a draw is allowed) or 50% (if there can be no draw or if there is a hard handicap), but only if both sides have absolutely equal chances win (which never happens in practice). For example, there is a hockey match between two teams and the favorite is definitely known - in this case, you need to bet on the favorite.

Advantages of this strategy:

  • a minimum of time is usually spent searching for a favorite;
  • the chance of winning is relatively high.

The disadvantage is that if the favorite loses, the bet will be lost. At the same time, the winning odds are relatively small, so it will take a long time to return lost profits.

Everything is extremely simple to use. In any sport there are favorites. It is enough to find out on whose side success in Lately, and throughout the entire period bet on those who are stronger.

Bet on an underestimated outcome

The opposite of the previous strategy. Player keeps track sport events in the area of ​​interest to him and finds those where the bookmaker, in his opinion, out of habit, considers one participant to be the favorite. In this case, bets on the outsider will be high winning odds. This is what the player needs to take advantage of.

The advantage is that the coefficient can be high enough for even one success to cover two or three or more defeats.


  • it is necessary to carefully study the essence of the game in order to find underestimated outcomes;
  • the chance of losing is quite high, and if there are no wins, the overall result will be a loss.

Example of use. The player tracks football matches in the World Cup, where the German team is considered the favorite. He finds a match that he thinks Germany has little chance of winning and bets on his opponent. If the forecast is correct, one such win will be compared to two or three (or even more) winning bets on the favorite.


A strategy that, under certain conditions, can be brought to the point where it almost eliminates losses. You need to consider the odds that are offered by different bookmakers for betting on the same events. Then, after making the calculation, you can place different bets in different offices, so that in the end you either win or lose almost nothing.


  • you can reduce the loss to a minimum or even to zero;
  • It is always possible to switch between different bookmakers.


  • the winnings will be relatively low;
  • it is necessary to carry out calculations and select various options.

For example, the favorite of two teams is the first. If one bookmaker bets 1,000 rubles on the first team’s win (odds 1.6), and the second bookmaker puts 500 rubles on the second team’s win (odds 1.9), if the first team wins, the net profit will be 1,100 rubles (1,600 – 500), and if the second team wins, the loss will be limited to only 50 rubles (950 - 1000). This approach reduces the profit when you win, but does not allow you to lose much.

The use of this strategy has recently become more difficult. Bookmakers interact more closely with each other and use the services of statistical centers - including to combat those who use “arbs.”


This is a systematic, repeating sequence of bets, relevant for sporting events, which are also of a recurring nature. Most often, this strategy is used during tournaments and periodic competitions, in which changes are either rare or occur gradually (for example, the composition of national teams rarely changes entirely at once).


  • predictability;
  • stability;
  • predictability.


  • in case of a non-standard situation, the system loses its meaning;
  • Applicable only in certain sports.

For example, during the World Cup, favorite countries are identified that are most likely to win. Those players who use passive strategies and bet on favorites will traditionally bet on the teams of these countries. Those same bettors who take an aggressive approach and expect to make big profits will consistently avoid betting on strong teams. In the case of each type of competition, futures, in addition to betting preferences, assume odds based on statistics from recent years.

The risk of losses when using gaming strategies is higher, but if the course of events is positive, you can get much more income. The total number of strategies that are popular in the world amounts to several dozen. Everyone can choose their own and complement it based on general recommendations, which are given by professional players.

Despite detailed descriptions and instructions from experienced players, a beginner should proceed with caution at first. Even professionals face difficulties. Those who have been making money by betting on sports for several years are well aware of the rules.

Treat betting like a job

If a person is overwhelmed by passion, he loses control - the result becomes unpredictable. Those who say that “winning is not important, the process is important” should not bet large sums. For this way of spending time to bring results, you need to use a strategy. There are two basic approaches:

  • passive- bet on a likely outcome;
  • aggressive- bet on a controversial result.

A limit is also required. In a risky business such as betting or trading, the bank is limited in advance to a specific amount. If the bank is exhausted, there is no need to turn to additional sources or borrow to “win back”. Players limit potential losses to a limit and do not exceed it during the period.

In addition, for this type of income, you should use only free capital, that is, not a personal or family budget, not money for solving important matters, and certainly not borrowed funds.

