What is the church name Yuri? The secret of the name Yuri. Meaning of the name. Character, fate of the owners

The name Yuri comes from the Greek “George”, which means “farmer”.
Name day (new style): January 21; February 4, 17, 24; March, 6; April 17, 20; May 2, 6, 26, 29; August 31; November 16, 23; 9th December.

Positive character traits of Yuri

Purposefulness, sociability, curiosity, desire for self-affirmation. Yuri strives to communicate with interesting people, trying to get from them life experience, knowledge. He is unforgiving and able to forgive offense.

Negative character traits

Excessive enthusiasm, arrogance. Yuri turns out to be uncontrollable if someone decides to interfere with him or tries to use him for their own purposes. Capable of rash actions.

Type of activity

Yuri is haunted by the secrets of the universe. He can prove himself as a geologist, biologist, archaeologist, or design engineer. He has a developed gift of words. He can engage in teaching activities. There are many Yurievs talented people art, outstanding commanders.


Yuri's financial situation is unstable.


Health. Yuri's body is prone to loss of immunity. The desire for an easy and fun life can lead to alcohol or drug addiction.

Secrets of communication

In communication, Yuri appreciates lively interest and ease. He himself likes to add “for the sake of words.” It is necessary to maintain his faith in his own strength, talent, and abilities.

Yuri's compatibility in marriage

A woman finds it easy with Yuri only at the first stage of acquaintance. He is amorous and not constancy, although he loves children and takes care of his family.
Successful marriage with Varvara, Vera, Galina, Natalya, Nina, Svetlana.
Difficult relationships can develop with Ada, Anna, Larisa, Margarita, Marina, Raisa.
Short form of the name Yuri. Yura, Yurik, Yuranya, Yurasya, Yurakha, Yurasha, Yusha.
Synonyms for the name Yuri. Jiri, George, Yrjo, Georges, Jorgen, Jorn, Jori.
Origin of the name Yuri. The name Yuri is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Yuri is a Russian form Greek name George, meaning "farmer". And this version is traditional, basic. In this context, the name Yuri has many European analogues - these are all forms of the names Georgy and Egor, although they are all used independently and independently of each other.

According to the second version, the name Yuri is Slavic name. According to one opinion, the name Yuri is related to the concept of “high place”, therefore it can be translated “high” in the sense of important, honorable - “highly respected”. There is also an opinion that the name Yuri could appear from the verb “yurit”, i.e. hurry, hurry, be nimble, fast, frisky. Therefore in in this case The name Yuri can have much more interpretations. It is possible that after the advent of Christianity in Rus', the Slavic pagan name given new life.

There is also a version that the name Yuri has Latin roots. This name comes from the Latin “jura”, which means “to swear”, “to take an oath”, so the name is also interpreted as “faithful”.

The European spelling of the name Yuri is Yuri, which is also a Japanese and Korean feminine name. In Japan this name means "lily" (identical to the female names Lilia and Liliana), in Korea it is possible various options depending on the character used.

Yuri's boys are very quiet as children. They are somewhat withdrawn, often living in their own own world. They are very fond of quiet, quiet activities - fishing, growing plants, caring for animals, collecting. Yuri is focused, thoughtful and not quick to make decisions.

Yuri does not like to attract the attention of others, but people themselves are drawn to him, since the owner of this name is not devoid of charisma. People feel in him a strong, strong-willed personality.

His accuracy, pedantry and natural beauty help him find true friends. In marriage, Yuri is faithful and loves children. But all initiatives in family life, all innovations in Yuri’s usual habitual way of life always come from his wife. This also applies to vacation trips, purchasing a car or home, visiting or receiving guests. Yuri is a very homely owner, loves comfort and order.

Yuri always chooses a very responsible profession for himself. Yuri often become prominent politicians or stars of cinema, music and literature.

Yuri's birthday

Famous people named Yuri

  • Yuri Gagarin (cosmonaut)
  • Yuri Dolgoruky (Prince of Suzdal and Grand Duke Kyiv, son of Vladimir Monomakh)
  • Yuri Vsevolodovich (Grand Duke of Vladimir)
  • Yuri Levitan (all-Union radio announcer)
  • Yuri Grigorovich (ballet dancer, choreographer, teacher (born 1927))
  • Yuri Nikulin (circus performer, film actor (1921–1997))
  • Yuri Bashmet (outstanding Russian violist, conductor, National artist THE USSR)
  • Yuri Senkevich (traveler, doctor, TV presenter (born 1937))
  • Erjan Ramberg (Swedish stage and film actor)
  • Yrjo Lindegren ((1900 - 1952) Finnish architect)
  • Yuri Olesha (writer, author of the book “Three Fat Men” (1899–1960))
  • Yuri Vizbor (playwright)
  • Jorgen Mohr ((1640-1697) Danish mathematician)
  • Jorgen Leth ((born 1937) Danish poet and film director)
  • Yuri Lotman (literary critic, cultural critic, historian (1922–1994))
  • Yuri Luzhkov (Russian political figure, second mayor of Moscow (1992-2010), dean of the Faculty of Management major cities International University in Moscow)
  • Yuri Andropov (Soviet politician)
  • Yuri Antonov (Soviet and Russian singer)
  • Yuri Zhivago ( main character Boris Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago")
  • Yuri Bogatyrev (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Yuri Yakovlev (theater and film actor)
  • Yuri Timoshenko (pseudonym - Tarapunka; Soviet pop artist and film actor)
  • Yuri Roerich (orientalist scientist)
  • Yuri German (writer, playwright, screenwriter)
  • Yuri Vizbor (bard, film actor, journalist, writer, screenwriter)
  • Yuri Katin-Yartsev (theater and film actor, teacher)
  • Yuri Solomin (theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Yuri Rytkheu (Chukchi Soviet writer)
  • Yuri Khoy, Yuri Klinskikh ((1964-2000) Soviet singer and musician, founded the Gaza Strip group, for which he wrote songs and music)
  • Jorn Utzon ((1918-2008) Danish architect, author of the building design Opera House in Sydney)
  • Jorgen Jonsson (Swedish ice hockey player)
  • Göran Högosta (Swedish ice hockey player)
  • Jyrki Seppä (Finnish ice hockey player)
  • Jüri Jaakkola (Finnish public figure)
  • Jori Hulkkonen (Finnish DJ)
  • Matti Jyrjana Joensuu (Finnish writer, author of detective novels)

