Monk Abel predictions about the future. Predictions of the monk Abel about Russia - what has come true, what is to come

In our great state there were enough seers who, thanks to their majestic gift, were subjected to exile and disgrace. One of these predictors was the powerful and pious Abel. It was quite difficult for him, like many others, to live peacefully in our fatherland, because he was distinguished by surprisingly accurate and rather terrible predictions, especially in relation to Russian rulers. Who is this mysterious old man who prophesied on behalf of the Almighty? Let's find out from our article.

The future great seer was born in 1757 in a small village located in Tula region. He grew up among many sisters and brothers, in love and justice. As soon as Abel reached adolescence, he decided to try his hand at carpentry. He spent only a short time in this area. The future soothsayer decided to become a monk and devote his entire life to God. The young man's parents were categorically against this, but Abel, despite their lamentations, went his own way. Without informing his parents, the young man married a girl from his village, but after living with her for some time, he left her and decided to go to the Vladimir Monastery to devote his life to the Christian faith.

How a monk had an epiphany

Abel lived in the Vladimir Church for only a year. During this time, the monk was overtaken by a serious illness. As mentioned in the publication about the life of the fortuneteller, during his illness he felt some strange emotions and forces, thanks to which he carried out absolutely inexplicable actions.

While living in the monastery, Abel spoke about certain beings reminiscent of heavenly angels, who appeared to him in a dream and endowed him with the ability to see. Later, the fortuneteller began to hear voices accompanying him everywhere; as it turned out, it was they who whispered unmistakable prophecies to him.

Abel claimed that he was taken to heaven, where he was shown two holy books in which great future events were predicted. After that, he wanted to write his own prophetic work, in which he would try to repeat what he saw. Later, the monk Abel heard a voice that gave him instructions as to who to predict what and how to act in a given situation.

Predictions for Catherine the Great

Monk Abel, whose prophecies affected many rulers, also described Catherine II in his book. He predicted no less than 40 years of reign for the empress, and also touched upon some facts of her death, for which he was exiled to St. Petersburg. Later, Catherine took pity on him and ordered him to be imprisoned until the end of his days. On November 5, the Empress was found lifeless on the floor. She died exactly as Abel’s prophecies said.

Prediction to Paul I

After Catherine the Great, her son Paul took the throne. He was constantly frightened by the thought that the monk Abel, whose predictions haunted him, could tell exactly about his death. But, despite his fear, he still went to the prophet in the fortress with his devoted favorite Lopukhina. After visiting Abel, Pavel was very excited and frightened, and his companion burst into bitter tears. The emperor could not sleep a wink all night, and in the morning he wrote a letter with the note: “To be opened on the 100th anniversary of my death.”

Lopukhina told one of her lovers what Abel prophesied to Pavel. The fortune teller monk told about his imminent death from those whom he warmed under his heart. And so it happened, the emperor died at the hands of his eldest son Alexander in 1801.

How Abel died

The fortune-telling monk passed away in the imperial prison, however, more on this later.

Having become the new emperor, Alexander freed Abel. He was free more than a year. During this time, he wrote a book in which he prophesied the detailed capture of Moscow. For such a cruel prediction, Alexander again imprisoned the prophet, but in the Solovetsky prison. Abel was to remain there until his vision came true. This happened 10 years later (during this time the monk underwent many severe tests), he was released, after which the prophet, tortured by captivity, decided to go to Jerusalem. Since the hour of his departure to another world was very close, Abel decided to meet his death in his homeland, but before that he could not resist again and spoke about his vision: after the death of Alexander, not Constantine (the eldest son), but Nicholas (the very less).

As soon as this happened, Abel was again imprisoned, where he died. This happened in 1831.

Prophecy by the Romanovs

On the 100th anniversary of Paul's death, 1901, Nicholas II opened the envelope. This event was accompanied by a ball and a luxurious banquet. After reading the cherished letter, the emperor did not say a word. It is only known that after some time he, together with the empress, left the palace in tears and bitter despair.

To this day no one knows what was written in the letter. But when, at the beginning of 1903, an unbearable panic arose in the gazebo where the tsar was resting, only the emperor remained unshakable. He then said that this moment he has nothing to fear, because his death is still far away, so until 1918 he and his family have nothing to fear. And so it happened, the entire Romanov family was shot in

One of the editions talked about another prophecy regarding the Romanovs. What did Abel see? The fortune teller monk foresaw that not the entire family was going to die. One of them will survive royal daughters- Anastasia, she will rule the great state. According to Abel, this is evidenced by her majestic name, because Anastasia means “resurrected.”

Unfortunately, no one knows whether the girl survived or not, all that is known is that she was raised so that she was ready to ascend the imperial throne.

Many are interested in why Nicholas II, knowing about the date of his death, did not warn his family. Some historians suggest that the dead were not the Romanovs at all, because during the study, one of the daughters was 13 cm taller. There is also an assumption that the imperial family found refuge in England. But, unfortunately, there is no reliable data about this.

Monk Abel about the future of Russia

All the soothsayer’s predictions were kept strictly under the supervision of security services, but the leak still occurred during the collapse of the USSR.

Prophecies said that for 70 years Russia would be ruled by vile devils. And after this long time, they will slowly begin to leave the country. But a few demons will still remain. This is how Abel thought about our former government.

The fortune-telling monk also spoke about a second Boris, who would leave his leadership post when no one expected it. After him, a short man will come to power, his face will be black, and his body will be half bald and half hairy. Monk Abel, whose prophecies regarding the future of Russia are not entirely comforting, said that this man would cause a lot of grief and at least two wars. One is on the Promethean Mountains, the second is the third Tauride (that is, Crimean).

Afterwards, a stupid boy will sit on the throne, but soon he and his retinue will be defeated.

What awaits Russia in the near future?

What did Abel say about the near future? The monk-fortuneteller said that after the short man, some 10 terrible kings would rule for an hour, then a faceless sword-bearer shedding blood would appear, as well as a man who would emerge from the swamp with green eyes, and he would take the leading position for a while.

Monk Abel also mentions Russia as an almost fallen state. His next prophecy speaks of some long-nosed, then marked character, as well as a person with unclean skin. The fortuneteller also mentions a lame man, as well as a golden-haired woman, who will be followed by 3 golden chariots.

Fortunately, Monk Abel talked a lot about the future of Russia, so we can say with confidence that peace in our native state will still come with the arrival of a certain “Great Chosen One of God”, who will protect the country from all the evils on earth. According to God's prophet, this person will be spiritually enlightened, smart and successful, he will truly love his state and his people. Under his leadership, the country will rise, mature, be strong and influential. According to the prophet, the people themselves will smell and understand that this man has finally come. The seer did not name the name, he only said that it would appear in Russian history twice.

Also, the monk Abel, whose predictions were always accurate, mentioned that two more people, called impostors, would rule before him. These people will occupy the throne, but in no case the royal one, because it is prepared for the person who is sent by the Lord himself. Well, we'll wait.

What about the end of the world?

All of Abel's prophecies end in the year 2896, when, in his opinion, the end of the world should occur, that is, the second coming of Jesus Christ. There are no exact data and details regarding this, because, as stated, all the books that the prophet devoted to this topic burned or were destroyed.

Many of the monk’s prophecies came true exactly, so I want to believe that our country will soon experience great prosperity.

In the first volume of the Brockhaus and Efron encyclopedia we read: “Abel is a monk-fortuneteller, born in 1757. Peasant origin. For his predictions of the days and hours of the death of Catherine II and Paul I, the invasion of the French and the burning of Moscow, he was repeatedly imprisoned, and in total he spent about 20 years in prison. By order of the Emperor. Nicholas I, Abel was imprisoned in the Spaso-Efimevsky Monastery, where he died in 1841.”

Assessing the reliability of this encyclopedia report is difficult. Of course, her authority is high. It is also interesting that a simple monk of peasant origin was awarded a personal audience by the three emperors who successively ruled in Russia during these years. The audience, one might assume, was confidential, without witnesses. His messages were so unusual and ominous that each time they served as a reason for subsequent imprisonment. Then, apparently, sorting out the papers of the previous ruler, the successor summoned Abel and... history repeated itself - prison again...

Evidence of the audiences that took place, as well as orders for the exile and imprisonment of the poor fortuneteller, can probably be found in the materials of the archives of the Romanov house. Some sources mention his “Very strange prophetic books” - handwritten notebooks that have not yet been found.

Reliable sources about his life and prophecies include, in particular, the publication “Foreteller Monk Abel” in the magazine “Russian Antiquity”. By the time this publication appeared in print, the editors of the magazine had several documents relating to the personality of Abel, namely:

1. Two notebooks containing: “The Life and Suffering of Father and Monk Abel”; “The Life and Hagiography of Our Father Dadamius”; "Genesis, book one";

2. Notebooks entitled “Church needs of the monk Abel”, in which the “Book of Genesis” is briefly stated;

3. 12 letters from Abel to Countess Praskovya Andreevna Potemkina;

4. Abel’s letter to V.F. Kovalev, factory manager P.A. Potemkina in Glushkovo. (M.I. Semevsky. Foreteller monk Abel. - Magazine “Russian Antiquity”).

These documents, which have not survived to this day, are given in the publication in the form of excerpts, the size and subject of which were determined both by the publisher of the journal Semevsky and by the opinion of the censor, whose intervention in this publication is very noticeable (many pieces from the original documents were removed by him).

Also preserved are a few, albeit, testimonies of independent eyewitnesses - Abel's contemporaries, as well as little-known publications containing fragments of Abel's interrogations within the walls of the Secret Expedition - an organization involved in Russian Empire political investigation. These publications preserved for posterity the answers of the defendant Abel to the investigator’s questions.

Such testimonies and publications include: “The Soothsayer Abel. New authentic information about his fate." - Magazine “Russian Archive”, 1878, book two (cited “The case of the peasant of the estate of Lev Alexandrovich Naryshkin Vasily Vasilyev, who is located in the Kostroma province in the Babayevsky monastery under the name of Hieromonk Adam, and then called Abel, and about the book he composed. Started by Martha 17th 1796, 67 sheets."); “Readings at the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University” - M., 1863; “Stories by A.P. Ermolov”; “Notes of Lev Nikolaevich Engelhardt.” - M., 1860.

Despite all the surviving documents, some places in Abel’s biography still remain mysterious. Over time they may become clearer.

So, based on the facts given in the documents listed above, as well as on the interesting assumptions and conclusions of Yu. Roscius, set out in his essay “Cassandra Syndrome, or the Earthly Circle of Monk Abel” (M., ed. House “Around the World”, 1996), we will try to trace the outline of the life of the mysterious monk.

