Why do we need biology. Why is biology needed? life science biology the science of life (living nature), one of the natural sciences, the objects of which are living beings. What biology studies

About life. Biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living organisms in an ecosystem. Through its research, this science is designed to convince people of the need for a caring attitude towards nature, knowledge and observance of its laws. Many people call it the science of the future, and they are absolutely right.

Such a different biology

Biochemistry deals with the study of materials, substances that make up all living things. Botany examines plants, including crops. Cell biology is responsible for the study of the cells that make up Ecology observes how organisms interact with their environment. Evolutionary biology is concerned with the study of the origins and temporal changes in the diversity of life forms.

Genetics studies heredity, molecular biology - molecules, physiology - the functions of organisms and their parts, zoology - animals, including their behavior. And what is most interesting, all these sciences are inextricably linked with each other, it is impossible to study zoology without understanding evolution, physiology and ecology. It is also impossible to study cell biology without knowing biochemistry and molecular biology, and so on.

History of biology

Since ancient times, mankind has known the importance of biology in human life. Even ancient people were forced to study animals and plants in order to hunt and provide themselves with food and medical treatment. In ancient times, Aristotle was the author of some works on scientific zoology. It is known that he was engaged in extensive research on marine organisms and plants. His student, Theophrastus, wrote one of the earliest known texts on botany, dating back to 300 BC, on the structure, life cycle and use of plants.

The Roman physician Galen used his experience of treating gladiators after battles in the arena to write works on surgical procedures. During the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci, risking public censure, created detailed anatomical drawings that are still considered some of the most beautiful ever created. One of the first illustrated biology books was written by the German botanist Leonardo Fuchs in 1542.

Passion for biology

Biology is the science of life, the study of which, after the invention of microscopes, opened up new worlds and horizons for scientists. In 1665, using the simplest microscope, he found out that plant tissue consists of rectangular blocks, which he called cells. In 1676, Anton von Leeuwenhoek published the first drawings of living single-celled organisms.

The biology craze began in the Victorian era. Throughout the 19th century, natural sciences were something of a mania. Thousands of new species of animals and plants were discovered, and new brave daredevils appeared in the face of botanists and entomologists, who were not afraid to put forward all new hypotheses and assumptions. Charles Darwin published his legendary theory about which changed the world forever.

Biological revolution

The 20th and 21st centuries were the beginning of a true biological revolution. In 1953, the structure was deciphered and investigated. Gradually, all areas of biology expand and affect all aspects of life. Why is it necessary to study biology? This science is inextricably linked with medicine. Together, this fundamental knowledge can work miracles.

Answering the question about why it is necessary to study biology, it is worth noting the importance and limitlessness of the possibilities that it provides. The economies of states depend on proper management, including environmental resources. Humanity can open the way for the conservation of forests, seas and oceans by using them to produce enough food. You can learn to "grow" batteries from bacteria or build light structures from bioluminescent mushrooms.

Biology as a science

Biology is the science of life that encompasses all aspects of the study of living organisms, from the concept of genes to the management of entire ecosystems. Why is it necessary to study biology? By researching, you can learn everything about animals, plants and microorganisms at the genetic level, their cellular structure and interaction in natural conditions.

Translated from Greek, biology is the science of life and living organisms. An organism is a living being, consisting of one (bacteria) or several cells (animals, plants, fungi). Biology often overlaps with other sciences. Interconnected are biochemistry, toxicology and biology, chemistry and medicine, biophysics - with biology and physics, stratigraphy - with biology and geography, astrobiology - with biology and astronomy.

Why is it necessary to study biology?

Biology is an integral part of the life of society, since from time immemorial humanity has been in direct dependence on the natural world. It is a key discipline vital to human existence. The study of natural sciences helps to develop advanced technologies with the help of which it is possible to investigate problematic issues that, it would seem, cannot be solved.

Why study biology? Every year, many higher and secondary educational institutions open their gates and invite the most ambitious and curious applicants who want to connect their lives with this multifaceted science. Admission and study opens up a huge number of opportunities for prospective students for their education, research and career.

