Fairy tales in different genres. Features of Russian folk tales

IN student years, this issue was well covered by one of our university teachers from the Department of Preschool Pedagogy.

It's time to blow the dust off the mossy notes, and share with you the well-known classification of fairy tales.

A fairy tale is a magical opportunity to penetrate the soul of a child, using all the power artistic means and imagination of a small person.

Despite its simplicity (which is one of the facets of the genius of fairy-tale art), their classification is unexpectedly extensive and multifaceted.

What are fairy tales?

There are 3 main types of fairy tales:

  1. Animal Tales
  2. Fairy tales
  3. Household fairy tales

Let's take them in order:

Animal Tales

Since ancient times, man has existed side by side with animals. There is nothing surprising in the fact that such a neighborhood is reflected in folk art.

It is noteworthy that animals as such only occasionally become participants in the works. For the most part, in fairy tales about animals, “animals” are endowed with human features.

This image makes the character understandable and attractive at the same time.

Works of this type can be conditionally classified:

By the nature of the characters:

  • Wild animals
  • Pets
  • Inanimate objects (sun, wind, frost)
  • Items (oven, bast shoes)
  • mixed variations

By the role of the person in the plot:

  • dominant
  • Equitable
  • Minor

By genre:

  • Magic fairy tale about animals
  • Cumulative fairy tale about animals (multiple cyclical repetition of plot elements)
  • Fable
  • satirical

By target audience:

  • For children (for a story to children / for a story by the children themselves)
  • For adults

I note that the above classification is rather arbitrary and can have many variations.

Let's move on to the next type.

Fairy tale

The peculiarity of this type of fairy tales is that characters placed in some fantastic unreal world that exists according to its own laws, different from ours.

As a rule, the action in such fairy tales is built according to a certain pattern. It is on the basis of similarity storylines and their classification is built:

  1. Heroic tales associated with the victory over a magical creature (serpent, giant)
    • Heroic tales related to adventures in search of a magical item.
  2. archaic tales
    • Tales of the family persecuted with mythical elements.
    • Tales about the family persecuted without mythical elements.
  3. Fairy Tales
  4. Tales of Magic Items
  5. Fairy tales related to wedding trials

Household tales:

The peculiarity of this type lies in the reflection of everyday everyday life, social problems, ridiculing bad human qualities. Allocate:

  • satirical household
  • Social
  • novelistic
  • With fairy tale elements
  • mixed type

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Fairy tale. Types of fairy tales

For the first time, a child encounters a fairy tale at the age of 1 to 1.5 years, it is at this time that every adult in the family becomes a storyteller. At the same time, adults do not just tell fairy tales, but remember fairy tales from their childhood, which, in turn, were told to them by their parents. Thus, it is possible to trace the connection of generations, which will not be interrupted in the future with the advent of a huge number of modern technology. The first book that appears in a person's life at the age of about 3 is a fairy tale, a fairy tale that can now not only be heard from adults, but also see its characters in pictures. As a rule, children's books are very well and colorfully illustrated. It is with such books that the child begins to take his first steps in huge world literature. And the task of adults is to be interested in increasing these steps and to help the child move forward in acquaintance with the literature of the whole world.

Fairy tale is fictional story with a happy ending and the obligatory victory of good over evil.

This also includes myths, legends, metaphors, proverbs and more. A fairy tale is one of the forms aesthetic creativity in children. One of its roots is the work of children's fantasy: being an organ of the emotional sphere, fantasy seeks images to express children's feelings in them. Listening to fairy tales, the child enjoys the same freedom in the game of images that he enjoys in the game of movements. .

A fairy tale is a kind of folklore prose, known to all peoples. If you conduct a poll among adults and children on the street, “What fairy tales do you know, remember and can tell without thinking”, then for the most part they will be “Gingerbread Man”, “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”. But if you ask to clarify what kind folk tales they relate, then few people will be able to answer this question. At first glance, it may seem that knowledge of the types of fairy tales is not so important. But it is the type of fairy tale that presupposes the events, characters and plot of the work.

Currently, there are two main types of fairy tales: folk and author's. Both folk and author's tales, in turn, can be divided into tales about animals, household, scary, magic and other tales. In addition, author's fairy tales can be didactic and psycho-correctional.

