How to learn to write with your left hand if you are right-handed? How to learn to write with your left hand if you are right-handed

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You have most likely met a person who writes with his left hand. When writing, they usually bend their hand quite strongly at the wrist. This is because they were not taught to write correctly from childhood. This provision is also necessary so that a person can see what he wrote before. Seeing already written text when you are right-handed is quite simple, but it is difficult for left-handed people. But such a problem is quickly solved if you follow simple tips.

Teaching technique

Paper position. Through your desk, mentally draw a center line that divides it into 2 parts. The same line should divide your body along the line of the nose into 2 parts. The part of the table that corresponds to the left part will be used for teaching writing.

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Place the sheet only on the left side of the table. The top right corner is lower than the left. That is, you need to tilt the sheet differently when you write with your right hand. Accordingly, you will write downwards, not upwards. This position of the paper will help you see the written text better, get less tired and write with your left hand more freely.

Pencil or writing pen. Hold your pencil or pen slightly higher than you would with your right hand. It is advised to take from 2.5 to 4 centimeters from the paper - this is the lower capture point. Try not to overexert your fingers and hand, otherwise the training will be quite tedious.

Paper. To learn how to write beautifully and well with your left hand, you need to learn how to write evenly enough. Notebooks with special lined paper will help you with this.

Letter size. At the beginning of training, in order to develop muscle memory, you should write large letters.

  1. Determine the purpose for which you need to learn this. Learning just to try it out can end before you've mastered the basics.
  2. Don't make learning difficult. If the process is painful and difficult for you, then you are unlikely to finish it. Let your hand rest more often.
  3. Train. Write with your left hand in all situations, even when you are required to write legibly and neatly. You can also set for yourself, as training, the required daily minimum. After some time, it will become much easier for you to write, and the speed of writing will increase significantly.
  4. You need to develop your left hand, perform with it all the tasks that you usually do with your right. Even ordinary activities, like brushing your teeth, will be clumsy at first, but after a while it will become natural for you.
  5. Try to learn how to draw with your left hand. If you succeed, then you can proudly say that you drew it, and even with your left hand.

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Only about 15% of the world's population are born left-handed - and because of the huge numerical preponderance of right-handers, left-handedness has long been considered a deviation from the norm. Such children were deliberately retrained to "be like everyone else." Sometimes very barbaric methods were used for this, such as tying the “wrong” hand to the side or corporal punishment for using it.

Today, of course, in the civilized world, no one will call left-handedness a disease, a curse, or even a "mark of the devil." A rare (and therefore interesting and attractive) variant of the norm, a "zest", "not a bug, but a feature" - this is the modern attitude to this phenomenon.

And from many years of “remaking” left-handers into right-handers, the descendants have left with useful knowledge that a person in this sense is, in principle, trainable. This means that a representative of the right-handed majority, if desired, can learn how to use his left hand well - for example, write with it.

Why learn to write with your left hand at all?

The most obvious and inexorable option is the necessity dictated by life circumstances. From troubles and health problems, unfortunately, no one is immune. Something can happen to anyone that will force him to adapt to new conditions of existence - for a while or even forever. Recall, for example, Jaime Lannister from the TV series Game of Thrones - having lost his right hand, he, being a professional warrior who could not imagine himself apart from the sword, learned to fence with his left.

A much more pleasant reason is the craving for conscious self-improvement. The more diverse skills a person masters, the more harmonious his development, the better trained cognitive mechanisms (such as, for example, various types of memory) and the higher the level of intelligence. Many are aware of this - and are constantly striving to become better, acquiring and pumping more and more new skills.

As for writing with the left hand, there are scientifically supported opinions that the development of this skill allows you to improve all those functions that, according to neuroscientist research, are in charge of the left hemisphere of the brain. Stronger creativity, analysis and logic certainly have not hindered anyone yet.

And there is also such a fashionable, especially among the youth, concept - challenge, from the English. challenge - "challenge". Many people are just interested in challenging themselves, setting achievable goals for themselves, enjoying achieving them, sharing successes with subscribers on social networks. , learn to count to a hundred in the isolated Burushaski language, do a hundred push-ups, memorize the whole of “Eugene Onegin” ... So the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmastering writing with your left hand fits well into this category of fun and interesting activities.

