The leaves of the flowers are different, how to draw. Drawing an autumn leaf. Master class with step-by-step photos. Dot patterns

Autumn leaves drawing lesson

Master Class. Autumn leaf image

The topic of the lesson is “The diversity of the color palette of autumn nature and the three main colors of paints. Image of an autumn leaf"

2nd grade, Fine Arts Program edited by B.M. Nemensky, 1st quarter, 1st lesson.

Target. This master class is intended to develop the skills of 2nd grade students, independently or with partial help from the teacher, to create images of any shape of autumn leaves and convey their specific color.

Master class objectives: educational: learn

Rules for depicting some plant forms of the surrounding world that have equal halves;

Master primary painting skills; mix paints to obtain the desired color, using three primary colors and their combinations;

The ability to analyze your work from an aesthetic and moral point of view.

developing: develop

Ideas about the concept of “symmetry”;

Attention, observance towards color combinations in nature.

raising: bring up

Mutual respect, love of work;

Patience, accuracy, work discipline.

Basic Concepts: symmetry, wet painting, primary colors, additional colors, color tone, color palette, diversity, nature.

Interdisciplinary connections: literature, music.


For the teacher: presentation on the topic “Image autumn leaf", chalk, board, pencil, paints, brushes, napkin, water, paper, palette.

For students: paper, pencil, eraser, paints, brushes, napkin, water, palette.

Autumn leaf tutorial

1. Organizational part.

To determine the topic and assignment of the lesson, I invite students to solve riddles. I accompany the students’ answers by showing slides about autumn, about the different states of nature in autumn bad weather or on fine days, and slides depicting autumn leaves.

Empty fields

The ground gets wet

The rain is pouring down.

When does this happen?


I paint with yellow paint

Field, forest, valleys.

And I love the sound of rain,

Call me!


The trees change their outfit,

The leaves are slowly losing their leaves.

It’s clear to everyone how twice makes two -


(autumn time)

The branches in the park rustle,

They shed their outfit.

He is near the oak and birch trees

Multi-colored, bright, catchy.

(Leaf fall)

Red Egorka

Fell on the lake

I didn't drown myself

And he didn’t stir up the water.

(autumn leaf)

2. Motivation and goal setting.

Having looked through even such a small number of slides, it becomes obvious: why is autumn in different times inspired writers, poets, musicians and, of course, artists to create beautiful works, conveying the variety of colors of the autumn palette. Nature is good at this time of year: the sky and the forest as a single whole, and the reflection of the forest in the water, and each individual tree is unique and beautiful, and the earth is covered with a carpet of many different leaves, and each leaf from any tree is interesting and good in its own way. I really want to capture this beauty. Let's formulate the first part of the topic.

Nature. In everyday life, the word “nature” is often used to mean natural habitat (everything that is not created by man).

Color palette (color palette) is a fixed set (range) of colors and shades.

Diversity - variety, abundance of something different.

Let's look at individual leaves. We observe differences between leaves in shape and color, but between leaves from different trees, there is something in common. And this commonality is the sameness of the halves of a leaf of any tree relative to an imaginary line dividing the leaf into two parts and running along the petiole-stem. The halves of the sheet are identical and symmetrical. IN this moment We observe the manifestation of symmetry in nature using the example of a tree leaf.

Symmetry, bilateral symmetry means that the right and left sides relative to some plane look the same (axis of symmetry, center line, symmetrical halves).

Each leaf of a tree has a certain shape and, accordingly, structure. Today we will not depict a tree, and if not a tree, what then... Of course, a leaf and... a leaf of a beautiful, not simple shape, filled with different color spots... that's right, it's a maple leaf. The title of the second part of the lesson topic sounds.

Consider a maple leaf. He has complex shape, but if you follow certain rules in the image, the appearance of the maple leaf will not be difficult to convey. The leaf has a median imaginary line; it runs through the middle of the leaf blade and goes into the petiole. And there is an imaginary point at the end of the leaf blade and the beginning of the petiole, from which the most visible veins emerge, located equally to the right and left of the leaf symmetry axis. Like this.

3. Update background knowledge and methods of action.

Let's use this fact in the image of the leaf. And so, the first thing we do is draw a vertical line in the center of the format with a simple pencil, which will midline tree leaf Next, we mark the vanishing point of the veins on a given line and mark the veins located symmetrically relative to the center line. Like this.

Next, around the veins we draw lines in shape resembling a crown, consisting of three pointed elements, smoothly connecting to each other through arcs. Middle element each of the "crowns" larger size than the two side ones. In our case, there are three “crowns” in total (but it could be different). They are depicted around a central vein-axis and two side veins next to the central one and on both sides of it. And near the remaining veins we draw lines like an arrowhead.

