Methodology “Psychological autobiography. Section iv. methodological support for psychological studies of life situations

Autobiography is short story about yourself, which allows you to find out general information about a human. It is used in many situations: when applying for a job, entering a university, etc. In this article we will tell you how to correctly design this information to make a positive impression of yourself.

○ What is an autobiography?

An autobiography is a document that states detailed information about a person, written by him with his own hand. In other words, this short biography, which provides basic information about your studies and labor activity.

○ Basic rules for writing an autobiography.

So that your autobiography helps you get the most desired job or place in educational institution, it is important to consider the subtleties of document drafting. Let's see what exactly you need to pay attention to.

Contents of the autobiography.

The law does not establish a strict form for drawing up this document. On the one hand, this gives a certain freedom, allowing you to write in any form, but on the other hand, it complicates writing an autobiography - after all, not everyone knows what facts need to be indicated and how exactly to do it.

Here is the minimum information you must include in the document:

  • Full name.
  • Date of birth and/or age.
  • Place of birth and/or residence (if not the same).
  • Education received: you must indicate both basic and special education, including advanced training courses.
  • Labor activity: where, during what period and by whom they worked, reasons for changing jobs.
  • Marital status and brief information about seven closest members (husband/wife, parents, children).
  • Hobbies, achievements, awards, etc.

You can add any points at your discretion, but you must keep in mind that the information should be presented in a concise form. An essay written on several pages is unlikely to evoke positive emotions among employers.

Filling procedure.

When writing an autobiography, you need to adhere to chronological order. Also, do not forget that this is an official document, so information should be presented in concise sentences.

Follow this order:

  1. At the top of the document, the title is written in the middle, after which there is no period, and the next sentence begins with a new paragraph.
  2. An autobiography is written in the first person, singular. It begins with the pronoun “I”, after which a comma is placed and the full name is written.
  3. The date and place of birth are indicated, you can write the occupation of the parents (born into a family of doctors, teachers, etc.).
  4. Below is information about the education received, starting from school. The name is written educational institution, on the contrary, years of study and assigned qualifications. Don't forget to list all courses, trainings and seminars you attended in title/date format.
  5. Work experience (if any): starts from the first place of work, indicating the period of stay at this place And brief description their responsibilities. Other places of work are also indicated, each starting on a new line.
  6. Scientific works, publications and other achievements indicating the name and year of implementation.
  7. Additional Responsibilities(in the presence of). For example, indicate that you successfully performed the duties of your manager while he was on vacation (sick leave), write what you were able to achieve during this period.
  8. A hobby, especially if it is related to professional activity and there are achievements in it.
  9. Information about personal life: Family status, presence/number of children, occupation of husband/wife.

Information must be clearly divided into information blocks, each of which begins with a red line. At the end, an indentation is made downwards, on the left is the date (the date of the year in numbers, the month in words), on the right is the signature of the author of the document.

○ Autobiography for work.

The general principle of drawing up a document when applying for a job is standard. But here the following points should be emphasized:

  • Write down the personal qualities that are required for the job you are applying for - this will not only save time when processing the document, but will also allow you to be assessed as objectively as possible as a candidate.
  • Pay attention to the projects you have worked on - this will show your ability to work in a team.
  • Describe your education, but focus on your professional success.
  • Reflect your wishes for work: form of work activity (for example, if you like to work independently, write about it), desired size wages, the possibility of business trips, etc.

Examples of autobiography.

Since there is no established form for drawing up a document, you can use the attached example as a sample. All other autobiographies can be written in a similar way, the only difference will be what to emphasize: everyone’s achievements and professional experience are different.

How to write an autobiography for a student?

The general rules for drawing up a document are the same as when applying for a job. But since professional achievements in in this case is not available, emphasis should be placed on the knowledge accumulated during training ( successful completion practices, participation in seminars at different levels, completion of additional courses, possession foreign languages etc.).

How to write to a person who is looking for a job for the first time?

If you don't have professional experience, you need to place maximum emphasis on your personal qualities that are suitable for the job you want to get. It should be borne in mind that if you can present everything in a favorable light, it will characterize you in a special way and lack of experience will not be a barrier to hiring.

