New song. Nastya Krainova: life and achievements of a former member of the group “Tootsie”

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26.06.2014 22:47

Nastya Kraynova Biography (Nastya Kraynova Biography) singer, DJ, ex-soloist of the group Tutsi

Creative path future star Nastya Krainova's career began in childhood. Even then, she took first place in music competitions and was a favorite of the audience in hometown Gvardeysk. But the wider public recognized her at the Star Factory. It was there that Nastya showed herself as a person and as a professional vocalist. It was at the “Star Factory” that Krainova sang a duet with such masters as Valery Meladze, Lev Leshchenko, Natalia Oreiro and other stars of Russian and foreign show business.

At the finale of the show, one of her solo numbers was recognized as the best. After the completion of the project, producer and composer Viktor Drobysh were selected from all the participants in the show, only the four brightest and talented girls and the group “Tutsi” was created. The group’s first song, called “The Most, the Most,” “blew up” the charts of popular radio stations, received three “Golden Gramophones” in Moscow, Alma-Ata and Kiev. In 2004, “Tutsi” were nominated on MTV Russia Music Awords as the discovery of the year.

As part of the team, Nastya took part in the best television programs, shows and concerts at the main venues and celebrations of the country: “New songs about the main thing”, “Old songs about the main thing”, “ New year's night», « Good morning", "Wall to wall", " Fashionable verdict", "Army Store", "Let Them Talk", "Health", Proms, "You Won't Believe" (by the way, Nastya is the only Russian show business star who agreed to jump from a bridge), "Rush Hour", "Dinner Party", “Mafia”, “Stylists”, “Ask for the Muse”, “Life is Beautiful”, “Children’s Pranks”, “Comedy Club”, “ Slaughter League", "Intuition" and much, much more.

As an actress, Krainova took part in the filming of such TV series and films as: “Happy Together” on the TNT channel, the first youth series “Club” on MTV, and the film “Narrow Bridge”, which was filmed by Channel One. ABOUT creative path Nastya and the details of her personal life were told in the most popular media: “Hello”, “OK”, “Seven Days”, “Telenedelya”, “ Women's secrets"", "Yes", "Yes stars", "Glamour", "Lisa", "She", "Tor Beauty", "Antenna", "MK", ​​" TVNZ", "Happy Wedding", "Pent House" and so on. Krainova was one of the brightest members of the Tutsi group; by the way, most of the songs were written with her vocals. Nastya is a very stylish, creative, incredibly punctual person.

Krainova is used to independently controlling the choice of costumes, the work of hair stylists and make-up. Anastasia has been professionally engaged in choreography at the Street Jazz dance school for several years. Nastya is not only an excellent performer, but also a full-fledged author of solo songs. Since 2007, Krainova has been a student at the production department of the Gnessin State Academy.

In 2010, Nastya terminated her contract with Viktor Drobysh at her own request, for the sake of a solo career.

Today, the singer and DJ is a full-fledged solo performer, whose name is Nastya Krainova.

Anastasia Krainova - official booking on the personal page of the 123 SHOW agency website. Organizing a performance, booking a concert.

Anastasia Krainova – talented actress and a successful singer. Nastya studied music with early childhood, and seriously. The girl was often nominated for city music competitions, because the young artist had excellent hearing and in a beautiful voice. Nastya was adored by the local public and was always greeted with thunderous applause. The little performer experienced vivid feelings when she went on stage and dreamed of becoming a real star. The city where Nastya was born is Gvardeysk. On August 4, 1983, the future artist pleased her parents with her birth. Time passed, and Anastasia’s dream began to come true. At the first opportunity, the girl superbly passed the casting to participate in the famous TV show “Star Factory”. During the project, Nastya’s abilities “bloomed” and “smelled.” She gave it her all and showed herself to be a successful singer, worthy of standing on a par with the stars of Russian show business. The aspiring pop singer received a brilliant chance, and took advantage of it, to perform with such celebrities as Natalia Oreiro, Lev Leshchenko, Valery Meladze and others. Anastasia’s performance in the final of the project was noted by both spectators and experts and was named one of the best. When the show came to an end, the famous producer Viktor Drobysh signed a contract with the girl. Anastasia was included in the youth girl pop group “Tutsi”. The band’s debut song, “The Most, the Most,” immediately “flew up” to the top lines of radio station charts and broke all sorts of listening records for new composition. It was a fantastic success for the young team. The group immediately became the winner of several prestigious music awards. The girls were invited to perform at the most famous concerts in the country. They shone on television and radio. They took part in various TV shows and toured the country a lot. Practically not one fun show That period did not pass without the participation of the magnificent artists of the Tutsi group. Besides this resounding success on stage, Nastya played amazing roles in several TV series and charmingly smiled at the public from the covers of many glossy magazines.