Fascinating science

Already at school, children are told why they need to know biology. This is an amazing science, which implies a detailed study of plant and animal life, both in theoretical and practical terms. It is an excellent subject of study for self-education and, not least, it can be very rewarding for careers in medicine, ecology, healthcare and food processing.

Why Study Biology? The results of numerous biological studies can help solve many pressing problems of our time. This concerns the protection of health, the provision of food resources, as well as the preservation of various forms of life on Earth. The destruction of natural treasures can ultimately negatively affect human existence, which is why it is so important to take care and protect the world around us, as well as study and research such a vital science as biology.

Why modern man needs to know biology

Indeed, why do we need biology?

As a science arose in connection with the need to solve important problems of people. One of them has always been the comprehension of the processes occurring in living nature and associated with the receipt of food. Knowledge of the peculiarities of the life of animals and plants, the nature of their change under the direct influence of man, the development of methods for obtaining an ever richer harvest - all these issues are extremely important. The solution of these problems is one of the most important, fundamental reasons for the emergence of biology as a science and its necessity for man.

The second, no less important reason for the need for this science is the biological characteristics of a person and their study. Man is an inseparable part of living nature, a product of its development. All processes occurring in life are similar to those that occur in nature. A deep understanding of natural biological processes serves as the foundation for medicine. The study of the work of human organs, the emergence of consciousness and subconsciousness (a giant step forward in self-knowledge of matter), the development of the brain as an organ of thinking (and this mystery still remains unsolved), the emergence of a social way of life, sociality - all this is studied by biology.

The development of medicine and the increase in food production are important, but far from the only reasons that determined the development of biology, making it necessary for every person. Nature provides people with sources for obtaining products and materials. It is important to know their properties, locations and areas of application in order to use them correctly for your benefit. In many ways, biology is the original source of such knowledge.

Biological science is faced with such tasks as: fight the diseases of the century and viruses, create effective vaccines, provide food, correct genetic defects, defeat premature aging, preserve the cleanliness of water bodies and transparency of the air, protect the soil from erosion, and forests from destruction. Biological knowledge is an indispensable component of universal human culture, the basis for the formation of a scientific picture of the whole world.

Every day from the TV screen we are told about dysbiosis, food, tooth decay, aging, allergies and much more, and this is also based on biology. But only those who understand it, "are friends" with it, will be able to understand the abundance of goods and medicines, to distinguish between high-quality and low-quality products. And we must not forget that it is biology that instills the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, teaches us to provide the basics of first aid. How not to get lost in all this diversity, remember what was taught at school, and apply this knowledge in practice, is quite difficult, but possible. Help in this should be provided by the teacher, teaching the school subject biology. After all, it is not easy to "drive" knowledge into the heads of students, but also to teach them to use them. Most of us, having closed a school textbook, will never remember what we learned in the classroom, and even more so, will not be able to apply the knowledge gained in practice. This is our problem, the knowledge of the school is divorced from life. But what should be done? A question that always torments me when I'm preparing for lessons. Before each lesson, I do not easily leaf through educational literature, but I use popular science articles, books that give knowledge not to the student, but to the layman. When starting the Soil Plant Nutrition lesson, my goal is not to study soil nutrition, but the goal is to "grow a plant that will yield a good harvest." In the process of solving the problem, students understand the need to use mineral fertilizers, the value of water, and also ahead of time, they will recognize the term "picking". In the lesson, vegetative propagation of plants, you must set a goal to grow a garden in your home area, and describe the methods of plant propagation that will be used to solve this problem. When studying genetics, students do not study Mendel's laws, but try to develop new varieties with certain characteristics. Of course, the section of anatomy, where first aid is considered, is very important. And the guys on top of each other work out ways to help, so that in case of danger they can help others. The formation of a healthy lifestyle, also has a significant place in the lessons of human anatomy and physiology. After all, every year the number of people suffering from alcohol, drug and nicotine addiction is growing. And how sad to admit, there are children among them. Environmental education is no less important, since the state of the environment is constantly deteriorating, many species of plants and animals are disappearing, it is important to teach to be careful, to treat nature, and to observe elementary rules of behavior. In biology lessons, patriotic education is also important, because more than once we are talking about great Russian scientists who contributed to the development of biology. Talking about the importance of biology in human life, and the need for its competent teaching can be infinitely long, but this is not the point. It all depends on us, teachers, to teach students how to use the knowledge, we must, and this is the main task.

