How to return your beloved man without communication - proven conspiracies of powerful sorcerers. A conspiracy to return your husband's love. New Year's honey plot

Many magic websites write about how to get a guy back, how to make a love spell. It will not be difficult for you to choose the best option for yourself. After all, when a loved one leaves, it is always difficult to bear, reconciling and accepting the situation as it is is even more difficult. It will help solve the problem and return everything to its place home love spell loved one.

It’s easy to make a love spell to return a guy’s love.

It's much harder to do it right. It is not enough to accurately reproduce the actions provided for in the home ritual. The power of the ritual is given by the magician, his energy, inner mood, state, his knowledge and experience. To give a strong love spell to bring a guy back the power to become a reality, you need to turn on your imagination and put emotions and feelings into the spell.

Before you start casting a love spell to get a guy back, you should thoroughly study all the recommendations given for it.

Every free love spell to get your boyfriend back has unique specifics, and how correctly it is produced will depend on final result. A ritual aimed at how to get a guy back often begins with performing an energy binding. For this action you will need a photo of your beloved guy.

If you have a photo together for a love spell to get a guy back, then this is an ideal option.

For 14 days from the new moon to the full moon, keep a photo in front of you every night before going to bed. (If joint photo no, then take your and his photographs and carry out the necessary actions with the two photographs).

  • With photographs in your hands, do the work of visualization, namely: imagine how streams of love come to you from your boyfriend’s heart, envelop you like a veil, penetrate you, and, starting from your heart, return to your young man.
  • You can imagine the flow of love in any way you like: in the form of a golden or shimmering wave, in the form of a pink ribbon or a flock of butterflies, it is important to give energy to the visualization, to materialize it in your own universe.

Once your visualization is complete, place the photos under your pillow.

The next stage of a self-made love spell to bring a guy back to you is done on the night of the full moon.

Place in a cup cold water(if it is possible to take water from a well, then do just that). Place the cup on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on the water. Now start preparing the altar. Spread a pink cloth of any quality on it, place four red candles in the corners of the altar. In the center, draw a pentagram in a circle with gold paint, and place on it the photo with which you completed the first stage magical ritual to return the guy. If there were two photos, then put both. Now light the candles and clearly, without mistakes, chant the words of the love spell to return a guy’s love:

“Love, the desire of passion, the power of the fire of love, burn! Burn the heart and soul of (boyfriend’s name), attract him to me! The power of love is eternal, passionate, unite us with him! Love, love, you tie us with a strong thread of fate, from now on we, together with (boyfriend’s name), are united by love forever! The strength of my words is firm, life is happening before our eyes!”

In the task of how to get a guy back, this love spell will help the more, the clearer the sky is that night.

The full moon, not obscured by clouds, will give a powerful love spell for love and return guy has enormous magical power. Take a bowl and sprinkle the altar and photographs in the center with water carrying magical information and the power of the moon. Place the bowl at the head of the photographs and let the candles burn out completely. Pour the remaining water from the bowl into a dark bottle. Photos used in the ritual must be burned. You can't just throw them away. No one should see these photographs. Find a way to add water to your boyfriend's drink. If this is not possible, then spray the handle front door in your loved one’s house or sprinkle it on his threshold.

With this you complete the second stage of the love spell to return the guy from his rival.

Third stage free love spell to bring the guy back to you the loved one should be turned away from other girls, from all possible rivals. The choice of the ritual of turning away from other women is free, the main condition is that it should be carried out during the waning moon. If your boyfriend is with no one this moment does not occur, then this ritual can be done as a preventive measure against obsessive lovers, in order to eliminate the very possibility of betrayal in the future.

Love spell to return a guy's love through blood

Aimed at solving the problem of how to get a guy back, it will not be completed if it is not fixed on the physical plane. In this cycle of a strong love spell to return a guy to his family the last stage there will be a blood love spell. Blood gives colossal power.
Be objective and critical, assess your capabilities correctly. If you think that you can’t cope with a strong love spell on a guy to get him back from his mistress on your own, then it’s better not to take risks and seek help from a specialist.

