Paranormal Activity Facts from Life. Unusual stories from life: paranormal phenomena. The most famous paranormal phenomena

When I thought about meeting Slavka Firsov in the first years of his imprisonment, I kept wondering: would I be able to shake his hand after my release? He is not just my neighbor in the stairwell, with him we got up at three o’clock in the morning so as not to miss the first bite, climbed through other people’s gardens, played football and fought “yard to yard” in the same team, clung to freight train cars as they moved. Sorting is a busy microdistrict that brings people living side by side closer together. But over time, in the turmoil of affairs, I remembered my childhood friend less and less; I had enough of my own problems. And our paths diverged long before that terrible crime. Different interests after school led to different companies - a common thing. I studied at the institute, he was a driver, we sometimes drank at each other’s birthday parties... And yet, belonging to the same team made itself felt. Everyone could count on the help of a neighbor. After midnight, let in and understand. But... when he was taken away in the morning by a police UAZ, and ominous rumors spread along the street, something turned over in me.

  • Different concepts of time

    When last year the freed Slava suddenly appeared in front of me at the entrance, I remembered my experiences. He extended his hand first, and I automatically reached for it. Embarrassed by the handshake, he rubbed his fingers that were numb from his “pincers” and filled the pause with a stupid question: “Have you just come or good behavior on vacation?

    The short, strong man slashed his gray, narrowed eyes with a blade: “What, twelve years is not enough? Did it go quickly?” Indeed, for me these years flew by like one day. For him, they must have dragged on painfully slowly. But neither I nor he spoke about this anymore.

    In Slavka’s life, everything was gained little by little, as, indeed, for everyone in our company. His father drank heavily, but did not attack his son with fists; he moderately quarreled with his wife, an always sloppy woman, overwhelmed with work on the “iron”.

    At school, Slava got straight C's, but as for the streets... Here we all behaved rather wildly: we smoked bulls, put huge nails under the wheels of the train so that we could then sharpen knives out of them, we fired at sparrows with slingshots.

    But what’s surprising is that Slavka not only did not show cruelty to them, he always pitied them. Which means there was kind person, in fact. At home he kept a cat, which he fattened so much that it was scary to look at.

    Once I saw Slava’s darling and the lazy one nimbly crawling along the trunk of a birch tree towards a birdhouse, from which the voices of chicks were already heard. I attached the birdhouse and therefore decided to teach the cat a lesson. Warbler was not at home. We caught his Senka and flogged him with a rod.

    But when the cat, distraught with fear, was released, a hooligan guy of about sixteen intercepted him and threw a rope noose around the neck of the heart-rendingly meowing poor fellow. The cat finally escaped. Dragging the rope behind him, he jumped onto the tree, but unexpectedly fell from the branch and hung on this noose...

    We buried Senka behind the gardens and cried our eyes out together with Slavka. We thought for a long time about how to take revenge on the lanky man. They decided to throw stones at his windows at night.

    Slavka threw fragments of bricks with particular frenzy. By the way, maybe after that he became very bitter? Probably not. Soon I got myself another cat... Our life was so fast-paced, stormy, eventful that no one focused on one, even a very sad incident.

    From Slavka’s short letters from the army, I learned a lot of interesting things about his life. After training in Mulino, he ended up in Kizil-Arvat, where instead of moonshine, sergeants bought half a liter of water for a dime, and scorpions during the mating season threatened servicemen with instant death.

    Then Slavka froze twice in Nerengi. But the Yakut frosts did not break his cheerful character. Everywhere he was a “social” person, a “joiner”, ready to give his last piece of bread for a friend. At heart, he still remained a hectic kid, a thrill-seeker.


    Slavka not only did not show cruelty to his smaller brothers, he always pitied them, which means he was a kind person

    Scary unexplained facts

    Perhaps he was arrested the first time because of this desire for adventure. Having got a job as a driver of a GAZ car at a car depot, a month later he was caught stealing spare parts. They gave me two years of chemistry. He worked in Dzerzhinsk as a driver. He lived under supervision for a week, and was allowed to go home on weekends.

    By that time he had gotten married, and besides his parents, his wife and infant were waiting for him at home. Sometimes Slavka didn’t come home for the weekend and warned his family in advance: don’t worry, they say, the police won’t let you go. And at that time he was resting with his mistress Lida. He met her there, in Dzerzhinsk.

    Slavka apparently really liked this way of life: they wait everywhere, they greet you everywhere, and they don’t burden you with worries. Suddenly Lida admitted that she was expecting a child from him.

    Neighbors later said that she flatly refused an abortion. Maybe from the heart of Vyacheslav. Yes, and she didn’t, the girl from rural areas, in a huge city with black and orange smoke there is no one except Vyacheslav.

    Financially well-off, she expected from him, first of all, moral support. And then the most mysterious thing happened, something that seems impossible to decide on in your right mind.

    Vyacheslav, who was allowed to go home after work on Friday, dropped in to see Lida. I had a hearty dinner, drinking a few glasses of vodka for my appetite. After the caressed and tired Lida fell fast asleep, he smothered her with a pillow. And, as if nothing had happened, he returned to his home. A week later the police came for him.

    Police - detention

    The body of the strangled woman was not immediately discovered. The neighbors noticed a suspicious odor coming from the room. The police were called and they broke down the door. Finding the killer wasn't much of a problem.