He was born in the Akulovo tree in the Aleksensky district of the Tula province in 1757. At birth he was named Vasily. His parents were farmers. Already at the age of 10, he began to think about leaving home, since “he was more interested in the deity and divine destiny.”

This is what Abel wrote about himself in “Life,” published in the magazine “Russian Antiquity” for 1875.

“This father Abel was born in the northern countries, in the Moscow region, in the Tula province, Alekseevskaya district, Solomenskaya volost, the village of Akulovo, in the year from Adam seven thousand and two hundred sixty and five years (7265), and from God the Word one thousand and seven hundred and fifty and seven years (1757). His conception was the foundation of the month of June and the month of September on the fifth day; and the image of him and the birth of the month of December and March at the very equinox: and the name was given to him, like all people, on the seventh of March. The life of Father Abel was assigned by God eighty and three years and four months; and then his flesh and spirit will be renewed, and his soul will be depicted like an Angel and like an Archangel.”

“...In the family of the farmer and horse-driver Vasily and his wife Ksenia, a son was born - Vasily, one of nine children.” Dates of birth are indicated by Abel himself according to Julian calendar. According to Gregorian, he was born on March 18, almost “at the very equinox.” He predicted the date of his death almost accurately - the seer died on November 29, 1841, having lived 84 years and eight months.

At the age of 17, Vasily got married and had three sons, but since he was married “against his will,” he “lived little in his village, but always wandered around different cities.” At the age of 17, he began to learn to read and write, and then learned to work as a carpenter, after which, at the age of 19, having mastered the craft, he went to travel to “southern and western, and then to eastern countries,” and he went like this for 9 years. While in Kherson “during the construction of ships,” he became seriously ill. During his illness, Abel made a promise to God that “if it pleases God to heal him, then he will go to work for him forever in reverence and truth, which is why he recovered, but even after that he worked there for another year.”

Returning home, he began to ask his father and mother to enter the monastery. When he did not receive such permission, he left them secretly in Valaam Monastery, and from it to the Valaam desert.

This is where strange manifestations begin in Abel’s life, descriptions of which, unfortunately, were erased from the text of the Life in the publication of 1875 by censorship. However, from what remains, it can be understood that as a result of strange circumstances, some of which lasted more than a day, Abel felt some kind of impulse within himself, a powerful emotion that prompted him to various actions, in understanding the essence of which the intervention of censorship is greatly harmful XIX centuries

Thus, from the above documents it follows that Abel acquired the gift of a fortuneteller precisely after suffering a serious illness. Subsequently, this gift was accompanied by the influence of certain two strange creatures who took part in acquiring this gift. In addition, in the above-mentioned work “The Soothsayer Abel”, detailed descriptions of the phenomena and voices that became his constant companions were preserved. They allowed him to give impeccable prophecies.

In March 1796, during interrogation in the Secret Expedition, when asked: when did he first hear the “voice”? - Abel replied: “When he was in the desert of Valaam, at one time there was a voice from the air, like the prophet Moses, the seer of God, and it was supposedly spoken to him like this: go and tell the northern queen Catherine Alekseevna the whole truth, which I command you...” This happened, according to him, in March 1778.

According to Abel, he “was taken up to heaven,” where he saw certain two books, the contents of which he later only retold in his writings. And, besides, starting in March 1787, he began to hear a certain directive, pointing “voice” that commanded him to do or say something or do something like that. Despite many personal difficulties, Abel obediently and carefully followed all the instructions of the “voice” for many decades.

At the same time, Abel received both figurative (visual) and vocal (verbal) information. As you know, both of these methods have been known since biblical times. This is also evident from the statements of Abel himself, who referred to biblical characters, like whom he was “ascended,” heard or saw the future.

Thus, the monk formed as a seer, due to circumstances received amazing abilities as a predictor, and began to try his hand at this field, prompted to do so from the outside...

Over the next nine years, Abel traveled to “many countries and cities” preaching the Word of God. Arriving on the Volga, he moved into the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery, which is in the Kostroma diocese. Here he wrote the “wise and wise book”, the first of the “very terrible” prophetic books written by Abel. This book reported in what year, in what month, on what day and hour and with what death the queen would die. All this was written by him at least a year before the prediction was realized.

We learn about this same period in the life of monk Abel from the memoirs of General Alexei Petrovich Ermolov (1777-1861), an accidental witness to his visionary career. General Ermolov was in Kostroma at that time. In his memoirs he writes the following:

“At that time, a certain Abel lived in Kostroma, who was gifted with the ability to correctly predict the future. Once at the table of Governor Lump, Abel predicted the day and hour of the death of Empress Catherine with unusual fidelity.”

Abel showed the book he had written to a monk of the same monastery named Arkady, and he showed it to the abbot. After this, Abel was immediately sent, out of harm’s way, to a spiritual consistory. From the consistory, the materials of the investigation were sent to the Kostroma bishop - Bishop Paul. Paul met with Abel after reading his book. He advised the seer to forget about what was written and return to the monastery - to atone for his sins, and before that point to the one who taught him such sacrilege. But “Abel told the bishop that he wrote his book himself, did not copy it, but composed it from a vision; for, being in Valaam, he came to the church for matins, just as the Apostle Paul was caught up into heaven and there he saw two books, and what he saw, he wrote the same...” After this meeting, the book and its author were sent to the provincial government, after which Abel ended up “on vacation” in the Kostroma prison. But the matter did not end there. Soon he was escorted to St. Petersburg, to the Senate. Here he first felt the power of power. The head of the Senate, General Samoilov, saw unacceptable sedition in the book - a record that Empress Catherine II would soon lose her life. He hit Abel in the face three times, shouting and asking: “Who taught you to write such secrets and why did you start compiling such a book?”

Abel answered Samoilov that “I was taught to write this book by the One who created Heaven and Earth, and everything that is in them. He also ordered me to leave all secrets!”

Samoilov perceived Abel’s behavior as foolishness, put him on a secret expedition, and reported what had happened to the empress. She asked, “Who is Abel and where is he from?”, after which she ordered him to be sent to the Shlisselburg fortress for life imprisonment. On March 9, Abel was brought to the fortress, where he was placed in room No. 22, in strict isolation.

These events took place in February-March 1796. And on November 5 of the same year, the empress was found unconscious on the floor of the rest. She was struck by a blow, and she died the next day - November 6, 1796, in full accordance, as they say, with the entry in the book of the monk Abel. This recording was made a year before the death of Catherine II.

On the same day, Catherine’s son, Emperor Paul I, ascended the throne of the Russian Empire. He removed the head of the Senate, General Samoilov, and this place was taken by Prince Alexander Borisovich Kurakin. Prince Kurakin personally showed the new emperor the “very terrible book” of the monk Abel, which was kept in secret matters.

Paul ordered to find the author. Abel was found in the Shlisselburg fortress, after which he was brought before the emperor himself. Paul received the monk in his chamber with fear and joy and even asked for his blessing. Then he inquired about Abel’s plans, asked what he would like in life, to which he replied: “Your Majesty, my most merciful benefactor, from my youth I have wanted to be a monk, and also to serve God.” At the end of the conversation, Pavel could not stand it and asked, as if in secret, what was in store for him in the future? What Abel answered to this question is not known for certain. However, after that conversation, Paul ordered Kurakin to take Abel to the Nevsky Monastery, give him a cell and everything necessary for a normal monastic life, and on December 14, 1796, the highest rescript ordered, at Adam’s request, to tonsure him again as a monk. Then, when he was tonsured again, Vasily-Adam received the name Abel.

It must be said that Emperor Paul I had an exceptional imagination from childhood and believed in dreams and predictions. At all stages of his adult life, he paid close attention to prophets and prophecies of various types and to mysticism in general. As a result of all this, he surrounded the predictions and life of Abel with a mystical aura.

There is another interesting piece of evidence about Abel’s prediction to Emperor Paul. Thus, in P. I. Bartenev’s magazine “Russian Archive”, which was published in Moscow, in No. 1-4 for 1872, there are “Memoirs of Fyodor Petrovich Lubyanovsky,” an actual state councilor, in 1802 - secretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He writes, in particular:

“It comes to my mind... there is also a rumor about the prisoner Abel, who was kept in Shlisselburg for some prophecies. They wanted (Emperor Paul) to talk to him; They asked him about many things, out of curiosity and about themselves. When I told Anna Petrovna Lopukhina (the emperor’s favorite) about this conversation, she began to sob with trepidation, frightened and upset.” These sobs indirectly indicate that it was most likely fear for the person she loved.

It is possible, although unlikely, that during that conversation Abel revealed to the emperor the terrible details of his death. Apparently, Paul attached great importance to Abel’s prediction, remembering that his previous prediction (about the death of Catherine II) came true with amazing accuracy.

So, on May 26, 1800, Abel, as follows from the report of General Makarov, was “brought properly and put in a casemate in the ravelin. He, it seems, is just talking, and his lies mean nothing anymore; and meanwhile he thinks to lure something out with imaginary prophecies and dreams; restless disposition." At this time, they literally do not take their eyes off Abel, all his actions and words are recorded - the emperor is closely watching him.

Meanwhile, the time allotted to Emperor Paul was running out... The year 1800 ended, a new one, 1801, began. On the night of March 11-12, he was killed by his entourage. His eldest son Alexander Pavlovich (Alexander I) took the throne. Abel continued to be imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress. Here he spent 10 months and 10 days: the same amount as in the Shlisselburg fortress.

The new emperor ordered the release of the monk Abel from the fortress and send him to the Solovetsky Monastery “under supervision.” Soon after this, Abel received his freedom.

During the time that he was free (one year and two months), Abel managed to write his third “terrible” book. In this book, written at the turn of 1803, he predicted events that happened in real life 10 years later, namely: “how Moscow will be taken and in what year.”

And again history repeated itself: the book reached Emperor Alexander. His decision followed immediately: “Monk Abel should be imprisoned (immediately) in the Solovetsky prison, and he will be there until then, when his prophecies come true in the most prophetic way.”

During the 10 years that he spent in the Solovetsky Monastery, Abel had to endure a lot. He “was near death ten times, came to despair a hundred times, was in constant struggle 1000 times, and had other temptations.” Abel is numerous and countless in number...” - the Life tells about this period of the monk’s life.

The Emperor remembered Abel’s prophecy only at the time when Moscow was captured by Napoleon’s troops. He ordered Prince Golitsyn to write a letter on his own behalf to the Solovetsky Monastery demanding that he be “excluded” from the convicts and “included” among the monks with complete freedom. A postscript was added to the letter: “If he was alive and well, he would come to us in St. Petersburg, we want to see him and talk to him about something.” The rector of the Solovetsky Monastery, Archimandrite Hilarion, was afraid of this, because he was afraid that when he met the Emperor, Abel might talk about the unrest going on there: theft, bullying and beatings of prisoners, and also that the archimandrite himself was going to put Abel to death. He wrote a letter to Prince Golitsyn, in which he wrote: “Now Father Abel is sick and he cannot come to you, but perhaps next year in the spring...” Having received such an answer, Alexander I issued a personal decree to the Holy Synod, which stated, that Abel should certainly be released from the Solovetsky Monastery and given a passport to all Russian cities and monasteries; at the same time, so that he is happy with everything, the dress and the money.” The archimandrite had to carry out this order.

