When was the pynzar theme born? “Somehow not very”: Daria Pynzar told what she calls her son. Secrets of a strong family from Daria Pynzar

In order to become famous, it is not at all necessary to be born into a family of actors or moneybags. The example of a girl named Dasha Pynzar is proof of this. This girl was born in the very ordinary family, but after getting to Dom-2 she acquired the status of a social diva.

Biography and life of Dasha before the project

Daria Pynzar (nee Chernykh) was born in 1986 in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic on the territory of the Donetsk region (currently the land of the rebel Donetsk People's Republic). Even as a child, the girl’s parents moved to the Saratov region. After graduating from school No. 13 in Balakovo, promising girl decided to conquer Moscow. In the capital, she studied to become an interior designer, receiving a diploma in 2010.

However, even before graduating from university, in 2007, Dasha decided to try herself as a participant in the notorious reality show “Dom-2” throughout the country. It’s unlikely that the girl suspected that this would make her popularly known and radically change her life.

Today Dasha Pynzar can safely be called socialite. She is not only a famous TV star, but also a talented businesswoman: she owns an expensive branded clothing store.

"House-2": Dasha Pynzar

Having found herself a participant in the project, Daria stated that she had not yet had intimate relationships with representatives of the stronger sex and intended to start strong and serious relationships. Viewers of “House-2” witnessed the girl’s success in the love field:

  1. Her first boyfriend was Rustam Solntsev, who was seriously older than her. In him she hoped to find long-awaited support in life and a reliable man. However, soon the dreams suffered a crushing defeat: the relationship in the couple was constantly overshadowed by quarrels. Solntsev was not happy with a girl who had no idea about housekeeping;
  2. The next relationship on the project was much more fleeting. The famous pick-up artist Andrei Cherkasov decided to hit on the charming blonde for the sake of fleeting pleasure, but was forced to settle for a decisive refusal;
  3. Bitter disappointment in his first men gave way to true love. She was charmed by a handsome man who was fond of choreography Sergey Pynzar. Noble manners and attractive appearance quickly won the heart of the beauty - as a result, one of the most beautiful couples appeared in “House-2”.

Sergey and Dasha Pynzar

At the time of his first acquaintance with Daria, Sergei was entangled in a relationship with another participant in the television project. They began to spend time in the capital's entertainment night spots. How their first meetings went, TV viewers will never know, but the romance became so serious that it was impossible to keep the relationship secret. However, as soon as the candy-bouquet period passed, the first problems began:

  • Daria often walked around clubs all night long, which the guy didn’t like;
  • Also, the girl often preferred to spend her leisure time in the company of best friend instead of a lover;
  • Sergei’s failures in the professional sphere became a serious reason for frequent showdowns.

On March 8, 2010, the guy decided to propose to Daria. She agreed, but on one condition: to keep her maiden name, because the word “Pynzar” seemed to her extremely dissonant. Hearing this, the young man almost upset his upcoming marriage, but prudence prevailed and the bride agreed not to violate customs.

Exactly two months later, the wedding took place, but the young couple decided not to leave the project, exposing the details of their family life for everyone to see.

What is her son's name?

After marriage, the relationship between the couple became more harmonious. Serezha found a decent and well-paid job, which earned him the respect of his young wife. In the summer of 2011, their son was born, who was named Artem.

Almost immediately after birth, the baby became a TV star, although he was rarely caught on camera. Viewers witnessed how an unsuspecting child learned to walk, suck a pacifier, etc.

Already at the age of 3 months he was shown to the audience of Dom-2. Caring for the child began to be turned into a show: Seryozha’s brother defiantly presented the boy with a car as a gift for his first birthday. The only thing Artem does so far with the expensive gift is turn on the radio and listen to music. After some time, the couple in in full force starred for the cover of a magazine, demonstrating a luscious family idyll.

Not only parents, but also Dasha’s sister take part in raising the child. The family lives in a separate private house.

In May 2016, the family was expecting a new addition: Daria gave birth to another boy, who was named David, about which the girl hastened to please her Instagram subscribers.

