Corporate culture: examples and formation. Corporate culture development program

The main principles of corporate culture formation by the team of authors of this book include the following:

- complexity of the company's development scenario, which expresses not only the relationship between members of the company, but also ideas about the purpose of the company as a whole and its members, goals, nature of the product and the market, which determine the efficiency of production and sales activities;

- defining values, acceptable and desirable for this company;

- respect for traditions, which largely determine the nature of the economic system and management style;

- denial of force, according to which it is impossible to artificially implant a weak culture into a strong one and vice versa, or correct it. The effectiveness of a strong culture, like a weak one, depends on specific conditions;

- comprehensive assessment, according to which the assessment of the impact of culture on the performance of the company should be based on an integrated approach. This principle involves not only taking into account the ways in which culture directly influences the effectiveness of the specified system, but also taking into account many invisible indirect ways of influence.

Corporate culture is formed in accordance with its essence from certain organizational attributes (explicit and hidden norms, patterns of behavior, historical background etc.) provided that they are perceived by the majority of company members and influence the behavior of these members. Therefore, when forming and developing organizational culture, along with the basic principles, it is necessary to take into account a number of its specific features (Fig. 2.5).

Figure 2.5 - Main signs of the formation of a corporate culture

In the process of forming and developing corporate culture, it is of no small importance to identify and take into account the factors that have the most significant impact on it. Corporate culture is also involved in the following essential elements of economic culture:

Purpose of the organization (mission, goals, objectives). Aimless existence is destructive, and the mission expresses the basic meaning, purpose and principles of life. If it is clearly formulated (and together with the team) and its provisions are followed daily, such an organization can be considered an unconditional innovator. Ideally, the purpose of a company should be formulated before its creation. However, it is even more mistaken to come up with a mission just because it is customary in classical management, or because others have it. The leader must feel the inner need to create a mission - only then will it move forward;

Funds, including the activities of members of the organization, incentive system, information support, etc.;

Criteria for achieving goals and evaluating results;

Means of internal integration, which include methods for including new members in the organization, ways of sharing power, style of relationships, a system of rewards and punishments, ceremonies (honoring heroes, symbols, myths of the organization), rituals (symbolic events designed to remind workers of the behavior that they are required), etc.

The organization does not have a monopoly on the right to create a common atmosphere. Culture cannot be imposed on a social mechanism such as an organization, but it can be modernized. At the same time, the formation of a mission always remains the prerogative of management. The power given to the leader provides him with advantages both in the formation of corporate values ​​and in choosing a style of behavior, if only for the reason that the formal leader has access to levers of power with which he can influence key processes. And I have to do it.

Work to create a corporate culture in a company should be carried out in two main and closely related directions: the first is interaction with the external environment, the second is interaction with internal departments.

Specifics of interaction with internal departments due to two main factors.

Figure 2.6 - Classification scheme of factors influencing the goals of corporate culture

On the one hand, for employees of an organization, its activities are an integral and significant part of their own activities and therefore become significant for them. This means that they are the most “charged” to interact with it, the most sensitive to any of its actions.

On the other hand, since they are actually the carriers and conductors of this activity, then, like no one else, they can see how much what is proclaimed in the organization and what is actually carried out in it correspond to each other.

By comparing stated values ​​with how they are implemented, employees begin to better understand true values, characteristic of this company. As a result, they draw conclusions about what, why and how is done in the company. It is at this stage that either a feeling of satisfaction with one’s membership in a given organization arises or, conversely, dissatisfaction with working in it.

If an organization proclaims the value of high-tech production, then this must be accompanied by equipping workplaces with appropriate equipment, and conditions for its effective and competent operation must be created. When it comes to producing high-quality products, quality control must be ensured. If it is said that the professionalism of employees is one of the most important values organization, then at the level of tangible actions opportunities for their professional growth and the realization of their professional abilities should be provided. It's pointless to talk about moral standards, if the appropriate behavior of employees does not receive positive reinforcement or the behavior of management discredits them.

In fact, any activity carried out within the organization - both production and non-production - gives rise to one or another attitude of the organization’s employees towards it and, therefore, can become the subject of discussion. Understanding this allows you to feel the complexity and versatility of activities to form and develop corporate culture.

Interaction with internal divisions begins with a set of measures to understand, formulate and consolidate in documents the foundations of corporate ideology, that is, the purpose (mission) of the organization, key goals and principles of its activities.

Finding out the purpose of an organization implies a detailed answer to the question: “Why does this organization exist?” In fact, this is a definition of the circle of people interested in its activities.

The answer to the question: “Where is the organization going?” allows you to formulate key goals that indicate the main directions of the organization’s activities within the framework of its mission. Directions of activity, not specific results. Unlike step goals, they point employees in the direction of finding solutions, rather than the solutions themselves. Their main task is to guide and unite, and not to achieve.

Having determined why and where the organization is moving, it is also necessary to establish how it is moving. Thus, the main principles of activity are formulated. The principles describe the priority qualities of the activity (the nature of doing business) with the help of which the organization achieves its goals, and also outline the area of ​​its responsibility in interaction with interested groups (shareholders, employees, consumers, society). In fact, this system limits activities within certain areas and sets guidelines for personnel to move within the chosen area.

At the same time, a position formulated in this way becomes for employees the most important condition for competent formulation of your own tasks. It sets a certain direction in individual activity, allows you to build individual strategies, form your own criteria for behavior, and predict the quality of certain actions. And, as a result, it is a condition for increasing employees’ feelings of certainty and stability in relationships with the organization, and these are the most important factors for increasing motivation. Naturally, it is not enough to simply develop an ideology; it also needs to be conveyed to employees.

