New Year's corporate party magic and predictions. Comic fortune telling games

1. If you take the initiative, success will follow.
2. Important news will come very soon.
3. The answer to your question is connected with some man, perhaps well known to you.
4. Something new will come into your life that will significantly affect your personality.
5. Your hopes are not in vain!
6. The result of your actions may be unexpected.
7. You are on the right track! Do not stop!
8. You will finally be able to unlock the rusty lock.
9. The results of the business you have in mind may disappoint, or they may greatly surprise you.
10. The problem is not where you think it is.
11. Forward and only forward: the thing you are thinking about is right!
12. Your goal is achievable!
13. Success will come if you don’t listen to anyone’s advice.
14. The time of doubt and hesitation has come for you. But don’t worry – everything will work out!
15. Time must pass from sowing grain to harvest.
16. Lead ordinary life, but in an unusual way.
17. Remember that true partnership can only exist between complete individuals.
18. Be attentive to the clues of fate.
19. Gain comes from what you have to part with.
20. Act not in accordance with old authorities, but in accordance with what you consider right for yourself.
21. It's time to finish the old and start new.
22. Don't expect too much and don't think about the end result.
23. Finish first what you started.
24. Be patient and if your decision is right, the Universe will support it.
25. Don't get emotional.
26. Take a closer look at your health.
27. Enjoy your luck and share it with the people around you.
28. Focus on the present.
29. Don't expect quick results.
30. Go with the flow of life without judgment or trying to understand it.
31. Trust what happens to you.
32. Reflect and do not rush into action.
33. The time has come to take action, even if it requires you to jump into the void.
34. Don’t try to stubbornly show your WILL.
35. Unexpected news awaits you.
36. Look in the mirror and you will see a charming face.
37. Tomorrow you will brush your teeth, and then your thoughts.
38. This week your wish will come true.
39. Be more careful on Thursday - an interesting event awaits you.
40. Everything will be fine! Just believe!
41. A new acquaintance awaits you.
42. Expect a surprise. Very soon!
43. All your wishes will definitely come true.
44. You will soon find your lost thing!
45. You will be very surprised by something!
46. ​​You will do something useful!
47. If you want to have success, you have to look like you have it.
48. The best is the enemy of the good. Don't overdo it!
49. The stupidest desire is to please everyone.
50. What we pray for, we receive.
51. The only difference between a winner and a loser is that he rises one more time than he falls.
52. In life there is the main thing and the unimportant thing, but we often waste our energy on trifles.
53. Not as good as I wanted, but not as bad as it could have been!
54. Do what you must, and come what may.
55. back side crisis - new opportunities.
56. When God closes a door, he opens a window for you.
57. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
58. Never be afraid to do what you don’t know how to do. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built the Titanic!
59. It’s better to regret what you did, rather than what you didn’t do.
60. He who stands still goes back.
61. Whatever is not done is for the better.
62. No one is defeated until he admits himself defeated.
63. Struggle is always justified if you know what you are striving for.
64. Don’t strive to be a hero until they call you.
65. These people and these events in your life ended up here because you yourself brought them here. What happens to them next depends on you.
66. Never ask anyone for anything, especially those who are stronger than you - they themselves will come and give everything.
67. Only fools are lucky once. Smart people are always lucky.
68. Evil is not what goes into a person’s mouth, but what comes out of them.
69. Do what you can with what you have where you are.
70. If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t start anything. And if you don’t start anything, then nothing will happen.
71. Today the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday has just arrived.
72. There are no hopeless situations: even if you are eaten, you at least have two options.

Predictions, short and long, comic and serious, are very popular among people, because almost every one of us, even the most skeptical person, wants to look into the future and find out what awaits him there.

There are people who are truly connected to higher powers. Those who can reliably tell what awaits us in the near and distant future. And we are trying to do this in the game in a humorous manner. The most interesting thing is that often even such short ones made during holidays and corporate events come true. Perhaps because they affect the human consciousness or subconscious.

Popular types of predictions

One of the most popular types are:

1) Short predictions presented in in a comic form at holidays and corporate events. Exists a large number of family, children's, corporate celebrations, thanks to which we can not only have fun, relax, enjoy pleasant communication, but also learn something new for ourselves. For the holiday to really be a great success and to please everyone present, you need not only to prepare a variety of goodies, decorate the room, but also take care of musical accompaniment and celebration program. It’s good if the celebration plan includes not only music, competitions, but also short predictions- notes or any other form thereof.