Then we gradually connect the crowns and arrows to each other with smooth deep arcs, add different lines that convey the finished look to the shape of the tree leaf, and in general the sketch for working with paints is ready.

Today we will learn how to draw leaves. This master class is suitable for everyone, starting with young children.

Each has its own personality - leaves. They come in different shapes, sizes, colors. There are also those that have no leaves at all. These include coniferous trees.

To draw leaves of a simple shape, you will first need to draw a simple sketch. He will determine appearance each leaf, their sizes and small parts in them. Of course, each leaf is unique and does not have complete similarities with others from its tree. Therefore, if you cannot accurately depict each leaf, then do not worry. After all, this will bring them even closer to the natural and natural look, as nature intended.

Necessary materials:

  • colored pencils of yellow, orange, green, brown tones;
  • a simple pencil;
  • black marker;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

1. Draw a large circle on a piece of paper.

2. To it in the lower part of the left side we will add the tip of the sheet in the form of a triangle.

3. But with right side in the upper part we will draw a tail of a leaf to the circle.

4. Add a center line in the middle of the sheet.

5. From the central line, which runs from the tail to the tip of the leaf, draw small veins to the sides. There may be several of them.

6. Thus, on the left side we will draw a small leaf. It will exactly resemble the right leaf, but it will be smaller and look like a mirror image.

7. We begin to trace the outline of each leaf along with small details with a black marker or felt-tip pen.

8. Apply a different color to each leaf. A large leaf will be green and fresh, but a small leaf will be autumnal and already yellowed. Therefore, we use a light green pencil for the right sheet of paper, and a yellow one for the left one.

9. For the brightness and volume of the drawing, we additionally use other shades for each leaf: for a large one - a dark green pencil, and for a small one - an orange tone.

10. Let’s paint the tails of each leaf brown pencil. This pencil can also be used additionally to color an autumn leaf.

Now the drawing is ready, and our lesson has come to an end. Having learned to draw leaves on your paper sheet, you can later use your acquired skills to create autumn picture with a landscape or still life.

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Tree leaves are the simplest and most beautiful decoration on our planet. We only pay attention to this only in late autumn, when the leaves change their usual pattern. green color to gold, creating an extraordinary carnival autumn colors and shades of nature. All leaves are unique and beautiful in their own way, but still, Maple Leaf stands out among other leaves both in size and shape. So let's try in this lesson draw leaves maple, or rather one leaf. But it is enough to learn how to draw one leaf to draw a whole “bouquet” of leaves. By the way, multi-colored maple leaves drawn on paper can become a stylish and bright decoration for your room. As always, we will carry out the drawing in stages, first we will draw the outline of the leaf with a simple pencil, and then we will color it with paints or colored pencils.

1. Let's make the initial marking of the veins

Draw a horizontal line and from it, with a simple pencil, draw one vertical line in the center and one oblique line on each side. Do not make lines with a ruler; in nature there are no leaves that have regular geometric shapes.

2. Add small veins to the main veins

At this stage, you need to randomly, maintaining a certain symmetry, draw small veins. Pay attention to the horizontal vein of the leaf; it has fewer branches. In general, if you draw leaves in summer or autumn, then take several maple leaves from the park and carefully study their structure. If you draw them “from life”, then leaf drawing it will turn out very realistic.

3. Maple leaf shape

It is not at all difficult to outline the drawn veins with one continuous line, without necessarily copying my drawing. The main thing is to draw sharp corners on the edges and make noticeable gaps between parts of the sheet. Usually the leaves have a solid shape, with barely noticeable breaks, and maple leaves seem to consist of several segments. This is how they differ from the leaves of other trees.

4. Drawing of a maple leaf in detail

Draw thickenings for the main veins of the leaf. The stem for any leaves must be made noticeably thicker than the veins at the base. Finish drawing the bottom outline of the leaf shape and move on to the next step.

5. How to draw leaves. The final step.

You see that drawing leaves is not at all difficult. It is important to correctly draw small details and accurately draw the shape so that the leaf in your drawing does not look slanted or crooked. Add some more small strokes to the drawing and you can color the resulting maple leaf drawing with paints or colored pencils.

6. It is better to color the leaves with colored pencils

I always make shadows with a simple pencil at the last step of the drawing. You don't have to do this, especially since leaf drawings They will look great if you color them with colored pencils. You can, of course, paint it with paints, but it’s very difficult without experience to preserve small details and not “paint over” them. To prevent the leaf from looking lonely, draw a few more, slightly smaller ones next to it, and at the same time give them any shade of autumn colors of falling leaves.