Animal Tales:

Animal stories are a widespread genre. They talk about the habits, tricks and adventures of ordinary, familiar wild and domestic animals, birds and slaves, the relationship between which is very similar to the relationship between people. Yes, and the nature of the animals is likened to a human: the bear is stupid, the hare is cowardly, the wolf is greedy, Lisa Patrikeevna is more cunning than cunning, she will deceive anyone you want. "Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman and they had a hen Ryaba ..." a wonderful fairy tale! Deftly built - it is not difficult to remember, which is why she is still remembered from childhood. Short, nothing more. And how much action is in it, heroes - grandfather, grandmother, chicken, mouse. The tale about the turnip is just as lively and interesting. Of course, such works are designed for the smallest. Listening to them, the baby learns a lot, develops the mind, imagination - you have to see, imagine all these running and playing little animals. At the same time, the ring construction of a fairy tale helps to quickly memorize it. These tales are very convenient for staging performances, therefore they are very often used for performances in which the actors are the children themselves.

Tales with animals are short and simple in composition. Often one episode is repeated several times. So, for example, a fox three times comes under the window of the hut of a cat and a rooster, many times animals try to drive the fox out of the hare's house, etc. The inhabitants of forests, fields, and steppes appear in Russian fairy tales. Birds are represented in various ways: raven, sparrow, heron, crane, black grouse, owl, woodpecker. There are insects: a fly, a mosquito, a bee, an ant, a spider.

Another group of plots is domestic animals and birds. The Slavs were surrounded daily and became characters in their fairy tales: an ox, a ram, a horse, a dog, a cat, a rooster, a goose, a duck. Fairy tales contribute to the transfer of knowledge and life experience from adults to children, have a pedagogical orientation, which is served by the simplicity of their art form, as well as a playful manner of performance: the use of songs, dialogues, sound recording, rhythm, rhyme.

Particularly useful are the so-called chain-like tales, where one must very carefully follow the order of the episodes, their logic. A prime example such a fairy tale is a fairy tale about how a goat sent a goat for nuts. The whole tale consists of a long rhyming song of a goat, the words from which: "There is no goat with nuts, there is no goat with red-hot!" are known to almost everyone.

Household tales:

They talk about the vicissitudes family life, show ways to resolve conflict situations, form a position of common sense and a healthy sense of humor in relation to adversity, talk about little family tricks.

Everyday fairy tales are full of humor, they give comic portraits of unrestrained lazy people, fools who do everything at random, grumbling, stubborn wives. These tales accurately convey the way of life, the circumstances of folk life. But this does not mean that it reflects reality just like in a mirror. Truth coexists here, as it should be in a fairy tale, with fiction, with events and actions that in fact cannot be. So, for example, a cruel queen is corrected by changing places for several days with the wife of a brawler-shoemaker; a peasant who accidentally killed a master's dog, by a court verdict, is obliged to bark at night and guard the estate. In a household fairy tale, there is only one world in which all the heroes of events live. Here everything is ordinary, everything happens in real life.

The characteristics of the heroes of these fairy tales are always the same: the landowner, the master - greedy, stupid, cruel, arrogant, often rude. The attitude towards the king is ambivalent. If the boyars, courtiers act next to him, then the tsar is necessarily on the side of the peasant. But if the muzhik and the tsar meet face to face, then the tsar is against the muzhik. The priest is also often greedy, not averse to drinking, sometimes hypocritical. But he is never rude or cruel. He is always kind. His favorite word"light": "You are my light Vanyusha!" The fairy tale treats good, skilled workers with respect.

In a household fairy tale, deception is never complete; theft is quite acceptable. Due to the improbability of events, everyday fairy tales are fairy tales, and not just everyday stories. Their aesthetics requires an unusual, unexpected, sudden development of the action, which should cause surprise in the audience and, as a result, empathy or laughter. In these fairy tales, fantastic characters sometimes appear: the devil, Woe-Misfortune, Share. The meaning of these images is only to reveal the life conflict that underlies the fairy tale plot. The plot develops due to the clash of the hero not with magical powers but with complex life problems. The hero comes out unscathed from the most hopeless situations, because he is helped by a happy coincidence. But more often he helps himself - with ingenuity, resourcefulness, even trickery.

