How to understand that you are a sociable person? What is human communication skills, in simple words

    Sociable, contact; easy, sociable, friendly, compatible, cooperative. Ant. closed, shy Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sociable see sociable Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guideSynonym dictionary

    - [late lat. communicabilis connectable, communicating] inclined, capable of communication, communication (COMMUNICATION), establishing contacts and connections, easily establishing them, sociable. Dictionary foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. communicative... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    communicable- oh, oh. communicable adj. communiquer. Inclined, capable of communication, establishing contacts and connections, easily establishing them. SIS 1985. Communication skills and, g. Sex is not a luxury, but a way of communication. G. Malkin Maxims. // LG... ... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    Adj. One that easily comes into contact becomes one of the links of communication [communication II] in communicating with people and with which others want to communicate. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable,... ... Forms of words

    communicable- Able communicator; briefly linen shape, linen... Russian spelling dictionary

    communicable- cr.f. communication/belen, communication/linen, linen, flax; communication/whiter... orthographic dictionary Russian language

    communicable- ‘at ease in the company of other people’ Syn: sociable, sociable Ant: reserved, shy… Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    communicable- oh, oh; flax, flax Sociable, one who easily comes into contact with other people and is easy to communicate with. Synonyms: contact/ktny (colloquial) Antonyms: non-communication/white Related words: communication/white Etymology: From French… … Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    Aya, oh; flax, flax, flax. Easy to communicate with, sociable. K. character. He is very sociable. ◁ Communication skills, and; and. His k. is amazing... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • , Moskvina Marina Lvovna. About the book A travel diary of a writer-radio journalist with practical advice for those who are mastering this craft. Marina Moskvina hosted the author’s program “In the Company of Marina…” for ten years.
  • Learn to listen. Surfing on the radio wave, Moskvina, Marina Lvovna. A travel diary of a writer-radio journalist with practical advice for those who are mastering this craft. Marina Moskvina hosted the author’s program “In the Company of Marina Moskvina!” for ten years. on the channel…

Communication skills(novolat. connectable, communicating) - the ability to communicate, to establish connections, contacts, sociability; compatibility (ability to work together) of different types of information transmission systems.

Wiktionary has an article "communication skills"

In the psychology of communication - the ability to establish contacts, the ability to have constructive and mutually enriching communication with other people. Communication is one of the defining skills of a successful social interaction affecting both professional and personal relationships. Communication skills are one of the most important personal qualities in professions that involve active communication with other people, such as, for example, a sales manager, a public relations manager, or a personnel manager.

One of the features successful interaction- This is open-mindedness towards other people's views. According to Tjosvold and Poon, open-mindedness is a psychological concept in which people consider other people's views and knowledge "with the understanding that others should be free to express their views and that the value of other people's knowledge should be recognized." . Open-mindedness can take various shapes. There are arguments that teachers in schools should emphasize open-minded attitudes toward science rather than relativism alone, because relativism is not the only approach accepted in the scientific community.

Open-mindedness is generally considered an important personal attribute for an individual's effective participation in top management and other work groups.

A sociable person is one who knows how to listen

Business success in our time is often denoted by the word “grown together.” In the sense that some elements of a business idea were connected with each other, forming a coherent and workable scheme that allows you to benefit from it.

At the same time, everyone has noticed more than once that for some people everything “grows together” much more often than for others. And he doesn’t seem to say anything special, and doesn’t use clever tricks, but luck accompanies him, and those with whom he negotiates smile at him, his superiors favor him, his colleagues sympathize with him, and representatives of the opposite sex do not ignore him. One can, of course, explain such results by personal abilities and even talent. But it’s better to take a closer look at this genius and understand why he impresses everyone.

The science of how to become a sociable person has long ceased to be accessible only to illegal intelligence officers. Ability to quickly set up good relations It may be innate, but most often it is the result of work and efforts at self-improvement. In fact, this is not so difficult, although at a certain stage it requires some effort to overcome psychological barriers.