On July 1, 1813, monk Abel was released from the Solovetsky Monastery. Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, he appeared to Prince Golitsyn, and then came to the Nevsky Monastery, where he received a blessing from Archimandrite Ambrose, after which, as is clear from the Life, “seeing his passport and freedom to all lands and regions, he will flow from St. Petersburg to south and east, and to other countries and regions. And he went around many and many places. He was in Tsar-Grad and in Jerusalem, and in the Mount Athos; From there he returned to the Russian land: and found an end and a beginning, and a beginning and an end for everything; he died there too; lived on the earth quite well, until his old age... He died in the month of January, and was buried in February. This is what our father Abel, the New Sufferer, decided... He lived for only 83 years and 4 months.”

“His life was spent in sorrows and hardships, persecutions and troubles, in misfortunes and hardships, in tears and illnesses, in dungeons and shutters, in fortresses and strong castles, in terrible judgments and in difficult trials...”

This is how the story “The Life and Suffering of Father and Monk Abel” ends.

The events of the last years of the life of monk Abel are described in more detail on the pages of the magazine “Russian Antiquity” (1875, vol. XII, no. 4). So, in 1817, after his wanderings, Abel, by order of the emperor, was assigned to the Vysotsky monastery. Here he spent eight years under the strict supervision of the monastic authorities, all his statements were strictly recorded. Abel, always humble, endured for a long time. And suddenly, in June 1826, he left the monastery and headed to his homeland - to the village of Akulovo, Tula province.

On August 27, 1826, a Decree was issued Holy Synod: by the highest order of Nicholas I, Abel was ordered to be caught and imprisoned for humility in the Spaso-Efimevsky Monastery.

The question inevitably arises: what was the reason for such a decree from the king? And in general, what did monk Abel do for the whole eight years he spent in the Vysotsky monastery, because, as you know, writing books was typical of him. In this regard, Yu. Roscius, author of the book “The Cassandra Syndrome, or the Earthly Circle of the Monk Abel” (Moscow, “Around the World”, 1996), puts forward a hypothesis according to which it is quite likely that Abel wrote another “great story” at this time a terrible" book, which was sent to the Emperor. (This hypothesis, by the way, was expressed more than a hundred years ago by an employee of the magazine “Rebus” in his report on the monk Abel at the First All-Russian Congress of Spiritualists).

"Then the question arises: what could have been predicted by them? The Decembrist uprising had already occurred in December 1825. Although, who knows when the next (alleged) creation of Abel was written by him and came to the king. But this, of course, is only speculation and guesses...

So, as can be seen from the approximate story about the life of the monk Abel, many years of his life were spent in monastery cells and hermitages, behind fortress and prison walls. The regime of these institutions at that time was largely reminiscent of the regime of the courts of the sacred tribunal - the Inquisition.

The last fifteen years of Abel’s life, when he was in the Spaso-Efimevsky Monastery, are reliably hidden from descendants; virtually nothing is known about them. Only one thing is known: Abel died within the walls of this monastery in February 1841.

And now let’s give the floor to an officer of the Russian army, monarchist, participant in the First World War, Pyotr Nikolaevich Shabelsky-Bork (1896-1952). He took part in the attempt to free the royal family from captivity in Yekaterinburg. While in exile, Shabelsky-Bork was engaged in historical research, which was based on the unique documents he collected, which disappeared during the Second World War in Berlin, where he lived at that time. In his research he paid the main attention to the era of Paul I. He wrote under the pseudonym Kiribeevich.

In the early 30s, Shabelsky-Bork published the historical legend “The Prophetic Monk,” which was dedicated to Abel.

We present fragments from this legend. “The hall was filled with soft light. In the rays of the dying sunset, biblical motifs on tapestries embroidered with gold and silver seemed to come to life. The magnificent Gwaregi parquet shone with its graceful lines. Silence and solemnity reigned all around.

The gaze of Emperor Pavel Petrovich met the meek eyes of the monk Abel standing in front of him. They, like a mirror, reflected love, peace and joy.

The emperor immediately fell in love with this mysterious monk, who was very inspired by humility, fasting and prayer. His insight has long been widely rumored. Both commoners and noble nobles went to his cell in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and no one left him without consolation and prophetic advice. Emperor Pavel Petrovich also knew how Abel accurately predicted the day of death of his August Mother, now in the gods of the late Empress Catherine Alekseevna. And yesterday, when it came to the prophetic Abel, His Majesty deigned to order that tomorrow he should be deliberately delivered to the Gatchina Palace, where the Court was staying.

Smiling affectionately, Emperor Paul graciously turned to the monk Abel with the question of how long ago he took monastic vows and in which monasteries he had been.

Honest Father! - said the Emperor. - They talk about you, and I myself see that the grace of God clearly rests on you. What can you say about my family, my reign and my destiny? What do you see with perspicacious eyes about my family in the darkness of centuries and about the Russian State? Name my successors on the Russian throne, predict their fate.

Hey, Father Tsar! - Abel shook his head. “Why are you forcing me to predict sorrow for yourself?” Your kingdom will be short, and I, sinner, see your cruel end. You will suffer martyrdom at the hands of Sophronius of Jerusalem from unfaithful servants; you will be strangled in your bedchamber by the villains whom you warm in your royal bosom. On Holy Saturday they will bury you... They, these villains, trying to justify their great sin of regicide, will declare you insane, will revile your good memory... But the Russian people with their truthful soul will understand and appreciate you and will bear their sorrows to your tomb , asking for your intercession and softening the hearts of the unrighteous and cruel...

What awaits my successor, Tsarevich Alexander?

The Frenchman will burn Moscow down in his presence, and he will take Paris from him and call him Blessed. But the royal crown will seem heavy to him, and he will replace the feat of royal service with the feat of fasting and prayers and will be righteous in the eyes of God.

And who will succeed Emperor Alexander?

Your son, Nikolai...

Alexander will not have a son.

Then Tsarevich Konstantin...

Constantine will not want to reign, remembering your fate... The beginning of the reign of your son Nicholas will begin with a Voltairian rebellion, and this will be a malevolent seed, a destructive seed for Russia, if not for the grace of God covering Russia. A hundred years after that, the house of the Most Holy Theotokos will become impoverished, and the Russian State will turn into abomination and desolation.

After my son Nicholas, who will be on the Russian throne?

Your grandson, Alexander II. Predestined to be the Tsar-Liberator. He will fulfill your plans - he will free the peasants, and then he will beat the Turks and also give the Slavs freedom from the yoke of the infidel...

The Tsar-Liberator will be succeeded by the Tsar-Peacemaker, his son, and your great-grandson, Alexander the Third. His reign will be glorious. He will besiege the accursed sedition, he will restore peace and order.

To whom will he pass on the royal inheritance?

Nicholas II - the Holy Tsar, like Job the Long-Suffering. He will replace the royal crown with a crown of thorns; he will be betrayed by his people, as the Son of God once was. There will be a war, a great world war... People will fly through the air like birds, swim under the water like fish, and begin to destroy each other with foul-smelling sulfur. Treason will grow and multiply. On the eve of victory, the Tsar's throne will collapse. Blood and tears will fill the damp earth. A man with an ax will take power in madness, and the Egyptian execution will truly come...

My great-grandfather, Peter the Great, about the fate of my rivers is the same as you. I consider as good all that I now predicted about my descendant Nicholas the Second, will precede him, so that the Book of Fate will open before him, so that his great-grandson may know his way of the cross, among his passions and long-suffering...

Seal, reverend father, what you have said, put everything in writing, but I will put your prediction in a special casket, I will put my seal, and until my great-grandson your writing will be inviolably kept here. In the office of my Gatchina Palace. Go, Abel, and pray tirelessly in your cell for me, my Family and the happiness of our State.

And, having placed the presented writing of Avelevo in an envelope, he deigned to write on it with his own hand: “To reveal to Our Descendant the centennial day of My death.”

On March 11, 1901, on the centennial anniversary of the martyrdom of his great-great-grandfather, Emperor Pavel Petrovich, of blessed memory, after the funeral liturgy in the Peter and Paul Cathedral at his tomb, Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, accompanied by the Minister of the Imperial Court, Adjutant General Baron Fredericks and other members of his retinue, deigned to arrive at the Gatchina Palace to fulfill the will of his deceased ancestor in Bose.

The funeral service was touching. The Peter and Paul Cathedral was full of worshipers. Not only the sewing of uniforms sparkled here, not only dignitaries were present. There were plenty of peasant's homespuns and simple scarves, and the tomb of Emperor Pavel Petrovich was covered in candles and fresh flowers. These candles, these flowers were from believers in wonderful help and representation of the deceased Tsar for his descendants and the entire Russian people. The prophetic Abel’s prediction came true that the people would honor the memory of the Martyr Tsar and flock to His tomb, asking for intercession, asking for softening of the hearts of the unrighteous and cruel.

The Sovereign Emperor opened the casket and read several times the legend of Abel the Prophet about his fate and that of Russia. He already knew the thorny fate, he knew how much he would have to endure on his sovereign shoulders, he knew about the upcoming bloody wars, unrest and great upheavals of the Russian State. His heart sensed that damned black year when he would be deceived, betrayed and abandoned by everyone...”

Perhaps the above passage is the fruit of the author’s fiction. Quite possible. However, there is other documentary evidence of the hypothesis of the monk Abel’s prediction of the fate of the Romanov dynasty, and with them the fate of all of Russia: this is the work of A. D. Khmelevsky “The Mysterious in the Life of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II.” We read:

“To Emperor Paul I Petrovich, the seer monk Abel made a prediction about the fate of the Russian state, including his great-great-grandson, which is Emperor Nicholas II. This prophetic prediction was enclosed in an envelope with the personal seal of Emperor Paul I with his own inscription: “To be revealed to our descendant on the hundredth anniversary of my death.” All the Sovereigns knew about this, but no one dared to violate the will of their ancestor. On March 11, 1901, when the will turned 100 years old, Emperor Nicholas II with the Minister of the Court and members of his retinue arrived at the Gatchina Palace and, after a memorial service for Emperor Paul, opened the package, from where he learned his thorny fate. The writer of these lines knew about this back in 1905!”...