But whatever considerations move a person in the desire to acquire a new skill, the recommendations, the implementation of which will help to achieve the desired result, will be the same.

People do not just turn out to be right-handed or left-handed - it depends on which hemisphere of the brain in a given individual, nature itself has conceived as the main one. To learn how to write well with your left hand, you will first have to learn to think like a left-hander and navigate in space like a left-hander - in a word, in scientific terms, rebuild neural connections.

Here are some simple home remedies that can help:

  • switch the functions of the keys on the computer mouse, place it itself to the left of the keyboard;
  • while eating, hold the knife and fork “on the contrary”; if we are talking about soup, then a spoon - in the left hand;
  • when playing the guitar, turn the instrument around, try to hold the frets with your right hand, and pluck the strings with your left.

Difficult, uncomfortable? Nobody promised that it would be easy. But after some time of such a life, the skill to switch between the "mental profiles" of the right-hander and the left-hander will come by itself.

For right-handed people, the right hand has been leading all their lives, and the left hand has been only auxiliary. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of them is physically developed much better than the other.

More obedient and trained muscles of the right hand provide her with high coordination of movements and allow her to perform a much larger set of various actions. Fine motor skills in both hands are also “pumped” at different levels, unless their owner is a professional pianist.

In order to quickly learn how to write with an “unaccustomed” hand, one should not limit one’s training to writing exclusively. The left hand should work in everyday life on a par with the right. And even faster, simple, inexpensive and not at all bulky simulators, such as a carpal expander or a powerball, will help her gain strength and agility.

If you look at how a left-hander writes, you will notice that such people hold a hand with a pen or pencil in a completely different way than right-handers. This habit should be adopted from them.

As a rule, they noticeably arch their wrists away from themselves - on the one hand, so that when writing from left to right, adopted in Russian, one could see what was just written, and on the other, so as not to smear wet ink with the edge of the palm.

It follows logically from the latter circumstance: it is better to learn to write with the left hand with a pencil or capillary pen, and leave ballpoint, gel and fountain pen until the time when the brush is already “set” typical for left-handers.

The path to the ability to write quickly, legibly and beautifully with your left hand can be quite a long one: like any skill, this one needs to be perfected. It will not be easy - but it is absolutely normal: it does not happen right away.

Everyone already has the experience of learning to write in childhood - and memories of how hard it was at first to give all these sticks, hooks and squiggles from school copybooks. These same recipes may come in handy again - only now, of course, they should be filled out with your left hand. The principle is the same: from individual elements to whole letters and further, to combining them into words.

The good news is that most likely, the results of the exercises will begin to please much faster than in the first grade. After all, an adult already has an idea of ​​​​how to write, the task is to “project” it onto the other hand and consolidate the skill with practice.

“Eat more of those soft French buns and have some tea” is a sentence that is perfect not only for browsing fonts, but also for practicing writing skills, because it contains all the letters of the Russian alphabet. There are other useful phrases - for example, "The naughty faun estimated the volume of the hot stars of these blizzard kingdoms" or "Aerial photography of the landscape has already revealed the lands of the rich and prosperous peasants."

To further speed up progress towards the goal, in parallel with the letter, you can do coloring pictures, try to create simple drawings. In general, perform any auxiliary actions aimed at making friends between the hand and the pencil.

And, finally, the main key to success is that classes should be systematic, and the achieved result will need to be constantly maintained. And then, after all, any skills rust without use - as you learn, so you unlearn.

For example, the right hemisphere receives most of the information from the left eye or ear, from the left arm or leg. It follows that the physical development of each side of the human body leads to the development of the hemisphere that is responsible for it. Thus, the left-hander has a more developed right side of the brain, while the right-hander has a more developed left side.

Now briefly about what the right and left parts of the human brain are responsible for.

Left hemisphere

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logical and analytical thinking, linguistic and mathematical abilities, it remembers numbers, mathematical symbols, names, dates, facts, controls the movements of the right half of the body. The left hemisphere takes information literally and processes it step by step, following the sequence.

