Population in India: size, density, age and ethnic composition. Economy of India. What peoples live in India and their culture

Semester test on the topic of:

« Ethnographic characteristics

Indian population »

1. Introduction

2. National composition India

3. Ethnic composition and languages

4. Population dynamics

5. Growth of the urban population of India in the 20th century

6. Features of population distribution

7. Internal and external migrations

8. National ethnic characteristics India

Religious composition of India

· Lifestyle of the Indian population

· Customs and traditions of India

· Traditional cuisine India

· Traditional clothes of India

· Festivals and holidays of India

9. Conclusion

10. Literature used


India is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Perhaps no country can compare with hers richest culture, its customs. And this is probably why I decided to dedicate my essay to India.

India (or Bharat, as the Indians themselves call their country) is one of the largest countries on the planet. It ranks second in the world in terms of population and seventh in area.

Geographical location: The Republic of India is located in South Asia on the Hindustan Peninsula, washed by the Indian Ocean and most of the Indo-Gangetic Lowland. In the north it borders with Afghanistan, China, Nepal and Bhutan, in the east - with Bangladesh and Burma (Myanmar), in the west - with Pakistan. In the east it is washed by the Bay of Bengal, in the south by the Palk Strait, separating it from the island of Sri Lanka, and the Indian Ocean, in the west by the Arabian Sea. The capital is New Delhi.

Area - 3,287,000 sq. km. Population - about 1 billion people. The most big cities: Bombay (Mumbai), Calcutta, Delhi, Madras (5 million)

India is located within three large orographic regions: the Himalayan Mountains, the Indo-Gangetic Plain and the Deccan Plateau on the Hindustan Peninsula.

The economic and geographical position of India is favorable for economic development. First of all, this relates to the country’s position on sea trade routes from Mediterranean Sea into the Indian Ocean, halfway between the Middle East and Far East. The land border is 2.5 times longer than the sea border, but for the most part it runs along inaccessible mountain borders, and its role in the economic life of the country is small.

The flora in the country is extremely rich: the forests alone can count 16 species, which can be divided into smaller species, 221 in total, just a huge number - 15,000 flowering plants.

The country's fauna includes 65,000 species of fauna, including: 350 species of mammals, 408 species of reptiles, 197 species of amphibians, 1244 species of birds, 2546 species of fish, 150 species of amphibians, 450 species of reptiles, approximately 60 thousand species of insects.
The two most impressive species, the Bengal tiger and the Indian elephant, are still found throughout the area, although Lately their population has declined greatly.

India has a monsoon climate. 3 seasons: dry cold - from October to March (considered best time for visiting), dry hot - from April to June and humid hot - from July to September.

India is a federal republic consisting of twenty-eight states, six union territories and the National Capital Territory of Delhi. All states and two union territories, Puducherry and the National Capital Territory of Delhi, have their own elected government. The remaining five union territories are governed by an administrator appointed by the central government and are therefore under the direct control of the President of India. In 1956, Indian states were reorganized along linguistic lines. All states and union territories are divided into administrative and government units called districts. There are more than 600 districts in India.

National composition of India

India is a multinational country. Its territory is home to a large number of peoples, nationalities and tribes speaking different languages.
The vast region of Northern and part of Central India, covering the states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan and Haryana, is home to various dialects of the Hindi language, which arose on the basis of Sanskrit, the language of the Indo-Aryans. Muslim immigrants from Iran who settled here later and Central Asia also adopted one of the Hindi dialects, introducing into it individual Arabic, Persian and Turkic words, resulting in the formation of the Urdu language, which, unlike Hindi, uses not the Devanagari alphabet, but Arabic. However, since Hindi and Urdu have a common grammar and a common stock of everyday words, they are often considered as two literary forms single Hindustani language. From here the entire population of the North - Central region in our literature they are called Hindustani, although Indians themselves do not use such a term.
Among the largest and most developed peoples that have formed or are forming into nations are:
Hindustani are the most numerous people India. The main areas of its settlement are the states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, northern Rajasthan, Bihar, the centrally administered territory of Delhi and part of the state of Punjab. The main occupation of Hindustani people is agriculture. They mainly cultivate wheat, rice, cotton, and sugar cane. IN last years Industry is developing rapidly in the national territory of Hindustani people, especially in the states of Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, and the working class is growing A large number of Hindustani workers are employed in the metallurgical, mining, engineering, cotton, cement and sugar industries. By religion, the majority of Hindustanis are Hindus. The Hindustani language is highly divided into dialects and has two literary forms - Hindi and Urdu. Their grammar and basic vocabulary are the same, but Hindi uses the Devanagari script, and Urdu uses the Arabic script. The ancient centers of Hindustani culture are the cities of Delhi, Lucknow, Agra, Allahabad, Benares. Hindustani accepted Active participation in the national liberation movement of India, a number of prominent figures in India emerged from their midst.

