Formation of the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (kazassr). Education of the Kazakh ASSR

1 Borders
2 Area and population
3 Economy and transport
4 History

6 Sources


Kazakh ASSR (Kazakh Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic, Kazakhstan) (kaz. Qazaq Aptonom Sotsijalistik Sovettik Respublikas, Qazaƣüstan) Kazakh national autonomy within the RSFSR.

It existed from April 1925 to December 1936. It got its name as a result of the renaming of the Kirghiz ASSR into the Kazak ASSR in April 1925. Since December 1936, it received the status of a union republic and was withdrawn from the RSFSR. Subsequently, in Soviet popular historiography, it was generally accepted that the Kazakh ASSR was called the Kazakh ASSR, this approach has been preserved in modern Kazakhstani sources. The administrative center of the KazASSR (1927) - Alma-Ata.

1. Borders

In 1932, in the west it bordered on the Lower Volga Territory, in the northwest - on the Middle Volga Territory, in the north - on the Ural Region, in the northeast - on the West Siberian Territory, in the south - on the Soviet Central Asian republics, in the southeast - on China.

2. Area and population

The area (on January 1, 1933) was 2,853 thousand square meters. km. The population - estimated as of January 1, 1931 - 7,260.5 thousand people, including urban - 911.2 thousand people. (according to the results of the 1926 census - 6170.2 thousand people and 519.2 thousand people, respectively).

3. Economy and transport

The share of industrial production in the gross product in 1931 was 36.8% (18.4% in the 1927/28 financial year). In 1931, there were more than 40 million hectares of land suitable for arable land (of which an insignificant part was used - 5.6 million hectares in 1932), 10 million hectares of hayfields, 95 million hectares of pasture and 40 million hectares of pasture. At the beginning of the first five-year plan, Kazakhstan provided up to 10% of grain harvests (mainly wheat) in the USSR. In 1932, 66% of the farms and 85.6% of the sown area in 5120 collective farms were collectivized (in 1928, collectivization covered 4% of the farms), and about 300 state farms were organized, of which most were cattle-breeding. By the beginning of 1933, 75 MTS and 160 MSS (machine and horse-drawn hay stations) and 5 MSS with tractors were created.

The length of railways in 1932 was 5474 km (3241 in 1927).

4. History

The Kazak ASSR appeared in April 1925 as a result of the renaming of the Kirghiz ASSR. Before the revolution, Kazakhs in Russia were called Kirghiz or Kirghiz-Kaisaks, Kirghiz - Kara-Kyrgyz; this tradition existed in the early years of Soviet power, so the republic was originally called the Kyrgyz Republic. Simultaneously with the renaming of the republic, its capital was moved from Orenburg to the Syr Darya, to the city of Ak-Mechet, renamed Kzyl-Orda. The Orenburg province was returned to the direct subordination of the RSFSR.

The Fifth All-Kyrgyz Congress of Soviets in April 1925 renamed the Kirghiz ASSR into the Kazak ASSR (or Kazakstan).

In May 1927 the capital of the republic was moved to Alma-Ata.

In August 1928, all the provinces of the Kazak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic were liquidated, and its territory was divided into 13 districts and districts.

In March 1930, the Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Okrug was withdrawn from the Kazak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and subordinated directly to the RSFSR.

In March 1932 the territory of the republic was divided into six large regions.

In December 1934, a small area in the north-west of the republic was transferred to the newly formed Orenburg region.

With the adoption of the new constitution of the USSR on December 5, 1936, the status of the Kazakh ASSR was upgraded to a union republic, and it was withdrawn from the RSFSR under the name of the Kazakh SSR.

6. Sources

· Revised materials of the 2nd edition of the TSB, (1949-1960).

· Agricultural Encyclopedia, 1st ed.


1. School Course of the History of Kazakhstan page 25

Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: Formation of the Kazakh ASSR
Rubric (thematic category) Politics

Formation and activity of Kazrevkom.

Formation of the Kazakh ASSR

Difficulties and successes of the NEP.

Land and water reform. 1920-1921.

New economic policy in Kazakhstan.

Formation of the Kazakh ASSR.

The Civil War once again showed the Bolsheviks that the idea of ​​the national statehood of the peoples of the outlying regions must be reckoned with. The Communist Party and the Soviet government began preparatory work for the formation of the Kazakh autonomy on a Soviet basis.

July 10, 1919ᴦ. V.I. Lenin signed the Decree on the revolutionary committee for the management of the Kirghiz (Kazakh) region. Under the jurisdiction of Kirrevkom were the Kazakh territories of the Astrakhan province and region: Ural, Turgai, Akmola, Semipalatinsk.

The main function of Kazrevkom is the implementation of the highest military-civilian administration of the region.

The main tasks of Kazrevkom:

Struggle against counter-revolution and intervention;

Creation of conditions for state, economic and cultural construction in the region;

Preparation of the Constituent Congress of Soviets in Kazakhstan.

The chairman of the Kazrevkom is S. Pestkovsky, a Pole by nationality, a member of the Communist Party since 1902 ᴦ.

The composition of Kazrevkom was originally V. Lukashev, A. Dzhangildin, A. Baitursynov, M. Tunganchin, S. Mendeshev, B. Karaldin, B. Karataev, and then A. Avdeev, A. Aitiev, A. Alibekov, S. Argancheev, S.Seifullin, Kh.Gabbasov, T.Sedelnikov, V.A.Radus-Zenkovich and others.

The printed organ of Kazrevkom is the newspaper ʼʼUshkynʼʼ (Iskra).

The main events of Kazrevkom:

Organization of Soviets in the Kazakh steppe;

Attracting loyal-minded representatives of the national intelligentsia to Soviet construction;

March 9, 1920 ᴦ. a decision was made to liquidate Alash-Orda, which called itself the ʼʼgovernment of Kyrgyzstanʼʼ;

About 300 new schools were opened in Aktobe uyezd;

In a number of cities of the region, schools for the preparation of Mugalims began to function;

Significant work has been carried out to unite the Kazakh lands.

