How to connect wired internet via wifi router? Connecting a laptop to the Internet via a cable

Over the past 10 years, the Internet has rapidly entered our life and into every home where there is a computer.
Now, not a single user working at a computer can imagine it without being connected to the Internet. After all, you can find almost everything on the Internet. Watch movies, sports broadcasts, listen to music, play online games. Find the information you need on any topic and download it.

Order tickets for a train, plane, concert, sporting event, pay for communication services, utility bills, buy the thing you like in the online store.
In short, the Internet is a very good and useful thing. That is why it is so popular.

To connect a computer to the Internet, you must have:

- installed network card and driver for it.
- Adsl Modem, router, access point, etc.
- Ethernet cable
- Cable for connection to a telephone line RJ-45.
- Splitter

And most importantly, the Internet access service must be provided by the provider.

Connect all cables to the computer and modem according to the instructions.

Let's get down to configuring the network card andInternet connection on windows 7... To do this, follow these steps step by step. Step 1 . Click Start and go to Control Panel... Click on the link.

Step 2 ... Next click on.

Step 3. On the left menu of the window, click.

Step 4 ... Right click on the iconLAN connectionand in the menu that appears, select Properties left mouse button.

Step 5 ... In the window that appears, left-click the itemInternet Protocol TCP / IPv4and click on the button Properties .

Step 6. Select item Use the following IP address, and fill in the fields as shown in the picture. Addresses forPreferredand Alternative DNS servers you must take from the contract for the provision of Internet services. Then press the button OK.

The configuration of the network card is completed. Next, we start creating a new connection.

Execute Step 1 and Step 2 again.

Step 3. In the block Changing network parametersclick the link.

Step 4. In a new window select a connection optionInternet connections... This is a wireless, high-speed, or dial-up Internet connection. Click to continue Further .

Step 5. In the window Internet connection choose High Speed ​​(with PPPoe). DSL or cable connection requiring username and password.

Step 6 ... In the next window you need to enterinformation obtained from your internet service provider:

- Password.
- Connection name.

All this data should have been given to you at the conclusion of the contract.

Check the boxRemember this password.

You can allow other users to use this connectionby checking the corresponding box.

Having entered all the data correctly, press the button To plug .

Step 7 ... The connection should be established after verifying the username and password. After that, a window will appear in which the system will notify you thatinternet connection ready to use... Press the button to exit. Close.

To connect to the internet, in the window in the right part of the window, click on the link... Then double click on the iconHigh speed connection.

In order not to constantly go to the control panel to connect to the Internet, you can create a shortcut on the desktop. To do this, right-click on the connection icon and from the context menu select Create shortcut.

Nowadays, it is already difficult to find the owner of a laptop that is not connected to the Internet. Despite the increasing development and spread of communication through Wi-Fi connections, access to the Internet through a cable attracts with its indisputable advantages, since it is more reliable and at the same time the lowest cost. Below are detailed guides on how to properly connect a stable wired internet to your laptop, as well as how to set it up for future work.

Connection procedure

There are 2 types of connection in total:

  1. Wirelessly
  2. Through a network wire.

The setup process after connecting via a network cable differs slightly depending on the version of Windows operating in the PC. But the procedure itself is very simple, since you only need to insert the cable from the provider into the socket of the laptop's network card. All laptops have a connector on the side of the case.

The connector requires the installation of a wire coming from a distribution device installed in the house.

Preliminary activities

But if the user has a question about how to connect the Internet to a laptop, then first you need to decide on the choice of a provider. To do this, it is recommended to analyze the following conditions:

  1. Possibility of cable connection to the system of the communication service provider;
  2. The price of the services provided;
  3. Providing the provider with an acceptable data transfer rate for the subscriber's requirements at an optimal cost;
  4. Availability and speed of response of the provider's technical support service;
  5. Additional criteria (promotions, special discounts, etc.).

Further, in order to connect to the wired Internet, you need to form an application on the official resource of the selected provider or by phone. Also, if possible, it is recommended to simply personally visit the nearby office of the communication service provider to draw up a contract.

Setting procedure

Just connecting the PC to the cable is not enough, since you also need to configure the Internet. First, we will consider the entire setup process step by step using the example of a laptop with Windows 7 installed.

Windows XP

In the case when the user solves the problem of how to connect a laptop to the Internet, on which the good old Windows XP is installed, then only a few steps should be taken:

  1. Open the "Control Panel" through "Start";
  2. Then go to the "Network Connections" section;
  3. Then right-click on "Local network connection", click on the line "Properties";
  4. Click once on the line "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)" and then click "Properties";
  5. Next, in the window that appears, mark the item "Use the following IP", indicate the data specified in the subscriber's agreement with the provider;
  6. Ready! Internet configured.

Windows 8

You must perform the following sequential steps:

  1. Enter the "Control Panel";
  2. Go to the "Network and Internet" section;
  3. Then open the "Center for Managing Networks and Shared Access";
  4. Place a check mark on the item “Configuring a new connection. or networks ";
  5. Specify the section "Connecting to the Internet", click "Next";
  6. Then it is recommended to set "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)";
  7. Print the name and access code specified in the agreement with the service provider, check the box "Remember this password";
  8. Click "Connect".