There is no need to observe any special “geometry” in the drawing of a birch; there is no need to carefully draw the leaves; it is only important to draw the trunk and branches correctly so that they do not turn out to be the same thickness and taper towards the edge.

Tree branches should be evenly spaced along the trunk and stretch upward towards the sun, and also have many small branches with leaves inside. Leaves on a tree are difficult to draw. Firstly, they must be of a certain shape and, most importantly, there are too many of them.

Drawn leaves will look much more “live” if you draw something crawling on the leaf ladybug. Its size is small and will not distract attention, and its bright color will add new color to the drawing.

To begin with, remember that a rose consists of petals adjacent to each other. This is the biggest difficulty of the drawing. In order for a rose to look real, many details must be drawn accurately. Be sure to draw leaves that have a rich green color, stem and thorns.

Everyone can probably draw a picture of a daisy. A few petals, draw leaves, a stem and a picture of a chamomile is ready. But for some reason, painted daisies don’t always turn out like real ones. The reason is that you start drawing a daisy with the petals.

Drawing an apple seems only at first glance simple matter. But this is not so, because the drawing of the apple does not look like a circle irregular shape with a tail, the apple shape should be voluminous. And in order for the apple to create the effect of freshness, you need to draw leaves or at least one leaf and a few drops of water on them.

Summary: DIY autumn crafts for children. Autumn drawings. How to draw autumn. Autumn leaves. Drawings autumn trees. Paintings on the theme of autumn.

What is the most remarkable thing in autumn? Of course, autumn leaves! In autumn, the leaves are not green, like in summer, but bright, multi-colored. Leaves on trees, bushes, fallen and lying on roads, on paths, on grass... Yellow, red, orange... At this time of year, even if you are not a photographer or an artist, you just want to pick up a camera or a brush with colors to capture this wonderful time of year in all its glory. We will help you with this. In the second part of the article “Autumn Crafts for Kids: How to Draw Autumn,” we will teach you how to draw autumn leaves in different ways.

Autumn drawings. Drawing autumn

Under a sheet of regular printer paper, place the sheet with the veins facing up, then shade it with a wax crayon placed flat. You will see how the design of a leaf with all the smallest veins appears on the paper.

To add a little magic, you just need to take white chalk and run it over the white paper, and then let the child paint the sheet with paint using a sponge. See link >>>>

By the way, there is an interesting way of coloring using colored corrugated paper. You must first draw leaves on paper in exactly the same way with white wax crayon. After this, tear corrugated paper into small pieces autumn flowers(red, yellow, orange, brown) and, thoroughly wetting each piece in water, stick them on the drawing. Make sure that there are no two pieces of paper of the same color next to each other. Let the paper dry a little (but not completely!), and then remove it from the drawing. You will get a wonderful multi-colored background. Leave the work to dry completely, then put it under the press.

You can make an interesting autumn craft if you place the leaf under thin foil. The foil should be placed with the shiny side up. After this, you need to carefully smooth the foil with your fingertips so that the design appears. Next you need to cover it with a layer of black paint (this can be gouache, ink, tempera). Once the paint is dry, very gently scrub the painting with a steel wool pad. The protruding veins of the leaf will shine, and dark paint will remain in the recesses. Now you can glue the resulting relief onto a sheet of colored cardboard.

Autumn leaves. How to draw autumn

A very simple and at the same time effective technique is to print leaves on paper, onto which paint is first applied. You can use any paint, just apply it to the side of the leaves where the veins appear.

Here are prints of rowan leaves. And any kid can draw rowan berries - they are made using cotton swab with red paint.

You can create a beautiful autumn design if you print leaves with white paint on a sheet of dark-colored cardboard. When the paint dries, you need to color the leaves with colored pencils. It will turn out beautiful if some leaves are left white.

The background can be left as is, or made colorful by painting with paints using a sponge. In this case, you need to leave a small unpainted space around the leaves.

If you decide to make the background colored, then the leaves themselves can be left white.

How to draw autumn leaves. Autumn crafts

To add volume to your drawings, you can use the following interesting technology. You will need thin wrapping paper or white crepe paper.

1. Tear it into irregularly shaped pieces and stick it on a thick sheet of paper using PVA glue. Try to get more “folds” and “wrinkles”; they will later give the drawing texture and volume.

2. When the glue dries, using a stencil, draw and cut out three maple leaves (large, medium and small) from this paper.

3. Paint them with colors in autumn colors, then stick them on a sheet of black cardboard.

More detailed instructions with photos see the link >>>>

DIY autumn crafts

Another original autumn pattern, made in warm and cold colors. The leaves themselves are drawn in warm colors (yellow, red, orange), the background is drawn in cold colors (green, blue, purple). To do this job you will need a compass.