Right hemisphere

The main specialization of the right hemisphere is. It specializes in the processing of non-verbal information, that is, information that is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images. Unlike the left hemisphere, which perceives the literal meaning of words, the right one also understands the figurative meaning of words. With the help of the right hemisphere, a person dreams and fantasizes. It is responsible for mysticism and religiosity, for the ability to music and fine arts. Thanks to the right hemisphere, a person can navigate the terrain. Emotions are more associated with the right hemisphere. It is able to process a lot of different information in parallel, to consider the problem as a whole, without breaking it into parts.

Why should a right-hander learn to write with his left hand?

The most important tool for brain development - By operating with two hands, a person develops both hemispheres. In a person who writes equally well with both his right and left hand, both halves of the gray matter are equally well developed. Synchronizing the work of both hemispheres of the brain is a great way for a right-handed person to develop creativity and intuition. A person who has learned to write with his left hand can discover in himself talents that were not characteristic of him until now. In addition, the development of fine motor skills through learning to write or making pictures from natural materials of both hands contributes to the development of coordination of movements.

It is known that development is an obligatory part of our life. Especially the development of the brain, because it is this organ that directs our life, moreover, it contributes to the normal functioning of the whole organism.

We live by performing actions that have long become a habit. It is not often that right-handed people think about why they use their right hand most often - they write with it, count money, take up the door handle, brush their teeth, etc. With regard to left-handers, the same can be said, although left-handers are more likely to realize that they are not like that. like everyone else, because the majority are right-handed.

Therefore, our article will refer to the majority of right-handed people for whom society has created more comfortable conditions. So, dear right-handers, the question is:

Why don't we develop the left hand as well?

You ask: why?

It is more convenient and more habitual for me to work with the right hand. Why do I need extra effort to acquire the skills of virtuoso possession of the left hand?

And in order to force our brain to work more productively.


Everything is logical. We develop the left side of the body - we get the development of the right hemisphere. As a result, our logical mind is enriched by connecting the intuitive and creative channels of the brain.


A great way to develop your left hand is to teach it how to use writing instruments - a pen and a pencil. For right-handers, this will be a very interesting activity, although not so simple. Let's try again to feel like preschool children who are learning to write. Only this time with the left hand.

Fortunately, schools have long ceased to practice the terrible method of forcibly retraining inborn left-handers. However, many people who write with their left hand do so with a strong flexion of the wrist. Thus, the hand holding the pen is on top of the stitch. Although this allows you to see the written text, the hand with this method strains more and gets tired more often.


1. Set a goal

Why do you want to learn the skill of writing with your left hand? In order to comprehend something new, to develop the brain, intuition, creative sphere, or to surprise acquaintances and friends. Answer this question and let it be your motivation for learning. The lack of a goal can lead to the fact that you stop doing it before you finish the job.

2. Equip the workplace

You should have a convenient and comfortable place where you will practice. Let it be a desk, the lighting on which falls on the right, and not on the left, as it was before. Move the table lamp, and free the left side of the table from unnecessary things, because now your elbow and notebook will be there for work.

3. Prepare the tools for the job

This is a pen and notebook. They should be comfortable and loved so that the desire to use them remains in any case. It is possible that the pen used by the right hand will not suit you for writing with your left hand. It is desirable that the writing paper be lined, i.e. fit notebooks in a ruler and a cage. You can also take it in an oblique ruler, but keep in mind that the slope of the oblique lines is designed for right-handed writing.

4. Make the learning environment comfortable, do not complicate the process itself

If you set yourself too difficult tasks, the training process will not bring you joy and satisfaction, and there is a risk that training will stop earlier than necessary.

5. Drawing with the left hand

To improve the motor skills of the left hand, try drawing with it. Even if it's sketchy. Also, this lesson perfectly develops creative abilities, because the right hemisphere will be active at the same time!

6. In addition to training, improve your skill in life

Use your left hand to write down a phone number, a plan in your diary, an idea. If you don't need to write beautifully or quickly, why not let your left hand do the work?

