Pelageya Khanova biography, personal life, family, husband, children, daughter - photo. Pelageya will leave “The Voice” for family reasons Family life of singer Pelageya

Pelageya is a Russian folk singer, the lead singer of the group that bears her name, and the owner of a four-octave voice. The girl has her own style of performance, unlike anyone else, a unique style that distinguishes her from other representatives of this musical direction.

Pelageya’s biography is very unusual, because she became famous when she was barely 9 years old, and a year later she signed her first contract with a major recording company. Wikipedia contains the following personal information about the singer:

  • Singer Pelageya, real name is Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova. Pelageya's married name is Telegina.
  • Born on July 14, 1986 in Novosibirsk. Russian nationality. Zodiac sign – Cancer.
  • Discography – 6 albums. IN this moment Another one is being prepared for release, called “The Cherry Orchard”.


Pelageya Khanova was passionate about music since childhood; she could not imagine life without a song. Her parents supported this girl’s aspiration, because Pelageya’s entire family was directly connected with music. Pelageya's mother, former jazz singer Svetlana Khanova, who lost her voice due to illness, had the most serious influence on her daughter’s work. It was she who taught the girl to sing folk songs and brought a four-year-old baby onto the stage for the first time.

Pelageya’s real father left her mother during pregnancy, believing that family life was unlikely to work out. A year after the birth of her daughter, Svetlana met new love– Andrey Khanov, famous artist, who became a real dad for the girl. Andrei adored the girl, but the marriage did not last long, the reason for this was the difficult character of his wife. Talking about her father in an interview, Pelageya noted that she was grateful to this man for his help and support.

It is noteworthy that the singer’s birth certificate indicated a completely different name - Polina. This happened due to an error made by the passport officer, which Pelageya corrected only when applying for a passport. However, the whole of Novosibirsk remembers her as Polina, who, despite her tender age, could masterfully and accurately sing the most complex opera arias.

When the girl turned 8 years old, her mother took her to music school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. The successes of the young talent delighted vocal teachers. Soon the girl’s talent attracted the attention of the leader of the Kalinov Most team, who helped her get to children's competition « morning Star" The girl took first place in this competition and received the title best performer folk song.

Some time later, the rising star took part in two more prestigious song competitions - “ Young talent" and "New names of the planet", where she also took prizes. Then there was a performance at a government reception in front of three presidents, after which Boris Yeltsin thanked the aspiring singer and wished her success.

In the second half of 1999, the girl graduated from school ahead of schedule and was able to enter the vocal department of the Moscow Academy the first time. theatrical arts. Then she created a group called “Pelageya”. The group's first work was the song "Lyubo", which immediately brought success to the group and its soloist. Then constant touring began: the musicians gave concert after concert in different cities. Despite the fact that such music was unusual for mass listeners, the group attracted full houses.

In the same year, the great Mstislav Rostropovich invited the young singer to take part in music festival in Evian (France). There Pelageya performed on the same stage with the most famous musicians modernity. Galina Vishnevskaya herself would later say about the girl: “She is the future of world opera!”

Since 2003, the singer began releasing albums with her best songs, and also release individual singles. The album “Siberian Drive” turned out to be especially successful: the girl performed in ice palace“live”, and accompanied her Cossack choir. Singer for a long time occupied the top lines of the charts, was nominated for several awards and received first place in the rating of Russian-language radio stations.

Soon the singer was invited to take part in the television project “Two Stars”, where she became the actress’s mentor. Together with Dasha, they performed several compositions, but then the singer left the show due to problems with her voice. For several seasons, the famous Russian folk singer has been a member of the jury of the adult project “The Voice,” where representatives of her team have repeatedly won prizes. Pelageya agreed to participate in the TV show “The Voice. Children” and was able to bring two participants who took third place to the final round.

Personal life

Pelageya - very unusual girl, therefore, her biography, as well as her personal life, are always under the close attention of others. Khanova’s first husband, director Dmitry Efimovich, is filming the famous TV show “ Comedy Woman».

He first saw his future wife at the KVN student competition in 1997, then she was just a girl with an impressive voice and incredible talent. In 2010, the young people got married, but two years later Pelageya began performing again under her own name. maiden name, and news appeared on the pages of newspapers about the couple’s separation.

Pelageya’s personal life improved again in the second half of 2016 after her meeting with a young hockey player. Then all the tabloids published photographs in which Pelageya and Ivan Telegin were holding each other’s hands. Future husband Pelagei was not at all afraid that the star was several years older than him. After meeting his beloved’s relatives, he asked her to marry him. The athlete already had children from his first unofficial marriage - a baby named Mark, whom a dancer in a fashionable nightclub gave birth to.

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin got married, and soon it became known that the singer was pregnant. During a period of wonderful anticipation, Pelageya decided to focus on herself, she refused to film a TV show and concerts, and she and her husband went on vacation.

