Kali Ma in Soviet culture. Volgograd. Who is Goddess Kali? The legend of the goddess Kali. Indian mythology

As you know, in Hinduism, in addition to the supreme deity, there are many other gods and their incarnations. They all serve the same purpose - leading a person along the path of enlightenment, but each uses its own means for this.

The Indian goddess Kali represents the destructive form of Parvati, the wife of Shiva. She is usually depicted dancing on the body of Shiva, with four hands, in one of which she holds the head of a demon with a protruding tongue dripping blood, and a garland of skulls. It would seem that the image should have made her negative character, but adherents of Hinduism highly revere her. There is even a special cult dedicated to Kali. The goddess, who represents the destructive hypostasis of Shakti, also personifies protection from dark forces and maternal, caring nature.

Goddess Kali is a manifestation of “divine wrath”, and not causeless destructive aggression. She gets rid of ignorance and demons, purifying and protecting. She is also associated in Hinduism with great joy: when she defeats her enemies, she always laughs. The Goddess constantly supports honest people. But the followers of the cult of Kali, who misinterpreted Hindu philosophy, performed terrible rituals accompanied by human sacrifices, as a result of which this deity became associated with senseless bloodshed and mercilessness.

The true essence of this goddess remains in the harmonious unification of creative and destructive forces.

Goddess Kali exists in twelve manifestations: the goddess of Creation, Kali of Preservation, Destruction, Limitation, Destruction, Death, Horror, the Goddess of the Cosmic Egg, Kali of the Supreme Radiance, the Terrible Fire of Time, Great Time and Kali of Fearlessness.

All these forms carry out a gradual transition of consciousness to enlightenment through the acceptance of all objects outside world, as a part of your Self, and yourself, as a world.

Thus, destruction is the erasure of boundaries between various forms existence.

Goddess Kali destroys the duality of the world and doubt.

The image of this deity includes many symbols: her four arms represent both the cardinal directions and the main chakras; three eyes - three main forces on which the entire philosophy of Hinduism rests: creation, preservation and destruction; a garland of skulls - a series of human reincarnations, and a severed head - liberation from the ego; Blue colour skin - eternity; the corpse under her feet is the frailty of the bodily shell; a bloody tongue is the rajas guna, and black hair is the purity of consciousness.

We see that the goddess Kali embodies all the basic ideas and principles of Hinduism, albeit in a strange and perhaps even repulsive form. She symbolizes eternal life and victory over petty concerns about the body, ignorance and evil forces.

Despite the fact that she is rarely ranked among the main gods of Hinduism, her image is undoubtedly a characteristic example for those who strive to comprehend. After all, Kali is also eternal balance and harmony, the unity of the creative and destructive principles in the form of a female deity.

Continuation of the series of articles about Kali Ma in Soviet culture. Start .

First of all, I want to warn you that I share the feelings of people who lost their loved ones both in the distant 40s and during the recent numerous terrorist attacks in Volgograd. For me, the memory of the dead and the cult of Kali are two mutually exclusive concepts. I hope this article can explain my position in detail.

Distinctive features of Kali Ma and the Motherland.

Only in delirium can one imagine that the memory of those killed in the battles of Stalingrad can be immortalized in a statue dedicated to the bloodthirsty ghoul. And the call to death looks completely different from the propaganda poster “Kali Ma is calling!”

The bloodthirsty goddess Kali Ma has a number of distinctive features. The previous article examined 10 features that were “blurred” across three statues in Tbilisi. In Volgograd, one of the tallest statues in the world is installed under the name “Motherland”, which also has a number of features that make it possible to definitely identify Kali Ma in it. Some signs are not as obvious as in the case of the three statues in Tbilisi, but one should not forget about the peculiar “logic” of the initiates - for them a half-hint, half-sign is enough. Perhaps I also missed some points, since I did not have a chance to personally visit Volgograd and all the material in the article is based on information from open sources.

1) Name. R alone Ma the one who stands on Mother evom TO Urgan. In the Slavic "Vedic pantheon" TO Ali Ma corresponds Poppy osh or Ma-R A.
The play of consonants is obvious M-K-R.

