How girls should dance in a club. How to dance in a disco for a guy: be yourself


If you want your movements to look beautiful, then the first thing to do is listen to the rhythm of the music. Relax, discard all doubts and insecurities, do not think about how to properly club. Just as a musician tunes his instrument before playing anything, tune in to the rhythm of the music and let your body begin to move in time with it first. Do not start immediately "hang out" on full program, otherwise you will quickly get tired and will not last long on the dance floor. Do not start with sudden movements, they act on unheated muscles.

Your second task is to feel your body, feel lightness and freedom in every movement. Club dance just implies complete freedom in the choice of movements, which implies emancipation. However, do not go beyond the bounds of decency, do not allow yourself to be vulgar. If you want to look sexy, let there be sexuality in your dance, it is more effective than banal frankness.

dance in club stylish and unique will help you good improvisation. If you know at least a few simple dance moves, they can be combined in a huge variety of different combinations. When will you dance in club, take a closer look: for sure there will be several professional dancers in it. You can watch them and try to repeat a couple of movements you like. It will turn out both beautiful and original. In the same way, you can note to yourself a few spectacular movements of those dancing nearby, and then include these movements in your complex.

Club imply the flexibility of the body and good plastic. If you do not do fitness or at least exercise, lead a sedentary lifestyle, but decide to move around and “ignite” in club, then this is the wrong approach. To dance in club need to be in good physical shape. If you engage in any kind or sport, it will raise your vitality, allow you to be in good shape. physical form.

In addition, at least a minimal initial training will not hurt. If you want to draw attention to yourself in club or just dance spectacularly, then you need to practice a little at home. Practice in front of a mirror, turn on club music, select some of the most effective moves that you have done impromptu, and work them out. Even better, if you get a training disk with club lessons. It can also be found online on the internet. In the end, you can simply play the dance you like in slow motion and practice it until you can dance at a fast, fiery pace. These exercises will give you good mood and cheerful mood for the whole day.

If you think that there is no limit to perfection and want to learn how to dance club dances on the professional level, you should enroll in a dance studio or a fitness club where they are taught. Club dances will help you recharge with positive energy, relieve adrenaline, lose excess weight, develop coordination and plasticity of movements and make you an adornment of any dance floor.

How to dance in a club for a girl?

On the dance floors fashion clubs young people move as they want, without observing strict rules. But if you want to stand out from the crowd, as well as get great pleasure from dancing, then you need to learn the basics of club dancing. Our article will tell you how to dance in a club for a girl.

Preparing for dance classes

  • If you are new to dancing, then classes in specialized dance schools will help you learn how to move to music. Dancing classes will not only brighten up your everyday life and help you make new acquaintances, but will also bring your body into shape. Teachers will teach you how to move beautifully and sexually, help you become more relaxed and self-confident;
  • Club dances for girls include RNB, GO-GO, hip-hop, funk, jazz. Almost all choreographic studios have trial classes. Sign up for the directions you are interested in and decide which style you would like to learn in order to apply your dancing skills in clubs. In addition, many dance schools arrange days open doors. Coming to the studio on such a day, you can participate in all dance lessons absolutely free of charge;
  • In order to learn how to dance to club music, two weeks of training for two hours a day will be enough. Of course, you will not become a professional in such a short time, but you will acquire plasticity and a sense of rhythm;
  • For those who do not want to spend money and time on training in dance studios, there are many video tutorials on the Internet. This method is absolutely free and available to everyone. Moreover, you can choose a teacher to your taste by viewing the lessons you need. It is necessary to train at home in front of a mirror, controlling your every movement;
  • In addition to studying at home or in choreographic schools, visit clubs and practice dancing there. The main rule is to be relaxed and not shy. In addition to you, there are dozens of dancing people around who were able to overcome their shyness. When moving to the music in a nightclub, do not think about how to dance correctly: listen to music, connect emotions and enjoy this process;
  • While dancing, listen to the music and feel the rhythm. Improvise more and try to differ in your movements from those around you;
  • To keep your body toned and look beautiful on the dance floor, visit gym or spend time exercising and stretching. Go to the pool periodically, and also set aside an hour a day for regular walking.