If the question arose about choosing a name for your unborn child or you were interested in the mystery of the name Yuri, then you have found the right article. Here the most basic traits of Yuri's character and behavior in childhood and adulthood will be revealed.

The influence of the name Yuri on fate and character

Since ancient times, people began to notice that a person’s name and his fate are inextricably linked. The type of character and temperament, behavior patterns and talents depended on how the child was named. After many centuries, based on all the observations and their careful analysis, a science was created about the meaning of names from all over globe. The number of names is still growing and their interpretation is expanding. What is the country of origin and what does the name Yuri mean, we will consider in the next subheading.

Interpretation of the name

This name is ancient, for the first time they began to call boys in the territory modern Greece, and it sounded like George, comes from the Greek words “ge”, which means “earth”, and “ergon”, which means “work”. The Slavs began to name their male children the name Yuri - this is a derived form from George. Interpret given name perhaps as a “farmer”, or, according to the Slavic version, as a “creator”.

IN Orthodox faith There are two days of commemoration - the third and eleventh of January.

Yuri in his childhood

The secret of the name Yuri for a child is that a boy with this adverb is very inquisitive in childhood and has an inquisitive mind. It is difficult for Yuri to build relationships with his peers due to his emotional stinginess. He becomes independent and responsible beyond his years earlier than many of his peers, and he loves solitude, and sometimes even strives for it himself.

Little Yura studies with average grades and does not cause much trouble for either teachers or parents. The boy does not like to be the center of attention, he is a little withdrawn, which should not alarm his parents, since this character trait is common to all Yuri. You need to have conversations with him as equals, getting as close as possible to an adult manner of communication. Responsibility in Yuri grows from childhood and depends on the degree of his independence.

During the so-called transition period“This teenager’s character, which was formed in childhood, is practically impossible to change. Therefore, the boy’s parents should still early years take it into account negative traits character traits such as pride, envy, boasting, arrogance and intemperance.

Yuri. Meaning of the name. Character

The external phlegmatism of a man named Yuri is very deceptive, erroneous opinion about the temperament of this person is created due to his great calmness, self-absorption and restraint. Such men are prone to philosophical discussions about life and their place in this world. The secret of the name Yuri is that its owners are artistic and love art in its various forms.

Yuri's appearance

The appearance does not completely correspond to the character of its owner. For all their softness and subtlety of spiritual structure, these men usually look impressive, have a strong physique and tall stature. Artistry can often be seen in behavior, gestures and facial expressions. Such a man always attracts attention, without even seeking it.

Yuri and women

Thanks to his attractive appearance and representative appearance, Yuri does not go unnoticed by women; they are very partial to him. The secret of the name Yuri in his personal life is that this man behaves with women attentively and respectfully. In most cases, he is trouble-free, but does not show much initiative. This is interpreted by women in different ways, some themselves begin to take active steps towards winning Yuri’s heart, but the only one who managed to do this will become his chosen one for many years.

Yuri in the family

Yuri is monogamous and constant in his affections. For this man, family always comes first; he is a good owner, a worthy spouse and a caring father. Loves children very much, accepts Active participation in their upbringing, for which no expense is spared. Tries to give to his children a good education, often tries to instill a love of art, including music and choreography.

As for the material part of family life, here too he shows himself positively, this person always has money, he knows how to earn it and spend it rationally. If he notices that his wife is mismanaging the family budget, she will take it upon herself.

This person is the soul of his company, in which he is simple-minded and cheerful, he loves to throw parties, holidays and picnics. He has a couple of signature dishes that he likes to treat his friends to when they gather on his territory.

Yuri in sex

The secret of the name Yuri in sex is that its owner is inventive, hardy and relaxed in bed, loves to enjoy his partner to the fullest. He is affectionate, and his capabilities in sex surprise and delight women. This man gets special pleasure in sex when he is completely immersed in the process and enjoys the woman to the fullest.

People named Yuri are indifferent to easily accessible females who do not require long courtship.

For this man, it is important to win a woman who knows her worth, who will be his equal in the social and personal sphere.

Interpretation of the name Yuri by letter

The mystery of the name Yuri and its meaning are also interpreted by the individual letters of which it is composed.

Yu - this letter gives its owner boredom and dullness, fixation on the same type of emotions.

R - gives the bearer of this letter professionalism.

And - it is believed that it gives an inclination to love art.

Y - is responsible for the impulsiveness and temperament of its owner.

Numerology of the name

Numerology is a science that assigns numerical meaning to letters. The mystery of the name Yuri and its meaning is also perfectly described using numbers. Each of the letters of the name has its corresponding number.

