What prayer is read on an adult’s birthday? Birthday prayer to the Guardian Angel. Which saint is better to pray to on your birthday?

Of course, a birthday for every person is another milestone in life. On this day, each of us also expects the fulfillment of our most cherished desire. Special prayers and conspiracies that are read by a believer on his own birthday can help make your dreams come true.

Orthodox prayer-amulet is read once a year

Really and very a strong talisman is a prayer to your Guardian Angel, which is read once a year. But before it you need to make appropriate preparations. You definitely need to find time to visit a temple a few days before your birthday and order a thanksgiving prayer service there. Also, if possible, you need to confess and receive communion. If you can’t do this for some reason, then you just need to stand and pray near the icon of the Savior or Holy Mother of God.

The prayer to the Guardian Angel on your birthday will be more powerful when you say it at the hour of your birth, if you know the time of birth.

The words of the prayer appeal are as follows:

“My faithful guardian angel, assigned to me by the Lord on my birthday. I turn to you with a sincere request for your blessing. Grant me deliverance from all the sorrows of life. Protect me from enemies, from gossip, slander and vain blasphemy. Don't let me get sick with a deadly and terrible disease. Save me from the edge in the dark, from the poison in the cup, from the beast in the thicket. Warn me from being torn apart by a fierce beast, from the piercing cold and hot fire. Don't let me go through a terrible famine and witness a dark day. My Guardian Angel, save and protect me. If it happens that my last hour comes, then be with me my heavenly protector, do not leave me in Hard time. Come to my head and make my care easier. Amen".

There is a strong white conspiracy for the fulfillment of a wish, which is read on a birthday. It uses a prayerful address. But in order for it to work, you must strictly follow all its rules.

First of all, you need to purchase the following icons in advance from the church shop:

  • Kazan Mother of God;
  • The Most Holy Theotokos “Consolation”;
  • Jesus Christ;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Seraphim of Sarov;
  • Your personal icon;
  • Icon of all saints.

Additionally, you need to purchase seven wax candles.

On your birthday, in a secluded place, you should place all the purchased icons on a table covered with a clean white tablecloth and light candles in front of them. After this, you should write your desire on seven sheets of paper. These sheets will need to be attached to back side images using wax from church candles.

Then the following prayer is read - a conspiracy:

“I address myself, Servant of God (s) ( given name) to You, Savior of the human race, Great Lord Almighty, to You Most Holy Theotokos, to all Saints, all Wonderworkers. I ask you all to hear my sincere prayer and respond to it. On this day I ask only one thing - to fulfill my deepest desire. Amen".

After saying the prayer-conspiracy, you should read the well-known and very powerful prayer “Our Father” three times. After this, you need to voice your desire in a whisper. Next, while the candles are burning, you need to ask God to make your wish come true. After the ceremony, the icons must be collected and stored in a secluded place.

Birthday rituals and prayers from Natalia Stepanova

Rituals and prayers from Natalia Stepanova are based on the ancient knowledge of the Russian people. They are all very effective and have helped many people become successful in life.

Prayer-spell for wealth and money

According to the folk healer, prayers for wealth and good luck are more effective if they are read on Wednesdays and Saturdays. It is important to choose the period of the waxing moon. And it is very important not to tell anyone that your material well-being has improved due to the reading of special prayers and special folk rituals. The next ritual must be carried out in a secluded place with lit candles.

The words of the conspiracy prayer sound like this:

“I address, Slave(s) of God(s) (proper name) to heavenly powers asking for help in improving my financial situation. I ask You, Lord, give me luck and finances. Heaven help me. Fill my life with abundance and prosperity. Let money be my companions in life. Let them be with me and never be translated. How many stars are there in the dark night sky, how many mice are in a wide field, how many fish are in a fast river, how many raindrops are in a thunderstorm, let there be so many paper money in my wallet. This is a prayer from the heart, and the money is for me, not to harm others. Amen".

These words must be spoken three times. After this, you need to sit in silence and wait until the candles burn out. Next, the cinders should be collected, wrapped in a new cloth napkin and hidden in a secluded place so that no one will ever find them.

During such actions, the following words are spoken:

"Until the cinders, charmed strong prayer, I have them, the money will come to me on its own. No sooner said than done. Sealed. Amen!"