Note: after entering the parameters, sometimes it is necessary to restart the laptop for correct operation.

A laptop has long ceased to be a luxury - it is a tool for work, rest and entertainment. Many have already appreciated and fell in love with this wonderful device, for some it has become a full-fledged replacement for a desktop PC.

If you connect your laptop to the Internet, it will be able to reveal its potential even more. And it pleases. Today we will consider several options "how to connect a laptop to the Internet." Are you ready? Let's start.

Option 1. How to connect a laptop to the Internet using Wi-Fi.
This is one of the easiest ways to connect. Most modern laptops are equipped with a Wi-Fi module. If you are in the range of a Wi-Fi network, you can connect in the following way:

  • Turn on the Wi-Fi module on the laptop;
  • Go to Start / Connect, find and click Wireless Network Connection;
  • Select the network to which we want to connect;
  • Double click on the selected network and we are connected. If the network is protected, you will need to enter a password (check with the administrator / owner of the network);
  • When you establish a connection, you get full access to the Internet.

If there is no Wi-Fi module, it is possible to purchase and install a USB Wi-Fi miniature module that can become a full-fledged replacement for missing / non-working equipment on a laptop.

Option 2. How to connect a laptop to the Internet using a USB modem *.
Nowadays, USB modems use "popular love", with the help of which one can access the Internet. This access option is interesting in the presence of good coverage and adequate prices in the tariff plan. If you wish, you can find providers that provide mobile Internet complete with a 3G modem. The connection procedure may differ depending on the equipment and service provider.

In some cases, providers set up a connection for free in their service center, sometimes you can find special programs that automatically install hardware drivers, create a connection and configure Internet access parameters. An option is not excluded in which you will have to connect and configure the USB modem yourself. How it usually happens:

  • Insert the SIM card into the USB modem;
  • Insert the USB modem into the USB port on the laptop;
  • The system will detect a new device (during the installation process, you need to select a language);
  • We agree with the License Agreement and the place of installation of the program;
  • After the installation is complete, click "Finish";
  • The program will start automatically. If not, start in manual mode and enter the pin code (written on the card for the SIM card);
  • The program is ready to go. Click "Connect to ...". After creating a connection, we can use the Internet.

* The connection diagram may vary depending on the equipment used and the provider (service provider).

Option 3. How to connect a laptop to the Internet via a cable using a network card *.
Let's imagine that the masters who are engaged in connecting subscribers have already come to you. They ran the cable, checked the connection, and plugged the cable into the connector on the network card. It remains only to configure:

  1. Go to the Start menu, then select Control Panel;
  2. Find and click there you need to select Local Area Connection and double-click on it with the left mouse button;
  3. Then select and click Properties, in the list we need TCP / IP Protocol, then click Properties again;
  4. Finally we got to our destination. If the provider provides automatic settings, select "Obtain automatically" for the IP and for the DNS server. Clicking the OK button will complete the settings of the network card. All settings are complete. Welcome to the internet world.
  5. ** If the provider does NOT provide automatic settings, select "Use the following IP" and manually "drive in" IP, Mask and Default gateway.
  6. The next step is to register the main and alternate addresses for the DNS server;
  7. After clicking OK, the settings are fixed. The internet connection will be established automatically when the laptop is turned on.

* Descriptions of settings may differ depending on the service provider.
** For the data required for the settings of the network card, check with the provider (service provider).

Ignore the seeming complexity of the connection settings. After you make the settings at least once, everything will fall into place. After several trial connections, you can easily set up Internet access not only for yourself, but also for all your “technically hopeless” friends. Congratulations: now you know as many as three answers to the tricky question "how to connect a laptop to the Internet."

This article describes how to set up cable Internet on your computer.

Many users use Wi-Fi at home to connect to the Internet, which is very convenient, especially if you have several devices (computer, tablet, smartphone). But it also happens that you need to connect your computer to the Internet directly through a cable, without using a router. In this case, a direct connection is established between your ISP and the PC network card (the Internet speed increases).

In addition, you may just need to connect your wired Internet to a new computer that you want to install at home. We will talk about all this in this review. All computers that run " Windows» ( 7, 8, 8.1, 10 ) will be configured in the same way, the instructions below will work for all of these cases.

To begin with, let's note some points. The Internet connection that providers provide to their users is usually divided into static and dynamic. Static connection is when you are given your permanent unchanged IP address. A dynamic connection automatically selects an IP for itself, which can change every time.

Many modern companies provide just such options when connecting to the Internet, but there are also providers that use PPPoE connections, which require a password and login. The provider offers to establish such connections by sending its masters to the clients. But this is often a long history, so we will learn how to connect cable Internet to a computer on our own.

Connecting the Internet to a computer via a cable using static and dynamic IP

In order to connect an Internet cable to a computer, as you know, it must be plugged into the Ethernet port on the rear panel. This creates a direct connection between the Internet provider and the computer's network card. Next, you will need to configure the connection in the operating system.