Taking into account the above circumstances, as well as the concept of forming an economic model of production and economic systems, the model for the formation of corporate culture in general can be represented by the following diagram (Fig. 2.7).

Let us consider the formation of the corporate culture of holding organizations, the corporate culture of which is largely determined by the level of development of the region or region in which specific enterprises are located. Taking into account regional Russian specifics is especially important if the main production divisions of the holding are remote from each other.

Figure 2.7 - Model of corporate culture formation

Let's take, for example, the formation of a social package. Differences in economic development regions, in the system of basic values ​​of employees, prices and welfare of the population impose certain requirements on social policy conducted by the company. It is inappropriate to offer the same set of benefits and compensation in a metropolis and a provincial town, including due to the ambiguous attitude of the employees themselves to the elements of the social package.

The Company Management Journal describes the following situation. A large holding company bought a plant in one of the regions of the Volga region federal district. After a year successful work it was decided to form a single social package for employees of branches and the parent company. One of its components in the capital was the organization of a hairdressing salon on the basis of the enterprise. However, the majority of workers at regional branches were men who were accustomed to getting their wives, girlfriends, or mothers' hair cut. As a result, the initiative central office never received support, and wishes were expressed to the management about monetizing this service, that is, about increasing wages.

Symbiosis of formal and informal corporate culture within one holding company;

Interaction of negative and positive aspects corporate culture;

Confrontation between the cultures of the branches and the holding's parent enterprise.

Russian social and labor relations are distinguished by the fact that, along with numerous formalized procedures, there are informal rules that influence the formation of corporate culture. This is often due to the presence of formal and informal leaders in the company and can lead to the most unexpected consequences. For example, a manager - a formal leader - is interested in employees dressing strictly and classically. But the informal leader is a supporter of the sports style, and all efforts to unify appearance personnel are reduced to nothing. Another example: the formal leader decided to introduce a spirit of competition into the company and appointed backup competitors for most of the key employees. The informal leader, having united the dissatisfied, drew up his own plan of action aimed at intimidating the understudies, and the leader’s plan failed. Similar situations arise in many enterprises. New employees first of all try to understand informal, unwritten rules and are not at all interested in the instructions, regulations and regulations of the company.

Based on the above, let us formulate the main issues that arise in the process of structuring the corporate culture of a modern industrial holding.

First, how to transfer the culture of the parent company to remote branches?

Secondly, how to exclude Negative influence individual employees on the culture of the enterprise as a whole?

Corporate culture can be both positive and negative. Its quality can be diagnosed through monitoring, during which employees evaluate the corporate culture of their enterprise using the following definitions: bold, young, conservative, respectable, boring, gray, etc. Characteristics reliable, young, daring talk about a positive image of corporate culture; gray, solid, boring- about the negative. Circumstances may develop in such a way that formal corporate culture, and positive - informal. In this case, it is urgent to take serious measures: the organization faces death. If an informal culture becomes negative (which happens much less frequently), all efforts must be concentrated on developing measures that will contribute to its collapse and the elimination of the informal leader.

As noted above, corporate culture depends not only on the sector of the economy in which the company operates, but also on the type of production. For example, an innovative, scientific team is characterized by a culture of harmony and success, while a plant or factory is characterized by a culture of rules.

As we noted earlier, there are currently traditional and innovative teams. We call traditional a team that formed many years ago in a certain socio-economic and socio-psychological environment, living according to the established rules of “management in Russian, management in Soviet style.” Modern managers face similar labor collectives when the owner of a large metropolitan or regional holding company expands its business by purchasing industrial enterprises in the regions. After completing a successful transaction, the management, who has several educations, academic degrees, including an MBA, discovers that both the bosses and other employees of the newly acquired organizations do not understand either the forms, methods, or technologies of doing business in modern conditions. Trying to establish work, describe and model business processes that have proven themselves in the parent company, management begins with a certification procedure.

The next major problem is the clash of cultures between the parent company and the separate regional division. Similar situations arise, for example, when large corporations acquire assets and production sites in various regions of the country. The situation may be complicated by the fact that the acquired structural unit existed for a long time as an independent production unit, and it managed to develop its own unique culture and special socio-psychological climate. A typical feature of such cultures is patronage of employees who have been working at the enterprise for a long time. The clash between the old culture of the branch and the new one - the parent company - is clearly manifested when the latter tries to find out the level of professional training of personnel, conduct certification, get rid of personnel ballast, and increase labor productivity.

When assessing the effectiveness of personnel activities, the personnel department is faced with open rejection of new forms of work, open sabotage of the entire procedure: “Why is this necessary?”, “Who came up with this hassle?” etc.

Conclusion: managers and specialists of parent companies need to remember that they live and conduct their business in Russia. And in our country, especially in the regions where industrialists are so eager, there are many unwritten laws. One can, of course, evaluate with all rigor professional level the chief accountant, whose close relative is the head of the local administration, fire the incompetent chief accountant and invite a specialist who will work using new methods and technologies, but... you will have to forget about doing business in this region. The local authorities will not forgive the “wrong” attitude towards their relative and will not allow the new team to work.

In this case, it is necessary to clearly formulate goals: do not evaluate, do not fire previous employees in order to bring your team, but shake up the team, define it pain points, outline steps for further development and force specialists to improve their skills.