‣‣‣ August 26, 1920 ᴦ. - The Soviet government issued a decree signed by V.I. Lenin and M.I. Kalinina ʼʼOn the formation of the Autonomous Kirghiz (Kazakh) Soviet Socialist Republicʼʼ within the RSFSR. Orenbur became the capital of the Kazakh ASSR. The republic included the regions: Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Turgay, Ural - within the borders until 1917. In addition to these areas, included the Mangystau district, 4 and 5 Adaevsky volosts of the Transcaspian region, part of the Astrakhan province, Bukeevskaya Horde.

‣‣‣ October 4, 1920 ᴦ. - In Orenburg, the Constituent Congress of Soviets of the Kazakh ASSR was held, proclaiming the creation of the Kirghiz (Kazakh) ASSR as part of the RSFSR.

The congress elected the supreme authorities:

Central Executive Committee (CEC), chairman - S. M. Mendeshev;

The government of the republic is the Council of People's Commissars (SNK), the chairman is V.A.Radus-Zenkovich.

The congress adopted the first constitution of Soviet Kazakhstan - the ʼʼDeclaration of the rights of workers of the Kazakh ASSRʼʼ, which proclaimed the constitutional formation of the Kazakh SSR; determined the bodies of state power and state administration, land policy, the basic rights and obligations of citizens, the electoral system and its principles, the system of organization and activities of the court. The Declaration specifically emphasized that the economic and cultural revival of the republic would be successful ʼʼon the condition of full economic cooperation and coordination of its economic policy with the policy pursued in other parts of the Russian Federationʼʼ.

The congress paid special attention to creating favorable conditions for the peaceful life of all the nations and nationalities that make up the republic. ʼʼEach nation, - it was said in the Declaration, - is granted and must be provided with the same right to use their native language in all state institutions and at school, and each of them is granted and must be provided with the right and full opportunity for free national developmentʼʼ.

The Declaration also noted that the basis of relations ʼʼ henceforth is a close and fraternal bond based on mutual trust and understanding of the nationalities of the RSFSRʼʼ.

The historical significance of the formation of the Kazakh ASSR:

‣‣‣ The fulfillment of the age-old dream of the Kazakh people - the restoration of Kazakh statehood and territorial integrity;

‣‣‣ The result of centuries of struggle against colonialism;

‣‣‣ The first step towards national revival.

The territory of the republic was 2.7 million square kilometers.

The total population of the KazASSR is 5 million 230 thousand people (increased by 1 million 468 thousand people).

The number of Kazakhs was - 61.3% (according to the census of 1926 ᴦ.) of the entire population of Kazakhstan.

‣‣‣January 26, 1925 ᴦ. a decision was made to move the capital of Kazakhstan from Orenburg to Perovsk (Akmechet). In the first half of 1925, the main state institutions moved to the new capital. April 6, 1925 ᴦ. The Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to separate the Orenburg province from the Kazakh ASSR.

‣‣‣ In April 1925 ᴦ. - The V All-Kazakhstan Congress of Soviets decided: in order to restore the historically correct name of the Kyrgyz people, ʼʼ henceforth call the Kyrgyz - Kazakhsʼʼ. At the same time, the congress changed the name of the new capital of the republic - Akmechet was renamed Kzyl-Orda. By decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of June 15, 1925 ᴦ. The Kirghiz ASSR became known as the Kazakh ASSR.

‣‣‣ In 1929 ᴦ. By order of the country's leadership, Alma-Ata becomes the capital city.

‣‣‣ On February 9, 1936 ᴦ. By the decision of the CEC of the KASSR, the exact name was adopted: Kazakhs, Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan on the eve of the NEP

Education of the Kazakh ASSR - the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Education of the Kazakh ASSR" 2017, 2018.

After the victory over the united forces of the internal opposition and foreign intervention, conditions were created in the country for the transition to peaceful economic construction. The state entered a new period of development - the period of restoration of the national economy. The experience of Soviet construction showed the Bolsheviks that it was necessary to reckon with the idea of ​​national statehood for the peoples of the border regions. The Soviet government began preparatory work for the formation of the Kazakh Autonomous Republic.

July 10, 1919 V.I. Lenin signed a decree "On the Revolutionary Committee for the Management of the Kirghiz (Kazakh) Territory." It said that Kazrevkom was being established as the highest military-civilian administration of the region. The decree defined its goals and objectives: the fight against counter-revolution and intervention, the creation of conditions for state, economic and cultural construction in the region, the preparation of the founding Congress of Soviets in Kazakhstan. The revolutionary committee was in charge of the Kazakh territories of the Astrakhan province and region: Ural, Torgai, Akmola, Semipalatinsk.

The first Soviet commissar S. Pestkovsky, a Pole by nationality, was placed at the head of Kazrevkom. The revolutionary committee included V. Lukashev, A. Zhangildin, A. Baitursynov, M. Tunganchin, S. Mendeshev, B. Karaldin, B. Karataev, T. Sedelnikov. Then it also included A. Avdeev, A. Aitiev, A. Alibekov, S. Argancheev, S. Seifullin, Kh. Gabbasov, V. A. Radus-Zenkovich and others.

Kazrevkom and its local bodies carried out work to unite Kazakh lands, organize Soviets in the Kazakh steppe, and attract representatives of the national intelligentsia who were loyal to Soviet construction. The newspaper "Ushkyn" ("Iskra") - the organ of Kazrevkom - began to be published. On March 9, 1920, a decision was made to liquidate Alash-Orda, which was called the government of Kyrgyzstan (Kazakhstan).

