What Russian women look like in the eyes of American men. Typical Slavic appearance

Slavic appearance is a very common concept in our time. It is necessary to separate language and racial types - these are completely different directions.

Belarusians, judging by their language, are not Slavs, they speak the Slavic-Baltic language, but racially they have many Baltic people, and they are definitely Slavs. There are also many racial types with and it is this feature that can be observed as unique for more pure species possible Slavs.

Who has the appearance of a Slav?

Slavic light skin, blue, gray or light Brown eyes, straight, but not prominent nose. The search for racial types of Slavs is quite justified; the Cossacks retained their Nordic characteristics due to the fact that they had a tradition of not marrying foreigners. Also, the Orthodox are quite well preserved. In general, the word “nationality” already indicates homogeneity, that is, a single biological genus, or community. Slavic appearance is quite different from others.

About appearance types

If we talk about where there are more Slavs, close to the first racial types, then these are countries such as: Poland, Ukraine and northern Russia(although there are quite a lot of Finno-Hungarians there, they are very similar to the Balts, according to some scientists competent in this matter). A characteristic Ukrainian type: gorid - is a product of a mixture of Baltic and Nordic types with Central Asian ones, due to which they appear. But if it comes to the fact that the skin color is a little dark, then these are already signs of Tatars.

Some interesting facts

From some historical data it is known that the Slavs as such disappeared back in the 13th century, during the invasion led by Batu. Through fairly frequent contacts of the Slavs with the Balts, Greeks, and Turks, and such clashes were far from peaceful, these facts radically influenced the state of Slavic appearance as such. Judging by some historical descriptions from the ancient Greeks, the Slavs are indeed described as tall and fair-haired, and not only fair-haired. The Slavs belong to the Indo-European branch and have a Nordic identity. Many conclusions can be drawn even from the analysis of the East European Plain, on which the Slavs lived. Compared to the west, the climate there was not very warm. It was closer to Scandinavia. One can also make the assumption that during the winter period there was no such opportunity and desire to work hard as during the summer period, early autumn or spring. Slavic appearance is not similar to other appearances.

This feature of the area and nature worked wonders, so the Slavs had a very pleasant external appearance, characteristic only of them. But, unfortunately, as a result of unwanted contacts with foreigners Slavic appearance has lost its original unique appearance. As a result of such facts, we have modern educated Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles and others.

Besides genes, politics is also involved in all this. But, unfortunately, this issue has been studied very little to date, so there is no point in drawing any conclusions on a specific issue, since even professionals - people who know a lot about this matter - cannot yet fully understand it. The typical Slavic appearance is still found in our time, despite many changes over the years.

Anthropologists have long been arguing about what a Russian person looks like, and whether the nationality has retained ethnic purity. It is assumed that the proximity with representatives of other nationalities over thousands of years caused a mixture of nations, the loss of many distinctive features. However, geneticists are convinced that Russians are one of the most purebred peoples of Eurasia. It is possible to determine whether they belong to them based on their characteristic features.

How to determine nationality: typical features

Russians are considered a homogeneous population according to anthropological data. The basis of nationality is dominated by Slavic roots, but there is a share of Finno-Ugric, Baltic and Pontic ethnic groups.

To imagine what a Russian looks like, it is important to know what race he belongs to. Representatives of the nation are typical Caucasians.

Despite statements about the influence of the Tatars, Mongols and other peoples on the Russian ethnic group, geneticists have established that mixing did not lead to a pronounced change in appearance, the features remained the same. The solidity of the people and the stability of genes refutes the opinion that Russians are dying out as a nation.

There are practically no traces of interaction between nationalities among representatives of the modern northwestern, central, and southern regions of Russia. For example, epicanthus, which is typical for people of the Mongoloid race (with Asian facial features), is extremely rare among Russians (in 12 people out of 8.5 thousand examined).

There are 2 types of origin of a nation: northern and southern. The first population is externally similar to the Balts in terms of Y-chromosomal markers (transmitted through men). By mitochondrial DNA ( female line) identical features can be traced with representatives of Western and Central Europe.

The south-central population, which includes the majority of Russians, forms a genetic group with Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles and Poles. Here the unity of the East Slavic peoples is noted, their difference from the neighboring Finno-Ugric, Turkic, and North Caucasian nations.

Based on race, anthropology determines the types of appearance of Russians:

Each phenotype has characteristic features.

