The name of the exhibition is according to Paustovsky. Scenario of a creative lesson-research on the topic "Secrets of the fairy tale" Warm bread. Preparing for perception

Purpose: To attract the attention of students to the work of K.G. Paustovsky.

Preparation for the lesson: children read and remember the stories and tales of K. Paustovsky for the lesson. The class is divided into three teams.

Game progress

I. Organizational moment.

- Our literary ring is dedicated to the works of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892-1968).
A sensitive artist, a subtle observer, a recognized master of literary landscape, he recreates images of his native nature in his works, helps the reader to look at the world around him in a new way and feel its enchanting splendor.
3 teams take part in our game. Drawing of lots.
The first round is announced. There are 3 tasks in it.

II. 1st round. "Forest incidents"

Task 1. "Learn the work by its beginning"
“The lake near the shores was covered with heaps of yellow leaves. There were so many of them that we could not fish. The fishing lines lay on the leaves and did not sink. " ("Badger nose".)
"The son of grandmother Anisya, nicknamed Petya the big, died in the war, and her granddaughter stayed with her grandmother, the son of Petya the big - Petya the little." ("Deep Bear")
"When the cavalrymen passed through the village of Berezhki, a German shell exploded near the outskirts and wounded the black horse" "(" Warm bread ".)
“The heat has been above the ground for a whole month. Adults said that this heat can be seen "with the naked eye." ("Tree frog")
“Vanya Malyavin came to the veterinarian in our village from Lake Urzhensky and brought a warm little hare wrapped in a torn cotton jacket”. ("Hare paws".)
"Every time autumn approached, there was talk that much in nature is not arranged the way we would like." ("Present")

Task 2. "Why and why?"

- Knowing the stories of K. Paustovsky, you can easily answer the following questions.
Can you see heat or cold? (The story "Tree frog". Yes, you can. In the heat above the meadows and the forest, you can see a yellow smoke. It seems that the air trembles. And in the cold the color of the sky changes - it turns green, like wet grass.)
Can an animal as strong as a horse cry? (The story "Warm bread". When the Boy Filka shouted at the horse and hit him on the lips ")
If you dig a small tree in the forest, for example, a birch, plant it in a tub and keep it in a warm room, will its leaves turn yellow in the fall or will it remain green for the whole winter? (They will turn yellow and fly around in the fall. The story is "Gift".)
Can animals and plants come to the aid of a man (boy)? (The tale “Dense Bear.” Animals and plants came to the aid of the boy Petya when a bear wanted to attack the calves).
Is it possible to tame a vagabond and a bandit who has lost all conscience. (Yes, you can. Caress and feed well. "Cat-Thief").
Can an insect go through a war with a person and return home to its native land? (The tale “Rhinoceros Beetle.” The Beetle fought with Peter Terentyev until the very victory)

Task 3. "Say a word"

1team. Cat- ... (Thief.) ... Sparrow (Disheveled.)
2team. Steel ... (Ring.) ... - rhino (Beetle)
3team. ... - bear (Dense) ... - paws. (Hare)

III. 2nd round. "Detective"

- Now you will play the role of a detective. You need to complete 3 tasks.

Task 1. “Who is this? What is it?"

1team. Sidor (Sparrow.) Beetle (Rhinoceros.)
2team. Tree frog (Tree frog.) Gift (Birch.)
3team. Thief (cat) Chichkin (Sparrow)

Task 2. "Explainers"

1 team.
Who can help a person get out of a forest fire? (Old forest dwellers know that animals better than humans sense where the fire comes from. The hero of the story "Hare's Paws" grandfather Larion ran after the hare, and he led him out of the fire.)
One day a badger burned his nose when he thrust it into a frying pan where potatoes were being fried. How did he treat his nose? (He tore open an old stump, stuck his nose into the very middle of it, into the cold and wet dust.)
Team 2.
What does the tree frog predict? (With a croak, she predicts rain. The story is "Tree frog".)
Once a crow stole a glass bouquet from my mother. How did he end up with mom again? (Sparrow Pashka took him away from the crow and returned it to his mother in the theater. "Disheveled Sparrow")
Team 3.
The girl Varya really wanted her affairs Kuzma to get better. What did she do for this? (I put a ring on my middle finger and wore it all day without taking it off. "Steel ring")
How did Vanya want to keep the summer at home? (He put a birch in a box and put it in the brightest and warmest room. "Gift")