Biology is the science of the structure of all living nature. Knowing biology means knowing the laws by which all organisms live. Man is a part of nature, although he created civilization. We all came out of nature and will return there.

Biology is the science of life itself, no more, no less. No wonder its name comes from the word "bios", which means - "life".

Useful to know the biology section - botany who studies plants. After familiarizing yourself with botany, you can distinguish between plants. You can find out which ones are poisonous, which ones are useful, which ones and what they can be used for. It is also important to know botany in order to be able to grow plants, to engage in agriculture, if it is necessary to do this. Yes, even indoor plants cannot be grown without basic knowledge of botany.

Equally important to know zoology- the science of animals that live side by side with us humans. It is also important to understand the value of wild animals, which seem to bring no benefit to humans. But every creature in nature maintains a balance in it, in which everyone else can live.

And to know anatomy so in general it is obligatory for every person who respects himself and his body. Anatomy is the science of how the human body is structured. Knowledge from this area should be remembered every day, taking care of your health and the health of your family members.

Environmental education is no less important, since the state of the environment is constantly deteriorating, many species of plants and animals are disappearing, it is important to teach to be careful, to treat nature, and to observe elementary rules of behavior. In biology lessons, patriotic education is also important, because more than once we are talking about great Ukrainian scientists who have contributed to the development of biology. Talking about the importance of biology in human life, and the need for its competent teaching can be infinitely long, but this is not the point. It all depends first of all on the students, then on the teachers. After all, if there is no desire, everything will be in vain.

Everything related to life on Earth is a part of biology, which is the study of life.
What is biology for? This science affects many aspects of human existence, there is a huge number of professions, one way or another affecting this fundamental science. This list includes career advancements and limitless employment options.

Biological Sciences Why is biology needed? The biological sciences are one of the broadest and most important areas in the world today. Biology encompasses everything from the molecular study of life processes to the study of animal and plant communities. What can you do with a biology degree? Depending on individual interests and preferences, you can choose any profession you like in such areas as healthcare, medicine, environment, education, biotechnology, forensics, politics and many others.

Why study biology? What is biology for?

Studying it teaches you how to ask questions, make comments, evaluate evidence, and solve problems. Biologists will learn how living things interact with each other, what they are made of and how they develop. They study evolution, natural history and protection of rare plant and animal species, as well as study the interactions of living organisms with light, the environment and with each other.

What do biologists do?

Biologists study the natural world using the latest scientific technologies, tools and methods, both in the laboratory and in the natural environment, to understand how living systems work. Why do they need biology? Many work in exotic locations around the world, and what they discover has practical applications for solving specific problems. Biologists are developing public health campaigns to fight diseases such as tuberculosis, AIDS, cancer and heart disease. Their mission is also to prevent the spread of rare, incurable diseases such as the infamous Ebola virus.

What professions do biology need? Where is biology needed?

Knowing biology can lead to a career in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, or medical research. These industries help to better understand the natural world, address issues of personal well-being, and address environmental degradation that threatens human health and the depletion of natural and food supplies.

Veterinarians treating sick and injured animals, doctors, dentists, nurses and other healthcare professionals support the overall health and well-being of their patients. Many of these professions require additional education and training. In the field of nature management and environmental protection, biologists are engaged in solving environmental problems and preserving natural diversity for future generations.

Biotechnology is concerned with the application of scientific principles to the design and improvement of products, tools and technological advances in fields such as agriculture, food and medicine. Scientists in this field can work in genetic engineering, develop new drugs and advance medical technology (nano-medicine) to a new level.