Face and head shape

The description of the appearance of the nationality includes typically Russian characteristics: the head is of medium size and in shape does not differ from the parameters of Europeans.

There is an unexpressed slope of the forehead and a weak eyebrow. The face is of moderate width with a medium-high bridge.

The photo shows the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin.

Uralids may have a flattened face and a moon-shaped shape, like Asians, mesognathia, the skin has a darker shade than other types of appearance.

However, Mongoloid characteristics are less pronounced than, for example, among the Mari (Finno-Ugric people in Russia). The Baltids have short heads. Pontids are characterized by narrow cheekbones, thin lips, a high forehead and straight eyebrows.


It is believed that national trait Russians have an upturned, snub-nosed “potato” nose. However, according to anthropological data, this form is characteristic of only 16% of the population. 75% have straight noses, 9% have concave noses.

The photo shows director, actor, screenwriter, producer Nikita Mikhalkov.

Representatives of the Arkhangelsk type of appearance are characterized by a wide sense of smell. A snub nose is not typical for Eastern Slav and Slavs. This form is possible among representatives of the Ryazan type.

The photo shows one of the most famous Russian singers Nikolai Baskov.


Russian nationality is characterized by predominantly light eye shades; epicanthus is absent.

The anthropological portrait of a Nordid includes blue or green color eyes, uralidae and pontidae are brown.

The photo shows Maria Pogrebnyak, the wife of the Russian oligarch, football player Pavel Pogrebnyak.


For nationality classic ethnic feature light pigmentation of the hair appears. Light brown color is more common, dark chestnut is common, and Uralids have a black tint.

The growth rate of hair, eyebrows, and beard is average.

The photo shows actress and TV presenter Yulia Mikhalkova.

Features of Russian appearance

The way to recognize a Russian in a stranger is to identify specific external features. Using them, foreigners identify representatives of Slavic appearance.

Researchers are unanimous in the opinion that Russians are distinguished by soft features. Purely national peculiarity rounded cheeks were considered (in Old Slavonic “lanits”), the beauty of which was emphasized by a pronounced blush.

Characterized by a regular oval face, white or light skin.

Women are perceived as beauties, and they are distinguished by their flashy, sometimes pretentious manner of dressing. Slavic men appear to foreigners as muscular fighters with a powerful torso (“oblique fathoms in the shoulders”).


In the villages, pure Russian men have long been valued: strong, powerful heroes who are able to plow a field and defeat enemies. They have golden hands; they can do anything with them if they are not lazy. The definition of “sweet” appearance is not suitable for Russian men.

Representatives of the stronger sex are characterized by average height, stockiness. Among the masculine characteristics of Russians, broad shoulders and chest, a massive skeleton, and developed muscles are distinguished.

Shown in the photo famous actor, film director, TV presenter, producer, boxer Mikhail Porechenkov.

The portrait of an average man is characterized by features of the European type. Brown-haired people with light eyes or brown eyes are predominantly common.

The photo shows Russian President Vladimir Putin.

However, the European population often considers Russian men to be ugly, who “do not count” in comparison with other nationalities. Most note their negligence, neglect; along with their courageous appearance, there is a “heavy” look and rudeness.

They are often fat, spoiled and look older than their biological age, a kind of ordinary example of the “new Russian” with a gold chain around their neck, surrounded by young vulgar Russian women.

This opinion is explained by the reluctance of Russian men to be in noble circles and in the field of world public attention. Therefore, it is often formed by analyzing the appearance and manners of individual representatives of the nation.


Russian representatives of the fairer sex are distinguished by their beauty. They are characterized by a rounded oval face, high cheekbones, noble and thoroughbred features, light skin, green, blue, gray or brown eyes, light brown or dark brown hair, and blondes are often found.

The photo shows model Natalia Vodianova and singer Valeria.

Natalya Vodyanova

The figure type of Russian girls is predominantly “pear” or “ hourglass", which is due high level estrogen - female hormone. Previously in fashion were fat girls, thin people were considered sickly. Over time, standards have changed.

The photo shows TV presenter, model Victoria Lopyreva.

Foreigners note the well-groomed nature of women, as well as their frequent stay “out of fashion.” They are characterized by excessive brightness and pretentiousness of their outfits (“like painted nesting dolls”). For example, in Italy, “Russian fashionistas” are women who look tasteless and tacky.

At the same time, the dignity of Slavic girls is to always look “on parade”, be it going to a restaurant or going to the store.


