Nikolai Baskov proved to the whole country that he is the real son of his parents. Nikolai Baskov: biography, personal life, wife, children (photo)

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Biography, life story of Baskov Nikolai

Baskov Nikolay Viktorovich – Russian singer(opera and stage), actor.


Nikolai was born on October 15, 1976 in the town of Balashikha near Moscow. Parents: father Viktor Vladimirovich - colonel, mother Elena Nikolaevna - teacher, mathematician.

When Kolya was barely two years old, his family, due to the nature of Viktor Vladimirovich’s work, moved to Germany. Over the next five years the Basque family lived in Dresden and Königsbrück. His father rose to the rank of deputy division commander (he started as a platoon commander), and his mother, while living in the GDR, worked as an announcer on local television.

At the age of five, Kolya developed a high, sonorous voice—a treble. The boy enters the nursery music school, and later - to the music school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory, piano class (the Baskovs moved to Novosibirsk when Kolya was ten years old). In addition, the boy went in for surfing and scuba diving and received a second youth rank. Subsequently, swimming lessons were very useful - a well-developed chest and breathing apparatus are one of the necessary conditions opera singing.

From 10 to 15 years old Nikolai was part of the Children's musical theater young actor went on tour in the USA, Israel, Switzerland, France. At the same time he listens to a lot of operas. The boy's dream of becoming an opera singer arises.

At the age of 12, Nikolai made his first operatic debut - in the opera " magical flute"He performed the part of the third boy.


At the age of 16, Nikolai takes vocal lessons from the Honored Artist of Russia Liliana Sergeevna Shekhova, who told the young man: "Wait, Kolya, time will pass- and they will listen to you and cry."(her prophecies came true). Then the future celebrity enters GITIS, but a year later he is transferred to Russian Academy music named after Gnesins.

At the age of 19, he made his “adult” debut - on the International Theater Day, Nikolai was engaged to perform the role of Lensky (Eugene Onegin) at the Novosibirsk Opera House. After a successful performance, the debutant received an invitation to cooperate from the management of the Bolshoi Theater. Appreciated the talent young performer and the famous Spanish tenor Jose Carreras, who, after listening to his young Russian colleague, told him: “You are on the right path. You have a teacher, trust only him. Only he and your head can do what you are striving for. Different opinions there will be a lot from the outside and you need to get used to it". Carreras invited Baskov to his three-week master class in Spain. These three weeks became young man three years of fruitful creative work on improving your talent. As a result, even the Italians, gourmets of opera singing, recognized that the voice of the young Russian tenor was beautiful, powerful and emotional, and saw the influence of the famous Italian school in his performing style. So, at the age of 22, Nikolai Baskov becomes known to the whole world, he is compared with Caruso, Pavarotti, and is invited to perform in different countries, including to America.



Everywhere Nikolai’s talent meets with admiring reception; after the concert, the Schtuder Deutsche newspaper wrote: “After performing the song of memory, Nikolai Baskov forced the audience to stand for ten minutes of applause. He combines the beauty and purity of the Russian soul, as well as an extraordinary beautiful voice" . The Russian composer Alexander Morozov helped this talent gain fame, who also fell under the spell of Baskov’s voice and invited Nikolai to perform and record two tracks – his own romance and a second one of his choice. Basque chose his favorite composition - “In Memory of Caruso”. The interpretation of these works and the divine flight of his voice brought Nikolai warm gratitude and love from the public in Russia. From that moment on, the musician understands that his talent does not belong only to him alone, his talent is the property of all of Russia. By the way, the singer always treated this property very carefully - he never smoked, did not abuse alcohol, actively kept in shape, and went in for winter swimming (which is so unconventional for vocalists in general and tenors in particular).

Baskov, together with producer Boris Isaakovich Shpigel, recorded his first album, “Dedication,” at the “Music, Perfection, Beauty” studio, created specifically for Nikolai and equipped with Swiss equipment. The album, in addition to the composition “In Memory of Caruso” that made the musician famous, includes works by Handel, Albinoni, Evgeny Martynov, and others. The resulting stylistic palette is surprisingly rich – from classics to pop. After the release of the album, engagements rained down with even greater frequency and now Basque is singing in a duet with opera prima, which, by the way, presented the album “Dedication” to the public in fashion club"Dolls". Music critics believed that the Basques are creating in line with today's cultural trend towards the popularization of classical academic music, in the West, this trend is supported by many opera singers, including Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman.