You can take the communication test yourself, without contacting a professional trainer-psychologist. To do this, just try to talk to stranger and don’t be embarrassed if it doesn’t work out very well the first time. On the contrary, it’s even better: you can analyze your own mistakes and, armed with experience, continue to work on yourself.

Sociable person- this is someone who is confident in himself, but by no means arrogant. These concepts are as different as a smile and a crooked grin. At the same time, it is not at all necessary, on the advice of American psychotherapists, to constantly bare your teeth; this is not customary here. You need to smile appropriately; frequent use devalues ​​everything. A sincere smile is a consequence of inner harmony and calm self-confidence, and it can never be replaced by a pasted facial picture.

There are other signs that distinguish a sociable person. This is, first of all, the ability to say something pleasant. Yet again, we're talking about not about flattery or servility, but about expressing sincere pleasure from communicating with the interlocutor. If it is clear that the host of the evening is dissatisfied with himself, then it is better to remain silent or delicately express sympathy, sometimes just with a friendly gesture, than to throw inappropriate compliments that can be mistaken for sarcasm.

Everyone knows that a sociable person is one who does not mince words. The ability to briefly but succinctly express one’s thoughts is also a talent, that is, a small part of one’s abilities multiplied by a lot of work. To have good vocabulary, you need to read a lot. Yes, it’s not fashionable now, but it’s very useful. In addition, there will be much more topics for conversation, not to mention the fact that reading is actually great pleasure.

But it happens that someone knows how to speak, but is so reveled in his own eloquence that he begins to seriously irritate his interlocutors. But the ability to listen is sometimes more important than the most beautiful words, every truly sociable person knows this.

What does communicative mean?

Vova Yezhov

the ability to establish contacts, the ability to have constructive and mutually enriching communication with other people. Communication is one of the defining skills of successful social interaction, affecting both professional and personal relationships. Communication skills are one of the most important personal qualities in professions that involve active communication with other people, such as, for example, sales manager, public relations manager, HR manager

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Sociability (from the Latin “communicatio” - contact, connection) - the ability of people to establish business contacts, connections, relationships.
Sociability – the willingness and ability to easily establish, maintain and maintain positive contacts in communication and interaction with others.
Communication skills are the ability to find mutual language with people different views, beliefs, nationalities.
Sociability is the talent of understanding people around you, persuasiveness of speech and sharpness of thought.
Communication skills are the ability to find common ground on the most complex issues and develop a compromise based on them.
Sociability is a character quality that helps enrich both your personal life and business contacts.
Sociability is a broad outlook and the ability to use it, plus a person’s great personal charm.
Sociability is the talent of sincerity of communication.

What exactly does the word communication mean?

Sociability (from the words “commune” - general, public, and “cable” - conductive) - the ability to communicate, the higher it is, the more big amount people, a person is capable of starting a conversation, finding an approach to a certain individual...
But Alexander Markov speaks more about erudition...


Communication skills

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

CommunicationL9; whiteness (late Latin - connectable, communicating) - the ability to establish connections.

Sociability can be understood as the ability to establish connections between people (friendly, business), and between different types of information transmission systems (in telecommunications - analog and discrete).

In the psychology of communication - the ability to establish contacts, the ability to have constructive and mutually enriching communication with other people. Communication is one of the defining skills of successful social interaction, affecting both professional and personal relationships. Communication skills are one of the most important personal qualities in professions that involve active communication with other people, such as, for example, a sales manager, a public relations manager, or a personnel manager.

It's no secret that sociable people have an easier life on this planet.

They can always talk their way out of unwanted work, laugh it off at an awkward moment, convince clients to choose their services and become the star of any party.

What is communication skills and how does it help build successful relationship with people?

A sociable person easily makes contact with others, does not reach into his pocket for words and is not shy about being the first to start a conversation. This is not just a chatterbox, but a person who knows how to listen, convey the meaning, and argue a position.