It is possible that it was this prediction that subsequently influenced the unbridled attraction of the family of the last Emperor of All Russia, Nicholas II, to mysticism, prophecies, and personalities like Grigory Rasputin. Who knows...

Speaking about the last years of the life of the mysterious monk, the above-mentioned employee of the Rebus magazine Serbov writes: “And so the gates of this prison-monastery separated the rest of Abel’s days from the living world; but they could not completely eradicate the living memory of him. It is the duty of every seeker of truth - our duty - to return his Abel to the people, for he constitutes their wealth and pride no less than any genius in any other field of creativity; or at least his French brother, the famous Nostradamus..."

M.F. Geringer, born Adelung, Chief Camerfrau of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna: “In the Gatchina Palace, the permanent residence of Emperor Paul I, when he was Heir, there was one small hall in the enfilade of halls, and in the middle of it on a pedestal stood a rather large patterned casket with intricate decorations. The casket was locked. on the key and sealed. Around the casket on four posts, on rings, a thick red silk cord was stretched, blocking the viewer's access to it. It was known that this casket contained something that was deposited by the widow of Paul I, Empress Maria Feodorovna, and that she bequeathed to open the casket and take out what was stored in it only when one hundred years had passed since the death of Emperor Paul I, and, moreover, only to the one who would occupy the Royal Throne in Russia that year.Pavel Petrovich died on the night of March 11-12 1801. Thus, it fell to Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich to open the mysterious casket and find out what was so carefully and mysteriously guarded in it from all, not excluding royal, gaze.

On the morning of March 12, 1901<....>both the Tsar and Empress were very animated and cheerful, getting ready to go from the Tsarskoe Selo Alexander Palace to Gatchina to reveal a centuries-old secret. They prepared for this trip as if it were an interesting festive outing that promised to provide them with extraordinary entertainment. They set off cheerfully, but returned thoughtful and sad, and no one knew what they found in this casket.<....>They didn't say anything. After this trip<...>The Emperor began to remember 1918 as a fatal year both for him personally and for the Dynasty."

In the article "Mysterious in the life of Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II" its author A. D. Khmelevsky wrote: “To Emperor Paul I Petrovich, the seer monk Abel made a prediction “about the fate of the Russian state,” including his great-grandson, which was Emperor Nicholas II. This prophetic prediction was enclosed in an envelope with the personal seal of Emperor Paul I and his own handwritten with the inscription: "To be opened to our descendant on the hundredth anniversary of my death." The document was kept in a special room of the Gatchina Palace. All the Sovereigns knew about this, but no one dared to violate the will of the ancestor. March 11, 1901, when the 100th anniversary of the will was celebrated, Emperor Nicholas II "with the minister of the court and members of his retinue, he arrived at the Gatchina Palace and, after the funeral service for Emperor Paul, opened the package, from where he learned his thorny fate. The writer of these lines knew about this back in 1905."

Information about the monk-seer Abel provides S. A. Nilus, referring to the story of Father N. in Optina Pustyn on June 26, 1909: “In the days Great Catherine in the Solovetsky Monastery there lived a monk high life. His name was Abel. He was perspicacious, and had a simple disposition, and because what was revealed to his spiritual eye, he announced it publicly, not caring about the consequences. The hour came, and he began to prophesy: ​​such and such a time would pass, and the Queen would die, and he even indicated what kind of death. No matter how far Solovki were from St. Petersburg, Abel’s word soon reached the Secret Chancellery. A request to the abbot, and the abbot, without thinking twice, sent Abel to St. Petersburg, and in St. Petersburg the conversation was short: they took and imprisoned the prophet in the fortress... When Abel’s prophecy was fulfilled exactly and the new Sovereign, Pavel Petrovich, learned about him, then, soon after his accession to the Throne, he ordered that Abel be presented before his royal eyes. They took Abel out of the fortress and led him to the King.

“Yours,” says the Tsar, “is the truth.” I love you. Now tell me: what awaits me and my reign?

Your kingdom,” Abel answered, “will be like nothing: neither you will be happy, nor will you be happy, and you will not die a natural death.”

Abel’s words did not come to the mind of the Tsar, and the monk had to go back to the fortress straight from the palace... But the trace of this prophecy remained in the heart of the Heir to the Throne, Alexander Pavlovich. When these words of Abel came true, he again had to make the same journey from the fortress to the royal palace.

“I forgive you,” the Emperor told him, “just tell me, what will my reign be like?”

The French will burn your Moscow (1), - answered Abel and again went from the palace to the fortress... They burned Moscow, went to Paris, indulged in glory... They again remembered Abel and ordered to give him freedom. Then they remembered him again, they wanted to ask about something, but Abel, wise by experience, left no trace of himself: they never found the prophet<...>

This is how Fr. finished his story. N. about the Solovetsky monk Abel.

About the monk Abel, I have the following written down from other sources: The monk Abel lived in the second half of the 18th century and in the first half of the 19th century. There is evidence of him in historical materials as a seer who predicted major state events of his time. By the way, ten years before the French invasion, he predicted their occupation of Moscow. For this prediction and for many others, monk Abel paid with imprisonment. Throughout his long life - he lived for more than 80 years - Abel spent 21 years in prison for making predictions. During the days of Alexander I, he spent more than 10 years in Solovetsky prison. He was known to: Catherine II, Paul I, Alexander I and Nicholas I. They either imprisoned him for predictions, then released him again, wanting to know the future. Abel had many admirers among the nobility of his day. By the way, he was in correspondence with Paraskeva Andreevna Potemkina. To one of her letters asking her to reveal the future, Abel responded like this: “It is said that if the monk Abel begins to prophesy out loud to people, or to whom to write on charters, then take those people and Abel himself into secret and keep them in prisons or jails under strong guard. ..." I agreed, Abel writes further, "nowadays it is better not to know anything, but to be free, rather than to know, but to be in prisons and under captivity." But Abel did not remain abstinent for long and prophesied something during the reign of Nikolai Pavlovich , who, as can be seen from the decree of the Holy Synod of August 27, 1826, ordered Abel to be caught and imprisoned “for humility” in the Suzdal Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery. In this monastery, it must be assumed, the seer ended his life.

In another letter to Potemkina, Abel informed her that he had composed several books for her, which he promised to send soon. “These books,” writes Abel, “are not with me. They are kept in a secret place. These books of mine are amazing and amazing, and those books of mine are worthy of surprise and horror. And they can only be read by those who trust in the Lord God.”

They say that many ladies, considering Abel a saint, went to him to inquire about suitors for their daughters. He replied that he was not a seer and that he predicted only what he was commanded from above.

The Life and Sufferings of Father and Monk Abel has reached our time; it was published somewhere in a timely edition, but due to censorship conditions in such an abbreviated form that everything relating to high-ranking officials was crossed out.

According to this “Life”, monk Abel was born in 1755 in the Aleksinsky district of the Tula province. He was a farrier by profession, but “you don’t pay much attention to this (about farriery”). Yet his attention was directed to the divine and to the destinies of God. “The man” Abel “was simple, without any training, and had a gloomy appearance.” He began to wander around Russia, and then settled in the Valaam Monastery, but lived there only for a year and then “took the blessing from the abbot and went into the desert,” where he began “to add labor to labor and feat to feat.” “Lord God allow great and great temptations to befall him. Many dark spirits are attacking him.” Abel overcame all this, and for that “the unknown and secret Lord told him” about what would happen to the whole world. Then two certain spirits took Abel and said to him: “Be you the new Adam and the ancient father, and write what you have seen, and say what you have heard. But do not tell everyone and do not write to everyone, but only to my chosen ones and only to my saints.” From that time on, Abel began to prophesy. He returned to the Valaam Monastery, but after living there for a short time, he began to move from monastery to monastery, until he settled in the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery of the Kostroma Diocese, on the Volga. There he wrote his first book, “wise and wise.”

Abel showed this book to the abbot, and he took him and the book to the consistory. From the consistory he was sent to the bishop, and the bishop said to Abel: “This book of yours is written with the death penalty,” and sent the book with the author to the provincial government. The governor, having familiarized himself with the book, ordered Abel to be imprisoned. From the Kostroma prison, Abel was sent under guard to St. Petersburg. They reported him to the “Commander-in-Chief of the Senate,” General Samoilov. He read in the book that Abel predicted the sudden death of the then reigning Catherine II in a year, hit him in the face for this and said: “How did you, evil head, dare to write such words against an earthly god?” Abel answered: “God taught me how to make secrets!” The general thought that he was just a holy fool and put him in prison, but still reported him to the Empress.

Abel spent about a year in prison until Catherine died. He would have stayed longer, but his book caught the eye of Prince Kurakin, who was amazed at the accuracy of the prediction and gave the book to Emperor Paul to read. Abel was released and taken to the Palace to the Emperor, who asked for the blessing of the seer:

Master Father, bless me and my whole house, so that your blessing may be for our good.

Abel blessed. “The Emperor asked him in confidence what would happen to him,” and then settled him in the Nevsky Lavra. But Abel soon left there for the Valaam Monastery and there he wrote a second book, similar to the first. He showed it to the treasurer, and he sent it to the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg The Metropolitan read the book and sent it to the “secret chamber where important secrets and state documents." They reported about the book to the Emperor, who saw in the book a prophecy about his imminent tragic death. Abel was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Abel stayed in the Peter and Paul Fortress for about a year until he died, according to the prediction. Emperor Pavel. After his death, Abel was released, but not to freedom, but under supervision at the Solovetsky Monastery, by order of Emperor Alexander I.

Then Abel received complete freedom, but did not enjoy it for long. He wrote a third book, in which he predicted that Moscow would be taken by the French in 1812 and burned. The higher authorities inquired about this prediction and put Abel in the Solovetsky prison with the following command: “He will be there until his prophetic predictions come true.”

Abel had to spend 10 years and 10 months in Solovetsky prison, in terrible conditions.

Moscow was finally taken by Napoleon, and in September 1812, Alexander I remembered Abel and ordered Prince A.N. Golitsyn write an order to Solovki to release Abel. The order said: “If he is alive and well, he would come to us in St. Petersburg; we want to see him and talk to him about something.” The letter arrived in Solovki on October 1, but the Solovetsky Archimandrite, fearing that Abel would tell the Tsar about his (the Archimandrite’s) “dirty actions,” wrote that Abel was sick, although he was healthy. Only in 1813 was Abel able to appear from Solovki to Golitsyn, who “was very glad to see him” and began to “ask him about the destinies of God.” And Abel told him “everything from the beginning of centuries to the end.”

Then Abel began to go to monasteries again, until during the reign of Nikolai Pavlovich he was caught by order of the authorities and imprisoned in the Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery in Suzdal, where, in all likelihood, he died (2).