Prayer for good luck

The prayers of a famous healer for good luck are also considered very effective. For strong ritual You will need to purchase an icon of forty saints from a temple or church shop. In addition, you will need to buy 8 eggs from 5 different places, for a total of 40 eggs. But you need to remember that you need to buy exactly 8 eggs, and not dozens.

The words of the prayer are as follows:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Forty holy righteous people walked along the road to holy Jerusalem. They carried forty eggs for the holy and revered holiday of Easter. But they walked for a long time, got tired and dropped their eggs. They quickly rolled along the road and all forty of them immediately crashed. So let the troubles and misfortunes of the life of God’s Servant (s) (proper name) be broken into pieces and never return to me. Oh, Holy Forty Righteous, I ask you to bless me for happy life, I ask you to drive away all torment and troubles from me. I will distribute these charmed eggs to other people. As soon as they are broken before eating, all bad luck will go away from me. So it will be. Amen".

A powerful prayer for a mother on her child's birthday

Everyone knows that maternal prayers have special power. They are especially effective when read on children’s birthdays. With the help of such prayer requests, you can protect your child from illness, damage and other problems.

Exist special rules reading prayers on this day:

  • The prayer should be read three times over the child in the early morning while he is sleeping;
  • On this day you can pray in church in front of the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos or St. Nicholas the Pleasant;
  • You should definitely light a candle in church for the health of your child.

On my son's birthday

The prayer for my son's birthday is as follows:

“Almighty Lord God, I ask you to protect my son, the Servant of God (son’s name) from all the troubles of life. I ask the Most Holy Theotokos and All Saints and Saints of God about this. Save my little blood, don’t let him be harmed by the enemy’s slander, don’t let terrible evil get to him, don’t let him harm evil people through witchcraft and sorcery. Drive away evil people from him and do not allow him to succumb to devilish temptations. Make sure that no one and nothing in earthly life harms him. So that he can spend his life in peace of mind and the fear of God. Lord Almighty, with the light of your divine radiance, protect my son at any hour and time. Grant him your grace and turn away from him all the devilish evil spirits that push him to sin. Amen".

On my daughter's birthday

The prayer for my daughter’s birthday is as follows:

“I ask you, Most Holy Theotokos, to intercede for my daughter. You know maternal feelings, and you always support mothers who pray for the happiness of their daughters, who will also become mothers. Just as you take care of your Son, who has become the Savior of the human race, so take care of my daughter. Save her from all evil, support her when I find myself powerless. Do not let human slander and devilish machinations upset her destiny. Hear me, a sinner, who has repented of my sins, known and unknown. Take the Lord's punishment away from my child and guide my daughter on the true path. Pray for her happy fate before the Lord God. Accept maternal repentance and give my daughter a blessing for a happy and righteous life. Amen".

Prayer on the birthday of the deceased (for the repose of the soul of the deceased)

A prayer for the repose of the soul of a deceased person on his birthday is considered very useful. But before reading it, it is recommended to visit the person’s grave, if possible. It is also advisable to visit the temple and light a candle for the repose of the deceased person. Prayer for the departed can be found in any prayer book.

“Remember, Lord God, Your Servant (name of the deceased). Forgive him, Lord, all his earthly sins, for he committed them out of his own foolishness and delusion. Deliver him, Lord, from eternal and unbearable torment for his known and unknown sins. Let him not burn in fiery hell and experience terrible torment. And we who live, all those close to him, pray to you and glorify you, the All-Merciful. Your truth is forever and ever and your mercy is limitless. Amen".

Every person has basic individual dates life, and is a birthday, name day and baptism day. We celebrate birthdays cheerfully with close friends, thank our parents, on name day we ask for the protection of our saint and angel, and on baptism day we ask for the blessing of the Lord and the spiritual development of our godparents who are responsible for our spiritual education.

Man is by nature two-part, therefore he is born twice: bodily and spiritually: That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit (John 3:6). Without spiritual birth it is impossible to see the Kingdom of God. But spiritual birth is also impossible without physical birth. Therefore, a birthday for a Christian is a significant event. For non-believers, birthdays come down to congratulations, gifts and a feast. It's obvious that this is necessary. However, in the first place there should be thanksgiving to God, who gave the priceless gift of life on this day.

A day or two before the birthday (preparation):

  • We attend the liturgy
  • We receive the sacrament of confession and communion at the liturgy
  • We order a service for health (a simple note for health) for your birthday - for an early liturgy, when you plan to come to it yourself, and for 12-30 days in a row.