2) There are also predictions in a more strict form, which are studied by people who love horoscopes and other signs of fate. But sometimes even big fans of prophecies get tired of reading long and cautionary tales about what fate has in store for them for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week, a month or a year. In this case, there are short predictions that will not only clearly and clearly describe what awaits in the future and warn against mistakes and troubles, but will also make you smile or even laugh, and maybe look at all everyday circumstances in a completely different way.

In what cases can you use comic predictions?

Even the predictions are funny, short ones most often carry a strict meaning and imply quite serious things, but they are also often used:

Just to lift your spirits and add variety and fun to everyday gray days;

To relieve the office routine at work;

At any holiday, party, corporate event, just at a meeting with friends.

Predictions that are short and funny can be used in many places and on a wide variety of occasions. The main thing is that everyone present likes it and is appropriate for a given situation.

Of course, comic prophecies should not be taken completely seriously, but even they very often come true.

Comic predictions at wedding festivities

Cheerful omens will be the best holiday addition for both adult parties and corporate events, and for children's celebrations.

At what events would predictions in a comic form be appropriate? Initially, prophecies and divinations were most often used at wedding festivities; this tradition has survived to this day. After all, it’s hard to imagine, even now, the second day of a wedding celebration in which guests would not dress up as various characters (most often these were and remain gypsies). Most often, one of the gypsies talked about what awaited the young people in the future, and then in a joking manner offered to find out for the guests what they should expect, but for a fee.

One of the most common and fun competitions At a wedding celebration, there is also an exchange of predictions in the form of short notes between the bride and groom. To do this, the host needs to prepare one hat or basket with questions from the bride to the groom, and another with his answers. Then, pulling out one of the options, the bride will ask: “My good one, will you give me your salary?” To which he, for example, will answer: “Dream, dream, darling!”

Examples of short wedding predictions

There are several options for the celebration:

1) You can take an ordinary geographical atlas, ask questions, open the page at random and point your finger at a place with your eyes closed. Questions could be:

Where will the bride and groom go after the wedding?

Where will the main witness be after the wedding celebration?

In what place can the witness find a boyfriend and future husband?

Where will the newlyweds celebrate the New Year holidays?

From which country should the bride and groom expect the first news and guests?

Where will the husband and wife be in the coming year?

Where will the newlyweds travel on their first joint vacation?

Where will they celebrate their pearl or wooden, etc. wedding anniversary?

Where does the mother-in-law dream of relaxing, having a dacha?

Where does the father of the bride dream of going fishing or playing football?

Where does the father-in-law have investments and accounts?

Where does the mother-in-law dream of living?

Questions can be very diverse, based on the life history and desires of the young people and guests present at wedding celebration. When you open the atlas, you will answer the questions yourself, and it will be a lot of fun.

Funny predictions at various events

Later, comic and strict prophecies began to be used at all kinds of holidays: anniversaries, corporate parties and other festivities.

Short prediction notes are widely used, even at celebrations in which only children are participants. In this case, the main thing is that the format of such prophecies is age appropriate. They must be understandable to the children and correspond to the realities of their lives.

Comic predictions for corporate events

Comic and short predictions at a corporate party will be very useful, they will make all the guests present laugh, and perhaps you will even learn something new about your colleagues. You can use the fun game with a geographical atlas, which was described above. You need to take it, ask questions, and look for answers on the map by opening one of the pages. With your eyes closed, you need to show the place where the answer is hidden. Sample questions in in this case may be as follows:

Where will the head of the board go on vacation?

Where did the chief accountant go when he said he was going to submit a report?

Where was the teller when he said he was going to the bank to pay the payments?

Where does a subordinate mentally send his boss after a reprimand?

Where will the authorities give a ticket for best employee companies?

For such fun games Not only a world atlas, but also a map of your city will be suitable for predictions. It will be much more fun.

In what form can predictions be presented to guests?

What are the most popular options for presenting predictions about the future to guests and heroes of the occasion?

1) Fortune telling by a gypsy on cards, by hand or using other methods.

2) At any adult celebration or corporate party, it will be more fun and the program will be more varied if an astrologer or psychic speaks to the guests with comic forecasts and predictions for the future.

3) Previously, at public events (such as fairs, folk festivals), it was common to pull out a note with a short prediction from a hat or basket for a fee using a parrot, monkey or other animal. This option can also be used at modern celebrations. But finding a suitable trained animal is very difficult. So you can use the help of a child, for example, in a costume with angel wings, or one of the guests present can play this role. Not so funny and original, but easy to implement.

