Dolls made from Russian folk fabric. Russian rag doll

Since ancient times, folk dolls in Rus' have occupied a special place, because life is impossible without holidays, the performance of rituals, the preparation of national costumes and the use various items applied arts. Dolls were made not only for children, their main role was ritual.

A little history

The history of the folk doll, which was used on holidays or during folk rituals, goes back to those years when there was paganism in Rus'. Long before the Baptism of Rus', the Slavs celebrated the resurrection of Dazhdbog every spring, baking Easter cakes, which they then sacrificed to him. Even then, pysanka was a magical talisman of the ancient Slavs.

According to historians, with the introduction Orthodox religion every pagan holiday gradually acquired Christian meaning: ancient holiday Kolyada ( winter solstice) became the Nativity of Christ, Kupala ( summer solstice) - the feast of John the Baptist, Christian Easter coincided with spring Slavic holiday, which had the name Great Day. The tradition of painting Easter eggs and baking Easter cakes also came from ancient celebrations of the Great Day.

From there arose the tradition of making ritual Easter dolls and motanka dolls, which are considered the most strong amulets for women.

Types of dolls

The life of a Russian, or any other people, is impossible without rituals with national costumes, holidays and folklore. Ancient dolls were always made from various items that were at hand: straw, tree branches, pieces of fabric, rope, moss.

The types of folk dolls in Rus' were as follows:

  1. Ritual - made for participation in rituals (agricultural, wedding, holiday).
  2. Amulet dolls were made from ash, pieces of fabric, and birch twigs. The main rule in their manufacture was the absence of tools. Such dolls were made for a certain person or family, usually without a face (it was believed that a faceless doll could not harm people).
  3. A folk play doll was made from materials found in the house (remnants of clothing), no larger than a fist.

Playing children's dolls

Playing folk dolls were made for small children so that they would have more fun with them. They were made only from natural materials: grass, cones, clay, charcoal, moss and fabrics. All dolls had to be faceless so that the soul could not move into them, and they could not be used for witchcraft. Children's play dolls have always been protective in order to protect the child from evil spirits. Traditional rag dolls, made especially for children, had their own names:

  • Ash doll - the first children's dolls were made from ash, which was taken from the hearth, then mixed with water and rolled into a ball to form a head; Such dolls were considered a strong amulet for a child.
  • A friend doll was made so that the child would not be afraid to stay at home alone (for example, “bunny on the finger”, bird, spin dolls). Such a doll (folk) is a toy that was made by a grandmother together with her granddaughters, a mother together with her daughters, teaching them and at the same time accustoming them to creativity and hard work.
  • The bird doll was made from a piece of bright fabric in the shape of a square, giving the shape of a bird using threads. Such birds are made small and hung in the corners of the house or above the child’s crib.
  • A diaper - a doll swaddled with cloth, was placed in the baby's cradle to take on all the misfortunes from evil spirits.
  • Senya-Malina, a doll with a sunny red mane, conveying the image of a handsome peasant in a bright shirt, was popular in the villages of Northern Pomerania, people wrote about him different fairy tales and was called northern Munchausen.

Rag dolls

Starting at the age of five, girls themselves began to “twirl” their dolls under the guidance of their grandmother or mother. The folk rag doll was made from wool or cotton pieces of fabric, flax and multi-colored ribbons and threads. You only had to make a rag doll with a good mood and love. According to tradition, it was also customary to sing and talk, and make a wish.

Twist dolls (or another name for a column) are made by twisting a piece of fabric or a birch bark tube, onto which clothing parts are then put on: a shirt, a skirt, a sundress, a warmer; a braid of thread or yarn is made on the head, secured with a scarf.

When making all toys, it was forbidden to use threads and needles, as well as to paint the dolls' faces: it always remained pure white.

Ritual dolls

Folk ritual dolls were performed in compliance with ancient rules (without a needle and thread) for a specific ritual, and then burned (Maslenitsa, Kolyada), drowned (Kupavka) or buried in the ground (Likhomanka, Kostroma). Sometimes the dolls were then given to children to play with:

  • Kostroma - made for Maslenitsa, it was placed for the entire holiday week, and then burned.
  • An Easter doll (the head is made of an egg) and an Easter dove (always bright red) were used to decorate the house for Easter.
  • Kupavka was made on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, then it was celebrated on the water, and by the way it floated (whether it went into a whirlpool, floated freely, or washed ashore), they predicted what the whole year would be like.
  • Vesnyanka - friends gave to each other, calling for the imminent arrival of spring.
  • Fertility - a doll depicting mother of many children, attracted wealth to the family.
  • Fever dolls - usually 13 pieces were made to protect the child from diseases; they were displayed in a row on the stove.
  • Nurse - with big breasts, the bigger, the better.
  • The herbal pot, a useful doll filled with fragrant medicinal herbs, purified the air in the hut or above the baby’s cradle, driving away the spirits of disease (the grass needs to be changed every 2 years).
  • Kuvad dolls were intended for men; during childbirth, their wives provided protection with the help of magical rituals (kuvads) from evil spirits. Immediately after a happy birth, the dolls were burned in a cleansing ritual. Starting from the end of the 19th century, folk dolls began to be used in a different way: they were hung over the baby’s cradle as amulets, or they were placed directly in the crib so that the baby could play in the absence of the mother (often there were several of them different color, they were a replacement for rattles).