In March 2001, Nikolai passed the state exams at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. Despite the insane prices, crowds of fans and music lovers purchased tickets (all money received for tickets, as stated, was used to support the country's famous music university) to listen to Baskov during his exam. Even the Minister of Labor came and social development Mr! The work of the examination committee was complicated by the exclamations of “bravo” and applause that accompanied the end of each issue, but in the end the “excellent” mark took its place. The exam is passed - then life, rehearsals, concerts, disappointment, fatigue and the endless joy of creativity. Laureate of the Maria Callas International Vocal Competition in Athens, winner All-Russian competition young performers of Russian romance, laureate of the Ovation Prize in the Golden Voice of Russia nomination, laureate of the Spanish Grand competition Voce is a good place to start.

After graduating from the university, Nikolai Viktorovich entered graduate school at the Moscow State Conservatory. . In 2003, she successfully completed her studies, receiving gold medal. But he decided not to stop his studies there. A little later, he entered the master's program at Moscow State University at the faculty government controlled. In 2010, he completed his master's degree, as always, successfully.

In 2003, Baskov left the Bolshoi Theater troupe and began singing in opera houses Yoshkar-Ola (was fired from there in the fall of 2012) and Novgorod. Since then most Nikolai had to spend his time touring around various countries- he visited Spain, Israel, and the USA... In every country, in every city, his devoted fans were eagerly awaiting the artist, ready to do almost anything just to hear with their own ears how the golden voice of Russia sings.


On September 14, 2003, Nikolai Viktorovich was nominated as a candidate for deputy in the elections to the State Duma of the fourth convocation. Alas, he failed to get closer to power.

Awards and prizes

Nikolai Baskov has received more than a dozen different awards, prizes and titles, including: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2001), People's Artist of Ukraine (2004), People's Artist of Moldova (2007), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2009) and others.

Television and cinema

On July 1, 2003, Nikolai Baskov appeared before his fans in a new image - as a TV presenter. For several months he hosted the “House – 1” program on TNT.

In 2005, he became the host of the entertainment program “Saturday Evening” on the Russia-1 channel. In 2012, on the same channel he acquired own show entitled " Marriage Agency Nikolai Baskov." At the same time, the “home video of stars” project was launched on the MTV channel, the host of which was, of course, Basque.

In 2010, Nikolai Viktorovich decided to try his hand at dubbing. Ken, the doll from the cartoon “Toy Story,” spoke in his voice. The Great Escape." In 2013, he took part in the voice acting of the animated comedy “Real Squirrel”.

In the period from 2002 to 2014, Nikolai Baskov starred in fourteen films (musicals, TV series and feature films). His debut was the role of Prince in New Year's musical"Cinderella". It should be noted that Nikolai coped brilliantly with his role.

Personal life

On January 27, 2001, Nikolai married the daughter of his producer Boris Shpigel, Svetlana. Almost five years later family life(April 24, 2006) Svetlana gave Nikolai a son. The boy was called very handsome and rare name Bronislav. Unfortunately, soon after this, the relationship between Nikolai and Svetlana began to deteriorate. In May 2008, they officially divorced.

In 2009, Baskov began an affair with one of the most beautiful women countries. They were together until 2011, after which they publicly announced their separation.

In 2014, Nikolai Viktorovich met Sophie Kalcheva, a successful producer. An affair began between the artists, which gradually developed into a serious relationship.

Video by Nikolay Baskov

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When they talk about the versatility of a person’s talent, Nikolai Baskov’s work is cited as one of the few examples. He has performed opera roles, popular classical works, works Soviet stage and pop culture music. He can handle arias of any complexity, romances and world hits, Soviet pop classics and modern rhythms. The combination of his good looks and velvety tenor brought his multi-genre popularity to the world level.

The first notes of the star boy

The vocal baby was born on October 15, 1976 in the family of officer Viktor Vladimirovich and mathematics teacher Elena Nikolaevna Baskov. When Nikolai was two years old, dad, who had completed his studies at the academy by that time, was sent to serve in the GDR. The family settled first in Dresden, then in Königsbrück, Elena Nikolaevna worked as an announcer on local television. After 5 years, again, following their father, they moved to Kyzyl, where Kolya was admitted to the second grade of school. Music classes were included in his schedule even before entering school, so it was logical to continue his studies at a music school.

The future stage star was timid and shy, having prepared a poem for a matinee in the second grade, he left the stage in tears and in great embarrassment, unable to cope with his excitement in front of a large audience of listeners.