The researchers' impressions of ancient Russian village life included a description of what they looked like large families: “more than 10 people.” It was noted that the children had white hair and were similar in appearance to the Franks. What distinguishes a child from them is a healthy blush.

Children are characterized by features similar to adults: softness, light pigmentation of hair, skin, eyes.

In Russia, mixed marriages are common when the husband or wife is non-Russian.

The photo shows the Russian-Norwegian union and the duet of tennis stars Anna Kournikova and Latin American singer Enrique Iglesias.

Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias

At the same time, mixed-breed children often stand out for their interesting atypical appearance features. For example, if the guy is Russian and the girl is of Caucasian nationality.

In the photo, the girl’s father is Russian and her mother is Armenian.

The boy's father is Belgian, his mother is Russian.

Russian character and way of life

Historical facts

The history of when and where the nation came from includes different theories. The most widespread is the Danube, along which the settlement of the Slavs began to form along the lower reaches of the Danube and Vistula. Then the nation moved to the Carpathian region, and from there in the 7th-8th centuries to the east and northeast to Lake Ilmen.

Since ancient times, the Russian character and way of life have been influenced by the surrounding socio-cultural conditions: wars, internal conflicts, economic and living conditions, the main features of philosophy (morality, religiosity, etc.), interaction with neighboring peoples.

The paintings depict country life and aristocratic figures of Russian nobles.

A calm situation is not typical for the nation, which can be seen in its history: confrontation with the Tatars and Mongols, wars against the Turks for the freedom of the Slavs, saving Jews from the Holocaust, and more.

Emerging threats to humanity in the person of Mamai, Napoleon, Hitler and other figures, although with heavy losses, were successfully suppressed by the Russians. The improvement of the military arsenal of the state from the notch line in ancient times to nuclear weapons today exposes Russia as a powerful adversary and forces other countries to take its opinion into account.

Riots and revolutions within the country left their mark on the development of the nation. Russians are characterized by a constant desire for a just society through struggle and opposition to power.

National culture and science are known all over the world; the largest country by area was inhabited by famous artists, writers, architects, ballerinas, scientists, doctors, athletes, musicians, rock performers, icon painters who created immortal creations.

The originality of Russian architecture and art is presented in domestic and world museums.

The Slavic character can be traced in folk tales, mythology. According to the latter, the Great Race consists of 4 clans: Darians, Kharians, Rasen and Holy Russians.

Books with old fairy tales, stories from grandparents, parents introduce children to history and reveal the way of life of their ancestors: their names (Marya, Ivan, Vasilisa), a house with a stove and a bathhouse, nature (river, sea, forest, roads) , activities (hunting, farming, fishing), customs (wedding, holidays), traditions.

The picture shows a ritual of preparing a bride for a wedding.


According to Wikipedia, how many Russians are there in Russia, the figure is 133 million people. The nation is dispersed throughout the world, especially in countries former USSR. 77.8% of the Russian population live in Russia (111 million), where the main distribution places include: the city of Moscow - about 10 million people and its region - 6 million, St. Petersburg - almost 4 million, Krasnodar region- 4.5 million, Rostov region - 3.7 million.

Some representatives of the nation live among the Ukrainian, Belarusian, Lithuanian, Polish, and Gypsy populations. Russian communities are found among Slovenes, Croats, Hungarians, Serbs, Scandinavians (Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Icelanders) and so on. Large diasporas are represented in the USA, Germany, Canada, and Brazil.

Russian emigrants are among the reasons why they leave Russian state, are called:

  • economic;
  • desire to get to know another culture;
  • receive foreign education;
  • apply for a qualified medical care and others.

Official state language Russia - Russian. The people are considered the most numerous among Europeans. Nationality is correctly written as “Russian” (not Russian).

The flag looks like a canvas, with 3 equal-sized horizontal stripes: white, blue and red. The national currency is the ruble.

Difference from other nations

The way to understand belonging to a nation involves studying the family way of life. At the same time, many peoples are similar to each other.

Irish women and Irishmen are similar in behavior to Russian women and men. The former are characterized by a dominant role in the family (matriarchy), the latter love to drink. Equally, Russians and Irish are not averse to taking a break from work and take a wait-and-see position in politics.

To identify some nationalities, real manuals have been developed, for example, how to distinguish a Jew from a Slavic-Russian with visual photos and pictures for comparison Semitic appearance with the Russians.