Scary Tales:

These stories are about evil spirit. In modern children's literature, there are also fairy tales - horror stories. Apparently, here we are dealing with the experience of children's self-therapy: by repeatedly modeling and living an alarming situation in a fairy tale, children are freed from tension and acquire new ways of responding.

What is a scarecrow? This is the most interesting psychological material that allows you to see the innermost corners of the world of children. Urban horror stories are little "spoiled" by direct influence modern culture adults and bear the bright stamp of childishness: children's logic, children's fears and age-related problems. Content scary stories very dependent on culture and social traditions the environment in which the child grows and is brought up. These stories in children different countries have undoubted similarities in plots, poetic features, manner of performance. The similarity is laid down as in common folklore fairy roots scary stories, and in the psychology of little storytellers and listeners, in whose collective life horror stories have a special place and significance.

The heroes of the horror story are conditional and nameless. Their characters are not revealed, and their actions are almost not motivated. They simply represent the clash of the forces of good and evil. In a horror story, you can always find characters suffering - these are members of a fairy-tale family. It is with the hero-child that the narrator identifies himself. The variety of horror story plots is small. As in a fairy tale, they are assembled from traditional semantic bricks - motives, situations. Almost all of them clearly bear the seal psychological problems childhood.

Fairy tales: .

Unlike other types of fairy tales, fairy tales are based on a very clear composition and plot. And also, most often, a recognizable set of some universal "formulas" by which it is easy to recognize and distinguish it. This is the standard beginning - "We lived in a certain kingdom in a certain state ...", or the ending "And I was there, drinking honey-beer ...", and standard formulas questions-answers "Where are you going?", "Are you trying to do something, or are you trying to do something", and others. They help to remember and tell a fairy tale, and decorate it...

The protagonist of the tale is always young. According to legend primitive man, wisdom can only be obtained from ancestors. But the ancestors are in another world. Hence all these trips to different copper and other kingdoms, to the underworld and underwater world, to a far distant kingdom - a faraway state. That's why main character leaves his home, and then from the ordinary world. Searches, battles - everything that the character of a fairy tale does, most often takes place in another strange world.

In a fairy tale, the hero communicates with creatures that you will not meet in life: Koschei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, the many-headed Serpent, giants and dwarfs. Here and unprecedented animals: Deer - Golden horns, Mumps - Golden bristle, Heat - Bird. Often, miraculous objects fall into the hands of the hero: gusli - samogudy, self-made tablecloth, invisibility cap. In such a fairy tale, everything is possible. If you want to become young, eat rejuvenating apples, you need to revive the princess or prince, sprinkle them with dead water, and then with living water.

Women's images of a fairy tale, its heroines are more diverse than men's. Here are the wise maidens, who possess wonderful witchcraft power, beauties, gentle, poetic faithful lovers, who, for the sake of their loved ones, can trample three pairs of iron shoes, break three cast-iron staffs, and gnaw three stone marshmallows.

Next to the main characters there are always their wonderful assistants, different in nature, origin, they are united in their role - they complement and complete the actions of the main characters, help them in their struggle, in solving difficult problems, obtaining curiosities, winning the bride.

Positive heroes and heroines, their assistants and amazing objects create an impeccable, bright, joyful world. This world opposes the evil of life, the dark forces.

Author's fairy tales: they are more reverent, figurative than folk ones. If we want to help the patient become aware of his inner experiences, we will probably choose the author's fairy tale. Some author's fairy tales form a negative life scenario, but it develops if the philosophical, spiritual meaning fairy tale was not understood (i.e., there was a dominant feeling that led to the choice a certain moment) Then the work with the life scenario should be started with a rethinking philosophical sense fairy tales.

This type of author's fairy tales, as didactic fairy tales, are created by teachers for "packaging" educational material. At the same time, abstract symbols (numbers, letters, sounds, arithmetic operations, etc.) are animated, fabulous image the world in which they live. These tales can reveal the meaning and importance of certain knowledge. In the shape of didactic fairy tales"served" training assignments. .

Didactic fairy tales are created by teachers to "package" educational material. At the same time, abstract symbols (numbers, letters, sounds, arithmetic operations, etc.) are animated, a fabulous image of the world in which they live is created. Didactic tales can reveal the meaning and importance of certain knowledge. Educational tasks are "served" in the form of didactic fairy tales.