On your birthday

On this day, you can order a thanksgiving prayer in the temple or pray at home at the hour of birth.
  • Praying at home on your birthday, thanksgiving prayers (at the time of birth)
  • We attend the liturgy and prayer service (any one in the church after the liturgy)
  • Let's light a candle for our health
  • We receive the sacrament of communion at the liturgy
  • We order a thanksgiving prayer (a simple note for health) after the liturgy or the day before

Thanksgiving Prayer for Birthday

Birthday prayer, which is read at the hour when the birthday person was born. If you do not know the time at which you were born, then read the prayer 3 times as soon as you wake up on your birthday:

“Lord God, Ruler of the whole world, visible and invisible. All the days and years of my life depend on Your holy will. I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live another year; I know that due to my sins I am unworthy of this mercy, but You show it to me out of Your ineffable love for mankind. Extend Your mercies to me, a sinner; continue my life in virtue, tranquility, health, peace with all relatives and in harmony with all neighbors. Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and everything that is necessary to satisfy my needs. Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, having passed into eternal life, I will be worthy to be the heir of Your Heavenly Kingdom. Lord Himself, bless the year I am beginning and all the days of my life. Amen."

Prayer for National Day (Ukrainian version)

Lord God, Master of all the world, visible and invisible. It is Your holy will that all the days of my life remain. I thank You, Most Merciful Father, for allowing me to live one more river. I know that for my sins I am unworthy of this mercy, but You give it to me out of Your incredible lovability. Continue your mercy to the less sinful, continue my life in goodness, at peace with all my neighbors and in good health with all my neighbors. Give me plenty of the fruits of the earth and everything that is necessary to satisfy my needs. Cleanse my conscience as much as possible, strengthen me at the age of salvation, so that, following it, after living in this world for many years, passing into eternal life, I will be worthy of being an heir to Your Heavenly Kingdom. God Himself, bless this river that I am beginning, and all the days of my life. Amen.

Also, you need to pay attention to the next 12 days, because each day after your birthday symbolizes the next month. Therefore, you need to live these days as best as possible so that next year will be successful. You can then pay attention to the fact that how you lived the day of a certain month is how it will pass for you. For example, you were born in April, your birthday symbolizes the month of April, and your year as a whole, since it is your Birthday, the next day symbolizes May, then the day June, etc.
It is also appropriate to order a note for health for the first 12 birthdays in any temple. By prayer you will ask God for blessings on all your endeavors in the new year. Birthday is a reporting point. On the day of conception and the day of birth of a person, the program of a person’s life is laid, and it is on these days that it can be changed. Set to bright feelings and love.

On name day or angel day!

On name day, in addition to thanking God, it is customary to read prayers to one’s patron saint, whose memory the Church celebrates on this day. If you can’t find a prayer, then use your own words. The most important thing is warmth and sincerity. We must try to receive Holy Communion on this day. Who is named after Orthodox calendar they read a prayer to the saint in whose honor it is named.

Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel, given to me by the Heavenly Father, I turn to You. My angel, protect me both in sorrow and in joy. Do not leave me in difficult times of my life, extend your merciful hand to me, help me overcome everything. life trials, give strength, confidence and faith in the best, bright, kind. My Guardian Angel, protect me from all evil, from misfortune and grief, from theft and deception, from damage and evil tongue. Guardian Angel, given to me by God, I ask You, help me cleanse myself of my own bad thoughts and words, from actions that are not from God and direct my life towards Light, Love, goodness and peace. In the Name of the Most High God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask You, my Angel, my Guardian, do not leave me in my illnesses, give me faith in healing, be my faithful and strong protection. My guardian angel! I thank You and bow low to You for Your love for me. I thank the Heavenly Father, the Lord Most High, for sending me You as a protector and helper in my life. Glory to Thee, Lord! Glory! Glory to the Holy Spirit! Glory! In the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Divine Mother! Amen!

Everyone has their own guardian angel and their own intercessor icon. I want to tell you about this God’s protection, which is given from birth. Pray in front of your icon, ask the Lord through it for healing, and it will definitely come.

Those born from December 22 to January 20 will be protected by the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God, and their guardian angels are Saint Sylvester and Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky.