    Nina Ivanovna, Vyacheslav’s mother, came out less and less often to chat with the neighbors at the entrance. And if I met someone, I immediately started talking about him. And she usually ended it like this: “Maybe for exemplary work they’ll knock off three or four years…”

    The neighbors winked at each other, gloating over the eccentric “upstart”... Vyacheslav’s father never received his son from the zone. He turned yellow and lost his face. Returning from treatment, he said: “I drank away my liver, drank it clean...” Cirrhosis quickly overwhelmed him.

    And Nina Ivanovna, left alone, increasingly began to leave somewhere early in the morning and returned late in the evening. No one knew where she disappeared for days, when suddenly one of the gossips explained: “Ninka is begging!”

    It turns out that someone she knew saw her at the Middle Market in a patched robe. Nina Ivanovna deliberately chose a place away from the Sorting. She carried overalls in a bag. She changed her clothes behind the stalls and asked for alms from compassionate citizens near them.

    Horrible incidents from life

    When Slava returned from prison, he was 36. And he still looked young. Unless the wrinkles spoiled the “sign” a little. He cheerfully, as if nothing had happened, began a new life.

    He moved his wife and 12-year-old son to his mother’s apartment. One can only guess what his “half” experienced when they learned about their spouse’s infidelity and such a heinous crime. And yet they connected. They became almost a close-knit family. Almost. Because the past involuntarily took revenge for itself. No one else saw even a hint of a smile on the faces of Slava and Lyuda.


    And then the most mysterious and terrible thing happened, something that seems impossible to decide on in your right mind.

    One evening Slavka came to me with a bottle. We sat and drank, but I saw that he was not at ease, something was gnawing at him.
    - You, Slava, if you want to tell me something, don’t be shy, you know, I can. “I took him by the shoulder encouragingly.
    And then he told me his other one.

    You know, bro, I thought this murder thing was forever in the past. What came over me then, I don’t know. All the years of imprisonment I thought about it, but never figured it out. I was definitely not myself then. And only recently I began to understand.

    You see, in those days I was very loving. Yes, you know it yourself. I couldn't let a pretty girl pass by. Although I knew that I was doing the wrong thing, it was as if a demon was pushing me from within. I then met another girl - Larisa. I rarely met her, you know, my wife, Lidka.

    In short, after three months I told Larisa that I could no longer maintain a relationship with her. She didn’t ask, didn’t cry, just rolled her eyes angrily and said: “Do you really just want to get rid of me that easy? No, it won’t work!”
    - What will you do to me?
    - I'll ruin your life! - she stood up, slammed the door and left.

    After some time, I began to observe strange things about myself. Believe me, I periodically began to fall out of real life. One day I woke up, standing near my truck in a field, in the distance there was some village. How did I get here, why did I come. It’s seven o’clock in the evening, and the last thing I remember was washing the windows in the garage in the morning. I approached the village, it turned out that I was a hundred kilometers from the city.

    It happened again: I went to work and woke up in the evening in a pub. It turns out I wasn’t at work, I don’t know where I spent my time. The next day I had to go to a doctor I knew so that he could give me a certificate, otherwise the absence would have been counted as absenteeism. Similar stories happened to me several times.


    After the caressed and tired Lida fell fast asleep, he smothered her with a pillow. And, as if nothing had happened, he returned to his home

    Strange unexplained cases

    When this mess with Lida happened, I also fell out of reality. I remember how I came to her. And then... I’m already sitting at home in front of the TV. I began to remember what was there? Nothing... a black abyss... And only then I was arrested. But then I had no idea why.

    By the way, during the investigation I told the investigator about these cases. They even took me for a psychiatric examination, but they found me sane. Yes, I myself knew that I was sane, but I could not explain these lapses in memory.

    But, most importantly, I then completely forgot about this Larisa, whom I so vilely abandoned, I forgot literally the next day, when we broke up. As if she never existed. I forgot not only her, but in general everything that was connected with her. But that doesn’t happen. Although we didn’t know each other for long, I had to remember from time to time. No, not once in all the years of imprisonment. Although I’ve rewatched it hundreds of times, every second of my life.

    And then the day before yesterday I was on the bus, and I saw a woman standing at the bus stop. And I was shot. After all, I know her. Something is connected with her in life, something extremely important and disturbing. I haven’t been able to find peace all day, I can’t see it in any way. And only at night I remembered, I woke up covered in sweat. This is Larisa! The one I abandoned and who promised to ruin my life!


    When Slava returned from prison, he was 36. And he still looked young. Unless the wrinkles spoiled the “sign” a little

    Deal with an unknown entity

    And then I realized one more thing - it’s not me who is to blame for the murder, but she! How she did it, I don’t know. Maybe she herself has some kind of power, maybe she asked someone to damage or cast a spell, or maybe she entered into a contract with an alien force, an entity unknown to us. But it's definitely her!
    - What are you going to do? – I was shocked by his story.
    - You know, he nervously lit a cigarette, it seems to me that she also saw and recognized me. Now we have to leave, the whole family. Otherwise, something terrible may happen again.

    We sat a little longer, finished the vodka, and he got ready to go home.


    It's not me who is to blame for the murder, but that girl! How she did it, I don’t know. Maybe she herself has some kind of alien power, or cast a spell, or maybe she entered into a contract with an alien force

    A month later, Slavka came again.
    - I came to say goodbye. Found a job in Khabarovsk. I'm leaving tomorrow. For now, my wife will be here to exchange the apartment and then come to me with her family.
    I nodded understandingly:
    -Are you afraid?
    - Afraid. Not for myself, you know, I’m afraid for my family.
    I nodded again. Slavka was never anything but a coward.