The technique was developed by E. Yu. Korzhova

Purpose: in-depth psychodiagnostics of the subjective picture life path.

Instructions: List the most important events that have happened in your life, as well as those that you expect in the future. Every event, both happened and expected, was (will be) joyful or sad. Try to express your attitude towards the events you indicated, rating joyful ones from +1 to + 5, and sad ones from -1 to -5. Mark the approximate dates of the events next to them.

Data processing and interpretation: processing is carried out using special tables and includes several stages. The number of happy, sad, past, future events and events in general is determined. Next, the total “weight” of joyful, sad, past, future events and events in general is revealed. Then the average time of anticipation and retrospection of events is determined (calculated separately for joyful, sad and in general). Finally, a meaningful analysis is carried out taking into account the types (spheres) of events.

For each area, the total number of events is calculated, as well as the “weight” of joyful (desirable) and “weight” of sad (undesirable) events. In addition, the number of types of events was calculated, which made it possible to assess the thematic diversity of the subjective picture of an individual’s life path.

Types of events:

v Parental family

v Place of residence

v Health

v Society

v Interpersonal relationships

v Financial situation

v Study, advanced training

v Nature

v Leisure, entertainment

Methodology “Historical Memory”

Technique Tregubenko I. Purpose: psychodiagnostics of individual historical memories.

Instructions: Remember and describe some socio-political or cultural event in Russia or the world that you remember. It doesn’t matter how accurately you know it, the main thing is that for some reason you remember it. You could have participated in this event, seen it, or simply heard it from someone. This is not a knowledge test. Describe the event and your thoughts and feelings about it.

In addition, the instructions included two questions: Who were you named after? and Who do you associate your name with?

Processing and interpretation:

In the process of analyzing memories, it is determined event type(the area to which it relates). Events can be socio-political, that is, related to political, economic and public life; cultural events – concerning cultural life, art, science, sports; and, finally, natural events, which include earthquakes, floods, man-made disasters. Next, we indicate whether the event is domestic or foreign.

The next parameter is type of autobiographical memory: bright, important, turning point.

The next indicator of historical memory is a person’s psychological position regarding the event, namely Participant, Contemporary, Eyewitness and Heir of historical experience.

The next parameter for analyzing memories is "strength-weakness" situation.

The next memory parameter is object and subject position of the individual in memories.

P redicates in the text of memoirs, that is, words that denote actions (usually verbs). Predicates are of two types: external - describe actions that can be seen and/or heard; internal - known only to the one who experiences the situation (know, want, understand, and so on). Thus, it is possible to determine which type of predicates predominate in the respondents’ stories.

Another characteristic - inclusion in description historical event elements of your own biography.

A special type of historical memories is a “situational response.” The respondent talks about some current socio-political event, which is covered in the media and has a certain public resonance (for example, the renaming of the police to the police).

Memories can also be classified according to predominant emotions in the descriptions. Thus, they can be negative (emotionally negative), positive (emotionally positive), ambivalent (both positive and negative emotions are presented) and neutral (attitude not described).

Finally, memory has a certain actant structure, that is, includes characters(according to the scheme proposed by Alfred Adler). First of all, the self of the rememberer may be present in the text. Options are possible here: a person refers to himself as an acting (thinking, feeling) person (“I-situations”). Another option is when the narrator unites with someone, forming the so-called “We-situations” (A. Adler’s term). In A. Adler’s concept, it is the “we” position in memories that indicates the development of social feeling, that is, when a person has a tendency to carry out certain activities in cooperation with other people, as well as to be useful to society.

In addition, memories may include:

The figures of the parents (both together and separately, father and mother) - their combination in the above story indicates the small age of the respondent at the time of the event;

Figures of relatives ( a special case with grandparents, as they are often guides historical memory For younger generation);

The figures are friends, although they are;

Finally, other people may be present, both known and unknown to the narrator.