4) Especially interesting option predictions is to include it in wishes and congratulations for the hero of the occasion. This way you will not only diversify your performance, but will also be able to amuse the guests present at the celebration.

Predictions for the coming New Year

Most often, funny predictions are used. Short notes with prophecies can be hung on the tree, placing them in the middle of the Christmas tree decorations, or decorated as bundles and hung on strings. Most often, for the New Year, both relatives and just close people prepare gifts for each other’s Christmas tree, so you can also put a note with a short comic prediction in the box with the gift.

New Year and Christmas are the most common holidays for fun with predictions. This time is most suitable for various fortune-telling and omens. After all, this is how a person works, that on the eve New Year's holidays we want to know what the coming year promises us, and there is always hope for something better. Therefore, short predictions for the New Year will come in handy more than ever.

Examples of New Year's predictions

Funny predictions for the New Year, short notes with prophecies will cheer you up and tell you about what awaits you in the future:

If you work tirelessly in the new year, you will receive unexpected rewards and promotions.

If you get up an hour earlier in the new year, you won’t receive a single reprimand from your boss about being late.

The New Year is good for those who like to dream - dream, act, and everything will definitely come true.

On the night of December 31 to January 1, go out into the yard and see that a bright and brilliant future awaits you.

How many bubbles will there be in champagne? happy days will be in the new year.

Short predictions will delight loved ones and gathered guests for festive table:

If you lost your hat during the New Year holidays, it means you’ll soon buy yourself another one.

If you put a fur coat for your wife under the Christmas tree, expect love, affection and understanding.

If you give a frying pan, expect bruises and bumps.

Don't get carried away with buns and cakes in the new year - you'll have to update your entire wardrobe.

Fortune notes in cookies

There are many original holiday options for making predictions:

Notes with signs of fate can be placed in homemade cookies or festive pieces of pie.

Gilded walnuts with short predictions inside look beautiful.

Notes placed in air balloons, you get a so-called bouquet of predictions from multi-colored balls.

Examples of predictions for homemade cookies

You can prepare Christmas predictions for your guests, putting short notes in homemade cookies:

Christmas gatherings will bring warmth and comfort to your home and heart.

Celebrate the Christmas holidays with your family.

Christmas carols and costumes will put you in a good mood.

Christmas frosts will not let you get bored.

Dreams come true at Christmas.

You can bake cookies and put short predictions in verse in them:

Catch wishes for happiness and goodness, and you will have everything in abundance.

Everyone wants good, peace, and for this you need your own apartment.

Catch it with bloodworms! Catch fish with your car!

You have a new task ahead of you in life, because you have to buy a summer house.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, many are trying to think through not only the menu, outfit, home decoration, but also the evening program. Comic predictions for the New Year 2018 will help make it truly fun and memorable.

Predictions for the Year of the Dog for corporate events

It's hard to imagine the New Year without fun and jokes. This applies to both corporate events and friendly gatherings of relatives and friends. So that the company does not get bored after a hearty meal, you can entertain it funny predictions about next year. Surely no one will refuse to think about the future in a comic form.

As a rule, on the eve of the New Year there are numerous corporate parties, where work colleagues festive atmosphere sum up the results of the past year and think about plans for the future. In this situation, humorous predictions will be appropriate, which will cheer up the team and make the party truly unforgettable and interesting. Here is an example of what can be said in this case:

The coming year is prophesied for you
Fame, money and success!
A sea of ​​crazy emotions
And recognition from everyone!
Forget that the holiday is coming
You need to move forward in your career,
While colleagues are simply drinking heavily,
Hint to your boss about career growth!
There is a danger that colleagues
Carts will roll towards you.
Better not tease
And sit quietly!
Fulfilling everyone's wishes
Great success awaits you,
The main thing is not to miss
And tear your own with your teeth!
Today you are among friends,
Shout again: “pour, pour”
So that tomorrow you won’t be ashamed,
Today you need to be respectable!
Don't drink too much today
Otherwise you will start to fall in love with everyone
After all, at work, at yours
You can't copulate with anyone!
This is a prediction for you
Keep silent more often!
Otherwise your colleagues
You will be buried in white snow!
Greetings from Santa Claus
He asks you to be more serious,
Otherwise the boss is evil,
They will send you home right away!
The heavens prophesy to you together
You don't need to sleep with your colleagues
Work sex is closed to you
They will give you an estimate the same hour!
In the works next year
It will bring you success!
And a lot of money to boot,
To buy you a dacha in the Moscow region!

