What did the ancient Greeks look like? Did they look like modern Caucasians or were they all blue-eyed and blond? Lifestyle and traditions of the Greeks

The men of Greece are known throughout the world for their mesmerizing voices and bodies of ancient gods. The iodine-filled sea air of this country with an abundance of seafood affected the temperament of Greek men. Lovers of Hellas have repeatedly taken first place in male sexuality ratings.


The mentality of the Greeks inherited features that are clearly manifested in legendary myths Ancient Greece. They are romantic, conquest-minded and open-minded.

Because Greece lives off tourism business, it is full of Russian travelers. An often observed picture is how, among flirting Greek men, cold women from the Russian north, underestimated by their compatriots, reveal themselves to be seductresses and insidious beauties.


There are also similarities with the Russian mentality. Representatives of this country are mostly Orthodox Christians and have a warm attitude towards Russians, they are hospitable and friendly. They have a simple worldview and enjoy everything they do. Their peculiarity is the ability to live “here and now”, to abstract from everything that causes despondency and melancholy. Even a broke Greek man who has just been laid off from his job can go out and have fun with a noisy crowd, and that’s par for the course here.

There is widespread laziness in this country - clean water myth. In their free time from holidays, the heirs of Hellas are hardworking. Often workdays begin at 5 am. Greek men often support the entire family themselves, taking on all the traditional male responsibilities; their wives do not work. This is especially true for men high status- these people always have non-working wives who take care of the house and children.

The crisis situation in the country has changed somewhat. Then the female part of the population went to work during the most difficult periods of time.

The emotionality of any Greek stands out as a separate point. Sometimes you can see two men quarreling to the death, but in reality they are just peacefully discussing the weather. With increased emotional intelligence due to the constant expression of their own feelings, Greeks are very attentive interlocutors. Being in harmony with their own inner world, they have the ability to subtly feel the people around them and their emotions. So, in a conversation with them, it may seem that they are listening so carefully, as if with their whole body. The Greek's gaze will only go to the side if something extremely wrong is happening. Well, either an interesting representative of the opposite sex is passing by. Absorption in one's own inner world fishermen from Greece was sung and became legendary. This is not surprising: only people with such a developed emotional sphere can go into such deep, attractive reverie with the same dedication with which they indulge in all kinds of feelings.

Key to the Heart

At the deepest levels of his subconscious, every Greek considers himself the heir of the gods and the rightful owner of the planet. At least the owner of shares in it. Therefore characteristic masculine trait- the need to be a patron is especially strongly developed among Greek men. At the genetic level, he strives to teach, and his spirit comes to life when such an opportunity is given to him. Conversely, he feels unhappy when he feels that no one needs his experience.

The Greek man strives to become a mentor, and something masterful often slips into his approach. This manifests itself in relationships with the entire world around us. He can start teaching his interlocutor anything, even if he doesn’t understand it. And since the male sex of this nation simply adores women and communication with them at any age, this happens very, very often. Even a gray-haired Greek will not miss the opportunity to gaze at any representative of the fair sex for a long time, smacking her lips after her. And you need to be prepared for this, you need to understand what is really behind it. This feature hides a curious key to the male heart of any Greek. After all, he may suddenly discover a woman, next to whom Zeus, the patron of the whole world, will wake up in him.


The Greeks do not always keep their promises. Some carelessness in this matter - characteristic an entire nation. These people simply live for today and are careless about the future. They are serene and philosophically calm in matters of life.

Nevertheless, the Greek nation loves prosperity. Any holiday is spent in grand style. It is considered normal to waste your entire month's income on one party. A Greek man will feed the entire bar at his own expense, order wine and a sea of ​​snacks, and never mind waking up tomorrow with empty pockets. After all, his generosity will remain in the memory of the participants for a long time. for a long time. And a Greek will never hold his head when remembering the money spent; the past and future are not as important to him as a specific moment, the emotions from which will warm him for some time.

