Motivation of personnel work in the organization. McGregor's "X and Y" theory. Process stimulation theory

  • 1 Staff motivation – what is it?
  • 2 Types of staff motivation
    • 2.1 According to needs
    • 2.2 By methods used
    • 2.3 According to the sources of motives
    • 2.4 By methods of stimulating personnel
  • 3 Features of motivation for different types of employees
    • 3.1 Toolkit
    • 3.2 Professional
    • 3.3 Patriot
    • 3.4 Host
    • 3.5 Lumpen
  • 4 How to motivate employees?
    • 4.1 Communication of plans to increase motivation
    • 4.2 Detailed study of the organization’s staff
    • 4.3 Analysis of the personnel motivation system
    • 4.4 Conducting a survey among employees
    • 4.5 Implementation of a motivation system and notification of employees
  • 5 Non-standard methods increase motivation
    • 5.1 Arrangement of a place to relax in the office
    • 5.2 Prize for a good relationship with colleagues
    • 5.3 Bonuses for holidays used for recreation
    • 5.4 Encouraging marriages between company employees
  • 6 Is it worth contacting various organizations for motivational services?

For every enterprise manager, the issues of increasing profits and optimizing working conditions for personnel are the most pressing. These concepts are inextricably linked, because the well-being of the organization as a whole depends on the quality of work of each employee.

There are many ways to increase labor efficiency, among which staff motivation takes a leading place. It is aimed at stimulating company employees to work, developing personal growth and professionalism of each employee.

Staff motivation – what is it?

What is staff motivation in an organization? In essence, this is a set of measures designed to influence the self-awareness of company employees in order to encourage them to perform their work effectively and conscientiously perform their official duties.

The personnel policy of any enterprise cannot do without motivating its employees. Competent personnel management inevitably leads to an increase in income and contributes to the growth of professionalism of each person.

Let's imagine that the head of the organization does not show interest in the activities of employees, but at the same time demands that they fulfill their duties in full. As a rule, such companies provide a system of fines and other types of punishment for employees who make mistakes.

If a person is not motivated to work for results, he will do the work under duress. As a result, such employees simply serve their time at the enterprise in order to receive wages, without showing any desire to show results.

If management puts the motivation of its employees at the forefront of the company's management processes, then the team becomes united, and everyone brings some benefit. In addition, employees clearly understand their importance in the organization, they have the necessary conditions for personal growth and professional development, and they also receive moral satisfaction from their employment.

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In a modern enterprise, the personnel motivation system is designed to solve the most important tasks necessary to increase labor productivity. These include:

  • stimulating labor efficiency of employees;
  • creating comfortable conditions for retaining highly qualified specialists;
  • increasing income from the activities of the enterprise;
  • creating a team of professionals;
  • attracting new people.

In order for the organization to develop steadily, the manager must create such working conditions for high-level specialists that will keep them on staff so that they do not go to competitors. Experience, as we know, is crucial; in addition, replacing a professional at an enterprise with one of the employees will require investing a considerable amount of money in training.

Attracting new forces to a team of professionals is one of the important tasks of any manager, and it will take a lot of effort to ensure that highly qualified personnel want to work for the company. To do this, applicants should be offered unique and effective methods of motivation, which will be fundamentally different from similar methods applied to personnel in competing companies.

Important: Any methods of motivating staff are aimed at fulfilling the main task of any company - increasing profits. This is facilitated by the exceptionally coordinated work of all team members.

Types of staff motivation

Let's consider the types of employee motivation.

According to needs

This type of motivation is based on the needs of the company’s personnel, and it can be material or intangible. In the first case, the management of the organization arouses the interest of employees with incentives, which are expressed in the payment of bonuses, salary increases, the accrual of all kinds of bonuses, etc.

This should also include non-monetary types of incentives in the form of payment for travel packages, trips to sanatorium treatment, and the issuance of certificates for receiving gifts. Non-material types of staff motivation can be status or labor.

The status look is also considered a psychological motivation, since a person is drawn to career and personal growth, desires to perform responsible and more complex work. In addition, most enterprise employees strive for recognition of their professional qualities and increased social status.

Work motivation of personnel is aimed at people's interest directly in the work itself. To achieve this, the company’s management creates the necessary working conditions, optimizes the daily schedule, provides the opportunity to arrange time off for employees if necessary, and manage their own working time.

By methods used

In their work, the management of the organization can apply the motivation of workers according to the methods used. These include the following ways to interest a person:

  • stimulating;
  • normative;
  • forced.

The first option creates the necessary conditions for staff through certain incentives aimed at inducing a person to perform the desired actions. Normative methods of motivating employees are associated with influencing consciousness through certain psychological techniques. This allows, through information or persuasion, to induce employees to perform certain actions of their own free will. As for the coercive method, the company's management can influence the consciousness of employees with its own power (authority) if someone does not fulfill the duties assigned to him. In contrast to the method of stimulating personnel, compulsory and normative types of motivation allow you to directly influence the consciousness of employees.

According to the sources of motives

Methods of motivating personnel of this type are external and internal, and they have a certain relationship. Extrinsic motivation helps motivate employees to perform certain actions with the help of external factors. For example, management can increase staff salaries, add some changes to the rules of human behavior in the workplace, promote workers according to career ladder for a diligent attitude to work and strict fulfillment of assigned tasks.

Intrinsic motivation is directly related to the needs of each individual employee. It appears in cases where a person has an internal desire to improve the quality of the work performed, as well as his professional duties.

Important: despite the fact that high-quality personnel management is based on the principles of external motivation of employees, its maximum effectiveness can be achieved only if each of them has an internal motive. In turn, a person’s interest in performing a number of actions (improving the quality of work, realizing oneself as a professional in an enterprise, impeccably performing official duties, etc.) is influenced by both external and internal factors.

By methods of personnel incentives

You can stimulate company staff using positive and negative motivation. In the first case, management manages to interest employees in improving the quality of work using a system of incentives, and they can be both material and intangible. In each individual case, the possibility of increasing the salary supplement, the amount of bonuses, payment for employee training, social package, insurance, etc. is considered. The use of intangible methods allows you to increase the status of an employee, entrust him with the implementation of more complex projects in production, etc.

If an employee fails to fulfill his direct duties, the organization’s management may resort to methods of negative motivation. Financial penalties in the form of fines, as well as psychological impact, are applied to a negligent specialist. For example, a person may be transferred to unskilled labor or a position with a lower salary. This should also include reprimands and warnings, which may appear in each employee’s personal file.

Features of motivation of different types of employees

Depending on how a person feels about his work, it is customary to distinguish between certain categories of employees. In order to most effectively select a motivation method for a specific person, the head of the organization, as well as HR managers, need to know what types of personalities exist. To do this, it is enough to take a close look at people and analyze the behavior of each person.


Employees in this category represent a certain type of people who consider the size of their salary to be the main thing in their work. As a rule, such workers do not accept active participation in the life of the company, and also do not attach significance to the events taking place in the team.

Despite this, such specialists can have quite good relationships with their colleagues, and they often enjoy the respect of their colleagues. Employees of the “toolkit” type do not value the moral and ethical values ​​of the company, moreover, if a more lucrative job offer is received from a competing company, they will not hesitate to write a letter of resignation and will not regret it.

In most cases, “toolmen” take their official duties responsibly and are highly qualified specialists. Managers of enterprises that employ such personnel will be interested in learning how to interest them in working for the benefit of the company. The answer is quite simple – of course, money.