Greeks and Russians are brought together by common Orthodox values ​​and a desire for collectivism. Russian culture has acquired a lot from ancient culture. However, the types of appearance that nations have are different.

Lithuanians and Lithuanians and other Balts act as a related nationality, having similar genetics.

The Scandinavian peoples are also characterized general features with the Russians. Speaking a language from the "Germanic" linguistic family, the nation actually borrowed many words from the Slavs. Genetic tests also indicate kinship between peoples.

Among the representatives of Russian nationality you can find the Dinaric race. This usually means mixing with Ukrainian blood.

Comparison of appearance types of representatives different nationalities shown in photographs.

Many nations do not favor representatives of Russian nationality. There are stereotypes about the latter, incorrect or correct, strict, serious or funny, reflecting the mentality of the people and determining belonging to it.

Famous actors and actresses

A feature of Russian nationality is pride in the country and patriotism. People first cultural values, he does not forget, honors, respects and remembers artists: artists, musicians, poets, writers, actors and actresses.

A list of the latest with photographs is given below.

  • Russian actors are charismatic, extraordinary, and courageous. Dmitry Nagiyev, a popular showman, became famous for these qualities. The celebrity acts as a serial actor and TV presenter.

  • Sergei Bezrukov is recognized as a talented artist, playing bright roles, often opposite ones - from Jesus to a crime boss.

  • Young and handsome actor Alexey Vorobyov is rapidly developing creative career, acting in films, TV series, shows, recording songs.

  • Oleg Tabakov, who has appeared in a variety of roles and images, is recognized as one of the most sought-after and talented cinema artists.

  • Vladimir Mashkov is considered a master of disguise, a popular theater and film actor, and director.

  • Among Russian actresses, Ekaterina Guseva, Honored Artist of Russia and singer, stands out with her beauty and talent.

  • The owner acting, Ekaterina Klimova is considered to have an expressive appearance.

  • A popular theater, film and television actress is Svetlana Khodchenkova with a highlight - a mole in the corner of her mouth, whose surname is known from the film “Bless the Woman”. In it, she represents the type of classic devoted, understanding and patient Russian woman.

  • Ekaterina Volkova is known for her role in the TV series “Voronins” and participates in theatrical productions.

  • Honored Artist of Russia, beautiful and talented actress theater and cinema, the charismatic TV presenter is Larisa Guzeeva

Frederic, 45 years old, France

We have this idea that women from of Eastern Europe, and therefore Russians, are a little bit slaves. They obey their husband in everything, do not contradict him, jump up to clear the table, and so on. I don’t know what it is about other countries, but ladies from Russia are definitely different. Proud, self-willed, with character.

Your women are well versed in high technology, much better than the French. They are always connected, actively use numerous applications, and masterfully search for information. And at the same time, they have completely archaic views on some things. I myself heard how young Russian girls (25–27 years old) thought about “female” and “non-female” professions, about the fact that the main thing in life is to get married successfully, be a good wife and follow a man everywhere. Moreover, they came to France themselves, developed their own route, easily booked and rebooked train tickets over a cup of coffee. They were superbly educated, well-read, traveled half the world... Here they have similar thoughts younger generation you won’t find this, this is typical for women over 70. And your ladies’ attitude towards sexual minorities is also the same... Last century.

Russians are very concerned about appearance. Very much. Some people get eyelash extensions, while others don’t use makeup, but obsessively follow the combination of colors in their clothes. We also have such ladies, but there are fewer of them. The dissonance is that from people who are so concerned about their image, you usually expect coldness, closedness, selfishness, and narcissism. But in the case of Russians, every time you realize that you were wrong: they turn out to be sincere, warm and open. True, it seems to me that you are more anxious and less confident than French women. The very fact that it is so important to you to make a good impression is evidence of this.

With Russians it’s not like with others: you never know what to expect from them. You are unpredictable. It seems like you have “no limits”. The mindset is as if “anything is possible,” and it doesn’t matter in what field: open a restaurant, go swimming in the lake at night, get ready for a trip in two hours, get a job outside your specialty and make a career, write a book, make a film. You are always at a low start and always ready to swing over the barrier. And also, it seems to me, Russian women are less prudent than, say, French women. If they like the food, they will eat more than they need; If they come to a party, they will easily exceed a reasonable portion of alcohol. I don't really understand what makes them do all this.