Every company faces the question of whether its strategies fit the existing culture of the organization. To answer this question, it is necessary to decompose the strategy into its component parts (tasks) that form a broad program of strategic actions. Taking these tasks as the basis for analysis, it is advisable to consider them from two positions:

the importance of each task for the success of this strategy;

compatibility between the task and the aspect of the corporate culture that is designed to achieve it.

G. Schwartz and S. Davis proposed constructing a matrix based on the two above-mentioned variables, demonstrating the degree of risk of applying the chosen strategy in the context of the prevailing culture in the organization. With this approach, each task is positioned on the matrix field using management experience and intuition. This helps answer the question of what should be done in the event of a serious incompatibility between strategy and culture.

There are several main approaches to resolving the problem of incompatibility between strategy and culture in an organization:

Culture that seriously impedes the effective implementation of the chosen strategy is ignored;

The management system adapts to the existing culture in the organization. The barriers that culture poses to the execution of the desired strategy are identified, and alternatives are developed to circumvent these barriers without making major changes to the strategy itself;

Attempts are made to change the culture so that it is suitable for the chosen strategy. This is the most difficult approach, time consuming and resource intensive. However, there are situations when it may be the only way to achieve long-term success of the company.

The experience of creating the corporate culture of the OPTIMA INVEST holding is not uninteresting. It unites several types of business at once, such different ones as construction, real estate management, venture investment in innovation, production of petrochemical products, etc. Each organization is a society in miniature, and therefore culture, that is, subculture, has its own characteristics. Even different professional groups (for example, financiers, lawyers or marketers) differ in their own worldview and understanding of the essence of the business that the holding is engaged in.

There was a threat of incompatibility between subcultures of different areas of the holding, which could lead to incompatibility of strategy and culture in the organization. Therefore, it was important to develop a general strategy for corporate culture that would unite all subcultures of the company, and then use this monolith to create a team of like-minded people - not those who think alike, but those who strive for a common goal.

Here it is necessary to effectively manage corporate culture (see Chapter 3.1).

It seems appropriate to give an example of the formation of a competitive corporate culture that meets the canons of Orthodoxy. The process of creating culture in an organization consists of several repeating stages:

Formulating the problem, determining the “price of the issue”;

Description of the final solution;

Development and implementation of the plan.

At the first stage, the company's management formulates for itself a list of necessary characteristics of the organizational culture that meet the canons of Orthodoxy, which guarantees its competitiveness in the long term. Here are some of them:

Clarity of the company’s goals and strategy, which are based on eternal Orthodox values ​​and laws;

Knowledge and sharing by employees of the company’s goals, strategy and operating principles;

Healthy spiritual, moral and psychological climate in the team;

Strong personal and professional connections between former and existing employees, etc.

Management behavior model (enshrined in several internal standards reflecting the rules for hiring, developing and dismissing personnel, remuneration, and decision-making);

Model of behavior of department heads and leading specialists (standards governing marketing and production management processes, intragroup processes of interaction and conflict resolution);

Model " organizational life"(work schedule, rules for holding holidays, identifying and developing non-professional hobbies/abilities of employees).

The plan is being implemented in two stages. First- operational - consists of conducting explanatory and educational events (“round tables” with the participation of spiritually experienced specialists on professional and personal issues, joint meetings of Orthodox holidays, providing assistance to Orthodox organizations in need, etc.).

Second phase- strategic. The main sections of the plan for the long-term development of organizational culture are activities for the spiritual assessment of the company’s activities and individual employees, explaining to the professional community the position of the company’s management (through the publication of articles, discussing issues of Orthodox organizational culture during public seminars, “ round tables"), participation in the life of the Orthodox Church.

Currently, the company “N” is developing quite successfully and is conducting active commercial and social activities. Orthodox organizational culture The company takes root well in regional branches and finds understanding at almost all levels of administrative and economic power.

Yurasov, I. Corporate culture on the ground // Journal of Company Management - 2006. - No. 5. - P. 51-55.

Naumov, M. Organizational culture as a factor of long-term competitiveness // Company Management magazine - 2002. - No. 7. - P.69.


Corporate culture is the collective experience gained by an organization over the entire history of its development. Corporate culture is inherent in any organization and is manifested by signs, symbols, myths, stories, taboos, structure, ways of organizing work and many other things that distinguish one organization from another. It appears along with the organization when specific corporate norms, values ​​and typical behavior patterns are consciously or more often unconsciously established.

Strong corporate culture:

provides employees with clear guidelines;

enables effective communication;

promotes effective decision making;

reduces control costs;

motivates employees;

increases staff loyalty;

contributes to the stability of the organization.

When corporate culture is a barrier to a company achieving its strategic goals, it needs to change and develop.

Changing a company's corporate culture is a long and painstaking process. New values ​​and norms cannot be introduced by order. They must be presented in such a way that all employees reach the same understanding, can accept them, and realize that their compliance contributes to the effective work of Cherny E.A. Organizational culture of an enterprise in the personnel management system: Ph.D. dissertation. n. -- MSU: 2006..

All company employees, and certainly informal leaders, should take part in shaping the culture. After all, they are the ones the majority focus on. That is why the turnkey development of the Corporate Code (without the participation of company personnel), practiced by some consultants, especially Western ones, gives such low results. With this approach, the company pays its money for a dead document, which is then kept by the manager, without in any way affecting the reality outside the walls of his office. Changing corporate culture requires a comprehensive approach. Dugina O. Corporate culture and organizational changes // Personnel Management. 2006. - No. 12.