    Time has passed. The Firsov family has been living in Khabarovsk for five years now. Everything is fine with them. Slavka became the boss at his car depot. True, small, even on the scale of a car depot.

    We sometimes call each other, but every year less and less. Everyone has their own life.

    Today, a huge number of people are passionate about the occult. Someone will say that fear has big eyes. Well, what if not? What if this is confirmation that we are not alone, that there is something more? Of course, it looks fun, but only as long as nothing threatens your life. Ghosts, demons, aliens - sound interesting? However, let's see if you have the courage to face such phenomena face to face. It’s one thing to hear a legend or read a story that, of course, may turn out to be true (but most likely not), and it’s a completely different thing when someone you trust swears and swears that incredible or even unreal things surround you. And suddenly you begin to hear rustling noises, you feel eyes on you, as a result of which your night light is on all night, and you try to avoid dark basements. But there are cases when such measures are powerless. Especially for you, we have prepared 25 frightening paranormal events that were witnessed by trustworthy people.

    The Incident of the Lincolns' Floating Piano

    Nettie Colburn Maynard was Mary Todd Lincoln's closest spiritualist friend. During the next spiritualistic session, a request was made for the “spirits” to play the piano. He lifted himself off the ground and hung there. President Lincoln and Colonel Simon Kase, as they say, immediately straddled the instrument, causing the piano to jump and shake. As a result, Lincoln officially accepted levitation as evidence of "invisible power."

    Real ghost photos of Mary Lincoln

    After Mary's husband Todd Lincoln died, the widow visited photographer-medium William Mumler and photographed herself. When the film was developed, her late husband stood behind the widow on the photograph. It is inexplicable how the photographer managed to capture a ghost in the frame long before the invention of Photoshop. You can admire this photo card in public library Allen County in Indiana.

    New Mexico Police: Special Branch

    Carl Romero, a police officer from Española, New Mexico, was on duty that terrible night in 2014. Suddenly he noticed something strange on the monitor. At first it seemed to him that it was probably an insect, but, looking closer, he noticed a blurry humanoid figure looming at the securely guarded entrance to the post. This story took over literally all the local news. Investigators in the case noted that this is not the first time paranormal activity has been recorded at this location.

    Bobby Jindal - Former Louisiana Governor or Failed Exorcist?

    Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana until 2016, wrote that his girlfriend, Susan, was diagnosed with cancer. Soon after this, the woman smelled sulfur everywhere and saw strange pictures. One day, as she and her friends gathered to pray for a woman, Susan began making “strange, guttural noises” and fell to the floor. As Jindal took her hand to help her pray, a strange voice emanated from her and scolded the politician for being secretive about his true feelings for her. After which the girl came to her senses and seemed quite healthy.

    Phantom of the Theater

    Dave Murphy, a county sheriff's deputy, worked as a security guard at night in historical theater Capitol in Salt Lake City. One day he saw some dark shadows moving through the walls. He claims that someone was slamming doors furiously, causing even the windows to rattle. Then he looked up and saw a woman. Her clothing style was approximately from the 1900s. The woman walked past the control room where Dave was. Dark shadows literally attacked him.

    The story of Lincoln and naked Churchill

    During World War II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill visited The White house repeatedly. He stayed in Lincoln's chambers. On one of these visits, he just left the bathroom and walked into the bedroom completely naked. Churchill took a habitual drag on his cigar when he noticed President Lincoln standing right in front of him, leaning on the fireplace. According to Churchill, he addressed the spirit in a friendly manner and, without breaking eye contact, said: “ Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to embarrass me » . In response, Lincoln's ghost smiled and then disappeared.

    Mother's voice

    In 2015, a 25-year-old woman and her 18-month-old daughter were heading home when the car they were in crashed into a concrete barrier and flew into the river. When police noticed a hand sticking out of the wreckage, they immediately got into the water to search the car for survivors. On the way to the car, all four heard female voice calling on them for help. However, when the police got to the car, they found that the woman was dead. But almost immediately they noticed and pulled out a little girl, who miraculously escaped only because she was tightly fastened with a seat belt. None of the participants in that case can still clearly say who the female voice begging for help belonged to and where it came from.

    Prince Albert for the Queen. Thanks, John Brown

    Two years after Prince Albert's death, Queen Victoria contacted a 13-year-old clairvoyant boy who claimed to have spoken to Albert. A little later he wrote a letter from the prince's hand. The letter, apparently, contained some very personal details and affectionate nicknames for each other, which no one knew about and could not know. Eventually, young John Brown was hired to take his place. He took up residence at the Queen's residence at her request and acted as an intermediary between Queen Victoria and Albert's ghost for thirty years. Whenever the queen needed to make an important decision, she consulted Albert with the help of John Brown.

    How the Air Force met UFOs in real life

    On December 28, 1980, strange lights were detected near the Royal Air Force base in Woodbridge, UK. Employees noticed a triangular UFO. The ship seemed to be electrified and emitted blue and yellow colors. There were strange inscriptions engraved on its sides. Sergeant James Penniston touched one of these. He later claimed that he had thus downloaded some kind of binary code directly into his own brain. After his retirement, the sergeant made a public report, which was refuted by the authorities, and Woodridge has since been known as the British Roswell Incident, the alleged crash of a UFO near the city of Roswell in 1947.