Instrumentation employees will work with high efficiency if their salary is significantly increased, bonuses and all kinds of bonuses are paid. Please note that such people normally respond to healthy criticism about mistakes in their work, and therefore react adequately to penalties if they were received through their fault.


From the name itself, it is clear that professionals see work as a means of self-expression, and besides, it should bring them great pleasure. Highly qualified personnel are happy to solve the most complex production problems. In addition, professionals love to work with innovations, new equipment and unknown technologies. Often, their interest in the project allows them to complete large amounts of work in a short time.

The main motive of a professional employee is passion for the work performed and his own importance in the team. For this reason, the level of income for such people fades into the background. How to increase the motivation of professionals in an enterprise? As practice shows, you can interest them by elevating them to the rank of generally recognized experts in a certain field. To do this, it is necessary to constantly consult with such an employee, emphasize his contribution to the development of the organization, and also, at every opportunity, highlight the professional qualities of this person in the team.


Patriotic employees practically live their work, and they also feel like a significant and integral part of the organization. Such people do not separate their own success from the success of the company in which they work. The most important thing for such personnel is to know that their contribution to the development of the enterprise is significant.

Patriots often enjoy authority among their colleagues and are recognized leaders (experts) in a certain field. To motivate such individuals, the company management needs to equally offer them some material reward, as well as in every possible way emphasize the importance (literally indispensability) of a certain specialist.


Independence is the main thing for employees belonging to the “master” type, even though people work in hired jobs. It should be borne in mind that such a contingent does not accept any type of control over their activities.

In addition, the “owners” very scrupulously fulfill their job responsibilities, are highly qualified specialists, and often take responsibility for what is happening in the team, especially when it comes to making risky decisions.

As a rule, monetary incentives and salary come in the background for such people. The main motive of the “owner” will be full recognition of his authority, professional qualities, as well as the ability to independently make important decisions.


In the literal sense of the word, lumpen employees are “amoebas” in production. Such a contingent may make up the majority of employees, especially if this concerns large manufacturing companies. Lumpens are inactive, lack initiative, they are not interested in career growth, they do not strive to develop in the company as professionals and pursue the only goal– minimize your own efforts in your place and wait until the end of the working day as soon as possible.

What kind of employee motivation in an organization will be effective in in this case? As practice shows, it is quite difficult to interest lumpen people in work. About such people we can say that they:

  • not interested in improving personal well-being;
  • do not strive to build a successful career;
  • do not need various encouragements and signs of gratitude.

Nevertheless, it is possible to influence uninitiated employees through an authoritarian (hard) management style and increased control over their actions, since the only thing that can make the lumpen worry is the fear of being punished and losing their job.

How to motivate employees?

How is employee motivation systems developed in practice at an enterprise? Let us analyze step by step an approximate scheme of actions that will encourage employees to take certain actions. Let us immediately note that it can be adjusted, since, depending on the specifics of the company’s work and the type of workers, unforeseen situations may arise.

There are a huge number of ways to motivate a person to perform their job duties efficiently and cope with the assigned tasks. We will highlight the most effective of them, which will allow business managers and HR department employees to create their own staff motivation program.

One of the most powerful motivators is salary. The higher its level, the better the quality of work within the company will be performed. The next thing you need to pay attention to is the respect of the organization’s management for each employee, regardless of their position. If a company director addresses his subordinates by name, this significantly increases his authority in the eyes of the staff. In addition, a person subconsciously understands that he is valued and is not treated like a faceless creature.

Employee praise increases productivity in a team. This method does not require financial investments, and every person will be pleased that his efforts do not go unnoticed. To motivate employees to improve their productivity, they should be offered additional rest. For example, at the end of the week a person proved himself to be the most productive employee, so on Friday he can go home from lunch.

Awarding valuable or memorable gifts is one of effective ways increasing the desire of staff to work for the benefit of the enterprise. Such events can be timed to coincide with holidays and other memorable dates. TO effective ways employee motivation should also include:

  • providing specialists with the opportunity to perform a certain amount of work at home;
  • awareness by employees of the real prospects for promotion;
  • employee expressing his own opinion;
  • obtaining a beautiful title for the position held;
  • gratitude to a person in the presence of a team;
  • advanced training at the expense of the enterprise;
  • organization of corporate events.

Some companies already practice allowing a person to perform a certain type of work at home. At the same time, he has the opportunity to work in comfortable conditions, and the schedule for visiting the workplace is agreed upon in advance with management.

As practice shows, along with wages, a good effect for motivating staff is the opportunity for career advancement. For this reason, every person should understand that the speed of obtaining a new status depends on the quality of his work.

An employee who feels proud of his job title will always be interested in the quality of the work performed. Feel the difference - a nurse and a junior nurse, the head of the HR department and the HR director, a senior sales agent and a supervisor.

If an employee is publicly thanked, he will continue to strive to perform his duties flawlessly. In addition, healthy competition will arise within the company’s team, because almost everyone wants management to pay attention to them.

An excellent method to interest a person in improving his own skills and productivity is to provide him with the opportunity to learn at the expense of the organization. By this, management expresses a direct interest in a specific employee, which again will make him realize his importance to the company.

Organizing corporate events at the expense of the enterprise is a good incentive for its employees. In this case, employees have the opportunity to communicate with each other in an informal setting and have a good rest. Corporate tours abroad or to interesting places for active recreation, since people feel cared for by the company and are often tuned in to a positive result.

We also note that the staff can be interested various forms incentives. For example, employees who show the best results at the end of the month can count on paying for the services of mobile operators, covering travel expenses, receiving a free membership to a sports club, etc.

Communication about plans to increase motivation

The main task of the company's management is to convey to each employee the common goal that the company faces. For this purpose, a certain system of incentives and motivation for employees is created, which is aimed at improving the qualifications of personnel and the implementation of certain actions by all departments. This must be done so that each team member feels like an integral part of the common cause.

Detailed study of the organization's staff

The correct choice of methods of influencing personnel cannot be made without a thorough study of the team. To do this, the company's management must analyze what people are interested in, how they live, what life problems and difficulties exist in the workplace.

To simplify this process, you can resort to a questionnaire and ask employees to answer all questions as honestly as possible. It is important to include in the list of questions exactly those that will provide information about the desire of employees to move up the career ladder, ways to optimize production processes, personal aspirations of the staff.

Important: By conducting a survey, you need to find out how well the company meets the needs of each employee. It is imperative to take into account the opinion of each team member, so it would be a good idea to ask your colleagues’ wishes for improving work processes. It is recommended to conduct the survey anonymously in order to obtain up-to-date information, analyze weaknesses in the company’s activities and improve the productivity of each person.

Analysis of the personnel motivation system

An integrated approach to motivating employees will quickly achieve the desired result. It is important to study how similar impact on employees is carried out in competing companies. Let's consider popular programs that can effectively interest employees of organizations:

  1. Imago. This method involves asking colleagues to come up with effective, in their opinion, solutions that will improve the organization’s performance. When the data is ready, the company’s management analyzes the results obtained, after which employees who have proven themselves receive a monetary reward or promotion.
  2. Golden fever. This method has become widespread in departments specializing in the sale of finished products of manufacturing enterprises. The idea is as follows: in the branches of companies, competitions are organized in terms of the volume of goods sold or a specific product line. The winning team receives a bonus for its actions, and its success can be used as a role model for the company's future work.

Conducting a survey among employees

We considered a similar task above in the paragraph “Detailed study of the organization’s staff.” It is important to understand that, relying on the opinion of staff, you can easily develop the most effective motivation system. IN mandatory it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the work of each of the divisions of the enterprise, including regional representative offices.