Many ritual dolls were also protective.

Protective dolls

Traditionally, protective folk dolls were participants in family rituals: the birth of children, weddings, amulets against illness, death and funerals. There were a great many of them:

  • Bell (invented in Valdai) is a doll that brings good news. She has 3 skirts according to the number of kingdoms and types of happiness (copper, silver, gold). Acts as a talisman that creates in the house good mood. By giving a Bell to a friend, a person adds a joyful mood to him.
  • Girl-woman (Shifter, Vertuha) - a doll with two heads, four arms and 2 skirts. Its secret is simple - one girl doll is hidden under the skirt of another - a woman and appears if she is turned over. Reflects the dual feminine essence: a young girl is beautiful, cheerful and carefree, then, after getting married, she becomes a woman (economic, caring, protecting her family, children and home).
  • Lovebirds are amulets that protect married couples, are made on one hand as a symbol that the husband and wife will go through life together in joy and sorrow. According to established tradition, such lovebirds are hung after church wedding at the head of the wedding procession, and after the wedding they are kept in the house as a talisman of family fidelity.

  • Bereginya (guardian of the family) - hung herself over front door to protect the house from evil spirits and the evil eye.
  • Zernushka (Krupenichka) - consists of a bag of grain, symbolizing prosperity and a well-fed life.
  • Plantain is a small (3-5 cm) doll with a knapsack in its hands (there is a pinch inside native land or ash), which is intended to protect travelers.
  • Cleansing doll - helps get rid of negative energy in the house.
  • A doll-column “Fertility” (made differently in various Russian provinces and called by their names: Vladimir, Moscow, Kursk, etc.), several swaddling clothes were usually tied to its body so that the family would flourish and not fade away - given to the young for the wedding with good wishes.
  • Ten-handed (has many hands) - helps the housewife manage everything around the house.

Motanka dolls

The Slavic motanka doll takes its origins from the Trypillian culture. Its basis is a twisted svarga, the prototype of which is represented in a variety of motifs on clay products found during excavations of burials of the Trypillian era.

Svarga is a symbol of movement, spiral and energy vortices, obtained by twisting and twisting, which has ritual significance. Instead of a face, she had a cross, which testified to her being outside of time and space. She is the archetype of the Great Goddess.

The motanka doll is made without the use of cutting or piercing tools; only natural materials are taken: straw, herbs, flowers, corn cobs, grains, pieces of worn fabrics (you just need to make sure that the fabrics are from “lucky” old clothes), which were previously worn by loved ones People.

When making the body of the reel, no knots can be tied, the only exception being a small knot at the end, symbolizing the tying of the umbilical cord. While tying it, the craftswoman must make a wish and secure it with her strength. Sometimes arms are made separately, which are then tied to the body.

The outfit and headdress are made separately; it can be embroidered and decorated with lace. Each element has its own meaning:

  • the skirt is a symbol of the earth, the wavy line on it is a connection with water;
  • shirt - the trinity of the world;
  • decorations on the head (ribbon, scarf) are a symbol of connection with the sky.

All separately made parts and decorations are manually wound to the body. Our ancestors were sure that if a doll is started, then it must be finished, otherwise misfortunes will come. Not a single woman left work unfinished, because she was afraid that this would bring trouble and illness to her family.

Folk Doll Museum

Since the 1990s, museums of folk dolls, telling about Russian puppet culture, began to appear in Russia and became very popular. Now there are already about 20 such projects operating in the country, some also represent original and antique copies:

  • The Moscow Museum “Doll House” was created in 1993 through the efforts of Russian cultural figures (O. Okudazhava), has a collection of antique dolls, houses for dolls, an exhibition of folk and theatrical pieces.
  • Museum of Unique Dolls (created in 1996 by Yu. Vishnevskaya) - contains a collection of specimens Russian Empire 19-20 centuries, European dolls, Asian, toy houses.
  • Museum of Folk Toys "Zabavushka" - presents collections of clay, straw, patchwork exhibits, and Russian folk dolls are also presented here.
  • Museum of Toys in Sergiev Posad (founded in 1918 by collector N.D. Bartram) - exhibits a collection of antique clay and wood products, porcelain dolls in Russian folk costumes, a collection of toys for the children of Russian Emperor Nicholas II;
  • St. Petersburg Museum of Dolls - since 1998, has presented collections of modern and folk exhibits, holds thematic exhibitions (40 thousand items are stored in the museum: dolls, furnishings, clothing, ethnographic items, souvenir items in historical costumes of various eras and peoples , original works modern masters and designers).
  • Museum-estate “Bereginya” (Kozlovo village, Kaluga region) - under the leadership of folk craftswoman Tarasova, 2,000 traditional dolls from all over Russia were collected; Among the exhibits are examples of traditional crafts (Gzhel, Filimonovskaya, Dymkovo, etc.), toys in the national costumes of the regions of Russia and the peoples of the world (40 countries).