But, most importantly, he never has the fear of starting a conversation in an unfamiliar company: competent communication is his ace in the hole.

But the functions of a sociable person are not limited to conversations alone. His strength lies in establishing useful contacts, in the ability to use connections, in valuable, constructive and enriching things that are important for both parties.

A sociable person knows how to adapt to his interlocutor, find common points, use his means of expression, and speak “his language.”

She can establish contact with anyone, even the most unsociable and aggressive individual. It is easy to communicate with such a person; the conversation does not cause tension for either party.

You've probably seen situations in movies when everyone is trying to explain something to one incomprehensible person, but to no avail.

And then suddenly the hero negotiator, distinguished by his high sociability, comes out, utters the sacramental phrase “Let me try to talk to him” and quickly resolves the issue.

There are professions in which communication skills are essential - from store consultants and sales managers to journalists and talk show hosts.

However, the ability to communicate with colleagues and clients will not harm anyone: it is much more pleasant to be the favorite of the entire team than an unnoticed and uninteresting employee.

That's why Even modest and shy people are recommended by psychologists to train communication skills.

An important feature of a sociable person is memory of one’s own interests and thoughts. Yes, he easily adapts to his surroundings, makes contact and finds loopholes to someone else’s soul.

However, he does not forget about his opinion, does not renounce it, does not become gray and standard. At the same time, he respects the thoughts of others and knows how to remain silent when necessary.

The word “communication” has Latin roots and literally means “to connect, communicate”. In fact, its paramount importance is the ability to establish strong connections, establish contacts, and psychologically connect with other people in the process of communication.

For a naturally sociable person, communication is never a heavy burden. He enjoys conversations, makes contact with joy, and looks for new approaches to people with creative passion.

How to understand that you have a high level of communication skills, because they often ask to mention this in their resume when applying for a job? Answer several questions objectively:

1. Finding yourself in an unfamiliar group, do you feel embarrassed and don’t speak up?

2. You look forward to interviews, interviews and interviews with trepidation and excitement. important meetings? Do you spend hours preparing for reports and public speaking?

3. Do you have difficulty making new acquaintances, has your circle of friends not changed for a long time?

4. If a stranger on the street asks you something, will you be confused, embarrassed or even angry?

5. Do you find it difficult to communicate with your parents and children, is there a “generation problem”?

6. On the playground or in line at the doctor’s office, do you sit apart, avoiding general conversations about diapers and diseases?

7. Is it easier for you to express your request or thoughts in writing than verbally - over the phone or in person?

If you mostly answered “Yes” to the questions, then you have obvious problems with communication skills. But the answers “No” indicate high level this quality - you can safely declare it in your resume.

But do not forget that you will have to demonstrate the declared trait again and again, make sure that it will be pleasant and interesting for you.

Many people, when writing a resume, get stuck on the “personal qualities” section. What to write? This is where different stress resistance, diligence, ease of learning and communication skills come to mind. But few people delve into the meaning of these words. What is, for example, communication skills?

The dictionary says that this is a person’s ability to communicate, establish connections and contacts. This means that it is necessary not only to constantly talk, but also to be able to build a constructive dialogue with any person in written and oral form. When writing a resume, remember that this is not an ordinary familiar communication.

To achieve success, almost every person must be sociable. For some, it is even part of their professional competencies. HR managers, sales managers, PR specialists, service industry workers simply must be able to quickly find a common language and tune in to the same wavelength with different people.

Usually, personnel officers pay little attention to the list of personal qualities, but if it is missing from the resume, this may alert the employer. Therefore, try to indicate your positive traits, as well as those that are necessary in the desired profession. Perhaps the confirmation of what was written will later be checked at an interview.

The applicant’s communication skills are indicated by his results and work experience. Of course, you won't be able to advance career ladder, if you have a client-oriented profession, and you are an unsociable person.