Task 3. "File of detectives"

- According to the description, you should recognize the hero of the story by K. Paustovsky.
1 team.
She lived in a booth boarded up for the winter, where ice cream was sold in the summer. She was mean, grumpy. She stuffed all her riches with her beak into the cracks of the stall so that they would not be plundered by the sparrows. (Crow. Tale "Disheveled Sparrow".)
He was old, sleeping on a pole, swollen like a balloon. All winter he lived in Kuzma's hut on his own, as a master. With his character, he forced not only Varyusha to reckon, but also the grandfather himself. He pecked the porridge straight from the bowls, and tried to snatch the bread out of his hands ... "(Old sparrow Sidor. The tale" Steel ring ".)
Team 2.
He was skinny, fiery red, with white markings on his belly. His ear was ripped open and a piece of his dirty tail was chopped off. (Thief cat.)
He lived across the river, in a large forest. His hide was covered in yellow pine needles, crushed lingonberries and resin. His eyes burned like fireflies - green. ("Deep Bear")
Team 3.
He was small, with scorched hind legs and belly. His left ear was torn. (Hare. "Hare paws")
Little boy Stepa caught him and put him in a matchbox. He gnawed at a blade of grass, but still continued to knock and scold. He poked out his furry paw and tried to grab Styopa by the finger. ("Rhinoceros beetle")

IV. 3rd round. Guess!

Assignment 1. By the characters of the work, guess the name of the work.

1team. Peter Terentyev, Styopa, Akulina. (Rhinoceros beetle)
Vanya Malyavin, Karl Petrovich, veterinarian. (Hare paws)
Team 2. Masha, Petrovna, mother. (Disheveled Sparrow)
Tanya, uncle Gleb, worker Arisha. (Tree frog)
Team 3. Grandfather Kuzma, Varyusha, the sparrow Sidor. (Steel ring)
Reuben, Lyonka, Rooster Gorlach. (Cat Thief)

Task 2. On the subject, guess the work.

1 team. A box of matches. (The Adventures of a Rhino Beetle)
Frying pan. (Badger nose)
Team 2. Ring. (Steel ring)
A twig in a jar. (Tree frog)
Team 3. Small glass bunch. (Disheveled Sparrow)
Birch. (Present)

V. Summing up the literary ring.

2017 marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of the classic of Russian literatureKonstantin Georgievich Paustovsky. V libraries of Kasimov region plannedmany events dedicated to the anniversary date.

EmployeesElatomsky village library 18 May with the students of the school reader's the conference " Paustovsky and Meshchersky Territory". Its goal is to acquaint with personality and creativitythe writer, to reveal the versatility of his talent.

WITH reports oflife and creativityK.G. Paustovsky spoke and at high school students. ZHonored Teacher of the Russian Federation TsyngalevaTatyana Vasilievna made an interesting and informative report on the topic« Konstantin GeorgievichPaustovsky and Ryazan Territories ".

V during the conference performed pupils sounded excerpts from the writer's works: "Thief's Cat", "Steel Ring", "Hare's Paws", "Warm Bread".

Attention present bThe book exhibition “Paustovsky for children».

In conclusion e activities, the guys answered the questions of the literary quiz s by works the writer.

“A person who loves and knows how to read is a happy person. He is surrounded by many smart, kind, loyal friends,dthe guns are books. "With these wonderful words of the writerKonstantin Paustovsky May 17 at Novoderevenskaya rural library the literary hour "Meshchera's Favorite Writer" was opened.Leading the event, chief librarian S.V. Potanina r story ala olife and work of the writer, his reverent attitude to the Meshchersky region. A video about his works helped the participants of the event to recall the heroes of Paustovsky's stories. With biginterestchildren listened to an excerpt from the story "Telegram".