A year later, my father was again torn from his place. This time the family had to adapt to the harsh climate of Novosibirsk. New school, classes at the musical Youth Theater, tours to Europe, the USA, and Israel helped Kolya overcome his fear of the audience, adapt to the stage and strengthen his choice of areas of endeavor after graduation.

Voice tests

In 1996, Nikolai entered Gnesinka. The first teacher to teach future star vocals, L. Shekhova was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Wanting to master the maximum knowledge and achieve perfection of the voice instrument, Basque attended master classes of the famous opera singer Jose Carreras, mastered the art of opera performance under the patronage of Montserrat Caballe, studied at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Along the way, the artist tried his hand at international and domestic vocal competitions. In 1997 he was noted as a laureate of the romance competition for young performers and won the youth show opera singers. In 1999, Basque became a candidate for awards from the prestigious Spanish international competition"Grande Voce" and received second prize.

As they say, the fateful meeting between Baskov and the world-famous opera diva Montserrat Caballe took place in 2000. The reputation of the greatest soprano of the century left an indelible impression on the singer, who opera diva authoritatively advised me to improve my vocals. The singer became Montserrat's only student with whom she performed at concerts. Critics noted Baskov's enormous vocal potential, his artistry and unique style and taste. This period was very eventful with joint tours, many pop and classical concerts. There was also a duet between Nikolai and Caballe’s daughter Marty, and in Russia they performed big tour in 2006 year.

Nikolai’s debut as a tenor took place at the Novosibirsk Opera Theater at a concert dedicated to the Day theater The talented young man did not go unnoticed, and in 2001 the singer was invited to Grand Theatre, where he was offered the parts of Lensky from Eugene Onegin, Mozart in Mozart and Salieri, the Holy Fool in Boris Godunov, etc. In 2003, Basque also sang on the stage of theaters Nizhny Novgorod, Yoshkar-Ola.

A. Zhurbin wrote the opera “Albert and Giselle” especially for the artist, which premiered in 2012.

A year after this event it was released new program, based on the classical repertoire, called “Star Trio”. Her premiere took place at the Kremlin Palace and was represented by Basque, Caballe and her daughter Marti.

The alluring shine of the stage

Despite successful career classical opera singer, Nikolai Baskov actively became involved in show business in the pop genre. His concert programs are successfully held at the largest venues in Russia and abroad. The very first song in the pop music genre, “Sharmanka,” became an unconditional hit and attracted the attention of a huge number of fans of this genre. Interest in the singer is fueled by colorful video clips and duets with pop stars Valeria, Sofia Rotaru, Natalie, Jasmine, which are different high level performance, sensuality and harmony.

His show programs, with which the singer tours throughout Russia, look no less colorful: “Not only about love” (2008), “Ship of Destiny” (2009), “Game” (2016) captivated millions of viewers.

But for the restless singer, two scenes were not enough for self-realization, especially since with the growth of his popularity he began to regularly receive offers to act in films. He has 9 musicals to his credit, he voiced the characters of several foreign-produced cartoons and the domestic animated film “Heart of a Warrior” (2015). The actor takes part in feature films and serial projects for television screens.

Basque tried himself as a reality show host, but “Home” required too much time and effort from him, so he abandoned this project. But he became a regular on Saturday Night since 2005, in different time Nikolay collaborated with the channels “Russia”, STS, and Russian MTV. Such vigorous activity could not go unnoticed, therefore, in addition to popularity, the artist also has many regalia. He has repeatedly received nominations and received awards from prestigious awards, including Ovation, Golden Gramophone, MUZ-TV, Singer of the Year, etc. At home, he was awarded the title of People's Artist, and foreign tours brought this title in Moldova, Ukraine and Chechnya. Singer from Belarus awarded the order in honor of the enlightener Francysk Skaryna. Activities in the field of charity and peacemaking were awarded the Gold Medal of the Peace Foundation.

Love and passion of Nikolai Baskov

The first who managed to ring the golden-voiced nightingale was Svetlana Shpigel, the daughter of the singer Boris Shpigel, who was involved in producing. But the marriage turned out to be short - the couple lived together for just over 7 years, in 2006 their son Bronislav was born, and two years later they separated. Already in 2009, the singer had an affair with model Oksana Fedorova, which was interrupted by the extravagant ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. But two years later, the press started talking about Nikolai’s new passion - Sofia Kalcheva, a singer with a model appearance. The couple repeatedly announced the imminent registration of their marriage, the last date in October 2017 was cancelled, after which some journalists rightly believe that the public is simply being “led by the nose”, fueling interest in media figures with such messages.