Pyotr Nikolaevich Shabelsky-Bork (1896-1952)(3) in the early 1930s, under the pseudonym Kiribeevich, he published the “historical legend” “The Prophetic Monk”: “A soft light was poured into the hall. In the rays of the dying sunset, biblical motifs seemed to come to life on tapestries embroidered with gold and silver. The magnificent parquet of Guarengi shone with its graceful lines, silence and solemnity reigned all around.

The gaze of Emperor Pavel Petrovich met the meek eyes of the monk Abel standing before him. They, like a mirror, reflected love, peace and joy.

The emperor immediately fell in love with this mysterious monk, all covered in humility, fasting and prayer. His insight has long been widely rumored. Both commoners and noble nobles went to his cell in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and no one left him without consolation and prophetic advice. Emperor Pavel Petrovich was also aware of how Abel accurately predicted the day of death of his August Mother, the now deceased Empress Catherine Alekseevna. And yesterday, when it came to the prophetic Abel, His Majesty deigned to order that tomorrow he should be deliberately delivered to the Gatchina Palace, where the Court was staying.

Smiling affectionately, Emperor Pavel Petrovich graciously turned to the monk Abel with the question of how long ago he took monastic vows and in which monasteries he had been.

Honest father! - said the Emperor. - They talk about you, and I myself see that the grace of God clearly rests on you. What can you say about my reign and my fate? What do you see with perspicacious eyes about my Family in the darkness of centuries and about the Russian State? Name my successors on the Russian Throne, and predict their fate.

Eh, Father the Tsar! - Abel shook his head. -Why do you force me to predict sorrow for yourself? Your reign will be short, and I see your cruel, sinful end. You will suffer martyrdom at the hands of Sophronius of Jerusalem from unfaithful servants; you will be strangled in your bedchamber by the villains whom you warm in your royal bosom. On Holy Saturday they will bury you... They, these villains, trying to justify their great sin of regicide, will declare you insane, will revile your good memory... But the Russian people with their truthful soul will understand and appreciate you and will bear their sorrows to your tomb , asking for your intercession and softening the hearts of the unrighteous and cruel. The number of your years is like counting the letters of the saying on the pediment of your castle, in which there is truly a promise about your Royal House: “To this house befits the stronghold of the Lord for the length of the days”...

“You’re right about this,” said Emperor Pavel Petrovich. -I received this motto in a special revelation, together with the command to erect a Cathedral in the name of the Holy Archangel Michael, where the Mikhailovsky Castle is now erected. I dedicated both the castle and the church to the Leader of the Heavenly Hosts...

I see in it your premature tomb, Blessed Sovereign. And as you think, it will not be the residence of your descendants. About the fate of the Russian State, there was a revelation to me in prayer about three fierce yokes: Tatar, Polish and the future one - the Jewish one (4).

What? Holy Rus' under the Jewish yoke? This will not be forever! - Emperor Pavel Petrovich frowned angrily. -You're talking nonsense, black man...

Where are the Tatars, Your Imperial Majesty? Where are the Poles? And the same will happen with the Jewish yoke. Don’t be sad about this, Father Tsar: the Christ-killers will bear their toll...

What awaits my successor? Tsarevich Alexander?

The Frenchman will burn Moscow down in his presence, and he will take Paris from him and call him Blessed. But the royal crown will seem heavy to him, and he will replace the feat of royal service with the feat of fasting and prayer and will be righteous in the eyes of God...

And who will succeed Emperor Alexander?

Your son Nikolai...

How? Alexander will not have a son. Then Tsarevich Konstantin...

Constantine will not want to reign, remembering your fate... The beginning of the reign of your son Nicholas will begin with the Voltairian rebellion, and this will be a malevolent seed, a destructive seed for Russia, if not for the grace of God covering Russia. A hundred years after that, the House of the Most Holy Theotokos will become impoverished, and the Russian State will turn into an abomination of desolation.

After my son Nicholas, who will be on the Russian Throne?

Your grandson, Alexander II, destined to be the Tsar-Liberator. He will fulfill your plan - he will free the peasants, and then he will beat the Turks and also give the Slavs freedom from the yoke of the infidel. The Jews will not forgive him for his great deeds, they will begin to hunt him, they will kill him in the middle of a clear day, in the capital of a loyal subject with the hands of renegades. Like you, he will seal the feat of his service with royal blood...

Is it then that the Jewish yoke you spoke about will begin?

Not yet. The Tsar-Liberator is succeeded by the Tsar-Peacemaker, his son, and Your great-grandson, Alexander the Third. His reign will be glorious. He will besiege the accursed sedition, he will restore peace and order.

To whom will he pass on the royal inheritance?

Nicholas the Second-Holy Tsar, like Job the Long-Suffering (5).

He will replace the royal crown with a crown of thorns; he will be betrayed by his people; as the Son of God once was. There will be a war, a great war, a world war... People will fly through the air like birds, swim under the water like fish, and begin to destroy each other with foul-smelling sulfur. Treason will grow and multiply. On the eve of victory, the Royal Throne will collapse. Blood and tears will water the damp earth. A man with an ax will take power in madness, and the Egyptian execution will truly come... The prophetic Abel wept bitterly and quietly continued through his tears:

And then the Jew will scourge the Russian Land like a scorpion, plunder its Shrines, close the Churches of God, execute the best people Russians. This is God’s permission, the wrath of the Lord for Russia’s renunciation of the Holy Tsar. Scripture testifies to Him. Psalms nineteen, twentieth and ninetieth revealed to me his whole fate.

“Now I know that the Lord, having saved His Christ, will hear Him from His Holy Heaven; His right hand has the power to save Him.”

“Great is the glory of him through Thy salvation; place glory and splendor upon him.” “Seven are with him in tribulation, I will destroy him, and I will glorify him; I will fill him with length of days, and I will show him My salvation” (PS. 19:7; 20:b; 90:15-16).

Alive in the help of the Most High, He will sit on the Throne of Glory. And His royal brother is the one about whom it was revealed to the Prophet Daniel: “And at that time Michael will arise, the great prince who stands for the sons of your people...” (Dan. 12:1)

Russian hopes will come true. On Sofia, in Constantinople, the Orthodox Cross will shine, Holy Rus' will be filled with the smoke of incense and prayers and will flourish, like a heavenly crimson..."

A prophetic fire of unearthly power burned in the eyes of Abel the Prophetic. Then one of the setting rays of the sun fell on him, and in the disk of light his prophecy arose in immutable truth.

Emperor Pavel Petrovich was deep in thought. Abel stood motionless. Silent invisible threads stretched between the monarch and the monk. Emperor Pavel Petrovich raised his head, and deep royal experiences were reflected in his eyes, looking into the distance, as if through the curtain of the future.

You say that the Jewish yoke will hang over my Russia in a hundred years. My great-grandfather, Peter the Great, about the fate of my rivers is the same as you. I also consider it good for everything that I now prophesied about my descendant Nicholas the Second to precede him, so that the Book of Fates would open before him. May the great-great-grandson know his way of the cross, the glory of his passions and long-suffering...

Seal, reverend father, what you have said, put everything in writing, I will put your prediction in a special casket, I will put my seal, and until my great-great-grandson your writing will be inviolably kept here, in the office of my Gatchina palace. Go, Abel, and pray tirelessly in your cell for me, my Family and the happiness of our State.

And, having placed the presented writing of Avelevo in an envelope, he deigned to write on it with his own hand:

"To reveal to Our Descendant on the hundredth anniversary of My death."

On March 11, 1901, on the centennial anniversary of the martyrdom of his great-great-grandfather, Emperor Pavel Petrovich of blessed memory, after the funeral liturgy in the Peter and Paul Cathedral at his tomb, Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, accompanied by the Minister of the Imperial Court, Adjutant General Baron Fredericks (soon granted the title of count) and other members of the Retinue, deigned to arrive at the Gatchina Palace to fulfill the will of his deceased ancestor in Bose.

The funeral service was touching. The Peter and Paul Cathedral was full of worshipers. Not only the sewing of uniforms sparkled here, not only dignitaries were present. There were plenty of peasant's homespuns and simple scarves, and the tomb of Emperor Pavel Petrovich was covered in candles and fresh flowers. These candles, these flowers were from believers in the miraculous help and intercession of the deceased Tsar for his descendants and the entire Russian people. The prophetic Abel’s prediction came true that the people would especially honor the memory of the Tsar-Martyr and would flock to His Tomb, asking for intercession, asking for the softening of the hearts of the unrighteous and cruel.

The Sovereign Emperor opened the casket and read several times the legend of Abel the Prophet about his fate and that of Russia. He already knew his thorny fate, he knew that it was not for nothing that he was born on the day of Job the Long-Suffering. He knew how much he would have to endure on his sovereign shoulders, he knew about the upcoming bloody wars, unrest and great upheavals of the Russian State. His heart sensed that damned black year when he would be deceived, betrayed and abandoned by everyone..."

1) Famous modern literary critic D. Urnov, in one of his books published in the “Fiery Revolutionaries” series, reports that back in 1800 in the USA, the engineer and painter Fulton received an order for the panorama “The Burning of Moscow”. Such obsessions with the chosen victim have been known for a long time, but who can collect... - Comp.

2) Information about the monk Abel, collected by S.A. Nilus, were recently confirmed by the publication of materials stored in “one of the central archives of Moscow” of the investigative case of 1796. Peasant Vasily Vasiliev (that was the name of the seer in the world) was born in 1757 in the village of Okulovo, Tula province, and died in the Suzdal Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery in 1841 ("Lit. Russia", 11.9.1992, p. 14)

3) Officer of the Russian Imperial Army, monarchist, participant in the First World War. Participated in an attempt to liberate the Royal Family from Yekaterinburg imprisonment ("Ray of Light", Berlin, 1919. Book 1. P. 25), in an act of retaliation (already in exile) against Milyukov (another Freemason Duma V.D. Nabokov was killed - the writer's father). Author of numerous historical research about the past of Russia, mainly the reign of Paul I, about whose time he collected a rich collection of rarities (which disappeared during the Second World War in Berlin, where he then lived). After the war, Pyotr Nikolaevich moved to Argentina and lived in Buenos Aires. - Comp.

4) Folk poetry did not exclude the action of these forces even during the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century. Addressing the residents of Nizhny Novgorod, Kuzma Minin said:

"We will free Mother Moscow from the wicked Jews,
Wicked Jews, evil Poles!"