It makes sense to develop a corporate culture from the very moment a business is created. After all, as they say, it is easier to raise a child when he “lies across the bench.” But if your company is many years old, the culture can also be changed, although it will be more difficult.

The only thing that is important to do before developing a culture is to decide on the key parameters of the business for its owners, i.e. formulate the vision and mission of the company, set goals and prescribe a strategy. Because a bank and a nightclub need very different cultures.

The approach most commonly used by organizations includes:

A study using a variety of methods to assess the “real” state of an organization’s corporate culture. The task of the organization at this stage is to identify those cultural features that correspond to the strategic goals of the company and those that are barriers to their achievement.

Formulation, together with the company's managers and employees, of new values ​​and norms of behavior that correspond to the new vision of the company and its strategy.

Development of various tools that make it possible to consolidate new values ​​and norms, including the creation of the company’s Corporate Code.

Planning and implementing actions aimed at developing a new corporate culture and holding events (conferences, trainings) that provide employees with the opportunity to learn how to work in a new way.

The following methods of developing corporate culture are used:

diagnosing and solving problems of a department or organization as a whole through questionnaires, trainings, etc.;

revealing the abilities of employees, helping them determine ways of self-realization;

creating a warm and creative atmosphere in the team;

diagnostics of candidates for compliance with corporate culture requirements;

adaptation of new employees to the norms, rules and traditions of the company;

operation of the “Anonymous High-Tech Center” system.

Each employee of the organization clearly knows what norms and principles of behavior he should follow; compliance with corporate norms is an ingrained tradition for us. Predictability, orderliness and consistency of employee activities are ensured either through a high degree of formalization, or (as in our company) through the involvement of the employee in the “cultural environment” of the organization. Moreover, this result is achieved with a minimum amount of paperwork. Moreover, the tradition of a conscientious attitude to work turns out to be more effective than any formal control. Supporting such traditions is the responsibility of top managers directly, but all policies and procedures in the field of personnel management, including methods of selection, adaptation and training of newcomers, also contribute to the involvement of people in the common cause and develop a sense of pride in their company.

One of the most important tasks when recruiting personnel for a company with an already established corporate culture is finding people who not only have the required knowledge and skills to perform the job, but also share its core values. Final choice candidate is based on the subjective assessment of the decision-maker, and therefore is predetermined by the corporate culture of the organization. Spivak V.A. Corporate culture: theory and practice. - M.: Peter, 2005.

A positive corporate culture increases the loyalty of employees for whom work is a vital value.

Employees devoted to their company are “economically beneficial” to it: they work conscientiously, independently, with great dedication, without immediately demanding additional remuneration, while disloyal employees require constant monitoring, they need to be additionally stimulated, motivated, etc.

So, from all of the above, it should be noted:

The development of corporate culture gives the company a number of advantages:

  • 1. Conflicts are reduced and business relationships are improved.
  • 2. Unproductive time spent is reduced.
  • 3. Businesses and individual workers become more adequate.
  • 4. The economic efficiency of business is growing.

In this article you will read

  • What is corporate culture
  • Rules for the formation of corporate culture
  • How to convey company values ​​to subordinates
  • Why corporate spirit is dying

Many businessmen have encountered a situation where, after purchasing profitable business, they invested heavily in the company and planned to get stable income, but almost all employees decided to quit and left the company. It would seem that they are provided with a motivational package and a good salary, but their decision does not change. Despite all their paradoxical nature, such situations are quite real – as the experience of Euroset will confirm. The company acquired the USSR network of communication stores - and everything seemed perfect. After all, the network used to work smoothly, there shouldn’t have been any problems. However, in practice, everything was completely different - employees were informed about the prospect of working in one of the leaders of the European market, they were promised stable salaries, career and current motivational programs. But we still faced serious mistrust from employees. As a result, out of 250 employees, about 230 left in 2 weeks.

To avoid a serious shortage of employees, the management of the Euroset company had to urgently transfer more than 200 people to Voronezh to work in a branch of the network. It took about 3 months for the situation to stabilize. The reason for this situation is the drastic changes in corporate culture/

When it is necessary to formalize the company’s corporate culture

If the formation of a corporate culture was initially built on an informal principle (from the “do as I do” category), then over time, with the expansion of the company, it will be eroded. New employees appear, so the manager can no longer influence everyone by personal example. Instead of the director's personal example, various unwritten rules, stories, corporate traditions and anecdotes appear. During this period, it is necessary to formalize the corporate culture.

A practitioner tells

Alexander Reznik,

With the development of the company, the need arises to structure all corporate processes, including personnel management. Top managers and HR specialists should help the CEO in this matter. The manager is required to form such management team, with inspiration for work and setting strategic goals.

In a developing company, increasing the distance between management and employees is required. Of course, it is most difficult for long-time employees to succumb to such changes - one colleague becomes a boss, another remains a subordinate. There may be dissatisfaction among old employees, but new employees quickly accept the established rules of the game while maintaining a given distance. And the old, established culture is being destroyed. Old and new teams arise in the team - the general director must choose which of the groups to work with, or take the necessary measures to unite them. Only a common goal will allow us to unite the team. The CEO will have to create this goal and convey it to his employees.