But remember one thing: even in the case when a magician makes an independent love spell for you to return a guy’s love, you should not distance yourself from the magical work being performed, and you must strictly follow all the recommendations given by the specialist for forming love with the person you dream of. This is very important, without this, a love spell between a guy and a girl, even made by a practicing magician, may not work the way you want.

Watch the video of how a love spell is cast to bring a person back

Finding herself abandoned, every, even the most strong-willed woman, goes through the following feelings: anger, denial of what happened and a colossal thirst to return her loved one. The relationship between the couple is destroyed due to the fault of both the guy and the girl - lack of endurance, care, affection, etc.

And while some people prefer to spend their nights alone, shedding tears, others make every effort to bring their loved one back. Prayer for the return of a loved one from a distance will help correct situations.

How to bring your loved one back using prayer from a distance?

Before you figure out how you can renew a relationship with a loved one through prayer, you need to figure out what prayer is for the return of a loved one?

Is there a difference between magical spells and prayers to the Lord?

Anyone who sincerely believes in the Lord's help will never use all kinds of conspiracies and magical acts. Any action that has not been well thought out affects the fate of both the loved one and the one who resorts to the power of a love spell:

  • decreased immunity;
  • a sharp deterioration in health;
  • loss of luck, happiness;
  • loss of financial success;
  • loss of contact with family, loved ones, friends.

I would like to add that any conspiracies in their power act much more aggressively on the object of magical acts. Often a person has an irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks, and sometimes even to drugs. Therefore, think many times before using all sorts of conspiracies and love spells to return your loved one.

How to properly approach the Lord with prayers?

If you want to get your loved one back with... God's powers, then you should know how to read the prayer correctly:

  1. Before turning to the saints with such a request, you need to “get to know” as closely as possible who exactly to send your prayers to.
  2. The prayer is read sincerely. If you want to return your loved one by simply reading a set of words, then, unfortunately, you will not succeed. You must sincerely believe in what you are asking God for.
  3. A positive frame of mind is an important component of a favorable outcome of a situation. If conspiracies can be read as in bad mood, and good (and some conspiracies generally require investing your own negative emotions), then the prayer is read only when a person can completely open his soul and heart to God, getting rid of anger, resentment and hatred.
  4. When reading prayers, no matter what - Christian or Muslim (after all, a person can belong to another religion), you should mention not only yourself, but also your beloved man. Ask the Almighty to give you prudence, with the help of which you can overcome all problems and tie yourself into strong bonds of marriage.
  5. Prayer is said at any time of the day. You can turn to the help of the Almighty anywhere, trusting him with your thoughts. Whereas conspiracies should only be read at night.
  6. Understand yourself. Before turning to the saints for help, you should think very carefully and understand why the relationship ended. If the reason is you, then it is best to repent before the Lord. Only in this case will prayer for the return of a loved one be effective.

Is there such a thing as powerful prayer?

Prayer, as a simple set of phrases, has no strong or weak effect. Prayer is a conversation with God at a distance, who is able to look into the most secluded places of the soul and understand, read every thought of a person.

Communication with the Lord should not be perceived as a talisman or amulet that has some kind of power. If you want to return your loved one, you should sincerely believe in the power of God and your feelings.

As for the power of such a conversation with God, it is even possible to remove a love spell through prayer. Therefore, if your boyfriend, son or beloved woman has been bewitched using all sorts of conspiracies, then do not despair, but believe in yourself and turn to the Lord, who will certainly help you remove the magical power.

Prayers to help bring back a loved one

There are many prayers aimed at bringing back a loved one. With the help of such an appeal to the Lord, it is even possible to remove a strong magical love spell. The main thing is faith in yourself and trust in God.

Prayer to the Holy Face of Nicholas the Wonderworker

When entering an Orthodox church, the first thing you should do is write notes about the health of yourself and your beloved.