When choosing predictions for your colleagues, you need to take into account their characteristics. At the same time, statements should not offend the applicant. They can lightly scold the employee and put him in a positive mood.

Short congratulations

When hosting a party among colleagues, it is very important not to overlook any of the employees. If your team has many employees, you can choose short and funny predictions for New Year:

Short Cool
Don't be in front of your boss - so there's no risk of getting drunk out of grief! Urgently go to the gym

So that cash grows in your pocket.

The figure has nothing to do with it,

It's time to be a strong shoulder.

Whoever's boss kicks him out of work will have less to worry about in the new year! New laptop you wanted

The old man received a skiff.

Receive and sign

And say goodbye to your money

What will be withheld from your salary?

For device breakdown.

Whoever drinks champagne will return without a bonus! A promotion awaits you

Looks like you didn't work in vain.

And behind the boss every day,

No wonder he dragged around like a shadow.

Now it's all up to you

How can you live with your dream?

Those who have great sex today will get a pay slip for tomorrow! Remember, only for you

The salary will rise to the skies.

Do not tell anybody,

That your tariff was raised.

If you open your mouth, everything is gone,

You'll lose points again.

This year it is expected strong explosion: all your envious people and competitors will burst with anger. You'll get up early,

Just so as not to be late.

If you toughen up,

Those wishes come true

They will, no doubt about it,

And douse yourself with water.

Always smile! And no one will call you a gloomy person. Keep quiet! And then no one will call you a fool. There's a lot of work this year

Waiting ahead!

And happy ending

You will achieve it, just wait.

You can relax in hot countries,

And you will find luck.

This year you will find a treasure. You will find... your spouse's stash, which he saved all last year. You will soon join the cream of society, perhaps you will find a sponsor.
In the new year you will be attacked. You will be attacked by... luck, which you will not be able to fight off. Love will brighten your days and they will become bright.
In the coming year, avoid being chilled by your significant other, otherwise you will be sick for the entire 12 months. Don't expect much from the year, love is enough for you!

Funny predictions for close friends

Wishes for friends and relatives can be more daring. After all, loved ones are unlikely to be offended by you for your “sharp tongue”:

If you haven't found a penny in your pocket,

Look in your neighbor's pocket - obviously there is money there.

If you walk across the field -

You will find money in the field;

When you find the money -

You'll spend it all on a spree.

U higher power for you

Disappointing forecast:

New Year promises you

Love madness!

If you start kissing

Every day for half an hour,

All dreams will begin to come true.

Life will be filled with miracles!

Either you eat it, or you pump it up,

Or you'll sit in a chair -

Know that next year

You will grow your butt significantly.

Smile always, smile everywhere,

Smile on land and water!

Fate will repay you for your smiles

A couple of wrinkles and a lot of money!

From bad habit in the new year

You will definitely get rid of it.

But here's the problem: instead of one

Two new ones will replace them.

The dog will bring good luck

And a lot of money to boot.

May you be rich whole year,

And buy a car, a dacha!

All wishes at this hour

Today is just for you.

Sleep more, relax,

Don't fall for the bottle in vain!

Predictions can be read when presenting gifts, or you can attach numbers to glasses of champagne and read out greetings after the chimes strike. You might want to write funny wishes on small cards and put them in a bag, then the guests will choose their own predictions for the New Year.

On New Year's Eve, the closest and most beloved people gather to have fun and, in anticipation of something unknown and new, to celebrate the coming year.

Not a single festive New Year's fun is complete without pleasant gifts, surprises, competitions, toasts and fiery dances.

Entertainment programs often contain funny predictions for the New Year.

Of course, because New year's night– it’s the right time to make wishes and ask fate questions that concern your soul. New Year's predictions they'll do it anyway magical holiday unforgettable and wonderful.

How can you present funny prophecies for the New Year in a funny way?

First you need to come up with a few good predictions for next year for all the guests who will gather at the festive table. It is desirable that there be more prophecies than planned guests. Suddenly someone else will look at the light. Yes and to the last person, who has decided to find out what awaits him in the future, it will be much more pleasant to make a choice from several options, rather than dragging the only remaining piece of paper “according to the residual principle.”

Another important point: all invented predictions must be positive, sincere, diverse. New Year is a good holiday and everyone wants to think that only good things await them ahead.