Assess risks wisely

You should soberly assess the situation and understand that no outcome has one hundred percent probability. Even beloved favorites lose. If someone says that they know 100% winning outcomes, this is fraud and substitution of concepts; such statements cannot be trusted!

Between passive and aggressive strategies, everyone finds a middle ground. If you constantly bet only on favorites, your capital will grow slowly due to low odds. In addition, the loss of the favorite will nullify previous efforts.

Express and system reduce success: with express there is more chance of losing, the system reduces winnings. Therefore, single and total bets are suitable for beginners.

Do not deal with dubious bookmakers

The organization that accepts bets must be reputable and verified. Otherwise, the player risks losing money by contacting scammers. Before contacting a new bookmaker, you need to make sure that it has been in business for a long time and that customers have not complained. This is especially true for online betting: on the global network, the player does not see the bookmaker’s representatives in person.

You should definitely not place bets based on a verbal agreement - either in person or online.

Cold mind, no excitement

As in any area associated with risk, a player may have a series of failures. You can’t raise the bet to “win back.” An attempt to “return luck” by consistently increasing bets is the beginning of a major loss.

Gambling is an emotion that arises from the desire to prove one’s own luck. But those who perceive sports betting as a way to make money are well aware that the risk does not depend on the personal qualities of the player, so a loss does not diminish his professional dignity.

The sequence gives the desired result

You need to follow the chosen strategy for the period and not switch between different approaches so as not to cause chaos. The recommendations are as follows:

  1. One strategy should dominate the entire period.
  2. For each period (week, month, year), the number of bets that can be placed is determined.
  3. A bank (bankroll) is allocated for a period - an amount that limits losses even in the case of the most unsuccessful results.
  4. The size of an individual bet is also limited. It is advisable that it does not exceed 2–3% of the bank amount. Similarly, you can estimate the desired bet size in advance and take a pot of 20–50 bets.

Without deviating from the chosen strategy and without giving free rein to passion, you can achieve, if not abrupt, but stable results.

You can't rely on personal preferences

Sports teams, players, coaches can be liked or disliked. Many have crowds of loyal fans and admirers. Nobody stops a person from loving a team and betting on sports at the same time. But these two states need to be separated. Otherwise, personal preferences will cause you to lose.

This is explained simply: rarely are unconditional favorites, especially in team sports, because the result depends not on the participants personally, but on the sum of their efforts. A person loves a team not only for victories in games, but also for symbolism, history, and events.

You cannot include personal sympathies. When calculating the outcome in advance, you need to abandon your own preferences and desires and focus on the real forecast. Then the probability of winning is much higher.

Showing your devotion to your favorite team should be a separate area of ​​life, in no way related to bets.

Professionalism backed by experience

If a person does not understand the sport being presented, he will rather guess: there will be nothing to rely on except forecasts. Therefore, those who understand the sport itself, the professionalism of the teams, and the events have a greater chance of winning.

Before you start, you need to study the history of teams or players, look at competition statistics, draw conclusions, and develop a strategy. In this case, the rates are no different from any profitable occupation.

Main conclusions

Sports betting can be profitable if done professionally and consistently. Bookmakers, if we are not talking about scammers, really let you win. Before doing this, it is necessary to study the theoretical basis and devote time to analyzing the preferred sport.

By separating personal preferences and not allowing excitement to take over you, you can get a stable profit. The more aggressive the strategy, the higher the chance of losing. In this respect, sports betting is similar to trading and other types of business that rely on risk.

Start with single bets for simple outcomes. Having gained experience, they move on to express trains and systems. It is important not to move away from analysis to pure guessing and rely on own calculations, and not just on third-party forecasts. And even more so, we must not forget that there will never be a 100% chance of success - the risk, even if small, will remain.

Video - 7 golden rules of sports betting

Today you will learn how to make money on sports betting, what methods and strategies for making money really work, and also where a beginner should start to earn their first money

Hello, dear readers. Congratulations - you found exactly what you were looking for! My name is Denis Kuderin, I am a player and expert of the online business magazine “HeaterBober.

Today I will tell you all I know about the recently popular direction of generating income - making money on bets!