2) Sword. Kali Ma holds a huge sword tightly in her hand

3) Shiva. Just as in Tbilisi, Kali Ma is captured moving towards a warrior, dismembered and already half-grown into the ground. According to tradition, Kali Ma must stand on the chest of the defeated half-dead and half-dead Shiva (Shiva in the form of a corpse).

The connection between the monument to the warrior and Shiva is mentioned, in particular, here: “Soviet warrior-hero - Shiva. Machine gun - small arms, bow. Grenade - mace.” It is worth noting that Durga is another name of Kali Ma.

4) Battle. There is indeed a battle all around her. One of the bloodiest and most brutal in history. And now it is imprinted in the memorial culture and in the cemetery located right behind Kali Ma in Volgograd. Almost everywhere Kali Ma is placed either directly on the bones or another connection with mass casualties can be traced. One of the graves (Marshal Soviet Union) is located right at the foot of Kali Ma. She loves this kind of thing...
Such “monuments” on Mamayev Kurgan have a clear and unambiguous effect on the subconscious.

5) Breasts. For a monument dedicated to the memory of the dead and having a mention of the mother in its name, such artistic attention to the image of the breast seems completely strange

6) Language. Often Kali Ma is depicted not with her tongue hanging out, but with her mouth open. Indeed, the Volgograd Kali Ma has an ugly mouth. There is a historical “anecdote” intended to somehow explain such an “artistic decision”.

One of the two architects, Vuchetich told Andrei Sakharov: “My bosses ask me why her mouth is open, because it’s ugly. I answer: And she screams - for the Motherland... your mother!

7) Torch. Kali Ma has many hands. Usually 4, but sometimes 6 and 8. Each time the question of how to depict additional hands is solved in an original way. If in Tbilisi three pairs of hands were “distributed” among three statues in a position up, to the sides and down, then in Volgograd they decided to go the same way as the tongue was depicted in Tbilisi. Let me remind you that the “mother’s tongue” is depicted as a separate monument, oriented strictly to the north. In the case of the Volgograd Kali Ma, due east there is a separate pavilion in which "no man's hand" holds a torch. Through the hole in the roof you can see whose extra hand with the torch it is. This is such a multi-armed “mother”.

Sacrifices to Kali Ma

The complex on Mamayev Kurgan still requires bloody sacrifices. Kali is a formidable and bloodthirsty goddess who demands fresh blood from her followers. Unfortunately, as Pelevin artistically portrayed it, Kali Ma is still being sacrificed to this day. Of course, few people know or even think about this, but I undertake to establish some connection.

Before showing the relationship between the “terrorist attacks”, I want to make an assumption. For some reason, the objects of the blood cult and the places of sacrifice are connected along geolines (meridians, parallels), and the coordinates are very accurately verified. Perhaps the strength of the “effect” obtained during the sacrifice depends on geographical accuracy.
In other cases, the reference is not to geolines, but to artificial lines created by very tall objects, such as television and radio towers, huge monuments, statues, and spiers.

As an elective, I advise you to quickly flip through the book “Systems of Cosmic Communication and Suppression of Consciousness on New Principles.” Don’t be intimidated by the technical details, look through the pictures of architecture. There is especially detail about Astana - the city was built almost from scratch, and the system in the planning is especially visible:

So, let's look at 4 terrorist attacks

Author va123ma in the commentary to the article they describe the geographical relationship of the bus bombing in Volgograd on October 21, clearly characterizing the “terrorist attack” as a sacrifice. The geographic accuracy in this case is not very high - perhaps something went wrong? In addition, I did not see a direct connection to Kali Ma in this attack, unlike the other three cases.

On the 65th anniversary of the start of World War II, one of the most brutal terrorist attacks was carried out, in which children were killed and suffered primarily in Beslan.

School number 1 in Beslan is located with very great accuracy on the same meridian as Kali Ma ("Motherland"). The error is only a few tens of meters (!), although the distance Volgograd - Beslan is about 600 kilometers. Don't be lazy, check it out for yourself:

48°44"32.42"N 44°32"13.63"E- "Motherland"
43°11"6.11"N 44°32"8.51"E- School N1 in Beslan

Monstrous accuracy of coincidence in the longitude coordinate (meridian 44°32")! Children died in Beslan... And I am sure that there is a connection, because the thread winds further...