Implementation of a motivation system and notification of employees

As soon as the motivational system for the company’s personnel is ready, it must be implemented. To do this, it is recommended to bring colleagues up to date by talking about its specific goals, as well as the deadlines for implementation.

It is important to convey information to employees about proposed changes in the operation of the enterprise; in addition, the system must be specific in its actions, fair and not arouse suspicion among people that they may be deceived.

Non-standard methods of increasing motivation

Usage non-standard ways engaging employees produces impressive results, which ultimately affect the well-being of the company. It is necessary to understand that a person is designed in such a way that during a break between work he wants to be distracted for a while and be in conditions that are comfortable for him.

Setting up a seating area in the office

Since a person spends a significant time of his life at work, he requires the necessary conditions for relaxation. Company employees have the right to have lunch, drink coffee or tea during breaks, so organizing a recreation area is an important condition in staff motivation. Please note that even a short break and communication with colleagues in an informal setting contribute to rapid recuperation, after which a person can continue to work effectively.

Award for good relations with colleagues

It is no secret that high labor productivity is achieved only by those teams that are a well-coordinated team of like-minded people. For this reason, the company’s management must create all the conditions for the formation of a microclimate and mutual assistance between employees.

Why is it important to reward people for having excellent relationships with their colleagues? The answer is simple: when a person feels a friendly atmosphere in a team and has the opportunity to receive bonuses for communicating with colleagues, it will be very difficult to lure him to another organization. This is especially true for highly qualified specialists whom competing firms want on their staff.

Bonuses for holidays used for holidays

It is known that many employees of various companies prefer the required monetary compensation to vacation. Some people never go anywhere on vacation, while doing repairs or other things.

Be that as it may, a person is obliged to fully rest, which contributes to his recovery and improvement of labor productivity. Many enterprises practice paying compensation for time spent in sanatoriums or rest homes. To receive money, an employee only needs to present a voucher or used travel documents.

Encouraging marriages between company employees

Is it worth saying that in developed countries family relationships (values) are above all else? Many companies are introducing incentives for marriage among their employees. This is easily explained by the fact that a team consisting of married couples is distinguished by the warmth of their relationships and high levels of labor productivity.

Many well-known Japanese companies can serve as an example of this type of motivation. The same applies to organizations in different countries of the world, but do not confuse relationships between people who decide to start a family and banal romances in the workplace.

Is it worth contacting various organizations for motivation services?

This question can be answered unequivocally – yes, it is worth it. This is primarily due to the fact that companies that provide services for organizing business management systems also engage in vocational training HR specialists.

For clarity, let's look at several companies, professional level providing services for creating motivational systems at enterprises. Among them, one of the leaders is “As a Gift”. They have been operating on the market for more than 10 years, and during this time experienced specialists have trained personnel from well-known foreign and domestic companies (Beeline, Yandex, Mercedes-Benz, Rosneft, etc.). Vpodarok has a number of advantages:

  • prompt resolution of problems related to the work of personnel;
  • affordable prices for services provided;
  • professional approach to each client.

You should also highlight the MAS Project company, which will help you effectively set up your business and bring it to a completely new level of development.

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As can be seen, staff motivation within each organization is carefully planned step by step process, which is designed to interest people in doing quality work and achieving their goals. It is important to understand that employee management is not only about finding effective methods of motivation, but also about preserving their effectiveness.

Any manager sleeps and sees that his employees are not only a close-knit team, but also a single team that works around the clock to achieve the goals they have set.

But few of these managers know how to create such favorable conditions for the work of these same employees that they have their own desire to “stay at work.”

What types of motivation are there and how to use them, we’ll talk about this in this article.

But this is unexpected

If you ask any person, especially a manager from the 90s, what is the essence and types of employee motivation, the answer will be more or less predictable - increasing productivity using “carrots and sticks”.

The stick usually means fines (standard 300-1000 rubles for an offense), while the carrot means bonuses or premiums.

But few people know that the level of motivation in an enterprise can be influenced by completely unusual things.

For example, having a kitchen in the office where employees can have a snack, or just a standing machine with free coffee. These are small and small changes that can improve employee performance.

If you like to do everything to the maximum, then pay attention to the survey conducted by one Russian recruiting company.

And according to which 40% of respondents answered that the presence gym will increase the efficiency of their work in this company.

But 37% were in favor of a massage chair, but most of them were women.

Based on surveys, we can conclude that the presence of such implicit items as a break room, a comfortable chair and other small components of work life have a positive effect on work in the company.

This was confirmed by the fact that 65% of respondents reported that they would spend more time at work if the company provided its offices with additional amenities. And you tell them money is the main thing.

motivation and its TYPES

It is precisely because of the misconception in most heads that employee motivation lies only in money, that I want to give it the correct definition and convey the correct understanding.

Motivating staff is a way to increase productivity. This is speaking in dry scientific language. Speaking to normal people:

Staff motivation- this is the creation of conditions and various incentives in the company that encourage employees to work more efficiently and better in achieving their goals.

However, before we begin to consider the types and forms of motivation, let's understand how it affects the staff themselves. What kind of benefits she gives and how much attention she needs to pay.

So, the positive results of introducing motivation labor activity:

  1. Encourages employees to better perform their job duties;
  2. Increases the efficiency of their work and the productivity of the company as a whole;
  3. Creates a favorable mood in the team;
  4. Promotes long-term employee retention (thereby reducing turnover and personnel costs);
  5. Creation of a staff of qualified employees who value their work;
  6. Increases employee loyalty to the company they work for;
  7. Creates a corporate culture.

Thus, we can conclude that knowing the types of work motivation, correctly using the forms and levels of motivation, it can help in the development of the company and leave competitors far behind.

And, of course, create a dream team. And not such “losers” as in this excerpt from the film:

After reading the information above, you may decide that in this article I am only trying to create a convenient place to work.

But this is not so, everything should be in moderation. To begin with, I wanted to show that the essence and types of motivation can be different, and not everything is tied to money.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that in life there are a lot of different theories of motivation - Maslow, McGregor, Vroom, Adams, etc.

I’ll tell you honestly, all this, of course, is good and worthy of respect, but this should only be done when you have a company of more than 300+ people. Before that, it is enough for you to know the main types of work motivation. There are two main types:

  1. Material;
  2. Intangible.

Intangible, in turn, is divided into two more types of motivation:

  1. Social;
  2. Psychological.

Why should you use more than just money in motivation? Isn't that what everyone comes to work for?

After all, it is much easier to pay a person for his work based on “how much he earned” and everyone will be happy.

However, this is not true. Everyone is stimulated by different things and everyone's motivation levels are different. For some it’s money, for others it’s just a simple friendly pat on the shoulder.

Therefore, various types of motivation and incentives for personnel were invented.

For example, when working with sellers or sales managers after adaptation, we conduct a Gerchikov test to find out what type of work motivation a particular employee belongs to, and what motivation should be applied specifically to him.

By the way. I advise you to send your employees away this test–
Or maybe you are forcing a person to sell who is not at all interested in money.

Non-monetary motivation

When you see the name non-monetary, it does not mean that it is free.

It costs money, you just give it to him in a different form, but at the same time you still have expenses. This is the case when you need to diversify your options for rewarding good work.