  • Forensic Medicine: Forensic experts work with police departments and other law enforcement agencies using scientific methods to uncover the necessary evidence that can be used to solve crimes. Forensic biologists choose specialties such as forensic dentistry, anthropology, and so on.
  • Business and Industry: working with pharmaceutical companies and suppliers of scientific products and services to research and test new products. You can work in sales, marketing and public relations.
  • Economy: professionals work with government and other organizations to study and address economic impacts on biological issues such as species extinction, forest conservation and environmental pollution.
  • Mathematics: In fields such as bioinformatics and computational biology, biologists apply mathematical methods to solve biological problems (modeling ecosystems and gene models).
List of specialties
  1. The medicine: doctor, nurse, laboratory assistant, physiotherapist, chiropractor, orthopedist, exercise therapy instructor, nutritionist, pharmacist, laboratory assistant, forensic scientist, pathologist and others. To one degree or another, each of these specialists must have a deep knowledge of the human body, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and biochemistry.
  2. Zootechnics: veterinarian, zoologist, trainer and others. In this area, the emphasis is on the animal kingdom. When choosing this direction, it is worth deciding whether to have a general idea of ​​the animal world or choose a more narrow specialization, for example, big cats.
  3. Education allows you to focus on the science itself. This is one of the best ways to pursue a career in education. Why does a teacher need biology? After completing a bachelor's degree in biology, one can study to become a teacher and work in high school or high school, college or university, and teach biology in a variety of courses. Someone has to explain to the younger generation what biology is for.
  4. Research is usually conducted at universities and requires an advanced degree.

Question 1. What does biology study?

Biology studies the structure and vital functions of living organisms living on Earth, their diversity and development.

Question 2. What is called the biosphere?

The biosphere is a special shell of the Earth, the area of ​​distribution of life.

Question 3. What is the importance of biology?

Biology is the foundation of our life. Biology is closely related to many aspects of human practice - agriculture, various industries and medicine, as well as nature conservation.

Question 4. Why is it necessary to study biology?

Because, no matter what a person does, knowledge in biology is needed almost everywhere. For example, agriculture is now largely dependent on breeder biologists to improve existing and create new varieties of cultivated plants and breeds of domestic animals. The microbiological industry has been created and is successfully developing. Knowledge of the laws of biology helps to treat and prevent human diseases. With the help of modern biotechnology, enterprises produce medicines, vitamins, highly effective feed additives for farm animals, microbiological plant protection products from pests and diseases, bacterial fertilizers, as well as preparations for the needs of the food, textile, chemical and other industries and for scientific purposes. And also knowledge of biology helps to solve the problem of preserving and improving living conditions on our planet.

Question 5. What does ecology study?

Ecology studies the relationship of organisms with each other and with their environment.


Why do they believe that the role of biology in human life in the XXI century. will increase?

Since science does not stand still, people, with the help of biology, will find more and more ways to make their life easier. New, more effective drugs, more resistant varieties of plants, the development of microbiology will help to discover many unsolved mysteries. The discovery of new species of plants and animals will help us better understand the history and uniqueness of our world.


Find out from your parents and acquaintances their opinion on the importance of biology in the life of a modern person. Prepare a report containing specific examples of how biological knowledge is used in a person's daily life.

Biology is the science of life. A modern person should know about the world around him and understand what is happening around him. It is the knowledge of biological laws that makes it clear that everything in nature is interconnected, and it is necessary to maintain a balance of various types of creatures. Biology helps a person to solve various problems: environmental protection, knowledge about living organisms, production of plant protection products from pests and diseases, creation of new varieties of cultivated plants, breeding new breeds of domestic animals, growing food, production of medicines, vitamins, vaccines, serums, etc. much more.

Biology became the theoretical basis for medicine, enabling it to understand the specifics of the human body. This will help you better understand how you need to organize your life in terms of nutrition, physical and mental stress.

The following examples of the use of biological knowledge in human everyday life can be cited: you need to wash your hands before eating; knowing a little about the structure of our body, we can find and check our pulse; you cannot sit at the computer for a long time and watch TV close, because eyes get tired and vision may deteriorate; wash fruits and vegetables before eating them (we know about germs), etc.

Biology is a system of sciences about living nature. Among the various biological sciences, one of the first, more than two thousand years ago, arose the sciences that study plants - botany (from the Greek botane - greenery) - and animals - zoology (from the Greek zoon - animal - and logos). Advances in the development of biology over time have led to the emergence of its various areas, which you will meet in high school.

Each organism lives in a specific environmente. Habitat - a part of nature that surrounds living organisms with which they interact. There are many living organisms around us. These are plants, animals, griswould, bacteria. Each of these groups is studied separately.I am a biological science.