Undoubted talent, light, lively character, constant desire to master new heights of show business, the ability to improvise and sparkling humor continue to work for the singer, actor and showman Nikolai Baskov, and he, doing what he loves, pleases his fans.

“Mom is my most devoted fan,” says Nikolai Baskov. “I am very grateful to her and dad for the fact that they never considered me a small child.” No matter how old I was, I always had the right to my opinion, to my desires. Mom is my friend who supports me in all my endeavors. After school I entered GITIS, and a year later I left there for Gnesinka. This happened without the parents' knowledge. And when they found out, none of them ever told me: what are you doing, where are you going. They trusted me, and this gave me confidence in my abilities. Now I have a tight schedule, and I don’t see my mom and dad often. Sometimes these meetings take place at airports when I am flying through Moscow from one city to another. When they have the opportunity, parents come to my concerts, even to other countries.”

Sophie Kalcheva

“Sophie claims that we met ten years before the start of our romance,” says the singer. - But I, like true man, I don’t remember this. He says it was at Dima Bilan’s birthday party. I was still married then, and she was not free. Sophie claims that I even hand-fed her sushi. But whatever you want to do with me, I don’t remember this moment, and this makes my beloved terribly angry.

And a little later there was some wonderful party, after which part of the company separated and went to karaoke. This part included me and Sophie. And that’s where we met, began to communicate, called each other. Everything happened very logically. I am sure that this person was given to me to experience ease in relationships.

Sophie is exactly the kind of woman who needs a man not to solve her problems. She has a house, a nice car, and an adult child. She has no difficulties. We do not plan to change the format of our relations. We have a so-called guest marriage. We are given to each other for joy and this is the most beautiful thing you can get in life. Sophie is creative, she is very musical, she sings, dances and taps beautifully. She inspires me. Previously, I always gave jewelry to my lovers on March 8th, but this time I gave my beloved woman a clip. And this makes me sick! We are on the same wavelength, we have something to talk about. It’s a completely different communication experience.”

Montserrat Caballe

“This woman made me a vocalist in the first place,” says Nikolai Baskov. - Her unique technique Bel Canto is an isolated case in the whole world, which she passed on to her students. It is surprising that she had only a few students. So I'm incredibly lucky! We met in 2000. My producer offered my material to her and she liked me. Montserrat agreed to sing with me, and for the first time we performed as a duet at the opening Ice Palace in St. Petersburg. And from that moment on, I began not only to learn from her. This story is unique in that I joined the family. This is surprising, knowing the Spaniards and their clannishness. I am actually a member of the Montserrat Caballe family. I left her long ago, but we maintain a warm relationship. Last April I was at this birthday party great singer. Knowing that she loved diamonds, I presented her with an exquisite piece of jewelry.

I might add that Montserrat is the person who actually taught me how to breathe.

When we met and started studying, the first thing she did was bring me an atlas of human anatomy, saying that the main thing for a vocalist is to know your body. Only then will you be able to sing long years, you won’t lose your voice. This is a certain technique, an entire art. At the Montserrat master class, they put me on the floor, with a barbell plate on my chest, and I breathed with it according to a certain technique. Thanks to her, I can sing live at a concert of any length. This also requires technology. Talent is not enough.

Of course, I had wonderful teachers in Russia, to whom I am incredibly grateful. But Montserrat Caballe played a separate role, this person stands apart in my destiny.”

Anastasia Volochkova

“This story is almost a quarter of a century long,” continues Nikolai Baskov. – We met Nastya when we were not even 17 years old. We were on tour together in New York and had a wonderful youthful flirtation. Many years have passed, but I remember that story. And Nastya remembers. We carried this relationship through the years. Each of us created families and had children. At some point, Nastya and I got together and went on vacation together. We do not hide the fact that we had an intimate relationship. And we continue to remain close people even now. Few people understand our relationship because it is unique. I love giving Nastya gifts. She bought a house - I gave her a piano. Her daughter Ariadne loves to play on it. Nastya can call me at any time of the day or night, happy or sad, or just wanting to chat. She is my very close friend and an incredibly talented ballerina.”