Learning to dance

  1. Before you enroll in a dance studio or start self-study, evaluate your plasticity. Stand in front of a mirror and begin to move your hips, leaving your arms, shoulders, and legs still. If during such an exercise all parts of the body are involved in the movement, then you will have to work on yourself and devote more time to training.
  2. When exercising, pay attention to every part of your body. The beauty of the dance depends on the amplitude of movements: a small amplitude gives femininity, tenderness, elegance and lightness to the dance, and a large one gives looseness, courage, energy and expression.
  3. In addition to instructional videos, music videos will help you popular artists. Turn on your favorite music channel and try to follow the movements of the dancer.
  4. It's best to try dancing to different music. So you can determine for yourself which style you do best, and develop skills in this area. Change the pace and movements, improvise and show imagination. Remember that dance is first and foremost the art of expressing yourself.
  5. Go to night club and watch for dancing people. Note for yourself which movements can be borrowed, and which in no case should be repeated.
  6. Dancing in the club, adjust to the music and your mood. The main thing in the dance is to completely relax and get away from problems. Don't worry about what you might be looking at. And if they are watching, then you are doing well.
  7. Try to keep your movements fluid and graceful.
  8. Dancing in nightclubs is, first of all, recreation. Enjoy the process and don't forget to smile.

You can read about dance styles for girls in our article.

And a frank outfit will look funny if the girl moves awkwardly during the dance. But if beautiful image you combine with rhythmic and plastic movements, then be sure that you will not leave the opposite sex indifferent. so as not to become a laughingstock and attract the admiring glances of others?

We offer a few basic rules that will help you feel like a queen on the dance floor:

1. Set a goal for yourself! In order to dance beautifully in a club, the main thing is desire, as well as perseverance. If you are going to have fun in the evening, think about this event from the very morning. Think ahead about your movements: this will help you overcome your internal barriers and any adverse external circumstances. Do not be afraid to seem ridiculous, because in order to do something beautiful, it is very important to do it confidently. So how does a girl dance in a club? Sure!

2. Ask a choreographer for help. The help of a professional in this matter will not hurt. The choreographer will tell you the movements, work on your plastique, help you feel the rhythm. Someone who is a professional dancer knows exactly how a girl should dance in a club. From the first lesson you will feel the result and a surge of energy, but for the best effect, work hard.

3. Feel inner freedom! Believe me, this is not just a verbal installation, but hard work. For girls, it's hard. After all, only thanks to honed skills and abilities, you can feel yourself in dancing naturally and naturally. You will not get pleasure if you just follow the learned movements, think over your every step. Try to feel the music with your soul and trust your body.

4. Think carefully about your look! They are greeted by clothes, and we can argue for a long time about whether this is good, but the fact remains: we create the first impression with our appearance. Your outfit should not become a hindrance on the dance floor, but on the contrary, it should work in your favor. You should feel comfortable, nothing should hinder your movements. But also do not forget that you must be attractive and stylish. Pay attention to accessories, try to make your look unique and interesting with a scarf, earrings, bracelets, belt. Just do not overdo it so as not to look like a black sheep and not cause puzzled looks from others.

5. Cheer yourself up! Modern club dances should be performed by a cheerful and cheerful girl, so in the morning you should feel the happiest and most beautiful. Pamper yourself on the eve of a sleepless night good sleep, a delicious breakfast, because at night you should be cheerful and cheerful. Also, with a good company in the club, you will feel confident. Know that a natural smile on your face is the best complement to your club look.

If you're going to follow these tips at your next party, then be prepared for success! Now you know how to dance in a club for a girl. In addition, the goal has been set, the means to help fulfill your desires have been found, and now it all depends on you!

This video is about how to dance a guy in a club and disco. Pay attention to the fact that people are still sitting and will not dare to enter the dance floor in any way. Only this guy lights up and defuses the situation. This guy dances really well.

Dance for yourself, not to please someone

We must dance for ourselves, not for someone else.. If you're dancing to get girls' attention, you're wasting your time.

Even if the guy dances cool and is engaged in professional dancing , all the people around absolutely do not care about it. So enjoy the process and dance only for your own pleasure.