There are two types of communication skills: written and oral.

Oral communication skills

Employers check the presence of this type of communication skills during a personal interview or during a telephone interview. There are several criteria by which this species is evaluated.

Ability to clearly express your thoughts. A person who has oral communication skills is primarily characterized by structured and logical speech. To do this, applicants are often asked questions to which they need to give detailed answers, and not “water”. You should not talk non-stop; it is better to act according to the principle “brevity is the sister of talent.”

Adequacy. HR consultants believe that a candidate’s personality can be assessed through an adequate and critical attitude towards others and towards oneself. If from the first minutes you switch to “you” and begin to communicate in a familiar manner, then this does not mean that you are a sociable person, but that you do not have professional communication skills.

Skill listen . Those interlocutors who do not hear and do not listen to each other will not be able to have a constructive conversation. You will not be able to come to an understanding with your interlocutor if you constantly talk and do not listen to your opponent’s requests and comments.

The ability to win over your interlocutor. A sociable person has good control of his voice and himself, and can win over a person in the process of communication. He has several psychological techniques, with the help of which he can hold the interlocutor’s attention and recognize his reaction to all questions only by the person’s intonation.

Written communication skills

This type of communication is checked against the resume and cover letter. Employers pay attention to stylistic and grammatical errors, especially if the applicant is applying for a responsible position. HR will not be interested in a person who, although sociable, is illiterate.

The second indicator is how clearly and structured the resume is, as described functional responsibilities, tasks and achievements. Avoid details, as the employer may think that you do not know how to highlight important points in your career.

Communication skills are very useful property person, which helps him not only in communicating with other people, but also in achieving successful life. This article will tell you about the essence of communication skills and how you can develop it.

The essence of communication

What is communication skills? Many people ask this question. In fact, communication is the key to a successful life. In simple words, sociability is the ability of a person to find a common language with other people. Sociable people easily make contact with strangers; it is easy for them to carry on a conversation and initiate a conversation.

Based on the properties of a sociable person, life is easier for him. Having many acquaintances and friends, it is easier for people to move forward in life, both on the personal and career ladder. Sociable and at the same time charismatic people attract people's attention in a positive way. If a person is educated despite all this, he has no price.

How to develop communication skills

Many psychologists suggest that at a conscious age it is quite difficult, or almost impossible, to develop communication skills. They believe that sociability is a quality that is attributed to a person from an early age, when communicating with little people like him. Therefore, they advise teaching children to communicate with other people from an early age. To do this, you need to walk with them more often. in public places, parks and in general, create all the conditions for him to communicate with peers.

Despite this, there are several basic methods for developing communication skills in an adult:

  • Reading. A sociable person must be able to find contact with anyone. To achieve this, you need to be well-rounded. This is why it is so necessary to read. Read not only fiction, but also all sorts of educational articles. Follow trends to keep up with the times and always be in the know. This will help you form your personal opinion on specific issues.
  • Getting rid of complexes. Many people are antisocial precisely because of their complexes. Complexes constrain them and make them afraid of communicating with other people. To get rid of complexes, you first need to identify them. Sit down, think about what you don't like about yourself and try to get rid of it. When you become mentally free, connecting with other people will become much easier.
  • Initiative. Take the initiative in communication. If you are interested in something, ask. Don't wait for the person to speak first.

Communication and business

Communication skills when conducting entrepreneurial activity- recipe for success. If you support not only business, but also friendly relations with your partners or clients, you yourself will not notice how your sales begin to grow. Consider this example: A person comes to your office wanting to make a purchase. If you show your sociability and willingly help him with advice, he will not remain indifferent. The client will be impressed by your communication and, of course, will tell his friends and acquaintances about it. They, in turn, will also want to visit your office or make a purchase.

All of the above emphasizes the importance of communication skills in everyday and business life. Remember this and you will never regret it. It's never too late to develop.

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