From the point of view of numerology, the fate of the name Yuri lies in the number 8, which was obtained by summing up all the above numbers.

Eight gives Yuri an originality, he is not like other men, he is unusually smart and frank, but sometimes he is harsh and thereby makes enemies for himself.

People-eights hate human limitations and narrow-mindedness, they can drive Yuri to rage, which he is not going to hide. Also, this person does not like bores and fools, but he has a great attitude towards well-mannered, intelligent and capable people.

Compatibility with female names

What is the secret of the name Yuri in this regard? What female names is it compatible with? Many couples, before tying the knot, prefer to find out the meaning of their partner's name, as well as how compatible their names are.

It is important that the names of the spouses suit each other, since the name carries energy on which character and destiny depend.

The following would be ideal for the name Yuri: female names: Emma, ​​Ada, Frida, Anastasia, Tamila, Bronislava, Galina, Stella, Varvara, Mirra, Dina, Maria, Marianna, Dora, Lyudmila, Clara, Iya, Lyudmila, Larisa.

A little less, but Yuri and will also get along well: Edita, Bella, Gloria, Tatyana, Alexandra, Tatyana, Diana, Zoya, Tamara, Isabella, Sofia, Isolde, Lydia, Praskovya, Zinaida, Lolita, Sarah, Nadezhda, Olga, Nana , Lyubov, Polina, Sofia.

Unlucky name compatibility: Yuri will not be happy with Agnia, Alisa, Valeria, Vladislava, Inna, Ksenia, Nika, Svetlana, Serafima and Stanislava.

The influence of the patronymic on the name Yuri

The meaning of a name and fate are greatly complemented by a person’s patronymic. For example, Yuri with such patronymics as Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Vasilyevich, Valentinovich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Yuryevich, Fedorovich and Sergeevich, will differ from the rest of his namesakes in his discretion and caution when choosing friends and even wariness towards new acquaintances. Such Yuri are charming and sociable, and have a good sense of humor. This person is full of energy and vitality, he is balanced and constant.

In his youth, Yuri, who has one of the above patronymics, is naive and idealizes his girls too much, so very often such guys get married early, but unsuccessfully.

If Yuri’s marriage took place after twenty-seven years, then he must be happy, but in any case, Yuri is a caring father and a faithful husband.

The next group of patronymics that distinguish Yuri from others is: Alexandrovich, Borisovich, Arkadyevich, Vadimovich, Kirillovich, Nikitovich, Maksimovich, Grigorievich, Matveevich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Yakovlevich, Timofeevich, Eduardovich.

Such Yuri are nervous, even unbalanced, overly sensitive. In relationships with women they are especially temperamental and seductive, which attracts the attention of the opposite sex. They can have several mistresses and have good trusting relationships with each of them. But for marriage they most often choose a woman who is intelligent, strong-willed and strong. Such Yuriev has a well-developed intuitive sense; he is a good owner, loving children and respecting his wife.

Yuri with the following patronymics stand out for their waywardness, stubbornness and authority: Bogdanovich, Vladislavovich, Gennadievich, Vyacheslavovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Yanovich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yaroslavovich. These people are also diplomatic, cunning and witty. Such Yuri are great connoisseurs of art and spirituality. They have a small social circle, since most do not understand them, they are mainly interested only in themselves, are aimed at self-development and self-knowledge, and are distinguished by their individuality.

Such men do not win women; often it is the weaker sex who has to show persistence and perseverance, proving the seriousness of their intentions.

Yuri with the patronymics Antonovich, Valerievich, Arturovich, Germanovich, Denisovich, Glebovich, Igorevich, Lvovich, Leonidovich, Mironovich, Ruslanovich, Olegovich, Filippovich, Semenovich and Emmanuilovich has a special appeal.

He tends to overestimate his capabilities, is impatient, independent and temperamental, very hot-tempered, but the ability to restrain his emotions helps him avoid conflicts.

Only a very patient woman can become the wife of such Yuri, who will subsequently be happily married to him. Yuri, with one of the above patronymics, is a craftsman, a hard worker, and a wonderful family man.

Another group of Yurievs, who have patronymics Alanovich, Veniaminovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Dmitrievich, Rostislavovich, Stepanovich, Nikolaevich or Feliksovich, have a subtle mind and acute feeling humor.

In a woman he values ​​above all else mental capacity. In marriage, he is the head of the family, which he will care for greatly.

Famous people named Yuri

In our history there are many outstanding personalities named Yuri, but let's remember the most significant ones.

(90s of the 11th century - 1157) - Grand Duke of Kiev and Prince of Suzdal, Prince of Rostov-Suzdal, direct descendant of Vladimir Monomakh. This man had strong energy and directed his rule mainly towards the construction and strengthening of cities and churches.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (1934-1968) - Soviet cosmonaut who was the first to fly into space. Everyone knows his catchphrase “Let's go!” when he launched on a rocket on April 12, 1961.

Yuri Nikulin - comedian, circus performer (1921-1997).

Yuri Shatunov - soloist of the popular Soviet time group "Tender May".

But in the end, no matter what you call yours little son, the main thing is that he feels the love and care of his parents.

Forms of the name Yuri

Short form of the name Yuri. Yura, Yurik, Yuranya, Yurasya, Yurakha, Yurasha. Synonyms for the name Yuri. , Yrjo, Jorgen, Jorn, Jori.