You can beat the predictions in different ways. For example, write them on bright pieces of paper and stick them with tape to Christmas tree decorations so that the text is not visible. When the time comes for New Year's fun, you can invite the guest to choose any ball or figurine and loudly, with expression, read the prophecy intended for him.

You can also bake cookies “with a secret” by first inserting a fateful piece of paper into each of them. Another option is to take a sheet of Whatman paper and pin star-shaped leaves to it, Christmas decorations and Christmas socks.

However, you shouldn’t write off a good old bag, hat or box either. To make these things magical, you need to decorate them beautifully: glue silver foil stars, rain, tinsel, snowflakes cut out of paper and sprinkle this splendor with glitter hairspray. Place the crumpled predictions inside and ask each person present to pull out one such “bomb.”

Examples of New Year's comic predictions

  • This year will bring many new opportunities. You just need to notice them and try not to miss them. Keep your eyes open!
  • Life is an unpredictable thing. Trouble may await you at every corner, but somehow miraculously they can be avoided. Plus it will add a little life experience, which is so necessary in difficult situations.
  • Every moment of life is important, like every brick in the house. Therefore, do not lose sight of the little things everyday life, because they are full of happiness.
  • “Welcome a new day with a smile” is the motto you should adhere to in the new year. After all, as you know, a smile improves your mood, and with good mood any trouble is not a problem.

New Year's comic predictions in poetic form

  • Prepare your heart -
    Crazy love awaits him.
  • Luck will smile on you
    Like a summer ray of sunshine.
  • Include a plan in your life -
    A scorching novel.
  • Many adventures await you
    And a sea of ​​thrills.
  • There will be changes in fate -
    Expect an addition to the family.
  • The year will delight with renewal -
    Could be a new renovation.
  • When you say no to depression, blues,
    Then you will be on horseback for a whole year.
  • The abyss of happiness awaits you -
    You will receive tires for your car.
  • There's no time to be bored:
    You can welcome guests all year round.
  • Great progress awaits you -
    Chic, fashionable Mercedes.

New Year's comic predictions may be of different types and nature. The main thing is that they lift the spirits of your guests and bring only positive emotions.
Information sources .

Hello! I saw an idea for a gift in contact New Year. I downloaded a file with 365 predictions, printed the truth on plain paper, cut it into strips, rolled it into rolls and tied it with multi-colored ribbons. I decorated the lid and jar with ribbon, tinsel, beads, and sequins. It was not possible to print the label from the original, so I made it close to the original myself and here is the result.

I apologize for the quality of the photos; I didn’t want the camera to work.

And this is a top view of the lid and the jar box

Here is a list of predictions that I have slightly adjusted by replacing some predictions:

Such a sun can only have everything

depends on you!

Are you moving towards a better life?

situations. This applies to both deeds and ideas.

There seems to be an obstacle in your way, but

delay may be beneficial

Think about your health

Big hugs await you

Ahead - a gentle kiss

You are lucky! So be more modest

Don't relax too much

Approach your boss with the left foot - and you will be greeted with


Always smile! And no one will call you

a gloomy person. Keep quiet! And no one

will call you a bore.

Beware of the bald ones

A sharp turn awaits in life

Today is the best day for you! Like all


You are on the right track.

Having conquered one mountain, start storming

A surge of energy will help you cope with

large volume of unplanned work.

Accept what you cannot change and you will

you will feel better.

Nature, time and patience are the three great doctors.

It's time to act!

May the world be filled with peace and


Working with new partners will be very


Work on diplomatic

abilities - they will be very useful for

implementation of ideas.


Romance will take you in a new direction.

From now on your kindness will lead you to

Today you will have a beautiful day.

Measure twice, cut once!

Listen to everyone. Ideas come from everywhere.

Nightingales are not fed fables.

Focus on family and harmony with

the surrounding world.

A happy life is right in front of you.

Now it's time to try something

Patience! You're almost there.

He who knows is rich enough.

Do what your soul and body ask for

He who does not expect gratitude will never

will be disappointed.

Luck carries you through all difficult times.

Pay special attention to old friendships.

Physical activity will significantly improve

your views on life today.

Good time to finish old ones


Good news will come to you by mail.

Well done is better than well said.

Even though some people try to stop you, you

you will still achieve your goals.

A person is never too old to learn. New

knowledge will bring you success.

Whatever is done is for the better.

Do what you must, and come what may.