Singer Valeria

“With Valeria we recorded a wonderful song “Keeping Love”, it was in all the charts, there is a video,” says Nikolai Baskov. – We are very friends with Joseph Prigogine, we have known each other for many years, twenty, maybe more. I adore Valeria's daughter Anna Shulgina, she is beautiful and very talented girl. She tries herself in different guises, and I always respond to all her crazy suggestions. Valeria took part in my show “The Game” in the Kremlin. She performed in a dress that fashion designer Vladimir Seredin made for her. He thought for a long time what to offer her to emphasize her fragility. As a result, an incredibly beautiful black dress weighing 25 kilograms, with a corset and an eight-meter train. When we tried it on on stage, we realized that Valeria couldn’t walk in it. Then the director came up with two pages for her to help with the dress. I gave all the costumes to the artists who performed at my concert. And a special trunk was sewn for Lera’s dress. I once asked Joseph: how is the dress? And he: thank you for the gift, it takes up half the garage!”

Don't miss Nikolai Baskov's "Game" show in your city:

  • April 20, Orel;
  • April 21, Belgorod;
  • April 22, Voronezh;
  • April 24, Saratov;
  • April 25, Volgograd;
  • April 27, Rostov-on-Don;
  • April 28, Krasnodar;
  • May 15, Ivanovo;
  • May 16, Yaroslavl;
  • May 19, Ryazan;
  • May 21, Nizhny Novgorod;
  • May 22, Kazan.

Basque: a talent with a unique voice

Nikolai was born into a military family on October 15, 1976. He will turn 41 in the fall of 2017. What has a genius succeeded in at the age of 40?

We must give the singer his due: he worked hard to gain recognition. He has studied at the Academy named after him. Gnessins, postgraduate studies at the Moscow Conservatory, private lessons with the best teachers. The talent was also noted in the West. Montserrat Caballe herself took Basque under her wing, and at the age of 22 he brilliantly performed such a difficult role in the production of “Cleopatra” that he received a standing ovation from Roman critics and the discerning public.

Today opera and stage seem close to Nikolai. He is a showman, TV presenter, film actor, professor of the vocal department, teacher. He voices children's films, performs complex parts and popular songs.

Personal life

The tenor, who devoted himself to serving people, had not yet found family happiness, although he was married. At the age of 20, he tied the knot of Hymen with 19-year-old Svetlana Shpigel. The couple's wedding took place on January 27, 2001, but already in mid-2008 the union of the “natural blonde” and the brunette Spiegel broke up.

It took Basque a long time to recover from the blow. Then, in 2009, he became fascinated by a new relationship with Miss Universe 2002, Oksana Fedorova. However, the announced engagement in early 2011 did not lead to a wedding. The couple lost interest in each other, and in the same 2011, the “golden voice of Russia” was consoled in the arms of Anastasia Volochkova. The tenor and ballerina were frank with the audience, sharing candid photos, appeared everywhere together. But this connection also ended painlessly for everyone in 2013.

Since 2014, Nikolai Baskov has been dating Sofia Kalcheva, who once took the pseudonym Sofia Bogdan. According to some sources, the tenor’s beloved is 28 years old, other versions say that she is 34.


The singer, married to Svetlana Shpigel, found the happiness of becoming a father and almost immediately lost it. The couple had a son on April 4, 2006; at the family council they decided to give him the name Bronislav Shpigel-Baskov. After the divorce, Svetlana wanted her son to bear her last name and did not allow Nikolai to meet with him. At the age of 10, the boy calls Svetlana’s second husband, with whom she has also already separated, dad.

The tenor himself believes that “time will put everything in its place,” but for now he is content with the fact that his son does not need anything. By the way, the singer’s current lover Sofia has a 10-year-old son, Bogdan. Perhaps Nikolai Baskov could become his adoptive father if the couple’s relationship develops into family ties.

Video on the topic

On December 25, Nikolai Baskov appeared on the air of the “Let Them Talk” program. The singer turned out to be the hero of Andrei Malakhov’s program for a very unexpected reason. The golden voice of Russia decided to do a DNA test in order to find out the whole truth about his parents. The reason for this was the appeal of a woman from Orenburg region, who stated that Nikolai Baskov is her son.

On September 30, 1976, Lyudmila Grigorievna Gnativ gave birth to twins in a hospital in Baikonur. The two sons born were very different from each other. The eldest was born dark, and the youngest, born 30 minutes after his brother, was blond. Children were not brought to the woman for feeding for three days. And on the fourth, the head of the hospital appeared in Lyudmila Grigorievna’s room and announced that her second child had passed away.