Short and diminutive options: Yura, Yurochka, Yuronka, Yurasik, Yurastik, Yurushka, Yurochek, Yuranya, Yurasha, Yurakha, Yurenya, Yurchenya, Yuka, Yusha.

Patronymics: Yuryevich, Yuryevna.

The name Yuri in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 尤里 (Yóu lǐ). Japanese: ゆり (Yuri). Armenian: Յուրի (Yuri). Hindi: यूरी (Yūrī). Ukrainian: Yuriy. Greek: Γιούρι (Gioúri). English: Yuri (Yuri).

Analogues of the name in other languages: Belarusian Yagor, Yurka, Yur"ya, Yuras, Bulgarian Georgi, Ukrainian Yuriy, Yurko, German Georg, English George, Spanish Jorge, French Georges, Italian Giorgio, lit. Jurgis, Dutch Joris, Polish Jerzy , Portuguese Jorge, Czech Jiri, Slovak Jura

Origin of the name Yuri

The name Yuri is the Russian form of a Greek name meaning “farmer”; this version is the main one. The name Yuri is. It is possible that after the advent of Christianity in Rus', the Slavic pagan name was given a new life.

Yuri's character

Yuri's boys are very quiet as children. They are somewhat withdrawn, often living in their own world. They are very fond of quiet, quiet activities - fishing, growing plants, caring for animals, collecting. Yuri is focused, thoughtful and not quick to make decisions.

Yuri does not like to attract the attention of others, but people themselves are drawn to him, since the owner of this name is not devoid of charisma. People feel in him a strong, strong-willed personality.

His neatness, pedantry and natural beauty help him find true friends. In marriage, Yuri is faithful and loves children. But all initiatives in family life, all innovations in Yuri’s usual habitual way of life always come from his wife. This also applies to vacation trips, purchasing a car or home, visiting or receiving guests. Yuri is a very homely owner, loves comfort and order.

The secret of the name Yuri

He quickly wins the sympathy of women. He is artistic and some people think that such a man behaves in a pretentious manner. But it is not so. Yuri is artistic by nature.

Such a man does not like to conquer women. It is absolutely the same to him whether he made an impression on the fair sex. He is passive and many women around him take the initiative themselves.

Yuri begins to be active only after getting married. Then he takes care of the material well-being of his family and tries to make it better. He always helps his wife. Such a man wants his wife to treat her mother-in-law well. In addition, he himself honors his mother.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Name color: blue
Radiation: 97%
Planets: Jupiter
Talisman stone: emerald
Plant: poplar
Totem animal: white bull
Basic character traits: will, excitability, intuition

Additional characteristics of the name:

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 89%
Psyche: communicative
Health: prone to loss of immunity. The desire for an easy and fun life can lead to alcohol or drug addiction.

Numerology of the name Yuri

Holders of the name number 7 show talents in the field of philosophy, science, art or religion. “Sevens” perfectly understand other people, which determines a large number of leaders among them. Also, “sevens” often become excellent teachers. Their guidelines in life are restraint, dignity and seriousness. Sevens are always reserved, do not like to show their emotions, are averse to tomfoolery, but they have a good sense of humor and are famous for their irony. In business, “Sevens” rarely show themselves with positive side. Money matters are not their strong point; money in general is not their primary interest; “Sevens” find the meaning of life in the intangible area.


Planet: Mercury.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Variegated, changeable, mixed.
Day: Wednesday.
Metal: Mercury, bismuth, semiconductors.
Mineral: Emerald, agate, porphyry, topaz, glass, rock crystal, sardonyx.
Plants: Basil, parsley, walnut, celery, valerian.
Animals: Fox, monkey, weasel, stork, parrot, nightingale, thrush, lark, ibis, flying fish.

The name Yuri as a phrase

Yu (YU = U) Uk (Ouk, Decree, Indicate, Order)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
Y Izhe (If, If, as well as the meaning of i - Unity, One, Together, Unite, Perfection, Union, Unification)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Yuri

Yu - the desire for truth, the ideals of universal equality and brotherhood, the ability for self-sacrifice and at the same time for cruel acts, supposedly dictated by higher considerations.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
Y - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.

Sexuality of the name Yuri

It is quite difficult to captivate him emotionally; he can stay with you for a long time without showing any external signs falling in love, and you will decide that he simply has no heart, but this is not so - he is cordial towards women. As soon as he decides that you are his true chosen one, he will immediately let you know this. Having fallen in love, he will burn with an even sexual flame and surround you with attention and warmth. Aren't these all the qualities of a fairy-tale prince? Yuri asserts himself in the world through love and is afraid to admit it to himself.

“Winter” Yuri loves to have sex for a long time, he is inventive, relaxed, enjoying a woman to the fullest, can forgive her any shortcomings and will never leave her in trouble. But in return he expects the same attitude. If a woman does not live up to his trust, he may withdraw into himself.

Having met a woman, Yuri would willingly immediately go to bed with her, but his experience tells him that very few women react positively to such haste.

Yuri is affectionate in bed, his sexual capabilities in favorable conditions simply drive women crazy. He receives true satisfaction when he is completely immersed in his sensations.

Yuri is characterized by good speech, manners, strict self-control. His sociability has boundaries that he does not cross with a woman. Yuri is attentive to little things that women don’t pay such attention to. of great importance. He has an excellent memory, remembers all the minor details of intimacy.

Yuri is indifferent to accessible women who respond to the first call; it is important for him to conquer a woman who knows her worth, is equal to him, and stands on the same level of the social ladder as him.