It's time to move. Your mood

will improve.

You have to consider the unexpected.


Don't give up and get what you want

Someone needs your support

If you want to be successful, you must look

as if you have it.

Best the enemy of the good.

The funniest desire is to please everyone.

What we ask for is what we receive.

The only difference between the winner and the loser is

that it rises one time more than

Remember that every day is the first of the rest

parts of life.

In life there is the main thing and not the main thing, and we often

We waste our energy on trifles.

Not as good as I wanted, but not as bad either

how could it be!

The other side of the crisis is new opportunities.

When God closes a door, he opens a window

The road of a thousand miles begins with the first

Never be afraid to do what you don't know how to do.

Remember, the ark was built by an amateur.

Professionals built the Titanic!

It's better to regret what you did, not what you did


He who stands still goes back.

Whatever is not done is for the better.

No one is defeated until he admits

yourself defeated.

Fighting is always justified if you know why


The main thing is not to forget the main thing. Otherwise you'll forget

the main thing, and this is the main thing!

Don't try to be a hero until they call you.

These people and these events in your life turned out to be

here because you brought them here yourself. That,

Never ask anyone for anything, especially those

whoever is stronger than you will come and give everything

Only fools are lucky once. Smart people are lucky

Evil is not what comes into a person's mouth, but what

what comes out of them.

Do what you can with what you have

where you are now.

will happen.

Today is the very tomorrow that we are talking about

you were worried yesterday.

There are no hopeless situations: even if you are eaten,

you at least have two options.

If you were born without wings, don't bother them

A dog has so many friends because he wags.

tail, not wagging tongue

You are unique, just like everyone else.

Love your enemies... this will definitely lead them to


There are no hopeless situations. Usually the way out

there is where the entrance is.

It’s not enough to know your worth - you also have to use it

The wind of wanderings blows over you.

Be carefull!

Expect changes.

Don't miss important news.

Wait for your budget to be replenished.

Be careful on the road.

The stars are favorable to you.

Spend time on your home.

You are waiting for a meeting with an important person.

Live an ordinary life in an extraordinary way.

Don't look for external enemies: to understand that

hinders your development, look inside

Be attentive to the clues of fate.

If the well is clogged, now is the time to


Winning comes from what you have to

breake down.

It's time to finish the old and start new.

If you don't want serious shocks,

analyze your attitude towards your own


Let go of your past: it has exhausted itself.

Don't expect too much and don't think too much

the final result.

Explore your shadow sides; understand that

attracts misfortunes into your life.

Finish what you started.

Be patient and if the decision is yours

That's right, the Universe will support him.

Don't get emotional.

Take a closer look at your health.

Enjoy your luck and share it with

the people around you.

Don't expect quick results.

Important news will come very soon.

Be persistent in the battle with your own


Your energy is leaking due to thoughtless or

untimely action.

Go with the flow of life without judgment and

trying to understand her.

Don't overestimate your strength: it can

lead to overvoltage.

Events are completely out of your control.

Think and don't rush into action.

The time has come to act, even if from you

requires jumping into the void.

Don't try to stubbornly express your will

a life that has been a secret until now

Be alert and avoid trouble.

If you show initiative, success will not

will make you wait.

Your hopes and plans will come true beyond all expectations


The problem is not where you think it is.

Someone is trying to interfere or harm

It’s God’s will for everything: influencing the situation is not

Your power!

The answer to your question is related to some

a man perhaps well known to you.

Something new will come into your life that

will significantly affect your personality.

Take a close look at your

environment: someone can take you to the very

decisive moment.

You hope not in vain!

The result of your actions may be


Time will dry all tears and heal all wounds.

You will finally be able to unlock the rusty

What you strive for is not worth yours

The main characteristic of the current situation


The offer that will be made to you will not

Forward and only forward: the matter you are talking about

you think - right!

You can't cope with your problems alone


From the sowing of grain to the harvest there must be

Wait a little, and the next day

will bring you unexpected long-awaited

You aimed for a long time, but you missed. Your

the shot hit the wrong animal. However, it's yours

prey, just try your best

appreciate it.

Bad weather is raging all around. But in your house it is very

cozy and warm.

So as not to feel very lonely,

help others reach the top too.

Your best chance is coming soon.

The more you hunt for the big ones

Stop thinking about wealth often, and it will

will certainly come to you on its own

Show less pride and be

careful in actions.