It is not necessary to go to special circles

Watch the first video, the guy dances cool in the club just openly expressing yourself. He doesn't think about movements. He is relaxed. You can just jump in place to the beat of the music. It is not necessary to enroll in any special circles or sections in order to be able to dance. You can dance just as cool now.

In order to understand how to learn to dance, a guy does not need to spend a lot of money on a teacher.

How I love to dance

I really like to dance in discotheques funny, clumsy, like a bear stepped on my foot. And because I like it, people around me like it too. And if not, it's their problem and theirs alone. It's all about your interpretation and perception. Have the right perception and you will always know how a guy should dance in a disco.

Video bomb "The guy lights on the street"

Once we were walking with a friend along the bay and saw a flash mob. Couples from the local dance studio danced around. Dima went to the middle and showed his master class, gave everyone free lessons . I filmed it with my cell phone. I liked his dancing more than the dances of the couples around. People applauded Dima. You can also dance in the club. You can watch a video of how this guy dances cool on the street here. Enjoy watching.

Dancing is a good time in the club, especially when you're tired of meeting girls and just want to relax. Tired of dancing - don't dance. If you feel that during the dance it becomes uncomfortable and worsens, do not force yourself.

Video "Two guys are burning in crowded places"

Extreme dances from two daredevils

IN in public places dancing is harder, as social pressure is felt. But we are not one of those who avoid such places. In this video you will see how I dance. Here my friend and I danced at McDonald's in the square. Specially selected places where more people. The dancing was not very professional, to say the least.

You can watch the video of how these guys dance endlessly. Just enjoy watching.

As soon as I enter a club, I like to dance first.

Dancing girls attract a lot of guys' attention. The dance is a hint of looseness and dominance. Even animals have their mating and other dances. Only to understand how beautiful it is to dance in a club for a girl is not immediately possible. After all, not every lady is born a light beauty, able to create elegant movements on the go. Many take a long time to learn this skill.

How to teach a girl to dance in a club?

If you don’t know how to dance at all, then you should start by recognizing yourself. On the subconscious, you consider yourself dumber (in terms of dance) than other people. And if you see yourself from the side, then you will be ashamed. That's not how you learn to dance.

Therefore, you should dance at home in front of a mirror. Don't be afraid to do something stupid or look funny. Imagine that you are a slut and freaky to the fullest. This way you get the freedom that is the basis of all dance movements.

What dances are suitable for the club?

You don't have to learn to dance in a club like on stage. They rest there simple people who are not pros. And they absolutely do not care about your prof. preparation.

Learn just a couple simple movements. They can be combined and adjusted to any music. With the right approach, you can master the dance technique in just one evening.

Also look at the rest of the dancers. Borrow their moves. And move to the rhythm of the crowd. Look at those who move not too well and unconventionally. Never do anything that doesn't make you look stupid.

And remember that in the club you need to be comfortable dressed. If your dress is tight or your shoes are crushing, then you will feel uncomfortable. Your movements will be stiff and you will definitely look stupid. Therefore, you should not perceive the club as a podium or a secular evening.

Hips are everything

The main movement for any girl is swaying her hips, as in oriental dance. Stand in front of a mirror and try to dance with only your hips.

If at the same time your whole body fluctuates or dance from the hip does not work at all, then it is worth practicing.

But the hands can be moved as you like. You should not bother with this. Even just arms bent at the elbows can look quite good if the girl moves her body well.

And do not try to make movements from a striptease. Perhaps it looks very nice. But if you move vulgarly, then you will attract unhealthy attention of the opposite sex. And your girlfriends may start to let obscene gossip about you.

Club dance basics

As soon as any person hears a melody, his body begins to reproduce the movements by itself. And if it is not restrained, then you will already get your own, natural dance.

This is what the movements in the club are based on. There are no difficulties in them. And if you dance too well, it will even be wrong in some way.

It is worth noting that some girls do not have any natural skills in this issue. You can visit dance school. Don't be shy. It is better to solve your problem at the root.

And remember your physical form. The better your figure, the better your dance. Although among the full ladies there are good dancers. But still, it's better to be slim. Then you definitely will not be shy to go to the dance floor.

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