The inconsolable parents, who were trying to figure out where their child had disappeared, were refused to give up the body of the supposedly dead baby, and when asked to provide papers where his death would be recorded, they were told that the documents had been burned. With a pain in her heart, a resident of the Orenburg region lived for almost 40 years trying to find out where her child disappeared to. In 1993, Lyudmila Grigorievna saw the performance of 17-year-old Nikolai Baskov, and her heart instantly skipped a beat. “I immediately felt it was him. “I immediately turned gray,” the woman admits. Lyudmila Grigorievna claims that she has similar facial features with the famous artist, a mole near her left ear and dimples on her chin, like her husband.

The woman’s friend Tatyana turned to Andrei Malakhov in the hope of getting to the bottom of the truth: is Nikolai Baskov really the same son of Lyudmila Grigorievna who disappeared 38 years ago.

When a mother who lost her child 38 years ago told her story to the audience in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, Nikolai Baskov himself decided to clarify the situation. He appeared in the studio to say what he thought about it.

“Perhaps because of the songs that I sing, many see me as some kind of ideal son. You know, in any case, I am incredibly grateful to you for the fact that you have been with me for so many years, and I have been with you for so many years. I know that you have my photos and CDs. You know, whatever the outcome of this program, I wouldn’t want to leave your life,” Nikolai Baskov concluded, looking into the eyes of the woman who saw her missing son in him.

The artist said that he grew up all his life with parents who gave him a lot of love and care. Basque categorically denies any relationship with Lyudmila Grigorievna. “Well, don’t you see that I am the real son of my parents? - Nikolai addressed the audience in the studio. “When my mother gave birth to me on October 15 in Moscow maternity hospital No. 1, there were relatives with her, all family members who saw her both pregnant and giving birth.”

The alleged brother of Nikolai Baskov, who was allegedly born 30 minutes earlier than him, appeared in the program studio. Oleg sat down next to People's Artist, and they immediately struck up a conversation. When the man was asked whether he felt in his heart that Nikolai was his brother, he was unable to give a clear answer due to his excitement. "I worry. It's very difficult for me. I'm worried about my mother. Where is the heart? “What should I feel?”, Lyudmila Grigorievna’s son Oleg commented on the situation.

Her husband also expressed his opinion about the assumptions of the resident of the Orenburg region. The man claims that he tried to find out the fate of the missing child, like his wife, from the first days of his life, but did not receive a clear answer from the hospital workers.

Lyudmila Grigorievna’s youngest son, Konstantin Gnativ, also appeared in the studio and talked about how he learned about his mother’s speculation regarding his relationship with the Golden Voice of Russia. The man admitted that he knew about everything from about ten years old, when his mother began going to Nikolai Baskov’s concerts. Studio guests noted the striking similarity famous artist with guest Konstantin. Having met the supposed nephews, Baskov noticed that Lyudmila Grigorievna was crying non-stop and tried to console her.

“Don’t cry, we’ll see each other anyway,” said Nikolai. - In any case, dreams come true. And it seems to me that we should look for the child there, at Baikonur. There could be military families unable to have children. Then everything was decided simply, salaries were small. We could have reached an agreement with the doctors, you know? Perhaps somewhere your child, who looks like me, like your sons Oleg and Konstantin, will pay attention and remember some story. Maybe this boy is very happy and he grew up in a wonderful family.”

An employee of the hospital where Lyudmila Gnativ gave birth to her twins told her version of the events that happened at Baikonur on September 30, 1976, on the air of “Let Them Talk.” Evgeniy Milkov did not work at the hospital at that time, but knew those who witnessed the tragedy that unfolded in the Gnativ family. The man claims that the parents could not help but show the body of the deceased child.

The main answer of the evening was in an envelope from a DNA testing specialist. Several tests were carried out. The first concerned the eldest son of Lyudmila Grigorievna Oleg. “Oleg is 99 percent the biological son of his parents. But the probability of motherhood in relation to Baskov Nikolai is 0 percent. He is not your son,” the expert concluded.

“I didn’t tell my parents that I was going to the program. “I think that my mother will understand the good deed that I did for this family,” said Nikolai Baskov, addressing Lyudmila Grigorievna. - It was the right decision to come here. There are problems in every family... Now you will definitely come to my concerts for free. I hope today's program gives you a chance to find your child. God willing, we will find your child. May he be as handsome as me and your sons. Let me sing to you better so you don’t cry. You have such wonderful children and grandchildren. This is such happiness! I wish you not to live in the past, but to live in the present.”

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