Constant earnings on bookmaker bets are a very real prospect that does not require special financial investments. There are only a few conditions necessary to get started: desire, free time and a little patience.

So, let's find out how you can make money on bets with zero experience in this matter!

1. Earning money on bets - how much can a beginner actually earn?

Beginners often ask: “Is it possible to make money on bets and how much do ordinary people earn from this?”

Making money on bets is a high-risk investment, but this method of financial investment can bring much more profit than, say, a regular bank deposit. As for risk, it is present in any financial-related transactions.

Hence the first and largely defining rule of betting for beginners: you should only play at a bookmaker with free money - that is, money that you can spend without risking your own well-being.

You should not gamble with money borrowed or from the general family budget.

However, it’s also not worth starting with playing “small things”: in order to bet according to the strategy and count on at least a theoretical profit, the bankroll (the initial size of the game bank) must allow you to make at least 50 equal bets.

Let's try to figure out how to make money on bets, if not permanently, then at least periodically. How to make a bookmaker a source of income?

There are professional handicappers (people for whom betting is a full-time job). They are engaged in sports analytics and are well versed in mathematical aspects. Becoming a professional is not easy: first we need to understand how a bookmaker works and master the main rules of sports forecasting.

So, to start placing bets, the following conditions are required:

  • Constant access to the Internet;
  • Availability of several hours of free time daily;
  • Attentiveness and the ability to control your emotions (this is one of the most important points);
  • Initial capital (bankroll);
  • Interest in any sport.

Typically, beginners choose football, hockey or basketball. According to professionals, tennis is the most profitable for forecasting, but if this sport is not to your liking, then you can start with betting on football - this is the most popular sport in the whole world (except for the USA).

The real amount that a beginner can earn with minimum investment– this is 10% of the bank per month.

Of course, if you use risky strategies, you can actually earn the full 50%, but then the likelihood of the bank being completely drained inevitably increases.

Believe me, 10% is quite a decent figure, but stability can only be achieved if you follow certain rules and approach the business of sports forecasting soberly and rationally.

2. How bookmakers work

As practice shows, people try to make money on bets of different ages– from university students to retirees. All these people are united by a love of sports - mainly in the status of fans. Why not make your interest in sports competitions a source of regular income?

Bookmakers (BC) daily post hundreds of different offers for us, from which we have the right to choose any one. The player's advantage lies in his right to choose any bet. Ideally, each player should place only that bet, the confidence of which is close to 100%.

However, in practice, most bets are made thoughtlessly, in addition, a significant part of all bookmaker clients are amateurs who bet for their own pleasure.

You can approach sports betting from this point of view: bookmakers provide us with the opportunity to take risks and add adrenaline. And if with the money we win we sometimes manage to buy flowers for our wife and ice cream for our children, that’s already wonderful.

But if you are reading this text, then your goal is not only to have fun, but also to make a stable profit over the long term. To do this, the approach to betting must be strategic: playing for luck is not safe for capital.

A bookmaker's office is essentially an intermediary who takes a certain percentage for its services.

This percentage is called margin - it is thanks to the margin of probability of the outcome as a percentage of equally probable events offered by the bookmaker that will not be 50 to 50, but, say, 47 to 47.

Where did the 6 percent go, you ask? The answer is that they went to the bookmaker for intermediary services. This is not yet the most important source of income for a bookmaker.

Offices also make a profit by adjusting the coefficient according to public opinion and financial flows. In other words, the bookmaker knows where the average player will bet money and artificially lowers the probability of this outcome, expressed in odds.

3. Step-by-step instructions for beginners on making money on bets

The system in sports betting is half the success.

For those who have never placed bets in a bookmaker, it would be a good idea to read the step-by-step instructions:

  1. First, you need to carefully read the bookmaker’s rules and understand the basic terms and concepts from the world of betting.
  2. Then you need to register with the bookmaker, create an electronic wallet (WebMoney, Neteller, YandexMoney) if you don’t already have one.
  3. The next step: replenishing the deposit - you place a certain amount into your account in the bookmaker.
  4. Select events and place a bet.
  5. Some people advise keeping all coupons - won and lost - in in electronic format(this will protect the player from controversial situations in the future).

