Little prince illustration. A wonderful post dedicated to the "little prince"

Writer, poet, children's storyteller and professional pilot. On his tiny airplane, he went on a reconnaissance flight from the island of Corsica and did not return to the airfield. Only fifty-four years after his disappearance, a fisherman from Marseille caught his bracelet in the sea. On it were engraved the words: Antoine, Consuelo (that was the name of Exupery’s wife) and the address of the publishing house where “The Little Prince” was published. A strange, prophetic tale about a crashed pilot and a boy from the star who meets him.

Probably every child all over the world knows not only this fairy tale, but also what the Little Prince looks like. All books published in a thousand different languages- one artist. This is Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. He illustrated his book himself and drew the Little Prince. These drawings became integral part fairy tales and are necessarily included in any edition of the book.

"Evenings" chose the most famous drawings of the writer.


These are the famous “drawings number one and number two”, which were drawn by the hero of “The Little Prince”. This was a kind of test with the help of which the hero of the fairy tale searched for the “ideal adult.” “When I met an adult who seemed to me more intelligent and understanding than others, I showed him my drawing No. 1 - I kept it and always carried it with me,” writes Exupery. Adults invariably responded, “It’s a hat.” Although in fact, as we all remember, the picture shows a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant.


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Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

This is what the Little Prince looks like. “Here is the best portrait of him that I have since been able to draw. But in my drawing, of course, he is not nearly as good as he really was.” Despite the fact that the book has been translated into 180 languages, every child knows exactly the appearance of the Little Prince. All books were illustrated by one person - Exupery himself. The drawings serve as an integral part of the book and are included in any edition.


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Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

This is the box in which the little prince's lamb sits. The little prince, who appeared in the desert in front of the crashed pilot, asked him to draw a lamb. But when the pilot offered several options, the strange guest began to pick and choose. One seemed too frail to him, the other too old. And then the pilot showed creativity. “Here I lost patience - after all, I had to quickly disassemble the engine - and scribbled this:

And he said to the baby:

Here's a box for you. And your lamb sits in it."


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Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

This Fox, a friend of the Little Prince, caused a lot of controversy in the Russian editorial office. Firstly, publishers were perplexed why Fox had such long bunny ears. Secondly, they wanted the Fox to be not a Fox, but a Fox. After all, Lisa is much more convenient and familiar to the Russian reader. However, the translator of "The Little Prince" Nora Gal insisted on masculine. And she was right. In fact, the prototype of the Fox was not a simple Fox, but a tame fennec fox, which was raised by Exupery. Fennec was a boy and really had very long ears.


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Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The Little Prince's firm rule is to get up in the morning and put his planet in order. “If you give free rein to the baobabs, trouble will not be avoided,” the hero of the fairy tale taught. “I knew one planet, a lazy man lived on it. He did not weed out three bushes on time...”


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Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

A conversation with a drunkard is one of the most fun in the book.

What are you doing? - asked the little prince.

“I drink,” the drunkard answered gloomily.

To forget.

What to forget? - asked the little prince. He felt sorry for the drunkard.

“I want to forget that I’m ashamed,” the drunkard admitted and hung his head.

Why are you ashamed? - asked the little prince. He really wanted to help the poor guy.

I'm ashamed to drink! - explained the drunkard.


Illustrations for the Little Prince are not the only paintings by Exupery. Not so long ago, the publishing house "Kolibri" published a whole volume of the writer's drawings. The book “Drawings: Watercolor, Pastel, Pen, Pencil” contains works that have never been published anywhere.

Character looking away in confusion

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Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Exupery sent this drawing to his friend Henri de Segon. The writer was upset that his friend did not write him letters

“Dearest. I send you beautiful drawing, which you can sell for a very high price, and I scold you,” he wrote on the back.


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Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

"Mercy", comic scene with two one-legged figures. To some, such humor may seem “black”. But we should not forget that Exupery was not a children's storyteller, but a stern military man.

In this lesson we will show you how to draw the Little Prince step by step with pencils. An exciting and sensual story about the Little Prince will not leave any heart indifferent. Fairy tale can teach any adult to look at the world through the eyes of a child. Today we will sketch an illustration of one of the plots. The little prince greets the rose while on one of the planets. The drawing seems complicated, but the description of the steps will make the work easier.