You will be surprised how fashionable and profitable it is to order Nastya Krainova for a wedding, corporate event, or birthday. The wonderful vocal performance of the young artist and her unprecedentedly original concert numbers will give you a million moments of happiness. Nastya speaks fluently vocal art and artistry. Knows how to please the audience, make a great impression and lift the mood auditorium. At the singer’s performances there is an amazing creative atmosphere and irrepressible energy. Seize the perfect moment to invite Nastya Krainova to the holiday and celebrate your gala evening with an open heart. The girl went down in the history of Russian pop music as one of the most charming members of the Tutsi group. And now she has a big solo career ahead of her. In 2010, the contract with Viktor Drobysh was completed, and from that time famous singer presented herself as separate pop star. Anastasia is a songwriter, educated at the Gnessin Academy in the production department.

You can organize a performance or order a concert by Anastasia Krainova using the official website of the 123 SHOW agency. Entrust the organization and holding of your holiday to the specialists of our company! The cost of Anastasia Krainova’s performance at the festival, corporate event, wedding - check with the managers of the official website of the concert agency 123 SHOW on the form feedback or by phone.

Better sit down! Alexander Nosik spoke for the first time about his new mistress

The actor is delighted with his lover’s culinary abilities. Alexander Nosik claims that Anastasia Krainova is a master at preparing borscht. The artist reproached his wife Olga, from whom he has not yet divorced, for being overly enthusiastic about his career.

A couple of months ago it became known that the star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” Alexander Nosik broke up with his wife Olga and began dating former member of the “Tutsi” group Anastasia Krainova. Alexander and Nastya claimed for some time that they were connected exclusively by creative and friendly relations, and Nosik’s wife tried for a long time to keep the line, telling reporters that she and the actor had separated temporarily.


However, now that everything has become too obvious, Nosik and Krainova recognized themselves as a couple and even gave joint interview. Anastasia Krainova stated that she had nothing to do with the collapse of her lover’s family.

“It has always been taboo for me to have an affair with a married man. And in a previous relationship, a young man cheated on me. The girl with whom he had an affair knew perfectly well about my existence, she knew that we had been dating for six years. I was very hurt. So I assure you: I have nothing to do with the collapse of Sasha’s marriage,” the singer said.

The lovers admitted that their current relationship can be considered a guest marriage. They don’t live together yet, but when they both return from tour, they feel absolutely like husband and wife. Krainova cooks borscht for Nosik, which delights him. To be located for a long time According to Nosik, couples in love are still contraindicated.

“Nastya has a brutal character, and I’m not sugar. So while we are exchanging romantic messages, sometimes I get hit in the neck from Nastya if I don’t pick up the phone... But when I come to her, she feeds me delicious borscht...
...And I, you know, am just a borscht addict, I can eat it alone. One thing scares me. Now our short separations are a plus. But in my marriage with Olga, it was these separations that played a disastrous role,” admitted Alexander Nosik.

Analyzing his relationship with his wife, the actor came to the conclusion that they were ruined by her excessive passion for her career - Olga is producing television projects and various shows. Nosik wanted his wife to be waiting for him at home, and not disappear on business trips when he returned from tour.

“At some point, Olga said that I was jealous of her success. And I didn’t like her constant travel. Jealousy also played an important role. Where is she, with whom? After all, this type of business is mainly carried out by men. And my wife is traveling with them somewhere... Perhaps it’s selfishness speaking in me, I’m an owner, but when there’s not enough basic warmth, what to do? I’m sure Olya didn’t cheat, she is a man of honor. But I started teasing her, egging her on... I understand, I just couldn’t accept her way of life. But I am a man and, unfortunately, incorrigible,” admitted Alexander Nosik in an interview with Antenna-Telesem.


According to media reports, the famous actor broke up with former soloist team " Tootsie" A representative of 45-year-old Alexander Nosik told reporters about this. Previously, the artist filed for divorce from his wife Olga, with whom he had been officially married since 2011.