On August 26, 1920, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) and the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) of the RSFSR issued a Decree "On the Formation of the Kirghiz (Kazakh) Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic" within the RSFSR, which was then the first federal socialist state built on the basis of Soviet autonomy . The Decree on the formation of the KazASSR determined the territory of Kazakhstan, established that the governing bodies of the KazASSR are the local Councils of Deputies, the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars. The Kazakh military commissariat was established to manage the military apparatus.

From October 4 to October 12, 1920, the Constituent Congress of Soviets of the Kirghiz (Kazakh) Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was held in Orenburg. This day - October 4, 1920 - is the birthday of the Kazakh Soviet national statehood. This event became one of the most significant in the history of the Kazakh people. The congress elected the supreme bodies of power - the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the Republic. Seytkali Mendeshev was elected Chairman of the CEC of the Kazakh ASSR, V.A. Radus-Zenkovich was elected Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Kazakh ASSR.

At the congress it was adopted "Declaration of the rights of workers of the Kazakh ASSR", constitutionally determined the basic principles of the formation of the Kazakh Soviet statehood. The Declaration determined a set of measures aimed at the socialist transformation of the entire life of the republic. It secured broad political rights for the working people of Kazakhstan. The rights and obligations of citizens were established. The Declaration served as a constitution that approved the rights of the workers of the republic until 1937, when the first Constitution of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic was adopted.

However, upon completion of national state building in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, the peoples who inhabited them were "torn apart" within the state borders. Two regions, Syrdarya and Semirechensk, populated mainly by Kazakhs, remained part of the Turkestan ASSR.

In this regard, in October 1924, the leadership of the USSR carried out a national-territorial delimitation of the republics of Central Asia. The Turkestan ASSR was abolished and divided into the Uzbek and Turkmen republics. A little later, the Kyrgyz and Tajik republics were formed. The southern regions (Semirechensk and Syrdarya regions) were annexed to Kazakhstan.

As a result of the delimitation, the territory of Kazakhstan increased to 2.8 million km and took the second place in the USSR in terms of size. The population of Kazakhstan has grown to 6.5 million people, the proportion of Kazakhs was 59.9%. The city of Orenburg and part of the Orenburg province were transferred to Russia, and the capital of the republic in 1925 was transferred from Orenburg to Kzyl-Orda.

On April 15-19, 1925, the V Congress of Soviets of the Kazakh ASSR was held in the city of Kyzyl-Orda, which was attended by representatives of all Kazakhstan for the first time. At the congress, the historically accurate name of the people, Kazakhs, was restored, as a result of which the Kirghiz ASSR (KASSR) was renamed into the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (KazASSR). As you know, from the time of Kazakhstan's accession to Russia in the first half of the 18th century and until 1925, the Kazakhs were called Kirghiz or Kirghiz-Kaisaks. In addition, the name of the new capital of the republic was changed: the city of Ak-Mechet was renamed Kzyl-Orda. The capital was in Kzyl-Orda (now Kyzylorda) until 1929, then the city of Alma-Ata (now Almaty) became the new capital. According to historical data, this step was taken by the authorities of that time under the influence of the decisions of the X Congress of the RCP (b) on the national question. Important political and social changes took place in Kazakhstan aimed at the development of the Kazakh Soviet autonomy.

The proclamation of the Kazakh Soviet national statehood was of great historical significance. The Kazakh people perceived this act as the result of a centuries-old struggle against colonialism, the first step towards national revival.

The formation of the Kazakh ASSR, the first socio-economic transformations of the Soviet government intensified the socio-political life in the region. This was especially evident in the course of the implementation of the land and water reform, which was carried out from the spring of 1921.

Decrees and other acts of the state on the abolition of the kun and patriarchal tribal remnants - amengerstvo, kalym, etc. were very popular among the population. Women were more and more actively involved in public life.

A significant place in the life of society was occupied by the Komsomol and trade unions, through which thousands of people from remote regions of the republic were involved in social and political life. The creation of a wide network of public education and cultural and educational institutions was a good prerequisite for the future socio-economic development of the republic.

The SSR was originally formed as the Kirghiz ASSR within the RSFSR on August 26, 1920; On December 5, 1936, the ASSR was transformed into the Kazakh Union Republic. Located on the southwest. Asian part of the USSR. It borders the RSFSR in the north, the Turkmen SSR, the Uzbek SSR, and the Kirghiz SSR in the south, China in the east, and the Caspian Sea in the west. . Area 2717.3 thousand sq. km 2. Population 13,470 thousand people (as of January 1, 1972). The capital is Alma-Ata.

It is divided into 17 regions and 203 districts, has 80 cities and 172 urban-type settlements (see Table 1).


Area, thous. km 2

niya, thousand people

Number of cities

Number of urban-type settlements














East Kazakhstan
















































North Kazakhstan










































. Political system

K. is a socialist state of workers and peasants, a union Soviet socialist republic, which is part of the USSR. The current constitution of the Kazakh SSR was approved by the Extraordinary 10th Congress of Soviets of the Kazakh SSR on March 26, 1937. The highest body of state power is the unicameral Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR, elected for 4 years according to the norm: 1 deputy from 27 thousand inhabitants. Between sessions of the Supreme Soviet, the highest body of state power is the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR. The Supreme Council forms the government of the republic - the Council of Ministers, adopts the laws of the Kazakh SSR, etc. Local authorities in regions, districts, cities, auls are the respective Soviets of Working People's Deputies, elected by the population for 2 years. In the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Kazakh SSR is represented by 32 deputies.

The highest judicial body of Kazakhstan is the Supreme Court of the republic, elected by its Supreme Soviet for a term of five years, and operates as part of two judicial chambers (for civil and criminal cases) and a plenum. In addition, the Presidium of the Supreme Court is formed. The Prosecutor of the Kazakh SSR is appointed by the Prosecutor General of the USSR for a period of 5 years.

