Nelly Ermolaeva gave birth to a child: photos, latest news. Kirill Andreev

Nelly Ermolaeva, who became famous thanks to the reality show “Dom-2,” married Kirill Andreev, whom she dated for four years. Two years ago, Kirill proposed to her, but only this year Ermolaeva and Andreev went down the aisle. The celebration took place on June 7 at the Royal Bar restaurant on the banks of the Moscow River. The TV presenter and the son of a millionaire invited numerous guests - relatives and friends of the young people.

The rings were ordered from the Uvelir Moscow jewelry house. They were made to order, and the surface is decorated with the initials of the newlyweds. The TV presenter spent the night before the wedding not with the groom, but in a luxurious room at the Lotte Hotel. On the eve of the wedding, Nelly and Kirill ordered famous artist wedding picture.

The wedding hall was decorated in an original way - pink and black. The young people decided to have a celebration in the style of the famous lingerie brand “Agent Provocateur”, giving their wedding the name “Provocateurs of Love”. Snow-white rabbits housed in a playpen awaited guests on the veranda. Some guests enjoyed holding the animals in their arms and taking pictures.

Singer Cornelia Mango and her fiance Bogdan Durdem were among the first to appear at the event. They prepared a painting as a gift, which was painted by the Star Factory 7 graduate herself. Mango wished the newlyweds to live in harmony with each other throughout their lives. Also among the guests were singer Tanya Tereshina, colleague Nelly Sam, as well as former members project “House 2” Olga and Ilya Gazhienko, as well as Alena Vodonaeva. Everyone present was in a great mood.

The wife of the popular performer Stas Kostyushkin, Yulia, is heading to the wedding celebration. Despite the fact that Tanya Tereshina broke off relations with her common-law husband Slava Nikitin last year, nevertheless, at Nelly and Kirill’s wedding they sat next to each other. The bride's dress was a snow-white outfit with a chic long train. The veil covered the bride's loose hair. Kirill appeared before the guests in a suit turquoise color. The train of Nelly's dress was also decorated with turquoise flowers.

Wedding ex-participant of House 2 Nelly Ermolaeva and her beloved Kirill Andreev passed on June 7, 2016. Famous TV presenter and the businessman held a celebration at the Royal Bar restaurant, which is located on the banks of the Moscow River. The wedding event was attended by Nelly’s friends from the project, as well as famous media personalities.

For Nelly Ermolaeva, this is already the second marriage. Kirill and Nelly met for last four years and only this year they decided to seal their destinies by marriage. Wedding rings were made to order, and their surface is decorated with the initials of the newlyweds. The newlyweds gave their wedding the name “Provocateurs of Love” and arranged the celebration in pink and black colors in the style of the famous brand “Agent Provocateur”. The bride's dress was a chic snow-white outfit with a long train.

The wedding was organized by the famous wedding agency in Moscow “Svadberry”. Among the stars who attended the colorful event were Cornelia Mango, singer Tanya Tereshina, Alena Vodonaeva, Stas Kostyushkin, Nikolai Baskov, Alexey Vorobev, Anna Kalashnikova, Alexey Kabanov and many others.

Nelly Ermolaeva is a former participant in the television project Dom-2, fashion model, singer, and TV presenter. Born in Samara on May 13, 1986. She first married Nikita Kuznetsov, a participant in the Dom-2 project. The first wedding took place in 2011 on Valentine's Day in Italian city Verona. Nelly's new boyfriend is her son famous poet Mikhail Andreev, who is the author of hits by such groups as “Lube”, “White Eagle”, “Ivanushki”. Little is known about Kirill Andreev himself, only that he is the owner of a chain of restaurants in the capital.

Wedding of Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev 06/07/2016 video

Wedding of Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev photo

You have to make excuses too often. This morning she posted a post on Instagram in which she justified herself to her followers for gaining weight after giving birth, and a few hours earlier she responded to fans who expressed dissatisfaction with the star’s luxurious life. Ermolaeva admitted where she gets the money from and how fans can become as rich - a former participant in the show “Dom-2” advised critics to work not according to a schedule, but with their heads.

“The issue of money haunts many people! “What do you do?”, “Where does your husband work?”, “Where does the money come from for such trips?” I will answer this way: We do what we enjoy. Before such a trip, of course, we planned a lot and prepared for it! We don’t sit still and don’t wait for a miracle when money will fall into our pocket. We work hard and try to create our life according to our rules,” the TV star wrote (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Note ed.).