All m activities I am accompanied by showing colorful presentation th andturned out to be interesting, informative and instructive, becauseThe wonderful works of K.G. Paustovsky is taught to love, to admire the uniqueness of the nature of our great Motherland, to be grateful and merciful to her.


The next meeting of the "ECOS" club in children's library number 2 - day of the ecological book "Dictionary of Native Nature"- was dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of K.G. Paustovsky. Club members - fourth-graders MBOU "Secondary school № 23" from the introductory conversation head. library learned about the life and work of the remarkable writer.

Dreaming of "some extraordinary profession", Konstantin Georgievich changed many occupations: he was a worker at metallurgical plants, a fisherman, an employee, a journalist. During the First World War, he worked as a counselor and conductor on a Moscow tram, an orderly on an ambulance train, in a field ambulance detachment. But, in his opinion, it was writing that united all the attractive professions of the world. As Konstantin Georgievich himself wrote: "... it has become my only, all-consuming, sometimes painful, but always beloved work."

Among the works that came out from the pen of K. G. Paustovsky, there are fascinating children's stories and fairy tales. And these tales are not simple. As Konstantin Georgievich himself noted: "This is a fairy tale, but at the same time there is a lot of real life in it, and it happens today."

The works created by K. G. Paustovsky for children were recalled by the participants of the event during the game "Confusion". It was necessary to restore the correct names from the incorrect ones presented on the board, with confused words. And the author of one of the proposed tales was another writer. The guys noticed the catch right away!

Paustovsky wrote: "... It would be nice to compile several new dictionaries of the Russian language ... In one such dictionary, we can, suppose, collect words related to nature ...". The members of the club tried to compile a dictionary of native nature at the meeting of the club, recalling the representatives of the flora and fauna, about whom Konstantin Georgievich wrote stories and tales. Head the library read out excerpts from the writer's texts, and the guys called the animal or plant in question and the work of the author-hero of the day, a part of which was read out. We recalled the angry badger beast with a burnt nose, the ginger cat-thief, the grumpy rooster “Gorlach”, the old “dense” bear, the birch tree that remained faithful to its forest friends, and the caring fireweed flower, and many other heroes of the stories and tales of K. G Paustovsky.

Konstantin Georgievich wrote many works for both adults and young readers. In his works, the writer cordially, simply and with great warmth depicted his native nature, helping readers to take a fresh look at the world around them, to feel their connection with every particle of the earth, every flower and every animal in our Russian fields and forests. In his works, K.G. Paustovsky showed how necessary our care is to the enchanting and fragile world of nature.

Scenario of a creative lesson-research on the topic "Secrets of the fairy tale" Warm bread "

Lesson objectives:

· To acquaint students with the personality of the writer;

Reveal genre features fairy tales;

· To form research skills in determining the origins of a fairy tale, relying on additional information about Russian folklore, folklore of other countries and their interaction;

· To teach to define the idea of ​​a fairy tale by referring to the plot, to the images and artistic skill of the writer;

· Develop monologue speech, thinking, memory;

· Foster the desire and desire to be an attentive and thoughtful reader;

· Instill interest in the subject.


· Texts of the fairy tale " "Warm bread" in any edition;

· Educational electronic presentation;

Board decoration: portrait

During the classes

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

I know you love fairy tales?

Why do you like fairy tales?

What are the main features of a fairy tale as a genre of literature and folklore?

Students note socially significant signs of fairy tales: the triumph of good over evil, the presence of magic and miracles, as well as morality.

Yes, there is nothing more interesting than a fairy tale. One such tale will be discussed today in the lesson.

2. Preparation for perception.

Guess what kind of tale we are going to talk about today?

What fairy tale hero could this object belong to? (Demonstrating a piece of bread).

Students easily and freely call the boy by the nickname "Well you" from the fairy tale "Warm bread"

I accompany the students' answers to presentation # 1, which contains a scanned book cover and illustrations, a reproduction of a portrait, I introduce students to a communicative situation and help create an emotional setting for its perception.

3. Statement of the educational problem.

Today we will explore the content, artistic features of the fairy tale, and reveal the author's intention.