Those born from January 21 to February 20 are protected by Saints Athanasius and Cyril, and they will be protected by the icons of the Mother of God “Vladimir” and “Burning Bush”.

The icon of the Iveron Mother of God is the intercessor of those born from February 21 to March 20. Their guardian angels are Saints Alexius and Milentius of Antioch.

Those born from March 21 to April 20 need to ask for protection from the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, and they are protected by Saints Sophrony and Innocent of Irkutsk, as well as George the Confessor.

The icons “Support of Sinners” and the Iveron Mother of God will protect those born from April 21 to May 20. Saints Stephen and Tamara, Apostle John the Theologian are their guardian angels.

If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 21, you must ask for protection from the icons of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost,” “Burning Bush,” and “Vladimirskaya.” Protected by saints Alexei of Moscow and Constantine.

Icons of “Joy to All Who Sorrow” and the Kazan Mother of God are the intercessors of those born from June 22 to July 22. Saint Cyril is their guardian angel.

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant and Elijah the Prophet protect those born from July 23 to August 23, and the icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” protects them.

Those born from August 24 to September 23 should ask for protection from the Burning Bush and Passionate Bush icons. Their guardian angels are Saints Alexander, John and Paul.

At the icons of the Pochaev Mother of God, “ Burning bush" and "Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord" should seek protection for those born from September 24 to October 23. They are protected by Saint Sergius of Radonezh.

Saint Paul is the guardian angel of those born between October 24 and November 22. The icons of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” and “Jerusalem” protect them.

Those born from November 23 to December 21 should ask for the intercession of the icons of the Mother of God “Tikhvin” and “The Sign”. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant and Saint Barbara are their guardian angels.

In every home it is desirable to have the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (Goalkeeper), which protects the house from enemies and ill-wishers. Stay with God!

On your birthday, a special Orthodox prayer is read. You can use it to fulfill wishes, for good luck. It is customary to thank the Lord for everything and ask for blessings for the coming year. Prosperity is sent to man by God, therefore requests are directed to him as the giver of all blessings. You cannot ask for sinful things in your desires: revenge, the breakup of someone’s family, any benefit for yourself to the detriment of others.

Powerful birthday prayer

Once a year, on your birthday, it is customary to read a prayer of gratitude to the Almighty. Is our spiritual development associated with a state of gratitude. That person is considered spiritual who most of his time, he is satisfied with everything and feels gratitude to God. Such a person does not look for those to blame, he shows humility, looks for ways and opportunities for his own correction. He sees God's mercy in everyone life situations. Gratitude influences our process spiritual growth, calls for grace and bestows longevity.

Birthday prayer of thanksgiving is spiritual remedy, which will help restore relationships, problems with health, money or happiness.

Powerful prayer:

When we accept God's providence in our lives and allow the Lord to work through us, then changes always happen to us better side.

We ask for good luck

On this holiday, everyone wants gifts, and the best of them will be a prosperous and successful year. The Lord Jesus Christ himself said: “Ask, and it will be given to you.” To fulfill your innermost desires in the coming year, a special prayer for good luck will be useful.

Prayer on the holiday of loved ones

On the birthday of loved ones - husband, daughter or son, grandson or granddaughter - you can read a prayer for them. On this day, you can read the traditional birthday prayer, replacing the word “me” with the name loved one.

Best prayer On the child’s birthday there will be a temple prayer and a prayer service for health. When parents do not have time to visit the temple, you can turn to your godparents for help, because this is their direct responsibility.

A mother needs to bless her own child every day. This blessing should also be read on your birthday: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve my child by the power of Your Life-giving Cross. Amen".

Who else do they pray to on their birthday?

On your holiday, you don’t have to limit yourself to reading one prayer. It is advisable to be in church on this day or the day before, order a prayer service for health, and pray at the icons.

You can seek blessings from the following saints:

  • heavenly patron;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • guardian angel;
  • beloved saint.

In addition to the Lord God, a person is cared for by his patron saint and guardian angel. The heavenly patron saint is considered to be the saint in whose honor the name of the baptized person was named. Everyone has a guardian angel, and through him the Almighty takes care of us, guides and instructs us. The Blessed Virgin hears every request and always comes to the aid of a person. Expressing love for the Mother of God, on her birthday they read a prayer to her.

The day of remembrance of the heavenly patron is called the day of the angel and is celebrated along with the birthday. On this day it is advisable to be in church and, if possible, confess and receive communion.