Psychocorrectional fairy tales are created to gently influence the child's behavior. It tells about many problems of a person, and everyone can recognize himself on the pages of a literary work. Psychotherapeutic fairy tales include fairy tales composed by the child himself and fairy tales composed together with the child. .

Correction here means "replacing" an ineffective style of behavior with a more productive one, as well as explaining to the child the meaning of what is happening. In psycho-correctional fairy tales, the listener (reader) is usually presented with a model of behavior that he can use to overcome his difficulties. At the same time, the events that occur with the hero should be similar to real situations from the lives of children. Through a fairy tale, a child gains the opportunity to realize his own experiences, individual psychological characteristics. Alternative patterns of behavior, understood through a fairy tale, help the child to see different faces emerging situations and find new meanings in it.

Literary fairy tale is a whole direction in fiction. Behind long years its formation and development, this genre has become a universal genre, covering all phenomena surrounding life and nature, achievements of science and technology.

Just as a folk tale, constantly changing, absorbed the features new reality, a literary fairy tale has always been inextricably linked with socio-historical events and literary and aesthetic trends.

The literary tales of the romantics are characterized by a combination of magical, fantastic, ghostly and mystical with modern reality.

A decisive step towards the literary fairy tale was made by the founder of this genre, X. K. Andersen, a writer who claimed that fairy tales are "brilliant, the best gold in the world, that gold that glitters with a spark in children's eyes rings with laughter from children's lips and the lips of parents" . Every flower, every Street light they told the storyteller their story, and he passed it on to the children.

The tales of the Danish writer are overflowing with a whole gamut human feelings and moods: kindness, mercy, admiration, pity, irony, compassion. And most importantly, love. The basis of a literary fairy tale can be a fantastic image born of the imagination of a child.

Humor in a literary fairy tale has a different character and has become its hallmark. sometimes literary tales written for adults become children's favorite reading. Fairy tale literature with elements of nonsense is very popular among children: paradox, surprise, apparent nonsense, poetic "nonsense". E. Uspensky with his Cheburashka and Gena the crocodile, E. Raud, R. Pogodin showed the inexhaustible possibilities of nonsense.

Literary tale has many faces these days. Among the definitions, the most complete is the formulation of L. Yu. Braude: "A literary fairy tale is an author's artistic prose or poetic work based either on folklore sources, or invented by the writer himself, but in any case subordinate to his will; a work, predominantly fantastic, depicting the wonderful adventures of fictional or traditional fairytale heroes and in some cases child-oriented; a work in which magic, a miracle plays the role of a plot-forming factor, helps to characterize the characters.

For the first time, the typology of fairy tales was proposed by T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, from her point of view, fairy tales are divided into folk And artistic. According to V.Ya. Gulevsky, all fairy tales are divided into three main groups: artistic, special And author's tales of patients.

Artistic tales

According to the depiction of reality in artistic fairy tales, there are:

1.1. household;

1.2. magical;

1.3. fairy tales about animals.

Fiction stories can be traditional(folk) and copyright.

Traditional(folk) tales embody the collective mind and consciousness of the nation.

Household fairy tales

They are usually sarcastic, witty, and playful. Subtle hidden mockery in a household fairy tale permeates the entire plot, but it is never aimless.

In the fairy tale "After pike command» Emelya is not a fool, but kind, sympathetic, honest, but a little lazy man. The meaning of this tale is not the praise of tomfoolery, but the condemnation of the arrogant, greedy, evil and envious people who surround Emelya.

In the fairy tale "How a man divided geese" the resourcefulness of the mind, wit are glorified, and at the same time greed and stupidity are condemned. Any absurdity, absurdity, from which they are trying to extract some benefit, is popularly called “porridge from an ax”. This is also from a folk tale.

Fairy tales

The world of fairy tales has a fantastic character and knows no troubles and misfortunes. Justice always triumphs in it: heroes even from seemingly hopeless situations come out victorious, and dark forces(monsters, sorcerers, villains, etc.) will definitely be punished. In a magical tale of the dead you can revive, turn a person into a beast, into a fish, a bird or an insect (“Frost”, “ The Scarlet Flower”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, etc.). A fairy tale justifies its name, bewitches children with the wealth of beauty, justice, faith and love.