  • Opportunity to use the services of company partners with big discounts, or completely free;
  • The opportunity to receive travel packages from the company for employees and their family members. This approach was extremely developed in the USSR, then everyone went to resorts from factories;
  • The opportunity to receive free tickets to the theater, circus and other cultural events;
  • Opportunity to go on a business trip abroad at the expense of the company;
  • Opportunity to undergo training at the expense of the company;


  1. A manager who achieves more than 120% of the sales plan within 3-4-5 months goes on vacation abroad at the company’s expense;
  2. Best employee Sales clothing for the next month drives the owner's Aston Martin. If you don’t understand about cars, then this is a sports car worth 10-15 million rubles;
  3. The employee receives a share in the business. I have personally seen such cases and believe that this is the right approach if a person has become more than an employee.

Implementing this type of efficiency improvement requires resources. But it doesn’t have to be done on a large scale.

For example, in our company, as part of non-monetary motivation, we promote employees’ personal pages for free on in social networks. It's a small thing, but nice.

Fines system

Now let's move on to everyone's least favorite type of motivation - fines.

In fact, I may surprise you (in case an employee is reading the article now), but the owners do not like them.

It is much easier for a normal business owner to pay money to an employee who is not late, does not mess up and fulfills the agreed duties, rather than oppressing him and endlessly fining him. That is why there are not many fines themselves:

  • Collection of money from an employee for failure to comply with regulations and standards;
  • Collecting money from an employee for his poor work, namely, failure to meet KPIs;
  • Collection of money from the “collective mind” for failure to achieve set goals;
  • Extra working hours for poor performance. This approach is very relevant in “near-state” companies.


  1. Penalty for an incomplete client card in;
  2. Fine for being late for work;
  3. A fine for not completing a task on time from the authorities.

From myself I can say that fines are good. Not all people understand only good language.

I like to give analogies of fines to family quarrels. There, after people have quarreled, punished each other “in words or deeds,” and eventually found a compromise, harmony arises for a certain time with increased attention to each other.

In other words, for some time we are silky and try to be the best.

Story. One of our clients had a very important monthly report that managers had to submit without fail. This was just a problem.

Then he imposed a fine of 20,000 rubles (that’s right, twenty thousand rubles!) for failure to submit this report.

He issued this fine to just one manager and actually took the money. There were no more problems with reports (all of them!).

NOT JUST MONEY (Not material)

I have already mentioned more than once in my article that it is not only money that motivates well. Although you can’t go anywhere without them. It's a pity.

I myself could not use any other types of work motivation, but give out a lot of non-material motivation to my colleagues, if that alone were enough.

Therefore, we work comprehensively. Types of non-material motivation of personnel can be the following:

  • Promotion. Both in the horizontal and vertical career ladder;
  • Motivational speeches or meetings. They performed especially well during a crisis, when the morale of employees was falling;
  • Competitions and competitions;
  • Cultural events within the company;
  • Congratulations on significant dates for an employee;
  • Public recognition of employee achievements;
  • Peer ratings;
  • Participation in meetings with management;
  • Help with family matters.


  1. I really like Zappos. It has a special department that helps employees solve ordinary, household, routine matters.

    For example, if you have a toothache, they can make an appointment with the dentist. Or take your mother to the hospital;

  2. At Google, department employees have a free lunch once a week, to which they can invite their loved ones;
  3. For the best work in the client department, post a photo of a person with the caption “Best Employee of the Month”;
  4. At Lego, after 25 years of hard service, each employee is given a small gold bar shaped like a Lego piece;
  5. Again, my favorite is Zappos (in my opinion, they have the coolest).

    Once a month, your colleagues transfer the virtual dollars they have been given to the employee they like.

    All virtual money can be exchanged for real money, thereby receiving rewards from your own colleagues for good work.

This paragraph can be divided into two types: social and psychological. In order not to bother you, I deliberately combined all this into one.

I bet you didn’t even notice the difference in the examples given. If we summarize all this and call it in one phrase, we get “Make your colleagues HAPPY.”

I am a rather cynical person, but at the same time tactful (a strange combination, I know), and therefore I like to convey some ideas to people in the form of stories, metaphors, and bad advice.

So I’ve prepared a few for you if you want to become an ideal chef. Maybe someone will even recognize themselves in them and understand that there is no need to do this:

  1. Be sure to find your favorite. It is ideal that he is not liked in the team. And it’s even more ideal if he does his job disgustingly.

    So what, you like him, so why these conventions about “employee of the year”. And constantly reward him, preferably in front of his worthless colleagues, constantly telling them about it.

    The motivation of your favorite employee is increasing, but the rest of the team is working worse and worse? So what! But HE is happy!

  2. Personal life of an employee? What are you talking about! These are not people, but robots. Accordingly, they must work around the clock, and if they go home, they must also do work at home.

    Family life, illness and rest? No, this cannot be allowed! Only work. Is there something you don't like? Go quit. Will this reduce the motivation of employees in the company? Doesn't matter!

    But they fulfill KPIs and plans. And let them change one by one, weaklings. There will be someone who can stand it.

  3. Has your company completed the annual ? Great. I congratulate you! Yes Yes. Exactly you. Because the employees have nothing to do with this.

    After all, all successes come from a competent manager, and not from them. This is exactly what we need to show them, forgetting to give them bonuses for excellent work. But you can reward yourself by buying a new car, for example.

    And it doesn’t matter at all that unrewarded work has the worst effect on staff motivation, and employees feel simply overwhelmed because of it. The main sales plan has been fulfilled.

Briefly about the main thing

Well, now you know what types of staff motivation there are in an organization. And if you reconsidered different types motivation systems, and settled on the standard “salary plus percentage”, then I’ll say right away that you won’t go far.

Moreover, you will not build a big company where people will want to work.

Think, for example, of Google, where you can work from home if you're not feeling well or just don't feel like coming to the office.

Of course, people want to work for a company that is more than just a source of money for them.

Therefore, think about what types of motivation you can introduce in your company that will truly motivate your employees. But don’t go too far into “Happiness.”

People need both carrots and sticks, this is a fact of life and you can’t live without it, so you can’t completely forget about it.

P.S. Finally, I’ll tell you a joke about motivation that I really like.

An international company with a fairly large sales office in Russia. From the head office (Great Britain) they sent a resolution that it was necessary to send two representatives from the company to the international gay festival in Amsterdam.

Naturally, no one wanted to go to Russia. Then the management of the Russian office came up with an excellent plan.

The one that lags behind in sales over a certain period goes to the festival. The company has never seen such a rapid pace of sales either before or since. People fought for every ruble, in the literal sense of this phrase.

As a result, the two worst salespeople were sent to the festival in tears.

And the management of the Russian office achieved two goals: they increased sales for free, and the resolution central office completed.

Staff motivation– the key to improving the quality and results of work!

Staff motivation is a set of material and non-material incentives designed to ensure high-quality and productive work for employees, as well as a way to attract the most talented specialists to the company and retain them.

Problems to be solved when implementing a personnel motivation system

    Retaining productive employees;

    Involving employees in work and unlocking their potential;

    Attracting the right employees to the company.

Types of staff motivation

Material motivation of personnel- salary, bonuses and rewards.

Non-material (non-monetary) motivation of personnel- social benefits, additional pension provision, medical insurance, travel, lunch, mobile communications, swimming pool subscription, etc. traditionally referred to as a method of non-material incentives, since the employee does not receive “real” money, although the company spends money on all this.

When is it necessary to review the staff motivation system?

    Return on investment for human capital does not meet management's expectations;

    Turnover per employee is lower than the industry average;

    Total personnel costs exceed optimal values;

    The number of staff is unreasonably high;

    Low loyalty of the organization's employees;

    High staff turnover;

    Low quality of work.