Prayer to the patron saint:

Prayer to the Mother of God.

For our readers: a strong birthday prayer with detailed description from various sources.

On your birthday, a special Orthodox prayer is read. You can use it to fulfill wishes, for good luck. It is customary to thank the Lord for everything and ask for blessings for the coming year. Prosperity is sent to man by God, therefore requests are directed to him as the giver of all blessings. You cannot ask for sinful things in your desires: revenge, the breakup of someone’s family, any benefit for yourself to the detriment of others.

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1 Powerful birthday prayer

Once a year, on your birthday, it is customary to read a prayer of gratitude to the Almighty. Our spiritual development is associated with a state of gratitude. That person is considered spiritual who spends most of his time contented with everything and is grateful to God. Such a person does not look for those to blame, he shows humility, looks for ways and opportunities for his own correction. He sees God's mercy in all life situations. Gratitude influences the process of our spiritual growth, invites grace and bestows longevity.

A birthday prayer of thanksgiving is a spiritual remedy that can help restore relationships, health, money, or happiness issues.

Powerful prayer:

When we accept God's providence in our lives and allow the Lord to work through us, then changes for the better always happen to us.

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2 We ask for good luck

On this holiday, everyone wants gifts, and the best of them will be a prosperous and successful year. The Lord Jesus Christ himself said: “Ask, and it will be given to you.” To fulfill your innermost desires in the coming year, a special prayer for good luck will be useful.

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3 Prayer on the holiday of loved ones

On the birthday of loved ones - husband, daughter or son, grandson or granddaughter - you can read a prayer for them. On this day, you can read the traditional birthday prayer, replacing the word “me” with the name of a loved one.

The best prayer for a child’s birthday would be a temple prayer and ordering a prayer service for health. When parents do not have time to visit the temple, you can turn to your godparents for help, because this is their direct responsibility.

A mother needs to bless her own child every day. This blessing should also be read on your birthday: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve my child by the power of Your Life-giving Cross. Amen".

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4 Who else do they pray to on their birthday?

On your holiday, you don’t have to limit yourself to reading one prayer. It is advisable to be in church on this day or the day before, order a prayer service for health, and pray at the icons.

You can seek blessings from the following saints:

  • heavenly patron;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • guardian angel;
  • beloved saint.

In addition to the Lord God, a person is cared for by his patron saint and guardian angel. The heavenly patron saint is considered to be the saint in whose honor the name of the baptized person was named. Everyone has a guardian angel, and through him the Almighty takes care of us, guides and instructs us. The Blessed Virgin hears every request and always comes to the aid of a person. Expressing love for the Mother of God, on her birthday they read a prayer to her.

The day of remembrance of the heavenly patron is called the day of the angel and is celebrated along with the birthday. On this day it is advisable to be in church and, if possible, confess and receive communion.

Prayer to the patron saint:

Prayer to the Mother of God:

Prayer to the Guardian Angel:

5 How to mark the date of birth of the deceased?

In Orthodoxy three are revered important dates In human life:

  1. 1. The time of birth of a person.
  2. 2. Date of holy baptism when born new member Churches.
  3. 3. The date of the soul’s departure to another world, transition to the heavenly kingdom.

The Orthodox Church allows commemoration of the date of birth of the deceased. You can spend this time in the cemetery, giving alms. You can bring flowers to the grave and light a lamp. It is worth going to the deceased with prayer, because he has great need for them. It is better to visit the temple and serve a memorial service.

A birthday is not just a favorite holiday for many, but also an ideal time to read prayers to ask for help from a Higher Power. It is believed that the connection with heaven on this day is as strong as possible, so all sincere appeals will be heard.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel on your birthday

Believers believe that reading a prayer on this holiday is a manifestation of love for the Lord and a person should thank him for his life and ask for protection, fulfillment of desires and other benefits. The main link between God and man is the guardian angel, to whom you can turn with various requests. It is recommended to confess and receive communion before your birthday. A very powerful birthday prayer to a greater extent considered a talisman.

  1. In the morning it is recommended to go to church for service. When you go home, buy candles.
  2. At home, while alone, light candles in front of the image of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  3. While looking at the flame for a while, thank the angel for the opportunity to live another year. After this, a birthday prayer is read to the angel.
  4. Repeat the words three times, and after that it is recommended to turn to the Lord in your own words.