Going to restaurants is almost the main expense item in the life of any representative of this nation. In every locality Dozens of taverns are open. Sometimes it seems there are thousands of them, and this is a clear overkill per capita of the local population. However, they all turn out to be filled in evening time days. The Greeks do not like to gather in their homes as much as in taverns. Stuffy establishments are often literally packed, but this does not bother anyone. To an unaccustomed person it will probably be unclear where the place to rest in such conditions is. However, such evenings, taking place in an atmosphere of emotional friendship, are a favorite place for Greeks to hide from current problems. Greeks never spare money for food. However, until recently, average salaries allowed regular visits to fully stocked taverns. delicious snacks tables.

It is possible that such national traits led to a huge default in Greece. The Greeks simply continued to live, allowing themselves things beyond their means, without thinking about important steps to equalize the economy. And at the same moment, the way they appreciate every moment cannot help but draw attention to these those who love life to people.

Gender relations

The Greek people are distinguished by sensuality. Even people of high status have only apparent restraint. This is not surprising given the fact that from childhood everyone in the country was brought up not on classic cartoons, but on very adulterous myths.

Hence the desire to touch upon the most intimate topics in communication. Shameless stories, when and how much, are decorated with expressive details. One should not be surprised at the prevalence of such intimate conversations in Greek circles. They were never Puritans.

It is common for married, handsome Greek men to try to seduce any member of the fair sex. Fleeting romances often develop. Unlike the situation in our country, this does not usually lead to a split in relationships with wives. Husbands, entering into fleeting relationships, add spice to everyday life, but do not divorce their wives. Greek wives are usually quite confident, like queens in a beehive. They will only casually dismiss adultery and say that the poor husband is incapable of saying no to a cat.

And often wives behave similar to There are sayings in Greek society in the style of “Cuckold your husband and do not resort to witchcraft and potions.” This is often the Greek scenario for a happy, full-of-well-being family. Usually, the more prone a wife is to infidelity, the less her husband suspects her of cheating.

Since ancient times, Greek society, even in patriarchal foundations, observed the relative equality of the sexes. The entire female population of Hellas received education. Girls and boys were taught reading and writing equally in the same schools.

Attitude to sex

The approach of southerners in this area is very different from that of residents of northern latitudes. This fully extended to the emotional Greeks. They treat the sphere of human sexuality in a special way. Strict concepts of sin have not reached here, and sex is not considered forbidden or immoral. The Greeks say: “If God wanted people not to make love without the goal of procreation, he would have made their physiology similar to animals - estrus strictly once a year.” No moral teachings of the church were able to suppress them healthy attitude to one’s own body and natural gender relations.

Sinfulness generally failed to take deep roots in the culture of Hellas. They never had such “living in sin” concepts. Thus, female representatives do not change their surnames when they get married. The children have the choice of any surname. It’s not immediately clear whether the couple is scheduled. Regardless of marital status, a man and a woman are called “husband” and “wife.” In Greek these words same value.

Greek appearance

Greek men's faces have the large, broad-boned features characteristic of the nation. The Greeks are stocky, their bodies are characterized by increased hairiness and dark skin.

All representatives of the nation differ in the depth of their eyes and thick hair. The typical Greek appearance of a man is broad-shouldered, stocky, highly sexual and aware of his worth. All Greeks are proud of their origin, everyone considers themselves almost a direct descendant of Zeus himself.

The standard Greek profile of men in this country deserves special attention. The classical understanding of beauty is associated precisely with national traits Greeks The standard Greek nose for men is absolutely straight, with a smooth line running from the forehead. There is practically no depression on the bridge of the nose, there is only a barely noticeable bend. The world-famous Greek nose in men is reflected in all ancient frescoes and sculptures. The gods were then believed to have such features of appearance.

Greek style of clothing for men

Design motives from ancient Hellas, the land of the gods of Olympus, are still echoed in the latest collections of fashion designers. The Greek nation has praised beauty since ancient times human body. There was a real cult of good physical fitness. The clothing of this country emphasized the exciting curves of the figure of both sexes, although bright colors were not typical for it.

Silhouette-lengthening robes often resembled majestic temples white with their strict outlines. Greek clothing for men was spacious - these were capes, cloaks, and under them - loose pants with shirts. However, these days no one wears such things anymore, they are inconvenient and impractical. Modern men Greece wear European style clothes. Although many people wear National costumes for ancient Greek festivals.