Dolls in Russian folk costumes

For a long time, the clothing of a Russian woman had distinctive features and characteristics, by which one could determine her age and class, what region she came from, her occupation and whether she was married. Each Russian province differed in its own styles and colors in the formation of folk costume.

The Russian national outfit has one main feature - a simple silhouette that does not emphasize the shape of the body. Such simplicity was balanced by diversity color range V different parts clothes, in bright trim, embroidery and multi-color appliqués. The folk costume, which our ancestors wore until the beginning of the 20th century, was made taking into account not to hinder human movement and to be comfortable at any time of the year under different weather conditions. Structurally, the costume was made in such a way that there was almost no need for scissors or sewing. The main elements of clothing are a shirt ( different lengths: shorter for men, almost to the toes for women), sundress or skirt (poneva). The women embroidered all this very beautifully and decorated it with decorative elements. They always wore a scarf or kokoshnik on their heads.

Dolls in folk costumes, which were made by women in a specific region of Russia, were also distinguished by their appearance. Rag dolls were usually given to relatives to cement blood ties. Often clothes for toys also had features inherent in local costumes. An important principle by which folk dolls were made was that the costume could not be removed; the toy, together with the clothes, represented an integral image unique to it.

At the same time, the costume determined the ethnically specific type of doll, which could not be changed, assigning a certain role in children's amusements. For example, a toy in a sundress Pink colour could not play the role of an adult married woman in the game, and the “wifey” doll could not be a bride.

Dolls from the "DeAgostini" series

A series that includes dolls in folk costumes, produced by the DeAgostini company, has gained great importance in the popularization of Russian folk costumes. The series consists of 80 issues, each of which contains not only a porcelain toy in national costume a certain region of the country, but also a description of the details of clothing, the history of the location, traditions and customs of the region and other interesting information.

A traditional Russian folk doll is a holistic representation of our Slavic ancestors about the structure of the world and the universe, expressed through folk art and handicrafts, which supported man in his spiritual life.

Creating a folk doll together with your child helps raise the child, teaches him the basics of needlework, and promotes development fine motor skills, creativity. While working, the child studies and begins to understand the traditions of his people. With his own hands, of course, with the help of his parents, a child can make a real folk doll - a play doll, a ritual doll, and even an amulet doll. The workshops show you how to make traditional dolls step by step. Ritual: “Pelenashka”, “Bereginya”, “Lovebirds”, “World Tree”, “Column”, “Kupala Doll”. Amulet dolls “Domovushka”, “Zernovushka”, “Kuvadka”, “Ten-handled”. And, of course, the fun toys “Bunny” and “Teddy Bear” made from rags.

Nowadays, the function of a folk doll is mainly reduced to play, but the process of making such a toy is very exciting; while working, you can sing, tell fairy tales, talk, and in this sense, the folk doll, without a doubt, has retained its magical properties- this brings the family together and puts them in a kind and positive mood.

If you have placed such a doll in your home, do not forget to give her gifts from time to time: beads, a new ribbon. If you feel that the doll is helping you in some matters, be sure to thank him with some new decoration.

Creating folk dolls is an activity that will be interesting to both adults and children, girls and boys! Thanks to the simplicity of the doll form, the result is visible almost immediately. For example, it takes 15–20 minutes to create a “Housewife”. And the materials needed for the work can always be found at home: scraps, threads, trimmings of ribbons and lace, and if nothing like that is found, a doll can be created from children's things from which the child has already grown. Even jeans can be used. The main condition is that the fabrics must be natural.

Some dolls are made without a needle or scissors - that is why, even without sewing skills, we can make a doll using ancient technology.

There are also models of dolls, to create which you will need to master a simple stitch - forward the needle.

You will also have to learn how to tie knots.

You will learn not only how to properly make this or that traditional doll, but also about what symbolism they carry, what their purpose is, their ritual function, and the properties of amulet dolls. For example, if the parts of the dolls are wound or tied to each other, the dolls will be called winders. Motanks can be cute souvenirs, play dolls, they can be given or bought. But it is advisable to make a knotted doll yourself or for a loved one.

When you start making dolls, note that they carry symbols: a cross, a spiral, a symbol of a sown field. And in combination with red and blue protective function doll-amulets only intensify.

The red thread symbolizes feminine power. Blue thread- male strength. Dolls that contain red and blue are good for protecting the child.

There are also dolls that themselves resemble a symbol. This doll looks like an infinity symbol.

The first doll that a mother can make for her newborn baby and put in the cradle is a swaddle.

By twisting the doll part, you will see a symbol - a spiral. If you take cloth in a cage for swaddling, you will get ancient symbol sown field - for prosperity! By tying the swaddle we get a cross. Fixing the fabric, we knit a knot. The knot is a symbol of protection. All together these symbols will become a very powerful amulet.