We buy 9 candles and place them near the icon of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (3 near each). Stopping at the face of the last Saint, you should read the following prayer:

“Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, every day I ask that my beloved (beloved) (name) return. I sincerely hope for your compassion and power. Amen".

Then we cross ourselves three times. And when leaving home, you need to buy 12 candles, small icons and holy water (it is usually given free of charge in every church). As soon as you feel that there is a need to communicate with the Lord, lock yourself in a room (so that no one bothers you or distracts you), place a container of illuminated water and the faces of saints on the table. With a pure heart and sincere feelings, we present your loved one and your meetings. We read the prayer as many times as your strength allows.

We turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary for help

You need to turn to the Most Holy Theotokos after special preparation: three days of fasting and communion. In turn, in order to receive communion, you must confess in church, revealing all your secrets to the Lord and repenting of your sins. Only thanks to such spiritual cleansing, a prayer against a love spell on a loved one will help bring back the beloved. Even the most powerful magical love spell will yield to God's power.

Prayer for a man’s love - prayer to the Mother of God

Prayer to bring back your loved one

will prayer help return your beloved husband to the family? boyfriend or loved one.

Prayer, call of a beloved Man for Women!

After cleansing the soul, we appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos for help with the following prayer:

“Jesus Christ, you are support and protection, Holy Mother of God, I beg you. I send a prayer request to your chaste hearts, I beg for protection in a difficult time for me, in order to return my beloved (Name). Hear my calls, do not abandon my appeal! Saints, return the heart and thoughts of your beloved (Lover’s Name) Amen.”

It is important to remember that turning to Divine power will only help when the feelings are sincere and pure. When a man sincerely loves another woman, unfortunately, it will not be possible to return him with the help of a prayerful appeal to the Saints.

Prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia

From time immemorial, these servants of the Lord were associated with the patronage of marriage, family relations. You can turn to them with prayers not only when you want to return your lover, but in situations when quarrels and disagreements begin between you. The prayer itself has the following form: “I appeal to you, to Saints Peter and Fevronius, who protect us sinners with miracles on earth. I offer my prayers and prayers for support during this difficult time for me. I hope for your indulgence. Pray to God for mercy towards me (your Name) and my dear (Dear Name), do not abandon our true feelings. Amen".

Holy Matrona to help abandoned women (men)

On the eve of her death, Matrona swore an oath that she would put wisdom into the bodies of people who asked her. Before turning to Saint Matrona, clergy recommend first praying to Jesus Christ and his Most Pure Mother.

To read this prayer you do not need to go to the temple. You can read the words of the prayer appeal at home. However, it will not be superfluous if you read this prayer in front of the icon in Orthodox Church. So, with good intentions, we read the words of the prayer:

“Mother Matronushka, offer up prayers to God for me, the servant of God (your Name) and my dear, the servant of God (the name of your beloved). Clear his thoughts from harmful effects, help us remember our love, bring our darlings together again. Amen".

After turning to the Lord

How to behave after turning to the Lord? Of course, you will not feel the effect of prayer overnight. An important sign The fact that your prayers have been heard by God is an all-encompassing feeling of peace and serenity. A person who sincerely turns to the saints for help, no matter what - a request for Health or for them to help improve relationships in the family, will not feel empty, lost or abandoned. Grace comes to the soul of the one who prays.

And remember, a prayerful appeal to the Lord is not Magic wand, with a wave of which all the dreams you ask for come true. You should pray, ask God for his grace and not wait for a miracle to happen.

Relationships are painstaking work, requiring due attention. The only way to earn love is to work hard!

Love and be loved. Happiness and good luck to you!

The article offers only effective and real options spells that can help you.

How to get your loved one back - spells for free and quickly

There are many conspiracies to return or revive love feelings, but the most effective of them are fire spells. Here's one of them.

All you need is a box of matches whose heads are colored red. Light a match by striking it on the box and at the same time saying:
“As I light a fire, so does the love of God’s servant (name) ignite for me. Amen."