    The Devil and Donnie Decker

    Donnie Decker was convicted of receiving stolen property. One day, Decker became dizzy and collapsed unconscious in the bathroom, where he was washing his hands. His friends noticed deep scratches on his wrist. Decker claimed to have seen an old man wearing a crown. Soon after his story, water began to drip from the roof and walls, despite the absence of pipes in that part of the house. The rain stopped just as it started. And Decker began levitating in a trance state after the police showed up. When Decker returned to prison, strange phenomena continued until an exorcism was performed.

    Ghost of 9/11

    Some of the first interviewees in Staten Island noticed a black woman wearing an old-style Red Cross uniform. NYPD Lt. Frank Marra (now retired) saw her several times at a distance of about 50 meters. But when he strained his eyes to get a better look at the figure, it disappeared. She was also noticed by other people at the site of the collapse.

    Scottish poltergeist

    On August 15, 2016, the police responded to a call to a private house in Rutherglen, Glasgow. The police arrived and were immediately stunned as they witnessed an incredible incident. The unusual incident included floating clothes flying from one corner of the room to the other, flashing lights, a slamming oven door, and even a Chihuahua dog being tossed about by unseen forces. The policemen who were on the road that day have more than 20 years of professional experience and cannot but inspire confidence.

    The Queen and the Return of President Lincoln

    If you are not yet impressed by the story of Winston Churchill, then here is another case of such an “acquaintance” with former president USA. In 1942, Queen Wilhelmina stayed at the White House, awaiting her return to her country. Late in the evening she heard footsteps approaching along the corridor, and finally a knock on the door. Hoping for good news for her country, she dressed properly and hurried to open it. Behind the door stood an extremely tall man in a frock coat and top hat. Wilhelmina was confused until she realized that the man's figure was translucent, after which she lost consciousness. When she came to her senses, she shared an unprecedented incident with Eleanor Roosevelt. But the country's first lady was not surprised and even apologized to the queen for not warning her about Lincoln's ghost earlier.

    Jimmy Carter and his UFO encounter

    This incident occurred two years before Jimmy Carter took office as governor. One night in 1969, he was preparing his speech and encountered an incredible phenomenon. Jimmy Carter claims to have seen a UFO. The object in the sky shimmered from blue to red, and then completely turned white. It is also interesting that about a dozen other people witnessed this phenomenon.


    According to history, a UFO crashed near Roswell. The newspaper headline said that the military had captured the flying disc. After 24 hours, the headline was debunked and replaced with a more plausible version that a weather balloon had crashed at the location. However, after the death of Lieutenant Walter Haught, the public affairs officer at that base in 1947, a report he had previously written was published, which spoke of UFO debris and the corpses of alien inhabitants.

    Enfield poltergeist

    Both the police and the most popular researchers, whose area of ​​study included poltergeists, were called to the house, where paranormal conditions reigned. The house had all the ingredients of a classic poltergeist, but a certain part of the story is still exceptional. Constable Carolyn Heaps responded to the call and witnessed the chair levitating above the floor and moving with the help of its own legs. She signed an affidavit that everything she saw was true. This was the only one possible way help the family that she could offer.

    Silbury Hill Entities

    The police sergeant, who asked not to be named, was on duty official duties, when I accidentally witnessed some suspicious individuals examining fresh crop circles near the Silbury Hill mound. Upon closer examination, it turned out that these were figures with blond hair, they were about two meters tall. He approached the field and heard a noise reminiscent of the crackling sound of static electricity. When the sergeant tried to enter the field, they glanced upward and took off with supernatural speed.

    Michelle Obama and the Paranormal

    Here is another, far from the first and, most likely, not the last story of the meeting famous people with the ghost of the White House. The country's first lady told how one night she woke up from a strange noise in the corridor. The next morning other members famous family shared a story about how they also heard strange sounds that vaguely resembled chewing.

    Demon House in Indiana

    The police captain of Gary, Indiana, is sure that real supernatural terror is happening in the house. There are rumors that incredible things are happening in the house: children levitate, mysterious footprints appear throughout the house, piles of flying papers and other creepy things happen in this house. Once there was even a case recorded by a nurse from the hospital who came to a call, when a child was climbing the wall. Many trusted people, such as priests, paramedics and police officers, believe that the small house was filled with supernatural evil.

    Devil's Peak

    Maurice "Frenchie" Therault had a brutal childhood. The boy suffered from his father's mistreatment. In 1985, he married and purchased a farm in Warren, Massachusetts. Soon, Frenchie's demons began to materialize. Bloody stains appeared all over the house, fires appeared out of nowhere and, finally, unknown voices were heard everywhere married couple. And Frenchie's double appeared right in front of his wife, but when she tried to talk to him or follow him, he disappeared. Such cases were recorded by other people, including a local police officer.

    Your weapon is powerless

    Former Air Force officer Capt. Robert Salas worked on intercontinental ballistic missiles in Montana. He immediately claims that UFOs are not only real, but can easily spoil our nuclear weapons. At one point during a flyby, the Air Force had to manually reactivate the missiles. Captain Salas said that they were out of action when he and his men noticed an approaching triangular ship, spewing some kind of molten metal. When he reported the incident to his superiors, to his surprise, he was not scolded or laughed at, but rather made clear “that nothing happened.”