With the same sophisticated precision, at the same longitude, “Night Wolves” in August 2013, day after day on the anniversary of the terrible bombing of Stalingrad, on the territory of the museum complex in Volgograd they erected a replica monument to children dancing around a crocodile. When children dance around a ferocious man-eating predator, disaster awaits!

So, compare the coordinates - this time the replica monument was placed very precisely on the Kali Ma meridian - School number 1. Note - the children are charred, blackened. This is the spulptor’s idea, this is the “memory” of the children who died in Beslan!

48°42"57"N 44°32"00"E- coordinates of the monument - replicas at the "Mill" in Volgograd, still the same meridian 44°32"

The second monument in Volgograd, already with snow-white grown-up children, as if by a thread, leads us to the next “terrorist attack,” since the second “crocodile” was placed right at the entrance to the station where the explosion occurred.

The second crocodile, having feasted on children in Beslan, leads us to the station.
The two explosions that occurred in Volgograd were located with great precision on the lines formed by high-rise buildings and the gigantic Kali Ma monument. Probably to enhance the effect. This is what it looks like:

Both lines begin on the giant Kali Ma
48°44"32.42"N 44°32"13.63"E

The first line passes through the station square, where the explosion occurred, and ends at another strange but very high (22 meters high) monument to the Chekist soldiers
48°42"5.74"N 44°30"21.00"E

By "coincidence" the monument to the security officer is located at the intersection of the street KALI Nina.
In the hands of the security officer warrior is a sword (referring to Kali Ma), which is a kind of antenna. IN nightmare I can imagine such a security officer warrior, armed with a sword for the second time world war. Or is he the “Motherland Father”?

An explosion in a trolley bus lies on the Kali Ma - TV tower line. In the photo in the lower right corner - visual illusion, since the 192-meter-high TV tower is more than twice as tall as the statue and is the most highest point In Volgograd.

coordinates of the explosion in the trolleybus
48°44"9.94"N 44°29"52.90"E
TV tower coordinates (next to Kali Ma and cemetery)
48°44"29.16"N 44°31"50.36"E

In general, television and radio towers are almost universally built next to or right on cemeteries, or they have been stormed and bloodshed:
Moscow (that’s the name - Ostankino, on the remains, the cemetery right under the tower)
Volgograd ( memorial cemetery for "Motherland")
Kyiv (Babi Yar)
Tbilisi (Mtatsminda Pantheon)
Vilnius (people died during the assault)
TV towers deserve a separate article. Now I’ll just mention that one of the two authors of the project for the Kali Ma monument - Nikitin - became the chief designer of the Ostankino TV tower, and before that he designed the main building of Moscow State University. A deeply dedicated person.

I don’t know exactly how the mechanism of sacrifice works, why and who needs it. But the fact that today the cult of Kali Ma influences our lives is undeniable.

1. On a leading question moore_na I checked - in the Volgograd terrorist attacks, 3 children died and three more were injured - a total of 6, according to the number of sculptures of children in a deadly round dance around a crocodile.

2. The article did not clearly say that there are two monuments with crocodiles, both in Volgograd, not far from each other. I'll write again. The first one, white, official, at the station, near the site of the terrorist attack. The second, black, placed by the “night wolves”, on the meridian of School number 1 of Beslan. In the second, bricks brought from the wall of the Danilovsky Monastery were used. There is a leapfrog in the media - some call it Danilovsky, some - Donskoy Monastery.

“The uniqueness of this monument is in the special brickwork. This is an original brick from the early 19th century from the wall of the baths of the Danilovsky Monastery in Moscow, which was dismantled for a reason unknown to us. We managed to literally beg for a piece of it - we dismantled it manually,” says Yegor Kozlovsky. – Of course, we didn’t want any historical forgery, we tried to recreate a piece of history. It will be a monument-reminder, a postcard background for a photo.”

It’s strange that bikers are begging for and dismantling a piece of the wall of the Danilovsky Monastery in order to bring bricks to Volgograd.

Who really needed this and what was the peculiarity of the bricks?

3. Between the death of children in the terrorist attack in Beslan at School No. 1 and the discovery of the “black crocodile” with black figures of children oriented exactly along the meridian of the school, exactly 9 years passed, day to day, according to the Jewish calendar. Between the capture of the children and the opening of the monument, 8 years, 11 months and 22 days passed according to the civil calendar.