Birthday prayers for wish fulfillment

To increase your chances of realizing your dreams, you can enlist the support of a Higher Power. It is important to understand that what you want will not fall on your head and will not be presented on a platter, since the Lord helps only those who work and deserve it. Thanks to his assistance, circumstances will turn out as well as possible, the main thing is to believe in it.

  1. A birthday prayer for the fulfillment of a wish should be said at the time when the person was born. Most parents know this information.
  2. If a person does not know when he was born, then it is better to say the text immediately after waking up, right in bed. It is necessary to light a candle, so place it next to you in advance.
  3. It is better to learn the text by heart, but if this is difficult, then copy it onto paper with your own hands and read it, but without hesitation.
  4. Prayer on your birthday helps you maintain energy, protect yourself from negativity, and set yourself up for the coming year.

Mother's prayer on her son's birthday

Every mother has the opportunity to help her child by protecting him from various misfortunes in life. For these purposes, there is a prayer on your son’s birthday, which will protect him from illness, bad company, damage and other problems. The clergy assure that sincere mother's prayer capable of working miracles and helping to cope with any evil.

  1. The prayer to the Lord on his birthday should be read three times over the birthday person early in the morning.
  2. You can recite the text directly in the temple in front of the image of the Mother of God or the main patron of children - St. Nicholas the Pleasant.
  3. You should definitely light a candle in church for the health of your child.

Mother's prayer on her daughter's birthday

With the help of prayer, a mother can take care of her child at any age in order to protect him from disappointments, sorrows and different problems. It is worth saying that girls are weaker in energy than boys, so they are more in need of support from Higher powers. A prayer for a daughter on her birthday can be said in church or at home, most importantly, in front of the image of the Virgin Mary. The rules for its pronunciation are identical in the case of a petition for a son.

Birthday prayer for good luck

Who would refuse to be accompanied by fortune in solving various problems and achieving new heights? To attract good luck, there is a special strong birthday prayer that must be read at the time a person is born.

  1. Pre-prepare three soft church candles so that they bend, but do not break. You also need to take a white tablecloth and saucer.
  2. The birthday prayer should be said in the room where the person sleeps. Cover any surface with a tablecloth and place a saucer in the center. You need to stand so that you are in front of the table and look east.
  3. Take the candles, hold them near your chest for a while and imagine how everything works out for you.
  4. Intertwine the candles with each other, moving from bottom to top. Light the candles, place them in the center of the saucer and say the birthday prayer 12 times. It's important not to get confused.
  5. The candles must burn out completely and it is forbidden to leave the room at this time. After that, hide the tablecloth and saucer in a secret place. They cannot be used until the next holiday.

Birthday prayer for marriage

Girls who want to walk down the aisle, but do not receive the coveted marriage proposal, can turn to Matrona of Moscow. This saint is considered the main assistant in solving love problems. A birthday prayer for marriage can be said in church in front of the image of the saint and at home, but also in front of the icon. It is important to believe that Matrona will certainly hear the request and will definitely make sure that what she wants becomes a reality.

Birthday prayer for health

No benefits will be needed if there is no health, so it is wished for the birthday person very often. To protect yourself from various ailments, you can ask for the protection of Higher powers. The main assistant in this matter is Nicholas the Wonderworker, who during his lifetime was known for his healing abilities. A very strong prayer on your birthday should be said in front of the image of the saint, which can be found in the church or you can buy the image for home. You can pronounce words at any time, but it is better at the moment of your birth.

Birthday prayer for love

Lonely people on their holiday can turn to To higher powers to ask them to speed up the meeting with your soulmate. You can do this in your own words, which will allow you to express your request from the bottom of your heart. Church prayer on your birthday is powerful because it creates special sound vibrations.

  1. To start praying, it is recommended to light a church candle nearby and focus on your desire to meet your lover. It is recommended to supplement the reading of the birthday prayer with visualization, imagining the image of a man.
  2. While pronouncing the text, it is necessary to concentrate energy at the level of the solar plexus, where the heart chakra is located.
  3. First say the prayer in full voice, then in a half-whisper and a third time to yourself.

Birthday prayer for money

You can attract well-being to yourself with the help of sincere appeals to the Higher powers. The most powerful prayer on your birthday should come from a pure heart and with great faith in the result, since any doubts will serve as an obstacle.