To set up the Internet on your computer in this way, you need to take the following steps:

  • Through the menu " Start" go to " Control Panel»

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • In the window that opens, go to the Network Control Center

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • Next, in the left column, click on " Change adapter settings»

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • You will be taken to the folder where all your Internet connections are located (if any, we will talk about how to create a new connection below). Right-click on the Ethernet connection, and in the window that opens, click on " Properties».

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • The next step is to select the protocol with the mouse " IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4)»From the proposed list. Select it and click on " Properties».

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • Now there is, as they say, the final touch. If you want to have an Internet connection with a static IP, then you will need to fill in the fields in the new window as shown in the screenshot. We show the default settings. The settings for your particular ISP may differ slightly. It's best for you to call him and ask what settings your provider offers.

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • If you want to connect to the Internet with a dynamic IP, then in the new window that opens, do not touch anything. All settings will be set by the system automatically. Just click on " OK", And setting up the connection of the Internet cable to the computer can be considered complete.

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

How to install and configure the Internet via cable on a new computer?

If you want to create a connection from scratch, that is, for example, on a new computer, then in this manual we will explain how to set up such a connection. Physically, you just need to plug the Internet cable directly into the computer's NIC on the back panel.

  • Again, we want to go to the control panel (we will show an alternative option in the screenshot)

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • Then again we want to go to the control center of our networks

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • After that, we select the connection setting, which can be wireless, modem, and VPN

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • Next, in the new window, click on the uppermost option " Internet connection"And click" Further».

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • Next, let's choose a high-speed Internet connection

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • Now a window will open where you will need to fill in all the required fields. We put the checkboxes, as shown in the screenshot, and also enter your username and password that your Internet provider gave you. Naturally, with this password and username, you will go to the Internet. Press " To plug».

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • As a result, if you did everything correctly, then in the lower right corner of the screen on the taskbar you will see your connection icon.

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

Video: How to set up the Internet on a new PC?

A laptop is often used as a home computer, as a result of which the problem of accessing an inexpensive Internet, which, in addition, has high speed, is urgent for it. An Ethernet connection is more consistent with these qualities today, so below we will tell you how to make the correct Internet settings on a laptop.

Ways to connect a laptop to the Internet

There are several ways to connect your laptop to the wired Internet:

  • via a USB modem, which is convenient, for example, in the country, but such a connection often does not provide sufficient speed and is usually more expensive;
  • using Wi-Fi, if there is an access point, for example, when a Wi-Fi router can be turned on with a stationary computer with the Internet;
  • this can be done using a wired Ethernet network that provides the highest speed, the connection to which will be discussed below.

Cable Internet for a laptop is the fastest, but also the most inconvenient, since in fact it can turn a mobile computer into a stationary one. In the country, for example, it is better to turn on a simple USB modem. For use in an apartment, a Wi-Fi router is very useful.

Preparing to connect the cable internet

To set up an Ethernet connection, first connect a network cable to your laptop. You can also connect a router to it, which, after configuration, will be able to distribute Wi-Fi to any other devices, providing a pretty decent speed.

The "twisted pair" wire is laid from the switch at the entrance to the place where you plan to make an exit point to the Network. A special tool is used to mount an RJ-45 plug on the cable, which must be plugged into the corresponding socket on the panel on the side of your laptop.

Connecting to the Network will not be possible without the necessary drivers for the network card. To check the correctness of their installation, do the following:

  1. Windows XP. Go to the control panel by clicking "Start", select the network connections section.
  2. For Windows 7 and older. Go from the control window to the network and sharing settings section, then select the change settings for the adapter.

If the window that opens is empty, the driver is probably not installed.

General rules for connecting high-speed Internet

The data required for connection is indicated in a special agreement. If you want to turn on the router, you will need to make other settings described in the specification for the device. If the network is not automatically detected, you will have to configure the TCP / IP protocol yourself.

In Windows 7 and 8, the connection is made in the following order:

In Windows 10, the connection is made as follows:

  1. From the Start menu options, go to Network and Internet.
  2. Next, you will need to open the adapter parameters setting.
  3. Next, follow all the steps, starting from the 3rd, described for Windows 7 and 8 systems.

Further, no action is required - the connection should work at full speed automatically. If you connect through a router, the order may differ for different providers, so in order to set up the Internet, first find out the full information on the corporate website from the provider providing this service.

Alternative internet for summer cottages

Note that in the country, where it is not possible to connect to the Internet via a cable, the best choice would be to use a USB modem. As a rule, there are no problems with its connection:

  1. Insert the SIM card into the modem, then connect the device to the laptop;
  2. The system will detect a new device and offer to install a program that allows you to use the modem on your device;
  3. You may then have to enter the PIN-code indicated on the card, after which the modem will automatically connect the laptop to the Internet.

In a word, you can connect to the Internet, which would have a high speed even in the country, through a cable or router, while the procedure for setting up the connection may sometimes differ slightly.

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