1. Draw several leaves of different shapes on paper. 2. Now, using a compass, draw a circle of small radius in the lower left corner of the piece of paper. Next, adding about 1 cm at a time, draw circles of larger and larger radius, as far as the compass allows. 3. Now do the same in the upper right corner. 4. Finally, color the autumn leaves with felt-tip pens or pencils in warm colors (the colors should alternate sequentially), and the background in cool colors.

Maple Leaf. Maple leaf drawing

Help your child draw a maple leaf on a piece of paper. Divide it into sectors with veins. Let the child paint each sector of the leaf with some special pattern.

You can combine two methods.

Autumn crafts for children

Another unusual autumn pattern.

1. Draw leaves of different shapes on paper. They should occupy the entire sheet of paper, but not touch each other. Some of the leaves should start from the borders of the sheet of paper. Draw only the outlines of the leaves, without veins. 2. Now using a simple pencil and rulers, draw two lines from left to right and two from top to bottom. The lines should cross the leaves, dividing them into sectors. 3. Choose two colors for the background and two colors for the leaves. Color them in the chosen colors as in the picture. 4. When the paint has dried, trace the outlines of the leaves and the drawn lines with a gold marker.

Drawings on the theme of autumn

To make this autumn crafts you will need regular newspaper and paints (including white paint).

1. Draw a maple leaf on a piece of newspaper.

2. Paint it and, after the paint has dried, cut it out.

3. Take another sheet of newspaper and use white paint to draw and color a large square on it.

4. Place your sheet over the paint and wait for it to dry completely.

5. This is what you should get in the end!

DIY autumn crafts

Method 10.

Autumn drawings. Drawing autumn

Method 11.

In the article "Do it yourself Easter cards" we talked about interesting technology drawing using wax crayons. See link >>>>

This method can also be used to draw autumn leaves.

And here, in a similar way, autumn leaves are painted with colors.

Concluding our review article on the topic “How to draw autumn leaves,” we’ll tell you about two more methods.

Autumn crafts for children

Method 12.

Lay the leaves on the paper, then use an old toothbrush or flower sprayer to spray paint. In order not to stain everything around, you can do the above procedure in the bath.

How to draw autumn leaves

Method 13.

And finally - stamps of leaves using a roll of toilet paper. This is a great way to make gift wrapping with your kids.

Material prepared by: Anna Ponomarenko

Other publications on the topic of this article:

The leaves of different trees look different, so it is easiest to draw them from life. But, if it’s winter outside and the leaves have long fallen off, then you can use high-quality photographs. To draw tree leaves, you can use an ordinary pencil, but a colored drawing will look much more impressive. With the help of adults, even people can understand how to draw leaves. Small child.
Before you draw the leaves with a pencil step by step, and then decorate them, you should collect everything you need:
1). Multi-colored pencils;
2). Liner;
4).Album sheet;
5). Pencil.

If all those office supplies that are listed a little higher are already at hand, then you can start studying the question of how to draw leaves step by step:
1. Using light strokes, outline the outlines of the leaves;
2. Start drawing a bouquet of leaves. In the central part, depict oak branches, drawing leaves of a characteristic shape for this tree and acorns;
3. Draw birch leaves above the oak leaves;
4. Above and below the oak leaves, draw aspen leaves, the teeth of which have a slightly rounded shape;
5. Draw linden leaves in the middle;
6. Draw a rowan leaf on the edge;
7. At the bottom, draw a ribbon tied in a bow, with the help of which a bouquet of leaves is assembled;
8. Now you understand how to draw leaves with a pencil. But in order for the image to look beautiful and bright enough in the end, it is recommended to color it. To do this, first outline the sketch with a liner;
9. Using an eraser, erase the pencil lines;
10. Paint over the stems brown. And paint the acorns with green shades, as well as yellow and brown tones;
11. Shade the oak leaves with different shades of green;
12. Color the birch leaves with green and yellow tones;
13. Use a yellow and orange pencil, as well as green tones, to shade the rowan leaf;
14. Color the linden leaves with different shades of green;
15. Use a yellow pencil and green tones to paint over the aspen leaves;
16. Use blue and blue pencil to color the ribbon with which the bouquet is tied.
The leaf image is completely ready! Now you know how to draw leaves. To color a bouquet of leaves, you can use not only colored pencils, but also almost any paint, for example, watercolor or gouache. The main thing is that the resulting image is colorful and effective.
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