Dasha Pynzar: Instagram

Like many reality show participants, Daria hosts Instagram page, in order to stir up interest in one’s own person. In terms of traffic, her photo blog occupies one of the first places among all the participants of “House-2”: about one and a half hundred thousand subscribers follow the girl’s personal life, a significant part of whom share their impressions in the comments.

The lion's share of the content on her page consists of:

  • Pictures of family life;
  • Fashion clothes;
  • Hidden advertising (for example, Korean cosmetics, etc.)
  • Photos from the Dom-2 sites;
  • Business success reports (Daria owns own store clothes).

Almost no event in a girl’s life is complete without a photograph or even a series of photographs in popular social network. Sometimes you can even watch short videos.

For some participants, Dom-2 becomes just a home. Among them is Dasha Pynzar. The reality show's multi-million audience is thoroughly aware of the events in the personal life of the TV star. But the girl is not at all shy about this: she knows how to competently present herself and show herself from the best side.

Video: Dasha Pynzar about her relationship with Sergei

IN this interview Daria Pynzar will talk about her pregnancy and her relationship with her husband Sergei:

Sergei and Daria Pynzar are raising two boys - five-year-old Artemy and eight-month-old David. For many fans of the famous couple, their relationship seems ideal. Former participants of “House-2” try to remain an exemplary family and by their example prove how to love and appreciate the people closest to you. Despite the fact that Daria gave birth to a second child less than a year ago, she is already making plans for a future pregnancy.

In a conversation with StarHit, the woman admitted that she and Sergei had been dreaming of a girl for a long time. It would probably be easier for Daria to cope with family troubles if she had a young assistant next to her. The parents of the two boys are determined, especially since last fall the family moved to a townhouse in the Moscow region. So, celebrities can already think through a nursery for the heiress in advance.

“I always dreamed of sons,” Dasha admitted to StarHit. – When I became pregnant with Tema and did not yet know that a boy would be born, I already imagined how Seryozha would play football with him... With the second child, the story repeated itself - my husband and I again wanted a son. When they said at the ultrasound that I was having a boy again, I was very happy.”

Daria has long gotten used to the idea that she remains the only representative of the fairer sex in the house. According to the woman, she is already accustomed to being in this status, but now her views have changed greatly. Interestingly, the Pynzar family was inspired to give birth to a girl by the host of the Dom-2 television project, Ksenia Borodina.

“Well, I didn’t imagine that there would be another girl in our family, because I’m so used to being the only one! But now my husband and I have seen enough of our friends babysitting their daughters, and we realized: we also want a girl. Take, for example, Ksyusha Borodina - how much tenderness there is in her communication with Marusya and Thea - you can’t look at it without being touched!” – Pynzar shared with StarHit.

// Photo: Personal archive of the Pynzar family

The dream of a daughter forced Dasha to go to the Mother and Child perinatal medical center on Sevastopolsky Avenue, where she gave birth to David. “Now Seryozha and I have to undergo a genetic study, on the basis of which doctors will develop a special diet for us or prescribe medications for us to take,” says Dasha, who is currently filming the continuation of the reality show “Pregnant” on the Domashny TV channel.

Former participant in the show “Dom-2” Daria Pynzar gave birth to a boy, whom she and her husband Sergei want to name David.

May 16 in the family former members“House-2” of Sergei and Daria Pynzar, there was an addition to the family - the couple had a second son, whom his parents named David.

Daria gave birth in Moscow in Perinatal medical center“Mother and Child” on Sevastopolsky Avenue. Mom and baby feel great.

“Seryozha and I decided to name our son after Christmas. On May 15, these are Egor, Boris, Gleb, Mikhail, David. Most of all I like last name. Yes, it is not Russian, but Hebrew, but I think if you like it, you don’t need to pay attention to it. Moreover, David is very unusual name, this is also its plus. Well, for now we are not 100% sure of our choice, we are calling our son Sergeich,” said Daria.

Daria says that during her second labor, which lasted 4 hours, she made an unusual discovery.