. Nature

The territory of Kazakhstan extends from the lower reaches of the Volga in the west to the Altai in the east and from the West Siberian Plain in the north to the Tien Shan in the south. the Khan-Tengri mountain range rises, having a height of up to 7000 m. A characteristic feature of Kazakhstan is its inland position in the center of the Eurasian continent.

Relief. K.'s surface is extremely various. There are high mountains covered with glaciers, hilly middle mountains and plateau-like uplands, vast plains and lowlands. S.-Z. The republics occupy the southern outskirts of the General Syrt and the Cis-Ural plateau (height up to 354 m). To the south of them lies the vast flat Caspian lowland, the absolute heights of which fluctuate from the level of the Caspian Sea (-28 m) up to 50 m above ocean level. To the south-west The republic is located on the Mangyshlak peninsula; its northern part is a solonchak lowland, the center is occupied by the Karatau ridge (height up to 556 m), in the south - deep drainless depressions, the bottoms of which lie below the level of the World Ocean: Karagiye - 132 m(the deepest in the USSR), Karynzharyk - 70 m, Kaundy - 54 m. To the east of Mangyshlak is the desert plateau Ustyurt (height up to 340 m), bordered by steep cliffs - chinks. In its northern lower part there are solonchaks and sand massifs (Sam, Asmantai-Matai, Karatuley). On S.-V. The Caspian lowland is limited by the southern spurs of the Urals and Mugodzhary (height up to 657 m). To S.-V. from Mugodzhar there is the Turgai plateau (height 200-400 m). In the south, it passes into the Turan lowland, occupied by the Kyzylkum desert (height from 53 to 332 m) and others. To the north of the Aral Sea are the sandy massifs Big and Small Badgers and the Aral Karakum.

The West Siberian Plain is within the boundaries of the republic only by its southern outskirts. The central part is occupied Kazakh uplands (Saryarka), which is the remains of an ancient ruined mountainous country, within its boundaries are located separate mountain ranges Kyzylrai (1565 m), Karkaraly (1366 m), Ulutau (1133 m) and others. In the south, the Kazakh upland passes into one of the most waterless deserts - Betpak-Dala (height 250-550 m). To the south of it, a large area is occupied by the Muyunkum sand massif (height up to 66 m). To the east of Betpak-Dala lies the vast region of Semirechye (altitude up to 800 m; by the name of 7 rivers flowing from the south into Lake Balkhash). Most of it is occupied by the Balkhash depression with the sandy massif of Sary-Ishikotrau, which in the southwest. connects with the Ili depression, and in the east - with the Sasykkol-Alakol depression. Most of the depressions are occupied by lakes.

On the East and South-East. the southern chains of Altai (Southern and Rudny Altai) are located with a height of up to 4506 m(Belukha), as well as the Saura ridges (height up to 3805 m), Tarbagatai (2992 m), Dzungarian Alatau (4463 m), Northern and Western Tien Shan: Ketmen (until 3638 m), Chu-Ili mountains (1520 m), Zailiyskiy Alatau (4973 m), part of Kungei-Alatau (4213 m) and the Kyrgyz Range (3817 m), Talas Alatau (4488 m), Ugam Range (4229 m) and Karatau (2176 m).

S. A. Abdrakhmanov.

Geological structure and minerals. In the west, the Caspian includes most of the Caspian syneclise. East European Platform , in which the thickness of the Phanerozoic strata reaches 16-18 km. In the middle part of the synsklise section, there is a thick (4-6 or more km) a salt-bearing series of the Upper and, possibly, Middle Paleozoic, containing deposits of rock and potassium salts, as well as borates. Salt forms the core of over 350 salt domes. Exploited oil and oil and gas fields are associated with salt-dome structures, which are confined to the Permian-Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits. Lower Cretaceous deposits contain deposits of phosphorites. Within the limits of Ustyurt there are thick (sometimes oil-and-gas-bearing) sedimentary strata of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, overlapping ledges and depressions, composed of Paleozoic rocks; the latter are underlain at great depths by an ancient foundation, reworked by Paleozoic movements.

The Mugodzhars are composed of Precambrian and Paleozoic complexly built folded metamorphosed, igneous and sedimentary strata penetrated by intrusions of granitoids, mafic rocks and ultramafic rocks. In the greenstone strata of the Silurian, copper pyrite deposits have been discovered here. To the east and south of Mugodzhary, the Paleozoic basement is distributed throughout the territory of Kazakhstan. In the Turgai trough, it occurs at depths from several tens to 1,000 m. Magnetite ore deposits (Sokolovskoe, Sarbaiskoe, Kacharskoe, etc.) are confined to the basement of the Turgai trough. Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene deposits lying almost horizontally on the Paleozoic basement contain brown iron ore (Ayatskoe and Lisakovskoe deposits of the Kustanai region), brown coals (Obagan basin), bauxites (Amangeldy group of deposits).

The basement of the Chuya depression is located at depths of 500-2000 m and overlain by sedimentary strata of the Middle and Upper Paleozoic (with large deposits of cuprous sandstones of Dzhezkazgan and a thick salt-bearing series), as well as continental rocks of the Meso-Cenozoic. In the northern Kyzylkum and the Aral Sea region, the basement is overlain by a series of Paleozoic and Meso-Cenozoic strata 1000-4000 m thick. m. Within Mangyshlak, the lower horizons of the cover (Permian - Triassic) with a thickness of more than 10 km form a system of compressed folds of western and northwestern directions. Large deposits of oil and natural gas (Zhetybai, Uzen, and others) are confined to the Mesozoic rocks in these folds. Deposits of brown coal are also associated here with Meso-Cenozoic deposits.

Folded Paleozoic emerges on the surface in the mountains of Altai, Tarbagatai, Dzungarian Alatau, in the northern ridges of the Tien Shan, in Karatau, within the Central Kazakhstan. Rock complexes of various composition reach a thickness of tens of km. The most ancient rocks are metamorphosed into gneisses and shales. The upper parts of the section are composed of weakly altered rocks.