Alexander Verenkov, Deputy General Director ZAO BDO Unicon, Moscow

The most durable value system is considered to be one based on leadership. After all, such a system combines authority, visibility and administrative support. The key aspect in the formation of a positive socio-psychological atmosphere is the leadership role. But will such a system be able to transform and develop in the future in the context of the rapid growth of the industry? Hardly. In our practice, there was a situation when many employees began to leave an organization with an excellent corporate culture. The frequent change of foreign partners simply did not suit them - each of them quickly destroyed many things, but simply did not have time to create new ones.

What measures should be abandoned when creating a corporate culture?

  1. Administrative controls. With the introduction of a system of fines, control over employees and other deterrent measures. As a result, a business is built on certain conditioned reflexes, the main place being given to the cult of power. Despite the minimal bureaucracy, this approach involves many factors of emotionality and subjectivity in decision making. There is usually a problem of insufficient training of middle managers, with high staff turnover and arbitrary appointment of managers. In the work of such companies, statements about informal values ​​and collectivism are often heard. In reality, values ​​in a company are characterized by subjectivity, interpreted each time in the most convenient way. All attempts to form a corporate culture are unsuccessful. Interestingly, the weakening of the center leads to destructive consequences for the company - the normal operation of the system is disrupted. The search for a new center of power does not bring results. The company is stagnating or collapsing, or there will be serious consequences when recovering from the crisis.
  2. Appointment of employees who are responsible for creating and integrating the corporate culture. Entire departments are often formed, whose employees begin to clearly define the term “corporate culture” and develop its principles. The developed principles of corporate culture are indicated in official documents. But the implementation of such measures faces serious obstacles. With insufficient understanding of this subject, employee measures are limited to creating a pseudo-culture that will not be fully accepted by the team. After some time, you simply have to completely reduce or restructure this business, and the idea of ​​​​creating a corporate culture is abandoned for a long time.
  3. Attracting external specialists who will solve internal problems of the company. Recognizing the shortcomings of the corporate culture, but not understanding how to compensate for them, the CEO begins to attract external consultants. But even an excellent ideologist will not be able to set up an ideal corporate culture. After all, it will build its principles on its own ideas, which may differ radically from the opinion of the general director. Correcting mistakes made in the formation of a mission or ideology turns out to be a rather lengthy and difficult process with not always predictable results.

General Director speaks

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

Changes in the formation of corporate culture are a rather delicate task, for which an HR specialist is needed. You can’t just appoint someone responsible for creating a corporate culture; it’s just that the boss and the thought leader cannot share the same concept. The leading role should be entrusted to the top manager, who will be able to “charge” his subordinates. This task is not just carried out by an administrator. He must be an integrator in relationships and an entrepreneur in spirit. This role is assumed by the owner at the company's formation stage. In the future, this can be done by the general director, who shares the values ​​of the business owner.

As a CEO, I consider it necessary to assess the microclimate in the team. If a company has 100-200 employees, they all remain visible - the peculiarities of people’s communication, their conflicts, and who they listen to will be noticeable. To use formalized tools with personnel, the company needs to reach a certain level. Our company has at least 100 employees. Although this amount is individual, it depends on the business. In my opinion, some companies require a clear definition of everything even with 20 employees on staff. The main condition is to maintain the spirit of entrepreneurship in the company.

Summing up, I can talk about the development of the company’s corporate culture at each stage according to its own laws. With a larger company, there should be more formalized and structured work with it.

Formation of corporate culture in an organization step by step

The role of the CEO in shaping corporate culture

The CEO and founders of the company should act as the ideologist and bearer of corporate culture. In my opinion, this way of forming a corporate culture and preserving the corporate spirit is the most effective and natural.

Fundamental principles for the formation of corporate culture

Freedom. Every person has dreams of freedom and a search for truth. However, with a greater level of knowledge, the more more people will depend on them. As you gain more freedom, its degree in life only decreases. This paradox became the basis of the first principle of creating a corporate culture. With a greater sense of freedom in the company, the more faithful he will be to the principles of the team.

Justice. Corporate culture is designed to bring a community of people together. Their personal freedom is limited by the general values ​​and goals of the company. However, this restriction should not cross the line, overcoming which a feeling of lack of freedom appears. Such a barely perceptible boundary is considered injustice.

The corporate culture is based not only on justice and freedom, but also on other universal spiritual values ​​that are necessary for a person in society.

Polar principles of corporate culture formation

The work of Douglas McGregor notes 2 basic principles on which management theory is based:

  1. All people, by definition, are initially thieving, lazy and non-performing. Therefore, they require absolute control. The formation of corporate culture in this case is carried out according to the principles of carrots and sticks.
  2. Man is a rational being. To implement best qualities a person must be provided with the proper conditions conducive to this.

These two principles define the extreme poles, and the truth always hides in the middle.

A practitioner tells

Nina Litvinova,

The corporate culture of our company is based on the principle of “professionalism in everything.” This rule became the company’s credo, uniting all employees. In a company's work, attitude towards employees becomes an important component of corporate culture. Investments are made in the development of its personnel. Perhaps our company will be the first to propose the introduction of options for each employee.

For the successful operation of the company, it is important that corporate values ​​are fully accepted by the entire team. Situations arose when it was decided to part with employees only because of non-compliance with the norms of the company’s corporate culture.

Alexander Verenkov, Deputy General Director of CJSC BDO Unicon, Moscow

Corporate culture can be based on the principle of individualism - on accounting individual characteristics company employees. Modern business is at the height of individualism, so the CEO needs to understand human psychology. Only individuals can form a true team, so it is important to respect and value your employees. At the same time, if possible, it is better to get rid of careless employees who do not deserve respect. In the dynamic environment of modern business, there is practically no time for re-education. It is necessary to motivate employees. Sometimes the opinion is expressed that a well-known brand instills patriotism in a company, but this turns out to be wrong. A common corporate spirit will be formed and strengthened by understanding results achieved the whole team.