Animal Tales

These tales are notable for the fact that animals and birds can talk. In fairy tales about animals, both truth and untruth are present at the same time: they are told about the behavior of animals, and they are reproduced on real ones. life situations, human actions, deeds.

Fairy tales "Turnip" and "Ryaba Hen" declare the postulate that in any case you can not refuse help, even a little force can come in handy.

Fairy tale "Kolobok" warns young children of danger. You can’t go far from your mother: one step - you can, two steps - normal, three - still calm, four - anxious, five - they will eat ... When asked what this tale is about, kids usually answer in unison: “We must listen to your mother."

(Fairy tale about animals by student I. Valeulova)

Once upon a time there was a bear, and he had a large hut, and in the yard there was a well. The water in that well was not ordinary, but magical. Whoever drinks that water will have a lot of strength. Once a bear came for water, and the well was half empty, and every day there was less and less water in it. Then the bear decided to watch for the thief, to find out who dared to take his water. The bear did not sleep for several nights, but no one came to the well. On the fifth night, the bear saw that someone was jumping at the well. Crept up and threw a bag on the thief. But he was so sleepy that he took the bag to the barn and went to his hut. In the morning the bear opened the bag, looked at the thief and was very surprised to see the hare.

cried little bunny and asks for forgiveness

- We have a very old and leaky hut, but we do not know how to build a new one. Father could do this, but he is very old and has no strength, so we needed this water for father.

The bear felt very sorry for the hare, and he decided to help the hares, built a new hut for them. All the hares were happy and thanked the bear. And the hare promised that when he grows up and becomes big, he will definitely give the bear a bunch of red and tasty carrots.

What is this tale about? This kind good fairy tale tells about the need to take care of the weak, to help them.

Special Tales

This is a group of cognitive, educational and healing fairy tales. They are created not by writers, but by psychologists, teachers, psychotherapists, i.e. they are also copyrighted.

These tales have some special purpose. and therefore subdivided into:

2.1. psychological:

2.2. psycho-corrective;

2.3. psychotherapeutic;

2.4.- meditative;

2.5. didactic.

Fairy tales are a very important genre in literature. It is from him that young children begin their acquaintance with the world of prose and poetry. But what do they mean, what is the history and specificity of author's fairy tales? Consider all this below, as well as a list of Russian literary fairy tales with their authors and features.


A fairy tale is a genre in literature, usually based on folklore. It can be both prosaic and poetic. However, this is mainly folklore prose, and each nation has its own fairy tales. The main difference for them is usually the presence mythical creatures and/or fantasy, fantasy, magical elements.

But unlike folklore works Fairy tales always have an author. Often in them there is an obvious struggle between good and evil, bad and good. Usually there is a main character - the "favorite" of the author and, as a result, the reader. And there is also an antihero - a mythical villain.


As mentioned above, fairy tales originate from folklore. However, not always, because they can be purely copyrighted. They appeared a long time ago in the form of folklore works, transmitted "by word of mouth". In Russia long time this is how their folk tales existed and spread.

Some works can be attributed to very old fairy tales. For example, many folklore tales Ancient Russia and church parables of the Middle Ages, in many ways reminiscent of the genre we are considering.

Further, fairy tales began to appear in Europe in the usual sense for people: the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault and many others. But on the territory modern Russia earlier (and still) Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was very popular. In the 18th century, in general, many writers liked to take the basis from folklore and thus create new works.

In the 20th century, even more fairy tales appeared. Such great writers as Maxim Gorky, Alexei Tolstoy and others were known as the authors of this genre.


Author's tales are also called literary. As already described above, they are distinguished from folklore works by the presence of an author. Of course, even very old folk tales had their creators, but the authors as such were lost, because for centuries the stories passed orally from one person to another, sometimes even significantly changing, since each person could interpret and retell differently, and so for a long time.

Another difference author's fairy tale from the folk is that it can be both in verse and in prose, while the second - only in prose (initially it was only oral). Also in folklore, the theme of the confrontation between good and evil is usually touched upon, while in literary works it's not obligatory.