Yuri is closer to “summer” women.

The meaning of the name Yuri for life

Yuri is so calm, restrained in emotions and feelings that many seem phlegmatic. Hidden, self-absorbed. He is inclined to philosophical understanding of life and his place in it. Usually of a strong build, tall, imposing, which completely contradicts his inner content. Artistry is visible in his gestures, facial expressions, and manner of speaking. Yuri cares little about attracting someone's attention, but he never goes unnoticed. Women are not indifferent to him, and he is even and attentive with them. Ladies often take advantage of his reliability. His passivity in behavior is interpreted by them in different ways, the more courageous take the initiative into their own hands, and those who are lucky win his heart and are never disappointed in him. Yuri is monogamous and constant in his affections. A wonderful owner, loves children. His family comes first. Cheerful and simple-minded with friends, always visible in any company. Likes to organize holidays and picnics in nature. He is an excellent cook and has his own signature dishes, which are certainly on the menu every time friends gather at his house. If he sees that his wife does not know how to spend money, is too frugal, she takes the family budget into her own hands and manages it herself. Yuri always has money, he knows how to earn money and spend it rationally. Yuri spares no expense in raising his children, tries to give them a good education, including music or choreography, and helps them get a job. independent life, takes an active part in it.

Meaning of the name Yuri for sex

“Winter” Yuri likes to have sex for a long time, he is inventive, liberated, enjoying a woman to the fullest; can forgive her any shortcomings and will never leave her in trouble. But in return he expects the same attitude. In bed, Yuri is affectionate, his sexual capabilities simply drive women crazy. He receives true satisfaction when he is completely immersed in his sensations. Yuri is indifferent to available women who respond to the first call. It is important for him to conquer an equal, who knows his worth, standing on the same rung of the social ladder.

Compatibility of the name Yuri and patronymic

Yuri Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich is careful and prudent with new people, chooses friends carefully, but is not inclined to measure everyone with the same yardstick , in every person knows how to find good qualities. Charming, sociable, has a well-developed sense of humor. It's a pleasure to spend time with him; in any company they are happy to see him, in every home he is a welcome guest. Yuri is energetic, balanced, restrained in his feelings. With women he is soft, gentle, but careful, rarely gets into unforeseen situations. He is not prone to casual relationships, has a permanent partner, becomes very attached to her, and most likely she becomes his wife. If Yuri marries early, then such a marriage is most often unsuccessful. In his youth, he is too trusting and idealizes his girlfriends. After several years of married life, he understands that he made a mistake in his choice, but may not get a divorce until the children get on their feet. In general, Yuri is a reliable husband, a good master of the house, and a caring father. If he marries after twenty-six to twenty-seven years, the marriage is happy.

Yuri Alexandrovich, Arkadyevich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Timofeevich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich is too sensitive, nervous, unbalanced. Cunning and distrustful. Very temperamental, seductive and attractive to women. He has many lovers and treats each of them well. Attentive, prudent, gallant. With all his inconstancy, this Yuri urgently needs a strong, strong-willed life partner, so he takes the choice of a wife very seriously, wants to see her intellectual, collected, decisive and independent, although her external characteristics and sexual temperament do not go unnoticed. Yuri believes that sex plays an important role in married life. He is devoted to his family, a thrifty, attentive husband, a loving father. He is very jealous and vigilantly monitors the behavior of his beautiful wife in the company of men. Yuri is a subtle, highly sensitive nature, merciful, sensitive to changes in family relationships, to the mood of his wife and loved ones. Good psychologist, he has a well-developed intuition. Often he fails in his first marriage, has a hard time going through a divorce, and does not marry for a long time. He does not forget his children, but all his concerns are limited to material support and fairly frequent meetings, accompanied by various entertainment for children, but not upbringing. In the second marriage, luck accompanies him, the marriage is stronger. Another child is born, and his wife is involved in raising him. But in the household, it is much easier for the wife than for other women: Yuri knows what to buy for the house, takes care of its improvement, helps his wife around the house, and does not divide work into purely female and purely male. He can cook, especially if he is expecting guests - then he himself works magic in the kitchen, he has several signature dishes that are sure to be on the festive table.

Yuri Bogdanovich, Vilenovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich - a stubborn, domineering, wayward person. Cunning, smart, flexible and diplomatic. He is polite and attentive to women, but he cannot be called a heartthrob. He's more busy with his own own life, his own world in which he feels comfortable and confident. Many do not understand him, they consider him arrogant, withdrawn and distrustful. This Yuri has several devoted friends and is not at all interested in the lives of his many friends. Shows great interest in the spiritual side of life, loves art, theater, cinema, and is well versed in music. He calmly accepts criticism addressed to him, is inclined to analyze mistakes, but quickly becomes despondent from failures and has difficulty surviving them. He is insatiable in knowledge, thanks to his good memory he easily absorbs any information. Strong personality, never loses its individuality. Women are attracted to his intellect, intelligence, erudition, and charm. Yuri is not a conqueror; rather, the woman will have to prove to him that she is the only one destined for him by fate. He is in no hurry to start a family; first he builds a serious financial base. Marries a friend with similar interests, the same life values, measured lifestyle. He really appreciates her devotion, wants to see her as a like-minded person, a loyal friend. He is not demanding in everyday life, does not interfere in household affairs, and completely trusts his wife to manage the family budget. He is unpretentious in food, can be content with a hastily prepared dinner, and always praises his wife’s culinary abilities. He doesn’t like to cook himself, but he won’t go hungry if his wife is not at home, he will feed the children. He is attentive with children, helps them develop spiritually, but is raised by their spouse.