In accordance with the obtained indicators, the following parameters can be characterized: the productivity of reproducing images of the life path, the assessment of events by the subject (the significance for him of certain life events, their desirability - undesirability, the degree of their influence, the average time of anticipation and retrospection), and also give a meaningful description events (type and type of significant events, their frequency of occurrence) (“originality” - “popularity” and “strength” - “weakness”). Let's consider each of the parameters.

Productivity of reproducing images of the life path.

Determined by the number of named events.

Evaluation of events.

A. The significance of life events. It is determined by the “weight” that the subject gives to this or that event.

B. Desirability - undesirability of events. Many studies claim that the impact of events on health is nonspecific, that is, their stressogenicity, regardless of the desirability of the events. If, when analyzing events, we focus on the degree of their significance, then perhaps such a differentiation of events does not become particularly necessary: ​​if an event is named, it is clear that it is significant. On the other hand, the following question may arise: which events are more significant - negative (sad, unwanted) or positive (joyful, desirable)?

B. The degree of influence of events. This indicator specifies the previous ones. When processing the results obtained as a result of using the “Psychological Autobiography”, it is proposed to distinguish, according to the degree of influence on the subject, events that have a significant impact (4-5 points), moderate (3 points), small (1-2 points).

Type and type of significant events. There are many attempts to classify events by content. This technique proposes the classification of X. Reese and M. Smyer in a modified form.

Event Types

I. Biological (for example, trauma, birth of a child).

II. Personal-psychological (for example, choice of life path, events related to the use of free time).

III. Type of events related to changes in the physical environment (eg, earthquake, flight).

IV. Type of events related to changes social environment(eg marriage, promotion).

By type of event can be classified into the following areas of life:

1. Parental family.

4. Place of residence.

5. Health.

7. Society.

8. Interpersonal relationships.

9. Financial situation.

10. Study, advanced training.

11. Work.

12. Nature.

1.9. Methodology “Self-Esteem Scale” (according to Ch. D. Spielberger, Yu. L. Khanin)

Target. Study of the level of anxiety at the moment (situational anxiety) and the level of anxiety as a stable characteristic (personal anxiety). The test can be used for persons aged 16 years or older.

Research procedure. The test of the technique is read out by the experimenter or presented to the subject as a list on pre-prepared forms. The test consists of two scales, 20 statements each, separately assessing situational and personal anxiety.

Subjects, responding to the statements of the first part of the questionnaire (No. 1, 20), choose one of four answer options: 1) no; 2) probably not; 3) most likely yes; 4) yes. Opposite the statement number, write down the number corresponding to the selected answer. For the second part of the questionnaire (statements No. 21,40), the answer options are different: 1) almost never; 2) sometimes; 3) often; 4) almost always.

Instructions.“A series of statements will be read to you. After listening carefully to each of them, choose from four possible answers the one that is most suitable, in your opinion. Next to the statement number, write down the number corresponding to the answer you chose. For statements 1 to 20, the answer options are: 1) no; 2) probably not; 3) most likely yes; 4) yes. Any questions? Let's begin."

After all the sentences of the first part have been read, new answer options are offered:

“For the next 20 statements that will be offered to you, the answer options are different: 1) almost never; 2) sometimes; 3) often; 4) almost always. You also choose the most appropriate answer and write down the number corresponding to it.

It is possible that some judgments will seem overly personal to you, answer them sincerely. To correctly assess your condition, you need reliable answers. You can be sure that the material is processed only by a psychologist, and the results are not disclosed to others.”

Processing of questionnaire data. The results are processed using two different formulas. During processing, direct and reverse judgments are taken into account.

In the 1st scale, direct judgments are 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18.

In the 2nd scale 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40.

Reverse judgments - all the rest.

The sum of numbers written down in response to direct statements is calculated: No. 4, 6,7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 (∑ 1), then the sum of inverse statements, that is, No. 1,2, 5, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20 - (∑ 2). Then you calculate* an indicator of the level of reactive or actual anxiety:

RT=∑ 1 -∑ 2 +50.

The level of personal anxiety is calculated in a similar way:

LT =∑ 1 -∑ 2 +35.

where ∑ 1 is the sum of the digits of the answers to direct statements No. 22, 23, 24, 25, 28 29 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40; ∑ 2 - the sum of the remaining digits according to inverse statements No. 21, 26, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39.