Basic methods for improving staff motivation

    System implementation management by objectives , as a method of motivating staff;

    Creating a reliable assessment systems employee performance and determining his development potential;

    Development of a salary system, grading of positions;

    Financial modeling and assignment of rates by grade;

    Development of a system of bonuses tied to results based on key performance indicators ( KPI );

    Formation of piecework-bonus part of wages;

    Creating transparent and clear routes for career advancement;

    Creation of "golden" personnel reserve , including training plans for employees included in the personnel reserve;

    Manager training on the topic "Staff Motivation".

Staff motivation as a problem

Many Russian companies are developing and implementing various personnel motivation systems. And, nevertheless, the complexity of the problem lies in the fact that it is not entirely clear how to encourage people to work? Let's look at the main issues related to motivation one by one.

When do you need to start developing and implementing a new or changing an existing staff motivation system?

It is necessary to think about solving the problem of staff motivation:

    If employees evaluate their work as insignificant for the company;

    If employees have expressed dissatisfaction with career growth and wages;

    If they talk about a lack of independence at work;

    If there are unclear requirements from the management of the company or divisions;

    If there is an underload in the work of other employees, as a result, a large proportion of informal conversations, tea parties, smoke breaks, etc.

The development and implementation of a motivation system becomes necessary if many employees show symptoms of professional “burnout”: decreased enthusiasm and loss of interest in work, as well as the replacement of professional interests with other interests not related to work. In addition, if the company’s staff turnover increases sharply, then first of all you need to think about its motivation. It is necessary to focus on the following “turnover rate”: from 4-7% to 12-15% renewal of the workforce. In some Russian companies, turnover reaches from 100% to 250%! It should also be noted that if warring factions arise in a company between young and mature employees, or women and men, then the problem may also be an ineffective motivation system.

Finally, it is necessary to think about various factors, including the development of an effective motivation system, if the informal leader is actively fighting against the leader.

Salary as a motivating factor

Most Russian managers believe that what motivates people to work successfully is, first of all, wages. Therefore, if a company cannot pay a lot of money, people usually work “carelessly,” and management puts up with this, justifying this state of affairs with a limit in financial resources. Of course, this attitude to the problem of personnel motivation on the part of management is influenced by the traditional Russian exaggeration of the importance of wages as the main or only motivating factor. There is also a special, purely Russian attitude of the employees themselves towards money. This attitude is expressed in the opinion that money should be paid for the fact of being present at work.

It is known that in the minds of Russian workers there are two attitudes: “They pay money” and “They earn money.” So, we are now talking about the prevalence of the first attitude: “Money pays.” Unfortunately, this attitude manifests itself not only in mature, but also in young workers. But the second idea, “They earn money,” has not yet become completely popular among Russian workers.

The idea of ​​receiving money for being present at work is obviously a legacy of the Soviet era. But it is precisely this that creates the first contradiction in the goals of management and the expectations of employees: the staff wants to be paid, and the managers want the staff to earn money. There is a second contradiction in the goals of management and the expectations of employees: management wants to pay as little as possible, but at the same time have employees work as best as possible, and employees want management to pay as much as possible, but ask them to do as little as possible.

At training seminars, managers of different companies always ask the following questions: “You are a psychologist, tell me which of the employees definitely need to increase their wages, and which ones need not be raised?”, “You are a psychologist, tell me by how much and how often it is necessary increase so that the employee is motivated?”

These questions have a real basis, because the influence of such a motivating factor as salary is far from clear. So, if for one employee an increase of 100 USD - very significant, then for another it is imperceptible. And the third employee, focused on a career and promotion, has a salary increase of 100 USD. will cause irritation and a desire to resign.

How should wages be increased?

The general recommendation is as follows: it is necessary to increase wages by an amount ranging from 15-20% to 40-50% of the employee’s salary. It has been noted that the effect (value) of a wage increase lasts from six months to one year, after which it falls. A decrease in motivation from a salary increase almost always manifests itself, even if the employee’s salary is significantly increased, for example, by 2 times. Young workers who need to solve important life problems are highly motivated by increased wages: start a family, buy an apartment, create conditions for the birth of a child, etc.

High motivation from increased wages is present among managers whose work involves pronounced responsibility and tension, and wages act as a factor compensating for the high costs of time and health. Wages may not act as a motivating factor for creative workers who are focused on the substantive characteristics of work: independence, creativity.

Salary (or bonuses) will not be a motivating factor if there is a large time gap between achieving good results at work and receiving money. Therefore, wages become a motivating factor only when they are directly related to labor results.

The salary must reflect not only the productive, but also the objective characteristics of the employee: his education, length of service in the company, duration of work in this profession. Thus, the salary must consist of at least three parts: a minimum but stable part, bonuses based on work results and a monetary amount reflecting the employee’s experience and length of service.

The significant gap in wages between top managers and line managers of many Russian companies and banks, often tens of times, reduces the motivating value of earnings among middle managers. If there is a large difference in payment (most often, bonuses) different categories workers, the “black envelope” principle is practiced all over the world - transferring money in an envelope. However, this principle does not always work in Russian companies, since Russians usually easily ask about who received money and how much, and also talk about their income. People generally tend to compare who earns and how much. This tendency will be especially strong if the principle of fairness is violated in the company. In other words, if one employee sees that another, formally, is the same as him and receives significantly more for the same work that he does, then the first will believe that he is not being paid extra. If an employee believes that he is not being paid extra, then he will either sharply reduce his productivity, or for some period he will try to work well in order to increase his earnings. An employee who believes that he is overpaid will strive to maintain high intensity and efficiency of his work. In general, an employee's assessment of his salary is influenced by two conditions: a comparison of what other companies in the industry pay for the same work and his comparison of his efforts and time spent on work and rewards.

In one small company, an employee said something like this to me: “I used to try really hard to work. But then, when I saw that the results of my work had absolutely no effect on my earnings, I stopped trying. Now I work exactly as much as I am paid for.”

Motivating factors other than wages (non-economic incentives)

Despite great importance wages in the development of a personnel motivation system, however, it is a misconception to think that wages are the only factor motivating staff. There are many more factors that influence employee satisfaction and the level of their professional motivation.

A very important motivating factor is the socio-psychological atmosphere in the company and the opportunity to communicate with colleagues. It is important that there are no informal conversations during too much working time. For example, it is believed that to satisfy the need for communication, in addition to the lunch break, an additional 10-15-minute break, organized twice a day: before and after lunch, is sufficient. A motivating factor for an employee is the opportunity to receive and see the result of their work. And, conversely, if, after a long period of intense work and effort, a person does not see the results of his work, he experiences acute dissatisfaction. A serious motivating factor for almost all people is the opportunity to have respect at work and feel like a significant and necessary employee. An extremely important motivation factor is the opportunity to improve one’s professional qualifications entirely or partially at the expense of the company. Some Russian companies, for example, pay up to 40% of the cost of training for leading employees. Delegation of professional tasks, responsibilities and powers by the manager is often a motivating factor for ambitious employees. Invitations from management to informal meetings, sports events, hunting or trips to which a narrow circle of close associates are invited (satisfying the need for involvement) can also motivate.

Individual approach to motivating individual employees

Since the problem of motivation belongs to the category of complex, ambiguous and contradictory problems, often the best way to build an effective system of personnel motivation is to take into account their professional and individual characteristics (psychotypes). I will briefly describe the two main ideas of this approach: the employee’s expectations and the diagnosis of his psychological type.