The main problem of playing via the Internet is the effect of drawing players in and turning them into gamblers. Placing bets online is very simple: just a few clicks, but large sums can transfer from your pocket to the bookmaker’s account.

Advice: do not keep too large amounts of money in your account and withdraw profits often if you have any.

4. Strategies for making money on bets

There are dozens of strategies that allow you to make money at a bookmaker. But for a beginner it will be enough to familiarize himself with the most reliable and profitable of them.

It should be understood that there are no win-win strategies, otherwise all the offices would have gone bankrupt long ago: there is only the opportunity to significantly increase the likelihood of obtaining long-term profits by betting according to a certain pattern.

Gaming Strategies

The most popular gaming strategies are:

  • Betting on undervalued events (Value Betting);
  • Bookmaker sure bets (arbitrage bets);
  • Classic pre-match analysis;
  • Live game;
  • Dogon.

The vast majority of players try to guess or predict the outcome of the game, without thinking about the financial effectiveness of their game in the long term. Most bookmaker players are so-called “forecasters” - they are interested not so much in money as in guessing the result.

There is also a fundamentally different category of players who, first of all, focus on odds and long-term profits. If such players see a bet that is profitable in the long term, they will definitely make it. If you constantly bet on the odds inflated by the bookmaker, then profit after a certain period of time is guaranteed.

This principle is called Value Betting (“value betting”) - that is, bets on events that are underestimated by the bookmaker.

This principle can be explained more clearly using the following example. Most players always bet on the conditional “Real Madrid”, not paying attention to the odds and rightly believing that this super club is in any case stronger than its rival. But the “settlers” do not take into account a specific match, but work for the future and bet against Real Madrid.

Since the odds for such an outcome are always very high, even a single misfire of a super club will bring more money than constant bets on the favorite.

Strategies such as “catch-up” and “arbs” are, in theory, win-win, but only in theory.

For such bets to be profitable, two conditions must be met:

  • The player must have an infinite gaming bank;
  • The bookmaker must allow him to bet any amount.

In practice, both conditions are unattainable for objective reasons. It’s still worth talking about these strategies, although we don’t advise beginners to practice them.

Catching up is a constant increase in the bet amount after each loss, which allows you to return the money with interest. Dogon is both financial and game strategy. Let's say you bet on a draw for a certain team until this event happens, each time increasing the amount in such a way as to cover financial losses and make a profit.

A draw will definitely happen, but there is a certain danger: this can happen at a time when you no longer have money for the next bet.

Sure bets or arbitrage betting were once very popular, but now, when the odds offered by bookmakers are approximately the same everywhere, it is becoming increasingly difficult to play on the difference. In addition, the bookmakers themselves do not like “arbers” and can easily block their accounts, suspecting them of betting on arbitrage.

Financial Strategies

There are also many financial strategies:

  • Fixed profit;
  • Martingale strategy;
  • Kelly criterion;
  • Flat.

It is believed that beginners should try to bet approximately the same amounts. Playing with a strictly fixed amount over a long period of time is called “flat”. We will consider this strategy the most reliable and profitable. Moreover, after a long-term game, luck will clearly show whether the player has a gaming or mathematical advantage over the bookmaker.

5. Earning money on football bets

Not a single professional handicapper makes a profit thanks to intuition (intuition, luck, fortune). Of course, all sports forecasters need a certain amount of luck, but this quality is not a superpower, it is the result of experience and numerous mistakes. Yes, yes, for smart person mistakes are the best school.

In football, every fan considers himself an analyst, a predictor, an expert. This sport is unrivaled by bookmakers in terms of box office receipts. In no other sporting discipline are there so many “specialists” who know who, how, when and why will win. Almost all players come to place a bet in a bookmaker for the first time, and for many it remains the main sport.

Meanwhile, it is not enough just to understand football and have statistical information to be successful in betting. Even experienced players and coaches do not always predict the winners. Soccer is a very unpredictable sport, in which not the strongest opponent often wins.

This can be explained simply: the low performance of football games, the increased likelihood of refereeing errors and accidental goals.