Slavic women are credited with sadness and melancholy, but here I only partially agree. Yes, Russians are more worried about “where is he, what’s wrong with him, why isn’t he calling, what if something happened.” French women are calmer and don’t spoil their own mood with what hasn’t happened yet. But on the other hand, Russians are cheerful, sincerely show emotions, and know how to have fun. And in general they look at the world optimistically.

I heard that Russians are prudent and mercantile, they say, keep your eyes open, otherwise you will go around the world. I have never met such women. On the contrary, I communicated with those for whom material values not important. With those who with great difficulty agreed for me to pay the bill at the restaurant. Who preferred to give gifts and was embarrassed when receiving them. People are different, and you can't judge everyone the same.

“I easily recognize Russians on the street, and it’s not because of blond hair. The main thing is a blush like your nesting dolls. This is a sign of health."
Frederic, France

Australian's opinion about Russian girls

Robert, 37 years old, Australia

Women in Russia are very beautiful, and at first I fell in love two or three times every trip on the subway. You definitely know how to look cool anytime, anywhere, but it doesn't come without cost. And I’m not talking about the money side of the issue, although I understand that everything is not cheap. One day during a lesson (I teach English) the word “narcissism” came up. The student asked what it meant. I explained that this is a negative concept, and that a “narcissist” is a person who cannot calmly walk past a reflective surface and constantly checks how he looks. The girl looked at me puzzled: “What’s wrong with that?” My jaw dropped. I looked at the others - and everyone had the same question in their eyes.

I once went on vacation with my Russian girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend. Every time I tried to draw her attention to something interesting, it turned out that she didn’t notice anything - she was either fixing her hair or her makeup (listen, ladies, nothing happens to them so quickly, unless, of course, you fell under tropical shower). Or she posted a selfie on Instagram. This upset me: she missed everything that was happening to us and cared more about how she looked in the eyes of others, and not in mine. I appreciated her beauty, but the moments we lived together were much more important.

As for sex, women here are more eager to fulfill their partner’s desires. Almost every girl asked about my fantasies (I even had to invent new ones) in order to immediately fulfill them. Russians are confident in themselves and their physical fitness(Of course, they spend so much time supporting it). So games in front of the mirror or intimate selfies are no problem, rather, it is perceived as highest form praise. I admit, sex in general is wonderful and full of enthusiasm. But, unfortunately, you can’t build a relationship on him alone.

I was told that Russian women are very independent and know what they want. I would agree with the second part, but the first is more difficult. In Australia, relationships are regarded as partnerships. Both participants share responsibilities equally. In Russia, judging by my experience, everything is more old-fashioned. One day after a party, I decided to help clear the table and wash the dishes. My then-girlfriend and her friends looked at me in amazement: you shouldn’t do this, you’d better sit and drink with other guys. Not that it's a problem for me, but it does make you feel a little selfish and misogynistic. In Australia, everyone does household chores, regardless of gender, just to get rid of them quickly.

One day during class the conversation turned to gender roles. Surprisingly, most students vehemently defended the traditional patriarchal system. It was the girls who spoke loudest, and the men supported them. There were a few brave souls who stood up for equality, but they were quickly snubbed by ladies who wanted to maintain the status quo of the 1950s. In Russia I met independent, beautiful feminists with wild, untamed souls, unlike anyone else. But overall, I think the girls here are exactly as I described. Stereotypes are imposed on them with early childhood and influence their self-perception and self-presentation. Sometimes for good, sometimes not.

Russian women are frank and will tell you directly what they think – whether it’s good or bad. I love that they are always there to support you and give you advice (and they are amazingly insightful). They are generous and caring. I have many female friends and I hope to keep in touch when I leave.

American's opinion about Russian girls

Jeff, 29 years old, USA

Russian women are gorgeous, it's true. One morning in St. Petersburg, on the banks of the Neva, my American friend and I met two very elegant girls - high heels, short bright dresses, catchy makeup. They looked like aliens. My companion, following them with her gaze, said: “They are dressed as if they were going to a night club, but it’s just a morning walk!” In general, Russians are more likely than American women to dress beautifully. On the one hand, it takes so much time that I sympathize with them. On the other hand, they obviously have fun, so... respect!

What struck me was the absolute indifference of your women to feminism. A lot of American women do not consider themselves feminists. But if you meet an educated girl from large city, most likely, she will support this belief system, or at least speak positively about it. Meanwhile, some liberal-minded, reasonable and strong Russian women think that feminism is some kind of stupidity and “not for them.” For me, this is a normal and obvious value system, so it’s not easy.