Even with the hot climate inherent in the country, they have always been multi-layered and voluminous. There were always many folds in them where bladed weapons were hidden. The Greeks were in constant wars throughout their history, instantly transforming from peaceful peasants into brave armed partisans.

The most handsome Greek men

Men of this nationality are recognized throughout the world as the most beautiful on the planet. Their male beauty Italians and Latin Americans gave the laurels of championship. They are the most sought after in the male modeling business. Just look at the photos of Greek men with the standard appearance of this ancient nation to personally verify the validity of such judgments.


The distant ancestors of modern representatives of this nation gave the world many sonorous names. Ancient traditions are still preserved in the country. Thus, sons are never named after their father. However, it is very common to name children after grandmothers, uncles, and so on. Classic names Greek men, and now widespread throughout Greece, will be very familiar to the Russian ear.

Older generation

Representatives of the Greek nation generally respect old age. There are much more pensioners in the country than in Russia. Their faces are usually filled with serene calm and peace so that it becomes clear that they are getting a well-deserved rest. Life expectancy in Greece is also high - it reaches 80 years. Having a Mediterranean climate, healthy food, sunshine and a relaxed attitude to life obviously does the trick. There is a lot to learn from them.

The mother has the main unquestioned authority in the family; she actually personifies Hera along with Athena. Family ties are very strong. Thus, weekly lunches with mothers are traditional. Their sons are devoted to them all their lives, fulfill all their requests, and listen to their advice. It is clear that the search for a bride is carried out by the Greeks with a focus on the qualities that the mother demonstrated. Most often, families are created at the age of 30. The Greeks do not deny themselves the pleasure of living a happy, free youth and having fun.

The Greeks also display an extreme passion for freedom of choice - which makes them completely impervious to understanding the words "discipline", "coordination" or "system".

"I" - favorite word Greeks When a Greek asks the rhetorical question “Do you know who I am?”, he clearly considers himself the center of the universe. As one old man from Delphi explained, everything is very simple: “The Earth is the center of the Universe, Greece is the heart of the Earth, Delphi is the center of Greece and, therefore, the navel of the Earth, I am the head of Delphi, therefore, I am the center of the Universe.”

Stormy emotions

When a Greek does not sleep, his lively temperament blossoms wildly, unhampered by any conventions. Perhaps this is what made the ancient sages carve the sayings “Nothing in excess” and “Know thyself” on the portals of the temple of the Delphic oracle. futile attempt convince fellow citizens to restrain their emotions.

They did not heed this call then, and they do not heed it now. From Achilles, whose anger was the cause of such mass slaughter at the walls of Troy, to Admiral Miaoulis, who in the 19th century was so angry with the government that he set fire to the Greek fleet, the Greeks give full vent to their emotions, and... do not care about the consequences!

Self-control, although invented by the ancient Spartans, is not only unknown to modern Greeks, but also completely incomprehensible. They do everything with passion - they have fun and they grieve. They shout, scream, burst into pompous tirades, furiously curse fate alike over important and not so important circumstances. No feeling is too personal to remain unexpressed. Their passions know no bounds.

Such rampant incontinence often results in a burning need to express oneself in some physical form.

All over the world people dance when they are happy. The Greeks, on the other hand, tend to pour out their deepest pain and heartache in a heart-rending, majestic dance rhythm.

“The devil lives inside me,” explains the Greek Zorba in novel of the same name Nikos Kazantzakis. “Every time my heart is ready to burst, he orders me: “Dance!” - and I dance. And my pain goes away."


The ice of the well-known indifference of the Greeks to everything related to improvement is organically combined with the red-hot Greek temperament. public life or to any worthy cause.

The widely used expression “Forget it, brother! I will not risk my neck to save the Roman nation!” indicates the stubborn reluctance of most Greeks to show a property interest in anything that lies outside their immediate environment or that will not bring them personal benefit.

There’s even a song about this that ends with the chorus: “And we’re all sitting in a coffee shop - cigars, coffee and cards, and let it be, brother!”


According to an international study, Greeks are the most insecure nation in the world. They are afraid to see themselves as they really are, they are afraid of responsibility for their actions - and therefore are not able to laugh at themselves. Hiding behind the facade of external dignity, they try to hide their doubts, their insecurities by any means. They are afraid that they will be considered not serious enough, and the more shortcomings they find in themselves, the more pompous and serious they try to seem. Two-thirds Greek society haunted by the thought “What will others say?” and hide their true selves under layers of ill-fitting decency.