    Next stop - cemetery

    Train maintenance workers and station workers witnessed banging and screaming in the tunnels. It was quite obvious that the train could not pass at this time. The “ghost” appeared precisely when the station was closing. It is significant that “Panteones” means “graveyard” in Spanish.

    Devil's Fury

    After the fire was reported to the 911 rescue service, the fire brigade immediately went to the call - but that was not the case. The engine of the fire truck failed, although 20 minutes ago it worked perfectly. When firefighters finally reached the house, it was already completely engulfed in flames. The fire spread very quickly and very in a strange way: tongues of flame seemed to fly out of the windows parallel to the ground, and then sharply soared into the heights at an angle of 90 degrees. The ground floor seemed to be swaying. After the fire was stopped, it was discovered that the entire lower floor remained intact, while the rest of the house was burned to the ground. Eyewitnesses say they saw the face of the devil himself in the flames.

    Ghost of Montrose

    When an RAF biplane crashed in 1913, a government investigation found that the ship's pilot, Lieutenant Desmond Arthur, was at fault for the accident. An earlier theory that the ship was malfunctioning was disproved. After this incident, a figure began to be noticed at the air base, which was identified as the deceased lieutenant. His appearance continued until the editor of an airplane magazine promoted the idea of ​​reopening the investigation into Desmond. In the end, the lieutenant was acquitted, and Desmond's ghost was never seen again.

    Another meeting with Lincoln

    At a state reception in 1986, President Reagan shared the story of how his dog, Lucky, barked twice in the Lincoln Bedroom, refusing to cross the threshold of the room. In addition, he talked about how his daughter and her husband also witnessed the appearance of Lincoln's ghost in that very room.

    It happens that incredible things happen around us. paranormal activity, which are difficult to take at face value. And then we may not trust our own eyes, ears or sensations. But if someone who cannot but inspire confidence tells us that something similar happened to them, what should we do then? Should you trust or be skeptical about their words? You decide.

    In one of the dacha villages in the Moscow region, vacationers never let their children leave the site, and old-timers talk about the mystical “Black Ghost.” According to stories, you can encounter him not only in the forest, near a river or swamp, he is able to penetrate closed houses. "Black Ghost" has enormous power, having climbed into a country house, he throws things around and moves furniture and at the same time scares the residents with his bestial grin.

    One of the residents of the village, Irina Prokhorova, spoke about in a terrible case, which occurred in her house on one of the full moons. “First, saucers started flying. Things were thrown around by an invisible hand. My husband had already fallen asleep, and I was watching TV. I heard dishes rattling in the kitchen, I jumped up and couldn’t understand what was happening. At first I thought that the cupboard had fallen, but when I went into the kitchen, I saw that it was standing still, and dishes were flying out of it and falling with a roar on the floor. Suddenly a guitar flew up and smashed my son's head. A little later, the refrigerator began to move, which was being shaken by something inside it. This lasted no more than a minute and just as suddenly it all stopped. There was silence. When I opened the refrigerator, I saw that all the food was upside down, the eggs were broken, and the sausage looked as if it had been torn apart by claws.”

    Ancient people were confident that everything around them, including the earth and sky, was alive, and everything living had power. “There are three different forces in traditional Russian culture,” says Marina Loskutova, a researcher at Tomsk University. – The power of the cross is icons, angels, saints; an unknown force is something that cannot be known and understood; dark force, this is pure evil, which many are even afraid to talk about.”

    Today traditional science States that devilry, ghosts, poltergeists, these are, to say the least, inventions of unhealthy people. At the same time, independent researchers think somewhat differently; they are confident that modern science is simply not able to understand the nature of anomalous phenomena. IN different times thinkers who claim that our world is multidimensional became outcasts from society. In the sixteenth century, the Catholic Church sentenced Giordano Bruno to be burned at the stake for claiming that the universe is infinite and there are many other worlds. Bruno also defended the idea of ​​transmigration of souls; he believed that the soul could move from one body to another, as well as travel in parallel worlds.

    Soviet psychiatrist Gennady Krokhalev was one of the first in the world to step over the line that was forbidden for everyone - by photographing the image of a ghost, he was able to unravel the centuries-old mystery of ghosts and found a code to the other world.

    Perm psychiatrist Krokhalev managed to capture on film the visions of mentally ill people suffering from hallucinations and visions back in the early seventies. He suggested that the pictures he received were nothing more than images of the other world that penetrate the brains of people with a weakened energy aura. Krokhalev took his photographs using an ordinary mask for swimming underwater. In the USSR, and later in Russia, doctors were declared crazy, but abroad they were created secret laboratories who worked according to his method. Krokhalev was invited to international congresses, it was pointed out that his discoveries were worthy of no less than a Nobel Prize.

    How did the famous experiments of Gennady Krokhalev take place?

    An ordinary hospital room. The patient experiences nightmares of hallucinations. His incoherent cries make it possible to guess what is happening at this time in his inflamed brain. An elk is rapidly approaching him. The horror of approaching death is replaced by a new, even more terrible vision. During all this, the doctor places a camera on the patient’s eyes and takes several frames. After developing the film, the doctor sees a clear silhouette of a running moose in half of the frames, and a snake in the remaining frames. With the smallest details, clearly, in motion. The patient, who after some time felt better, confirms the correspondence of the developed photographs with the nightmare he experienced.

    From 1974 to 1996, Krokhalev filmed visual hallucinations in many patients suffering from various mental disorders. In the experiments, a diving mask was used to create complete darkness between the camera lens and the patient's eyes. The scientist managed to take pictures of visual hallucinations in 117 patients!