It's hard not to love Russian women for their kindness and attention to others. Whether it’s your grandmother scolding you for not wearing a hat in the cold, or an official making an effort to help (albeit after several requests), or friends making gifts for you by hand and beautiful cards. And I want to say that they don’t have to make all these wonderful things, but every time my heart melts. The women I am associated with at work, at home, in stores always make me happier. I even feel a little like an energy vampire. But it's hard not to have a crush on people who are really nice to you and heartbreakingly good-looking.

Your conservatism doesn't amuse me too much. I don't mind "being a man" at all, wearing heavy things and all that. But when a friend says something like “I typical woman: I drive like an idiot” or “I’m just a stupid girl,” I want to take her by the shoulders, shake her and say: “Don’t ever say that, you’re smart!” A couple of times I slept with a girl who called me “girl” because I washed the dishes after dinner she cooked.

In many ways, Russians are more straightforward than American women, and this is usually great. But when it comes to relationships and sex, you start talking in riddles. A girl may overanalyze your words or say something incomprehensible, and then expect miracles of deduction from you. Sometimes it seems to me that I am inside a Russian drama, where inviting a young lady to a party or helping with English suddenly means that I am in love with her and want children with her, although I just wanted to be good friend. I made a lot of stupid mistakes, not understanding what a girl really wants from me.

Russian women are very generous when it comes to sex. But their conservative side shows up here too. Blowjob is included in the obligatory program of the night, but at the same time, about half of the girls are extremely surprised (sometimes scared) when I offer to do cunnilingus. I try to be attentive to my partner and make sure that she reaches orgasm. But with some people, sex is more like a show for me alone. One day I asked a friend, “Do you want me to help you cum?” (after he did it himself, and she obviously didn’t, because she was too carried away by the incredible acrobatics). She replied: “Stupid question.” OK. I took it to mean, “No, but thanks.”

“They dig their heels into the ground and fight for what means a lot to them. This is a special Russian stubbornness.”
Jeff, USA

We also heard that...

“...Russian girls get too carried away intimate haircuts. They shave everything there. For what? This is completely unnatural.”
Cataldo, 39 years old, Italy

“...they worry too much about small things. I understand that the 1990s were a difficult time in Russia, but in England, for example, not at all, we had different childhoods, hence the problems. Let's say I'm a spender, and my Russian wife is extremely thrifty, and sometimes we argue about this. But I really think it’s time for you to stop worrying about everything.”
Jason, 31 years old, UK

“...the average Russian woman is much more savvy in matters of fashion – including men’s fashion – than the average European woman. As for sex, I personally haven't noticed any major differences, although your girls are probably more passionate. Stereotypes? I heard that there are two categories of Russian women. The first are rich, spoiled sexy dolls who haven’t worked a day and are burning through their parents’ money. The second are cold as stone, ready to sweep away everything in their path just to get what they need. So, I haven’t seen the first ones, but I really believe in the existence of the second ones.”
Lucas, 31 years old, Switzerland

Scientists have been arguing for decades about what a Russian person looks like. They study genetic types, physical features, papillary patterns, and even hematological features of blood groups. Some conclude that the ancestors of Russians are Slavs, others argue that Finns are closest to Russians in genotype and phenotype. So where is the truth and what anthropological portrait does the Russian person have?

The first descriptions of the appearance of Russian people

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the origins of the human race, and attempts to explore this area have been made repeatedly. Ancient records of travelers and scientists who noted their observations in detail have been preserved. There are also records in the archives about Russian people, their external and behavioral characteristics. The statements of foreigners are especially interesting. In 992, Ibn Fadlan, a traveler from Arab countries described the perfect body and attractive appearance of the Russians. In his opinion, Russians “... are blond, red in face and white in body.”

This is what Russian national costumes look like
Marco Polo admired the beauty of Russians, speaking of them in his memoirs as simple-minded and very beautiful people, with white hair.
The records of another traveler, Pavel Alepsky, have also been preserved. According to his impressions of the Russian family, there are more than 10 children with “white hair on their heads” who “resemble the Franks, but are more ruddy...”. Attention is paid to women - they are “beautiful in face and very pretty.”