Yuri Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is too straightforward. He has a highly developed sense of justice, which brings him a lot of trouble. Independent, freedom-loving, energetic and temperamental. He is unusually hot-tempered, but knows how to restrain his emotions and avoid conflicts. This Yuri is ambitious, inclined to overestimate himself, and has a high opinion of his person. The reinsurer thinks for a long time about his every step. Excessively amorous, easily carried away, quickly lights up, but if a woman does not immediately fall at his feet, she cools down just as quickly. He is fickle in his affections and impatient in intimate matters. But the same cannot be said about Yuri when he chooses his life partner. In this matter, he is unusually careful and unhurried; he hesitates for a long time to propose to his chosen one; so sometimes his beloved gets tired of waiting and marries someone else. Only patient, sincere loving woman could become his wife. It is impossible to force him into marriage, blackmail him, or try to tie him to you. Such actions will only cause a backlash. He will never marry a woman who behaves like this. Yuri is a good owner of the family; he values ​​family most of all in life; he builds family relationships on mutual trust and respect. Not inclined to love adventures with other women, although fleeting hobbies are not excluded. Yuri is a craftsman, he does everything around the house. If the relationship with his wife is warm, without quarrels and scandals, he willingly helps her and is not afraid of any work. Takes an active part in raising children.

Yuri Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich has a subtle innate mind and sparkling humor. He is insightful and critical, he has well-developed intuition. He is quick-tempered, hot-tempered, but rarely loses his temper and is known as a cheerful, carefree person. Proud and brave. He loves women very much, is gallant with them, and knows how to care for them. Intimate intimacy loses all interest for him if it is not preceded by pleasant intellectual communication. This Yuri values ​​intelligence in a woman above all else. He takes only an intellectually rich woman as his wife. He is not interested in good-looking dummies; one-time connections with them do not remain in his memory. The wife of such Yuri, as a rule, is happily married. Yuri knows how to carry love through his whole life, although entertainment with other women takes place, but it does not affect him in any way. family relationships. He is very good husband, unless you put pressure on him, don’t try to lead him. In this case, Yuri is compliant, forgiving, able to forgive his wife for any offense, to satisfy any of her whims. He is very attached to his family, loves his home, which he enjoys improving himself. An attentive and loving father. Enjoys authority among children. Children of different sexes are born. For his daughter, Yuri is the ideal man; she chooses a man who is somewhat similar to her father as her husband. The son follows in his father’s footsteps and chooses the same profession as his, constantly uses his advice and knowledge, and greatly values ​​his opinion.

Positive traits of the name

Purposefulness, sociability, curiosity, desire for self-affirmation. Yuri strives to communicate with interesting people, tries to gain life experience and knowledge from them. He is unforgiving and able to forgive offense.

Negative traits of the name

Excessive enthusiasm, arrogance. Yuri turns out to be uncontrollable if someone decides to interfere with him or tries to use him for their own purposes. Capable of rash actions.

Choosing a profession by name

Yuri is haunted by the secrets of the universe. He can prove himself as a geologist, biologist, archaeologist, or design engineer. He has a developed gift of words. He can engage in teaching activities. There are many talented people of art and outstanding commanders among the Yurievs.

The impact of a name on business

Yuri's financial situation is unstable.

The influence of a name on health

Yuri's body is prone to loss of immunity. The desire for an easy and fun life can lead to alcohol or drug addiction.

Psychology of a name

In communication, Yuri appreciates lively interest and ease. He himself likes to add “for the sake of words.” It is necessary to maintain his faith in his own strength, talent, and abilities.

Characteristics of the name Yuri according to B. Khigir

This name is a Slavic form of the name Georgiy, meaning "farmer". Yuri is calm, focused on his inner world Human. As a child, he loves to look at the clouds floating across the sky. He has a touching attitude towards animals; he can pick up a stray dog ​​and care for it. His appearance is in conflict with his reserved behavior and philosophical mindset. Yuri's gestures and manner of speaking are distinguished by some artistry. He studies well at school and college, is diligent and persistent in achieving his goals. Can successfully work as an engineer, plasterer, electrician, trainer. He is respected by his colleagues in the team, but prefers to avoid large and noisy companies. Yuri does not care about attracting the attention of women. They themselves pay attention to it. His natural artistry immediately endears women to him. Yuri takes a slightly passive position and the woman has to take the initiative into her own hands. In family life he is careful. Shows concern for the children and helps his wife with housework. Yuri's wife must be able to maintain an even relationship with her mother-in-law.

Yuri and pets

Yuri, as a rule, loves animals. For fun, he gets small dogs like Sheltie and Pug. But he is far-sighted, he knows that breeding dogs can bring good income, for this purpose he gets purebred dogs such as Great Dane, Bulldog, and is constantly interested in which breed is the most prestigious in this moment, can navigate on the go. He is seriously involved in raising dogs, strictly adheres to their diet, and goes for walks with them himself.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Yuri, which parents gave to their son at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn boys this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):
1900-1909: (not in the top ten)
1924-1932: 93 (3rd place)
1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
1978-1981: (not in the top ten)
2008: (not in the top ten)