An effective conspiracy to return your loved one to the full moon

Try to return your loved one with the power of your thoughts. During a full moon, a person is especially sensitive to the influence of other people’s energy, so this phase of the moon was not chosen by chance. How to return and how to get rid of your rival?

Go outside in the evening. Looking at the moon, imagine your loved one - how he speaks, how he moves, how he smiles. Now imagine that he is walking towards you, holding out his hands. Think about what important information he needs to tell you and imagine him saying it.

If everything worked out, then soon expect a visit from your lover and real life. You can read prayers in the rain for a man or his favorite animal to restore a long-distance relationship.

Conspiracy to return your loved one at home using a photo

If you have at least some magical abilities, returning your loved one from a photograph will not be difficult.

Place the photograph on the floor, stand on it with your left foot and read the spell 3 times:

“You (name) are with me, under my heel! I’ll turn it the way I want! Come to me - just love me!”

As the forum writes and reviews say, for Christmas yourself with the help of words and using 49 simple rules, it’s easy to return a guy out of wedlock or a husband to the family.

A strong conspiracy to return a loved one to the family from his mistress

This plot is read on the waning moon. At midnight you need to take the scissors and go out into the street and go to the house where the homewrecker lives.

Take out the scissors and read the plot:

“May the moon help me - I’m alone with my dear one! When the moon completely subsides, God’s servant (name) will forget the way to another!”

Then make cutting movements with scissors 9 times, mentally cutting off your loved one’s path to the homewrecker. After the ritual, the scissors need to be buried deep in a secluded place.

A conspiracy to return a loved one if he is already with someone else

The ritual is performed on a starry night. For this you will need a red thread. Wrap it 9 times around the ring finger on your left hand in the form of a ring so that it can be removed. Break the thread. Remove the “ring” and bury it in the ground, saying:

“As my ring rots, (the name of my beloved) will bring me another, will return his heart!”

This is the most effective conspiracy return your loved one and his feelings.

Conspiracy on how to return a loved one from a photo (photos)

You need to take as recent a photograph of your chosen one as possible and back side write his last name, full name, zodiac sign, his favorite dish and other information that relates to his personal life and habits.

Then turn the photo over and write your phone number at the head of the head and, with the power of thought, order 7 times: “(Name of your loved one), call!”

In the area of ​​the heart, draw an arrow and write your name above it. Wrap the photo in White list paper, hide it in a safe place and do not unfold it until your chosen one returns for good.

Conspiracy to return your loved one's period, on an item, on buttons, on a candle

For the conspiracy you will need an item belonging to a man, a candle, matches, thread with a needle and a flat button with two holes.

At midnight, you need to light a candle and sew a button to your loved one’s thing with a thread stained with menstrual blood. At the same time, a conspiracy is pronounced:

“I repent, sinner, I repent, I want to return to myself the love of (name).
I’m not sewing on a button, I’m sealing our love!”

Blow out the candle. Hide the thing. A love plot also helps to establish peace in the family.

A spell to return a loved one to the wind, to the water, to the ring, to the phone, before bed

This spell is done at night before going to bed. It requires: mobile phone, a ring, a container of water, matches and a piece of paper with a pen.

So, turn on your mobile phone and find your loved one’s number in it. Write it down on a small piece of paper. Under your loved one's number, write your phone number. Crumple the leaf and burn it, and dissolve the remaining ashes in water.

Take the ring and pour water and ashes into it, saying:

“Ring-ring, help my heart.
Let my darling call me
will bring back the old days!”

Put on the ring and do not take it off until you wait for a call from your loved one.

White magic spell to bring back a loved one

The conspiracy is pronounced early in the morning, as soon as the sun begins to rise and the moon is still visible.

You need to face the sun, stretch out your hands to it and ask in your own words for your loved one to return to you. You should also turn to the moon and the wind.

The words of the conspiracy are not given specifically, because they must come from your heart, otherwise nothing will work.

Screw your loved one with the plot of Stepanov Natalia (Siberian healer)

If you feel strong and confident that you have magical abilities,
then it makes sense for you to purchase Natalia Stepanova’s book “Conspiracy Siberian healer" It contains conspiracies for all occasions and a conspiracy on how to return a loved one as well.