Those weird Greeks
Translation: Tatiana Sevastyanova
Alexandra Fiada

ABOUT national character We can talk about the Greeks for an infinitely long time and still we will not be able to isolate and separately consider all of its tones and features. After all, the absolute majority of the inhabitants of Hellas are by nature bright individualists who have their own own view for life and not afraid to oppose it public opinion. They are accustomed to defending only their own interests and in most cases are neutral towards any political, economic or cultural events that do not affect their personal little world.

Greek love of freedom

The only thing that no Greek will tolerate is an attack on his freedoms and the freedoms of his country. And this is not surprising, because modern Hellenes inherited the worship of democracy from their great ancestors, who actually invented it more than 25 centuries ago. At the slightest hint of infringement of his rights, this small people turns into a single formidable force, ready to rush at the enemy. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s the Turkish yoke (1821), fascist Italy (1941) or their own government (2010).

Emotionality of the Greeks

Another typically Greek feature, in addition to their love of freedom, can be considered their pronounced emotionality. The Greeks do not accept half measures in the manifestation of feelings. If they rejoice, then from the heart, if they cry, then sobbing, and even the famous thoughtfulness and steadfastness of the Greek fishermen is only confirmation of this feature of their character. After all, only very emotional person can indulge in immersion in his inner world with the same passion with which he would indulge in joy and fun at his own daughter’s wedding.

Greek hospitality

We simply must mention the famous Greek hospitality, which the cheerful Hellenes, in fact, elevated to the rank of reverently revered national tradition. When you arrive in Greece, you will encounter him at almost every turn. The hotel staff will surround you with truly homely care and attention, in the store the owner will take your order with a kind, polite smile, and in the restaurant the manager will, with great joy and pleasure, tell you which dishes from the menu were especially successful for the chef today. If you have friends or business partners in Hellas, and you have to pay them a visit, get ready for a meeting in comparison with which even the vaunted Russian hospitality pales. This will not be just an ordinary dinner, but a real feast, where the tables are crowded with delicious dishes, the wine flows like a river, and there is no end to the dancing and singing.

Well, in conclusion, we will consider two more features that, being absolutely opposite each other friend, they coexist surprisingly harmoniously with the character of the Greeks. This is famous Greek piety and no less famous Greek business acumen.

Greeks and religion

Greeks take religion very seriously - they pray regularly and attend church at least once a week for confession and communion. In almost every Greek house you can see a beautiful carved or forged crucifix and a statue of the Virgin Mary, which Greek women consider their intercessor and patroness. When communicating with Greeks, it is better not to joke or philosophize religious themes, since the interlocutor will either simply not understand you or will be very seriously offended.

Greek business spirit

As for the Greek business spirit, it is clearly visible in the vast majority of representatives of this people. The Greeks love to haggle and, without any hesitation, will try to reduce the price of both a cheap product from the market and an elite item from a fashion boutique. In business, the word “unethical” does not exist for them. They would rather condemn a simpleton who did not use his opportunities than a clever swindler who took everything from life without a trace. But with all this, the Hellenes know how to keep their word and always remain faithful to the concluded contracts, so that, having entered into a business partnership with one of them, you can be absolutely sure that he will go to the end and will not leave you in the middle of the road.

Perhaps everyone has heard about the famous standard of beauty of the ancient Greeks - the Greek nose; all over the world the concept of classical beauty is associated with it. If countries could be associated with body parts, then Greece would undoubtedly get the face, along with the famous profile and characteristic Greek nose shape. Long years There are debates about why these traits were considered ideal, were they really present in all Greeks, and is it now possible to meet people with a truly Greek profile in Greece?