Most large nations India and their distribution area (by state)

Ethnic composition and languages

Aryans appeared in Hindustan ca. 1500 BC, the "Aryan Age" lasted until about 1000 BC. The sacred books of the Aryans - the Vedas - tell about the victories won by the Aryans over the aborigines (dasa). After colonizing the northwestern part of India, the Aryans headed east along the left bank of the Ganges. This process lasted for several centuries. By the end of the 6th century. BC. The Aryans occupied all of Northern India and moved south all the way to the sources of the Godavari River, where they completed their expansion. However, Aryan influence was felt in various forms in South India.

For several millennia, South Asia has played the role of a melting pot for different ethnic groups. Penetration from outside came through mountain passes in the Himalayas or by sea through the western and southern coasts of India. Tribes with a small population settled in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal. Another significant ethnic component of the South Asian population is the Australian aborigines. The third element is the Mongoloid peoples, concentrated mainly in northeast India. South Asia attracted immigrants from the eastern Mediterranean.

The Constitution of India recognizes 15 languages ​​as official, but linguists distinguish at least 24 languages, each of which is spoken by at least 1 million people, and many dialects. Hindi is recognized as the official language, but English is widely used. Other official languages ​​are Bengali, Urdu, Oriya, Punjabi, Assami, Kashmiri, Sindhi, Marathi (all predominantly in the northern and central regions), Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada (predominant in the southern states) and Sanskrit. In the former colonies of Goa, Daman and Diu, the spoken language is Portuguese, in Puttucherry - French.

In the northern part of India (Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Rajahstan and Haryana), various dialects of Hindi (Braj, Awaji, Rajahstan, Bhojpuri, Magahi, etc.) are common. They all use the Devangari Sanskrit alphabet. The Muslims who settled here, immigrants from Iran and Central Asia, adopted one of the Hindi dialects, incorporating Arabic, Persian and Turkic words into it. Thus, the Urdu language was formed using the Arabic alphabet.

Languages ​​descending from Sanskrit are spoken by Bengalis (West Bengal), Marathas (Maharashtra), Gujaratis (Gujarat), Oriyas (Orissa), Punjabis (Punjab), Assamese (Assam), Kashmiris (Jammu and Kashmir). The languages ​​of the Dravidian family are spoken by such peoples of South India as Telugu (Andhra Pradesh), Kannara (Karnataka), Tamils ​​(Tamil Nadu), Malayali (Kerala). IN central regions In India, there are places of compact residence of Australoid peoples, whose languages ​​belong to the Munda group. In the northeastern regions of India live small peoples with Mongolian roots: Manipuri, Tipera, Garo, Naga, Mizo, speaking languages ​​of the Tibeto-Burman group. The Khasi language belongs to the Mon-Khmer family.

Population of India

Ethnic composition: in India there are several hundred nations, nationalities and tribes; the largest of them are: Hindustani, Telugu, Marathi, Bengali, Tamil, Gujarati, Kannar. Punjabis and others. Hindus make up 80% of the population, Muslims - 14%, Christians - 2.4%, Sikhs - 2%, Buddhists - 0.7%. The ethnic and linguistic roots of the tribes that first settled the Hindustan Peninsula are unknown. It is known for sure that the early Aryan civilization spread from the northwestern and north-central parts of India (2000-1500 BC)

to the southwest and east. The formation of the Indian ethnic group was also greatly influenced by the Persians, Arabs, Mongols, Turks, Afghans, and British. Moreover, the latter left the smallest mark on Indian culture. The peoples of northeast India have much in common with the peoples of Southern Europe , Caucasus, South-West and Central Asia, part of the population of north-eastern India, West Bengal, Western Himalayas and Jammu and Kashmir - with Tibetans and Burmese. The tribes of northeastern India (some ethnographers classify them as belonging to the Australoid language family) have many common features with the peoples South-East Asia

. Small ethnic groups in southern India trace their origins to East African tribes or the so-called Negritos, a people who settled in small communities from the Andaman Islands to the Philippines and New Guinea.