Tools and materials:

  • White sheet of paper (landscape);
  • Eraser;
  • Colour pencils;
  • A simple pencil.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. Let's draw general shape character with simple forms. There will be a flower on the right. The body will be inclined, the center line will pass through it;

Photo 2. Adding elements of clothing, hair and the silhouette of the face. Let's draw leaves on the rose;

Photo 3. Let's detail it. Let's add facial features and details on clothes. Let's draw the petals on the rose. Let’s draw a curved line against the background – the edge of the planet;

Photo 4. Let's add circles of different sizes and the texture of the planet. In the distance we will depict other celestial bodies, placing them in random order;

Photo 5. Add a shadow silhouette from the prince and the rose. Erase the extra lines with an eraser and move on to color;

Photo 6. Let's make the face, arms and legs beige. We use pink for blush on the cheeks;

Photo 7. The hair will be red. Let's make some highlights yellow color, shade the rest of the surface with orange and add a little brown for shadow;

Photo 8. Let's make the shoes and jacket red. Black is suitable for shadow and outline;

Photo 9. Use blue to paint the stripes on the clothes and add a little to the stem of the flower. You can sketch some distant planets;

Photo 10. Use black to draw spaces between the stripes of clothing and draw an outline;

Photo 11. For the rose flower we use red, a little yellow and black;

Photo 12. Let's draw the stem and leaves of the flower. To do this, take light and dark green;

Photo 13. We draw circles pink and add a little tint inside. It will be magical bubble;

/Corr. BELTA/. The most famous work Antoine de Saint-Exupery, whose death on July 31 marks 70 years, is a fairy tale story "The Little Prince". The sweet story was first published on April 6, 1943 in New York and subsequently became so popular that it was translated into more than 180 languages ​​and dialects. The book was even included in the list of 200 best novels world according to BBC TV channel.

The illustrations for “The Little Prince” were made by Exupery himself, and they became as famous as the book. These simple drawings in the story they are important along with the text and live their own lives, and the author and the heroes of the fairy tale even refer to drawn pictures and argue about them. However, there were brave artists who decided to present their version to the world decoration"The Little Prince". We invite you to evaluate their creations to decide for yourself which illustrations you personally prefer.

Among these brave souls is Nika Golts, a famous Soviet and Russian artist, best known as book illustrator. "A children's book is a very important thing. It can be done on high level, as high as possible. I believe that children understand everything. And if they don’t understand, then they perceive - intuitively, emotionally. The main thing is not to impose cartoon bunnies and cats on children. Many times I have observed how children in a sketch very quickly and accurately understand what kind of house or tree you are drawing. A child sees more in an unfinished drawing than an adult. He is helped in this by spontaneity, unencumbered by conventions of expression. He has no habits or baggage yet figurative images. That is why children's illustration carries much more responsibility. Sometimes you give first visual perception to a child when a book is read to him. If the illustration is successful, the impression will last a lifetime. It arouses interest, conveys meaning, sometimes much better and more accurately than the text itself. And it certainly develops taste,” said the artist.

The eyes are blind. You have to search with your heart...

We are responsible for those we have tamed.

It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.

Each person has their own stars.

Korean illustrator Kim Min Ji also presented his vision of The Little Prince. His watercolor works are lively, airy and transparent.

You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. My flower filled my entire planet with fragrance, but I did not know how to rejoice at it.

If you love a flower - the only one that is no longer on any of the many millions of stars, that's enough: you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say to yourself: “My flower lives there somewhere...” But if the lamb eats it, it’s the same as if all the stars went out at once.

People get on fast trains, but they themselves no longer understand what they are looking for. Therefore, they know no peace and rush in one direction, then in the other... And all in vain...

Another Korean illustrator Ya-Ong Nero, who also works with watercolors, depicted the prince this way.

You can only learn those things that you tame.

I would like to know why the stars glow. Probably so that sooner or later everyone can find theirs again.

Ukrainian master book graphics and the film poster, Vladislav Erko sees the main character of the book as realistic as an adult. By the way, Yerko’s black and white illustrations for books have received universal recognition Paulo Coelho and color illustrations for " Snow Queen". Paulo Coelho about The Snow Queen, illustrated by Yerko, said this: “This is the most amazing children's book I have seen in my life."

This is how my Fox used to be. He was no different from a hundred thousand other foxes. But I became friends with him, and now he is the only one in the whole world.

The Russian artist Tatyana Kazmiruk, who lives in Moscow, has her own prince and is also unique. The girl worked as an animator and production designer, which is reflected in her illustrations. According to Tatyana Kazmiruk, touching the eternal philosophical tale about the Little Prince, she felt the infinity and extent of the world and time on a piece of paper. The fairy tale story has no end, it continues in every reader who opens The Little Prince for the umpteenth time.

Drawing people is very interesting and entertaining, but in this article we will look at ordinary people. We'll talk about how to draw a prince! If you already have some skills in depicting the human figure, then today they will be very useful to us. All examples will be quite simple and perfect for beginning artists or children.

Prince with a red cloak

This master class will demonstrate how to draw a prince and his princess step by step. The drawing will be bright, so be sure to have sharpened colored pencils ready. If you already have them at hand, then we can get to work.