Students accept the teacher's attitude.

4. Generalizing conversation about personality.

Prepared pupils speak with short stories about the writer.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky was born on May 19 (or 31), 1892 in Moscow, in the family of an official in the administration of the South-Western Railway. After graduating from high school, he studied at the University of Kiev at the Faculty of Natural History, then at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. The first story "On the Water" was published in the magazine "Lights" in 1912 in Kiev. In 1925 Konstantin Georgievich published his first book "Sketches of the Sea" And in 1929 his novel "Shining Clouds" was published. In 1920-1930. the writer traveled a lot throughout the Soviet Union, was engaged in journalism, published essays and reports in the central press. Paustovsky wrote the stories "Kara-Bugaz (1932) and" Kolkhida "(1934), which brought him fame.
During the Great Patriotic War, Konstantin Georgievich went to the front as a war correspondent for TASS. In the last period of creativity, he creates an autobiographical work "The Story of Life" (1945-1963) and the book "Golden Rose" (1956) about the psychology of artistic creativity. Prose topics are varied. He wrote about artists, poets, prose writers, composers, and about nature.

We learned that he loved to travel. He traveled a lot across Russia, lived in the Polar Urals, on the shores of the Caspian Sea, in Karelia. The Meshchersky Territory not far from Moscow became his second homeland. Paustovsky also visited many foreign countries: the Czech Republic, France, Italy and others. The writer was in several wars - World War I, Civil War, World War II. During his life, he wrote over forty books, not counting stories, plays and articles.

Let's summarize our conversation. How did this affect his later adult life?

I organize creative work in 3 groups. Students make up logical chains in which they show the role of the surrounding reality in becoming as a person, and in the future as a writer.

Students should end up with the following chains:

· desire to learn (became smart, educated);

· love of travel (many impressions);

· was in several wars (wrote the fairy tale "Warm Bread");

· love for the native land.

5. Work on the primary perception of the content of the tale.

1. Where does the fairy tale take place? (in Berezhki)

2. Who took the wounded horse? (miller)

3. What nickname did Filka have? (Well you)

4. What did Filka do with a piece of bread after he hit the horse? (thrown into the snow)

5. What happened in nature after that? (blizzard, severe frost)

6. How many years ago was the same frost? (a hundred years)

7. What, in the opinion of the grandmother, caused such a frost? (out of anger)

8. Where did grandma send Filka in search of advice? (to Pankrat)

9. What did Filka Pankrat advise? (invent a remedy for cold)

10. How much time did Pankrat give for reflection? (hour and a quarter)

11. What did Filka come up with? (break ice on the river)

12. Who witnessed the conversation? (magpie)

13. What role did the forty play in saving people? (the warm wind called)

14. What did Filka carry to the wounded horse? (a loaf of fresh bread)

15. What did the horse do after eating the bread? (put his head on Filke's shoulder)

16. Why was the magpie angry? (no one listened to her)

6. Research activities of students.

Is this a fairy tale or a story? What role did the horse play? Is there magic in a fairy tale? What do magic items look like? Why is the tale called Warm Bread? Let's try to figure it out.

1. Features of the genre.
We have read the tale to the end. Did we see a lot of fabulous things in this work? Maybe this is not a fairy tale, but a story? Let's figure it out (a prepared group presents presentation # 2).

Conclusions: Probably, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question: is it a fairy tale or a story. But you and I know that in order to understand any work of art, it is important to comprehend the name.

Why is the tale called "Warm Bread"? To explain the name, we'll turn to each word.
a) First, let's remember how they treated bread in Russia. Proverbs will help us with this. ...
Bread is the head of everything.
Bread and water are peasant food.
Bread strengthens a person's heart.
There is no bread - and no friends.
There is no bread - and a crust in honor.
Bread is bread brother.
Bread does not go behind the belly, but the belly does not go for bread.
Bread is not a piece - and in the upper room there is melancholy.
Bread is the edge - and paradise under the spruce, not a piece of bread - longing will take in the fields.
We see how respectfully, reverently they treated bread.
b) What are the meanings of the word "warm" (Working with Ozhegov's dictionary. Warm 1) not having time to cool down, 2) fresh, 3) kind, conquering evil)
c) Why is the tale called "Warm Bread"? (Warm bread helped Filke to make peace with the horse. The bread was warm not only because it had recently been baked, but because it was warmed by the warmth of the soul, the general joy).