Archpriest Sergius Bulgakov (winter 1941-1942):“Jewishness in its lowest degeneration, predation, lust for power, conceit and all sorts of self-affirmation through Bolshevism has accomplished, if - in comparison with the Tatar yoke - a short chronological period (although a quarter of a century is not a short period for such torment), then the most significant in its consequences were violence against Russia and especially against Holy Russia,” which was an attempt to spiritually and physically strangle it. In this objective sense, this was an attempt to spiritually murder Russia, which, by mercy, ended up with unsuitable means, the Lord had mercy and saved our homeland from spiritual death. Satan, who alternately entered the souls of the apostles closest to Christ, Judas Peter, then the leaders of Judaism and, through them, the soul of the entire fallen Jewish people, is now once again trying to kill the destiny of Christ on earth - Holy Russia. He seeks and finds a weapon for himself. in the Bolshevik-Jewish power and in its insane audacity to baptize our homeland spiritually" - Comp.

5) This and other predictions undoubtedly predetermined the behavior of Nicholas II right up to the martyrdom that he foresaw. The French ambassador to the Russian Court, Maurice Paleologue, wrote: “It was in 1909. One day Stolypin proposed an important measure to the Emperor domestic policy. Having listened thoughtfully to him, Nicholas II makes a skeptical, carefree movement, a movement that seems to say: “Whether it’s this or something else, it doesn’t matter?!” Finally he says in a tone of deep sadness:

I, Pyotr Arkadyevich, do not succeed in anything I undertake. Stolypin protests. Then the King asks him:

Have you read the lives of the Saints?

Yes, at least in part, since, if I am not mistaken, this work contains about twenty volumes.

Do you also know when my birthday is?

What Saint's holiday is on this day?

Sorry, Sir, I don’t remember!

Job the Long-Suffering.

God bless! Your Majesty's reign ends with glory, since Job, having humbly endured the most terrible trials, was rewarded with God's blessing and prosperity.

No, believe me, Pyotr Arkadyevich, I have more than a presentiment, I have deep confidence in this: I am doomed to terrible trials; but I will not receive my reward here on earth. How many times have I applied the words of Job to myself: “For the terrible things that I was afraid of have befallen me, and the things that I feared have come to me” (Job 3:25). - Comp.

Based on the book by S. Fomin “Russia before the Second Coming.”

Since ancient times, every royal, princely or imperial court in mandatory contained a court astrologer, numerologist or fortuneteller, who studied stellar trajectories, compiled and observed secret signs in order to recommend to the ruler the most favorable time for marriage, the beginning of military campaigns, the appointment of new ministers and other important state affairs.

The history of the Slavic countries is no exception. A long time ago, there lived in our lands a monk named Abel, who was famous for being able to foresee the events of future days. He wrote down his revelations in a treatise called the Terrible Book,” and warned the rulers against tragic events. Few kings are able to calmly accept a warning about death or defeat, so Abel spent most of his life in captivity - the time that the monk lived in prison is estimated at more than two decades.

However, the fact that the kings ignored Abel's prophecies did not affect the power of his foresight. Archival documents record that he was able to see the events of 1917, warned about Napoleon’s military aggression and that the House of Romanov would fall, and also saw the events of World War II. Some researchers say that even such famous predictors as Rasputin and Nemchin made their predictions based on the monk’s texts. Let's talk about this interesting personality Let’s take a little more detail and find out what Abel predicted for 2018.

Information from the life of monk Abel

The small homeland of the fortuneteller is the village of Akulovo, located in the Tula region. It was there, in a simple peasant family, that a boy appeared in 1757, whom his parents named Vasily. Vasily’s youth passed quite normally - until he turned twenty-eight, he plowed, sowed, looked after livestock, got a wife and children. A complete surprise for all the relatives of the future predictor was that one fine day he announced his desire to go to the Valaam monastic monastery.

As was said, so it was done - Vasily took monastic vows, renouncing earthly affairs and worldly vanity. After a year spent in prayer and novitiate, the monk decided to become a hermit, secluded on a deserted island. After spending some time as a hermit on the island of Valaam, the monk discovered the gift of seeing the events of future days. According to the records of Abel himself, it was like this: one day he had a vision and heard a voice coming from heaven. The voice commanded Abel to follow him.

Abel could not resist this order, went where the invisible guide told him, and found an ancient manuscript, on the pages of which were written predictions about the fate of the world and Russia. The voice ordered the monk to read the book, remember the information contained in it, and then tell all people about the future. To accomplish this mission, the monk left the secluded island and went traveling. He stopped only at the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery to write the first of his books about the future.

In this volume, Abel described the fate of the Russian Empire, predicting Empress Catherine would have 40 years on the throne, and wrote that Paul would be her successor. Catherine, having learned about the monk’s predictions, became furious and ordered him to be put in prison. The reason for the empress’s anger is understandable - that year the term allotted to her by Abel to rule was just ending. The monk did not sit in prison for very long - the prophecy about the death of the empress came true, and Paul, who began to rule the country, decided to meet Abel and release him from prison.

All his life the monk suffered because of his predictions about the future of rulers

The liberated monk, following the command of a voice from heaven, returned to his monastery on Valaam Island to write a second book about the future of the country and the world. The second volume of his works came out even more ominous than the first - Paul was predicted to have a very short reign and death at the hands of a close person. The emperor changed his mercy to anger and ordered the monk to be put in prison. When the emperor died, the monk was sent to the distant Solovetsky Monastery so that he would not tell people about the prophecies and bring confusion into their minds.

Within the walls of the new monastery, Abel prepared another volume of predictions - on the pages of the manuscript he described the war with Napoleon. Alexander I, reigning at that time, again sent the seer into captivity, releasing him only when French troops invaded the country. The ruler demanded that Abel be brought before his eyes, but Prince Golitsyn, having decided to first find out about the monk’s new predictions, was so frightened that he did not take him with him to the capital.

He sent Abel on a pilgrimage to holy places, strictly forbidding him to voice his predictions. Only after many years did it become known what frightened the prince so much - the monk predicted the coming of Emperor Nicholas I, and then the fall of the Romanov House. After the pilgrimage, Abel was again thrown into prison walls, where he ended his days. Researchers of the prophet's life say that he was able to foresee the day of his own death.

The fate of Abel's books

The works written by the monk subsequently mysteriously disappeared. Researchers who are trying to find these manuscripts say that the Bolsheviks who replaced the royal family were so afraid of revealing Abel’s predictions to the people that they hid the volumes behind seven seals. Only the fall of Bolshevik power and the collapse of the Union contributed to the fact that some of the information about the prophecies went beyond the government corridors.

And even then, all the forecasts that have survived to this day have been preserved only in the form of fragmentary information from archives and short memos. But it is impossible to see the volumes live - some say that they were burned by order of one of the emperors, others claim that Stalin ordered the destruction of Abel’s books, and still others believe that books about the future are being studied by the current rulers of the country, who keep them secret archives of Lubyanka.

Monk Abel predicted many important events, including the collapse of the USSR

Abel's predictions about the future of the Russian Federation

According to rumors and fragmentary information that researchers of the monk’s life were able to obtain, Abel quite accurately described the events associated with the collapse of the Union, the coming to power of Boris Yeltsin, and then the transfer of power. Of course, it is unlikely that the monk was able to accurately indicate the names and verbal portraits of the rulers of the future, but he wrote that Russia would be ruled by a “second” Boris, whom he called a giant titan.

According to the monk, during the reign of this Boris the state will find itself in distress. Abel predicted Boris' sudden departure from the political scene, and named his successor a short man who would come to power three times. In general, interpreters of information about the monk and his works say that Abel predicted a special mission for the Russian state - it was this country that should play the role of a stronghold of the Orthodox faith and spirituality.

If we talk about the near future, the monk had a forecast about the time when Vladimir Putin will cease to be president. The monk saw that there would be turmoil in the country and that 10 rulers would appear for an hour. Abel's predictions spoke of a certain faceless sword-bearer who would shed blood, a man with damaged skin (some argue that Zyuganov meets this characteristic) and a marked man (it is believed that we are talking about Gorbachev here, although lately he has not been distinguished political activity).

The important figures who will decide the fate of Russia after Putin's departure will be a certain "lame" who will go to great lengths to seize power, a certain lady with golden hair and three chariots, as well as a man he nicknamed "The Great Potter." By the way, Vasily Nemchin also saw the last figure, and he called this person with exactly the same phrase. So, it may well be that the prophets saw a truly correct vision (or those who consider Nemchin to be the person who presented Abel’s prophecies as his own are right).

The monk predicted the emergence of a leader who would lead Russia to prosperity

“Gonchar” will eventually end the unrest - Russia will reach new round development, spirituality will increase, and people will live in peace and prosperity. Interpreters say that for the period 2017-2018 the monk predicted a sharp impoverishment of the people of the country, thus speaking about

Abel, the famous monk, nicknamed "Prophetic One", who predicted the fall of the Romanov dynasty, still remains very mysterious person. He described “from start to finish” the entire history of the Russian state, the revolution, the civil war, the Great Patriotic War, and so on. In retold dialogues with royalty and in excerpts from “books,” Abel named names and practically exact dates, which is usually uncharacteristic of prophets. How did he make his predictions and, most importantly, what else remained unknown to us, our descendants? Does Russia have a happy future, or...

Monk Abel, in the world - Vasily Vasiliev. He was born on March 18, 1757 in the village of Akulovo, Tula region, into a peasant family, worked as a carpenter, got married, then abandoned his wife and children and fled to the monastery, to the Valaam monastery, where in 1785 he took monastic vows. He soon left the monastery, wandered around the world for some time, then found a new refuge in the Nikolo-Babaevsky monastery of the Kostroma diocese.

Abel's biography is known very well, because all his movements are recorded in church books and criminal cases. Came then and then, left then and then, was tonsured then and there - no doubts arise. There is also great confidence that he actually wrote some books, although not a single one has reached our time in its entirety.

In general, there were many adventures in Abel’s life. During his life he changed at least six monasteries and a dozen prisons. Because for every successful prediction, the authorities considered it necessary to lock up the monk with an intemperate tongue.

Catherine II

So, in 1796, he wrote a small book in which, among other things, he stated that Catherine II would die in early November, after which he decided to show the document to the abbot of the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery. He handed over the “case” to Bishop Pavel of Kostroma and Galicia. The latter had Abel stripped of his hair for blasphemous deeds (declaring himself a clairvoyant), and then, not knowing what to do with the newly-minted prophet, handed him over to the governor of the Kostroma region. As a result, the matter came to the empress herself, who, for such words, ordered by personal decree that Vasily be imprisoned in the Shlisselburg "Oreshek".

On November 6, 1796, Catherine II died. The new Prosecutor General of the Senate, Kurakin, while sorting through the documents of his predecessor, came across a “book of predictions,” ordered the release of the prophetic monk and brought him personally to Emperor Paul I. To the last Vasily I liked it. It is not known what they talked about, but already on December 14, by personal decree of Paul, the undressed man was released from all charges and allowed to become a monk again. He goes to Valaam, where he immediately writes a new “book of predictions”, in which he accurately indicates the date of Paul’s own death.