In addition, let the left hand work in other cases. For example, try brushing your teeth with it, washing dishes, combing your hair, in general, doing the same things that you used to do with your right. Just do not at first trust her with dangerous actions that require accuracy. For example, cutting meat or vegetables with a knife, shaving, sewing with a needle. Let the hand first acquire the necessary dexterity.


Hold the pen with your left hand at a distance of 3-4 cm from the paper, i.e. higher than usual. The paper should be tilted to the right, with the top left corner higher than the right. Thus, you will be able to see the written text without bending the hand at the wrist. The light, as already mentioned, should fall from the right side.

What exactly to write?

You can use recipes for left-handed people, which you can buy at an office supply store or download from the Internet. And work, as in the first grade, displaying the letters, and later - the words in them. This way is good developing left hand writing skills and beautiful handwriting.

But if you find it boring, don't force yourself! Try writing your thoughts, favorite poems, even excerpts from books in a regular notebook. For adults, this is even more natural than writing out letter after letter in copybook many times.


First, conduct a test that will determine your belonging in relation to the leading hemisphere. Ask your friend to push you from behind discreetly and see which foot you put forward.

Get at least one more confirmation - cross your arms over your chest. The hand on top is the dominant one. If both tests indicated that you belong to figuratively thinking people, then you should be patient - restructuring is not easy.

If you use your right hand to a minimum, i.e. do not belong to the category of those people who skillfully operate with both of them in their activities (for example, pianists or croupiers), then you should start developing it gradually.

First, change your left hand to your right hand while washing dishes, dusting, combing, etc. After a week, you will feel much more confident when performing simple household tasks. Also, get used to the idea that learning to do something is uncomfortable. hand nevertheless it is possible.

Get some copybooks and notebooks with diagonal curved lines. Get ready for daily lessons and never miss them - only with the help of constant practice you can "stuff" your right hand and learn how to write quickly and beautifully with it.

Take a position at the table so that the light falls from the left side.

Take a pen and hold it with your index finger and thumb, and use the middle one as a stand. During work, the brush should lie on the table, as you write lines, it must be moved to the right. Practice on a piece of paper, evaluate how comfortable you took the pen.

Open the copybook - at first it will be difficult for you to trace the letters, but a few weeks of training will teach you how to draw straight lines. First, practice doing individual elements of the letter, various hooks. Only after that go directly to writing letters, then words, and then sentences.


  • write with the other hand

Left-handedness has long been considered a developmental defect, left-handers were retrained from childhood, often with very harsh measures that affect the psyche much more than the actual work of the left hand. However, fixation on the prevalence of the right also does not always lead to a good result: right-handed people have a less developed right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for intuition, creativity and a number of other qualities. As a result of learning left hand writing, you will be able to develop these properties in yourself and discover some talents.


Do a few simple tests. First, cross your arms over. The upper forearm is an indicator of the dominant side. Interlace your fingers in the same way and look at the top finger; clap your hands (the dominant hand is again on top). Keep in mind that the more indicators that indicate your right-handedness, the more difficult it will be for you to learn and, therefore, the more patience you will need.

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Note that the position of the left hand when writing is different from the position of the right.

Make sure that your hand is free, and also that the handle is in line with your hand.

With the left hand it is very easy to switch to mirror writing. It is necessary to strictly control each element of the letter.

Useful advice

The pen should be the same as that of any first grader. Take the simplest standard pen.

Start writing with the simplest elements. You learn to write again, so the technique is not much different from the one by which children are taught to write. But since you already know how to write, learning will go much faster.

First, write at a table, in a comfortable writing position. This is necessary at first, even if you are used to writing while sitting on the steps or in the train.

Don't be discouraged if the pace of your email seems too slow. This is nominal. Even those people for whom the left hand is leading, at first write more slowly than right-handers.


  • how to learn to write with your left hand right handed in 2018

Some people believe that creative writing is a gift from nature, and people either have this gift from birth or do not have it at all. But what about those who want to learn how to write beautiful, competent and exciting texts without having innate skills? In fact, each person is able to learn how to write in an original way and express their thoughts in a quality manner. In order for your texts to be of interest to potential readers in the future, follow these simple tips.