Pelageya’s daughter was born on January 21, 2017 - the singer’s husband found out about the birth of the child right during the match held in Ufa. Now Pelageya is married to a hockey player, she spends a lot of time with her daughter and family. At the beginning of 2018, Pelageya reported last news that wants to renew musical career and is collecting material for recording his seventh studio album. Author: Natalya Ivanova

- a girl who was not afraid to go on stage at an early age with folklore repertoire. Pelagia– a completely unique performer. Having become a real star, this talented singer I never tried to be “fashionable” and “relevant”. She always followed her own path, and therefore was always unlike anyone else. On the occasion of such a holiday PEOPLETALK presents you with the most Interesting Facts from her biography.

Many people think that the name Pelagia- this is a stage name, in fact this is the real name that the girl received in honor of her great-grandmother Pelagei Kirillovna. Translated from Greek it means “sea”.

Pelageya Khanova- child prodigy. At three years old she discovered Magic world books, and at three and a half she was tapping on a typewriter short stories own composition. At four she performed in front of an audience for the first time, at eight she entered a special school at the conservatory in Novosibirsk and became her youngest student. In 2000, she graduated from school as an external student and at the age of 14 she entered college. GITIS to the pop department, which she graduated with honors in 2005.

The singer’s mother recalls that already in infancy her daughter showed extraordinary abilities: the baby repeated entire musical phrases of lullabies after her, which greatly surprised the pediatrician.

In March 1998, 11-year-old Pelagia received special offer: come out with a little solo concert at the meeting of the heads of the three powers: Russia, France And Germany. This was the first meeting in this format since Second World War, and the performance of the young singer became the only number of the “cultural program”. After this concert the former French President Jacques Chirac(82) called Pelageya"Russian Edith Piaf(1915−1963)".

At 13 years old Pelagia gathered like-minded people around her, and that’s how the group appeared "Pelageya", which is included in Association of Independent Musicians. Not wanting to depend on Russian show business and various production technologies, the guys themselves “promoted” their creativity.

Singer's song "Anyway, brothers, anyhow" became everyone's favorite hit Russian troops V Chechnya.

The singer loves to laugh. She never stops laughing. Laughs Pelagia a lot and loudly.

The singer has a unique hearing and voice, which she considers the most precious gift in her life. Having a wide range of three and a half octaves and unique data, she could not find a vocal teacher - no one would take it, they were afraid of ruining it. Therefore, she studied with her mother for a long time.

Pelagia loves to dress up. She has a special passion for dresses with trains.

Since 2012, Pelageya has been participating in the show "Voice" And "Voice. Children" as a trainer-mentor. IN "Voice" her pupils were Elmira Kalimullina(27), Tina Kuznetsova And Yaroslav Dronov.

The singer does not have star fever. She is what she is, and is no different from the Pelageya we are used to seeing on Channel One in the show "Voice". A smile, emotionality, a roaring laugh and a friendly look - all this is not screen image, but she's real.

* “The singer’s dad doesn’t care about her,” stepfather Andrei Khanov is indignant

* The songs of young Polya acted on a drunken Yeltsin as a sedative

The three-octave voice of the people's favorite PELAGEIA, even when she was a girl, delighted Galina VISHNEVSKAYA, Emir KUSTURITSA and even Luciano PAVAROTTI. And after the popular TV show “The Voice,” where the singer acts as a mentor, her army of fans has increased significantly. Now Pelageya’s fans are preparing for her anniversary (she will turn 30 on July 14) and are not only actively discussing on forums all sorts of surprises for their favorite performer, but are also trying to fill in the gaps in her biography. We didn't stand aside either.

Everyone knows that Pelageya comes from Novosibirsk. In her official biography it is written that the girl grew up in creative family: Svetlana Khanova’s mother also once sang, and later became a director and producer for her own daughter. But for some reason not a word is said anywhere about the artist’s father.

There were rumors that Pelageya bore the name of her stepfather, but no one had ever seen him. The singer herself and her mother do not want to stir up the past, citing the fact that they are not interested in this, because they have been living in Moscow for almost 20 years.

But in their native Novosibirsk, the Khanovs are well remembered.

For us, Pelageya has always been Polina. That’s how she was listed in the documents, that’s what her mother always called her,” Natalya Borisova, a friend of the Khanovs, told me. - All these tales that she became Polya allegedly because of a mistake by the registry office staff are nonsense! The stage name appeared when the girl was ten years old. Although now she seems to be on Pelageya’s passport.

According to Natalya, the Khanovs lived in a tiny two-room apartment in a shabby Khrushchev apartment building on Blucher Street.