“You won’t believe it, the hammock saved me! An ordinary red hammock that was in my room. Doctors advised me to sit in it during contractions, and it helped me a lot, I almost didn’t feel pain! Of course, this is also a huge credit to the doctors. They, one might say, “gave birth” to the baby for me in just three attempts. It only hurt me a little, until the epidural was done, and only then, just before the birth of my son. I am indescribably delighted with the hospital, I advise everyone to give birth here!” she said.

During the entire birth, Daria’s husband Sergei did not leave her side for a minute.

“He supported me, spoke kind words. He stroked his head and held his hand. Seryozha cut the umbilical cord and immediately took the baby in his arms. And when I saw the child, I immediately realized that he was a copy of Tem, exactly the same, only dark. And by weight he is even more Topics- 2750 grams, and the weight of the first son at birth was 2530 grams. Height younger brother“50 cm is a little larger than the eldest’s was 47 cm at birth,” Daria said.

Dasha’s eldest child Artem, who will turn 5 in July, has not yet seen his younger brother.

“My son accompanied me to the maternity hospital with tears. Was I worried about how I would be there, what would happen to me? He said: “Mommy, hold on!”, and my heart sank. And in the evening, when Seryozha returned home after giving birth, without me, Tema could not hold back his tears. Sniffling, he began to get ready and get dressed: “Dad, I’m going to see mom!” I want to go to her!” Seryozha barely calmed him down... My husband decided that it was better not to call me for now, otherwise he would hear my voice and start crying again,” said Daria Pynzar.

The young mother and her newborn will be discharged from the maternity hospital tomorrow.

“We’ll go home straight away from the maternity hospital. I really want to go home quickly, and I really miss my eldest son,” noted the reality show star.

Among the participants in the reality show “Dom-2”, in which young people build relationships that in some cases end in marriage, in front of a large army of television viewers watching the development of events with great interest, Daria Pynzar is perhaps the brightest acting character. The girl’s path to fame and love from fans was not easy. However, today she is a happy mother and beloved wife.

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Born on January 6, 1986 in the city of metallurgists and miners Yenakievo, Dasha Chernykh - this is the name the girl bore before her marriage - stayed here for a short time. Soon the family will move to the Russian Federation - to Samara region, town of Balakovo. Actually, this is where the future seductress spent her childhood and youth. The girl's parents left this world when the girl was not even 10 years old. Her older sister Natalya took up her upbringing - on this moment a successful businesswoman living in the capital.

Fact! Being a professional interior designer, Daria Pynzar loves to paint oil paintings!

Daria appeared on the popular TV show on December 28, 2007 and immediately attracted the attention of not only all participants in the reality show, but also numerous fans of this project. Which is not surprising - the 20-year-old blond beauty with a luxurious figure simply could not go unnoticed! Having joined the team, she immediately told everyone present that she still preserves her innocence, since she has not met the one to whom any girl dreams of giving herself! Such a frank statement was greeted by the residents of the project with undisguised irony. However, the girl’s unequivocal behavior fully confirmed her nationwide announcement.

Only the former reality show host Ksenia Sobchak remained unshakable in her opinion regarding Daria Pynzar, who more than once spoke ironically about the girl’s behavior. “It looks more like an experienced strip bar dancer than an innocent lamb,” she said. The fact is that the girl, knowing about the attractiveness of her forms, preferred revealing outfits. The elder sister at that time already had a thriving chain of stores selling women's clothing, and not only in the capital, but also in other cities of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the charming lady did not have these problems. Short, tight skirts, necklines with the highest possible neckline - the wardrobe of a seductress.

Fact! A pastime to which the beauty is ready to devote herself completely is shopping. According to her, this hobby serves as an excellent antidepressant for her.

First attempt to build romantic relationship Daria Pynzar undertook with Rustam Solntsev. The fact that the participant in the scandalous television project was 10 years older than the young beauty did not bother her at all. The first pancake is always goes lumpy- the relationship did not work out. The young man motivated his decision to leave by the blonde’s mismanagement. The last straw that overflowed his cup of patience was the irresponsible act of the girl when she stuck it in washing machine the guy's jeans along with his cell phone and activated the process.