The first advice is very simple - the more you read good books, the better you will develop the ability to beautifully, easily and clearly express your thoughts and clothe them in an artistic form. Read more - this will expand your vocabulary, increase your vocabulary, and allow you to feel the different authorial manners belonging to different writers.

Another tip is to practice as much as possible and make a plan before starting any new text. Always make a plan for future publication - this will allow you to structure thoughts and ideas, distribute them, sort them, determine what exactly you will say at the beginning of the article and what at the end. Your text should describe the location of the action, the reasons for this action, the action itself, and finally, it or the conclusions you made.

Learn to correctly and logically build your texts - only then they will be beautiful and interesting. Don't deviate from the main topic you're writing about, and don't overdo complex terms and long sentences. Write concisely and try to talk only about the main thing, bypassing secondary and unimportant points.

Strive to achieve maximum content and completeness with a small amount of finished article - readers prefer brevity and do not like to spend a lot of time reading certain texts.

Keep your language clean. Do not use colloquial and swear words in texts, write stylistically correctly, observe grammar and spelling. Keep a detached author's position in the text, but at the same time do not single out your own opinion as the only truth, do not try to teach or condemn readers, and also avoid rudeness. The text should be beautiful, polite and simple, attracting the attention of any person.

Avoid excessive repetition of interjections and the pronoun "I", as well as tautologies. To avoid repeating words (tautologies) in the text, look for synonyms and build sentences without repetitions. And finally, in order to be effective, practice regularly - start a blog and constantly publish new notes on it, communicating with readers and watching their reactions to your texts.

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One of the tasks of elementary school is to teach calligraphy to children, but not even all adults have this skill. You can learn how to write calligraphy on your own, using certain rules.


First, take the correct position of the body. To do this, sit on a chair straight, tilt your head slightly forward. If you are right-handed, then put your left hand on the table and transfer part of your body weight to it, while holding the paper with this hand. If you are, then transfer the fulcrum to your right hand. The hand you write with should barely touch the surface of the table.

Take a writing tool - a pen or pen - in your working hand. With your thumb, press the handle against the nail phalanx of your middle finger. Bend your index finger slightly and hold the handle on top. You need to hold the writing instrument in your hand without tension.

Relax and straighten the remaining two fingers - excess tension in them will interfere with the smooth movements of the hand. Check the correct position of the handle, with the other hand pull it out by the upper end. If it slides freely, you're all set.

Start practicing calligraphy by drawing freehand lines on paper. First write at a 30-degree angle, then at a 45-degree and 90-degree angle. It is important to observe the slope at a given angle. Follow the sequence: you need only from top to bottom and from left to right.

Practice writing "o", draw each line at a time and carefully connect the adjoining lines. This is necessary for writing rounded signs. While writing, do not change the position of the hand, as the angle may change.

Learn to write strictly strokes. When writing a stroke, do not focus on the previous one, if its angle of inclination has been changed - the entire stroke may be tilted. Watch your breath, and draw strokes on the exhale. Avoid too fast and too slow movements, choose a writing rhythm that is comfortable for you.

Calligraphic writing requires a certain determination from the author and is the result of persistent training.


At first, do the exercises slowly and methodically, increasing the speed will be a natural process.

Useful advice

Move on to writing complex letters gradually, as soon as you master the technique of simple exercises.

It's not often done by hand today - keyboards have replaced pens, and it's much faster and easier to type something than to write it. But when the need for handwriting arises, a common problem appears: illegible handwriting. If you have heard more than once reproaches that you write illegibly, learn to write letters beautifully.


Find calligraphy courses. Lack of free time or money will, of course, prevent you from taking your handwriting seriously. But if there is an opportunity - even with small restrictions, do not find excuses for yourself. Thanks to calligraphy courses, you will write not just beautifully, but surprisingly accurately, your handwriting can be put in . A few months of training is worth it. Do not be lazy, if there are similar courses in your city - sign up for them.