Famous people with the name Yuri

Yuri Gagarin (cosmonaut)
Yuri Dolgoruky (Prince of Suzdal and Grand Duke of Kiev, son of Vladimir Monomakh)
Yuri Vsevolodovich (Grand Duke of Vladimir)
Yuri Levitan (all-Union radio announcer)
Yuri Grigorovich (ballet dancer, choreographer, teacher (born 1927))
Yuri Nikulin (circus performer, film actor (1921–1997))
Yuri Bashmet (outstanding Russian violist, conductor, People's Artist of the USSR)
Yuri Senkevich (traveler, doctor, TV presenter (born 1937))
Erjan Ramberg (Swedish stage and film actor)
Yrjo Lindegren ((1900 - 1952) Finnish architect)
Yuri Olesha (writer, author of the book “Three Fat Men” (1899–1960))
Yuri Vizbor (playwright)
Jorgen Mohr ((1640-1697) Danish mathematician)
Jorgen Leth ((born 1937) Danish poet and film director)
Yuri Lotman (literary critic, cultural critic, historian (1922–1994))
Yuri Luzhkov (Russian politician, second mayor of Moscow (1992-2010), dean of the Faculty of Management of Large Cities at the International University in Moscow)
Yuri Andropov (politician)
Yuri Antonov (singer)
Yuri Zhivago (the main character of Boris Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago)
Yuri Bogatyrev (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
Yuri Yakovlev (theater and film actor)
Yuri Timoshenko (pseudonym - Tarapunka; Soviet pop artist and film actor)
Yuri Roerich (orientalist scientist)
Yuri German (writer, playwright, screenwriter)
Yuri Vizbor (bard, film actor, journalist, writer, screenwriter)
Yuri Katin-Yartsev (theater and film actor, teacher)
Yuri Solomin (theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia)
Yuri Rytkheu (Chukchi Soviet writer)
Jorn Utzon ((1918-2008) Danish architect, author of the Sydney Opera House building)
Jorgen Jonsson (Swedish ice hockey player)
Göran Högosta (Swedish ice hockey player)
Jyrki Seppä (Finnish ice hockey player)
Jüri Jaakkola (Finnish public figure)
Jori Hulkkonen (Finnish DJ)
Matti Jyrjana Joensuu (Finnish writer, author of detective novels)

Famous names bearers

Yuri Petrogradsky - martyr; Yuri Dolgoruky - Rostov-Suzdal, Kyiv prince, son of Vladimir Monomakh; Yuri Vsevolodovich - Grand Duke of Vladimir, son of Vsevolod the Big Nest; Yuri Shemyakin-Pronsky - Russian governor of the 16th century, prince, close associate of Ivan the Terrible; Yuri Radziwill - Lithuanian prince, nicknamed the Winner for his victories; Yuri Lisyansky - Russian navigator, captain of the 1st rank; Yuri Panteleev - military leader, admiral; Yuri Gagarin - cosmonaut, colonel, Hero Soviet Union; Yuri Kondratyuk - the founder of Russian cosmonautics; Yuri Pobedonostsev - Soviet designer in the field of rocket science; Yuri Nagibin, Yuri Olesha, Yuri Tynyanov - writers; Yuri Pan, Yuri Pimenov - artists; Yuri Nikulin - circus performer, clown, People's Artist of the USSR.

Yuri celebrates Orthodox name days

Yuri: the meaning of the name, character and destiny - it is very important to find out all this before choosing this name for your child. Firstly, it speaks of a changeable nature. And secondly, Yura is very gentle and sensitive to all his feelings and emotions, while he simply doesn’t care about the feelings of the people around him. He can calmly relate to the problems or joys of any person, but only until the moment they touch him. Exactly at this very second, Yura will become an unrestrained and restless person before our eyes.

The meaning of the name Yuri shows all the contradictory character of the person to whom it belongs. The character will be greatly influenced by the environment, the environment in which the boy was born and raised, as well as the time of year.


Every person who comes across this name in their environment, or their parents, is very interested in what the name Yuri means. The character traits and behavior of a person as a whole depend on this. In ancient Greek it meant farmer or cultivator. Some sources claim that the meaning of the name Yuri from ancient Russian is frisky or agile. It became a Slavic form from George, which was very rarely used in secular life. Usually it was used for rituals. Over time, the name Yuri began to quickly spread and be used independently.


The meaning of the name Yuri for a boy characterizes him as a calm and serious child. He knows how to reason well and correctly, and also tries to overcome all the injustice in the world. Yura is always determined to defend own opinion. He quickly gains authority among his peers, they respect him and listen to his advice. But at the same time, they don’t really want to invite you to join the company.

Little Yura does not like large and noisy yard gatherings and games. He prefers to spend time alone and rarely lets anyone into his world.

For parents, the child will not cause problems. He is overly responsible and independent, but at the same time he does not like it when adults begin to treat him like little boy. You need to talk to Yura as equals, while respecting and taking into account his point of view. The child knows how to empathize with people. The meaning of the name Yuri says that he is a kind and sympathetic boy, in whose character traits one cannot see selfishness and arrogance.

At school he will choose 3 favorite subjects. Yura will show all his zeal and perseverance exclusively on them. To the rest school curriculum the boy is philosophical, believing that these items are unlikely to ever be useful to him in life. Yura regularly and regularly only goes to physical education. The meaning of the name Yuri for a boy characterizes him as an average student.