Another difference is that folk tales have more superficially described characters, while in literary ones, on the contrary, each character is pronounced and individual. In folklore, there are still beginnings, sayings and peculiar turns of speech. They also tend to be even smaller than literary ones. This is all due to the fact that it was transmitted orally, so much was lost, and the size was shortened, because it was forgotten over the generations. But nevertheless, the tendency to different turns of speech, characteristic only of Russian fairy tales, has been preserved. For example, "once upon a time", the epithet " good fellow", and Pushkin: "in distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state" and others.

The most surprising thing is that there is no exact definition of the author's fairy tale as such. Yes, it came from folklore and has changed a lot, which helps in defining this term. Fantastic creatures have been preserved that change depending on the people. Fairy tales are usually small in size. They definitely have a twist. But you can always find some moral, which is main goal fairy tales. This distinguishes it from fantasy, where the emphasis is not on morality, but on storytelling, which also differs in that it has more adventure, breathtaking events. Also fantasy works and epics are long in size. And the world described in them usually does not have folklore basis under you. It is often the fiction of an author who has completely created his own reality. In fairy tales, on the contrary, there is fiction, but it is within the framework of real world.


Many researchers divide literary fairy tales into several categories. E. V. Pomerantseva, for example, divides them into 4 genres:

  • adventurous novelistic;
  • household;
  • about animals;
  • magical.

And here is another Russian folklorist V. Ya. Propp divides fairy tales into large quantity categories:

  1. About inanimate nature, animals, plants, objects. Everything is simple here: fairy tales about this tell, respectively, about animals or inanimate nature as the main element. An interesting fact here is that such works are rarely Russian or European. But such tales are often found among the peoples of Africa, North America.
  2. Cumulative tales denote such works where repeated plot repetition is made until the denouement reaches a climax. This makes it easier for children to understand. A striking example is the stories about the turnip and the bun.
  3. The everyday (short story) genre tells about different people by characters. For example, a fairy tale about an evil deceiver or about a stupid person.
  4. Boring fairy tales are designed to lull children to sleep. They are very short and simple. (For example, a fairy tale about a white bull).
  5. Fables about what could not be in reality. It is worth noting that all fairy tales have a share of fiction, but fiction is the most fiction: talking animals, humanized bears (they live like people, communicate, etc.). As a rule, all subspecies intersect with each other. It is rare that a work belongs to only one of them.

In Russian fairy tales, heroic, soldierly offshoots are still distinguished.

The most interesting thing is that fairy tales as a genre are studied very seriously. In Europe, A. Aarne wrote the so-called "Index of fairy-tale types" in 1910, where there are also divisions into types. In contrast to the typology of Propp and Pomerantseva, well-known European fairy tales about fooled devils and anecdotes are added here. Based on the work of Aarne created his index fairy tales and S. Thompson in 1928. A little later, such a typology, but with the introduction of Russian (Slavic) species, was studied by the folklorist N.P. Andreev and many other researchers.

Above, we examined the main subspecies, which are more likely to folk art. Author's tales tend to be much more complex, and it is not easy to type them into a particular subgenre, but they have taken a lot from folklore and the species described above as a basis. Also taken from many sources plot motifs. For example, the hatred of the stepdaughter and stepmother, which is popular in the works.

And now let's move on to the lists of folk and literary tales.

Fairy tales for grade 1

The list is long, since children begin their acquaintance with reading with stories and fairy tales, because they are small and easy to memorize and master. In the first grade it is recommended to read:

  1. Small folk tales. Often they are about animals: "Cat and Fox", "Gingerbread Man", "Crow and Cancer", "Geese-Swans", as well as "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "Porridge from an Ax", "Man and Bear", " Cockerel-Golden Scallop", "Morozko", "Bubble, straw and bast shoes", "Teremok", "Po pike command" and etc.
  2. Charles Perrault, Little Red Riding Hood.
  3. Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich, "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" and other short stories.

Literary tales: grade 2, list

  1. Folk tales in the processing of A. N. Tolstoy.
  2. Works by the Brothers Grimm, such as " The Bremen Town Musicians".
  3. E. L. Schwartz, "The New Adventures of Puss in Boots".
  4. C. Perro: "Puss in Boots" and "Little Red Riding Hood".
  5. Tales of Hans Christian Andersen.
  6. As well as small works by A. S. Pushkin, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, P. Ershov, P. Bazhov, K. D. Ushinsky and others.