A quarter of India's population speaks Dravidian languages. The languages ​​of this group are spoken mainly in southern India, partly in the central part of the country, in eastern Bihar. Four Dravidian languages ​​are recognized as official languages: Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telju. Ma Nipuri and other Tibetan languages ​​are spoken in northeastern India. The languages ​​of international communication (Ling Gua Franco) are Hindi and English. At the same time, English is, rather, the language of the upper classes of society: no more than 5% of the population recognize it as their native language, but it is widely used in prestigious schools, universities, the media, show business (film industry, popular music), and business circles. India is the birthplace of one of the world religions - Hinduism. Nowadays, Hinduism is represented by many directions, sects, religious and philosophical teachings. Exact data on the composition of this religious community and its number are unknown. It can be argued that the most widespread cults are the worship of Vishnu or one of his incarnations - Krishna - and Rama (northern and central India), worshipers of Shiva make up the majority in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, western Maharashtra, several Himalayan regions, the cult of Shakti (mother goddess) distributed in West Bengal, Assam, Utta Pradesh. Worship of the leaders of some Hindu sects has spread internationally.

The Indian Muslim community is one of the largest in the world, larger than the Muslim population of the Middle East, second only to the communities of Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The Muslim population is concentrated in the states of Jammu and Kashmir, western Bengal, and western Utta Pradesh. The remaining religious communities: Christians (mostly Catholics) are concentrated in the northeast of the country, Bombay and the south; Sikhs - in Punjab and adjacent areas, Buddhists - in Jammu and Kashmir, the Himalayan regions; Bahai (who have recently sharply increased their numbers due to active missionary activity); Zaroastrians - in Bombay, coastal areas of Guzdarat; Judaizers on the West Coast; animists - in the northeast of the country. Located on the Hindustan Peninsula in South Asia, India ranks seventh in the world in terms of area (more than 3 million km2) and second in population (1 billion 130 million). This huge, colorful country accommodates in its vastness a diversity of national interests and norms of behavior. Indians living in the same common territory are sometimes very different in their beliefs, traditions and culture.

Population of India

The most widely spoken language in this country is Hindi, used by more than three hundred million people. And in the northern states of India it has official status. The peoples of India also speak Indo-Aryan languages ​​such as Bengali and Oriya, Assami and Kashmiri, Konkani and Nepali, Gujarati and Marathi, and Punjabi. Muslims in North and South India speak Urdu. Due to the presence of many Pakistani expatriates in the state of Gujarat, which borders Pakistan, the Sindhi language is spoken here.

In the southern part of India, the population is predominantly Dravidian. language group. The four languages ​​that are part of it have officially recognized status. These include Telju, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam.

In the northeast, the states mostly speak Manipuri and other Tibetan languages.

Indian traditions

It should be noted that the customs and traditions of the peoples of India are quite different from European ones. A special feature of the country is the presence of several religions: Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, which bring their own characteristics to the lifestyle of the population.

Unlike the European population, people in India very rarely shake hands, and hugs and kisses are not allowed at all. When greeting each other, Hindus put their palms together and say the phrases “Ram” or “Namaste.” It is generally not customary to shake hands with women. But parents in this country are greeted by bowing at their feet.

All peoples inhabiting India sacredly honor and respect cows. They are considered here. Eating beef is strictly prohibited, and killing or harming cows in this country can even lead to life imprisonment. Monkeys are also highly revered in India.

Shoes must be removed in sacred places of worship and temples. At the entrance, it is left for storage, or foot covers similar to shoe covers are purchased. While sitting, you should not point your feet at other people or the altar. In India it is also not customary to display various religious paraphernalia.

Clothing of the peoples of India

The people of India pay considerable attention to their clothing. Her style is determined by the uniqueness of culture and life, the diversity of nationalities and religious denominations. Although these features affect the clothing of the population, some common features are still present.

As a rule, it is made from lightweight fabrics with a predominance of white. A man's headdress is a colorful and varied part of the costume.

Women dressed in smart sarees often opt for a variety of jewelry such as bracelets, rings, earrings and necklaces.