Among the pre-Paleozoic and Paleozoic formations, according to the time of manifestation of the main tectonic movements, complexes captured by the folding of the Caledonian and Hercynian epochs are distinguished. The Caledonides form a vast ancient massif covering the entire S.-Z. and west of Central Kazakhstan, as well as the Northern Tien Shan. Hercynides form the Mugodzhary, the foundation of the western part of the Turgai trough, the south of the Kyzylkum, the Balkhash region, the mountains of the Dzhungar Alatau, Tarbagatai, Altai and Chingiz. In a number of places (Mugodzhary, the Balkhash region, the Northern Tien Shan, Rudny Altai, Kalba), volcanic covers and granites of the Late Paleozoic age are common, and in some places also belts of hypermafic rocks. Paleozoic and older sequences form folded arcs, curved in a southwesterly direction. In Mugodzhary and west of Central Kazakhstan they have a meridional strike; in the Tien Shan and Dzungarian Alatau, as well as in the East of Central Kazakhstan and in Altai - latitudinal and northwestern. In many mountainous regions of China, the latest tectonic movements and the accompanying earthquakes are vigorously manifesting themselves.

Many large deposits of ore and non-metallic minerals are confined to the folded Paleozoic basement of Kazakhstan, among which the deposits of copper and polymetals of Ore Altai, Central Kazakhstan, Dzhungar Alatau, and Karatau stand out. The deposits of rare metals in Kalba and Central Kazakhstan are associated with the Paleozoic granitoids. Gold deposits proper are concentrated in Northern Kazakhstan (Kokchetav and Tselinograd regions) and Eastern Kazakhstan (Western Kalba). A significant amount of gold is contained in the gold-pyrite-polymetallic deposits of Rudny Altai, Chingiz, Maykain. Iron-manganese and iron ores have been explored in the Atasui iron-manganese (Central Kazakhstan) and Karsakpai (Ulutau) iron ore basins. The depressions of the Paleozoic basement are occupied by deposits of the Karaganda and Ekibastuz coal and Maikuben lignite basins. Deposits of ores of chromites (Donskoye deposit), nickel, cobalt, copper, gold, asbestos, etc. are widespread in volcanogenic rocks and ultramafic rocks of the Mugodzhar folded complex.

In terms of reserves and diversity of minerals, Kazakhstan is one of the richest regions of the USSR. Most of the deposits were discovered during the years of Soviet power. K. occupies one of the first places in the USSR in terms of explored reserves of chromite ores, copper, lead, zinc, silver, tungsten, phosphorites, barite, molybdenum, cadmium, bismuth, asbestos, and pyrophyllite.

A. A. Bogdanov, T. Gapuov.

Climate. The remoteness from the oceans, the vastness of the territory and the peculiarities of the orography determine the sharp continentality and zonality of the climate. Thanks to the southern position and small cloudiness, solar radiation is significant. The duration of sunshine is from 2000 hours in the north to 3000 in the south. The total radiation increases from north to south from 100 kcal / cm 2 up to 140 kcal / cm 2. Winters are cold and long in the north, moderately cold in the central part, moderately mild and short in the south, and mild in the extreme south. The average January temperature rises from -18°C in the north to -3°C in the south. parts of flat K. In winter, due to penetration from the north and northwest. cold masses of continental arctic air, in the northern and central regions there are frosts down to -45 ° C, in the south sometimes up to - 35 ° C. Summers are long and dry on the plains. It is warm in the north, very warm in the central part, and hot in the south. The average July temperature rises from 19°C in the north to 28–30°C in the south. In the mountains, summers are short and moderate, and winters are relatively warm. Precipitation is scarce almost everywhere. In the forest-steppe, on average, 300-400 mm precipitation, in the steppe their amount decreases to 250 mm, in the Kazakh uplands increases to 300-400 mm, and in the semi-desert and desert it decreases to 200-100 mm. Especially little precipitation (less than 100 mm per year) in the Balkhash region, in the south-west. the Aral Sea Kyzylkum and Yu. Ustyurt. In the foothills and mountains, from 400 to 1600 mm precipitation. In the north and in the center, maximum precipitation occurs in the summer months, and in the south, in early spring. Strong winds are characteristic of almost the entire territory of Kazakhstan. In winter, southwestern winds predominate in the north, while northeastern winds predominate in the south; in summer, northerly winds prevail everywhere. The duration of the growing season is 190-200 days in the north and 230-290 days in the south.

Glaciation. The total number of glaciers exceeds 2700, and their area is about 2000 km 2, the entire mass of ice and firn is about 60 billion cubic meters. m 3. Valley glaciers make up about 1/5 of all glaciers, but they account for more than 1/2 of their total area. The main areas of glaciation are the Dzungarian Alatau, the Tien Shan ranges, the Berel glaciation unit in Altai.