However, the loneliness did not last long. Soon Daria became the object of close attention from the famous womanizer of the television project, Alexei Cherkasov. Assertiveness young man, which he showed beyond measure, as well as the frank offer of intimacy, scared off the young beauty, and the relationship collapsed without really starting.

Once again, the loneliness was short-lived. Appeared on the perimeter of the TV show new character- the girl's fellow countryman. Dancer and joker from Ukraine Sergei Pynzar instantly singled out the beauty from all the fair sex and began to passionately court her. The process of building a relationship lasted for two years, after which the charming blonde hung out the white flag, and the couple signed.

Fact! The girl prefers thrillers and films with exciting plots. She loves sushi and is ready to spend hours playing with cats.

Personal life

In May 2010, Sergei and Daria got married, which became the brightest and most memorable event in the reality show! In July of the following year, there was an addition to the Pynzar family - a glorious little boy was born, who was named Artemka. Despite the fact that the girl already had her own apartment in the capital, according to informed people, given to her by her older sister, Sergei rented a small estate in the Moscow region. This was done so that during the first months the child would grow up outside the atmosphere of the metropolis. However, the country family idyll did not last long - the management of the reality show persuaded the couple to return to the project.

In 2016, Sergei and Daria became parents for the second time. Interestingly, during her second pregnancy, Pynzar participated in the show “Pregnant” on the Domashny channel.

We purchased real estate in Turkey. Since then, the TV blonde has been with her children - 7-year-old Artem and 2 year olds David- lives in Alanya, occasionally visiting Moscow, and the head of the family lives in the capital. Internet users often criticize Daria for leaving her husband alone. Moreover, in Turkey, the 32-year-old ex-participant of the reality show leads a carefree lifestyle. Daria decided to dot all the i’s and explained why her husband was not against this arrangement.

« Where did you get the idea that your ideas about happy life are they suitable for me and my family? I live the way I want and my husband gives me this opportunity! I want to live at sea and he works for this every day and tries to achieve more and more every day great success! He makes my dreams come true! I dreamed of living by the sea, I live there, I don’t work hard, I don’t iron his shirts, I go to clubs with my girlfriends and he allows me all this because he loves me! Taking care of me, as soon as possible, immediately drops everything and flies to me, gives the best to the children and me! Even separation, I’ll tell you, is good for you, when we are together we always have passion and a feeling of “honeymoon”, you can live your measured life as much as you like, but I want to enjoy every day! Thanks to my husband for this!” - Pynzar wrote in her microblog on Instagram (the author’s spelling and punctuation are given without changes. - Note ed.).

Sergey and Daria Pynzari

By the way, Daria and Sergei’s eldest son went to first grade this year. Artem will study Turkey. The choice of the spouses is due to the fact that they are more impressed by the Turkish education system. According to Pynzar, local teachers approach educational process more responsible. So, within six months Artem began to speak confidently in English language.

Sergei and Daria with their eldest son Artem

Daria Chernykh married Sergei Pynzar in 2010 and took his last name. In the fall of 2010, the couple announced that they were expecting a child, which caused an unprecedented stir in wide circles TV show fans. To spite all her ill-wishers, Daria continued to wear miniskirts until the last months of pregnancy and did not gain a single extra kilogram. In addition, Dasha participated in the “Lady Grace” competition, where she competed in fitness art with other participants of “House-2” and took first place, receiving a cash prize of 300 thousand rubles.

On July 23, 2011, their first child, Artem, was born. Sergei was present at the birth and stated that there is no happier person in the world than him. A year after the birth of his son, Sergei began to ask his wife to give birth to a daughter, but Dasha was not ready. In 2015, the blonde delighted her husband with the news of her second pregnancy. After that the most famous couple“Doma-2” left the television set and was preparing for significant event outside the cells. In May 2016, the Pynzaris had a second son, who was named David.

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