    The coincidences were simply amazing. The photographs taken showed in great detail what the patients were muttering incoherently at the time of the shooting: “puss in boots”, “fish”, “elk”, “cat”, “man”, “devil” and many others that were sometimes startling. its kind of images.

    Gennady Krokhalev managed to prove that visual images invisible “ghosts” that arise in the inflamed human brain are transmitted to the eyes, from where they are emitted into the surrounding space. The psychiatrist suggested that all painful phenomena cease if the patient is in a shielded room, and are revived when leaving it. Krokhalev was sure that visual hallucinations in patients suffering from mental disorders have an external origin.

    The so-called shielding effect proved the existence of an invisible astral world with negative energy that affected the patient in a corresponding manner!

    Krokhalev’s discoveries and experiments are today recognized in many countries around the world, but in Russia they are classified – even after he tragically died. The scientist's daughter is sure that her father was killed because of his scientific activities.

    Today, the concept of a ghost has become more multifaceted. There is evidence of sightings of ghosts of planes, ships and even cities. Very often, images of ghosts appear in photographs in the form of bright dots or blurry spots that were not observed during filming.

    The first written evidence of human contact with a ghost dates back to the second millennium BC. This is written in ancient Babylonian clay tablets. It is also known that the fearless Roman warriors who conquered half the world were terribly afraid of ghosts. To protect against them, warriors made sacrifices and worshiped unknown phenomena. The ancient Slavs also worshiped spirits. Our ancestors had the custom of placing a saucer of milk for the spirit of the house or brownie, who could become angry with a careless owner and destroy the house.

    Among the ancient Eastern Slavs, the brownie, first of all, acted as the keeper of the hearth, family and, above all, was associated with the cult of previous generations. Legends and beliefs about the spirit of the house have survived to this day in Slavic villages. It is believed that in every house, regardless of whether it is empty or inhabited, there lives a brownie - the keeper of the house, the invisible assistant of the family, therefore all family members respectfully call him the owner. He likes to settle in remote places - under the stove or under the threshold, in the attic or in the corner behind the chest, in the chimney or in the closet.

    He helps hard-working owners, tirelessly cares about them and is busy. The brownie notices every little thing, prefers that everything is ready and in order; he enjoys the offspring that domestic animals and birds bring; he does not tolerate useless expenses and gets angry because of them - in a word, the brownie is inclined to be organized, thrifty and extremely prudent. If he likes the housing, then he serves this family long years faithfully. But he harms and interferes with the careless and lazy, and does all sorts of dirty tricks: sometimes he scatters all things, sometimes new clothes it will tear or stain clean linen, or even prevent you from sleeping at night, strangling careless people in their sleep and torturing them.

    If the owners love their brownie, if they live in harmony with him, then they will never want to part with him. Previously, when moving into a built house, people performed a designated ritual with the goal that their brownie would move with them and continue to help in the new house. The brownie was “transported” in a pot of coals, in a bag, and lured with a pot of porridge. Rare man can tell you that he saw a brownie. It is much easier to hear a brownie: often at night he knocks, creaks, rustles and commits various pranks. The brownie has the gift of predicting future events, both pleasant and unpleasant, and transmitting corresponding signs to people: his dull, restrained moans or cries seem to warn of approaching danger, and his affectionate and gentle voice promises peace and joy.

    But besides spirits, which can be both good and evil, there are true evil, which penetrates from other worlds and inhabits ordinary people. The procedure for expelling demons and other evil spirits from the human body with the help of prayers and rituals is called exorcism. According to Christian legend, the first exorcist was Jesus Christ. The Bible mentions that a man possessed by demons was brought to Jesus, and he healed him. Possession by a demon, devil or devil is called possession. There is a statement that several evil spirits can simultaneously inhabit a person; they connect to all human organs and his energy centers.

    The demon does not want to give himself away and appears only during church service and reading special prayers. At this moment, the possessed feel as if in a hypnotic sleep. He sees, feels and understands what is happening around him. Observing the possessed person from the outside, you can see that the insides of his body at the moment of reading the prayer begin to shake, curses and obscene language are rained down on those around him - these are the demons who do not want to leave the body and show their attitude towards people. The victim can hiss, growl, howl, grunt, scream at such a sound frequency that even animals are not capable of.

    With the help of prayers and ritual, the demon leaves the body of the unfortunate victim, but sometimes those who watch this cannot stand it and lose control of themselves. For the demon, this is a great way to find the next victim and hide in it, so that after some time it can completely take over the mind of the unfortunate person.

    Ghosts, demons, the other world - all these are paranormal phenomena, the nature of which humanity knows nothing about. We don’t even know the basics of how the transition of a person’s soul from one world to another occurs, but it really exists. Many questions can be answered even by studying our familiar pets. According to paranormal researchers, cats have the ability to travel between worlds, and they do not have to die to do this. According to other statements, the dog perfectly recognizes a person who has been possessed by a dark force. There is no exact answer supported by facts, but keep an eye on your cat to see how often she simply disappears, and later appears as if out of nowhere.

    Communication with the dead, leaving the body, reading thoughts, clairvoyance... It is difficult for eyewitnesses of such phenomena to talk about them for fear of being branded crazy. Our experts suggest listening to witnesses to paranormal incidents without making judgments. So, Paranormal Stories narrated by eyewitnesses.