Perhaps you will not stop there and will be able to help not only yourself, but also other people solve everyday and personal problems.

The problem when a loved one suddenly stopped calling has tormented lovers since the advent of the telephone. “Perhaps you forgot my phone number,” ...

How to get your beloved man back if he doesn’t even want to communicate? A conspiracy will help - effective remedy folk love magic. This ritual will work if there is currently a serious discord in your relationship, it will help get rid of the negative emotions of the chosen one and restore it good attitude.

In relationships, many people have a situation where, as a result of a serious conflict, a man does not want to. He adds you to blacklists in everyone in social networks and instant messengers, ignores them when they meet, and doesn’t pick up the phone. There is no need to panic - you can always correct the situation.

In such cases, many girls run to fortune tellers and witches in the hope that they will help. But we do not recommend doing this - no one can direct your thoughts on restoring relationships better than you.

Analyze the situation to decide whether to use a love spell to get your loved one back:

  1. You were the culprit of the conflict. Regardless of the reason, first try to justify yourself, apologize, and make amends with pleasant surprises. Before you perform a magical love spell, the chosen one must sincerely forgive you and not hold a grudge
  2. You have a rival who stole your loved one. In this case, there is no need to try to return the man - wait time, perhaps he himself will confess and try to earn your forgiveness. If this does not happen, first do the lapel ritual, and only then bewitch
  3. There is no longer any love from a man for you, and there never was. In this case, it is better not to try to tie your lover to you using a love spell. Such a conspiracy would be extremely Negative consequences- better pay attention to other men who are more worthy of you

Before you decide to perform the ritual, think about what problems led to the man not wanting to communicate with you. Perhaps you bombarded him with constant reproaches, tormented him with scandals, or stopped taking care of yourself, having lost your feminine attractiveness.

In such cases, you first need to solve the problem, and only then do a love spell - otherwise the situation will repeat itself again and again.

Conspiracy-prayer for the return of a loved one

If you are a deeply religious person and religious person, it’s better not to try to bring the guy back by conspiracy, but to turn to God. Sincere prayer will help not only to calm down, get rid of negative emotions, and survive separation, but also to receive help from above.

If the guy still feels something for you, such a prayer will help make him cool down from the conflict faster and want to renew the relationship.

For a week, every day, early in the morning (preferably before dawn), read the following prayer:

Important: during prayer, it is better to pronounce not the “official” name of the chosen one, registered in the registry office, but what was given to him at baptism.

Love spell: how to return your loved one using magic

Many people consider love spells something frivolous, but in vain. This is a fairly powerful magical tool that works great when used correctly.

But remember the rules:

  1. Don't read the plots one by one. This will not speed up the return of your loved one, but will only confuse the energy flows - there will be no result. It is quite possible that the thoughtless use of conspiracies will completely turn a man away from you
  2. Don't read love spells on the waning moon - you risk harming both yourself and your chosen one. Wait until the night star grows
  3. Be sure to sincerely and unconditionally believe that the conspiracy will definitely help to return your loved one and restore the relationship! belief magical power ritual - 50% success

Conspiracy on a personal item

A person’s personal belongings accumulate and store his energy. Therefore, they can be talked into. The main difficulty is that the ritual will take effect the moment the man puts on the enchanted item. Therefore, use this method only if possible.

The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

Advice: perfect option for use in ritual - Jewelry, watches and men's underwear. He wears these things almost every day, so the conspiracy will have great power.

Conspiracy based on photography

If you want your loved one to return soon, you can read the spell on his photo. Use a clear and high-quality photo in which the chosen one’s face is clearly visible, and his eyes look into the lens.

Important: The photo must only show a man.

Print the image, wait until midnight. Sit at the table, light the candles, pick up a photograph. Mentally imagine the man you love. Thank him for all the good things, draw in your imagination happy pictures of a future together.