Indian goddess of death, destruction, fear and horror, wife of the destroyer Shiva. As Kali Ma ("dark mother") she is one of the ten aspects of the wife of Shiva, a bloodthirsty and powerful warrior. Appearance She is almost always intimidating: dark or black, with long tousled hair, usually depicted naked or in only one belt, standing on the body of Shiva and resting one foot on his leg and the other on his chest. Kali has four arms, with claw-like nails on her hands. In two hands she holds a sword and the severed head of a giant, and with the other two she seduces those who worship her. She wears a necklace made of skulls and earrings made of corpses. Her tongue sticks out, she has long sharp fangs. She is splattered with blood and gets drunk with the blood of her victims.

Some Kapalika rituals are described in the novel The Song of Kali by Dan Simmons.

In the guise of Kali, Shiva's wife manifests herself more severely. In general, the appearance of Kali is stern and terrible; this is a three-eyed monster with bared teeth, a protruding tongue, and many (usually four) hands in which weapons are inserted. Her earrings are in the shape of baby bodies, and her necklace is made of skulls. Holidays in her honor are colorful and popular. But they fear her and therefore worship her by making bloody sacrifices: in the Calcutta central temple of the goddess, Kalithat, they sacrifice live kids of goats. Kali is considered the patroness of all those engaged in unclean deeds, including professional criminals, robbers and murderers, not to mention members of the Thaga strangler caste, who kill people in her honor.

Goddess Kali, one of the many wives of Shiva, embodies the divine energy that brings bloodshed, pestilence, murder and death. Her necklace is made of human skulls, and her skirt is made from the severed hands of demons. The goddess has a dark face. She holds a sword in one hand and a severed head in the other. Her long tongue hangs out of her mouth and greedily licks her lips, along which a trickle of blood runs down.
According to Indian myths, Kali once gathered her devotees to identify the most devoted. They turned out to be Thagi. As a reward for their loyalty, she taught them the techniques of strangling people with a handkerchief and endowed them with remarkable strength, dexterity and cunning.
Each Thag community had one or more leaders - jemadars. They introduced young thagas to cruel crafts, performed religious rituals and appropriated most production
The second in position after the jemadar was bhutot. He wore in his bosom a handkerchief twisted into a rope with a loop at the end. A scarf made of silk fabric was called “rumal”. The loop was carefully oiled and sprinkled sacred water Ganga. It was believed that rumal was an item of Kali's toilet. Thag, going “on business” for the first time, tied a silver coin in a scarf, and after a successfully completed operation, gave it to his mentor.
Like all bandits in the world, Thags used a special jargon and conventional signs. For example, the signal for an attack was the gesture of the leader, prayerfully turning his eyes to the sky, or the cry of an owl, Kali’s favorite bird. Then the bhutot would quietly creep up to the victim and, seizing the right moment, with a sharp movement of his right hand he would throw a noose around the neck of the doomed man.
The noose was tightened slowly so that Kali could fully enjoy the agony of the dying man. At the same time, the strangler uttered the following spell several times: “Kali! Kali! Goddess of death! Iron cannibal goddess! Tear my enemy with your teeth, drink his blood, defeat him, mother Kali!” A slight movement of the fingers, known only to Thags, and the person fell dead.

Kali - in Hindu mythology, one of the formidable incarnations of the great mother goddess Devi, or Durga, the wife of Shiva, the personification of death and destruction. She was born from Durga's forehead, black with anger: with blood-red eyes, four arms; a tongue stained with the blood of the victims hung from the open mouth; her nakedness was covered with a sash made from severed enemy heads or hands, a necklace made of skulls and a tiger skin. Like Shiva, Kali had a third eye in her forehead. She held a weapon in one hand, the severed head of Raktabija in the other, both hands raised in blessing. Kali's followers considered her to be a loving mother goddess who could destroy death and demons.