Greek nose and Greek profile

If you believe the canonical interpretations of Greek appearance, then the forehead of a typical Hellene smoothly blends into the line of the nose, and the bridge of the nose is almost not highlighted (except perhaps separated by a barely noticeable bend). The famous straight nose shape is probably the most distinctive feature Greek profile. Contrary to popular belief erroneous opinions, it is not a synonym big nose. But it seems that not all Greeks appreciate it: to this day, rhinoplasty remains the most popular appearance enhancement procedure in Greece. 🙂

It is unknown who first identified such features of Greek appearance. Some put forward the version that the Greeks themselves did it: the famous profile and nose are inherent in most ancient Greek frescoes and sculptures. Others argue: such an interpretation of the profile is simply an example of the ideal of beauty. This means that this type of appearance is more rooted in art than caused by physical characteristics real people. Heroes and gods were endowed with appearance that long defined the canons of beauty. And here negative characters were depicted with flattened, hooked and “eagle” noses.

The figurative vessel is the head of a maiden. Athens, 5th-6th century BC

The very first examples of the image of a Greek profile can be seen on ancient Greek red-figure vases.

Since the people and gods on them are drawn in profile, it is not difficult to form an idea of ​​the classic appearance for that era: a forehead line that turns into a nose and a weakly defined chin. Moreover, the forehead was certainly depicted as beautiful and large - this was a reminder of tall mental abilities depicted and its merits.

Over time, the idea of ​​ideal appearance has changed a little - the chin began to be depicted as pronounced. Thus, the Greek profile is not just a straight nose shape, but a combination with a smooth forehead line and an implicit emphasis on the bridge of the nose.

During the Hellenistic era, realistic busts and sculptures began to be created. They made me doubt the real existence of the so-called “Greek profile”. The types of appearance depicted on realistic busts proved that the ancient Greeks were no different from their contemporaries. They had different noses and profiles, and quite often were far from ideal. Since the 19th century in newspapers and scientific works reflections began to appear on the topic “What happened to the classical Greek profile?” and “Did ideal faces exist?” Many agreed that similar examples they had the appearance, but not all Greeks had such a profile.

Greek appearance - who is its typical representative? First of all, you should turn to the classic busts of heroes and gods. Ideal performance Hermes and Athena correspond about beauty. Excellent examples among famous sculptures- Venus de Milo, reconstructions of Athena Lemnia, Venus Tauride, Diadumen.

Greek nose: photos of ancient statues

(photo can be viewed enlarged)

As you can see in the photo above, the Greek nose in men and the Greek nose in women are not too different, except perhaps a little in size. A Greek nose with a hump is no longer quite the same; we don’t see a single example of this in classical statues, and the Greeks themselves consider a straight nose to be the ideal.

A The image of Socrates does not at all correspond to Hellenic ideas of beauty, and even more so does not correspond to the idea of ​​an ideal profile. Great philosopher had bulging eyes, an upturned and flattened nose with wide nostrils - in general, by ancient standards he was downright ugly. If you believe the descriptions, he incredibly resembled the Sileni - satyrs, who were often depicted as drunk and who were characterized by demonic qualities.

The portrait of the orator Demosthenes also bears little resemblance to the classical ideal of beauty:

Of the modern owners of the Greek profile, the most prominent representatives are actresses Irini Pappa (Irene Papas):

and the unforgettable Ellie Lambethi,

singer Elena Paparizou.

Among men, Sakis Rouvas has a Greek nose, almost in its classical sense.

IN ordinary life It is possible to see a Greek profile in Greece, although this happens extremely rarely. But availability bright examples confirms: such an appearance existed and exists. Another thing is that she was not “the only true one.”

Have you met people with a Greek profile? Still, the Greek nose is found not only in Greece...

It is well known that the Greeks, like everyone else, southern people, loud, good-natured, quick-tempered and hospitable. To be convinced of this, it is enough to spend a vacation in Greece. The big picture The collapse of the Greek economy brought such characteristics as negligence and cunning into the list of their traits. Do they have a right to exist? Two weeks spent in Greece is not enough to answer this question. But you can try to analyze the experience of several years.

Walking down the street you see more than one Greek sitting at a table with a cigarette and a glass of frappe, with or without company. Relaxing, peaceful picture. An outside observer will say: an inert person, apart from this chair and a glass of coffee, he doesn’t need anything else. What a deceptive impression! If things had been like this, the Greek nation would still have been under the Turkish yoke. You could drink coffee with them too. Get up from your chair, start a rebellion? Why such difficulties?

However, not so long ago (a little over a hundred years ago), after a long and bloody war for independence, the Turks were expelled forever, and Greece began to write its modern history.