In the old days, this symbolism was read by our ancestors as easily as we now read letters in a book.

Easter dolls are created using a knot method. They don’t make a face for such a doll - these are extra eyes. And there is no need for extra eyes in the house. Why, you ask? A doll is an image of a person, a likeness of a person, so it can “draw energy” to itself - our grandmothers believed in this. This is the reason why dolls have no eyes. Although if you are making a doll solely for play, you can draw a face on it: quite conditionally. Use dots to indicate eyes, nose and mouth.

In the old days, many dolls were created hastily, from what was at hand. They took the scarf, rolled up the unskilled wrap, played with it, unwrapped the toy, and got the scarf back. Almost every nation had such fun.

This is our imagination, fantasy! This is what makes these dolls so good. They give you the opportunity to express yourself, unlike those in which everything is thought out from top to bottom. Let's try to create patchwork dolls that will decorate your home long years and will even become a talisman if you want it!

And it’s a pleasure to play with them!

Nemovlenok (diaper)

One of the most ancient dolls. It was created before the birth of the child or especially for the child. The name of the doll comes from Ukrainian word“nemovlya” - the first months of a child’s life, when he still does not speak, “ne movyt” (i.e. “does not speak”). In Russian, the closest analogue is infancy. When a woman made this doll, she uttered kind words and wishes for the unborn child. In the old days, seven such dolls were made; they protected the mother during childbirth, then they were placed in the baby’s crib to distract evil spirits, and when he grew up, they became the child’s first toys. If you go for a walk, you can tie the doll to the stroller in a visible place - then prying eyes will be directed not at the baby, but at the doll. A mother or grandmother can make such a doll for a child.

Doll Bereginya

This doll, according to legend, protects the house and household from dark forces, the evil eye, calls upon good and bright spirits. Bereginya is made from old clothes that are no longer worn, but it’s a shame to throw them away. But this is only if you are making a ritual doll for yourself. If it is created as a gift, it is better to make it from scraps of new fabric. Bereginya in ancient times was endowed enormous power, therefore they used it in various rituals, it was present during childbirth, at a wedding, and was used for fortune telling. Bereginya is done without using a needle. All parts are twisted and wound directly onto the doll. This doll has no hands. Important! Beregini has no face. But under the white flap we will hide a spiral - a symbol of eternity. The doll will symbolize the strength of the family. It is better not to keep it in a visible place. This is a talisman that should not be seen by strangers.


There is such a tradition: newlyweds attach a smartly dressed doll or even a teddy bear to their car. And all in order to divert the attention of the “evil” eye to them. In the old days, this role was played by a family of dolls. It is believed that if you admire a cute bear or a beautiful doll, envy will dissolve. That is why the doll couple occupied place of honor in the house, and soon a small doll - a baby - was tied to the doll's hand. Lovebirds are a symbol and amulet of a strong family union. They are made so that they cannot be separated, so that husband and wife go through life hand in hand... Such a family of dolls is usually given as a wedding gift.

World tree

In the old days, this doll symbolized the union of two halves into one whole. It was made without needles, like many amulets; it was believed that with a needle one could “sew up happiness.” To create such a doll, you need a birch stick in the shape of a slingshot. The dolls are attached to this stick: the bride and groom! Moreover, they must face each other so that they do not have the opportunity to turn away from each other. Creation new family was considered similar to the planting of the World Tree - hence the name of the doll. In the ancient Russian understanding, the branches of the World Tree symbolize the heavens, the trunk - the earthly world, the roots - underworld. The World Tree doll was traditionally stuck into the wedding cake. And then it was kept in the family as a talisman.


Stolbushka doll is a traditional doll, a symbol of the unity of masculine and feminine principles. The pillar is the most common type of folk doll. In the old days it was believed that it brings good luck and prosperity, a rich harvest and serves as a symbol of procreation. The dolls were passed down from mother to daughter and then to granddaughter and great-granddaughter. The column was a talisman for a baby, a toy for older children. The doll was distracting evil forces, protecting the baby. For the amulet to work, the doll had to be “fed” with conversations and communication with it. A child could entrust all his problems and grievances to the doll, and this helped him survive them.

Kupala doll

The Kupala doll is a ritual cross doll, that is, its basis is a cross made of two sticks. This doll was made for Ivan Kupala Day. To create it, it was necessary to take freshly broken sticks. Flowers and ribbons were tied to the finished doll and lowered into the water. The ribbons were supposed to carry away all adversities, because in the old days it was believed that water cleanses from everything that interferes: from illnesses, bad thoughts. Therefore, there is no need to spare ribbons; you can knit a lot of them, all over the sleeve of your shirt.

Housewife or Well-Being

Housewife is a small doll that you can always take with you, putting it in your purse. There is a coin hidden in the doll. This is because the Blessed One brings good luck and prosperity! If the doll is at home, it is called Domovushka and takes care of the family! This doll does not have a specific place in the house: it can be hidden, or it can be placed in plain sight.