Personal life

The matured Yura will never be left without female attention. But for him this does not matter much, since by nature he is monogamous. Therefore, he is often unlucky in the love field. The name Yuri, by origin and meaning, speaks of the modesty and sometimes even shyness of its owner. Very often the girl who is next to him cannot fully understand Yura’s feelings and attitude. He will never shout about his love at every step. Yura is not a romantic by nature. Only for a woman whom a man really loves will he be ready to open his heart. She'll feel it right away, it's all in her behavior. young man will point out something new and strong feeling that appeared in his soul. First of all, Yura’s attention is drawn to women, who need to be constantly conquered.

A man enters into marriage only out of love. But sometimes he simply does not fully understand that for a strong and harmonious married couple this feeling will not be enough. Therefore, a marriage that does not last long may fall apart. Moreover, after a divorce, the former spouses necessarily remain enemies, since Yura simply does not understand and does not accept such a thing as friendship between a man and a woman.

The meaning of the name Yuri emphasizes that if a man does not learn to trust his companion, then he will never be able to create strong family. He is especially terrible in jealousy, which leads to daily scandals and quarrels. Therefore, it often turns out that after the first divorce, Yura has a very difficult time coming to his senses, and his desire to start a family disappears for a long time.

It is best for a man to choose a patient, caring and gentle companion as his wife. For the sake of such a woman, he will become best husband and father. Therefore, before getting married, a woman should definitely know what the name Yuri means for family and love.

In order not to meet old age alone, but, on the contrary, with his family, a man must reconsider his attitude towards his wild lifestyle in his youth. Since in most cases this is the main reason for divorce.

Talisman stone

The name Yuri, the meaning of the name and fate largely depend on the amulets stones. They are:

  1. Green. Calms and relieves signs of depression. It will help you realize your deepest desires and dreams.
  2. Black. Fills you with strength and courage.
  3. Blue. It will remove any damage and protect against conspiracies. It will help you gain the necessary strength before making a responsible decision.
  4. Brown or grey. Will remove too strong emotional background and experiences. Thanks to a stone of this color, Yura will be able to soberly assess the current situation.
  5. Orange or pink. Favorably influences making the right decision.
  6. Red. It will calm down the anger inside and relieve tension.
  7. White. Will quickly calm and balance Yura.
  8. Yellow. It will help a man understand the desires of his other half faster and easier.
  • Chrysoprase. The meaning of the name Yuri with this stone represents luck, success, joy, wealth, health. The stone removes all negativity and negative energy, making room for kindness, reliability, and loyalty. If a person has bad intentions, then chrysoprase will begin to darken. In general, this stone is unique. For creative people it will give inspiration, and for pragmatists it will help in business. To enhance its effect, it is best to choose a frame made of silver.

Business and career

The secret of the name Yuri speaks of him as the owner of a flexible mind. A man is naturally very inquisitive and has a good memory. For him, even the most difficult and confusing situation will not cause fear. He will brilliantly emerge victorious due to his ingenuity.

To choose suitable profession, you need to know what the name Yuri means for work. He works well, and the main thing is that he likes it. A man named Yuri feels confident in any industry and in any position. That is, he can easily cope with a leadership position or a simple working specialty. The meaning of the name Yura suggests that he will be appreciated by management, for which he always receives bonuses and incentives. He approaches his work creatively and devotes himself completely to it. But this person will never be an altruist. At a minimum, Yura expects decent material rewards for his work. If this is not the case, then he will change his job without hesitation.


A lot depends on the time of year in which the child was born. His habits and character in the future will depend on this. Therefore, it is very important to know what the name Yuri means for each season.

  • Winter. Yura has such qualities as an extraordinary mind, ingenuity, and emancipation. He is not a warrior in life, but likes to enjoy his vacation. A man can easily leave all troubles in the past. Moreover, he still tries to squeeze something good out of every negative situation and problem. Winter Yura lacks stability in life. This will especially have a bad effect on his attempt to create a strong family.
  • Spring. The meaning of the name Yuri shows his emotions and temperament. This man loves big companies and is always attracted and attracted by a carefree life in which there are no boundaries or obligations. Therefore, a quiet family haven, which over time will turn into a routine, simply irritates him. Very often, spring Yuras remain solitary until old age. If he changes his attitude towards wild life. He has all the qualities for a family. Namely, intelligence, ingenuity, desire to work. A wife must be patient and devoted, able to guide her husband. Then the house will become a full cup.
  • Summer. Yura, born at this time, fears most of all being left alone. Therefore, marriage may be too early for him. He will devote himself entirely to his family, his wife and that’s it. Otherwise, he will contact similar loners, which will ultimately lead to prolonged drinking sprees. But if he meets his love, he will be ready to return the mountains for her sake. Yura will quickly say goodbye to his group of wild friends in the name of love and a strong family.
  • Autumn. The meaning of the name Yura indicates his strong-willed, hardworking and purposeful character. He can achieve anything in life on his own if he really wants to. From the outside, you might think that Yuri is a stern and ascetic man. But with close communication, it turns out that he is kind, sympathetic and always afraid of offending a person. Therefore, he is very afraid of making mistakes in people and does not trust them. It is very easy for Yuri to break his heart and leave a wound on it that will take a long time to heal. The woman who marries him will be surrounded by happiness, harmony, understanding and care.


For a happy marriage, it is important to know not only what the name Yuri means, but also what female names are suitable for this. Love and harmony will reign in union with Aza, Alevtina, Angela, Antonina, Galina, Daria, Zinaida, Larisa, Lydia, Lily, Lyubov, Natalya, Olga, Polina, Raisa, Svetlana, Sofia, Tamara.

It is better to stay away from Ada, Alla, Veronica, Elizaveta, Zoya, Inga, Tatyana.

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