One of the most dramatic images shows her squatting next to the body of a dead Shiva, devouring his penis with her vagina while eating his intestines with her mouth. This scene should not be taken literally, but spiritually. It is believed that Kali takes Shiva's semen into her vagina to re-conceive him in her eternal womb. In the same way, she devours and destroys all living things around her in order to create everything anew. On her neck she wears a necklace of skulls, on which are engraved Sanskrit letters, considered sacred mantras, with the help of which Kali created, connecting the Elements. Kali Ma has an ugly face with fangs stained with blood. The third eye is located above her eyebrow. Her naked body is decorated with garlands of babies, necklaces of skulls, snakes, and the heads of her sons, and her belt is made from the hands of demons.


She is called Dakshina because she generously gives gifts to Her devotees. Her hair is disheveled. She is adorned with a necklace human heads, She has long protruding teeth, She has four arms: in the lower left hand She holds a severed human head, in the upper left hand She holds a sword. With Her lower right hand She seems to give a gift (varadamudra), and with Her upper right hand She guarantees freedom from fear (abhaya mudra). She has dark color skin, She is naked. She wears two corpses in Her ears as ornaments, and She wears a belt of hands of the dead bodies, Her three eyes shine like the morning Sun. Her location is a place where corpses are burned. She stands on the chest of Mahadeva (Shiva), who lies like a corpse. She is surrounded by jackals. Her face is terrifying, blood flows from the corners of Her lips. According to another version, naked (digambari), She sits on Mahadeva, who lies as if dead, She has large and high breasts, She takes the initiative in sexual game with Mahakala.

Another image of Dakshinakalika goes like this: She has dark skin color, four arms: in Her right hands She holds a dagger (kartrika) and a human skull; garlands of human heads adorn Her head and neck; a necklace of snakes on Her chest. She wears a piece of black cloth and a tiger skin on her lower back. She stands with her left foot on the chest of the corpse, with her right foot on the back of the lion licking the corpse.


In this beautiful form of Her, Kali holds in right hand a sword that touches the Moon above Her head. The body of the Goddess is filled with nectar flowing from the Moon. She drinks blood from a skull she holds in her left hand. She is naked and Her hair is down. Her body color is like a blue lotus. She is decorated with a crown of precious stones and various decorations. The Sun and Moon shine like earrings in Her ears. She stands with her left foot forward (in Alidha position).


She is black as a thundercloud. She is dressed in black cloth, She has sunken eyes and fierce teeth, a protruding, hanging tongue, a smiling face. She is wearing a necklace and a sacred thread made of snakes. She sits on a bed of snakes.
A tuft of her tangled hair touches the sky. She sips wine from a skull. She is wearing a garland of 50 human heads. She has full belly. Above Her head are 1000 hoods of Ananta, the king of snakes. She is surrounded on all sides by hoods of snakes. The great serpent Takshaka entwines Her left hand like a bracelet, Ananta - the right one. She wears a belt made of snakes, and on Her leg is a bracelet made of precious stones. Dead bodies serve as decoration for Her ears. To Her left is Shiva in the form of a boy. She has two hands. Her face expresses satisfaction. She is adorned with nine jewels; She is served by great sages (munis) like Narada. When She laughs, Her loud laughter is terrifying.


She is exhausted from hunger. She has sunken eyes. Her face is as dark as ink. Her teeth are like black jambu berries. Her hair is down. She cries, saying, “I'm not satisfied. I will swallow this whole world in one gulp, like a small piece of food!” In her two hands She holds a lasso (or two lassos, shining like flames).


She is black, like a mountain of black ointment. Her location is a place where corpses are burned. She has disheveled hair, a withered body and a frightening appearance. She has sunken red eyes. She holds a skull filled with wine in her right hand and a freshly severed head in her left hand. With a smiling face. She constantly chews raw meat. Her body is decorated with various ornaments. She is naked and always drunk with wine. The usual place to worship Her is a cremation ground where the worshiper has to perform the rituals while naked.

Rakshakali or Mahakali

She is black. She has four arms, and She is decorated with garlands of heads - one garland on Her head, another on Her shoulders. In Her two right hands She holds a sword and two lotuses. In Her left hands She holds a dagger and a skull. Her tangled hair touches the sky. She is wearing a necklace of snakes. She has red eyes. She wears black cloth and a tiger skin around Her waist. Her left leg is on the chest of the corpse, her right leg is on the back of the lion. She sips the wine, bursts into a terrible laugh and makes loud guttural sounds. She's incredibly terrible.