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

When working on corporate culture, important importance is given to the formation of the proper microclimate. People must have a desire to work in the organization, they must have a sense of pride in their work and a sense of comfort. Job satisfaction is demonstrated by loyalty to the company, despite another place of work, and pleasure in going to work and completing tasks.

As long as the microclimate in the team is an important factor for a person, he will remain in the company. When other factors (including social status or salary), a search for other offers is noted. In corporate culture, mutual understanding between employees is important. It is difficult to expect success in conditions of regular conflicts and lack of agreement.

How company type affects corporate culture

When forming corporate values, the type of activity of the companies must be taken into account. In particular, in the services market, attitude towards people is of fundamental importance. Among other things, sincere love for clients is important. Only in this case can the client really fall in love with the company in order to regularly seek its services. Companies in the service market should have an atmosphere of creativity, mutual respect and initiative. To maintain this state of affairs, postulates are needed that will capture the company's values. When hiring new employees, you need to make sure whether they will share similar values.

Employees production organizations What matters most is stability. The reason for this priority is that in production personnel are focused primarily on processes. And stability becomes the main factor of success.

For companies in a market segment with significant competition, it will be useful to merge against the backdrop of an external threat. In particular, it is possible to unite employees against a competitor, becoming a real well-coordinated team in the name of a common goal.

How to make corporate culture work for your company

For corporate culture to work, it is necessary to change its main principles. This condition is extremely important for large organizations. Transformations appear as a result of constant contact between managers and employees, due to informal communication conditions. If there is a sense of consistent, fair implementation of the principles of corporate culture, when actions correspond to words, one can count on the success of such changes. It's really coming painstaking work, however, the result fully justifies such measures.

Examples of corporate culture in Japan, the USA and Russia

Japan and the United States of America:

  1. Corporate onboarding for newcomers to help them understand the work process.
  2. Placement of corporate culture values, rules and slogans in various messages, brochures, stands, and media pages.
  3. The company's management regularly organizes speeches, during which they discuss in detail the corporate values, rules and goals of the organization.
  4. Methods of inspiring employees to work - through speaking best workers, illuminating goals for the team, singing the anthem, etc.


  1. Celebration of federal holidays - in the company’s office or restaurant.
  2. Singing the corporate anthem.
  3. Carrying out sporting events.
  4. Joint tours.
  5. Videos dedicated to employee hobbies.
  6. Joint leisure activities - including bowling, hunting, curling, etc.
  7. Special traditions in the company - for example, organizing skit parties in honor of the organization’s birthday.

Based on materials from the book: Samukina N. Effective motivation of personnel with minimal financial costs. M.: Vershina

A practitioner tells

Nina Litvinova, Director of the HR Department at Arpicom, Moscow

Training may be one of effective means creating a corporate culture. The main requirement is that the employee who has received this knowledge can use it in practice. As I have already noted, the corporate culture in our company is based on professionalism. To implement this principle, about a year ago we began implementing the General Manager Training program. The program is carried out by the general manager, the goal is to train employees to be proud of their profession. As a tool for this, we use information sheets, a corporate newspaper, corporate events, etc.

General Director speaks

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

The most effective (although not always simple) way to formulate new rules in a company is to invite new employees. Because all new employees usually follow the established requirements. In my own practice I have seen many similar examples– an employee who is not satisfied with certain procedures leaves the company, and a new employee is hired in his place who is ready to follow these standards. The reason is that he is not forced to confront the new corporate culture, but immediately becomes one of the building blocks in the organization. It is necessary to initially hire employees who fit into the current corporate culture.

When spreading corporate culture across remote departments, it will be necessary to take into account 3 factors:

  1. Public core values and ideology.
  2. Key employees of branches need to regularly visit the head office to absorb its energy. After all, they are entrusted with the role of agents for introducing a common corporate culture in the work of the branch.
  3. Corporate principles must be formalized (described in documentation). Otherwise, the transfer of corporate culture norms to branches will occur with distortions. In addition, this formalized documentation is necessary to familiarize new employees with the rules of behavior and features of the company’s corporate culture.

The role of corporate culture in a company

  1. You should regularly communicate to your staff information about corporate values, rules, etc. Speeches by key employees, stands, or corporate media are suitable for this.
  2. If the process of erosion of the corporate culture in the company begins, or if there are several strong groups with different rules, you need to decide which group will be more comfortable to work with.
  3. Control of informal corporate culture is required - take into account informal leaders, who should become your assistants to promote initiatives in the organization.
  4. You don't need to resort only to administrative levers to manage corporate culture. After all, any instruction or order must be accompanied by explanatory communication with its employees.
  5. There is no need to appoint people responsible for corporate culture - a top manager should deal with this issue by vocation.
  6. Nothing can strengthen a team better than joint corporate events. Therefore, do not forget about organizing joint sports competitions, holidays, skit parties, various trips, etc.
  7. You need to be a fair leader. There must be predictable, objective decisions about sanctions against employees.
  8. Corporate training should be used to communicate the organization's values ​​and goals to its employees.
  • Personnel policy, Corporate culture

Today you can often hear this new term like corporate culture and Russian business still rare. But many people understand it completely incorrectly, believing that the culture in the company is the need to come to work at a certain time, wear certain clothes and celebrate holidays together.