The “grain” you sown a year ago will sprout when

waning moon. The harvest is highly anticipated

rich, most importantly, make sure that no one


People have repeatedly tried unsuccessfully to ignite

fire. You and the long-awaited fire have come

flared up instantly - here it is, the hour has come

your triumph.

You have cared for the tree long and hard, and

finally, it bore a lot of fruit. Its branches

bend under their unbearable weight -

It's time to reap the well-deserved harvest.

The one who in the coming days will make you

a nice gift to be the first to know about you

All. It is he who will lead you along the long, difficult

path, but you can only reach its end

You have become an obstacle to someone's dreams.

Step aside, carefully

consider your dream - it is near you.

Anyone who doesn't expect gratitude will never

will be disappointed

Soon you will get rid of your bad habit and

you will buy two new ones.

Soon you will find yourself in a magical cave with

treasures. Be smart, don't take it

everything - take exactly as much as you can

carry away. But by all means give half

You are lost in a deep, dark forest.

Look around you - a man who,

will certainly help you get out, is located

very close to you at your distance

outstretched arm.

Open up and let the light into that part of you

a life that was still a mystery.

Whatever you give from your heart to others will come back to you.

doubly for you.

The dawn is coming, for which many await

of people. But only you can catch the first one

joyful ray of sunshine. Lucky - you

You will live to be 100 years old!

You are sitting on seashore, but for some reason not

You can take a deep, full breath.

Take courage: and then luck will come To

to you from magical lands.

Your other half thinks you're great

With great love you will be turned to the stormy

Something exciting awaits you

If you are carried away by feelings, you will not feel

his age

You and your soulmate will meet

Your soul mate will help you in everything

household chores

Your soulmate will show you their feelings

A romantic trip awaits you

first class

A special morning awaits you

You will be immensely happy

Something special awaits you

You will feel the scent of love

You will live without looking back

Your significant other will not judge you harshly for

Your misdeeds

You are the perfect couple

Lady and gentleman - your roles this year

Many magical moments of solitude await you

A romantic dinner awaits you

Something cute and mischievous awaits you...

Emotions will overwhelm you

An unusual trip awaits you

Trust your intuition, the more you

think, the less you will understand

You will see your soulmate in everything

Something exciting awaits you both

A romantic walk awaits you

You will understand who the love of your life is

Something tempting awaits you

A home surprise awaits you

You will be in each other's heart

You should change your outlook on life

A responsible conversation awaits you

Someone is very concerned about your feelings and

Your soulmate will invest everything in you

You will see everything with every glance

Many things will become obvious to you

You will get answers to your questions

You will be warmed by the warmth of your loved one

You are at the beginning of something new

Together you will open a new chapter

You will receive a good sign

Your loved one's world will revolve around

You can easily overcome complications in relationships

You will be inundated with gifts

Don't be afraid to imagine what yours will be like

living together

A joint sports holiday awaits you

Your life won't be boring

Everything in your life will be shared by two

Someone will sacrifice their dream for yours

You will have more fun with your significant other than with

by anyone else

A hurricane of emotions awaits you

Someone will take very tender care of you

Declarations of love await you

Take photos together

Home will be the most comfortable place

Your soul mate will be your best support and


You will be the steering wheel in the relationship.

You don't have to pick up the pieces of your heart

You will be the perfect couple

Love will warm you from the inside

Emotions and feelings are the best cure for despondency

Love, love, love - that's what should be important to you now

For your other half - you are something special

You will have someone to fool around with

Write a wish list

Your romantic dreams will come true

Catch a thousand kisses

amazing reward awaits

Someone is looking for a way to your heart

A chance meeting awaits you

You have to do biggest bet V

of your life

You will shine brighter than the stars

You are in for a luxurious holiday

Catch air kisses...

Expect an unusual declaration of love

Take a closer look at your


Thoughts about love will help you move mountains

Someone is looking forward to meeting you

Crazy fun awaits you

Don't exaggerate other people's mistakes

You will choose with your heart, not your mind.

Wait for a romantic phone call

You'll miss someone

Look at life from a different perspective

The worst is over

Some problems remain, and we need to solve them

better not alone

Concentrate all your efforts on implementing the main goal

Don't rush things - it will cause harm

Events are developing rapidly. Trust

their flow

Don't change your course.

In love to you this moment subject to

a lot of things.

Don't be afraid of obstacles, they will make a difference

even sweeter.

Less complaints!

Avoid quarrels.

Don't deviate from your principles.

You are full of strength and can move mountains in love.