This small doll has several names: Krupenichka, Zernovushka, Goroshinka, Buckwheat. This is one of the favorite folk dolls. The best selected grain of the harvest was stored in Zernovushka, which was used for sowing the following spring. This doll is also an indicator of the well-being and wealth of the family. In the spring, the Zernovushka dolls were dismantled, their clothes were washed and folded until the fall, and after the harvest season they were dressed up again and carefully stored in the red corner. These dolls are traditionally considered a talisman for prosperity and satiety. This doll has one more role: in the old days Zernovushka was made by a woman who wanted to give birth to a child. Definitely alone when no one is home. Then the doll was placed in a secluded place so that strangers would not see it. Such a doll can be given as a gift with appropriate wishes.


Previously, this doll served as a talisman, but now it is good for playing. Moreover, it is easy and quick to do. Kuvadka is one of the ancient ritual dolls. Unfortunately, the ritual itself disappeared, but the doll remained with us. The name of the doll Kuvadka comes from the word “kuvakane” - the first cry of a child. And they did it before the baby was born. During childbirth, the future dad had to provide protection from evil spirits by performing the “couvade” ritual. He sat on a basket of eggs and shouted as if he were the one giving birth to a child - and all in order to deceive the evil forces and distract them from the mother. The Kuvadka doll played the same role - it took on the evil eye and distracted evil spirits. Now such a doll can be placed in a child’s crib. And when the baby grows up, he will play with her with pleasure.


In the old days, many dolls were created to help housewives. Here is the ritual multi-armed doll of the Ten Hands that helped a girl or young woman (a girl who recently got married) with the housework. It was customary to give such a doll as a wedding gift so that the woman would have time for everything and everything would work out for her. The doll also helped girls preparing dowries, and women in weaving, sewing, embroidery, knitting, etc. creative activities. It was usually done on October 14, Pokrov, when they sat down to do needlework after harvesting and preparing for winter. Be sure to use protective red threads, and nine red bows were tied along the hem of the sundress. Previously, the Ten Handle was made from bast or bast, but scraps can also be used. According to tradition, the Ten-Handle was burned almost immediately after its creation, but now it is hung and placed in the room where a girl or woman most often works homework or handicrafts.

Bunny gift for Easter

Bunny - positive character, which is often found in folk tales, songs. While playing with such a toy, you can sing or tell a fairy tale. A bunny is both a toy and a friend to whom you can trust your secrets or just talk. In the old days, such a toy was left to the child when adults had to leave home. She helped him overcome his fear of being alone. This role is quite capable of our bunny even now. This cute bunny can also be given as a gift for Easter!

Baby bear

The bear was created according to the canons of traditional homemade dolls, but the image of the bear itself is not very common among patchwork toys. But it is often mentioned in other types of folk art: in fairy tales, poems, sayings. How did the patchwork Bear appear? One day, during a class where they were creating patchwork dolls, a little girl Sashenka suddenly took and twisted such a bear. And then I drew his face with an ordinary ballpoint pen. This is how she got a patchwork friend, Mishka. Folk art is still in demand today. We just choose what we like. And sometimes, perhaps, ourselves, like little Sasha, we create dolls, which hundreds of years later will be called a traditional hand-made toy.

Dolls are present in every home. Today, neat baby dolls and pretty young ladies can be found in hundreds on the shelves. They buy them for their daughters and sons. Of course, there are different types of dolls for boys. These toys have undergone evolutionary development throughout history. More recently, folk dolls were made that carried a certain meaning.

The doll has come to us from ancient times. Even in the days of mothers, they tried to make a toy for their child. Of course, progress does not stand still, and the dolls have undergone modifications. They are created by human hands and therefore charged with special energy. Previously, this process was treated with reverence. Russian folk dolls have their own special character. Absolutely anyone can do it with their own hands. But before that, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of history.

History of origin

The doll appeared as the very first among the regular toys. It has been known since very ancient times. Folk dolls have their own traditions and designations. Almost all women made dolls for their children. At that time, there were no stores that sold these important toys for children. Historians claim that the doll is more than a thousand years old. Of course, very few traditional products of that time have reached us. This is due to the fact that the dolls were made from wood, straw and fabric. Material of natural origin decomposes and breaks down in a matter of years. Especially if it lies under the thickness of the earth.

Each village had its own technique for creating a doll. Any housewife wanted to add a special twist to her product. For this purpose, characteristic embroidery was done on clothes, or a unique knotting technique was used. At that time, dolls could not be thrown away or treated carelessly. The Russian folk doll protected the family and had its own soul. They respected her and played with her carefully. A special doll was made for the baby. She was placed in the cradle next to the baby. It was believed that such a product preserved the sweet dreams of an infant.

Dolls were made for holidays and all special occasions. But they were made without faces. People believed that such a doll could not be possessed by an evil spirit. It was used to decorate wedding cakes and house walls. They made dolls putting a special meaning into each of them. Attention was paid to size, shape and detail. For example, a new wife was given a doll with ten arms. Such a number of hands indicated that the daughter-in-law must keep up with everything. And the peasant woman had a lot to do.