    “...Beyond the body”

    This happened sixteen years ago. I slipped, fell and hit the back of my head hard - and suddenly I found myself outside my body. From somewhere above I saw myself lying on the floor and people fussing around me. Then a dark tunnel appeared in front of me. I flew along it towards the warm, blessed light that was visible ahead... And unexpectedly returned to my body.” Thirty-five-year-old Mikhail, an employee of a pharmaceutical company, talks for the first time in several years about what he experienced in a state of clinical death. “I tried to talk about it with the doctor, who brought me to my senses. She replied that these were delusional visions that arose due to the fact that my brain was starved of oxygen. But she didn’t explain why I saw from the side how she was giving me artificial respiration! The doctor didn’t even want to listen, she just gave me a sedative.”

    Mikhail decided not to talk about it anymore, and also to keep secret those “sudden exits from the body” that happened to him more than once later. “I was scared at first,” he says. “I tried not to pay attention to these paranormal phenomena and immersed myself in my studies. But these “stories” were repeated about once a year, and I went to a psychiatrist. I told him that at such moments I seem to move into something that is nearby, for example a tree, and I can feel what it feels. Probably in vain! The doctor asked if I was using drugs. As a result, he prescribed me tranquilizers and added that my symptoms were an unconscious dream of omnipotence and could indicate the beginning of a split personality.

    I left his office in horror, imagining myself in a mental hospital.” A successful professional career has reassured Mikhail about his mental health, but he still fears the “attacks” will return.

    Everything incomprehensible is scary, and paranormal phenomena and stories - especially!

    “Disputes between those who believe in such phenomena and skeptics are fruitless,” says Stefan Allix(Stephane АШх), founder Institute for Paranormal Research(INREES, France). – Some present their evidence, others refute it with the help of classical theories. Our goal is to bring together the efforts of researchers, psychologists and doctors and provide those who have lived through such experiences with an environment where they can be heard, remembering what matters most: their humanity.” Of course, such perceptual phenomena can be caused by very real mental disorders. “Therefore, it is necessary first of all to listen to the person carefully and impartially,” explains the psychotherapist Isabelle de Cosco(Isabelle de Kochko), who studies cases of obsession and obsession at the INREES Institute. “If “out-of-body experiences” may seem like harbingers of a possible illness, then “communication” with the deceased can easily be confused with psychosis, and obsession can be mistaken for paranoia or multiple personality disorder.”

    An unbiased look at paranormal stories

    Only by listening carefully to the person and observing how he shares his experiences can we avoid making too hasty diagnoses. Does the narrator show emotions that are natural during such experiences? Is he trying to convince the listener that he is right at any cost? Is he balanced? Everyday life? If we listen nonjudgmentally and openly, abandoning common prejudices, then an eyewitness to a paranormal phenomenon will be able to assess the extent of his adequacy. “As a rule, this is a painful experience, and not a disease, because it does not disrupt the structure of the personality,” I am sure Raymond Moody(Raymond Moody), author of the worldwide bestseller " Life after life ", in which he first collected and published stories of those who experienced clinical death. “Those I have met,” he writes, “are not victims of psychosis. They're normal resilient people participating in the life of society. They have a job and a position in society that excludes irresponsibility. They have relatives, friends, and they can clearly distinguish what happens to them in their dreams and in reality. Meanwhile, all these people claim that what they experienced was not a dream, but actually happened to them.”

    These words are confirmed by the story of 28-year-old Anastasia: “I have had visions since childhood. At first I was very scared and tried to tell my loved ones about it. But they turned away and turned the conversation to something else. I realized that it’s not worth talking about at all.” Later, Anastasia discovered the ability to perceive other people's physical pain from a distance. “But it’s only now that I’ve graduated from medical school that I’ve gained confidence in myself and am beginning to explore what may be the gift of healing,” she concludes. On this path, she is supported by meetings with people who have experienced the same thing as her, and with scientists who are looking for an explanation for this.

    "I know my son is alive"

    The son of 42-year-old Andrei died in a car accident at the age of sixteen. After this, events began to occur for which the father could not find rational explanations. Not everyone close to him could understand him.

    “Three days after Nikita’s death, I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night - something was glowing above the bed. I always tried to think logically and was not at all inclined to think about God, about the other world, about meetings with the dead... My son was dead, I thought, and that’s it. That night, when I saw the light, I checked to see if the curtains were drawn, if the window was closed... I was too exhausted by grief to worry or think - and fell asleep again. What happened three months later seriously shook my convictions. One evening, my wife and I were in Nikita’s room, and suddenly someone slapped me twice on the back of the head. “Someone hit me!” – I looked back. “Maybe it’s Nikita,” Alena whispered. We didn't talk about it anymore. Alena is a believer, although she rarely goes to church. She then read a lot about afterlife. I almost unconsciously began to accept this idea: it eased my grief, and most importantly, it explained something. The sudden slap on the head was quite consistent with Nikita’s spontaneous manners.