    The subjective expectation of the employee is of great importance: if he works well and with dedication, he will receive the reward he desires. It is important for the manager to know what kind of reward the employee expects - a promotion, an increase in salary, a referral to a training seminar or a second job. higher education, getting additional free time, expanding the bonus, etc. If the incentive reward matches the employee’s expectations, his motivation increases; if it does not coincide, then it decreases.

    An employee’s positive or negative reaction to one or another form of remuneration also depends on his character and psychotype. Different classifications can be used psychological types and for each of them select motivating factors. Let us limit ourselves to those classifications that are clearly evident at work. So, workers differ in orientation; according to this criterion, three psychotypes can be distinguished.

“Internal” people are those who are focused on the content of the work and emotional comfort. The opportunity to achieve a significant or outstanding result is important to them, they strive to choose interesting work for themselves that involves communication with colleagues, they like to feel needed and significant. The need for self-realization of their abilities is very important for them. Salary does not come first for them. If there is good money, but routine and uninteresting work, they can go to another company for less money, but where there is an opportunity to express themselves and realize their ideas.

“External” people are those for whom the external attributes of work and success are important. They value salary, the opportunity for career growth, praise from management, they strive to have symbols of success - a good office, a cool car, clothes, power. “Mixed” types are those for which both are important. Despite the fact that mixed psychotypes exist, in each specific case it is necessary to analyze which work conditions come to the fore for a person, and which ones come to the background. If the content of the work is in the foreground, then the motivating factor will be a task whose implementation will require creative activity from the employee. If status and position are in the foreground, then career growth and money will motivate the employee.

Workers vary in character (or temperamental qualities)

Cholerics are active, sociable, open, ambitious and quick-tempered, they love risks, value advancement and development in everything: in wages, career, “building up” professional knowledge, experience and well-being. They need to be constantly encouraged, at least once or twice a year, according to the results and capabilities of the company: increase their salary, position, send them for training, etc. At the same time, what is important for them is not what specific type of encouragement they receive, but that their superiors often pay attention to the results of their work.

Phlegmatic people are calm, slow, reserved and stable people. Most of all, they like organizations in which there is no threat of layoffs or bankruptcy. What is valued in wages is not so much its size as stability and regularity.

Sanguine people are active, energetic people with good self-control and effective self-regulation. First of all, they value career growth, so they will be motivated by appointment to a new, higher position.

Melancholic people are emotional, sensitive, anxious, prone to a leading position, do not like to take risks, and are afraid of conflicts. They value a good atmosphere, a positive attitude from management, calmness and the absence of conflicts. If all this is present at work, they will not move to another company even when there is an opportunity for career growth and an increase in wages. In this case, they reason something like this: “It’s unknown how I can get along with the employees and management there. But here they respect me, I know everyone. I will stay in this company."

Employees are divided into different psychotypes based on their thinking style

Analysts value job content, stability, learning opportunities and professional development. He can be motivated by having plenty of time to complete a task thoroughly, in detail, by the absence of rush and stress, as well as by the opportunity to learn. Pragmatists value careers and income. If a company has the ability to satisfy the needs of pragmatists, they will work. If there are no such opportunities, then pragmatists easily change jobs. Critics appreciate the opportunity to be a relevant expert and evaluate the work of other employees. They love the freedom to express their opinions and do not submit to authority. I noticed that in case of staff reductions, critical employees are fired first. However, qualified critics should be valued, because they are the ones who can identify a mistake in time, predict failure, and limit the power of an arrogant leader. Realists strive for leadership and management. These are potential leaders. If there are vacancies in the company, they will work, if there are no vacancies that match their professionalism, they will leave.

And the last is a classification of employees based on how differently they feel about working in the organization. According to this criterion, professionals, performers, managers (leaders) and neutrals are distinguished. The psychological type of the employee, manifested in his attitude towards the company, also affects his motivational expectations.

Professionals show interest in the content of their work, love difficult tasks, strive to receive new, professionally significant information, show independence and autonomy, and do not like to either lead or obey. A professional can be motivated by the fact that he will have freedom in choosing a problem, the opportunity to work independently, and he will have minimal control or no control at all. He needs to be given difficult tasks and periodically sent to various educational seminars and trainings. It is important for a professional to periodically get out into his professional community so that he is recognized and positively assessed by his “colleagues.” Professionals therefore love conferences, publications, speeches, awards, distinctions.

Performers love to work in a team, together with everyone else, they like to go to work in the morning and come home from work in the evening, they strive to distribute responsibilities and functions in the workplace, they are focused on carrying out orders and assignments, they avoid responsibility and leadership. They will be motivated by a positive assessment from the manager, public encouragement of a moral nature, and instructions to perform representative functions.

A leader seeks influence and power. If he is not appointed as a leader, as a rule, he becomes an informal leader and may resist management decisions and criticize the company's management. Such an employee will be motivated by the prospect of becoming a leader - responsibility and career growth.

A neutral is the most difficult employee in terms of his motivation, because any motivating system may be ineffective for him, because his interests lie outside of work. He can be interested in anything: religion, esotericism, butterflies, painting, hunting, sports, cars, etc. The following working conditions are important to him: a clear definition of work tasks, a stable schedule without overtime, clear and uncomplicated work, friendly relations with colleagues from whom he expects acceptance of his values ​​and interest in his hobbies. He is not primarily interested in salary.

Development of an effective motivation system

In order to develop and implement an effective motivation system, it is necessary to implement three stages: diagnose the company’s motivational environment, develop a segmented motivation system in which material and moral means of motivation are comprehensively applied, and regularly monitor and correct the motivational system.

First stage: diagnostics of the company’s motivational environment (system of incentive conditions). At this stage the following activities are implemented:

    Development of methods for objective and unambiguous measurement of employee performance.

    Availability for employees official information about the desired result (how to work and what results to have).

    Assessing the degree to which the desired results are achievable. When a task is too difficult or too easy, employee motivation tends to decrease.

    Taking into account the principles of incentives: the presence of motivation conditions common to all, a reasonable assessment system, the presence of clear criteria for measuring results, simplicity and clarity of means for assessing results, the connection between results and incentives, measuring results and rewarding all employees according to the results of their work, emphasis on quality, control over standards, the presence of a mechanism for revising standards, and incentives for capable and talented workers.

The second stage of developing a motivation system is the stage of building a segmented motivating system and taking into account the psychological characteristics of employees.

At the second stage, it is necessary to conduct a personal survey of employees in order to identify certain groups and develop a segmented motivation system. An example of such a questionnaire aimed at obtaining information for building a segmented motivation system is given at the end of the article.

At the second stage, it is also possible to conduct psychological testing of workers within each group in order to take into account their expectations and implement an individual approach according to the psychotypes of individual workers. At the second stage, taking into account the selected groups of workers and data on their individual psychological characteristics, it is necessary to introduce the principle of complexity, i.e., use not only material, but also moral means of stimulation:

    Assessment and recognition of the personal merits of individual employees: public assessment at meetings, improvement of the interior of the office of a capable manager, articles in the internal corporate press about achievements, photographs or messages on special stands and “Honor Boards”, honorary orders from senior management, badges of honor and awards.

    Assessing and recognizing the merits of the unit: informing about the achievements of the unit at meetings and in the internal corporate press, organizing gala dinners in honor of certain employees, sending employees to a certain conference (seminars, exhibitions, meetings), sending a group for training, going on a group excursion or tourist trip trip, presentation of insignia.

