Concert of the folk instruments orchestra. About the project Academic Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments VGTRK. Concert Osipov Folk Instruments Orchestra

In years there will be a concert Orchestra folk instruments named after Osipov, tickets for which you can buy today on our website. It is best to buy tickets in advance for the Osipov Folk Instruments Orchestra in Moscow with free delivery within the Moscow Ring Road. We have collected the most for you full schedule concerts of the Osipov Folk Instruments Orchestra in Moscow. You can find out about the price and cost of the ticket from our managers by calling our number 8 495 921-34-40.

Osipov Folk Instruments Orchestra tickets

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Concert Osipov Folk Instruments Orchestra

Tickets for the Osipov Folk Instruments Orchestra are already on sale.

National academic orchestra folk instruments of Russia named after N. P. Osipov is one of the most famous and authoritative orchestras in the world. In 2014, the famous team turned 95 years old.

The orchestra was created in 1919. This period coincided with growing interest in the revival of Russian folk musical art. The origins of the team were outstanding musicians: balalaika player Boris Troyanovsky (1883-1951) and dom-player Pyotr Alekseev (1892-1960). It was they who became the leaders of the young orchestra, whose first concert took place in Moscow in the Hermitage Garden. Very soon he was applauded by many presenters concert venues our country.

B. Troyanovsky and P. Alekseev laid the foundations of orchestral performing skills, which have been improved and developed over the years. Subsequently, the team was led by many talented musicians: Nikolai Golovanov (1891-1953), brothers Nikolai (1901-1945) and Dmitry (1909-1954) Osipov, Victor Smirnov (1904-1995), Vitaly Gnutov (1926-1976), Victor Dubrovsky (1927-1994), Anatoly Poletaev (born in 1935), Nikolai Kalinin (1944-2004), Vladimir Ponkin (born in 1951). Since 2009, the orchestra has been headed by National artist Russia, professor, laureate of the Russian Government Prize Vladimir Andropov. Years of collaboration with masters of the highest level have formed a special style of the orchestra, which made it recognizable among others and brought it worldwide fame.

The orchestra is named after the outstanding Soviet musician Nikolai Petrovich Osipov. His work in the orchestra (1940-1945) marked a completely new stage in the creative life of the team. This period coincided with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In June 1941, the orchestra was disbanded. Almost all the artists were drafted into the army and went to the front. It was N.P. Osipov who difficult years was engaged in the restoration of the ensemble, looking for orchestra members on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, which allowed the orchestra to continue its existence. Subsequently N.P. Osipov managed to reveal to listeners the richness and uniqueness of the sound of the Russian folk orchestra, for which there are practically no repertoire restrictions. The orchestra attracted the attention of the presenters with its bright and original sound. Soviet composers(N. Budashkina, A. Novikova, A. Kholminova, etc.), who enriched the group’s repertoire with original compositions.

In 1946, the orchestra was named after N.P. Osipov. In 1969 the team received honorary title"academic".

As a result of many years of concert practice, the orchestra has formed a friendly and creative atmosphere around itself. The team constantly collaborates with leading musicians - singers, instrumentalists, composers and conductors, as well as with young performers. IN different years Outstanding masters performed with the orchestra: conductors N. Anosov, A. Gauk, V. Dudarova, G. Rozhdestvensky, V. Fedoseev; singers I. Arkhipova, I. Bogacheva, O. Voronets, L. Zykina, L. Ruslanova, A. Strelchenko, E. Nesterenko, Z. Sotkilava, B. Shtokolov, A. Eisen, D. Hvorostovsky, V. Matorin; performers on folk instruments V. Gorodovskaya (gusli), A. Tsygankov (domra), balalaika players P. Necheporenko, M. Rozhkov, A. Tikhonov, A. Gorbachev and many other musicians.

The orchestra named after N.P. Osipov conducts active creative and educational activities in the best concert halls of Moscow, Russia and other countries. He was applauded in Austria, Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Holland, Denmark, Canada, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Finland, France, Switzerland, and Japan. Each season is marked by the appearance of completely new concert programs, both for adults and for the most young viewers. Thus, in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall over the past few years, the orchestra has prepared more than 60 new programs, many of which have become major events cultural life Russia. One of them, the “Funny Professor” subscription for children, was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The unique sound of folk instruments, sound culture, the highest level of professional performing skills allow the orchestra to occupy place of honor among the brightest phenomena of Russian art.

Victor Kuzovlev

Since 2009, Viktor Kuzovlev has been the conductor of the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Russia named after N. P. Osipov. The musician was born in 1977 in Moscow. Graduate of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music and graduate school. Attended the international master class on conducting by V. Fedoseev (2008), in 2005 he interned at the National Philharmonic Orchestra Russia under the leadership of V. Spivakov.

V. Kuzovlev collaborated with the State Opera and Ballet Theater of the Udmurd Republic (Izhevsk), the Astrakhan State Musical Theater, the Moscow Musical Theater "Amadeus" under the direction of O. Mitrofanov, the Moscow State Musical Theater "On Basmannaya", where he conducted performances of "The Magic Flute", “Bastien and Bastienne”, “Theater Director”, “Don Giovanni” by W. Mozart, “Rigoletto” by G. Verdi, “Eugene Onegin”, “Iolanta”, “The Nutcracker”, “ Swan Lake» P.I. Tchaikovsky, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Mozart and Salieri”, “The Snow Maiden” by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, “Lady Akulina” by A. Pokidchenko, “How to Live Married” by V. Friedman, etc.