Norms and average values: 0-30 - low level anxiety and anxiety; 31-45 - average level anxiety and anxiety; 46 and more - high level anxiety and anxiety.

Questionnaire text

1.I am calm.

2. I am not in any danger.

3. I'm stressed.

4. I feel regret.

5. I feel free.

6. I'm upset.

7. I am worried about possible failures.

8. I feel rested.

9. I'm worried.

10. I feel a sense of inner satisfaction.

11. I am confident in myself.

12. I'm nervous.

13. I can't find a place for myself.

14. I'm nervous.

15. I don't feel constrained. 16.I'm satisfied.

17. I'm worried.

18. I'm too excited and uneasy.

19. I'm happy.

20. I'm pleased.

21. I feel pleasure.

22. I get tired very quickly.

23. I can cry easily.

24. I would like to be as happy as others.

25. I often lose because I don’t make decisions quickly enough.

26. I usually feel cheerful.

27. I am calm, cool and collected.

28. Expected difficulties usually worry me very much.

29. I worry too much about trifles.

30. I'm quite happy.

31. I take everything too personally.

32. I lack self-confidence.

33. I usually feel safe.

34. I try to avoid critical situations and difficulties.

35. I get blues. 36.I'm satisfied.

37. All sorts of trifles distract and worry me.

38. I worry about my disappointments so much that then I can’t forget about them for a long time.

39. I am a balanced person.

40. I feel very anxious when I think about my affairs and worries.

1.10. Methodology “Semantic differential”

The set of scales of this technique uses average determinants, alternating positive and negative poles of the scales, which minimizes error due to the skew of answers on horizontal scales to the left, as well as alternating scales of three main factors - assessment (O), strength (C) and activity (A). Semantic scale qualifiers and their possible meanings used in this research methodology are given in the table. The concepts to be assessed were emotionally meaningful concepts“My son/daughter”, “My son/daughter’s future”, “My son/daughter’s illness” and “Myself”. Using this technique, we studied the level of emotional tension of mothers in relation to the above concepts and their semantic sphere.

1.11. “Unfinished sentences” technique

Table 1

Semantic qualifiers used when conducting research using the “Semantic Differential” method

Factor index Polarity Left pole of the scale Acceptable scale values Right pole of the scale Polarity
ABOUT + Gladkoe 32 10123 Shershavoe
WITH - Feminine 32 10123 Courageous +
A + Hot 32 10 123 Cold
ABOUT - Vague 32 10 123 Clear +
WITH + Strong 32 10 123 Weak
A - Quiet 32 10 123 Loud +
ABOUT + good Bad
WITH - Small Big +
A + Acute 32 10123 Dull
ABOUT - Sour 32 10 123 Sweet +
WITH + Complex 32 10 123 Simple -
A - Passive 32 10123 Active -

In accordance with the “Unfinished Sentences” technique, the subject is asked to complete the sentences presented to him, composed in such a way that an almost unlimited variety of possibilities for their completion is allowed. The resulting phrases are considered as a reflection of significant experiences that are relevant to the individual.

FULL NAME............................................. ........................................................ ................

1. My child’s health would be good if....................................

2. He got sick because.................................................... ...................................

3. When I think about his illness.................................................... ...........................

4. To be treated, we need .................................................... ...........................

5. I want someday.................................... ...............................

6. When it became known about my child’s illness, my family.................................

7. When my child sees doctors.................................................... ...................

8. His health depends, first of all, on................................... .............

9. The most unpleasant thing about his illness.................................................... ....................

10. I think that the treatment for his illness............................................. ....................

11. The future seems to me................................................. ....................................

12. My loved ones think that I..................................... ............................

13. I would like doctors.................................................... ........................................

14. I would advise others................................................... ...............................

15. With a disease like my child’s....................................... ............

16. If everyone knew how afraid I am.................................... ........................

17. Most often I feel better from....................................

18. Everyone expects me.................................................... ......................

19. When my child and I go to the doctor........................

20. If my child were healthy....................................

21. Among many other illnesses, my child’s illness

22. I have a feeling associated with my child’s illness.......

23. If treatment................................................... .............

24. I believe that in the future.................................... ..........

25. In my family................................................... .......................

26. When I first learned about the child’s illness.................

Related information.