In essence, it involves a set of basic provisions in a company with a set of social norms and values ​​that are shared by the majority of employees. Corporate culture is a complex set of different systems of behavior relating to both personnel and managers. In a sense, it acts as a carrot and stick, motivating employees to comply accepted rules, and, at the same time, giving confidence in the future and the opportunity to advance up the career ladder.

Absolutely everyone is the bearer of corporate culture in a company - from a simple cleaner to the general director.

Every adult develops his own model of behavior and perception of the world around him, which is almost impossible to change. When working in a team with other employees, these different worldviews inevitably lead to disputes and conflicts, which sharply reduce the efficiency of the company.

Therefore, in those companies where there is no established corporate culture, there is no established teamwork.

The company's office, without exaggeration, should become the second, and, for many, the first, home for employees, in which its own rules apply and certain goals exist. Accordingly, the relationship between team members must be such that they understand each other without words, and the likelihood of conflicts is minimized.

Corporate culture is whole model behavior and relationships, which is not reduced to a simple charter or set of rules. It cannot be universal and must take into account the specifics of the company’s activities, the composition of its employees, relationships with clients and a number of other important points.

In any team, relationships and rules are inevitably formed, their own leaders and those who, as they say, “can be ridden” appear. If this process is left to chance, its result may be negative in terms of the effective operation of the company. Therefore, it is necessary to initially form a corporate culture in a direction that is beneficial to the manager. It is easier to foresee any problem in advance than to deal with it later.

So, let’s summarize and define what corporate culture consists of:

  • Symbols, ideology, values, goals, motto, rituals of the company;
  • social norms of behavior in the company;
  • communication systems in the company;
  • position of each person in the company.
  • approved leadership system;
  • styles of resolving conflict situations;

Basic principles of corporate culture formation:

Freedom. Every person vitally needs a sense of freedom, otherwise a person, squeezed into unacceptable boundaries, will come to internal conflict. There should be a gentle limitation of personal freedom by the general values ​​and goals of the company. With a greater sense of freedom in the company, the more accurately the employee will follow the principles of the team.

Justice. Corporate culture is designed to bring a community of people together. All activities and policies must emphasize the equality of freedoms and privileges of employees regardless of their position.

Universal spiritual values. Do not lead to internal conflict among employees in choosing between universal spiritual values ​​and your corporate culture.

Ineffective measures to form corporate culture:

  1. Administrative enforcement of rules and regulations. Introduction of a system of fines, monitoring of employees and other deterrent measures. As a result, a business is built on fears, and the cult of leadership will occupy the main place. All attempts to create a corporate culture are unsuccessful.
  2. Appointment of those responsible for the creation of the CC. Entire departments are often formed, whose employees begin to clearly define the term “corporate culture” and develop its principles. The developed principles of corporate culture are indicated in official documents. But the implementation of such measures faces serious obstacles. With insufficient understanding of this subject, employee measures are limited to the creation of an inorganic pseudo-culture that will not be fully accepted by the team.
  3. Involvement of external specialists. When realizing the shortcomings of the corporate culture, but without understanding how to compensate for them, the director begins to attract external consultants. But even an excellent ideologist will not be able to set up an ideal corporate culture.

Some techniques for implementing corporate culture in an organization.

  1. Placement of corporate culture values, rules and slogans in various messages, brochures, stands, and media pages.
  2. Regular presentations by company management, during which they discuss in detail the corporate values, rules and goals of the organization.
  3. Special traditions in the company - for example, organizing celebrations in honor of the organization’s birthday, federal and professional holidays.
  4. Methods of inspiring employees to work - through speaking famous people, coaches, best employees, highlighting goals and achievements to the team.
  5. Training staff in professional skills, leadership, personal effectiveness and setting them up for success.
  6. A clearly developed and transparent system of staff motivation and the formation of self-motivation.
  7. Adaptation of newcomers, with familiarization with corporate culture and ethics of behavior in a team.
  8. Team building events.
  9. Carrying out sporting events, excursions, tours, joint leisure outside the walls of the organization.
  10. Videos dedicated to the hobbies of employees, events and celebrations.

For a corporate culture to work for a company, it is necessary to adhere to the main principles of its formation. This condition is extremely important for rapidly growing Russian companies. If there is a sense of consistent, free and fair implementation of the principles of corporate culture, when actions correspond to words, one can count on the success of such changes. There is really difficult work ahead, but the result fully justifies such actions.


An organization is a complex organism, the basis of whose life potential is organizational culture: that for which people became members of the organization; how the relationship between them is built; what stable norms and principles of life and activities of the organization they share; what they think is good and what is bad, and much more that relates to values ​​and norms. All this not only distinguishes one organization from another, but also significantly determines the success of the functioning and survival of the organization in the long term. Corporate culture is not so clearly visible on the surface; it is difficult to “feel” it. If we can say that an organization has a “soul,” then this soul is the corporate culture. Corporate culture is the basis of the organization’s image, its authority in the external environment and in the eyes of employees, which is very important for the organization and for its effective activities. The image of the organization determines the attitude of suppliers and its partners towards the organization, as well as the attitude of buyers and clients towards the organization and its product. Demand for products depends on corporate culture and, in general, corporate culture influences the entire activity of the organization as a whole, right down to the question of the existence of the company.

The issue of corporate culture is relatively new and little studied in our country and abroad. Even in the USA, research into this problem began only in the 80-90s, and in Kazakhstan even later. Therefore, the time has come to seriously study the activities of the organization from the perspective of organizational culture. Interest in this problem is evidenced by requests from managers and specialists, as well as actual orders from organizations to carry out research projects.