Paul I

History repeated itself one after another. Abel showed the prediction to the abbot, who passed it on to the secular authorities, and on May 12, 1800, Abel, by personal order of the emperor, was imprisoned in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress. All the decrees, by the way, have been preserved, so here, too, the monk’s adventures are easy to track. After the death of Paul in 1801, the monk was released and sent to Solovki without the right to leave the monastery.

War of 1812

At Solovki, Abel again could not resist and wrote another prediction that ten years later, in 1812, Moscow would be taken by French troops. History repeated itself: this time Emperor Alexander I, by personal decree, sent the restless prophet to the island prison of Solovki, where he lived for all ten years. Just before Napoleon's invasion. Alexander was forced to cancel the monk's punishment and release him from captivity.

In October 1812, Alexander I ordered “...the monk Abel must be released from the Solovetsky Monastery and given him a passport to all Russian cities and monasteries. And so that he is happy with everything, the dress and the money.” From this time on, Abel's prosperity began. He becomes famous. High officials, counts and princes go to him for predictions. He will even benefit some.

He is honored by the Potemkin family and other famous families. He refrained from making risky predictions until 1826, when he once again foolishly predicted a bad future for the newly-minted Emperor Nicholas I.

Nicholas I

He sent him to the prison department of the Suzdal Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery. Abel spent the rest of his life in prisons and died in 1841.

Death of the dynasty in 1918

There is a version according to which some of the messages that Abel intended for his descendants were sealed by Tsar Paul I in a chest. The memoirs of Chief Camerfrau Goeringer have been preserved, which say that in 1901 the royal couple of Nicholas II went to Gatchina in order to reveal some family secret. But when they returned, they were very upset, and the tsar began to mention 1918 more and more often.

Abel predicted the end of the royal dynasty precisely in 1918; he said that Nicholas would be sacrificed for all the recklessness of the people. It is also known that in 1903 the Tsar was given a sealed envelope with the predictions of Seraphim of Sarov. After reading this letter, the sovereign “sorrowed and cried” for a long time.

Perhaps it was this series of sad predictions that can explain the apathy of Nicholas II in the last years of his life - he knew about his fate. Abel accurately predicted the dates of the reign and death of many Russian tsars.

Nicholas II with his family. Photo: Scherl

"Godless Yoke"

It was in conversations with Paul I that Abel revealed the fate of Russia to the Tsar. He predicted the long-suffering death of Nicholas II. But what the elder saw after the death of the emperor made him grieve and cry. In the prophecy, Abel says that rivers of blood will spill throughout Russia. "Brother will rise up against brother."

Abel also speaks of a ruler who will close and destroy churches and destroy the faith.

According to the seer, everything that will happen in Russia at this time is “God’s permission.” All adversities and troubles that shake the state will be given to the people as punishment for the fact that they have renounced their king. But this is not all misfortune, in the West “The New Batu will raise his hand” and one war will be worse than the other.

We now understand that Abel predicted the First and Second World Wars. At the same time, the elder also asserted that the people “between fire and flame” would not be destroyed and would triumph over all adversities.

Anastasia Romanova

According to Abel's predictions, not all royal family should have died. He predicted that the child who would be born in 1901, i.e. Anastasia Romanova will have to save Russia, which is on the verge of ruin and poverty. Abel translated the name of Anastasia as “Resurrected” (in Greek, Anastasia means “resurrected”), in his opinion, even the name of this girl was symbolic.

Princess Anastasia.

Abel advised the rulers of Russia to put money and property in Western “Stores” so that later it would be these funds that would “revive Russia and make it a prosperous country.” The Romanov family knew about this prediction and from childhood Anastasia was raised as a child who must save the Fatherland.

End of the world

Abel predicts that the troubles in Rus' will stop when the “chosen one of God” heads the state, and the Russian people themselves “smell” and understand that this man has appeared. The seer also says that “his name is destined three times over for Russian History.”

However, Abel also predicts that there will be two impostors who will be able to sit on the “throne”, but not the “royal one”. The “Royal Throne” is reserved only for the ruler chosen by God, in whom “is the salvation and happiness of the Russian state.” The fortuneteller also predicts the great future of Russia, the spread of the Orthodox faith. Abel warns: " Great Destiny intended for Russia." However, the elder did not reveal the name of this saving sovereign, saying that it was impossible to talk about him until the time had come “for the sake of fear of dark power.”

All the prophecies of the predictor Abel end in the year 2896, when, in his opinion, the End of the World should come.

A number of criminal cases were opened against Abel. As evidence, five “books” were attached to the cases, that is, bound notebooks with predictions of 40-50 sheets each. There are a number of decrees - either about imprisoning Abel or about releasing him. Not a single book has survived to this day, but the passages copied into other documents are amazing.

Perhaps the story of Abel is the strangest. His life is known almost day by day, his predictions are recorded, and they are accurate. Who was Abel? A skilled swindler? A real soothsayer? History doesn't know the answer.

On March 11, 1901, Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna arrived at the Gatchina Palace, approached the treasured box, broke the seals with the coat of arms of Empress Maria Feodorovna, Nicholas’s great-great-grandmother, and pulled out the paper lying there. The Emperor deepened his reading...

Save, God, from Spaso-Efimiya!

The name of monk Abel is surrounded by a trail of legends and rumors. But it is known for sure that the fate of the humble monk was dealt with by the highest-ranking officials of the empire and, of course, emperors - from Catherine II to Nicholas I. It is certain that in 1826, by order of Nicholas I, Abel was imprisoned “for humility” in the Spaso-Efimev Monastery , where he died in the fall of 1831.

The name of this Suzdal monastery made me shiver. There was one of the most terrible prisons in Russia, where the most terrible criminals were languished in narrow stone bags: sexual perverts, madmen with dangerous “anti-state delusions”, and later - some of the Decembrists. There Monk Abel ended up, who was neither a pervert, nor a madman, nor a revolutionary. But he was known as a prophet, and this was a crime.

The authorities looked with distrust at various kinds of seers and. They were dragged to torture, and after a couple of “sessions of frankness” the clairvoyants suddenly “saw the light” and admitted that “out of thoughtlessness they had all lied.”

This doesn’t happen to every Vasiliev

Abel (in the world - peasant Vasily Vasiliev) was born in the Tula province in 1757 and lived in his village for almost 30 years, but then suddenly left his family and took monastic vows on Valaam. Having taken monastic vows, he suddenly acquired an extraordinary gift, began to prophesy and retold and presented these prophecies in his three brochures - he was literate.

Abel’s trouble as a soothsayer was that he shared his knowledge not just with everyone he met, but only with the sovereigns - he mercilessly drove away the rest of the curious. Abel’s gift, on the one hand, aroused distrust in him, suggested that he, like many rogues, wanted to be a court soothsayer, a sorcerer - such people were worth their weight in gold, and their word frightened the most powerful rulers.

But, on the other hand, we note that his revelations did not arouse the love of the powers that be for him. He did not hesitate to tell his purple-born “clients” such terrible things that after each revelation he was thrown into prison, in which he spent a third of his life. Only towards the end of his earthly journey, after the “rebellious”, bloody accession to the throne of Nicholas I in December 1825, which he predicted, did Abel decide to remain silent forever and follow the principle: “Be wise, but be silent more.” In 1826, Abel even fled from the monastery, where he had lived since 1823, fearing a call to the new sovereign, Nicholas I. But the monk gave his address to an acquaintance, and then the authorities found him and dragged him to Suzdal...

What did he predict that the powers that be treated him so unkindly? Abel began by writing his first handwritten book in the mid-1790s, in which he predicted the imminent death of Catherine II, indicated the exact date of her sudden death and predicted that the throne would pass to her son Paul (although the empress, not loving her son, prepared a will in favor of her grandson, Alexander). The elder's manuscript reached the capital, the Chief Prosecutor of the Synod himself beat him in the tinsel, threatened him with fierce executions, and the Empress ordered him to be stripped and imprisoned in the Shlisselburg fortress.

What will it be like there under nadide?

Paul I, who ascended the throne after sudden death mother on the day indicated by Abel, affectionately accepted the seer’s disrobation in December 1796. But the elder did not please the new sovereign and predicted his death on March 11: “From the unfaithful servants... you will be strangled in the bedchamber by the villains whom you warm on your royal chest.” Paul, restraining himself, began to ask him about what awaited his descendants. Perhaps the sovereign was motivated by the inherent curiosity of people - in the Persian language there is a word nadide, meaning great-great-grandson, and it is translated as “the one you cannot see.”

From the speech of the monk, the tsar learned that under his heir Alexander I there would be a big war, the Russians would take Paris, that the tsar “will find the royal crown heavy and will replace the feat of service with the feat of fasting and prayer.” Then it will be not the children of Alexander I (who will not exist) or the next brother Constantine who will be in power, but Nicholas I, whose reign “will begin with a fight.” After him, Paul’s grandson Alexander II will come to the throne, who will give freedom to the serfs, free the Slavs of the Balkans, the rebels will start hunting for him and one day they will kill him during the day, in the middle of the capital.

Paul's great-grandson will be Alexander III. This is a time of calm, and then the same nadide will come to power - Emperor Nicholas II, who “will replace the royal crown with a crown of thorns.” Under him, a great war will begin, and people will fly like birds in the sky and swim under water like fish, and they will choke each other with the foul-smelling gray, and on the eve of victory in this war the royal throne will collapse, and “a man with an ax will take there is power in madness.” The kingdom of godlessness will come, and “the new Batu in the west will raise his hand” against Russia.

Paul personally wrote down all these prophecies of the elder on paper as a “Letter to a Descendant,” sealed them in an envelope and signed the envelope so that the envelope would be opened a hundred years after his, Paul’s, death. The emperor's widow Maria Feodorovna put the “Letter to a Descendant” in a cypress casket, which was opened by Emperor Nicholas II on March 11, 1901...

Sit until the prophecy comes true

Paul released the elder and allowed him to take monastic vows again under the name Abel, with which he went down in history. But still, in May 1800, he was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress, as one historian wrote, “to wait for March 11, 1801.” After this fateful day for Paul, Abel was immediately released from the fortress in order to be sent even further - to Solovki.

But a voice from heaven did not give Abel peace, and in 1802 he wrote a new book in which he predicted the invasion of the French and the fire of Moscow. The prophecy was reported to Alexander I, and he ordered Abel to be imprisoned in a monastery prison. This time Abel had to wait 10 years until the fire of Moscow illuminated his exit from prison. In December 1812, Abel was released - facts, as we know, are stubborn things.