The musician has repeatedly taken part in the Moscow Autumn festivals, the All-Russian festival of contemporary music for the Russian folk orchestra “Music of Russia”, “Music for Everyone” (artistic director L. Kazarnovskaya), festivals dedicated to the 200th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin and the 150th anniversary of the birth of G. Puccini, opera festival L. Kartashova (Norilsk), Moscow festivals “June Club”, “August Club”, student creativity festival “Festos”.

Along with concert activities, Viktor Kuzovlev works in Russian Academy of music named after the Gnessins at the departments of opera training and orchestral conducting (since 2006 - associate professor) and in the opera theater-studio (since 1998), where he staged performances " Queen of Spades", "Don Pasquale", "Gianni Schicchi", etc. With his participation, performances of the studio theater were held in different cities of Russia: Ulyanovsk, Norilsk, Klin, Morshansk, Kotovsk, Michurinsk, Tambov, Dubna.

Tickets for the Nekrasov Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments.

When the Nekrasov Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments was created in the last years of the Great Patriotic War, the musicians immediately focused on the highest level, interesting and varied programs were prepared, and the repertoire was gradually expanded, which, in addition to arrangements of Russian folk songs, included arrangements of Russian and foreign classics, music by contemporary composers.

In every decade, the orchestra has featured outstanding conductors and musicians. A particularly fruitful period began when Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev took over the conductor’s stand. The subject of special attention of the new artistic director and chief conductor was the sound quality and the balance of the sound of the groups.

Folk music and classical music at the highest level

And the result was amazing: all sections sounded together, harmoniously, beautifully, the orchestra acquired its own individual and unique style. With the arrival of a talented conductor, the concert activity team.

They opened before him best halls capital Cities: Big hall Conservatories, Concert hall named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, Kremlin Palace, Hall of Columns The House of Unions, which for many years became the orchestra’s favorite meeting place with its listeners.

The concert of the Nekrasov Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra will delight all fans of beautiful music.

Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments named after Nekrasov in Moscow buy tickets.

"The Orchestra of Folk Instruments of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company is torrent Russian music, the very atmosphere of Russian music, reproduced true masters, which gives great hope that there is a great Russia."

People's Artist of the USSR Iosif Kobzon

National treasure of Russia - Academic Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments was created in December of the victorious year of 1945.

From the first days of its existence, performing on the radio, the orchestra became a true decoration of the radio airwaves, and later won global recognition multi-million audience. In 1974 for big creative success he was awarded the title "Academic".

Over the years, the ensemble was led by outstanding Soviet conductors: V.S. Smirnov, V.I. Fedoseev and N.N. Nekrasov, whose name the orchestra now bears.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nekrasov is a unique personality in the Russian world instrumental music: a hereditary conductor, a professional of the highest level, an inspired artist, he was the chief conductor and artistic director team for almost 40 years. It was he who created a universal, highly professional, world-class orchestra that performs the music of the most different styles, eras, genres and trends.

The leading role in the orchestra’s repertoire belongs to Russian folk, classical and modern music. Among the 9,000 scores are many world-famous works, folk Spanish, Italian, German, French, Greek, Finnish, Czech, Hungarian, American, Turkish, Polish, Japanese music, which causes genuine delight among the audience. The orchestra triumphantly tours in the USA, England, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

IN different times Outstanding singers, whose names are known throughout the world, collaborated with the orchestra: I. Arkhipova, M. Bieshu, E. Obraztsova, S. Lemeshev, N. Gedda, A. Eisen, I. Kobzon, V. Piavko, V. Noreika, A. Dnishev, T. Sinyavskaya, B. Rudenko, I. Bogacheva, Z. Sotkilava. This tradition is continued by creative youth - soloists Bolshoi Theater Russia, theater New Opera" And Musical theater them. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko.

A special place in the work of the Academic Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company is occupied by concert activities - concerts at the Moscow Philharmonic, participation in music festivals, creative meetings with students, scientific elite, charity concerts. Unique projects of the orchestra, such as “Irina Arkhipova and Nikolai Nekrasov present ...”, “Russian song for all times”, “Musical Planet”, “Magic Lake”, “Songs before the dawn” based on the poems of Federico Garcia Lorca, “Coachman Songs”, aroused and aroused great public interest. Many of them became the basis for television and radio programs on the Kultura TV channel and Radio Russia.

Now the orchestra is conducted by a young maestro, student and follower of N.N. Nekrasova Andrey Shlyachkov is a talented conductor, a wonderful musician, the author of more than a hundred original arrangements that inspired new life into the sound and repertoire of the orchestra.

Academic Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments named after. N.N. Nekrasov All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company has a bright individual style. The melodiousness, warmth and expressiveness of the sound of the instruments, the sincerity of the performance combined with virtuoso skill honed to perfection, the highest quality of playing - this is the integral essence of the orchestra, its calling card.

IN creative plans team - creating new interesting programs, international tours, festivals, concerts, meetings with listeners, recordings on radio and television.

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