Applicants, participants in specialist competitions, student programs, etc. think about how to write an autobiography before going through an interview. The document contains information about the citizen’s life path, facts that make him a professional in a particular field, and personal qualities. The fact of employment or the decision of the competition jury depends on the literacy and completeness of the presentation.

According to the generally accepted definition, an autobiography for work is a biography of a person, which outlines the stages of professional and personal development. The chronology includes events from birth to the present.

A biography is required in the following cases:

  • getting a job (usually such a document is required by government agencies and law enforcement agencies);
  • participation in professional competitions;
  • organization of student projects;
  • adoption of a child;
  • addition to the personal file of an already employed specialist.

The significance of a sample autobiography submitted by a citizen varies depending on the specifics of the case. A commercial structure that has requested it from a working employee “for show” may not have read the text, but government agency, having received a biography from the applicant, will make a decision on an employment offer based on it.

A short autobiography performs a function that a profile or resume cannot do - through a description of the author’s life path, it introduces the reader to inner world citizen, forms an idea of ​​him as a specialist. In government agencies, the document is studied with the involvement of psychologists, graphologists and (or) security service specialists.

Rules for writing your own biography

How to write an autobiography correctly? There are no strict rules or restrictions. The filling out sample and form are not regulated by current regulations. The compiler is required to comply with the standards for official business correspondence.

Follow these rules:

  • Keep it short. The maximum length of the document is 1-2 pages. An example of an autobiography compiled on five pages will create a negative impression of the applicant as a person who is unable to formulate thoughts succinctly.
  • Write to business style. Avoid overly emotional statements, insults, unnecessary metaphors and additions. Remember: the reader will no longer be interested in the content of the document, but in the form of presentation.
  • Avoid mistakes: grammatical, stylistic, speech. They will create a negative opinion in the reader.
  • Observe chronological order. The example of writing an autobiography assumes that events are presented in the sequence that takes place in real life: birth. education, school, higher education, change of jobs.
  • State only true facts. If the deception in the autobiography is revealed, the applicant will be denied the vacancy, and the contestant will not be given the victory. The author’s business reputation will remain “tarnished.”

To avoid mistakes when drafting a document, study the presented sample autobiography for civil service and be guided by its style and structure.

What to include in a biography?

  • Full name of the compiler;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • passport data of the author-compiler;
  • information about parents (full name, occupation);
  • information about the education received (school, college or university, postgraduate studies, advanced training courses, etc.);
  • military service (for those liable for military service);
  • information about professional activity(places of employment, main responsibilities);
  • data on labor achievements (awards received, titles and degrees, successfully completed projects, etc.);
  • personal qualities that are significant in the labor process;
  • information about spouse, children;
  • having a hobby;
  • contacts for communication.

A sample autobiography when applying for a job assumes that the biography ends with the date of preparation and the personal signature of the author-compiler.

To compile your own biography, you do not need any special form. Will do Blank sheet A4 format. You can type the text on a computer and then print it out, or write it by hand.

Features of writing an autobiography for employment

An autobiography when applying for a job is an addition to a resume and characteristics from previous places of employment, by which a potential employer judges the professional suitability of a specialist. To make the best impression on your future manager, include the following information in the document:

  • Career success

Describe in detail the points that may interest a potential employer: tasks performed at previous places of employment, professional achievements, career, your advantages as a specialist.

  • Professional skills

An autobiography for civil service will be more valuable if you describe in it what additional knowledge you have gained within the framework of your chosen profession by attending courses, trainings, seminars, mastering new software products, etc.

  • Business qualities

Write down what personal characteristics, necessary for successful work, you have. This could be punctuality, attentiveness, perseverance, communication skills, etc. Separately, note that you are able to work in multitasking conditions; you are not afraid of large volumes and tight deadlines.

  • Wishes for work

Refuse to be excessively demanding, but indicate your wishes for your future place of employment, for example, flexible hours, no business trips, etc.