To successfully bet on football you need to follow a number of simple but effective rules:

  • Never bet on your favorite team (you will definitely either overestimate or underestimate it);
  • Don’t bet on all football leagues in a row: just choose one or two that you are best at;
  • Try to avoid top matches (central matches of the tour, final matches): as a rule, the odds for such games are verified by bookmakers down to hundredths;
  • Control of emotions: the absence of excessive emotional reactions is a guarantee of stability.

And one more piece of advice: monitor the movement of odds, trying to bet at the most favorable value. For professionals, even tenths and hundredths matter.

6. Features of online betting

Today, most players place bets at bookmakers via the World Wide Web. It couldn't be easier to do this today.

Many people, having entered the world of betting, begin to experience genuine excitement, while bettors are looking for ways to improve their results and reduce risks. Professional bookmaker tips include how detailed analysis actions of a successful bettor, as well as a detailed study of the chosen strategy.

Fast passage

Remember one simple truth: even the most practical advice cannot guarantee you a 100% result, but by listening to the advice of experienced ones, you can choose a rational grain for yourself in sports forecasting in the future. Successful betting is not the stuff of science fiction, but there is a certain scientific knowledge base that helps the bettor choose the right path of behavior when choosing a scheme in a bookmaker.

It is more possible to understand how experienced bettors beat bookmakers. Let's start with the most important thing, experienced professionals always believe that victory cannot depend on some super-secret strategies; most often the emphasis is on how a particular player follows certain rules of forecasting. Always remember one truth - two participants in in this case you, as a bettor and a bookmaker, are on opposite sides of the barricade, but are pursuing one single goal.

At the official level, the state does not count sports betting gambling, but in general, the principle of operation is not much different from all famous casino. The situation has similar characteristics - someone wins and someone loses, both large and small amounts of money. Let us not hide the fact that the bookmaker himself often wins.

But unlike casinos, in betting we recommend relying on competence in many issues related to the development of a particular sport. That is, in a casino you can “program” the machine for a certain algorithm, but in betting this is not the case in principle. The main thing in sports forecasting is to know the specifics of the chosen sport, and there are plenty of parameters here - the composition of the team, the psychological mood of the athlete, coaching tricks, etc.

Now you are clearly beginning to understand that betting is a whole scientific school, which has its “teachers”, “mentors” and followers. Success in betting can only happen if you competently develop for yourself the rules of the game and how to play. Let's tell you a secret, there are whole scientific descriptions for betting. If you are interested in reading about the secrets of betting and getting useful tips for betting at bookmakers, we recommend that you read the book “How to beat a bookmaker” by Sergei Galkin. The author is a scientist who will clearly show you what you can do and what you shouldn’t do in sports forecasting. It is gratifying that even such a scientist as S.N. Galkin managed to competently convey to the player the rules of behavior with the bookmaker.

What are the main reasons for successful bets?

Here we will show you the main points on how you can beat the bookmaker. Always remember the recent axiom “there is no single correct strategy in forecasting, but following certain rules allows you to increase your chances of winning”:

  • We always develop the behavioral factor separately from the result obtained;
  • Correctly determine the permissible betting limit and always strictly follow the restrictions;
  • We do not advise you to ever believe in any signs;
  • A successful bet is determined by game event, and not by the selected object;
  • If you apply one strategy, always take into account the signals of this line, without deviating to other options;
  • Choose a comfortable bookmaker for yourself, where you can work comfortably and calmly;
  • Always focus only on accurate forecasts.

Important! Always follow the chosen path, we do not recommend rushing from side to side, there is no point in changing forecasting tactics on the fly, discard panic and jubilation. Remember that success is always on the side of common sense and a clear mind!

Below we will detail advice on each point of the axiom of a successful bettor.

Behavioral factor or outline of the bettor

Smart bets, which you yourself will develop for the forecast, will be your assistants always and everywhere. All possible game bets and combinations are not the bettor’s share, but urgent recommendations that are needed in order to win a substantial jackpot or not lose the money spent to zero. Always make a preliminary assessment of your actions, this way you will reduce the risk of losing. An unsuccessful transaction leads to the fact that the bettor wants to make up for lost time, and again throws money around, forgetting about the main thing, that in this case he can completely lose the bet, and, therefore, this will lead to complete ruin.