Then read the plot:

Watch a video on how to perform a ritual to bring back a loved one:

Women's magic: how to strengthen a man's feelings

Getting your man back is the least you can do. How can you keep your lover then? Some women's tricks will help - they are recommended by those who engage in spiritual practices:

  • Meditation on food. Always think about your man with gratitude and love when preparing food. Say to yourself in the present tense whatever you want. Example of affirmations: “My man is successful and loves me. He is healthy, strong, smart. It gets better every day"
  • Don't turn your man into your girlfriend. No need to leak everything to him - for chatting on women's themes you must have girlfriends
  • Get creative. Find what interests you - music, singing, dancing, perhaps handmade. Creativity fills a woman with energy, which she can then pass on to a man.

Do not forget that a love spell is a short-term measure. The ritual will help bring the man back, but you will have to take care of harmony in the relationship using traditional methods.

Every person wants to be happy, dreams of loving and being loved. However, the feelings are not always mutual. Sometimes, despite all efforts, it is not possible to achieve favor. Then some people are thinking about casting a love spell on their loved one, which they can do themselves at home. Love magic rituals help to attract love into life, restore old feelings or bring back a former lover.

Home love spell for a loved one: features and possible consequences

Love doesn't always bring joy. An unrequited feeling brings pain and disappointment. Getting over a breakup is difficult, especially if there is still hope in your heart. To find happiness and achieve reciprocity, people often turn to magic for help.

A strong love spell will help not only return ex-boyfriend, but also to win over the man you like. Basically, all rituals to attract love are performed during the waxing moon. Girls better choose women's days(Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), and for guys - men's (Tuesday, Thursday). Suitable for ritual evening time. It is advisable that you are alone at home. Before the ritual, turn off your mobile phone, TV and radio so that nothing distracts you.

Do not forget that a strong love spell can affect the behavior of a loved one, and sometimes even change a person’s character beyond recognition. Side effect Alcoholism, drug addiction, and unreasonable attacks of rage can become additive. You need to think about all this before you decide to carry out the ritual. Therefore, be sure to analyze the situation and weigh the pros and cons.

Love spell for a loved one from a photo

For the ritual you will need a photograph of your beloved. The image in the photographs must be single and not blurred. Also buy a church candle. In the evening, light a candle and pick up a photo of your loved one face down. Move the photo card clockwise over the candle and read the spell:

“Just as I, the servant of God (name), burn with love for the servant of God (name), so he will begin to yearn for me, and even more and more strongly than I do for him. He will have no rest either day or night. Just the thought of me will make his heart beat faster. The servant of God (name) will miss the servant of God (name), and will not notice other girls besides her. Just as a candle melts from fire, so his heart will melt from love. We can be together until the end of our days. Let it be so. Amen".

After reading the photo, you need to set it on fire and wait for the candle to burn out. Then collect the ashes and the rest of the candle and go outside. Scatter the ashes at an intersection and bury the cinder in the ground.

There is another love spell for a loved one in a photo at home. The ritual must be performed three nights in a row during the waxing moon. In addition to the photo, you will need three coins of the same denomination yellow color, and one is silver. Drying should be done in the evening, when the moon appears in the sky. Place the guy's photo so that no one can see him. The photograph cannot be moved from its place until the end of the ritual. In the evening, go out onto the balcony or street, looking at the month, extend your hand with one yellow coin and say:

“As the clear new moon illuminates the entire sky with its bright light, so let it fill the heart of God’s servant (name) true love to the servant of God (name). Let the servant of God (name) yearn for me when I’m not around, find no place for himself, and wait with trepidation for each of our meetings. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading, place a coin on the photograph near the forehead of the man depicted. For the next two days, perform the ritual with other yellow coins at the same time, and when you return, place them on top of each other. On the third day, take a silver coin with you, after reading the spell, place it on top of the yellow coins and say: “Help will come.” Leave everything for a day. Then remove the photo, bury the yellow coins near your loved one’s house, and throw the silver coins at his doorstep. He must step over it or pick it up.