The day before, information appeared that the 45-year-old star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” Alexander Nosik divorces his beloved Olga after six years of marriage. The former spouses submitted an application to one of the registry offices of the capital. The news of the couple’s final breakup provoked discussions about Nosik’s new hobby. This spring, the artist was found in the company of an ex-member of the group “Tootsie” Nastya Krainova in one of the Moscow restaurants.

But, as correspondents managed to find out, the man is no longer dating the “Star Factory” graduate. Alexander Nosik’s entourage told the press about this.

“Sasha and Olya filed for divorce. And without conflicts, tears and snot, as often happens. As they say in one famous film: “No noise and dust.” Most people mistakenly believe that Alexander cheated on his wife Olga with Anastasia Krainova, but this is a lie. She and Anastasia started dating a month after Sasha separated from his wife. By the way, they also subsequently separated from Krainova,” explained the artist’s representative.

The marriage of the Nosik couple will be officially dissolved on August 19th. Earlier, in an interview with the talk show “Let Them Talk,” the actor’s wife Olga explained that she and the actor could not decide on a divorce for a long time. The woman noted that she ex-husband has the right to happiness in a new relationship.

“Most likely, this lasted more than one year. At some point, Sasha and I realized that we needed to separate... It wasn’t that my husband left and I was left to suffer alone. Yes, I was very angry with Alexander, we were constantly on the road, communicating by telephone. Then we realized that there was simply no point in being angry,” the woman explained her position.

After breaking up with Olga, Nosik found solace in the arms of a charming blonde. The artist and his new lover Anastasia Krainova lived as a guest marriage. And when Alexander came to the artist, she tried to please the man delicious dishes. According to Nosik, he is delighted with the way the performer prepares borscht.

In turn, Nastya Krainova reported that she tries to spend as much time as possible with her lover. Celebrities often visited the capital's establishments. However, the actor and singer had to be separated from time to time, since Nosik toured a lot. Most likely, both of the actor’s chosen ones could not come to terms with his regular travels.

On this moment, after Alexander decided to break up with the singer, his heart is absolutely free. “He is officially single,” Nosik’s representative confirmed.

Alexander Nosik a famous womanizer, but he never kept a notebook of his lovers, there were fleeting romances, there were long-term relationships, but he got married for the first time Alexander Nosik V 39 years old, became his chosen one Olga Zinger, she is younger than her husband 14 years. The couple met on the plane, Olga States that Alexander Nosik She wasn’t immediately very impressed, although he walked around her like a peacock. At the same time he looked after her and Alexander, and his friend Vitaly, but the first one was much more persistent and active. Looking at this one Olga, may this person forgive me, you can’t even say that the men lost their heads, as soon as they saw her, they carried on an active correspondence with her for weeks, trying to lure her into their networks. Something doesn’t add up here, and this is not the first year I’ve been living in this world; men in my circle have never lost their minds over such women, and even in such a way as to achieve by any means necessary. Although she herself Olga Nosik claims she has two higher education that she speaks three languages. How pretentious it is to show off your diplomas! Just think - education, in our time it is available to everyone, go, study for health and does it make a girl more attractive in the eyes of a man, and it doesn’t make most people smarter, because most of the knowledge acquired in institutes is not applied by us in life . Now, if only she had an academic degree... but even then it’s not clear why she was so hooked Alexandra Nosika, besides, apparently this woman is not very passionate in bed. Wife on the program Alexandra Nosika told some juicy details of their first night. True, there was no intimacy, the girl put on warm pajamas, wrapped herself in a blanket from head to toe, and Alexander Nosik stripped naked and even took off his sock Olga, put it on its causal place. Moreover, when Olga Nosik told the public her first impression of her husband, he feigned indifference, but it was clear that his wife’s words hurt him. So, six years ago, sleep-deprived, with bags under his eyes, all rumpled from lack of sleep, he smiled so that all the fillings were visible, mouth to ear, he sat down next to him, grabbed his hand, and his palms were sweaty, ugh “What disgusting things,” the wife wailed. Well, what kind of man would like something like that, so that the whole country would talk about him, and it would be so romantic. At the time of writing this article Alexander Nosik already turned 45 years. And at the time they met he was at least 39 , this man still looks great, tall, well-toned, green-eyed, infectious laughter, reasonable speech. You may not like him, but objectively he is handsome, well-built, if before he was too sweet, now he has matured and even become brutal, in the prime of his life. But his wife declares that he did not make an impression... Continue Alexander Nosik tells how he literally went crazy with his Olenka, I didn’t see anyone except her. Such miracles happen, maybe everything can be explained, but I can’t imagine how. Olga held a siege for a long time. She could easily fall asleep next to such a brutal man, he tossed and turned, she snorted in her sleep and smacked her lips in her striped pajamas.