Nelly Ermolaeva and her husband Kirill Andreev

Nellie also clarified that everyone different concept of what “work” is. According to her, some work according to a schedule, while others strive to expand boundaries and change their lives. “It’s just that everyone’s concept of “work” is different. Someone is used to going to work from 9 am to 7 pm... But you can expand the boundaries of perception of the world and turn everything in a different direction! P.S. Perhaps those who have 80-level stereotypes will not understand me now! Sorry! Unfortunately, I won’t write the details of my earnings and the names of my husband’s projects here. But in general, you can earn money easily, you just need to turn on your brain and think carefully!!! P.S. And even a simple mother with two children,” said the wife of entrepreneur Kirill Andreev (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Note ed.). Ermolaeva disabled comments under this publication, as well as under the second “justifying” post.

Nelly Ermolaeva came to the television project “Dom-2” in the summer of 2009. First, she tried to build a relationship with Rustam Solntsev, and then with Vlad Kadoni. But she found her love on the show in the person of Nikita Kuznetsov, whom, after they both left the project, she married in Verona. However, two years later the family broke up, and Nelly Ermolaeva began dating businessman Kirill Andreev. The couple decided to get married in 2016, and in 2017 it became known that the couple were expecting a child. On February 9, 2018, the ex-participant of “House 2” gave birth to Andreev’s boy, who was named Miron.

Son of Kirill Andreev and Nelly Ermolaeva Miron

Let us recall that for some time Nelly was the lead singer of the group “ Istra witches "and performed a duet with another participant in the Dom-2 project - Natalya Varvina. Then she tried herself in the beauty industry - she opened her own nail salon, which then grew into a full-fledged beauty salon, and an entertainment karaoke club. In 2015, together with Ivan Chuikov, Nelly hosted the morning show “ Hello two"on the RU.TV channel, as well as day program, in which people confessed their feelings to each other through SMS messages with the help of the host. Ermolaeva also acted as a designer of her own clothing line. Her brand is called Mollis By Nelly Ermolaeva.

The biography of Nelly Ermolaeva is a magical story of finding personal happiness. Despite the setbacks, the girl confidently achieves her goals. She never suffered from a lack of male attention, but before meeting her true love she had to go through a lot of disappointments.

Nelly Ermolaeva: biography

The girl was born in Novokuibyshevsk (Samara region). Date of birth: May 13, 1986. Wealthy parents did not deny their girls anything (Nellie has a younger sister, Elizabeth).

Little Nellie did not show any special talents, but she showed everyone her persistent character and ability to achieve what she wanted at any cost. After school she graduated from the Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts. By education, Nelly is a specialist in tourism and excursion activities.

In parallel with her studies, the purposeful student was engaged in modeling and took manicure courses. After receiving her diploma, the girl worked in the service sector, and then decided to take part in television project.

Reality show

Nelly Ermolaeva appeared on the screens in “House-2” as a participant in the project on June 5, 2009. She attracted a lot of guys. The girl gave her first sympathy to one of the brightest participants, Rustam Solntsev. But he could not reciprocate her feelings, as he gave in under the pressure of Victoria Abashina.

The beautiful Nelly did not go unnoticed. An affair with Lev Ankov immediately broke out. But the passion quickly faded and the fleeting relationship came to naught. The girl was also fascinated by the mysterious nature of the mysterious Vlad Kadoni. Thus his reputation as a man of unconventional views on love was destroyed. This novel created a serious impression: the couple moved into a house and built a full-fledged relationship. But at “House-2” Nelly Ermolaeva took the position of an unapproachable, untouchable person, so she constantly showed character and created scandals for Vlad. He did not endure it for long and initiated a break.

Relationship with Nikita Kuznetsov

After a high-profile breakup, the girl moved to a city apartment and sought solace from other men. We didn't have to wait long. The main womanizer of the project, Nikita Kuznetsov, joyfully met Nelly, who had recently freed herself from a relationship, and considered her candidacy as his girlfriend.

A connection has been established between the young people. Nelly Ermolaeva’s personal life sparkled with new colors: the lovers spent all their time together, attended fashionable parties and became one of the brightest couples in the entire history of Dom-2.