Get back to basics. Do you still remember how to write all the letters correctly? If the program of the first for you is irretrievably lost, buy prescriptions. There is nothing stupid and meaningless in this: who said that accurate writing of letters is only necessary? Look at an example of a letter and, as in school years, output line by line. From one letter, of course. Once you've mastered it, move on to the next one. Pay special attention to letter combinations.

Do not hurry. Remember how diligently you wrote out the words in the first? Now you need to do something similar. The handwriting offered in copybooks may not be to your liking. But it is better to imitate it first - it is the most understandable and simple. Master all the letters (really writing them all well), all kinds of connections, write a few simple words and sentences in cursive.

Find a handwriting you like. Samples of writing letters can be found on the same sites of calligraphy courses - they are displayed there as examples. See what you like best. Consider if you could cope with such spelling of letters. Try to imitate. Write for yourself the whole alphabet in the style of writing that you like. You may want to add some more elements to the letters, or simplify something.

Get busy every day. And always try when writing. Even regular classes will not give a result, if at the next need to write a text by hand, you again quickly draw something illegible.

The basis of possession in football is to keep it for a long time. An exercise such as stuffing a ball into leg will help the player develop coordination and reaction. So, how can you learn to stuff with your foot?


Choose good comfortable shoes for training. Don't buy too narrow. Also, she should not hang out on leg. It is best if these are hard enough sneakers for or regular boots. Whatever it was, they should fit your feet exactly.

Purchase a hard leather ball. Train right away on a good professional equipment so that it will help you during an official game or performance. Make sure the ball is well inflated before training.

Choose a place for your workouts. Let it be any free or field. The coverage doesn't really matter. Train with friends or like-minded people. As a rule, with joint exercises, progress in stuffing the ball is achieved much faster, since gambling confrontation comes into force.

Practice maintaining body balance for a long time. Before kicking the ball, do the following simple exercise. Stand on your right leg, bend your left knee and lift it up, keep your hands at chest level. Try to hold on like this for a few minutes. Do the same with the left leg. This simple one will help you concentrate and keep your balance for a long time.

Stuff with both feet at once. Now it's time for the stuffing itself. Bend your back leg slightly, straighten your front leg, and stuff a few test times. Keep your back straight and set the pace with hand movements. Watch carefully how the ball moves. Try to get your foot exactly in the middle of the ball so that it flies up, and does not go to the side. At this point, many beginners go astray. Stuff with the other foot as well, even though you can only use one. This will give you an advantage over your competitors in the competition.

Hone your skills on a regular basis. When you understand how to hit correctly, observe coordination and the trajectory of the ball, begin to constantly consolidate your skills on the field. Do this constantly and record the results of how much you were able to fill the ball with each foot. All this will lead you to rapid progress in kicking the ball.

An important point in preparing a child for school is the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Most children start eating, drawing and learning to write with their right hand. But practice shows that often a child by the time he enters school has poor writing skills. Therefore, the development of motor skills and precise movements of the right hand is very important for preschool children.

You will need

  • - prescription;
  • - pencil;
  • - lacing game.


Recipes and all kinds of shading perfectly prepare the hand for the writing process. A child not only learns to draw lines, dashes and shapes. It also trains the arm and muscle endurance. There are different types of hatching. For example, buy your baby a notebook “Draw by cells”. This will help your master the skills of spatial orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage, teach you how to copy drawings and figures according to. Hatchings are issued for various age categories. The simplest ones teach the baby in the form of a game to draw parallel, horizontal and inclined lines. The child will draw grass, paths or needles on a hedgehog, not even suspecting that this is how he is being prepared for writing. Use a soft pencil to draw. Also, watch for the correct posture and for the correct holding of the pencil with the fingers of your right hand.

To draw, you need at least 2 brushes with rounded edges: thin for drawing details and thick for drawing main lines. The bristles of the brushes can be from goat or marten, while synthetic products are not suitable for drawing sumi-e. Soften new brushes first. Dip them gently several times in a saucer of water. After use, rinse the brushes thoroughly and dry only in a horizontal position. They can be used for painting again only after complete drying.