Inland waters. The diversity of the relief and climate determines the uneven distribution of surface waters. There are very few rivers in the deserts; there are many more of them in the north and in the highlands. There are about 85 thousand rivers, of which 90% are rivers and temporary watercourses with a length of less than 10 km and only 228 rivers are longer than 100 km. Vost. and south. well-moistened alpine regions, from which the largest rivers flow, are characterized by a high density of the river network (0.2-0.4 km/km2, in the northern part of K. this figure is 0.03-0.05 km/km2, and even less in the desert zone). Most of the rivers belong to the internal closed basins of the Caspian and Aral Seas, the Balkhash, Tengiz, Shalkar, Karasor lakes, and only the Irtysh, Ishim and Tobol rivers belong to the Ob basin. The large rivers of the Caspian Sea basin are the Ural and Emba, the Aral Sea - the Syrdarya. The Ili, Karatal, Aksu, and Lepsy rivers flow into Lake Balkhash from the south, and the Ayaguz, Bakanas, and Tokrau rivers flow from the north. Lake Tengiz, in addition to small temporary streams, receives one of the significant rivers of K. - Nuru. The basins of small rivers: the Irgiz, Turgai, Sarysu, Chu, and others form independent areas of closed flow. Flat rivers of snow supply with spring floods prevail. Many of them dry up in the summer, partially break up into stretches. There are many mountain rivers in the south and east that are fed by glaciers and snow. They have high water in spring and summer. Mountain rivers are characterized by maximum water content and play an important role in the national economy. They can receive more than 160 billion rubles annually. kW× h electricity, Total surface runoff within K. 112 km 3 in year. In the south, rivers are used for irrigation, and main canals have been drawn from many of them. From the Irtysh, the Irtysh-Karaganda canal, built for water supply to the industry of Central Kazakhstan, originates. Or - Kapchagai reservoir, on the river. Tobol - Karatomar reservoir, on Ishim - Sergeevskoe and others. Irtysh, Ili, Ural, Syrdarya (from the mouth to Kazalinsk) are navigable. China has over 48,000 lakes with a total area of ​​45,000 hectares. km 2, of which 94% have an area of ​​up to 1 km 2, these are mainly floodplain and deltaic lakes. Lakes with an area of ​​more than 100 km 2 only 21. Among them are Balkhash, Zaisan (which became part of the Bukhtarma reservoir), Alakol, Tengiz, Seletteniz, Sasykkol, Kushmurun, Markakol, Ulken-Karoy, and others. The northern and northeastern parts of the Caspian and the northern part of the Aral seas. There are more than 4,000 ponds and reservoirs in China. Most of the lakes are drainless. Their level fluctuates sharply by seasons and years, and the outlines and sizes change periodically. In dry years, many of them dry up or turn into litters. Most of the lakes are in the northern part of Canada, where there are many closed depressions. In the steppe zone, in the mountains and along the valleys of large rivers, fresh lakes predominate, and in the semi-desert, desert zones and intermountain depressions - salty ones. Various salts are mined on many lakes, more than 30 lakes have therapeutic mud and brine. In many areas there are large reserves of fresh and slightly brackish groundwater, which are partially used by industrial and agricultural. enterprises. Groundwater resources of K. are estimated at 7000 km 3. Lots of mineral springs.

Soils. The soil cover is characterized by clearly defined zonality and altitudinal zonality. In the north up to 52°c. sh. passes a narrow strip of black soil; it is divided into leached chernozems, which occupy a small part of the forest-steppe zone within the North Kazakhstan region, ordinary chernozems of the moderately arid steppe (4.6% of the total soil area of ​​Kazakhstan), and southern chernozems of the arid steppe (4.9%). To the south of the chernozems, between 52-48° N. sh. chestnut soils are located, subdivided into dark chestnut moderately dry steppes (10.5%), typical chestnut dry steppes (9.6%) and light chestnut semi-desert soils (14.2%). The territories occupied by chernozems and dark chestnut soils have been plowed up. South of 48° N. sh. Brown and gray-brown desert soils are widespread, alternating with massifs of desert sandy and takyr-like soils; brown soils of the northern subzone of the desert (21.6%) and gray-brown soils associated with the middle and southern subzones of the desert zone (22%) stand out here. The latter in the mountains of the Western and Northern Tien Shan are replaced by gray soils and light chestnut soils of piedmont plains and foothills. Higher in the mountains of the Western Tien Shan there is a belt of mountain brown soils, in the mountains of the Northern Tien Shan, Saura, Tarbagatai, Western Altai - a belt of mountain dark chestnut, chestnut soils and mountain chernozems. The previous belt in the mountains of the Northern Tien Shan is followed by a belt of mountain leached chernozems, mountain gray forest and mountain dark-colored forest soils, and in Western Altai - mountain meadow chernozem-like and gray forest soils. Even higher in all mountainous regions is a belt of mountain-meadow subalpine and alpine soils. Mountain soils occupy 12.6% of the territory of Kazakhstan.

Vegetation is of great variety. Plain K. is divided into three main zones according to the nature of vegetation: steppe, semi-desert, and desert. In the steppe zone (northern part of Kazakhstan), forb-grass vegetation predominates (feather grass, fescue, thin-legged, sheep, steppe timothy grass, volosnets, wormwood, and in floodplains - bonfire and couch grass meadows). In the extreme north of the steppe zone, birch groves (with an admixture of aspen) are scattered as separate islets. On the sands, mainly along the Irtysh and Tobol and along the granite massifs of the Kazakh hillocks, pine forests have been preserved. The dry steppe is characterized by fescue-feather grass vegetation. In the semi-desert zone, wormwood-cereal vegetation dominates (white and black wormwood, tyrsik, fescue). The largest area is occupied by the desert zone (sandy, clay and rubble). The vegetation cover of clayey and gravelly deserts is represented by drought-resistant semishrubs, shrubs and shrubs, various saltworts, wormwoods in combination with herbs (prostrate rod, sarsazan, biyurgun, boyalych, kokpek, soleros, white and black wormwood, astragalus, zhantak, teresken, tamarisks, etc. .). In sandy deserts, sandy wormwood, sandy sedge, Siberian wheatgrass, zhuzgun, sandy acacia, white saxaul, etc. are widespread. In the sands of Kyzylkum and Sary-Ishikotrau there are massifs of black saxaul. Along the valleys of large rivers in the desert zone, there are tugai forests (loch, poplar-turanga, willows, tamarisks, chingil), around lakes and along rivers - reeds. The deserts of K. serve as winter and partly year-round pastures. Ephemerals and ephemeroids (sedges, bulbous bluegrass, variegated poppy, tulips, etc.) are very characteristic of the piedmont plains and foothills. The foothills of the ranges are covered with steppe vegetation. Higher there are shrubs (wild rose, honeysuckle, barberry), sparse forests of aspen and birch, in the Zailiysky Alatau, in addition, wild apple, apricot, hawthorn. In the middle belt of mountains - typical coniferous forests. In Altai they have sib. shape and consist of sib. larch, spruce, pine, fir, cedar with dense undergrowth of shrubs. Tien Shan spruce is widespread in the Dzungarian Alatau, to which Siberian fir is mixed in places. Further south in the Tien Shan, the fir disappears and the Tien Shan spruce remains. Above the forest belt - subalpine and alpine meadows, formed by hairy kobresia, sedges, cuff, bluegrass and other representatives of forbs, which are excellent summer pastures. In the higher parts of the Tien Shan ranges there are junipers - Turkestan juniper. Forests occupy about 10 million hectares. ha(3% of the area K.). Their main arrays are concentrated in Altai, in the Dzungarian Alatau and in the east. parts of the Tien Shan. For the most part, forests have water-protective, soil-protective and health-improving significance; saxaul is used for fixing sands and for fuel.