Everyone watched the development of their love affair with interest. Emotional people they swore loudly, and then violently made up. At some point, she stated that the relationship had outlived its usefulness and there was a need to separate. Presenter Ksenia Sobchak invited Nelly to dinner with wealthy gentlemen, and Vlad Kadoni brought huge bouquets with requests to renew the relationship.

First marriage

In 2010, the project hosted the traditional “Person of the Year” competition. One of the stages of the presentation was the presentation. During his speech, Nikita proposed to Nelly.

Despite the scandals and quarrels, the couple Nelly and Nikita transformed into a family. The gorgeous wedding took place on February 14, 2011 in Verona. Broadcast wedding celebration Anyone could watch it - the project contributed to this process. At that time it was the most grandiose and memorable event.

Life after the project

The continuation of the biography of Nelly Ermolaeva had an interesting twist. The newlyweds left the television set to settle down family life and self-realization. Nellie got busy entrepreneurial activity: opened a karaoke club and developed a clothing collection.

The girl was also a member of the Istra Witches group. Together with her friend Natalya Varvina she recorded tracks. Nikita Kuznetsov could not find his calling outside the project. For this reason, the family idyll was destroyed, scandals became endless, and problems only increased. A year later, an application for divorce was filed due to domestic difficulties. The heroine's first marriage lasted two years. She continued to develop in business, opened a beauty salon Yes with Nelly Ermolaeva, and ex-husband returned to the Dom-2 project.

Nellie became the host. He hosts the program “Two with Greetings” on RU TV together with Ivan Chuikov. Continues to engage in modeling. Opened a chain of clothing stores MOLLIS.

Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev

After the divorce, the girl met the owner of a restaurant chain, Kirill Andreev. The meeting took place at a party. The new chosen one is the son of songwriter Mikhail Andreev. The young man captivated Nelly with his attitude towards her, as well as his determination. Wealthy groom owns successful business, plays music, so he was able to provide a demanding girl decent life.

Second marriage

The marriage proposal was made in 2014. But the official decision to go to the registry office came only two years later. Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev got married on June 7, 2016. The luxurious celebration took place in Moscow at the Royal Bar restaurant. Many celebrity guests were invited to the event. With one of them, Stas Kostyushkin, Nelly performed a song.

Exactly a year later, a joyful event occurred - the couple announced an imminent addition to the family.

Season 4 of the show "Pregnant" on the Domashny channel

The girl did not hide her situation and actively shared with subscribers social networks touching photographs. Everyone was wondering what Nelly Ermolaeva was doing in anticipation of important life changes. Future mom was active and took part in the filming of the 4th season of the project “Pregnant” on “Domashny”. Nelly’s colleagues were singer Sasha Zvereva, blogger Aiza Anokhina and finalist of the “Bachelor” project on TNT channel Galina Rzhaksenskaya.

There were twins in the parents' family, which prompted the newlyweds to think about the possible appearance of twins. They said that they were quite prepared for such a development of events.

Nellie and Kirill did not hide the sex of the baby. They were expecting a boy, Miron, who was born on February 9, 2018 in one of the best clinics in Miami. The girl carefully prepared for the upcoming event, communicated with established mothers and competent specialists, weighed possible options developments of events. Initially, she wanted to go for a caesarean section and independently choose the date of birth of the child. But in the end everything was resolved naturally without complications. Nelly's birth was broadcast as part of the filming of "Pregnant". The husband tenderly cared for his beloved throughout the nine months and was present at the birth. His tremendous support helped me pass all the tests.

Nelly's pregnancy was easy. She led an active lifestyle and periodically took part in photo shoots. One of the most striking was a thematic shoot for Kids Style Magazine.

Motherhood is a lifetime

The biography of Nelly Ermolaeva is interesting and full of events. On this moment a young mother is making plans for the future, dreams of giving her son a decent upbringing and teaching him how to act correctly in certain situations. When she shares her new photos, she signs them with phrases full of tenderness and love. Young dad takes Active participation in caring for the baby and, if possible, being close to his beloved and son.

Nellie is sure that with the appearance of a child in a family, life changes, but does not end. He advises all girls to try to devote time not only to the baby, but also to their husband. It is after the birth of a child that most divorces occur, but a woman can prevent such a situation. Family is the most valuable thing in this world.

In the summer of 2009, she almost immediately amazed everyone with her beauty and self-confidence.

The girl from Samara region literally from the first minutes of her stay on the television project she attracted the attention of young people.