There is such a belief. Throwing away the bread is a great sin. Whoever throws away the half-eaten pieces will become poor. The belief is very ancient. And its meaning is clear: the bread must be protected, it grew with the help of Dazhdbog (the Sun), a lot of work was spent on its cultivation, processing. He who is not frugal with bread will be punished by the heavenly powers. It is better to give the unfinished bread to the birds, as birds symbolize the souls of the dead. It is better to give the bread to them and thereby perform a good deed.

Filka threw bread into the snow, so he was punished.

Does bread have magic power? (students now answer this question unambiguously: of course, it does). It turns out that the most common objects become magical.

And now we need to answer a few more questions:

What can we call magic?

What do magic items look like?


Imagine a man (European) some 200 years ago. If you met him and told him about our modern world: about telephones, TVs, airplanes, the Internet, the GPS system, etc., what would he say to this?
Firstly, he would not have believed you, and then he would have decided that you are a wizard, since it is humanity to call magic those actions that give visible results, but do not lend themselves to logic. And such familiar devices as: a cell phone, a computer, an airplane and others, he would call magic objects and, telling about them to his acquaintances, he would use the terminology known to him, comparing these objects (in appearance and results of use) with those objects that exist in his world. What would happen? (the teacher names the objects, and the children themselves come up with the name).
A car is (a cart without a horse), a cell phone is (a talking box), a TV is (a magic box), and so on. But we are talking about a person who lived only some 200 years ago! What can we say about those who belong to a world that is thousands and tens of thousands of years distant from us ?! We can only find information about this world in myths that are full of magic, magical objects and fabulous creatures.
Traditionally, it is believed that all fairy tales are attempts by wild people to explain the phenomena of nature, but then why not only gods or fairies, the personification of the forces of nature, use magic objects, but also ordinary people who accidentally collided with these objects?
Let's look at these objects not as a beautiful metaphor, but as technical devices described by eyewitnesses who had no idea what it is.
Immediately, quite clear associations emerge: a flying carpet is a means of transportation through the air (even the name is similar to the means we use today), gusli-samoguds - (tape recorder) and the list goes on and on.

Presentation number 3(implementation of individual homework)

And what do the magic objects and helpers look like in the fairy tale "Warm bread?" One magic item (food) we already know is bread.

Students express their versions (horse, wind, magpie, whistle.)

Student speech(implementation of individual homework)

Stribog is the god of the wind, the head of the air currents. It was to Stribog, without mentioning his name, that they turned to conspiracies or spells on a cloud or drought. In his submission, Stribog had different winds (names have been lost). It is believed that one of such Stribozhich-winds was the Weather, which carried warm and soft western air masses. To others - Pozvizd or Whistle, the evil north wind. “And immediately in the bare trees, in the hedges, in the chimneys, a piercing wind whistled, whistled snow, powdered Filka's throat. A blizzard roared, maddened, but through its roar Filka heard a thin and short whistle - so the ponytail whistles when an angry horse hits itself on the sides.

In April Stribog arrives from the east with a young warm breeze.

In summer it will fly in from the south, burning with heat.

In autumn and spring, it disperses the clouds, revealing the sun. “The wind was blowing from the south. It got warmer every hour. Icicles fell from the rooftops and shattered with a clink. "

In winter, it rotates the wings of mills, grinding grain into flour, from which bread is then kneaded.

Stribog is our breath, this is the air in which words sound, smells spread and light scatters, allowing us to see our surroundings. "At night, the village was filled with such a smell of warm bread with a ruddy crust that even the foxes crawled out of their holes ..."