If you have lost big, we do not recommend falling into despair and trying to catch up again. Take a rest for a couple of hours, or maybe for 1 day, or even better - for a week. The time interval will allow you to recuperate and peace of mind. Study the reasons for the loss, and you will still understand that the bookmaker can be beaten.

Determining the limit

If you don’t want to go broke from the very beginning of betting, set a limit for yourself Money, which you will spend in BC. If you win a big pot - slow down, if you lose - stop too. Temptation is a thing that will make you spend all your money the first time. You need to choose one financial limit for yourself, which will be your companion in the future.

And yet, some people forget about the limit when they bet on their favorite football or hockey team. It's good that you root for your team, but betting is a science, not a fan club supporting your favorite teams. Include logic of behavior.

A few words about signs. There are bettors who use some strange signs for programming, for example, one of the signs (well, coincidentally!) ensured a win for their favorite team. Then the bettor, like Pavlov’s dog, begins to foolishly follow the signs. It's funny, we live in modern society, where technological progress has long become commonplace, therefore, signs are best left for another area, for example, for the occult, which has nothing to do with betting.

Thus, sober thinking and a little respite will be your key to a successful bet.

Mathematical analysis

If you were good at mathematics at school, then in betting it will be much easier for you to make bet predictions using various calculation schemes and algorithms. serves as a calculation option, but as in any science, there are no guarantees of results unless you pass the test. In general, mathematics does not provide any guarantees, but those who use scientific approach, will always be a big plus when forecasting.

Below we will talk about two mathematical methods: Flat and Martingale. The first Flat method is used to calculate bets, with two possible initial data. In this case, the bet volume will not be increased. Eat big nuance to determine winnings. Always start at %»% and above. For example, if 60% of 100 bets work, then you have chosen the right strategy. Additional condition: choose a coefficient for the forecast from 1.91.

Mathematical Martingale method. If you lose, more than once, make the next attempt more expensive. The essence of this method is that if you win, you will get even more, and if you lose, you will start making predictions with the same indicator. In parallel with this, an additional calculation of the volume of bank funds is being carried out so that in the future it will be enough for several options in the double betting mode.

Computer programs for transactions

In the century information technologies, computer programs help analyze bets, and such applications are used not only by bettors, but also by professional bookmakers. There are really a lot of programs, and it’s impossible to say which one is better for a bettor. Some bookmakers release their own software. There are dedicated development teams that develop applications that have very good analytics. Such programs are already successful with bettors, but they are very expensive, starting from several hundred US dollars. It is advisable for the player to study the “history” and analytics of the use of these programs in order to finally decide for himself whether it is worth using computer technology in forecasting at all.

We will only briefly mention popular applications. Footballbet is a service that processes available analytical data on teams and players in football. Service OnCourt intended for those who make tennis predictions. Finright bookmaker- analysis of odds and monetary amounts, can be used for forecasting in baseball, basketball, hockey, handball and football.

Determining the best bookmaker

Here the bettor needs to independently study the specifics of each organization. It is best to collect reviews from experienced bettors, based on which you can make an analysis of whether you will be comfortable working with this service, or whether there are other options. In any case, the quantity legal offices betting in Russia is very large. Study the advice of your colleagues and choose a comfortable company with which you will work in the future.


The bettor does not need any special advice here. To place your bet correctly, we advise you to work out your forecast in detail, down to the details of the team and the conditions of the games. Consider exclusive forecasting parameters, for example, what the weather will be like for the match on the day of the tournament, this indicator can also play an important role in accurately betting on the game.

It is most difficult for a beginner to make a forecast, since he has little understanding of the nuances of forecasting. A beginner is unlikely to grasp all the theory and practice the first time, but there is one piece of practical advice. You can buy a forecast from an experienced bettor, where he will tell you how he made the bet and what principles were used to calculate the forecast. Remember that even an experienced bettor can make an inaccurate forecast, so there is no need to panic. This method is good for those who are just starting to understand the basics of sports betting.