The growing dynamism and variability of the business environment creates the need for organizations to constantly communicate with partners, consumers, and employees. The growth of education, qualifications, and awareness of workers and the public as a whole requires management to use more complex and subtle management methods. To control events, it is no longer enough to control people's behavior. Today it is necessary to manage what people think and feel, to shape public opinion and mood. Such management involves the establishment and maintenance of targeted, systematic communications with various public groups - with partners, with the general public and funds mass media, with the local community and government agencies, with the financial community and, of course, with employees. When working with the latter, there is a need to create a unified system of values, norms and rules, i.e. a corporate culture that allows employees to achieve effective work, focus on achieving company goals, and self-realization. This is where public relations specialists come to the aid of “managers”. After all, their competence includes not only working with the external environment, but also with the internal one, to create a favorable image of the company and among its employees.

In Kazakhstan, the concept of “corporate culture” was practically not used until recently, but this does not mean that there are no organizations with a developed corporate culture in our country. There are quite a few such enterprises in the banking sector, mechanical engineering, energy, mining and other leading sectors of the economy. These are quite large organizations with a long history of existence and a large number of employees. It’s just that most organizational cultures have historically been implicit in nature, since their role and influence on the work of enterprises as a whole was not emphasized. Recently, in a highly competitive and dynamic business environment, people have increasingly begun to talk about the importance and necessity of forming a company’s philosophy and developing a corporate culture.

Since culture plays a very important role in the life of an organization, it should be the subject of close attention from management. Management not only corresponds to and is strongly influenced by corporate culture, but can in turn influence the formation and development of corporate culture. To do this, managers must be able to analyze corporate culture and influence its formation and change in the desired direction.

The term "corporate culture" arose relatively recently. It refers to a system of common opinions and values ​​shared by all members of the organization. In the case of an organization with a strong culture, it begins to exist independently of each of its members. Thus, organizations have value in themselves, regardless of the type of goods and services they produce. This provides them with long-term recognition. If the original goals of the organization lose their meaning, the organization still remains in business. Most likely, it will transform and change in accordance with new needs.

The relevance of the topic is due to growing competition in the service sector, production of goods and services, and it is necessary to form competitive advantages, one of which is corporate culture.

The purpose of this work is to study the formation of corporate culture in an organization.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks will be required:

1) consider theoretical basis formation of corporate culture and its content. Consider the types, types, and main elements of corporate culture;

2) Conduct an analysis of the formation of corporate culture at enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan (using the example of Kazkommertsbank JSC)

3) Consider the main ways to improve corporate culture at an enterprise.

It is these questions that we will consider in this work. Many people are currently dealing with this problem; it will develop and remain relevant for a very long time.

The object of study of this work is the corporate culture of the organization, and the subject is the process of formation of corporate culture.

The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

Theoretical and methodological basis The research included the works of foreign and Kazakh management specialists on the problem under study, and an analysis of modern practices in the formation of corporate culture. When writing the work, reference manuals and regulatory documentation were used.

1 Theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of corporate culture at an enterprise

1.1 Concept, essence and role of corporate culture in an organization

Experts in the field of organizational management believe that organizations, like nations, have their own culture. The process of forming a corporate culture is interesting for an organization, first of all, because of the possibility of regulating the behavioral attitudes of personnel based on those values ​​that are acceptable to the organization, but are not a priority, and sometimes deviate from the values ​​​​established in society.

IN modern literature There are quite a few definitions of the concept “corporate culture”. Like many other terms of organizational and legal disciplines, this one does not have a single interpretation. In modern educational and scientific literature there are about 50 concepts of “corporate culture”. Let's look at the most common ones:

Corporate culture is a system of material and spiritual values, manifestations that interact with each other, inherent in a given company, reflecting its individuality and perception of itself and others in the social and material environment, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of oneself and environment.

Corporate culture is a specific system of connections, interactions and relationships characteristic of a given organization, carried out within a specific entrepreneurial activity, way of setting up and conducting business.

Corporate culture is a system of principles, customs and values ​​that allow everyone in the company to move in the same direction as a single entity.

Corporate culture is a set of the most important provisions accepted by members of the organization and expressed in the values ​​declared by the organization, which give people guidelines for their behavior and actions.

Corporate culture is unique general psychology organizations.

Corporate culture is a set of assumptions, beliefs, values ​​and norms that are shared by all members of an organization.

Corporate culture is a complex set of assumptions, accepted without evidence by all members of a particular organization, and defining general framework behavior adopted for the most part organizations. It manifests itself in the philosophy and ideology of management, value orientations, beliefs, expectations, and norms of behavior. Regulates human behavior and makes it possible to predict his behavior in critical situations.

Corporate culture is the ideas, interests and values ​​shared by a group. This includes the experiences, skills, traditions, communication and decision-making processes, myths, fears, hopes, aspirations and expectations as actually experienced by you or your employees. Your organizational culture is how people feel about a job well done, as well as what allows equipment and staff to work harmoniously together. It's the glue that holds, it's the oil that softens... This is why people do various jobs within the company. This is how some parts of the company see other parts of the company and what forms of behavior each of the divisions chooses for itself as a result of this vision. She manifests herself openly in jokes and caricatures on the walls, or she keeps herself locked up and declares herself only one of her own. This is something that everyone knows about, with the possible exception of the manager.

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