Folk dolls carried their meaning. Some were playable. Some were hung over the marital bed. And there were also those that were carried in your pocket all the time.

Play dolls

Such dolls were made for the amusement of children. Until a certain age, Russian folk dolls were intended for girls and boys. The children had the same toys as long as they ran around the hut in their shirts. But as soon as the girls put on skirts and the boys put on portages, their interests were divided.

The most popular was the finger bunny. It was made from a small piece of fabric. Such a rabbit was tied to the finger and became the baby's friend. The kids talked to them and kept them carefully. The pattern of a folk doll was a square or rectangle. First, the head was formed, and then the ears and arms were designated using thread.

Ritual dolls

In every region of Russia, special festivities and rituals were held. Such celebrations were accompanied by songs, ditties and dances. Dolls were also made for this day. They carried a special semantic load. The most famous is the Maslenitsa doll.

Maslenitsa was made from straw and a wooden base. She was dressed in textile clothes and tied with a scarf. There was always a blush and eyes on the face. Such dolls were made in They were made at the end of the winter months. A week-long celebration was held. People baked pancakes, the result of the celebration was burning. It was believed that it was necessary to leave all the negativity at this fire. After all, it was expected after Forgiveness Resurrection, and followed by Lent.

Amulet dolls

A folk doll was made with one's own hands in each hut. They put soul and special meaning into it. Special dolls-amulets were made; they brought goodness and light. For each occasion, they made their own toy, which was hung in the house.

Kuvatka is a doll that was given as a gift to a pregnant woman. She was hung in front of the door. It was believed that it protects from the evil eye and protects mother and child. After birth, the toy was given to the baby until he turned three years old. There were such dolls in folk costumes.

The grain is a symbol of prosperity. It was done after the grain was collected. Housewives sewed a bag, doing embroidery on it. During this, a song was sung and a prayer was read. Grain was placed in a bag, after which it was sewn up. The head was sewn to the base and a scarf was tied. This doll did not have a face. If the family was starving, they were allowed to take grains from this bag.

Happiness was given to women on holidays. Special distinguishing feature was in a braid. It was believed that the girl longer braid, the more economical it is. The folk braid was made to be woven long and served as a support for the entire structure.

Dolls for a wedding

Young people were given a One-Handed doll. The man and woman in such a toy had a common hand. They were made from light shades of fabric. Usually it was made by the parents of the bride or groom. The World Tree Doll was placed on the wedding cake. The guests tried to present the dolls with meaning. To have children, dolls with babies at the waist were given as gifts. They were made with love and prayers were read at the same time.

Two folk dolls were clinging to a stick. One was male, and the second was female. They were made from colored pieces of fabric and dressed in folk costumes. The Horse-Fire dolls were especially popular. They were a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the future family.

Manufacturing Features

They make dolls in Russian folk costumes without using a needle. The fabric is simply rolled up and tied with threads. The pieces are torn apart by hand without using sharp scissors. It was believed that it was necessary to make a doll according to all established rules:

  • Do not use a needle or scissors.
  • The face is not drawn, since an item with a face is vulnerable to evil spirits.
  • The outfit was made not for beauty, but with meaning.
  • It was impossible to fit the body of a female doll. Sundresses should hide shapes and charms.
  • Each holiday had its own doll.

Folk dolls as a business

Many craftsmen make good money from folk dolls. Women make toys according to all the rules ancient Russia. These dolls are sold at fairs. folk art. If you want to decorate your home with such a product, then make it yourself. Perhaps you will enjoy the manufacturing process and decide to take this craft seriously.

All you need is a few scraps of fabric and some string. Remember not to use a needle. Choose natural fabrics, no synthetics. You can use fragrant herbs as filling. Usually the dolls were stuffed with earth, sawdust, herbs or fabric scraps. You can't draw a face either. This is the only way it will be a real talisman for your family. Give such a doll a place of honor near the door or bed.


As you can see, folk dolls are not a relic of the past. There are still many craftsmen who accept only such products. Simple and beautiful toys fit harmoniously into any designer interior. You can make such products together with your children. You won't worry about your baby getting hurt or getting pricked by a needle.

They can be used as a gift or simply to decorate your home. Dolls will protect your family and attract prosperity and wealth to your home. Dolls will always be a part of our lives. It is impossible to imagine childhood without them. Yes, and older ladies love to play with dolls. It is especially interesting to make them with your own hands.

During the times of Ancient Rus', people wanted evil to not enter their homes, good luck accompanied them at every step, and their relatives were healthy. They believed that special dolls would help them. But what kind of amulets were there in Rus'? Who did the Slavs trust with their family?

Ancient Rus' before the time of baptism it was famous for paganism. Man worshiped different gods, performed magical rituals, believed in the brownie, evil spirits and other evil spirits.

During this period, people began to resort to protective magic. They dried special magical herbs and enchanted objects. The main witches were women who did all this. They also made amulets dolls.

Creating the doll was an interesting and lengthy process. First, the woman washed and combed her hair while reading the incantations. Then she sat down to make the amulet. Most often, dolls were made in front of folk or family holidays, because they believed that they were walking at this time evil spirits, and the family needs protection.