Traditionally, ink is rubbed into suzuri - a specially processed stone in the shape of a circle or rectangle. Rub the ink bar on the surface of the stone with drops of water. Fill the recess at one of the walls of the suzuri with water. Suzuri is very rare on sale even in specialized art salons; instead, you can use a ceramic saucer that is not varnished.

Sumi-e ink comes in the form of rectangular sticks, which are made from powdered pine charcoal and a sticky substance. Rubbed ink on the surface of the suzuri is mixed with water and paint is obtained. For drawing on rice paper, liquid ink, which is sold in bottles, or ordinary watercolor paint, is also suitable. When mixing ink or black paint with different amounts of water, various shades are obtained from light gray to deep black.

When everything is ready, start the exercises. Dip the brush in clean water until it is completely wet. Then dip it vertically into medium tone paint. And then the tip - in dark mascara.

Put the brush on the rice paper and make a slanted line with the same pressure on the brush, you should get a line with different shades. Then try to apply lines with stops, with hand breaks, with pressure on the brush. To increase the width of the line, press the brush harder as you move. To lighten the line, lift the brush so that the bristles just touch the paper. Draw the main lines of your painting, and then paint in a few details with a thin brush.

Thanks to good teachers of Argentine tango, you will be able to perfectly master the basics within 1-2 weeks. But even more importantly, during this time you will become more confident in yourself and even more attractive to others, learn how to properly hug the person you are dancing with, and move sensually and beautifully. Hugs should be passionate, but at the same time gentle and light, not interfering with the dance. In Argentine tango, the man does not block the woman's movements, forcing her to perform certain figures and not giving her a choice. The woman, in turn, does not cling to her partner with a stranglehold, forcing him to overstrain and literally "dance with weights."

While dancing, you need to maintain your tone and at the same time be relaxed, although at first glance this may seem too difficult. Partners move easily and freely, while constantly controlling the balance and maintaining contact so as not to make mistakes during the dance. Every element plays an important role, including posture and gait. Having learned this art, you will learn how to seduce the opposite sex with your movements. Even light gestures will become more attractive and sexy, and others will no doubt notice this. In this case, of course, there will be no vulgarity in your movements.

To learn how to dance beautifully and sensually, like real Argentines, you can try to close your eyes and completely surrender to the sensations. This will allow you to “hear” your partner with your body, to catch his movements, to deeply feel the hug. As a result, a truly strong and mysterious bond arises between a man and a woman. Having felt it once, you will later be able to more easily establish non-verbal contact and guess the emotions of other people. Thus, a few tango lessons will already be enough to change your life a little. Later, you will be able to consolidate the effect by continuing your studies and starting to attend milongas.

Thanks to the Argentine tango, you will learn not only how to hug your partner correctly, but also how to walk beautifully, making your steps smooth and graceful, and your posture truly royal. Long weeks of exercises with weights on the head, rulers attached to the back, and corsets will not help to achieve the result that Argentine tango training will give. At the same time, in addition, you will receive incomparable pleasure from dancing, and you will also be able to open up, stopping being ashamed of your own body and clamping down, hiding your natural virtues.

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The upper one is adjacent to the neck, is responsible for raising the shoulders up. The middle one is between the shoulder blades, it is involved in raising the shoulder blades. The lower one is in the lower part ...

Probably each of us watched a cartoon about the legendary sailor Popeye, whose forearms stood out strongly from everything else ....

Losing extra pounds, especially if there are a lot of them, is not easy. However, do not despair: a unique protein-vegetable diet...

Hello, dear fans of sports and bodybuilding in particular. Surely you remember that we have already held a single training session together for ...
Greetings gentlemen and especially ladies! Today a purely female note awaits us, and it will be devoted to the next topic - drying the body for ...
Marina Korpan's breathing exercises for weight loss have gained wide popularity all over the world. Doing these breathing exercises...
And improving the figure should not be harmful to health. Therefore, a competent fitness instructor will not recommend doing standard exercises ...
Considering 2 such popular drugs for weight loss as levocarnitine and thermogenic, you probably wondered which is better ...
Those who intend to seriously train and strive to transform their figure need to know what drying of the body is. With this term early...