Indian mythology describes a time when evil forces fought with the good ones, and these battles took place quite actively, i.e. with thousands of victims, victims on both sides. The book “Devi Mahatmya” tells about this.

This treatise describes the Goddess (Devi). The Goddess in Hinduism is Shakti, the Power and Desire of God Almighty. It is She, according to Hinduism, who destroys all evil in the world. She is called differently, reflecting Her versatility - Mahamaya, Kali, Durga, Devi, Lolita... Even the name Allah is found.

She has many names, the treatise “1000 names of Lolita” by Sri Shankaracharya is known, where he describes Her in a thousand names, the first of which is "Sacred Mother, who gives not only all the good that loving Mother gives to her child, but also the highest knowledge, knowledge of Divine vibrations to those who worship Her". Sri Nishchinta (Free from worry), Sri Nihsamshaya (Having no doubts), Sri Rakshakari (Savior), Sri Parameshwari (Principal Ruler), Sri Adi Shaktihi (Primal Power, Holy Spirit), Vishwa-Garbha (The entire universe is contained in Her) - such By names Shankaracharya characterizes the Power and Will of God Almighty.

Also Shankaracharya and Devi Mahatmya describe the Destructive power of the Goddess. In any monotheistic religion (and Hinduism is certainly a monotheistic religion) it is said that God Almighty controls both good and evil. Otherwise He would not be Almighty. So the Wrath of God Almighty is described everywhere, a wrath of terrifying power. You can also remember the description Last Judgment in the Koran, and the description of the Apocalypse in the Bible - everywhere they talk about the terrible punishments that God brings down on those who followed the paths of evil. The treatise “Devi Mahatmya” was no exception:

Kali is one of the destructive aspects of the Goddess, described in the seventh chapter.

2. Having received such an order (to destroy the Goddess), the Daityas (evil forces) led by Chanda and Munda, raising their weapons, set out as an army of four clans (troops).

3. And on the golden peak high mountain they saw Devi sitting on a lion with a slight smile.

4. And seeing Tu (Devi), some went to capture Her, while others approached Her, drawing their swords and drawing their bows.

5. Then a terrible anger at her enemies awoke in Ambika, and in rage Her face became pitch black.

6. And from Her high forehead with brows frowning in anger suddenly came Kali - scary-faced, carrying a sword and lasso,

7. - Holding a wondrous staff crowned with a skull, adorned with a garland of skulls, dressed in the skin of a tiger, awe-inspiring with the sight of (Her) emaciated flesh,

8. With a wide open mouth, a terribly moving tongue, with deeply sunken scarlet eyes, resounding with a roar in the cardinal directions.

9. And rushing headlong against the great asuras, killing and devouring the armies of the enemies of the celestials,

10. She grabbed the elephants with one hand with their guards, drivers, warriors, bells, and threw them into Her mouth...

15. Some were killed by Her sword, others were struck by the blow of a staff crowned with a skull; other asuras met death, torn to pieces by Her sharp fangs.

16. In the blink of an eye, the entire army of asuras perished, and seeing this, Chanda (the demon) rushed to the incredibly terrible Kali.

17. With a terrible shower of arrows, that great asura, as well as Munda (the demon) - with a thousand thrown discs, covered (the goddess) with an awe-inspiring form.

18. But flying into Her mouth, those countless disks seemed like the disks of many suns, disappearing into the depths of the cloud.

19. And roaring terribly, Kali laughed menacingly in great rage - trembling fangs shone in Her terrible mouth.

20. Then the Goddess, seated on a great lion, rushed towards Chanda and, grabbing him by the hair, cut off his head with a sword.

21. And seeing the death of Chanda, Munda himself rushed (to the Goddess), but was thrown to the ground by the fierce blow of Her sword.

22. At the sight of the death of Chanda and the great in valor Munda, the remnants of the troops rushed in fear in all directions.

23. And catching the head of Chanda, as well as Munda, Kali approached Chandika and said, alternating words with frantic laughter:

24. “I brought You Chanda and Munda, two great animals for the sacrifice-battle, and Shumbha and Nishumbha (the other 2 demons) You will kill Yourself!”