Animal world. The modern fauna of K. includes 155 species of mammals, 480 species of birds, 49 species of reptiles, 11 species of amphibians, about 150 species of fish, and many invertebrates. Of the mammals, rodents are the most common: in the steppes, ground squirrels and hamsters; in deserts, gerbils; in northern Kazakhstan near reservoirs, water rats; voles, jerboas, marmots, and hares are everywhere. Of the ungulates in the desert and semi-desert, the saiga, goitered gazelle live, in the mountains of Altai and Tien Shan - maral, musk deer, mountain goat, argali, on the plains and in the mountains - wild boar and roe deer. Of the predators, the wolf, fox, badger, weasel, light polecat are found throughout the territory. The forests of Altai and Tien Shan are inhabited by the brown bear, snow leopard, lynx, wolverine, Siberian weasel, and squirrel. In the lower reaches of the river Or, Karatala and others acclimatized muskrat. Of the waterfowl, the gray goose, shelduck, mallard, gray duck, white-headed duck, ruddy shelduck, etc .; on Lake Tengiz - flamingos; in reeds - bittern, gray and white herons; there are cormorants, pelicans, cranes; in the steppes - bustard, little bustard, gyrfalcon, curlew, larks, eagles, harriers, kestrels, etc. In the flat part there are many turtles, lizards, including roundheads and agamas, as well as snakes. Lakes and rivers are rich in fish. The seal lives in the Caspian Sea, there are beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, thorn, white fish, herring, sprat, pike perch, bream, roach, mullet. In the Aral Sea, in addition to these fish, there are also barbel, asp, herring, carp. In rivers and lakes - pike, perch, crucian carp, etc. In mountain lakes and rivers - taimen, grayling, nelma.

Reserves. On the territory of K. there are Alma-Ata Reserve , Aksu-Dzhabagly Reserve , Barsakelmes Reserve , Naurzumsky - protection and study of the natural complex of the southernmost pine forest in Kazakhstan, located in the steppe zone; Kurgaldzhinsky - protection of an untouched part of the steppe landscape, protection and study of the fauna of the Kurgaldzhin and Tengiz lakes, where flamingos nest.

natural areas. Within the plains of Kazakhstan (including massifs of small hills and insular low mountains), which occupies about 90% of the territory, natural zoning is clearly manifested - from the forest-steppe zone in the north to the desert zone in the south. , eastern part of the Caspian lowland, Cis-Ural plateau. Ural - South Ural Mountains, Mugodzhary, Trans-Ural Plateau. Western

Article about the word Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic" in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia has been read 3692 times

2. Formation of KazASSR

On August 26, 1920, the Soviet government - the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR - issued a decree "On the Formation of the Kirghiz (Kazakh) Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic" within the RSFSR, which was then the first federal socialist state built on the basis of Soviet autonomy. The Decree on the formation of the KazASSR determined the territory of Kazakhstan, established that the governing bodies of the KazASSR are the local Councils of Deputies, the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars. The Kazakh military commissariat was established to manage the military apparatus.

From October 4 to October 12, 1920, the Constituent Congress of Soviets of the Kirghiz (Kazakh) ASSR was held in Orenburg. This day - October 4, 1920 - is the birthday of the Kazakh Soviet national statehood. This event became one of the most significant in the history of the Kazakh people. The congress elected the supreme authorities - the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the Republic. Seytkali Mendeshev was elected Chairman of the CEC of the Kazakh ASSR, V.A. Radus-Zenkovich. At the congress, the "Declaration of the Rights of the Workers of the Kazakh ASSR" was adopted, which constitutionally determined the basic principles for the formation of the Kazakh Soviet statehood. The Declaration determined a set of measures aimed at the socialist transformation of the entire life of the republic. It secured broad political rights for the working people of Kazakhstan. The rights and obligations of citizens were established. The Declaration served as a constitution that approved the rights of the workers of the republic until 1937, when the first Constitution of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic was adopted.

The proclamation of the Kazakh Soviet national statehood was of great historical significance. The Kazakh people perceived this act as the result of a centuries-old struggle against colonialism, the first step towards national revival.

In 1925 the capital of the republic was moved from Orenburg to Kyzyl-Orda. On April 15-19, 1925, the V Congress of Soviets of the Kazakh ASSR was held in the city of Kyzyl-Orda, which was attended by representatives of all Kazakhstan for the first time. At the congress, the historically accurate name of the people - Kazakhs was restored, as a result of which the Kirghiz ASSR (KASSR) was renamed into the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (KazASSR). As you know, from the time of Kazakhstan's accession to Russia in the first half of the 18th century and until 1925, the Kazakhs were called Kirghiz or Kirghiz-Kaisaks. In addition, the name of the new capital of the republic was changed: the city of Ak-Mechet was renamed Kzyl-Orda. The capital was in Kzyl-Orda (now Kyzylorda) until 1929, then the city of Alma-Ata (now Almaty) became the new capital. According to historical data, this step was taken by the authorities of that time under the influence of the decisions of the X Congress of the RCP (b) on the national question. Important political and social changes took place in Kazakhstan aimed at the development of the Kazakh Soviet autonomy.