Let's start with the queen and draw her upper part, which includes drawing the head, arms and chest.

We are working on the bottom, she will be wearing a full skirt with bows.

Let's move on to the culprit of this article and start drawing the prince. We will draw a small crown on the head, and the body itself will be small. We will perform the fingers using a simplified technique, so they will be sharp.

We detail the face and also add a large cloak and legs in boots.

Use colored pencils to color the resulting drawing. We decided to choose bright and varied colors. You can do exactly the same or choose some other shades.

Simple drawing

Let's move on to a simpler drawing technique and show you how to draw a prince with a pencil. We won't color it this time, but if you don't like black and white drawings, then, of course, you can use colored markers.

The head will be rectangular in shape with strongly rounded edges. The technique of drawing a face will be simple; we will depict the eyes as ovals, and the mouth and nose as rounded stripes. Don't forget the crown!

Go below and draw the torso. We'll hang the belt closer to the bottom. We will make the hands in the form of ordinary circles, thus we will relieve novice artists and children from drawing the complex anatomy of the hands.

There will be boots on his feet, and a cloak on the back. With this our drawing is ready. As mentioned earlier, you can use colored markers and color it at any time!

It would be a good idea to watch a video tutorial in which the artist draws this example.

Prince in suit

This time we will learn how to draw a drawing of a prince in a suit. This will not be his typical outfit, but the example looks very interesting. Also, he will hold his princess's hand.

On initial stages We recommend using a pencil rather than a felt-tip pen because of one big advantage. When you draw a prince with a pencil, at any moment you can make some mistake and then with the help of an eraser you simply erase it and redraw it. In the case of a felt-tip pen or pen, this will not be possible. At the first stage, we need to draw the contours of the legs, torso and arms.

Let's finalize the torso and go higher, let's work on the face. Immediately draw the lower part of the head, where the chin is located, and then the contours of the hairstyle.

We detail the hair, face and don’t forget about the small crown.

The next step is to draw the queen. Since this article is not dedicated to her, we decided not to focus on the process of drawing her. To learn more about how to draw it, you can watch the video tutorial, which you will find below.

The last step is the easiest. Take colored markers and color the picture.

In order to create a complete picture in the background, you can depict their castle or island. This will perfectly complement the drawing and make it more interesting.

A little prince

Now let's figure out how to draw the little prince. If you figured out the previous examples and they seemed simple to you, then you can probably handle this too. If you didn’t try to analyze previous drawing techniques, but immediately moved on to this one, then this is also not a problem. Just follow the instructions given, try to draw exactly the same and as a result you will have a beautiful drawing of the little prince.

To work, we will definitely need a regular pencil and an eraser, since in the first step we must draw auxiliary lines. We depict the head and torso. Don't worry if they don't turn out very smooth, this is just a sketch that we will outline with a black marker in the future.

The previous stage is shown in red, and the current stage in blue. Here we must depict the scarf, hairstyles and other small details.

Now the fun part, put the pencil aside and take a black felt-tip pen or pen. We trace all the lines and then erase the excess with a pencil. As a result, we should get a black and white drawing.

We color our character, and in the background we depict the sky and desert. This completes the drawing of the prince!