They were especially interested in her, then still a participant in “House-2”, and.

But Samara model Nelly Ermolaeva came to. It was to him that she gave preference at that time.

Surprisingly, the girl never received a response from him and accepted the advances of the black magician Kadoni. The relationship turned so round that in the heat of quarrels and partings, one day, unexpectedly for everyone and especially for Nelly herself, an offer was made to marry him!

But the fatal beauty considered another participant in the reality show - Nikita Kuznetsov. And again - a serious relationship! And there is a storm of emotions, and crazy love! After spending some time on a television project, a girl with her boyfriend, in the midst of the “Person of the Year”, hears the cherished words.

Nikita Kuznetsov made a touching marriage proposal to the girl. Bright participants TV project “Dom-2” - Nelly Ermolaeva and Nikita Kuznetsov, holding hands, will leave the TV project on the same day and play a beautiful wedding.

But the fairy tale will not last long. Nikita was not so ready for a serious relationship and real life. Unfortunately, this marriage did not last long and the former participants in the Dom-2 project separated, remaining just friends.

Nelly Ermolaeva did not remain for long without a marriage proposal. And if usually girls only dream of a real prince on a white horse, then the self-confident former participant in the television project Nelly Ermolaeva found him. More precisely, he is hers.

The son of a millionaire, the handsome Kirill Andreev, not having had time to really get to know Nellie, immediately lost his head over her and fell in love with her beauty, intelligence and decency. Once they met, they never parted. The young man did not let his beloved out of his sight for a long time.

Nelly successfully got involved in television, hosted programs, and became interested in modeling and design. Her chosen one, Kirill, has his own actively developing business. Despite both being busy, they spent a lot of time together, relaxing and traveling.

In two years life together, in 2016, a young millionaire made his girlfriend, former member“House-2”, a marriage proposal and heard the cherished “Yes!” from her mouth. The celebration itself was thought out to the smallest detail. Nelly Ermolaeva personally selected the ideas, developing in detail all the subtleties and nuances.

The wedding of Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev took place at the Royal Bar restaurant, where Vlad Sokolovsky and Dakota recently had their wedding. One of the best establishments in Moscow is located right on the banks of the Moskva River, with a gorgeous view of it.

At the request of the newlyweds, the wedding was organized in a sophisticated style famous brand Agent Provocateur underwear. Needless to say, the hero of the occasion, the bride, wore a chic, perfect dress like a real beauty queen. The beautiful bride holds a bouquet of pink peonies in her hands.

The restaurant was decorated by a whole team of experienced professionals. The guests were unexpectedly surprised by the pink and black tones, and an unexpected and very pleasant surprise awaited all the guests on the huge open veranda. Small white rabbits were running around in a beautifully decorated pen.

With indescribable pleasure, the relatives and friends of the couple took pictures with these amazing tame animals!

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It must be said that Nelly Ermolaeva, who is used to doing everything perfectly, managed to create an unforgettable atmosphere at her almost fairy-tale wedding! The newlyweds themselves called their celebration “Provocation of Love.”

We should also talk about the choice of rings for newlyweds. Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev chose precious items from the famous jewelry house Uvelir Moscow. Naturally, the rings were made to order and in a single copy. On the surface of each there was an engraving of the initials of the couple.

Bride Nelly spent the pre-wedding night in a luxurious Lotte Hotel room, separate from the groom, as it should be wedding traditions, which Nellie, like a decent girl, honors.

The wedding of Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev was magnificent and many stars were present there. Singer Cornelia Mango and her chosen one Bogdan Durdem, touchingly congratulating the couple, presented a painting painted by Cornelia herself.

Former participants of the reality show were also invited to the celebration: strong married couple and, the now famous TV personality, as well as singer Tatyana Tereshina together with Slava Nikitin, the Kostyushkin couple: Stas and Yulia, Anna Kalashnikova, Alexey Kabanov, Yana Rudkovskaya, and Pynzari with their newborn son and many others.

Many unexpected surprises awaited the participants of this extraordinary event! At the wedding, video congratulations from famous artists show business, who for objective reasons could not come to the celebration itself. Among them: , . The congratulations from Nikolai Baskov sounded touching.

Photo by Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev

It can be assumed that Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev will be together for a long time. Confirmation of the couple’s strong relationship was baby Miron, who was born to Nelly and Kirill in February 2018.

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