A few words of caution

As we finish our review of tips on how to act in bookmakers when placing a bet, remember that you should always have a head on your shoulders. This point is important both in case of winning a large bet and in case of loss. You should never give in to provocation, especially giving away your last money in the hope that you will win 100%. Bookmakers lead advertising campaigns, which pursue the goal of attracting new bettors and activating the work of experienced players. Advertising is good, but we advise you to rely on your own strengths. For experienced players You need to exercise common sense in relation to your favorite team, and we do not advise you to bet all your money headlong, hoping that your beloved club will definitely win. Any player's companion should be cold calculation, which will always help to beat even an experienced bookmaker.

How to place bets correctly at a bookmaker - tips

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How to bet on sports? A difficult question for new players. A bet based on competent analysis can bring a profit of hundreds of percent in just a few minutes. The first important step is to choose the right bookmaker. Don’t rush to decide on a bookmaker. First you need to familiarize yourself with the bookmaker ratings.

The WinBetting website has compiled the TOP bookmakers based on reviews from professional players. This rating is compiled based on reviews from hundreds of players and is constantly updated. Here you can get acquainted with the odds for the duration of the matches and receive interesting offers on promotions. We'll look at how to start betting on sports below.

Where to bet on sports: basic principles

Sports bets are accepted at bookmakers. Today, many of them have an online version. Play over the Internet – great way earn real money without leaving home.

Sports betting: where to start

Before you place your first bet, you should know what they are.

Single bet

The peculiarity of this bet is that it attempts to predict only one outcome of the event. The winnings are calculated using the formula of multiplying the amount of money and the bet odds. For example, you bet 1000 rubles at odds of 2.20, which means your winnings on the bet will be 2200 rubles (1000 * 2.20), the net winnings will be 1200 rubles (2200-1000 i.e. minus the bet amount).

Express bets

Placed on several events at once. An important condition victory is the winning of all designated events in the accumulator. In other words, a positive outcome can be: a refund or a win. However, playing for several events at the same time also has its downside. If at least one event does not justify the forecast, the entire bet is considered a failure. The margin on an express bet is calculated as the product of the amount of bets and the odds of all outcomes.


A combination of several express trains. This is a kind of enumeration of several options for express bets with a fixed set of outcomes. The number of outcomes and the amount of bets for each express bet are the same. Profit in the system is calculated as the sum of the express winnings that are included in the system. Read more about the system.

The most popular types of bets are bets on outcomes (1X2) and bets on total. There are also bets on painting ( additional bets) - who will score first, how many substitutions, yellow or red cards there will be in the match, etc. . Total bets allow you to predict a smaller or larger number of goals, pucks, balls, etc. scored.

How do professionals bet on sports?

To understand how to place successful bets on sports, a beginner should follow simple rules:

  1. Always check how to bet on a specific sporting event. Explain to yourself all the unclear points, and only then place your bets. Different bookmakers have different rules and commission sizes.
  2. Play with small amounts at first. There is always a risk that you may confuse or misunderstand something.
  3. Do not chase high odds; it is possible that they may contain pitfalls. It is safer to bet on favorites who have good motivation. You can combine such bets into express bets.
  4. Determine for yourself the specific size of your bank. You will always know how much you are willing to spend, what rates will suit you, and when you should stop to avoid bankruptcy.
  5. Play exclusively at reliable bookmakers. The richer and larger the company, the more it values ​​its reputation. Feedback from visitors is also important.
  6. Don't put all your money on one bet. The outcome of any match may be unfavorable for you.
  7. Always know how to stop, even if you are lucky today.
  8. Be sure to keep an eye on the odds line. A rise or a sharp collapse is never accidental. Follow sports news. Remember that analysis is very important. Before you bet on a specific team, ask about its previous successes, the number of injured players, and the presence of yellow cards.

How to do analysis in sports betting

How to learn to bet on sports? There are several methods for predicting the possible outcome of a sporting event. They will help even a novice player win good amounts.

  1. Information analysis, when you collect all available information on the team.
  2. Statistical analysis. During it, the losses and victories of teams are analyzed, certain statistics are displayed, and the probability of victory or loss is calculated.
  3. Probability theory of forecast. At this method The probability of the match outcome for each team is estimated. The above methods are quite effective, but labor-intensive. Therefore, professional players often resort to help

Most novice bettors want to know how to learn how to place bets in bookmakers, since it is profitable and not difficult. Thanks to bets you can raise impressive sums of money in a short period of time. The only point is the fact that in order to make a profit you need to learn how to make high-quality and correct bets.