You will receive important advice from others

Don't chase profit.

Do not limit your freedom, otherwise in personal

life will be in chaos.

We need to make concessions. Forget old grievances

The time has come for updates.

There’s still a lull in your life, but there’s a lot to come

a rise is expected.

Communication is more necessary than ever.

You are at your cherished goal or very close to it.

Decide on your desires

A joyful event awaits you, but you need

be as friendly as possible.

Only well-thought-out plans will come true.

Appreciate what you already have.

The fulfillment of your cherished desire is already close.

Try not to take hasty

decisions - clarity will come soon.

It doesn't hurt to seek advice from a wise man

and an experienced person.

You're on your way to the top of your relationship.

Show courage and determination.

Make your plans boldly!

Your slogan is patience and no haste.

Soon there will be a person who will help you.

If you follow the chosen direction,

the result will exceed all expectations.

A very good time to realize your

Take your desires more seriously


Think more realistically.

Appreciate what may disappear

Give half of yourself to the person you love

Help your other half with work matters

You are made for each other

You will feel hot from feelings and emotions

Don't let stress dampen your passion

Always be on the side of your loved one

Forget about the past and new doors will open

Don't let your relationship stagnate

Defeat yourself first, and then your enemies. How

Can one control others without self-control?

Human decoration - wisdom, decoration

wisdom - tranquility, decoration of tranquility

Courage, the adornment of courage is gentleness.

The teachers open the door. You enter yourself.

You can lead a camel to water, but you can't

make him drink.

Lush foliage of those trees with roots


He who treads softly will go far

your way.

"It's better to light a small candle than a lifetime

curse the darkness"

"To learn to run, you must first

learn to walk."

The wise man walks without leaving traces

Tall towers are measured in length

the shadow they cast, but great people -

number of envious people.

Today they confess their love to you.

Stands in a boat going against the current,

stop, as she will immediately be carried back.

A close neighbor is better than a distant relative

Don't do to others what you don't want them to do.

Direct words are unpleasant to hear, but they

promote right actions; good

the medicine tastes bitter, but it helps

There are minor conversations to be had.

In the end - happiness.

Don't take medications. There will be joy.

Stick to who you follow.

Don't take your loss or loss to heart.


Possessing the truth will lead you to the right path

You will rise to the royal court

You will make your home abundant.

You're on the right track! Do not stop!

You hope not in vain!

Your goal is achievable!

Success will come if you don't listen to anyone else

Do not act in accordance with the old ones

right for yourself.

Be patient and if your decision is right,

The universe will support him.

Focus on the present.

Trust what happens to you.

Unexpected news awaits you.

Look in the mirror and you will see a charming

little face.

Tomorrow you will brush your teeth.

Everything will be fine!

You will do something useful!

If you don't believe in yourself, you won't start anything. A

if you don't start anything, then nothing

will happen.

Remember, there is always tomorrow.

Pay attention to the beauty around you

You are unique - remember that!

Don't miss important news.

Wait for the budget to be replenished.

The stars are favorable to you.

Spend time on your home.

You are waiting for a meeting with an important person.

Think not only about yourself, but also about others.

Cast aside your doubts.

Don't stray from your chosen path.

There may be surprises.

Think about your decision again.

Only if you are collected and focused,

You will succeed in everything both in business and at home.

To survive, stock up on strong threads


This day promises you brilliant prospects.

Don't even try to calculate plans for

the coming week! She will still be there


Auntie will smile at you with a white-toothed smile

Today you will receive a worthy reward for

your courage.

Everything will work out very well at work and at home.

successfully. Both colleagues and family will be able to

appreciate your extraordinary


Today is the best day for you! Like all


At work, everything works out in your favor.

After the rain the sun shines brighter

Encourage your little weaknesses - allow yourself

have fun!

Today you will be as inimitable as ever! And outright defeat the opposite

Try to please your significant other more often

cute gifts and pleasant


Beautiful ones will open before you

opportunities to climb the career ladder.

The main thing is to be decisive! Otherwise you'll miss it

lucky chance.

If you pay more attention to the second

soul mate, your relationship will be simple


Do not relax! Lucky case

will turn up, if only you are not lazy.

Work to your full potential, and then there will be something waiting for you

well-deserved reward.

The day is conducive to work, but not excessive


What was not possible before can suddenly

get moving.

Creative energy combined with

a pragmatic approach can give

results that will make you feel

internal satisfaction and positive

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