According to tradition, the first doll was created by a girl at the age of 11. It was a test of suitability before marriage. Good dolls were left for dowry.

What kind of dolls were they?

Slavic amulets dolls were supposed to protect the home and family from evil spirits and evil eyes, preserve health, family hearth and treat illnesses, fulfill wishes, help with housework, call on good luck and make an inextricable bond between mother and child. There were a lot of dolls.

Each woman made her own individual dolls, but the rituals and principles of creation were common. Dolls were made from fabric, wood, straw and thread. They were all called upon to help and protect family and home.

Fabric dolls

Motanka doll

The doll symbolizes female wisdom, motherhood and home. It was made when one of the relatives was sick, weaving the illness into the doll. Then the conspiracy was read, and the doll was burned.

Motanka was also used as a talisman. We read a plot on a doll during the manufacturing process. The amulet doll was not knitted or sewn. The pieces of fabric were wound around a solid cross-shaped base.

Stolbushka doll

The doll was also called Bereginya. The amulet was supposed to protect the house from evil spirits and disasters, protect the family and everyday life. The doll helped during childbirth. They made it from old dresses.

Desire doll

The doll was supposed to perform cherished dream girls. When making the amulet, the woman had to think about her dream, and then present the doll with a gift. Beads, flowers, a dress or a bow were considered gifts. The amulet doll had to be stored so that no one would see it.

Lovebird dolls

Such a doll was made before the wedding and given to the newlyweds. Two dolls: a man and a woman, were connected. The amulet was called upon to preserve love and family, to protect from the evil eye and damage. The doll was not prepared by the bride, but was accepted as a gift from the guest.

Herbalist doll

The doll was stuffed with healing and fragrant herbs. The smell from the doll created a pleasant atmosphere in the house, scented the air, kept ill-wishers out of the house and drove away evil spirits. In addition, the doll could be placed under the pillow of a sick person so that the herbs could heal him.

Veduchka doll

The amulet was made to protect the connection between mother and child. The woman made large and small dolls herself. Their hands were one, symbolizing inseparability and connection.

Successful doll

A doll is one of the types of motanka. She symbolized success and good luck. The amulet was made from new fabric and many decorations. The successful girl turned out to be a stately and beautiful doll.

Doll Ten Handles

The amulet had ten arms. He helped with the housework. A woman who was a mother and wife easily coped with household chores.

Doll Bell

The amulet doll was called upon to cure diseases. The Slavs believed that ringing bells could do this. In addition, the doll attracted good news and created a good mood. The doll was dressed in three bright skirts.

Pelenashka doll

The little doll resembled a baby in diapers. Future mother I made a talisman at the end of pregnancy. The fabric was taken from the clothes that the mother was wearing. The diaper was supposed to lie in the crib until the baby was born, becoming familiar to it. In addition, the amulet doll protected the baby from illness and evil eyes.

Krupenichka doll

The doll is a symbol of satiety and well-being of the family. She was also called Zernovushka or Pea. It was filled with various grains, which were not enough, and a coin was also placed in it. Buckwheat symbolized satiety, rice symbolized expensive and rare cereals, oats symbolized strength and health.

Straw dolls

Straw was used to make spirits or animals that were supposed to guard the house. Be careful when decorating a brownie or goblin. It was believed that they decided family problems and regained health. They also made six-handed dolls to help around the house.

Thread dolls

Threads, like fabric for winding dolls, were taken in bright colors. The amulets served as protection for the home, being placed in the corners of the hut, and were also taken on the road. The doll served as a double who took on misfortune and the evil eye.

General principles of creating a doll

  • When making the amulet doll, they did not take scissors and needles. The fabric was torn by hand, twisted and secured with threads and knots, of which there was an even number.
  • The dolls were made without faces.
  • Bright fabrics and threads were used. There was a lot of red, which was considered magical protection.
  • The woman performed the ritual alone and in peace.

In everyone's history separate people amulets occupy an important place. For the Slavs, one of the most common protective magical objects were folk amulets.

Folk amulets dolls were considered strong by our ancestors magical symbols. They played a very important role in the life of the ancient Slavs. They accompanied a person’s crafts from birth, and some were made by the mother even before the birth of the child.

They kept such amulets throughout their lives and tried to pass them on from generation to generation. These rag crafts were made with our own hands and continue to accompany us to this day.

The meaning of amulets dolls

For modern children, a doll is, first of all, fun and a toy. However, this was not always the case. Our ancestors took handmade crafts very seriously, as they considered them amulets. Folk dolls performed a variety of functions as amulets. Depending on their appearance they could protect against black magic and troubles. They could also save a person from various diseases or misfortunes.

Slavic dolls had one feature: they did not have a face. It was believed that by acquiring a face, the craft was endowed with a soul, which meant the possibility of using the doll for witchcraft. Therefore, in order not to create a danger for specific person, the dolls were made faceless.