Student speech(implementation of individual homework)

Since ancient times, whistling is considered an appeal to the other world and an appeal to evil spirits. This sign is not only a Slavic folk belief, but also a superstition in Japan. However, in a number of European countries, whistling is associated with the wind and is a tool of witches. In Romania and Poland, they have a negative attitude to the whistling of a woman: "When a girl whistles, seven churches shake, and the Mother of God cries." And also in Russia there was a custom to arrange "whistle dancing" on the days of annual commemoration. This custom is an imitation of the whistle of devils in order to scare them away from the graves of relatives and people dear to their hearts.

Whistlers are still not favored in the modern world. Whistling is a symbol of impolite treatment, whistling is a sign of condemnation of artists who play poorly in the theater, is not accepted

to whistle in the house - "there will be no money", and even in the sea - "to call a storm". And only the Americans are alien to the omens associated with whistling. They quietly whistle in the house, just as they buy and give an even number of flowers to the living.

Here are some signs associated with whistling:

Do not whistle in the house - there will be no money.

You can't whistle in the house, otherwise the house will be empty.

People generally have a negative attitude towards whistling. And mystically it is associated with the whistle of the wind, which can take money and goodness out of the house. If you whistle, you will impose misfortune on everyone, including yourself. "And immediately in the bare trees, in the hedges, in the chimneys, a piercing wind howled, whistled ..."

Russian epic character, acting as an opponent of the heroes, possessing a mysterious and monstrous power - a special whistle. The nightingale sits in his nest, located on twelve oak trees and waits for passers-by, blocking the direct road to Kiev.
The Nightingale's whistle is interpreted in different ways. Some see him as the personification of the destructive wind, others - the whistle of robbery, most likely Tatar, as indicated by the patronymic of Nightingale Budimirovich.

Student speech(implementation of individual homework)

In the mythology of the peoples of the world, birds perform various functions. They can be deities, heroes, prototypes of people in which they are able to transform. What do birds mean in symbolism? Birds are symbols of the top, sky, sun, thunder, wind, clouds, freedom, life, fertility, abundance, soul, spirit of freedom, and so on. On the world tree, birds are at the top of it.

According to popular beliefs, birds can turn into people, and people - into birds. Such magic is especially widely reflected in Slavic folklore.

In fairy tales, he sometimes helps the hero and even saves him, warning of danger.

Group of students # 1 presents their presentation(presentation number 4)

Student speech(implementation of individual homework)

There is a special conversation about magic horses. Sivka-Burka stands out the most. His suit is not accidental: among the heroes of epics, the horse is also certainly "Burko-Burochko, kosmatochko, triplet". This is also a kind of werewolf, half-horse, half-man: he understands the speech of people and the deeds of higher powers, acts as an instrument of the hero's fate, changing his appearance, helping him to become a hero, handsome and accomplish great deeds. He himself speaks human language and always acts on the side of the forces of good. Sivka-Burka has magical powers. "Sivko runs, only the earth trembles, from his eyes flames, and from his nostrils a column of smoke. Ivan the fool climbed into one - got drunk and ate, climbed into another - got dressed, he became such a fellow that even the brothers would not recognize!" - we read in a fairy tale.

With its wonderful properties it resembles Sivka and the Little Humpbacked Horse, but outwardly they are sharply different. The hunchback is much smaller than heroic horses, nondescript, hunchback, with long ears. But his devotion to the owner is extraordinary.

In P. Ershov's "The Little Humpbacked Horse", a wonderful mare says to the hero:
...Yes, I’ll even make a face of a skate Only three inches tall, On the back with two humps Yes, with long ears ... On the ground and underground He will be your comrade.

Group of students # 2 presents their presentation(presentation # 5)


And how did Filka react to the horse? (“Come on! The devil!” Shouted Filka and backhand hit the horse on the lips. ”“ A tear rolled down the horse's eyes.

Do you think the horse deserves its piece of bread? (children answer in the affirmative)

A German shell wounded the horse in the leg, and the commander left the horse in the village. The miller Pankrat cured the horse. The horse remained at the mill and helped Pankrat. Each considered it his duty to feed him.