Sample autobiography at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and government agencies assumes the presence of a photograph. Choose a photo that shows you in business attire against a uniform background. If you have testimonials from previous places of employment, copies of diplomas, certificates, attach them to your biography.

Understanding how to correctly write a high-quality autobiography will help you win a professional or student competition, get a desired job, and achieve other career goals. There are no special requirements for the document; when preparing it, you must follow the principles formal business style, worldly wisdom and adequacy. To avoid mistakes, search the Internet in advance and carefully study a writing example that suits your situation.

Psychological autobiography - a collective name large group ways to obtain biographical information from the person being studied. These methods make it possible to obtain psychological history data, information about the most important events and stages of a person’s life path, about her attitude to what she has lived through, and about the characteristics of her anticipation.

Intelligence general(gender, age, education, marital status, professional information, health status, etc.)

P.) can be obtained through a conversation, a questionnaire, or biographical questionnaires. Specific information (assessment of past and possible future events, attitude towards oneself and others, subjective perception of one’s life path, etc.) is obtained in various ways. The most common and simplest is an oral or written narration about one’s life with a simultaneous description of one’s mental state during the corresponding periods.

The narration can be facilitated with the help of a presentation scheme offered to the subject. The diagram contains separate reference points related to different age periods of a person’s life and to different areas of his activity.

The self-portrait technique is popular in such studies. The subject is asked to draw a straight horizontal line extreme points which represents birth and death. On a segment, the subject selects a point corresponding to at this moment his life. Thus, he correlates his past and future, evaluates his temporary capabilities. In these two areas, he marks the most important events: those that happened in the past and those expected in the future. It is advisable to accompany these milestones with an emotional assessment.

Another well-known technique is controlled fantasy. It can be carried out in different options. For example, “getting used to” your imaginary image in old age and summing up your life. Or “accelerating time” by repeatedly imagining yourself older and older in succession.

Among the latest developments, we point out the methodology of E. Yu. Korzhova, proposed in 1994 to identify the self-perception of an individual’s life path. The biographer's answers and descriptions concern his past, present and possible future, but mainly the events of his recent past.

A procedure is provided for the formalization and unification of autobiographical material, which makes it possible to present it quantitatively. The methods of data interpretation provided by the methodology allow it to be classified as event-biographical methods. And since in the analysis of the material the personal meaning (i.e., meaning) of the answers comes to the fore, this technique (as well as the method of psychological autobiography in general) can be classified as a group of expressive projective methods. The author has developed criteria for data analysis. When interpreting, take into account following features perception of events by a person: 1) formal characteristics - productivity of reproducing images of the past and future; the significance of this event for oneself in comparison with others; desirability of events; the degree of influence of events on the subsequent course of the subject’s life; the time of their anticipation (anticipation) and retrospection; 2) content characteristics – type and type of significant events; their “originality-popularity” (frequency of occurrence); their “strength-weakness” (predominant influence of personal or situational variables). The subjective picture of the life path is considered as complete image human existence: sensations, perceptions, emotional and intellectual experiences and assessments own life and ultimately the attitude towards it. A number of components of this internal picture of one’s life are subject to analysis: 1) somatic (bodily) component – ​​attitude towards one’s health, age, changes in both, etc.; 2) personal (individual psychological) component – ​​attitude towards oneself as an individual; 3) situational (socio-psychological) component - attitude to life situations in which one was involved this person. The results for a particular subject are compared with the normative ones obtained for groups of somatically healthy and sick people. Healthy ones are differentiated into two professional groups: teachers and engineering and technical workers (E&T). The technique allows for diagnostics mental states. It can be used for both individual and group research and examination.

More on topic 20.5. Psychological autobiography:

  2. S. Shumov, A. Andreev. M.S. Grushevsky. History of the Ukrainian people. Autobiography, 2002
  3. Differences in the understanding of psychological causation and the essence of psychological experimentation Multiplicity of ideas about psychological causation
  4. Chapter 4. Ways to optimize psychological health and psychological defenses
  5. Non-scientific psychological knowledge and the possibility of psychological knowledge as scientific
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