Abel was pardoned (note that he was not rehabilitated, but pardoned). But still they respected him - they issued him a passport “for free passage, also allowing him to choose for his stay the monastery he wishes.” Of course, no one apologized to him for the years lost in captivity - the authorities do not recognize such sentimentality and humanitarian nonsense: get out of here, old man, quickly and be glad that you haven’t been crushed into dust yet!

Freedom to wander along dusty roads

But Abel needed freedom, and he went to holy places from one monastery to another in a crowd of the same “enchanted wanderers.” During these blessed two years, the elder saw a lot of things, visited Constantinople, Jerusalem, prayed for famous mountain Athos. But in 1814, trouble happened to him - he lost his passport and turned to the chief prosecutor for a duplicate, who reported this to Emperor Alexander.

The reader may draw attention to the highest level of decision-making to issue an ordinary passport to some simple monk. It turns out that the sovereign was dissatisfied with the fact that Abel “still continues to roam around Russia.” He was ordered to definitely choose a monastery and settle there. But Abel somehow sluggishly carried out the will of the monarch and continued to wander around monasteries and among familiar pilgrims, who happily took the noble elder for their support. In the end, with the accession of Nicholas I, he returned to his homeland, settled with relatives in the village of Akulovka, where Nikolaev gendarmes found him to take him to Suzdal.

"The serpent will live thirty years"

An attentive reader has probably noticed that I treat the above with a certain humor and distrust - our sources about Abel’s prophecies are too unreliable, there is so much mysterious fog and omissions surrounding them! Interpretations of prophecies are given in a variety of ways, and the interpretations are usually in tune with what is happening in society at the time of commentary. Typically, professional historians try to avoid these topics - let the authors of the Caravan of Stories or other glamorous publications practice this! And I would not have sat down to write this article if not for one oddity that struck me.

The well-known hussar, poet and hero of the War of 1812, Denis Davydov, wrote about Abel in his memoirs that he “was gifted with the ability to correctly predict the future.” Further, Davydov partially retells the above rumors and facts from the life and prophecies of Abel. But at the end he writes: “Abel was in Moscow during the accession of Nicholas to the throne, he then said about him: “The serpent will live thirty years.”

I would not quote this passage from Davydov’s memoirs if it were not for two dates: Davydov included Abel’s prophecy in his notes and died in 1839, and Nicholas I actually lived exactly 30 years and died in 1855. Fraud is impossible! Of course, we can say that this is a coincidence, an accident. But there are too many coincidences and accidents around the name of one modest old man...

Predictions of world clairvoyants for Russia

Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia. It is the Russians who will begin the rebirth of the entire World. And no one can imagine how profound these changes will be in everything. huge world caused specifically by Russia.

“Watch Russia - whatever path Russia goes, the rest of the world will follow it in the same way.”

American clairvoyant Jane Dixon:

Natural disasters of the early 21st century and all the global disasters caused by them will least affect Russia, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less. Russia will have the opportunity for rapid and powerful development. The hopes of the World and its revival will come precisely from Russia.

Predictions of the Italian clairvoyant Mavis:

Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia. It is the Russians who will begin the rebirth of the entire World. And no one can imagine how profound these changes will be throughout the vast world, caused specifically by Russia. In Russia, even the deepest province will come to life, many new cities will appear and grow on the very periphery... Russia will reach such a uniquely high level of development that no one, even the most developed state in the world, does not have now and even by that time will not have... Then for Russia all other countries will be drawn in as well... The former current Western path of development of earthly civilization will very soon be replaced by a new and precisely Russian path.

Vanga predicted in 1996:

A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear in Russia, and he will rule Russia all his life... The New Teaching will come from Russia - this is the oldest and truest teaching - will spread throughout the world and the day will come when all religions in the world will disappear and they will be replaced this is new philosophical doctrine Fire Bible.

Socialism will return to Russia new form, there will be large collective and cooperative agricultural enterprises in Russia, and the former Soviet Union, but the union is already new. Russia will strengthen and grow, no one can stop Russia, there is no force that could break Russia. Russia will sweep away everything in its path, and will not only survive, but will also become the sole and undivided “mistress of the world,” and even America in the 2030s will recognize Russia’s complete superiority. Russia will again become a strong and powerful real empire, and will again be called by its old name ancient name Rus.

Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce predicted:

Before the 20th century ends, the collapse of communism will occur in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis. However, after 2010 the former USSR will be revived, but it will be revived in a new form. It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the hope of a lasting and just peace will come to the rest of the world.

Paracelsus' prediction:

There is one people that Herodotus called the Hyperboreans - the ancestors of all peoples and all earthly civilizations - Aryans, which means “noble”. The current name of the ancestral land of this ancient people is Muscovy. Hyperborea in its stormy future history they will experience a lot - both a terrible decline with a great variety of all kinds of disasters and a powerful great prosperity with a great variety of all kinds of blessings, which will come at the beginning of the 21st century, i.e. even before 2040.

Prophecy of 1930 by St. Theophan of Poltava:

Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised...The Orthodoxy that was in Russia before will no longer exist, but true faith will not only be reborn, but will also triumph.

In connection with the beginning of the “Color” Revolution in America, it makes sense to recall the predictions about its death. Looks like the time has come!

“The powerful are always to blame for the powerless.” And today the United States is considered so strong throughout the world. On the other hand, with their boorish behavior and shameless lies, the American military and politicians seem to attract all the world's negativity to their country.

United Islands of America

American seer Dr. Lindsay predicted in the 1960s of the last century about a giant “convulsion” that would sweep across the United States. And the first victim state will be California - it will fall apart exactly along the 1,300-kilometer-long San Andreas transform fault, which runs between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. At the same time, the southwestern piece will gradually plunge into the abyss of the ocean. Only a few islands will remain from the United States. In turn, this earthquake will cause a tsunami with waves of 50 meters that will engulf coastal cities. But this is only part of Dr. Lindsay’s predictions: it is noteworthy that as soon as he began to voice his terrible pictures that he saw through time and space, the intelligence services immediately silenced him, and the visions themselves were classified “to avoid panic among the population.”

He is echoed by another very famous American clairvoyant in the United States, Edgar Cayce, who prophesied the destruction of not only many states on both coasts, which will sink to the bottom of the ocean, but also territories in the middle of America. Megacities such as New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles will disappear from the face of the earth. The same thing will happen to Georgia, the Carolinas and many other states that will become seabed.

“I see huge waves swallowing New York and breaking skyscrapers like straws,” admitted another American clairvoyant, John Schmidt. “Florida, California and many other coastal states will go under water.”

Bible prophecies

You will say - these are just people, they can dream anything. Then let's turn to other, more authoritative predictions. Thus, John the Theologian in his “Revelation” spoke about the death of the most powerful, rich and influential country in the world, which spreads the ideology of sin and war everywhere. He prophesies to her the disintegration into three islands. True, he called it “Babylon”. However, it does not take an extremely perceptive person to understand what kind of empire he had in mind.

The prophecies of the abbess and abbess Hildegard of Bingen, who lived 900 years ago and was revered as a saint, also speak of the unenviable fate of a distant nation. The American continent itself had not yet been discovered, and even then she predicted for the great people living overseas, and for the land inhabited by different tribes with different skin colors, a terrible earthquake, tidal waves and hurricanes that would destroy everything in their path. “This people,” states the Doctor of the Church (such an honorary title was awarded to Hildegard), “will face great misfortunes at sea - after all, almost all of this land will go under water.”

Our monk Gilaron also predicted this fate for America: “Due to the devastating earthquake and flood great empire beyond the sea the end will come - only islands will remain from it.”

“The American nation has long since gone from being simply stupid to being a veritable stench in the nostrils of God and a disgusting monster. The Lord told me that America is destined to fall to its knees: it will be a terrible sight - a fallen superpower, predicts the American Thomas Descartes. – The streets of America will be filled with riots and blood. And the US residents themselves will watch how starvation their children and loved ones will die.”

Pictured: image of Abbess Hildegard of Bingen

"The Yankees will turn into real beasts"

The American seer Dannion Brickley also speaks about the terrible unrest: “The Yankees will turn into real animals and begin to live according to the laws of wolf packs, having lost faith in their country and American ideals. Endless racial conflicts will begin and civil wars everyone against everyone. Riots will become commonplace. Chaos will come to the land of America."

Were scary visions and the American clairvoyant Valdez Jr., who talked about “flocks” of hundreds of flying people, whom the hurricane wind, like locusts, lifted up and smashed and squashed against skyscrapers, about mountains of corpses and simply pieces of bodies without legs, arms, or heads.

In general, out of several dozen disastrous predictions widely known in the world regarding global catastrophes and cataclysms, 80 percent relate to the fate of America. In second place are prophecies related to Great Britain. In third place is the Apennine Peninsula. And here’s what’s remarkable: there is a complete lack of positivity in the predictions related to the fate of America. If other countries, judging by the prophecies, at the very least, but still “come around”, climb out of the abyss and ultimately continue to exist. As for the United States, the forecast of prophets, clairvoyants, soothsayers and psychics is the same - inevitable death. It will simply be swept off the face of the earth into the sea. Moreover, the picture of what will happen to America often coincides among people who are completely unfamiliar with each other and live in different times people down to the smallest detail – and that says a lot.

It is impossible to ignore one more fact that speaks for itself: among the predictors who promise the United States a deplorable fate, there are a lot of Americans - they seem to sense on a subtle level what will happen in the future to the land on which a person was born and to which he is connected by an invisible umbilical cord . This also confirms the high probability of the predictions made by the Americans themselves. Although there is a large percentage of those of us who, perhaps rightly, believe that the future is unknown to anyone. It’s not for nothing that they say (sometimes with good reason): if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. So we have to wait. So we'll wait and see.

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Light tasty salads with crab sticks and eggs can be prepared in a hurry. I like crab stick salads because...

Let's try to list the main dishes made from minced meat in the oven. There are many of them, suffice it to say that depending on what it is made of...

There is nothing tastier and simpler than salads with crab sticks. Whichever option you take, each perfectly combines the original, easy...

Let's try to list the main dishes made from minced meat in the oven. There are many of them, suffice it to say that depending on what it is made of...
Half a kilo of minced meat, evenly distributed on a baking sheet, bake at 180 degrees; 1 kilogram of minced meat - . How to bake minced meat...
Want to cook a great dinner? But don't have the energy or time to cook? I offer a step-by-step recipe with a photo of portioned potatoes with minced meat...
As my husband said, trying the resulting second dish, it’s a real and very correct army porridge. I even wondered where in...
A healthy dessert sounds boring, but oven-baked apples with cottage cheese are a delight! Good day to you, my dear guests! 5 rules...
Do potatoes make you fat? What makes potatoes high in calories and dangerous for your figure? Cooking method: frying, heating boiled potatoes...