The importance of biology in life

person. In our time, humanity is especially acutecommon problems such as health protection,providing food and preserving the diversity of organisms on our planet. Biology, whose research is aimed at solving these and other issues, closely interacts with medicine, agriculture, industry, in particular food and llight, etc.

You all know that when a person is ill, he uses drugs. Most medicinal substances are obtained from plants or the waste products of microorganisms. For example, the use of antibiotics (from the Greek anti - protve - and bios). They are produced by certain types of fungi and bacteria. Antibiotics kill pathogens of many dangerous diseases in humans and animals.

Biology plays an important role in providing humanity with foodeat. Scientists are creating new high-yielding plant varieties and animal breeds that allow for more nutritionania. Biological researchdirected

to preserve and increase soil fertility, which ensures high yields. Living organisms are widely used lThey are also used in industry. For example, a person gets yogurt, kefir, cheeses thanks to the activity of certain types of bacteria and fungi.

However, active and often ill-conceived economic activity of man has led to significant pollution of the environment with substances harmful to all living things, to the destruction of forests, virgin steppes, and reservoirs. Over the past centuries, thousands of species of animals, plants and fungi have disappeared, and tens of thousands are on the verge of extinction. But the disappearance of even one kind of organisms means an irreversible loss for the biological diversity of our planet. Therefore, scientists create lists of plant, animal and fungal species in need of protection (the so-called Red Data Books), as well as

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allocate territories where these species are taken under protection (reserves, nationalsome parks, etc.).

Thus, biology is a science called upon by its research to convince people of the need to respect nature, to comply with its laws. Therefore, it is considered the science of the future.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of biology in modern reality, because it studies in detail human life in all its manifestations. Currently, this science integrates such important concepts as evolution, cell theory, genetics, homeostasis and energy. Its functions include the study of the development of all living things, namely: the structure of organisms, their behavior, as well as the relationship between themselves and the relationship with the environment.

The importance of biology in human lifeIt is understandable if we draw a parallel between the main problems of an individual's life, for example, health, nutrition, and the choice of optimal living conditions. Today, numerous sciences are known that have separated from biology, becoming no less important and independent. These include zoology, botany, microbiology, and virology. It is difficult to single out the most significant of them; they all represent a complex of the most valuable fundamental knowledge accumulated by civilization.

Outstanding scientists such asClaudius Galen, Hippocrates, Carl Linnaeus, Charles Darwin, Alexander Oparin, Ilya Mechnikov and many others. Thanks to their discoveries, especially the study of living organisms, the science of morphology appeared, as well as physiology, which collected in itself knowledge about the systems of organisms of living beings. Genetics has played an invaluable role in the development of hereditary diseases.

Biology has become a solid foundation in medicine, sociology and ecology. It is important that this science, like any other, is not static, but is constantly replenished with new knowledge, which is transformed in the form of new biological theories and laws.

The role of biology in modern society, especially
but in medicine, it is priceless. It was with her help that methods of treating bacteriological and rapidly spreading viral diseases were found. Every time we think about the question of what is the role of biology in modern society, we remember that it was thanks to the heroism of medical biologists that the centers of terrible epidemics disappeared from planet Earth: plague, cholera, typhoid fever, anthrax, smallpox and others, no less diseases dangerous to human life.

It can be safely asserted, based on the facts, that the role of biology in modern society is growing continuously. It is impossible to imagine modern life without breeding, genetic research, the production of new foods, as well as sustainable energy sources.

The main significance of biology is that it represents the foundation and theoretical basis for many promising sciences, such as, for example, genetic engineering and bionics. She owns a great discovery - the decoding of the human genome. Such a direction as biotechnology was also created on the basis of knowledge combined in biology. At present, it is precisely this nature of technology that makes it possible to create safe medicines for prevention and treatment that does not harm the body. As a result, it is possible to increase not only life expectancy, but also its quality.

The role of biology in modern society zakIt also lies in the fact that there are areas where her knowledge is simply necessary, for example, the pharmaceutical industry, gerontology, forensics, agriculture, construction, as well as space exploration.

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