The territorial association of the Kazakh people was of great importance for the further unification of the Kazakh nation, the development of the culture and economy of Kazakhstan. The unification of all Kazakh lands within one republic was a major milestone in the history of the Kazakh people, and, despite the difficulties of that period, played a very important role in the creation of Kazakh statehood. As a result, the territory of the KazASSR increased by almost one third, the population increased by almost one and a half million, its total number reached 5230 thousand people. According to the 1926 census, Kazakhs made up 61.3% of the total population of Kazakhstan.

Authority, federation


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An organ is an institution, an organization.

Federation - a form of government in which the members of the federation (eg republics) that are part of the state have their own constitutions, legislative, executive and judicial bodies; along with them there are federal government bodies.


Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars on the formation of the Autonomous

Kyrgyz Socialist Soviet Republic

Decree on the Autonomous Kirghiz Socialist Soviet Republic

The All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars, in the development of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of July 10, 1919, No. 354, decide:

1. To form the Autonomous Kirghiz Socialist Soviet Republic as a part of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, which includes, within the former administrative boundaries of the region:

a) Semipalatinsk, as part of the counties: Pavlodar, Semipalatinsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Zaisan and Karkaralinsky;

b) Akmola, as part of the districts: Atbasar, Akmola, Kokchetav, Petropavlovsk and part of the Omsk district.

Note: The exact demarcation of the Kirghiz and Siberian parts of the Omsk district is made by agreement between Kirrevkom and Sibrevkom.

c) Turgai, as part of the counties: Kustanai, Aktobe, Irgiz and Turgai;

d) Ural, as part of the counties: Ural, Lbischensky, Temir-sky and Guryevsky;

e) Mangyshlak district of the Transcaspian region; 4th and 5th Adaevsky volosts of the Krasnovodsk district of the same region.

f) from the Astrakhan province: the volosts of Sinemorskaya, Bukeevskaya horde and the territories of the former state quitrent lands adjacent to the 1st and 2nd Primorsky districts. As for the coastal strip and the volosts of Safronovskaya, Ganyushkinskaya and Nikolaevskaya, they in all respects, except for the economic side, remain subordinate to the Kirrevkom. Create a commission under the Astrakhan Executive Committee, consisting of representatives of the Astrakhan Executive Committee and the Kirrevkom, to regulate in detail the relations between regions with a mixed population.

2. Inclusion into the Kyrgyz Republic of the Kyrgyz territory, which is now part of the Turkestan Republic, occurs according to the will of the population of these regions.

3. The governing bodies of the Autonomous Kirghiz Socialist Soviet Republic are the local Councils of Deputies, the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the Kirghiz Socialist Soviet Republic.

4. To manage the affairs of the Kirghiz Socialist Soviet Republic, people's commissariats are established: 1) internal affairs with the Office of Posts and Telegraphs: 2) justice; 3) education; 4) health care; 5) social security; 6) agriculture; 7) food; 8) finance; 9) Council of the National Economy; 10) Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate; 11) People's Commissariat of Labor and 12) People's Commissariat of Communications.

5. To manage the military apparatus, a Military Kirghiz Commissariat is created, subordinate to the Zavolzhsky military district.

6. In order to preserve the unity of the financial and economic policy of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic throughout the territory of the Republic, the People's Commissariats of the Kirghiz Socialist Soviet Republic: Food, Finance, Workers' and Peasants' Inspection, as well as the Council of the National Economy and the Office of Posts and Telegraphs and the Kyrgyz Statistical Bureau , Kirchek, the People's Commissariat of Labor and the People's Commissariat of Communications remain directly subordinate to the respective People's Commissariats of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic.

Note I. The people's commissars of the commissariats named in paragraph 6 and the Kyrgyz regional military commissar are appointed by agreement of the Council of People's Commissars of the Kyrgyz Republic with the corresponding people's commissariats of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic.

Note II. Colleges under the people's commissariats are appointed by the Council of People's Commissars of the Kyrgyz Republic.

1. The People's Commissariats of the Kirghiz Socialist Soviet Republic: Internal Affairs (without the Office of Posts and Telegraphs), Justice, Education, Health, Social Security and Agriculture are autonomous in their actions and are directly responsible to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.

2. The Autonomous Kirghiz Socialist Soviet Republic is supplied with all necessary financial and technical means from the funds of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic.

3. Foreign affairs and foreign trade remain wholly within the jurisdiction of the central organs of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic.

4. Until the convocation of the Congress of Soviets of the Kirghiz Socialist Soviet Republic, all power of the Autonomous Kirghiz Socialist Soviet Republic, within the boundaries indicated in this provision, belongs to the Revolutionary Committee of the Kirghiz Socialist Soviet Republic.

5. Temporarily, until the final organization of the central bodies of the Kirghiz Republic, which can take over the leadership of the Akmola and Semipalatinsk provinces, the latter continue to remain under the jurisdiction of Sibrevkom. In order to carry out a unified policy in the Kirghiz regions, temporarily remaining part of Siberia and Turkestan, authorized members of the Kirrevkom are introduced into the Sibrevkom and the Presidium of Turtsik; in their work, the said members of the Kirrevkom are accountable to the latter and are guided by its directives.

Note. In the event of disagreements arising between Kirrev-kom, on the one hand, and Turtsik and Sibrevkom, on the other hand, regarding measures in the territories of the regions that later become part of the Kirrepublic, the resolution of the issue is transferred to the discretion of the central institutions of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic.

Chairman of the All-Russian Central

Executive Committee M. Kalinin

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V. Ulyanov (Lenin)

Secretary of the All-Russian Central

Executive Committee A. Yenukidze

Decrees of the Soviet power. M., 1979. T. 10. S. 97-100.

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