However, the poor people of India are extremely simply dressed. Quite often, their body is wrapped only in a white cloth, and there are no shoes at all.

Despite the fact that India lags behind China in terms of population, it stubbornly holds its position with a population of more than 1.2 billion people. The descendants of modern Indians, as a rule, crossed here through the Himalayas, or sailed from the ocean. These were residents of the East, the Mediterranean and even Australia. That is why one should not be surprised at such a diversity of nationalities, traditions, historical roots, which have been preserved in India and to this day delight travelers with an insane national palette. Among the numerous nationalities you can find Hindustani, Telugu, Bengali, Marathi, Punjabi, Kannar and so on. Today in India the ancient caste system, only thanks to which the population was able to maintain its rich composition.

More than 75% of the population are Indo-Aryans, most similar to Europeans. Scientists have suggested that modern Hindus came to this land from the north, namely from the Middle East and even Europe. These peoples live in the northern part of India. The south of the country is inhabited by descendants of the Dravidian people and the Mongols. In the mountains and foothills you can find a large number of small nationalities, of which there are several hundred people left.

India is an amazing country, because only here Indians can be very different from each other. In one part of the country these may be short and almost black Indians, but on the other side they will already be tall and with light skin. Each nationality has its own language, traditions and rich history. So let's get acquainted with some Indian nationalities.


They are a people from the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It is located in the valley of the Krishna, Godavari and Tungabhadra rivers. The population is more than 70 million people. The descendants of the people were Dravidians, Andhras and Kalingas. In the 3rd century BC. e. Buddhism appeared on the territory of the present Telugus. In the 7th century, the Chalukya dynasty began to rule here, which greatly influenced the development of architecture. Many of the buildings that we can see today date back to the reign of the dynasty.

Today, Telugus are engaged in agriculture, growing different varieties of pepper, rice, jowar, bajra, sugarcane, cotton, sesame and tobacco. There is a certain branch of the people who are engaged in sheep breeding. The following crafts are common among the population: pottery, weaving, jewelry and varnish.

After so many years of existence, the people have retained the caste division. Castes are divided into clan groups, where many remain family customs, such as marriage between immediate family. Telugus also prohibit divorce, and widows do not have the right to remarry. Telugus who profess Islam also have a caste division.

The settlements of the nationality have a number of features. All villages are divided into quarters, each of which is inhabited by a specific caste group. Families from upper castes have large stone houses with courtyards. The bedroom is always located in the southern part of the house, and the shrine is in the opposite part. The rest of the area is occupied by a guest room and storage rooms. Representatives of the middle castes live in mud houses with one room. Sometimes a veranda is added, but this is rare. The lower caste is generally unlucky; people’s huts are built of bamboo, or less often clay. The staple food of the Telugu people is rice and dishes made from beans and other legumes. Seasonings include sour dairy products, pickled mango, lime and some classic spices. Muslims adopt North Indian cuisine.

The Telugu people have rich history and extraordinary color, that’s why it’s developed here folk art, painting and performing arts. In the 20th century, based on local pantomime on religious theme, the Kuchipudi dance was created.


This is the population of Tamil Nadu. Its population is approximately 65 million people. A number of Tamils ​​also live in Sri Lanka. They have lived there since the beginning of the 19th century. In general, the people live everywhere in all regions of India, but among the rest of the crowd of people, it will be quite difficult to see them.

Most of Tamils ​​are Hindus, but many of them are Muslims, Shaivites, Vaishnavites and Christians. The nation originates from the Dravidians in the 3rd century BC. The appearance of the Tamils ​​is associated with the migration of the Dravidian people from the northwest to the south and the formation of the entire Indy civilization. But, unfortunately, the data on future fate There are very few people, so no one dares to judge their history for sure.

Today, the Tamils ​​are prosperous, practicing arable farming, growing rice, millet, oilseeds, and also overseeing huge tea and cotton plantations. The urban population is engaged in all types of weaving, jewelry, as well as the creation of baskets, rugs, and so on. Tamils ​​can be called a modern people. Industry, services, science and culture are developed in cities and villages. Settlements are also divided on the basis of caste. The houses are very different from each other. They are typically made of clay or brick with multiple roofs. Also, almost every house has a veranda, which is used by the owners during leisure time. Residential buildings are equipped with spacious courtyard. In the homes of rich Tamils, a swing is required. Residents always sleep and sit on mats.