There is a certain order of actions that must be performed to make your first profit. In addition, the bookmaker you choose will play a big role. The number of available sporting events and bets, as well as the odds indicators for them, will depend on it.

How to play bets?

People who don't deal with bookmakers don't even have a clue about how to play bets. That's why I try to post as much as possible different material on this topic. With their help, absolutely everyone can get all the necessary information and study this activity in more detail.

Before placing a bet on sports, you need to spend some time learning the terminology and rules. Bookmakers may set their own rules and nuances, so you will need to carefully read them before registering your own gaming account.

The number of existing bookmakers is constantly increasing. This is due to the high demand and popularity of bets. Unfortunately, for many bettors, Russian Federation Such activities can only be carried out by legal bookmakers. To do this, they will need to start collaborating with the Center for Control and Information Services, as well as provide all documents and undergo the necessary checks.

Every person, before playing in bookmakers that have officially registered their activities, is required to open a gaming account in the bookmaker itself, as well as in the center for recording transfers and interactive bets.

Rules for betting at bookmakers

It is necessary to study the rules of betting in bookmakers even before creating a gaming account or making your first bet. Sometimes, different bookmakers may differ on some points, so even if you are familiar with the rules you read on the website of another bookmaker, you need to spend some time and at least skim through the existing section on the rules for accepting and calculating bets.

Once the rules of sports betting become familiar to you, you can safely begin selecting the most suitable matches for placing a bet.

Step-by-step instructions for betting on sporting events in bookmaker

I want to convey to you as clearly and in detail as possible about how to play bets, so as not to just spend own time and money, but also to make a profit. These instructions can only be used as theoretical material, allowing you to get a complete understanding of the sports betting process.

The instructions are a step-by-step guide that can be used by absolutely any better, since it will be relevant for all bookmakers. So, all novice bettors should:

  1. Select a bookmaker's office where all transactions will be carried out. Based on the current situation, I can advise using only legal bookmakers. Thanks to them, you can be confident in the future and not be afraid that your honestly earned winnings will not be calculated or paid according to the rules. In addition, access to illegal bookmakers is blocked special bodies, and legal offices are available around the clock at the same address.
  2. When choosing a bookmaker, carefully study the rules of the agreement. Particular attention should be paid to the points on minimum and maximum bet and winning amounts, deposits and withdrawals of funds, and available payment systems.
  3. Having made sure that the chosen bookmaker is suitable for you, and its rules give the clearest and clearest idea about the safety and reliability of cooperation, you can go through the process of registering a game account. This can be done differently in each office, but as a rule, everywhere you need to enter your passport details and phone number. I would like to immediately note that you only need to enter your data and check it for correctness, since verification will be carried out in the future.
  4. By creating an account in BC, you will need to register on the website 1 TsUPIS. If you have already done this, please indicate your linked phone number when registering.
  5. The last step in creating and activating a game account is passing identification. For some bookmakers, this is done by calling an operator on Skype, while for others you will have to visit Euroset mobile phone stores.
  6. Now that you have the opportunity to fund your gaming account and place bets on sports, you need to deposit money into your account. The deposit method is selected from those provided by the bookmaker. When doing this, you should take into account possible fees that may be charged by the payment system.
  7. Before you bet your money, I highly recommend pre-analyze the desired meeting. Only after this you can place a bet. If the information received shows that the desired bet may not work, then it is better to find a more feasible option.
  8. If the outcome of the selected bet is positive, then you can either continue place funds or withdraw them. For withdrawal, you can use all available methods, but you must take into account the limitations and withdrawal limits for each method.

What are the best bets from bookmakers?

Exist different kinds betting on football, volleyball, hockey and others popular types sports Due to its high popularity, bookmaker clients most often choose football, but you should find exactly the sport that is closer and more understandable to you. For example, if you have been involved in and are interested in tennis, then you should not try your hand at volleyball, but immediately start betting on tennis. Devote your time to conducting an analytical analysis of all upcoming games and then you will receive a stable and large income.

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