  1. It has already been said that it is best to say prayers at the hour when a person is born. If this information is unknown, then it is best to pray at the moment when the sun has set. This information is easy to find out.
  2. It is necessary to prepare a church candle and an icon of the Almighty in advance.
  3. First, light a candle and read “Our Father”, and then repeat the presented prayer 12 times.
  4. After this, extinguish the candle, wrap it in a clean cloth or sheet of paper and hide it behind the icon. She should stay there until her next birthday.
  5. A year later, the ritual can be repeated, but with a new candle, and take the old one to church and put it up for your health.

We celebrate birthdays every year - in childhood this is first and foremost festive table, gifts, guests. Over time, the holiday becomes an occasion to take stock. And for Christians, this is a reason to turn to God and read a special prayer on your birthday. How to celebrate this holiday in a Christian way? The answer to this question is in this article.


Few people know, but the Jews did not celebrate birthdays at all. This is one of the reasons why it has not reached us exact date birth of Jesus Christ. The tradition of celebrating this day was brought to Judea by the Romans. But they were invaders who implanted their own, alien culture, usurped power, built pagan temples everywhere, and forced them to worship idols.

The usurper King Herod, who was not loved by the people, began to be the first to adopt all Roman customs. However, the majority of the population was still strongly against it; the Jews secretly hated the Romans and despised their traditions. Over time, however, Christianity went beyond nationalities, uniting people with very different habits, including the Romans. Many of them became martyrs, giving their lives for their faith in Christ. The customs gradually penetrated into other cultures.

Birthday prayer read once a year

Lord, God, Ruler of the whole world, visible and invisible.
All the days and summers of my life depend on Your Holy will.
I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live another year; I know that due to my sins I am unworthy of this mercy, but You show it to me out of Your ineffable love for mankind.
Extend Your mercies to me, a sinner; continue my life in virtue, tranquility, health, peace with all relatives and harmony with all neighbors.
Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and everything that is necessary to satisfy my needs.
Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, passing into eternal life, I will be worthy to be the heir of Your heavenly Kingdom.
Lord Himself, bless the year I am beginning and all the days of my life.

Birthday prayer to Guardian Angel

O holy Angel, my good guardian and patron! With a contrite heart and painful soul I stand before you, praying: hear me, your sinful servant (name of the rivers), crying with a strong cry and a bitter cry; Do not remember my iniquities and untruths, with them I, the accursed one, anger you all day and hour, and I create abominations for myself before our Creator, the Lord; Show yourself merciful to me and do not leave me unfavorably even until my death; awaken me from the sleep of sin and with your prayers help me to pass through the rest of my life without blemish and create fruits worthy of repentance, moreover, keep me from the mortal falls of sin, so that I will not perish in despair and may the enemy not rejoice over my destruction. I truly confess this with my lips, as no one is a friend and intercessor, protector and champion, like you, holy Angel: for standing before the Throne of the Lord, pray for me, indecent and most sinful of all, so that he will not take away

Most good of my soul on the day of my despair and on the day of the creation of evil. Do not cease to propitiate the most merciful Lord and my God, may he forgive me the sins that I have committed throughout my life, in deed, in word and with all my feelings, and may the message of destinies save me; may He punish me here according to His ineffable mercy, but may He not convict and punish me here according to His impartial justice; may he vouchsafe me to bring repentance, and with repentance may I be worthy of receiving Divine Communion, for this I pray more than ever, and I earnestly desire such a gift. In the terrible hour of death, be persistent with me, my good guardian, driving away the dark demons that have the power to frighten my trembling soul: protect me from those traps, when the imam passes the airy ordeal, may we protect you, I will safely reach the desired paradise, where the faces of the saints and heavenly ones forces continually praise the all-honorable and magnificent name in the Trinity of the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to whom honor and worship are due forever and ever. Amen.

Why pray on your birthday?

Gradually cultural differences smoothed out. The holiday took on new meaning in the light of faith. There is nothing wrong with gathering friends on this day and rejoicing with them. But everything should be without unbridledness and drunkenness. Today, on their birthday, Christians thank God for the gift of life by reading a special prayer. This is a special text in which a person remembers the most important goals of his existence and asks God to extend his mercies.