Average appearance of Russian men and women/source https://cont.ws

Characteristics of Russians

IN XIX century The famous scientist Anatoly Bogdanov created a theory about the characteristic features of a Russian person. He said that everyone quite clearly imagines the appearance of a Russian. In support of his words, the scientist cited stable verbal expressions from people’s everyday life - “pure Russian beauty”, “the spitting image of a hare”, “a typical Russian face”.
The master of Russian anthropology, Vasily Deryabin, proved that in their characteristics Russians are typical Europeans. In terms of pigmentation, they are average Europeans - Russians are more likely to have light eyes and hair.

Russian peasants
An authoritative anthropologist of his time, Viktor Bunak, in 1956-59, as part of his expedition, studied 100 groups of Great Russians. Based on the results, a description of the appearance of a typical Russian was compiled - he is light brown-haired with blue or gray eye. Interestingly, a snub nose was recognized as not a typical feature - only 7% of Russians have it, while among Germans this figure is 25%.

Generalized anthropological portrait of a Russian person

A man in national costume.
Research conducted by scientists using different scientific methods, allowed us to draw up a generalized portrait of the average Russian person. The Russian is characterized by the absence of epicanthus - the fold at the inner eye that covers the lacrimal tubercle. The list of characteristic features included average height, stocky build, broad chest and shoulders, massive skeleton and well-developed muscles.
A Russian person has a regular oval face, predominantly light shades of eyes and hair, not too thick eyebrows and stubble, moderate facial width. In typical appearances, a horizontal profile and a bridge of the nose of medium height predominate, while the forehead is slightly sloping and not too wide, and the eyebrow is poorly developed. Russians are characterized by a nose with a straight profile (it is identified in 75% of cases). The skin is predominantly light or even white, which is partly due to the small amount of sunlight.

Characteristic types of appearance of Russian people

Despite a number of morphological characteristics characteristic of Russian people, scientists have proposed a narrower classification and identified several groups among Russians, each of which has distinctive external features.
The first of them is the Nordids. This type belongs to the Caucasian type, common in Northern Europe, in northwestern Russia, it includes part of the Estonians and Latvians. The appearance of Nordids is characterized by blue or green eyes, an oblong skull shape, and pink skin.

Russian appearance types
The second race is the Uralids. It occupies a middle position between Caucasians and Mongoloids - this is the population of the Volga region and Western Siberia. Uralids have straight or curly dark hair. The skin has more dark shade than Nordids, eye color is brown. Representatives of this type have a flat face shape.
Another type of Russian is called Baltida. They can be recognized by medium width faces, straight noses with thickened tips, light hair and skin.
Pontids and Gorids are also found among Russians. Pontids have straight eyebrows and narrow cheekbones and lower jaw, a high forehead, brown eyes, thin and straight with light or dark brown hair, a narrow and elongated face. Their fair skin takes tan well, so you can find both light-skinned and dark-skinned pontids. Gorids have more pronounced features than Baltids, and their skin pigmentation is slightly darker.

Russian wedding in national style.
There are many opinions about external features, characteristic of Russian people. They all differ in criteria and morphological characteristics, but, nevertheless, have a number of common indicators. After analyzing each type, many of us will find similarities with our appearance and perhaps learn something new about ourselves.

Hello. If you allow me, I would also like to ask you for help.

In principle, I can’t call myself ugly and unattractive. I have a good figure and quite a pretty face. BUT. The problem is that I am dark-skinned and have slightly oriental features. All this is not in on a global scale, but still... I don’t understand at all why I have such an appearance, my family are all Russian. And this aspect of my appearance just kills me. Occasionally I hear “she looks like a non-Russian” and so on. And after such words I really don’t want to live. Like a knife to the heart. But I heard such words even from relatives, as if by chance.

There was also a year of hell in my life. At the age of 15, I moved to another school, and there it began... I've heard a lot of things. And “Black... pie”, and “Black”, and “Ugly” and much more. Moreover, everything happened even in class, with teachers who didn’t care. And what horror and humiliation I felt when in the middle of the lesson the teacher left and everyone attacked me with insults... It cannot be expressed in words. I even tried to commit suicide and was miraculously saved. There was no strength to endure the terrible humiliation.

Now I’m 22. There was no pronounced orientalism in my appearance, and now there is even less. I pluck my black eyebrows and use whitening creams. But still, it’s there... Maybe it can be corrected at least a little with cosmetics? (Now I don’t wear makeup at all - mascara and shadows only add darkness). I’m tired of living in constant fear that someone will say “You look like a non-Russian”... It really hurts me.


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