What was in the envelope? Alexander Nosik He didn’t show it to anyone, he burned the test results right on the TV program, but his face changed, and although he was having fun the entire program, at the end he drooped and became despondent.

Why Alexander Nosik a couple of weeks later he was photographed by the paparazzi in a cafe with his wife’s friend Anastasia Krainova, and some time later he admitted to reporters that he had not been living with his wife for two weeks. Herself Olga Nosik claims that they do not intend to get a divorce, they just decided to temporarily live separately. After all, just recently on the program Lera Kudryavtseva “Secret for a Million” she laughed and joked a lot. In general, she was not extravagant or original, but simply funny. The second point is that Olga Nosik against the procedure ECO, she's ready to take the baby in orphanage, but just not resort to artificial insemination, which seems unnatural to her. This leads to various thoughts, for example that she already knows that Alexander Nosik they will not be able to have children. Why Alexander Nosik Has your face changed? Maybe he suspected, thought that it was the reason, but was afraid to go check? Be that as it may, I want this story to have a positive ending, even if it’s already Alexander Nosik would become a father or would simply be happy without children. The main thing is not to deceive anyone - if you love, live together, if you don’t love - get a divorce, don’t torture yourself or your soulmate. In any case, probably Olga not for Alexandra, sad - but true.

In this photo you see Alexandra Nosika and his wife Olga, now probably an ex. Below after all the lovely photos Alexandra Nosika you will find more photos Olga Nosik.

And in this photo you see mom Alexandra Nosika, she was a beauty, and to be honest, she still is, although at the time of writing this article she is already 72 years old, but she is slim, fit and as pretty as she was forty years ago. Her name is Maria Sternikova, she is an actress. Alexander Nosik very similar to his mother.

In this photo you see Maria Sternikova as a nurse Shurochki, this is our all favorite movie "Guest from the Future".

And this is the father Alexandra Nosika, National artist Russian Federation Valery Benediktovich Nosik.

And in this photo Alexander Nosik with his father and uncle.

Vladimir Nosik - brother father Alexandra Nosika. Vladimir Nosik younger than his brother Valeria for 8 years.

And these girls in the photo next to Alexander Nosik are his cousins, they are twins, daughters Vladimir Nosik.

Well, we finally got to the photos. Anastasia Krainova- mistresses Alexandra Nosika, this girl is the former lead singer of the group "Tootsie", she is younger than her chosen one 12 years. Judging by her photo, she's hot!

At the beginning of March, 45-year-old actor Alexander Nosik in one of the programs on federal channel admitted that he took an infertility test. The man chose not to talk about his results in public, but on the sidelines they immediately started talking about a possible rift between the artist and his wife, Olga.

The other day, the actor was caught in the arms of another girl. In one of the Moscow restaurants, Alexander Nosik spent a romantic evening with the 33-year-old former soloist popular group"Tootsie" - Anastasia Krainova. Away from prying eyes, choosing one of the most inconspicuous tables, the companions were able to relax and indulge their senses. The couple had a nice conversation and hugged each other tenderly during a late dinner.

Marriage with Olga became Alexander’s third. A chance meeting at the airport turned into a happy wedding in 2011. Since then, the spouses have appeared together at all events, and on his Instagram, Alexander regularly devotes odes of love to his wife.

Unlike Nosik, Nastya Krainova has not yet had time to experience the joys of marriage. The girl was in a relationship with a Dynamo football player, but her lover never proposed to the singer. After a difficult breakup, Krainova began an affair with another athlete, this time a hockey player, but this six-year relationship did not bring family happiness to the artist.

At the time of publication, Alexander Nosik was not in touch, and Anastasia Krainova’s relationship with married man declined to comment.

Last week it became known that the star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” broke up with his wife Olga, with whom he had been married for 5 years. The 45-year-old Nosik was not single for long. Now his heart is not free again. Alexander found consolation in the arms of 33-year-old “manufacturer” Anastasia Krainova. For the first time, the singer openly spoke to StarHit about their romance.

“We met a few months ago in a cafe,” Nastya shared. – It so happened that we were working with one person, and he introduced us. Yes, Alexander and I are now trying to be together more often. We like to go to the movies and cozy restaurants. We have a lot to talk about - he is very smart and educated. It happens that we discuss a topic for hours, we can even argue...