    Not far from the well, the ruins of an ancient stone wall have been preserved. The next evening, having finished my work, I returned there and from a distance I saw that the Little Prince was sitting on the edge of the wall, his legs dangling. And I heard his voice.
    - Do not you remember? - he said. - It wasn't here at all.
    Someone must have answered him, because he replied:
    - Well, yes, it was exactly a year ago, day after day, but only in a different place...
    I walked faster. But nowhere near the wall did I see or hear anyone else. Meanwhile, the Little Prince again answered someone:
    - Well, of course. You will find my footprints in the sand. And then wait. I'll come there tonight.
    There were twenty meters left to the wall, and I still couldn’t see anything.
    After a short silence, the Little Prince asked:
    - Do you have good poison? Won't you make me suffer for a long time?
    I stopped, and my heart sank, but I still did not understand.
    “Now go away,” said the Little Prince. - I want to jump down.
    Then I lowered my eyes and jumped up! At the foot of the wall, raising its head to the Little Prince, curled up a yellow snake, one of those whose bite kills in half a minute.
    Feeling for the revolver in my pocket, I ran towards her, but at the sound of footsteps, the snake quietly flowed through the sand, like a dying stream, and with a barely audible metallic ringing slowly disappeared between the stones.
    I ran to the wall just in time and picked up my little prince. He was whiter than snow.
    - What are you thinking, baby! - I exclaimed. - Why do you start conversations with snakes?
    I untied his ever-present golden scarf. I wet him with whiskey and made him drink water. But he didn’t dare ask anything else. He looked at me seriously and put his arms around my neck. I heard his heart beating like a shot bird. He said:
    - I'm glad you found what was wrong with your car. Now you can go home...
    - How do you know?!
    I was just about to tell him that, contrary to all expectations, I managed to fix the plane!
    He didn't answer, he just said:
    - And I will return home today too.
    Then he added sadly:
    - This is much further... and much more difficult...
    Everything was somehow strange. I hugged him tightly, like a small child, and, however, it seemed to me as if he was slipping away, he was being swallowed up by an abyss, and I was unable to hold him...
    He looked thoughtfully into the distance.
    - I will have your lamb. And a box for the lamb. And a muzzle...
    He smiled sadly.
    I've been waiting a long time. He seemed to come to his senses.
    - You're scared, baby...
    Well, don't be scared! But he laughed quietly:
    - Tonight I will be much more scared...
    And again I was frozen by a premonition of irreparable disaster. Will I really, really never hear him laugh again? This laughter for me is like a spring in the desert.
    - Baby, I still want to hear you laugh...
    But he said:
    - Tonight it will be one year. My star will be right above the place where I fell a year ago...
    - Listen, kid, all this - the snake and the date with the star - is just a bad dream, right?
    But he didn't answer.
    “The most important thing is what you can’t see with your eyes...” he said.
    - Yes, sure...
    - It's like a flower. If you love a flower that grows somewhere on a distant star, it’s good to look at the sky at night. All the stars are blooming.
    - Yes, sure...
    - It's like with water. When you gave me a drink, that water was like music, and all because of the gate and the rope. Do you remember? She was very nice.
    - Yes, sure...
    - At night you will look at the stars. My star is very small, I can’t show it to you. That's better. She will simply be one of the stars for you. And you will love to look at the stars... They will all become your friends. And then, I'll give you something...
    And he laughed.
    - Oh, baby, baby, how I love it when you laugh!
    - This is my gift... It will be like water...
    - How so?
    - Each person has his own stars. For those who wander, they show the way. For others, they are just little lights. For scientists, they are like a problem that needs to be solved. For my businessman they are gold. But for all these people the stars are mute. And you will have very special stars...
    - How so?
    - You will look at the sky at night, and there will be such a star there, where I live, where I laugh, - and you will hear that all the stars are laughing. You will have stars who know how to laugh!
    And he laughed himself.
    “And when you are consoled—you always are in the end—you will be glad that you once knew me.” You will always be my friend. You'll want to laugh with me. Sometimes you open the window like this, and you will be pleased... And your friends will be surprised that you laugh, looking at the sky. And you tell them: “Yes, yes, I always laugh when I look at the stars!” And they'll think you're crazy. Here's what cruel joke I'll play with you...
    He laughed again.
    - It’s as if instead of stars I gave you a whole bunch of laughing bells...
    And he laughed again. Then he became serious again:
    - You know... tonight... it's better not to come.
    - I will not leave you.
    - You'll think it hurts me. It will even seem like I'm dying. That's how it happens. Don't come, don't.
    - I will not leave you.
    But he was preoccupied with something.
    - You see... it's also because of the snake. What if she bites you... Snakes are evil. Stinging someone is a pleasure for them.
    - I will not leave you.
    He suddenly calmed down:
    - True, she doesn’t have enough poison for two...
    That night I didn't notice him leave. He slipped away silently. When I finally caught up with him, he was walking with quick, determined steps.
    “Oh, it’s you...” he just said.
    And he took my hand. But something was bothering him.
    - It’s in vain that you come with me. It will hurt you to look at me. You'll think I'm dying, but that's not true...
    I was silent.
    - You see... it's very far. My body is too heavy. I can't take it away.
    I was silent.
    “But it’s like shedding an old shell.” There's nothing sad here...
    I was silent.
    He became a little discouraged. But still he made one more effort:
    - You know, it will be very nice. I will also start looking at the stars. And all the stars will be like old wells with a creaky gate. And each one will give me something to drink...
    I was silent.
    - Think how funny it is! You will have five hundred million bells, and I will have five hundred million springs...
    And then he also fell silent, because he began to cry.
    - Here we are. Let me take another step alone.
    And he sat down on the sand because he was scared.
    Then he said:
    - You know... my rose... I am responsible for her. And she is so weak! And so simple-minded. All she has is four measly thorns; she has nothing else to protect herself from the world.
    I also sat down because my legs gave way. He said:
    - OK it's all over Now...
    He paused for another minute and stood up. And he took just one step. And I couldn’t move.
    Like yellow lightning flashed at his feet. For a moment he remained motionless. Didn't scream. Then he fell - slowly, like a tree falling. Slowly and silently, because the sand muffles all sounds.
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