At the beginning of the story, we saw an angry boy who reluctantly went out the gate, shouted rudely at the horse, slapped him on the lips, and threw bread deep into the snow. In the final episode, Filka respects both the bread and the horse. As a person, he wants to bring bread and salt to the horse as a sign of friendship and reconciliation, he holds out bread from his hands. When the horse refused to take the bread, Filka cried, and did not wave it off, as before: "Come on." When the horse finally took the bread, the boy smiled. Now he does not at all look like the former Filka, gloomy, mistrustful, angry. He has changed a lot. Even Pankrat says: "Filka is not an evil person."

Good advice from Paustovsky's fairy tale (Creative work).
What did the Warm Bread fairy tale teach and teach? (The guys answer in writing, then read aloud).
It is desirable to bring the students to the following conclusions:

1. Students try to formulate the author's idea of ​​the fairy tale: you need to achieve your goal with kindness, generosity of the soul - all this deserves reward, only the kind can be truly happy Man and nature are inseparable. A person should not forget about this.

2. You cannot be indifferent to the world around you.

3. Magic is the kind deeds of people, kind words, it is love for all living things.

8. Homework briefing.


1. Encyclopedia for children. Russian literature. From epics and chronicles to classics. 19th century. // O. M .: Avanta +. - 2005.

2. Konstantin Paustovsky. A book about life. Distant years

3.: Meshchera side

Konstantin Paustovsky:

“Waiting for happy days happens

sometimes much better than these very days "

“I remember very well how as a child, reading the stories of Konstantin Paustovsky“ Hare Paws ”,“ Badger Nose ”, I could not hold back tears,” Elena Korkina, chief librarian of the Pushkin Central Library, shares her memories. - Already now I understand that this is a kind of indicator of the author's skill. Children's emotions are the most truthful, because with an open heart, a child recognizes falsity instantly. Years have passed, and now I am happy to read these works to my son.

It is symbolic that 2017 became the year of the 125th anniversary of the famous author. Few people know, but Konstantin Georgievich is a man of a very difficult fate. I'll tell you a little about the family of the Russian classic. On May 31, 1892, a boy was born into the family of an employee in the railway administration and a worker of a sugar factory. The Paustovsky family has repeatedly moved from place to place, eventually settling in Kiev. The atmosphere in the family was creative: they sang a lot, played the piano, did not miss a single theatrical premiere. The first teachers of the writer were specialists from the Kiev classical gymnasium. They instilled in him a desire to study literature.

When we lament our lives, we often don’t think about what hardships are in store for other people. For example, Konstantin Paustovsky had to grow up very early. When the boy was in the sixth grade, his parents divorced. Leaving his studies, the future writer took up tutoring.

Paustovsky wrote his first story when he was in the last grade of the gymnasium. After grammar school, Paustovsky studied for two years at Kiev University. In 1914, the writer moved to Moscow. This coincided with the outbreak of the First World War. And here the writer did not choose the easy path - when forming the rear ambulance trains, Konstantin Paustovsky began to work there as an orderly. It was then, by his own admission, that he fell in love with central Russia with all his heart.

During the Great Patriotic War, Konstantin Georgievich was a war correspondent on the Southern Front, while continuing to write. Already in the post-war years, Paustovsky became world famous, which gave him the opportunity to travel a lot in Europe. The writer was in Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Italy, Belgium, France, Holland, England, Sweden, lived on the island of Capri. The impressions of these trips formed the basis of many of his works.

In the department of popular science literature of the Central Library. A.S. Pushkin for the anniversary of the writer is framed book exhibition from the cycle "Singers of the Native Nature"... The opening of the exhibition was attended by amateur tourists, as well as eminent personalities in the Ural tourist circles - Anatoly Nikolaevich Sychev and Olga Anatolyevna Charykova, known as organizers of unique hiking trails in the protected areas of the Chelyabinsk region.

The atmosphere of the meeting was informal: plans were made for the upcoming hike along the trails of the Subpolar Urals. Anatoly Nikolaevich, a geologist by profession, explained in detail the rules of tourist travel, and we could only admire these selfless people. After all, active rest requires self-discipline, willpower and, of course, endurance.
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