Love of freedom modern Greeks they like to express it in a special way: strikes and demonstrations. Take away the right to strike from the Greeks and you take away their soul. Regular strikes accompanied by demonstrations are like earthquakes in a zone of high seismic activity: the more often, the better, as long as there is no serious damage. The Greek people must constantly release accumulated tension and discontent, otherwise the resulting blood clot can lead to unpredictable and dire consequences. Chaining the Greeks is very, very dangerous - just ask the Turks.

Modern Greeks like to express their love of freedom in a special way.

Are Greeks hardworking? Probably no less than any other European people. Like big children, Greeks love to complain a little to their neighbor about difficult life, a large number of working hours or a small salary, but all these conversations end with one phrase: “Fuck you!” “If only there was work!” A strange slogan for a lazy nation, isn't it? If there was work, the rest would be bearable. The harsh justice of this phrase makes further complaints impossible, the conversation stops, and everyone returns to their business.

Young people here get used to earning pocket money from adolescence: it’s rare that anyone hasn’t passed the student years waiter or bartender practice. Often such a position is then retained for many years as a second profession - if the first does not bring in sufficient income. But no one perceives this state of affairs as tragic; on the contrary, sociable Greeks quickly create their own microclimate in such an establishment and will not part with their favorite cafe, even if they have to work in it for free.

If we are to tell the truth about the Greek character, then it is worth mentioning such a phenomenon as Greek punctuality and commitment.

Young people in Greece get used to earning pocket money from adolescence: it’s rare that someone did not undergo an internship as a waiter or bartender during their student years.

It’s customary here to arrive on time only for appointments with the dentist and real estate agent - otherwise you’ll go back without a bite to eat. In all other cases, being on time means not respecting yourself. If you have agreed to meet a Greek there in so many minutes, calmly double the agreed upon time interval - and everything will be fine. If you arrived at the indicated hour, and your opponent, smiling from ear to ear, appeared at the door half an hour later, it is better not to show him your dissatisfaction: you will only achieve that the smile on his face will be replaced by surprise and misunderstanding, and he will just will forever consider you petty. You weren’t waiting for him on the street in the bitter cold, that’s a great thing.

Greek obligatoryness is a no less sensitive issue. "Let's do it!" - the house manager, mechanic, electrician, salesman and builder will assure you. But, as you know, they have been waiting for three years for what was promised. Wanting to influence the conscience of your debtor and being a silent reproach in his eyes, you will achieve little; you are unlikely to even be able to ruin your relationship with him. You will be greeted by the same open arms and joyful exclamation as before, as well as the assurance that he was literally dialing your number right now. The phrase “I remember you!” is very popular. This will be followed by coffee, a detailed conversation about life and a promise to resolve your issue “next week.”

The Greeks develop a sense of patriotism from childhood.

Softened and reassured, you leave with a vague feeling that you have been left in the cold, and this is true: the next week, as a rule, never comes. Having made a similar promenade with the same result N number of times, you eventually lose your temper and use shouting and threats to achieve results. Is it any wonder that the Greeks themselves begin to shout in advance, sometimes simply for preventive purposes?

It is customary here to arrive on time only for appointments with the dentist and the real estate agent - otherwise you will go back without a bite to eat.

How paradoxical, incomprehensible and at the same time wonderful that these same people, seeing a person in difficulty, will do everything they can for him, and even more - and will never put their merits on his line. Unselfishness and an open soul are the engines that will make a Greek give you his shirt off his back. If later you decide to thank him, the Greek will be sincerely surprised: just think! How not to help, we are people. It would be logical to expect similar attitude and to yourself - but you won’t be nice by force.

It is impossible to complete our essay without mentioning another feature of the Hellenes - Greek patriotism. Who doesn't have it, you say? So remember how many times did you raise the flag of your country at school? And Greek children - every morning. From this lesson, associated with morning prayer, their school day begins. Service in the army gives young Greeks a feeling of legitimate pride, and the Greeks will tear their throats for their national team in any stadium.

Whatever they think and say about them in the notorious European Union and beyond its borders - words like empty water, will flow down from the Olympic peaks without lingering on them and leaving no trace.

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