    Personal recognition of employees’ merits from management: verbal expression of gratitude, written expression of gratitude, gifts, conversation with the manager.

The third stage of developing a motivation system is monitoring and correction. At this stage, employees are constantly surveyed, approximately once every six months, and motivating factors are changed in accordance with the information received about their attitude to working conditions in the company.

2. Intangible factors:

— system of advanced training;

— internal competition for filling vacant management positions;

— corporate sports;

— corporate holidays,

As a result of the implementation of the system, the problem of reducing staff turnover, which decreased by 30%, and increasing employee loyalty was solved.

More details:

II. Famous computer game developer - Nival Interactive— set the task of finding and retaining rare personnel domestic market specialties: game designers and programmers. The company created own system employee motivation is an example of a creative approach to solving a problem.

The company offered employees:

1. Participation in interesting, innovative projects with the opportunity to learn directly on the job - from domestic and foreign colleagues, from VGIK teachers, from famous artists, filmmakers;

2. Salaries higher than the industry average, a bonus system for successfully completed projects, payment for mobile communications, interest-free loans;

3. Convenient work schedule without a clear fixation of time;

4. Organization of office space in accordance with the wishes of the staff, identified through a survey;

5. Providing free meals in the workplace, creating recreation areas;

6. Corporate events, tours.

This shining example non-material motivation of employees

The system is constantly being improved, for which staff meetings and surveys are held annually to identify needs and make additions to the program. In fact, employees themselves determine the necessary incentive measures.

Today there is no shortage of personnel in the company; moreover, up to 10 employees of “rare” specialties apply for each position.

More details:

III. Oil company OJSC Lukoil set out to create a sustainable image of a reputable employer and standardize the personnel incentive system. She has developed a holistic HR policy across all regional divisions that is binding, clear and transparent. An integrated approach to employee motivation is an example for all enterprises to follow.

The list of stimulating factors includes:

1. Material part:

a) direct remuneration:

— fixed (salary and additional payments for meeting KPIs);

— variable (annual and long-term bonus payments);

b) indirect reward:

- programs social protection(state and corporate);

— additional benefits (general and for certain categories of employees).

2. Intangible part ( government system incentives and corporate).

As a result of implementing the system, the company received the desired image, was able to simplify the personnel management system and increase employee loyalty.

More details:

IV. Another example of employee motivation is the company RA Promo-Center is one of the largest Russian agencies specializing in BTL marketing. It is worth considering this company’s brilliant solution to the problem of motivating employees using the example of a system of incentives for promoters. Usually students are recruited for such work. Young people often view participation in promotions as a temporary part-time job and are negligent in their responsibilities. The company decided to raise the prestige of the profession and the efficiency of its staff.

RA "Promo-Center" has built an incentive system in several directions at once:

— providing the opportunity for high, stable, predictable earnings, subject to maintaining a convenient work schedule;

— introduction of a bonus system, redistribution of the incentive fund in favor of actively and conscientiously working personnel;

— organizing competitions and awarding winners;

— creating opportunities for career growth to the positions of project coordinator and supervisor;

— formation of team spirit, a single team;

- organization corporate holidays, entertainment for working students.

As a result of the implementation of the system, staff discipline increased and staff turnover decreased by 35%.

More details:

V. Samara Clinic of Reproductive Medicine “Eco” has developed an effective system of personnel incentives at the enterprise to attract and retain highly qualified specialists, the best in their profession. This motivation of employees is an example for all medical institutions.

The main goal of the system is formulated as “ensuring peace and prosperity for workers.” The list of factors for increasing staff loyalty includes:

— material incentives (high salaries; bonuses based on performance and for length of service; organization of training and internships in leading domestic and foreign clinics; provision of free food on site, work clothes, subsidies for cellular communications and gasoline; employee loans);

- intangible (organization of leisure time - corporate events, trips to the theater, tourist trips, birthday greetings).

The implementation of the program allowed the staff to be fully staffed with specialists, many of whom are considered leaders in the profession.

VI. Moscow holding company "SKM Group"— a leading investment company set out to increase the loyalty and efficiency of its staff. A powerful employee motivation system is an example of management’s responsible attitude towards personnel.

The SCM Group incentive program includes:

— material factors (high wages calculated on the basis of performance indicators - KPI; prizes for winning competitions; 15% discounts on the purchase of real estate in houses built by the enterprise, provided to employees who have worked for more than 3 years; paid vacations and vouchers);

- intangible factors (organization of sporting events - trophy raids, hunting trips; holding corporate events).

Thanks to the incentive program, the company has solved the problem of staff turnover and significantly increased staff efficiency.

More details:

What are the methods of social motivation of staff? How to develop a motivation system based on the example of other organizations? Where can I get help managing a staff incentive program?

Do you know what you need to focus on when developing a motivation system? This is not only the specifics of the enterprise, the competent distribution of responsibilities, rewards and fines. It is also a rational organization of work and influence on each employee in accordance with his character and approach to work.

I, Anna Medvedeva, a regular author of the HeatherBeaver resource, will help you sort out these and other questions.

So let's begin!

1. What is personnel motivation in an organization?

First, let's find out what it is.

The classic definition is as follows:

This is a set of processes that encourage, guide and support the work activities of employees to achieve certain goals.

It is not difficult to guess that there are several methods of motivation.

The most effective system is one that combines:

  • material incentives (additional cash payments);
  • non-material rewards (gratitude and praise);
  • fines and punishments.

To successfully manage a motivation system, it is necessary to know the factors that motivate employees. They are internal And external.

Internal ones include dreams, creative ideas, the need for self-realization, etc. External ones include money, career growth, social status, a high standard of living, etc.

Optimal ratio of internal and external factors - the basis for coordinating the interests of employees with the interests of the company and a successfully developed motivation program.

In the table we give examples of well-known theories of motivation from world developers.

Various theories of motivation:

1 A. Maslow's strategy People's behavior is determined based on their needs. It is necessary to find out the needs of employees and, based on the data obtained, develop a motivation system.
2 E. Schein's theory Each employee falls into one of 8 categories based on their core values. Each such “career anchor” has its own types and methods of motivation.
3 F. Herzberg system Herzberg based his theory on intangible values ​​- responsibility, career growth, recognition. He called wages and monetary incentives only a deterrent factor.
4 System of V. I. Gerchikov This model solves managerial problems, but does not pay attention to psychological ones. That is, it teaches how to get certain actions from an employee, and not how to satisfy his requests.

2. Features of motivation in accordance with different types of employees - 5 main types

All employees can be divided into several categories depending on their character and attitude to work. Knowing each person’s type, it’s easier to choose the most effective methods motivation. Even if the type is mixed, this approach will still work.

So, take a closer look at your colleagues, analyze your observations and draw conclusions about who works in your team.

Type 1. “Toolkit”

For such people, the main thing is the size of the salary. They do not attach their souls to either the team or the institution. This does not mean that their relationships with colleagues are bad. They can be quite friendly. But if a competing company offers such an employee a salary higher than yours, he will leave without hesitation or regret.

How to motivate toolmakers? Of course, with money. High salaries, bonuses and cash bonuses. If necessary, a system of fines is also used.

Type 2. “Professional”

For such an employee, work is a means of self-expression. The main thing is that he finds his work interesting. Therefore, he takes on the most complex tasks and loves innovative directions. Professional interest in work can encourage him to complete a large volume in a short time.

Since the entire being of a professional is filled with passion for his work, the amount of salary fades into the background for him. It is best to motivate this type of employee by elevating him to the rank of expert. That is, constantly ask for his advice and emphasize his professionalism and contribution to the enterprise.