Love spell for a loved one from a photo

Love spell on a loved one's thing

Drying applied to things is considered one of the most effective. Suitable for ritual casual wear men. If possible, choose your favorite item; it is advisable that it is unwashed and retains the energy of a man. In addition to clothing items, jewelry (bracelet, ring, chain, etc.) is suitable.

You need to pick up the thing of your loved one, read the Lord’s Prayer three times, then say the words of the conspiracy:

Now the enchanted item must be given to your lover.

Love spell for a loved one with salt

Salt is a powerful magical substance that is used in various rituals. Rituals of love magic were no exception. The drying will help to bind your lover to you. To carry it out, you will need table salt, for which you need to read a special spell:

“Just as people love salt and cannot live without it, so the servant of God (name) will love the servant of God (name) and will not be able to imagine his life without her. He won’t be able to live without me for a minute; he will follow me everywhere and admire my beauty.”

The charmed salt must be added to the man’s food.

Love spell to bring back a loved one

Getting over a breakup is very difficult, especially if you still have feelings for the person. Sometimes constant thoughts about returning an ex-boyfriend haunt a girl. When all the methods have been tried, but there is no result, you can try to make a love spell so that your loved one will return. To do this, you need to go to the window and visually imagine how your lover is returning to you. So that you are not distracted by anything, you can close your eyes and recall the image of a man in your memory. Now you should read the spell:

“I, the servant of God (name) call the servant of God (name) to my home. I am sending four angels for him. Let them stand in front and behind your loved one, as well as on the sides. Guardian angels, bring my darling to me, bring him to the very porch. Let him forget all the old grievances and love me more than ever. Amen".

After reading, cross yourself and bow on all four sides.

White love spell for a loved one

If your beloved does not reciprocate your feelings, and you want to make a wish on him, but are afraid of various consequences, then cast a white love spell. To do this, you need to purchase a red envelope and a red pen, and also take 27 small pieces of paper. With the onset of the new lunar month, write down your declarations of love on one of the sheets of paper every day in red ink, or remember something good about your beloved, wishing him well. Every lunar day you must fill out one piece of paper, and then hide the note in an envelope. When moon month comes to an end and the envelope is full, you need to burn it, saying the following:

“As this envelope burns, so in the heart of the servant of God (name) will arise love for the servant of God (name). Let it burn with a bright flame and never go out.”

The ashes need to be scattered through the window. Make sure it doesn't fly back into the house.

Love spell for beloved husband

It is quite common that after several years of married life, the feelings of one of the spouses fade away. If you notice that your husband has begun to pay less attention to you and has grown cold, then first think about why this happened. Perhaps he was tired of everyday problems or he got bored with you. Having found the reason, you can eliminate it, after which the relationship will improve. If you want to cast a love spell on your husband, then try this ritual. Take a piece of paper and write a spell on it:

“Mother raw earth, nourish the servant of God (name) with reason, so that he understands that he has no life without the servant of God (name). He's not nice without her White light, the hot blood in the veins freezes, the heart skips a beat, the legs go numb and the hands become numb, and with her he’s a good fellow.”

The paper needs to be burned, and the ashes should be poured in the footsteps of the husband, that is, in the place where his foot stepped when he left, for example, for work.

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The original question that led to the creation of resilience theory was “what psychological factors contribute to successful coping...

The nineteenth and twentieth centuries were significant in the history of mankind. In just a hundred years, man has made significant progress in his...

R. Cattell's multifactorial personality technique is currently most often used in personality research and has received...
Psychedelic substances have been used by most peoples of the world for thousands of years. World experience in healing and spiritual growth with the help of...
Founder and director of the educational and health center “Temple of Health”. Encyclopedic YouTube 1 / 5 Born into a family of personnel...
Far Eastern State Medical University (FESMU) This year the most popular specialties among applicants were:...
Presentation on the topic "State Budget" in economics in powerpoint format. In this presentation for 11th grade students...
China is the only country on earth where traditions and culture have been preserved for four thousand years. One of the main...