People eat all kinds of variations with cereals and legumes. These include porridge, stewed vegetables, and various broths. Favorite dishes are rice cakes with various fillings and steamed rice balls. Vegetable oil, spices and Exotic fruits. All food is served on banana leaves.

Tamils ​​are famous for their Katteikuttu theater troupes and puppet theater. Dramatic performances are often staged on stage, and mask performances are not uncommon. On the base ancient art Devadasi was created in the last century national dance Bharata-natyam.


These people live in India, in particular in the state of Rajasthan. The population is more than 2 million people. The Sindhi language is very interesting; it contains a lot of borrowings from Persian and Arabic dialects. The majority of Sindhis are Hindus, but Muslims can also be found.

The main occupation of the Sndkhs is considered to be agriculture and growing cereals. Artificial irrigation is mainly used during cultivation. The villagers livestock, mainly buffaloes and horses. Fishing is developed in the river delta. Crafts are not so developed, but weaving, knife making and carpet production remain from their ancestors. Every year there are more and more Sindhis engaged in mental work.

The dwellings in the villages are made of adobe with a special coating, but among wealthy families, the houses are built entirely of brick and fenced off with a high fence. The roofs are flat and covered with palm leaves.

Sindhis eat millet cakes and a variety of pea stews. Along the riverbeds, the main food component is fish. Also, meat is always served with stews: beef, poultry. Tea is a popular drink.


This people inhabits Sri Lanka, mainly in the foothills of the island, and is well developed economically. In addition to India, they can be found in Singapore and Australia. The population is 13 thousand people. Based on their ethnic groups, the Sinhalese can be divided into mountainous and coastal. Both speak Sinhala, but there are clear differences. Almost all Sinhalese are Muslims. There is no point in writing about all other religions, since their number is counted in units. In modern Islam one can trace the influence of ancient Hinduism and the traditions of the people. The basis of the people were the Indo-Aryans, who, according to legend, belonged to the lion clan. The Vedas had a huge influence on the development of the Sinhalese.

The beginnings of a state system appeared on the island in the first centuries of our era. It was then that Buddhism spread throughout its entire area. In the 15th century, the local state of Kandy recaptured its independence first from the Portuguese and then from the Dutch. The struggle for the territory of the island lasted for many years. It ended only in 1948.

Today, most of the Sinhalese people live in villages and engage in arable farming. The main agricultural crops are wheat and rice. Residents of the coasts engage in fishing. Coconut cultivation, gardening and vegetable gardening play a major role in the life of the Sinhalese. In recent years, the island's population has become actively involved in industry.

The dwellings do not have a frame foundation, but are built on the ground from reeds and covered with palm leaves. The floor is always covered with mats. People eat rice in combination with stewed vegetables in curry sauce.

There was no caste division in the settlements. Only among the Sinhalese, relations have only a rural-community orientation. The people are engaged in artistic crafts, namely wood chasing, carving, sculpture and painting. The Sinhalese practice folklore, perform plays using masks and dance.


This is the main population of Kerala state of 35 million. This ethnicity can be found in minute quantities in other Asian countries.

In the 1st century BC, the Malayali formed their state of Chera, in the modern manner of Kerala. During the Middle Ages, its territory was repeatedly divided into small provinces. Such fragmentation persisted until 1056 - the year of formation of the modern state of Kerala. The majority of Malayalees profess Hinduism. Among them there are many Christians and Muslims.

Agriculture is considered the main occupation of the people. They grow rice, cassava, coffee, vegetables and fruits. Malayalees are also engaged in cultivation of coconuts and rubber trees. In addition to crop production, Indians are engaged in animal husbandry. They mainly raise cattle and poultry. Depending on the region, the main type of animal changes. Among the crafts, Malayali are engaged in the creation of boats and fishing tools. Malayali people create mats and baskets from plant materials.

All houses in the villages have a continuous development, that is, one dwelling smoothly passes into another. For the upper castes, houses are built of wood, several stories high, with tiled roofs. Near the house there is always a utility yard with additional buildings. In every home there is always a chapel, a well, and often people create shelters for snakes.

Peasant houses are much simpler. It consists of several rooms covered with palm leaves. Wooden bars must be installed on the windows. The huts of the poorest Malayalees are built entirely of reeds on a bamboo base.