List of literary fairy tales for grade 3

Fairy tales are also read in these classes, but they are longer, and there are also fewer folk tales and more literary ones. For example, the well-known fairy tale by Lewis Carroll about Alice Through the Looking-Glass. As well as larger fairy tales Mamin-Sibiryak, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Pushkin, Bazhov, Zhukovsky, Tchaikovsky, Perrault, Andersen and many others.

4th grade

List of literary fairy tales:

  • Garshin V. M., "The Tale of the Toad and the Rose";
  • Zhukovsky V. A., "The Tale of Tsar Berendey", "There the skies and waters are clear";
  • E. Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time".

5th grade

Literary tales in high school in the reading program are much less common than in grades 1-4, but nevertheless there are such works. For example, the fairy tales of Andersen and Pushkin, which are also in primary school. The list of literary fairy tales of the 5th grade does not end there. There are also works by Zhukovsky, Schwartz and many others for children of this age.

Instead of a conclusion

The story is very interesting genre, which is still being studied by various researchers, and children read school curriculum. Initially, they were only folk, transmitted orally. But then authorial literary tales began to appear, which usually take folklore plots and characters as a basis. Such works are small, they have fiction and a special story. But this is what makes the fairy tale genre special and distinguishes it from others.

Tales ... this word makes the heart of both the child and the adult tremble. The children are looking forward to meeting with magical world, adults - remember childhood. Traditionally, it is believed that fairy tales should be told by a grandmother - gray-haired, wise and ancient, like the Universe itself - and kind, like Mother Earth. Or maybe mom read fairy tales, opening a big book with bright pictures ...

Whatever the acquaintance with a fairy tale, it becomes that necessary “school” through which every child passes. However, there are also completely non-childish tales - let's remember Ch. Perrault's "Donkey Skin", after all, not every parent will dare to read a fairy tale to a child about a king who intends to marry his own daughter, and even the cruelly sad tale of O. Wilde "The Infanta's Birthday" heavy for children.

Chronologically, the most ancient can be considered fairy tales about animals. They date back to the era of totemism, when a person considered himself a descendant of an animal - and this allowed him to be on a par with those whom we now call "our smaller brothers." common feature such tales are animals acting like people. A typical example is a fairy tale about a fox and a hare who built their own huts - ice and bast ...

The animal in such tales correspond to certain human types: the fox is cunning, the wolf is angry and aggressive, but not very smart, the bear is also not smart, but kind, the hare is peaceful and defenseless ... It is interesting that these types are international. Open the poem by J. W. Goethe "Reinicke the Fox", based on the medieval "Roman of the Fox", which in turn goes back to folk tales about animals - and you will see all the same "animal-human types" that are familiar to us according to Russian fairy tales.

A special category of fairy tales about animals are those in which a person is present. The relationship between man and animals can be different. Yes, in famous fairy tale“Tops and Roots” a man triumphs over a bear - apparently, this plot was born already when a person realized himself as a rational, thinking being, capable of dominating nature to a certain extent.

Another category is fairy tales. Speaking of "fairy tales in general", most often they mean exactly them. There is everything here that goes beyond the framework of everyday reality: “some kingdom-some state” (from the point of view of ancient man- the other world), wizards, fairies, people turning into animals, objects with miraculous powers, spells, otherworldly creatures like Western elves or our Baba Yaga... trials to marry a princess, get half a kingdom, etc. - in a word, to be reborn in a new quality. That is why the motive of "difficult tasks" is typical for magical initiatory tales: to build a palace in one night, etc.

And finally - household tales. There is nothing miraculous about them - in such stories we meet with ordinary people, however, more interesting, quick-witted or remarkable for something else. These include, for example, fairy tales about an experienced soldier (the most famous is “Porridge from an ax”). These fairy tales are very young - they were born after the era of Peter the Great ... and in general, everyday fairy tales can be considered the youngest. Perhaps they began to compose them already when the worldview of a person became less "mystical"?

Of course, such a division is somewhat arbitrary - say, in fairy tales may well be humanized animals (such as gray wolf helping Ivan Tsarevich). And yet this classification to a certain extent reflects the path traversed by mankind.

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