It’s not a bad idea to visit God’s temple on this day and begin the holy Sacrament of Communion. The day before, you need to go to confession, cleanse your soul, and not just worry about food and clothing for your body. Only in this case will joy in the Lord, who is the giver of life, be complete. The date of birth into eternity is the day of baptism, but birth according to the flesh is also important event. This is a great opportunity to think about how preparation for eternity takes place. In such a difficult matter, you need to ask for help in prayer, which is read on your birthday.

Orthodox holy fathers advise conducting a spiritual audit, ordering a thanksgiving prayer service, and inviting your friends and acquaintances to it.

Is it always possible to celebrate a holiday?

It happens that a person’s birthday falls during Lent (its dates always change). What to do in this case? Of course, you shouldn’t celebrate too vigorously; you can sit modestly with your loved ones and remember the good things that happened last year. The prayer, which is read for a birthday once a year, must be read at any time - but it is more logical to do it in the morning, because during the day you can lose all the prayerful mood with all the hassle.

There is another option, taken from church practice. There, the celebrations of saints are postponed to a later date (for example, on the next Sunday, when there are relaxations in the rules of fasting, oil and wine are allowed). You can move it a little further if, for example, before the end fast days There is very little time left. Then you can have a full-fledged barbecue feast. And mark the date of birth itself in a purely Christian way, staying in church for prayer.

Listen to birthday prayer

Should I pray to an angel on my birthday?

You can’t forget your Angel on your birthday; be sure to pray to him. Holy angels are given to every Christian; they protect people from attacks by demonic forces. Heavenly beings bring the prayers of their charges to the throne of the Lord of the universe. They also constantly pray to the Lord for us, asking for the salvation of our souls.

Why are they doing this? They fulfill God’s command, because this is the mission given to them by God. The angels themselves have a divine nature, but do not have a mortal body, like humans. Therefore, their whole being strives to do good deeds. When a person becomes better, takes steps towards perfection, it makes them very happy. Prayers to the Guardian Angel should be read not only on your birthday, but every morning and evening.

The spiritual life of Orthodox Christians should come first. You should also think about it on your holiday, marking the next date of growing up. Have you been able to do a lot of good deeds? Did you often study the Word of God or spend time idly, near the TV, in aimless conversations? Here's something to think about and keep in mind over the next year. God bless you!

A prayer read on a birthday once a year was last modified: May 7th, 2018 by Bogolub

Birth is very important point in the destiny of each of us. After all, it is then that we gain the life given by our mother and the Lord. Therefore, it has long been customary to pray for one’s birth.

Prayer of thanksgiving

First, you need to know how to pray correctly. We need to remember and thank the Almighty for the gift of life, the opportunity to enjoy every day and rejoice in the world around us. Prayer for your birth is very important, because it is, first of all, a manifestation of true love for God, with whom a believer shares his holiday and his joy.

The prayer must be read in the morning. It does not take a lot of time.

Lord God, Ruler of the whole world, visible and invisible. All the days and years of my life depend on Your holy will. I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live another year; I know that due to my sins I am unworthy of this mercy, but You show it to me out of Your ineffable love for mankind. Extend Your mercies to me, a sinner; continue my life in virtue, tranquility, health, peace with all relatives and in harmony with all neighbors. Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and everything that is necessary to satisfy my needs. Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, having passed into eternal life, I will be worthy to be the heir of Your Heavenly Kingdom. Lord Himself, bless the year I am beginning and all the days of my life. Amen.

Prayer expresses gratitude to the Lord. Having thanked him, you can ask him not to leave him further, continuing to keep an eye on the deeds he has committed.

Prayer for fulfillment of desires

With birth, a person has his own Guardian Angel, who protects him and guides him on the right path throughout his life. And during the celebration one must never forget about one’s intercessor.

This date is traditional time to make your deepest wish, which should come true this year. Such a request must be supported by a strong prayer to the Guardian Angel and the Saints. Then everything that is planned will definitely come true.

To the Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me all who have sinned this day, and deliver me from all the wickedness of the enemy who opposes me, so that I may not anger my God in any sin; but pray for me, a sinful and unworthy servant, that you may show me worthy of the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

A saint who looks after a person is able to fulfill a dream and send happiness and prosperity from heaven, you just have to sincerely ask and believe that the wish will come true. Before reading the prayer, you need to make a request in your own words, clearly indicating what exactly you want.

After reading these prayers, you will thank both God and your Guardian Angel. They will help you find happiness and strengthen in your soul Orthodox faith. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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