People most often eat cereals, rice cakes, dairy products, seafood and a variety of spices.

The Malayali have a cult of mothers, in whose honor numerous temples have been built. They also do not forget about their ancestors and sacred animals - snakes. There are also rituals with sacrifices. The most important holiday is Onam, celebrated at the end of summer immediately after the harvest.


This people mainly inhabits the state of Bihar, although they can also be found in Bangladesh, but in minute numbers. The population is more than 200 thousand people. Most of the Oraons adhere to Hinduism, and a quarter are Christians. According to some sources, they came from South India.

The main occupation is arable farming. In mountainous areas it is of a slash-and-burn nature. Only rice is grown. Animals raised include small cattle, chickens and ducks. Fishing and gathering have been preserved in the river valleys. Today, many Oraons work in the fields or participate in road construction. There are also many representatives of the intelligentsia among the population. Oraons live in villages in traditional houses with walls coated with clay. The roof is covered with either tiles or reeds, it all depends on the wealth of the family. The administration of the settlement is carried out by a council headed by a mahato. In the village you can find so-called bachelors' houses. They can be compared to modern dormitories where only girls or only men live. The nationality is unique in that after many years it has retained the division into totemic clans. In every village there is a hut with totems representing the ancestors. Residents regularly sacrifice young chickens to them and protect them in every possible way.


The people live in the Gilgit River valley and nearby mountainous areas. The population is 120 thousand people. Most Shina practice Islam and Buddhism. Until the 14th century, the territory was divided into principalities, which were constantly at war with each other. There were frequent cases of slavery and the sale of people in slave markets. Almost all villages, due to frequent attacks, have established protective structures, still preserved.

The main occupation in the villages is manual farming. They grow rice and other grains, as well as vegetables and fruits. Grapes are grown in the Gilgit delta. Since there is little fertile land, the Shina live close to each other and prefer not to quarrel. This is due to the fact that trade relations often arise between neighboring settlements, for example, they exchange grain for vegetables if there is such a shortage. Residents of the mountains raise small cattle and also mine gold. There is no culture at all, since the people live separately and are actually poor. Today, the rural community has been preserved, and marriage relations are controlled by Sharia law.


This small people, not exceeding 65 thousand people. She lives in the state of Sikkim and Bengal, and you can also meet representatives in Nepal. According to historical data, the Lepchas are an autochthonous population of the Himalayas, which in some documents is referred to as Kirantis. Today, the Lepchas practice terrace farming and grow rice, corn, buckwheat and millet. Common animals include goats, chickens, pigs and cattle. People were engaged in hunting until the 19th century. But it’s very difficult with crafts, they simply don’t exist.

Reside local residents large families in good quality wooden houses. Several settlements make up a community, headed by a headman. The people have preserved the cult of the mountains; they still believe in evil spirits and gods.

Modern India is a multinational country inhabited by peoples differing in appearance, language and customs.

The Indian Constitution recognizes 21 official languages. However, linguists distinguish at least 24, each of which is spoken by at least 1 million people, and many dialects.

The official language is Hindi, and English is widely used. Other official languages: Bengali, Urdu, Oriya, Punjabi, Assami, Kashmiri, Sindhi, Marathi - spoken mainly in the northern and central regions; Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada - in the southern states. In the former colonies of Goa, Daman and Diu, the spoken language is Portuguese, in Puttucherry - French.

In the northern part of India (Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Rajahstan and Haryana), various dialects of Hindi (Braj, Awaji, Rajahstan, Bhojpuri, Magahi, etc.) are common.

They all use the Devangari Sanskrit alphabet.

The Muslims who settled here, immigrants from Iran and Central Asia, adopted one of the Hindi dialects, incorporating Arabic, Persian and Turkic words into it. Thus, the Urdu language was formed using the Arabic alphabet.

Languages ​​descending from Sanskrit are spoken by Bengalis (West Bengal), Marathas (Maharashtra), Gujaratis (Gujarat), Oriyas (Orissa), Punjabis (Punjab), Assamese (Assam), (Jammu and Kashmir).

The languages ​​of the Dravidian family are spoken by such peoples of South India as Telugu (Andhra Pradesh), Kannara (Karnataka), Tamils ​​(Tamil Nadu), (Kerala).

In the central regions of India there are places of compact residence of Australoid peoples, whose languages ​​belong to the Munda group.

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