    Soon Alena suggested going to a clairvoyant. I agreed out of curiosity, I thought: what if this meeting will bring me relief? At the very beginning of the session, the clairvoyant's head jerked forward, he said that someone slapped him twice on the back of the head. In his opinion, Nikita thus wanted to communicate that he died immediately. It was a great relief for us: we were not shown his body, and we imagined the worst. The clairvoyant met us for the first time, but, looking at the photograph of his son, he immediately described in detail his character, habits, and his relationship with us. “Maybe it’s just a physiognomist’s talent?” – I thought. But then he accurately described our apartment and said that before his death, Nikita bought his girlfriend a gift and now asked us to give it to us. This both amazed and reassured me. Did it console you? No. I think that after the death of a child it is no longer possible to become the same as before. But my idea of ​​death has changed a lot. Moreover, strange incidents continued: the sound of footsteps was heard, the door slammed, things disappeared or appeared. At first glance, it looks like an accident. But taken together they took on a special meaning. For example, I discovered strange SMS messages on my mobile phone. Where are they from? But even calls to the provider did not help; the number they came from could not be traced.

    And I became stronger in the conviction that it was my son who was sending me messages. It’s a pity that the friends we confided in then limited themselves to a condescending answer: “Well, as long as it makes you feel better.” When they found out that we were visiting a clairvoyant, they began to dissuade us: “You might be lured into a sect.” Despite the suffering, I did not go crazy. I realized this when I talked to people who had experienced similar things. Now, four years later, I live as rationally as before. But my life has changed. Minor difficulties no longer irritate me, and I no longer chase praise and recognition. Now I have more tolerance and less selfishness. I did not become a believer, but in my own way I opened up to spiritual life. And I know that my son is alive, because I felt it.”

    This article is searched for:

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    • paranormal phenomena eyewitness accounts

    From life, strange and sometimes inexplicable paranormal phenomena. Not everyone can draw the line between this category of events and phenomena whose nature is not clear, as well as natural anomalies. Often anomalous events are a figment of human imagination or clouded consciousness. There are documented facts of events, the reality of which has not been clearly established. What are paranormal phenomena, and what are they?

    Unusual stories from life: paranormal phenomena

    Apologists of ufology and parapsychology include paranormal phenomena:

    • telekinesis, levitation, telepathy;
    • human aura and sun-eating(a person’s ability to feed on cosmic energy, bypassing for a long time without food and water);
    • unidentified flying and floating("Flying Dutchman") objects;
    • other psychophysical and psychological-physiological phenomena that cannot be explained within the framework modern performance about the world around us.

    People who study paranormal phenomena are classified by most serious scientists as charlatans, and ordinary people consider them “urban madmen.” Funding for research comes from voluntary donations, personal savings from paranormal fans, and various foundations. In the United States this is James Randi Foundation, and in Russia grants allocated within the framework of the bonus program named after Harry Guddini.

    Completely ignore the inexplicable, from the point of view modern science phenomena and events are impossible. The excitement is fueled by periodic reports of unexplained phenomena. Below are the most famous and mysterious of them.

    The most famous paranormal phenomena

    Of particular interest is the story of “ The Flying Dutchman " Despite the fact that most parapsychologists classify it as a legend, it is possible that encounters with ghost ships do indeed occur periodically.

    The first “paper” mention of “The Flying Dutchman” appeared in 1795, on the pages of the work “ Journey to Botanical Bay", whose authorship is attributed to London pickpocket George Barrington. If even serious researchers of paranormal phenomena speak about the “Flying Dutchman” with a sufficient degree of skepticism, then it is quite difficult to deny the facts of encounters with ships unexpectedly abandoned by the crew and drifting freely. Such objects include:

    • sailboat " Seabird"(1850, coastal waters of Rhode Island);
    • brigantine " Mary Celeste"(1872, Atlantic Ocean);
    • schooner " Carroll A. Dearing" (1921, Outer Banks of Hatteras Island), on board of which none of the nine crew members were found, except for the well-fed ship's cat;
    • tanker " Yang Seng"(2006, Queensland coast, Australia), whose owner and nationality are unknown;
    • cruise ship " Lyubov Orlova"("Lyubov Orlova"), which is without a crew and passengers in the Atlantic, the last beacon signals were received on March 1, 2013.

    The frequency of paranormal phenomena varies Moscow Kremlin. According to ufologists, thousands of restless souls roam in its basements and dungeons. Ivan the Great belltowerfavorite place repentance for the soul of the formidable tsar, and according to the testimonies of some eyewitnesses, in her chambers one can hear the deep sighs and mutterings of the Russian sovereign, whose restless spirit atones for his unforgiven sins. It is true that it is not clear why such prayers are not heard in Versailles. On the night of St. Bartholomew, Catholics killed 10 times more Huguenots than Ivan the Great ordered the execution of traitors in his entire life. Therefore, it will not surprise anyone if one day Parisian Church of Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois the cries of the spirit of Marie de Medici will not be heard.

    Many famous personalities accompanied by legends about their ghostly counterparts - doppelgängers(doppelganger), who are antagonists of the guardian angels. According to paranormal researchers, the appearance of a doppelgänger is evidence of imminent death. Historically true is the fact of seeing one’s double as a kind Queen Bess(Anglo-Irish queen ElizabethI- the last crowned ruler of the Tudor family). Shortly before her death, a ghostly double appeared to her, informing her of her imminent death. This fact was recorded by the chronicler from the words of Elizabeth I.

    Johann Wolfgang Goethe met his doppelgänger eight years before his death. He was riding a horse, heading to Drusenheim. Eight years later, returning from Drusenheim to Weimar, the author of "Suffering young Werther" and "Fausta", died during the trip.

    In fact, they happen to everyone from time to time. They manifest themselves in strange events or dreams. Knowledge of this area is different mystical life The subtle world is accessible to everyone, you just need to be observant.

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