Thus we can understand why the following names are given to the Goddess: Sri Ugraprabha (Radiating Fury), Sri Naramandali (Clad in a Garland of Skulls), Sri Krodhini (Cosmic Wrath). But at the same time - Sri Vilasini (Ocean of Joy), Sri Bhogavati (Supreme Giver of Joy in the World), Sri Manorama (Highest Divine Grace and Charm) - after all, She symbolizes the protection of humanity from evil, and also mother's love and care. According to "Devi Mahatmya" She always comes to the rescue of righteous and good people.

Unfortunately, there are always people who can use religion for their own purposes. This is how the cult of Kali arose in India, the founders of which, taking advantage of the ignorance of ordinary rural residents, did terrible things, killing people. Representatives of almost all religions sometimes consider themselves entitled to kill in the name of God; here we can recall Muslim martyrs, Christian crusaders, and many others. But it is more appropriate to compare the followers of this terrible cult with Satanists, they are so far from the spirit of Hinduism, they misunderstood the essence of the Goddess. Regarding the time called "Kali Yuga", there are many wrong views here too. The time of Kali is the time when human illusions reach their maximum, causing a person to suffer. This was not done out of hatred for humanity, but so that people would think about the source of their suffering and begin to seek Truth and self-realization.

Kali (“black”), in Hindu mythology, one of the formidable hypostases of the great mother goddess Devi, or Durga, the wife of Shiva, the personification of death and destruction. She was born from Durga's forehead, black with anger: with blood-red eyes, four arms; a tongue stained with the blood of the victims hung from the open mouth; her nakedness was covered with a sash made from severed enemy heads or hands, a necklace made of skulls and a tiger skin. Like Shiva, Kali had a third eye in her forehead. She held a weapon in one hand, the severed head of Raktabija in the other, both hands raised in blessing. Kali's followers considered her to be a loving mother goddess who could destroy death and demons. One of the myths tells how the monster Raktabija threatened the world. From every drop of blood that oozed from his wounds, 1000 demons were born. At the request of the gods, Kali drank the blood of Raktabija, then swallowed him. Celebrating her victory, she started dancing. Her movements became more and more impetuous, everything around shook, and the world was threatened with destruction. The gods begged Shiva to stop the frantic dance of the goddess, but even he was unable to calm her down. Then Shiva lay down on the ground in front of Kali, and she, continuing to dance, trampled on him until she realized what was happening and stopped dancing. The city of Kolkata is named after the goddess; its name means "steps of Kali".

another version:

Kali is depicted as black, dressed in panther skins and wearing a necklace of skulls. The most famous among the feats of Kali is the victory over the buffalo asura. Mahishey . Mahisha was born by the mother of the asuras exterminated by the gods Diti in order to take revenge on the gods. A buffalo of monstrous strength attacked the kingdom of Indra, subjugating the gods and herds to dominate the world.
Then the gods went to the three greatest deities - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva - and told about their fate. The angry three gods released a cloud from their mouths, from which the goddess Kali emerged. Having received weapons from the gods and mounted a lion, the thousand-armed goddess went to battle. In a tough fight with Mahisha. Kali jumped onto a giant buffalo and pinned her opponent to the ground with a spear. Legends say that when fighting demons, the goddess drinks the blood of her victims and devours their bodies.

The three eyes of the goddess control three forces: creation, preservation and destruction. It also corresponds to the three times: past, present and future, and are symbols of the Sun, Moon and lightning. She is wearing a belt made of human hands, which denote the inexorable action of karma.

Its dark blue color is the color of endless space, eternal time, and also death. This symbolism draws attention to the superiority of Kali over the mortal realm. The Mahanirvana Tantra says: “Black contains white, yellow and all other colors. In the same way, Kali contains within herself all other beings.” The color black symbolizes the unclouded state of pure consciousness.

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The son of moral fighter Elena Mizulina lives and works in a country with gay marriages. Bloggers and activists called on Nikolai Mizulin...
Purpose of the study: With the help of literary and Internet sources, find out what crystals are, what science studies - crystallography. To know...
WHERE DOES PEOPLE'S LOVE FOR SALTY COME FROM? The widespread use of salt has its reasons. Firstly, the more salt you consume, the more you want...
The Ministry of Finance intends to submit a proposal to the government to expand the experiment on taxation of the self-employed to include regions with high...
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