Of course, I’m very worried about Sasha’s separation from his wife, but we don’t touch on our past relationships. Olga is a wonderful girl, I have heard only good things about her from mutual friends. Sasha and I are trying to devote more time to each other. True, as always, he is missed: he tours a lot with performances, but he just finished working in big cinema and in the series “Torgsin” on the TV channel “Russia 1”. And I’m getting ready to shoot a video and tour. But we are always in touch..."

Let us remind you that the connection between Nosik and Krainova became known last week, when the couple was found together in one of the capital’s restaurants. The news of the artist's departure from his wife caused a wave of indignation among his fans. However, many still supported Alexander, we explain this by the fact that everyone deserves the right to be happy. Now the Actor and his new darling they do not make serious plans for the future, but only enjoy the time spent together, and also get to know each other better. Despite the truth that has been revealed, the couple does not intend to advertise this relationship. Lovers agree that happiness loves silence.

Nastya Krainova became popular after the end of the third season of “Star Factory,” when the producer of this TV show decided to create a girl group from the brightest participants. At first, the project was a huge success, but after a few years its fame faded, the girls scattered in all directions.

Former lead singer of the Tutsi group Nastya Krainova was one of the first to leave the restless girl group, deciding to take a swing at solo career. She writes her own music, acts as a singing DJ and feels great, not sighing about her former popularity.

Girl from the West

Biography of Nastya Krainova can serve a shining example how a girl from the provinces can achieve fame and glory through tireless work and effort. She was born in the westernmost region of the country, in the city of Gvardeysk, in the Kaliningrad region. The girl raved about music back in primary school school, dreaming of devoting his life to the stage.

However, in her hometown there was no music school, Nastya Krainova had to travel 40 km daily by bus to neighboring Kaliningrad in order to be able to do what she loved.

In 1999, sixteen-year-old Nastya decides to take a desperate step - she moves to the capital, where she finds work, takes vocal lessons and tries to break through the sieve of castings and auditions for big stage.

In 2003, the girl caught her luck by the tail, becoming one of the participants in the popular reality show “Star Factory”. Nastya failed to win the final victory in the project, but she was remembered and loved by all viewers, who were captivated by her voice and charm from a sweet girl from the western outskirts of the country.


Following the successful experience of his predecessors, the producer of “Star Factory-3” Viktor Drobysh is forming a full-fledged girl pop group from the most notable performers of the project. Together with Lesya Yaroslavskaya, Maria Weber and Irina Ortman, Nastya Krainova became a participant in the “Tutsi” project.

The girls famously debuted in Russian show business. Their first song “The Very Best” became incredibly popular, the voices of Nastya and her friends were heard literally from every iron, the video clip was played without a break for everyone music channels. Photos of Nastya Krainova and other participants appeared in many publications, they were invited from one TV show to another.

For several years the girls remained on the lists of the most popular artists, having won three Golden Gramophone awards during this time.

However, the success of their first single could not be repeated by the girls' subsequent compositions. Gradually their popularity began to wane.

Besides, in women's team Friction began to arise between the participants, and the relationship between Nastya Krainova and Lesya Yaroslavskaya became particularly tense. Intrigues and showdowns within the group began to tear it apart. Soloists changed, new girls came, but the old problems remained. In 2010, when everyone had already forgotten about “Tootsie,” Nastya decided to leave the group and set off on her own.

Singing DJ

Deciding to do solo career, Nastya Krainova began to write and perform her own songs, in addition, the versatile girl mastered the craft of a DJ. At one point, she decided to combine these two incarnations and became a DJ performing her own compositions.

Nastya still operates in this capacity, having enormous success in Moscow clubs. From time to time, new videos of the artist are released; she tours in places where the sweet graduate of the “Star Factory” is still remembered.

However, she never managed to return to the level of popularity of “Tootsie”, and she recalls with light sadness old times. Years passed, the grievances were forgotten, and Nastya resumed communication with her former group partners, corresponding with Maria Weber and Irina Ortman.

Personal life

A bright, spectacular girl always attracted men to her. Nastya Krainova met with a football player from the Dynamo club, hockey player Alexander Mishin, but did not formalize her relationship with anyone. Loud scandal called her last novel With famous actor Alexander Nosik.

Nastya was accused of taking her chosen one away from the family, destroying a long-term marriage. To justify themselves, the lovers even performed in live one vile talk show, where they said that their relationship began only after Nosik’s breakup with his wife.

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