Type 3. "Patriot"

An employee of this type does not separate his mission from the general one, just like success. He lives for work and feels like an integral part of the company, and a necessary one. It is very important for him to know that his enterprise needs him.

Such employees often manifest themselves as social leaders in their teams. You can motivate them financially, but it will be much more effective to express gratitude and emphasize its significance and irreplaceability.

Type 4. “Master”

Despite the fact that such a person works for hire, the main thing for him is independence. He does not accept any control in the work process. It is easier for him to take full responsibility for risky decisions.

An effective motivation for this type of employee is to recognize his authority and provide freedom of decision-making. Monetary incentives for such employees are secondary.

Type 5. "Lumpen"

This is the most hopeless case. No activity, initiative, desire for professional development and growth. Lumpen seeks only to minimize effort in performing work duties.

Finding effective motivation for such an employee is very difficult. Most likely, it doesn't exist at all. Since he is equally not interested in material rewards, career growth, praise and certificates of honor.

The most likely way to influence the lumpen is through increased control and an authoritarian management style, since the danger of punishment is the only thing that can somehow excite him.

You will find information on ways to increase motivation in the article “”.

3. How to develop a personnel motivation system in an organization - step-by-step instructions

Let's draw up an approximate scheme for introducing a motivation system at an enterprise.

It can be adjusted as the action progresses, because the process always proceeds differently and some unforeseen circumstances are sure to arise.

Step 1. Inform employees about intentions to increase motivation

This must be done. Moreover, it is necessary to educate subordinates about the main goals of the activities being undertaken. That is, to clarify that the motivation system is being implemented not only to ensure that each employee improves the quality of performance of their work duties and each department becomes a leader. What is most important is to achieve the common goal that faces the entire enterprise.

Employees will be aware of the situation and feel like they are part of a big deal.

Step 2. We study the company’s staff in detail

Since motivation involves different methods of influence, you need to know how to choose them correctly. And for this you need to study your team. Find out how people live, what they are interested in, who has what priorities, etc.

The simplest and most popular survey method is a questionnaire. In addition to items about the actual data of employees (age, education, specialization, etc.), include questions regarding career growth, leadership, etc. in the questionnaire.

Pay attention to points about whether the company meets the needs of employees. And also be sure to provide a place for wishes and suggestions. Add a column in which employees can rate the importance of questions on a 10-point scale. To get the most honest answers possible, we recommend conducting the survey anonymously.

Step 3. Analyze staff motivation systems

Study known motivation systems, especially those of competing companies that have so far been more successful than yours. Find the principles and methods that best suit you from the different options. Effective motivation of personnel in an organization must be comprehensive.

Examples of famous programs:

  1. "Golden fever". Well suited for departments that directly work with product sales. Departments in different regions are awarded points for the sale of certain items. Cash rewards are distributed based on the results.
  2. "Imago". Employees present their ideas for improving the operation of the enterprise and offer practical solutions. The management considers all options and awards points for useful and rational proposals.

Step 4. Conduct an employee survey

The opinion of subordinates is also very important. If you take it into account, you will develop an effective motivational system. In surveys, take into account the specifics of departments, especially in remote branches and regional representative offices of the company.

Step 5. Inform employees and implement a system for increasing motivation

When the motivation system is ready, implement it at the enterprise. But first, be sure to bring the staff up to date.

Tell us about all the moments of the program:

  • purposes;
  • timing;
  • proposed changes;
  • benefits of the motivational system, etc.

The program must first of all be transparent . That is, it should not leave employees with a feeling of understatement, vagueness, injustice, and especially deception.

4. Who provides assistance in increasing staff motivation in the organization - review of the TOP 3 companies

Business management companies often combine both service delivery and training.

We would advise you not to neglect the opportunity to gain new skills. In a dynamic business field practical experience has great value.

1) Vpodarok

The team, working at the highest professional level, has become the best in its field over the 10 years of its existence. Their clients are large Russian and foreign organizations(Yandex, Beeline, Rosneft, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Microsoft, etc.). In the list of services of this company you will find everything related to motivation and marketing: motivation and bonus systems, increasing employee KPIs, establishing partnerships and much more.

Company advantages:

  • professional approach to work;
  • adequate price tags;
  • efficiency;
  • reliability;
  • various payment options.

On the website you will also find 10 solutions for building customer loyalty - gift cards and certificates, promotional souvenirs, etc.

2) MAS Project

The business performance management system offered by MAS Project includes over 30 tools that will help you take your business to a higher level.

The result of implementing such a management system will be:

  • increasing company profits;
  • accelerated growth and development of the enterprise;
  • increasing the efficiency of each employee.

For each client, a presentation is made taking into account the specifics of the business. The learning process consists of 2 parts - primary and secondary. Specialists develop a motivation system for each organization, taking into account all the issues and nuances. If necessary, trainers will be used to train managers in management techniques. MAS Project tariff plans provide different options - up to 25, 50 and 100 users.

3) TopFactor

The company offers both services for the implementation of management technologies and a ready-made software product, with the help of which you will organize the entire list of tasks and control in the enterprise. With it, you can evaluate the performance of individual employees, departments and the organization as a whole.

You will achieve:

  • establishing feedback with staff;
  • designation of the contribution of each employee to the common cause;
  • organizing the time and efforts of employees;
  • receiving subjective assessments from your experts;
  • transparency of the assessment and reward system;
  • objective control in production;
  • effective analysis of all internal information, etc.

TopFactor has been helping to successfully solve the most complex issues of increasing the efficiency of enterprises for 18 years.

5. How to motivate employees through work organization - 5 effective principles

Increasing the effectiveness of the motivation system is not only correct selection rewards and punishments.

Rewards are the result of work activity. But it is important that the process itself becomes as effective as possible.

Principle 1: Combining tasks

This means that you need to move away from the traditional scheme, when a task is broken down into components and distributed among several workers. Entrust this task to one of your employees from start to finish. This approach contributes to the acquisition of additional skills and ensures the completeness of assignments.

Principle 2: Completeness and integrity of work assignments

The second principle increases the employee’s responsibility for the process, since he alone performs all stages. In addition, the performer comprehends the significance of the tasks and his responsibilities.


At a telecommunications company, the HR department revised the principles of distribution of responsibilities between employees. Each of them was assigned responsibilities for maintaining certain stages of accounting for all departments.

Now each employee fully reports on the two departments that are assigned to him.

After just two months, the new operating principle showed that it was much more effective than the previous one. Each employee performs their duties faster and with better quality, and the responsibility for work and concentration of employees has increased.

Principle 3. Establishing relationships with consumers

This provides feedback to clients, helps employees acquire additional professional skills and increases their degree of independence.

The introduction of this operating principle is possible, for example, in organizations involved in the repair of household and office equipment, sewing workshops, car services and other service establishments.


A service center for the repair of office equipment has established a strict restriction on the interaction of technicians with clients (to avoid unofficial work in the workplace). Because of this, the manager had to spend a lot of time on negotiations, clarifying the nuances of the repair and explaining them to clients.

After analyzing the situation, management changed the operating principle. Communication with clients, as well as the purchase of spare parts necessary for repairs, was entrusted to the craftsmen. As a result, the work process became more streamlined, and clients remained satisfied, since communication through the manager left many feeling deceived.

Principle 4: Delegation of authority

Responsibility for completing tasks and control over work is completely transferred from management to subordinates. It also makes workers more independent, teaches self-organization and increases the level of work motivation.

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