A do-it-yourself protective doll was not only a home decoration or children's fun. This item was considered an assistant in everyday life and personal life. Dolls were made for almost all folk and personal holidays, such as farewell to winter, Kupala, weddings, birth of a child and others.

Varieties of protective dolls

The ancient Slavs made amulets dolls with their own hands for all occasions. The most common doll amulets are the following:

- protected family well-being and hearth
Krupenichka- amulet for satiety and prosperity
Herbal egg capsule– to cleanse the atmosphere and energy in the house
Pelenashka- amulet for an unborn child
Lovebirds– wedding doll for joint happiness
Desire- a talisman for fulfilling a wish
- relieved diseases and illnesses

This is not the entire list of protective dolls that our ancestors used. However, it was these folk dolls that were amulets as protection from negative impact. Nowadays, amulets dolls will help you protect yourself from various troubles and make your life happier and calmer.

If you decide to make a doll-shaped amulet with your own hands, then you should adhere to the basic rules:

  • You only need to make a doll amulet in a good mood.
  • you need to make a talisman at the behest of your heart, and not because it needs to be done
  • It is recommended to make a magical item during the growing month. At this time, the most powerful magical crafts are produced.
  • a folk doll should be made without the use of piercing and cutting objects, which may negatively affect its effectiveness.
  • the number of knots must be even and for each knot you need to say a good word-wish, such as happiness, good luck, and so on.
  • It is recommended to use a cross made from tree branches as a base. The horizontal branch will be the arms, and the vertical branch will be the body of the craft.

One of the very first amulets dolls is the ash doll. People also called her Bereginya. Such a talisman protected the family hearth and well-being. To create it, ash from the hearth was used. The ash ball was the head of the craft; everything else was made of fabric. This amulet was the only doll without a headdress and hair.

Such a doll was often passed on from mother to daughter when she got married. The craft was considered a connecting link between the two clans and conveyed to the girl the experience of her ancestors. In addition, a doll was also made when moving to a new place in order to take the power of the hearth from the old house.

The housewife made a small doll for the whole family. The craft was installed in a prominent place and was a symbol of satiety and prosperity. A magical object was made from fabric, and cereal was used as a filler. This amulet doll was considered the main one in the family.

The krupenichka doll is a bag containing grain. During the sowing season, the grain from the doll's pocket is used first, and when the harvest is harvested, it goes back until next year.

IN modern conditions It’s not difficult to make such an amulet doll. It is enough to make a pocket toy out of fabric with your own hands and fill it with cereal. Folk crafts are placed in the kitchen or living room. From time to time, grains should be taken from the magic item for cooking. It was believed that if the craft is bad, then the family lives poorly, so the Krupenichka doll should always be filled with grain or cereal.

The herbalist doll was in every home and was responsible for clean air and energy.

To make such a doll, you needed fabric and dried herbs. The folk amulet doll was filled with herbs, the aroma of which pleasantly spread throughout the house. A herbalist's egg-little was hung over a child's cradle. In this way she protected the baby from the evil eye and diseases. It was often hung in the hallway to clear the thoughts of all the negativity of all visiting guests. It was believed that a person with bad thoughts, passing under the doll, would forget about everything bad.

The herb in the craft was changed two or three times a year, which allowed the magical amulet to drive away diseases in time and be always effective.

When a woman found out that she was expecting a child, she made a diaper doll. This folk amulet doll looks like a baby in diapers. The toy was placed in the baby's cradle and took on all the negativity directed at the unborn baby.

When a child was born, a swaddling doll accompanied him until baptism. After which it was put away in a separate chest and used only when the baby was sick.

This folk doll amulet was a craft consisting of a bride and groom held together by one common hand. Lovebird dolls were considered a symbol strong union. These folk amulets were made on one hand so that the newlyweds would always be close and overcome all obstacles together. Nowadays, the tradition has been preserved in many villages. folk amulet given to newlyweds for their wedding.

In addition, lovebird dolls are considered an excellent gift for close friends or relatives. WITH sincere wishes happiness and prosperity, such an item will bring a lot of benefits to the new family.

A wishful doll is considered a universal craft. This amulet helps to fulfill any desire, but only one. A doll is made from fabric and at the time of making it is necessary to think about your deepest desire. After completing the entire process, repeat your wish three times in front of the mirror with a magic item in your hands.

When the wish comes true, the doll must be burned as it will be useless. As a rule, such a doll was decorated with various ribbons and beads and was very elegant. It was kept in the most visible place until the wish came true. Periodically, this amulet doll was picked up, and the wish was repeated out loud.

According to tradition, a cleansing doll relieved a person of illness or some other trouble. It was made only for himself, and at the time of making it, he had to mentally weave his problem into the craft. The doll was usually made in the image of a person.

When the doll was ready, it was burned with the words:

“Everything bad is leaving me!”

After this, the person got rid of his problem.

Hand-made magical talismans, amulets and amulets were greatly revered by our ancestors. By making folk dolls as amulets, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from negative influences, black magic, diseases and troubles. Naturally, you should strictly follow all the recommendations and rules regarding the manufacture of a magic item.

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