There was a catastrophic lack of money, because at some point Sveta could no longer make a living by singing, having lost her voice, assures my interlocutor. “Before that, she performed in many places, and when her ligaments could not withstand the load, she fell into depression. For her, a person with huge ambitions who dreams of becoming a star, this was a real tragedy. In general, Svetka began to look for solace at the bottom, guess what... We got together in the kitchen with my friend Nyurych (Anna Volkova is a musician and the live-in partner of the group leader “ civil defense» Egor Letov. - A.V.), cried to each other like women. I don’t know how this story would have ended if Polya had not begun to show her talents. She was noticed and, without any exams, was accepted into a special school for gifted children at the Novosibirsk Conservatory.

Explosive mother-in-law

Svetlana began to invest all her unspent potential in her daughter - she promoted her everywhere, continues Borisova. - I myself became interested in cutting and sewing. Everything that Polina wears in life and on stage is the work of her mother. She made crafts not only for her daughter, but also to order - she grabbed any job to feed herself. At that time, Svetka had already married a well-known artist in Siberia, Andrei Khanov. It is his surname that he and Polya still bear. I have been to his exhibitions several times - he is an extraordinary person, with unconventional thinking. Unfortunately, Sveta did not live with him for long - two years later she licked the man like a cow with her tongue. The reason for this is Svetlana’s character - she is very explosive and tough. When Polya was invited to play in KVN for the Novosibirsk team “Only Girls in Jazz,” Svetka again began to violate the regime. Apparently, she was overwhelmed because of the understanding that she herself had failed not only as a singer, but also as a woman. She gave all of herself to her daughter, besides, she gained a lot of weight, lost her former beauty and never established her personal life.

- So what? biological father Pelagia? Why doesn't anyone remember him?- I asked cautiously.

This is a murky story that Svetka only dared to talk about during gatherings in her kitchen over a glass. They say that in her youth she had many admirers, and one of them accidentally got her pregnant. When her parents found out about this, they insisted that Sveta have an abortion. They predicted a stellar future for their daughter and did not want her to spoil her career. Svetlana did not take sin on her soul. She gave birth, but on her daughter’s birth certificate she put a dash in the “father” column. I remember how I cried, looking at Polya: “Can you imagine, if I had listened to my parents then, how I would live now without my daughter?” She, of course, loves Paul fanatically. She doesn't let anyone near her. This is not always good, because my daughter will turn thirty one of these days - it’s time to improve her personal life. But few gentlemen will get along with such a mother-in-law. May God grant patience to Poly's current fan, hockey player Ivan Telegin. However, my husband says that now he has become a much better player. Apparently he flies on the wings of love.

Andrey KHANOV - fashionable avant-garde artist

- Do any of the Khanovs’ relatives stay in Novosibirsk?

There are many acquaintances, but no relatives at all. Polya and Sveta now come here only for concerts. Moreover, ticket prices are exorbitant by our standards. The last time Pelageya spoke here, everyone expected her to say at least something about hometown, communicate with fellow countrymen. And she sang and left. Many people were offended then and said that our star had gotten too greedy, having forgotten how Novosibirsk had once helped her. The city authorities gave her a car for some holiday, and when she left for Moscow, financial assistance a good one was highlighted. But who really remembers this now?!

Dancing in the “royal chambers”

At the Novosibirsk school, where the future star studied for only a couple of years, they don’t forget about her either.

Porlyushka, an amazing vocalist, praises former student teacher Larisa Silaeva. - At the age of eight, she did everything possible with her voice: from opera arias to Russian folk songs. Besides, she played the piano beautifully; she could have done this for herself as well. successful career. Of course, her mother played a huge role in her development. Svetlana graduated from a cultural and educational school, has perfect pitch and a very lively character. Thanks to her mother’s persistence, the girl was noticed and invited to Moscow. There she was immediately accepted into the Gnesinka school, and Luzhkov immediately allocated them an apartment. Well, off we go... Now, at all her concerts, Polya thanks her mom for everything she has now.

We also managed to find Pelageya’s stepfather. Andrey Khanov now also lives in Moscow and, as before, paints. The avant-garde artist has been creating unusual paintings for more than thirty years - at one time he abandoned the physics department of Leningrad University for the sake of art.

Svetlana is my ex-wife, and Pelageya is stepdaughter, Andrey confirmed. - But we do not maintain relations. We didn't part very well. I never approved of what Sveta does to her daughter. If you remember, our President Yeltsin, when he got drunk, and this happened quite often, immediately called his guards and let’s hit them on the head with spoons. He made them sing and dance in a squat position. This is how the man had fun. The guys endured, and over time they came up with such a thing: they found Pelageya’s mother, who was bringing her daughter to the “royal chambers.” The girl performed for Yeltsin, and he calmed down. In general, Svetka promoted her daughter wherever possible. I was against this. But who am I to be listened to? You see, even the most good artist earns less than the worst businessman. They immediately told me in strict terms where my place was. I couldn’t stand it for long and left.

- How did Pelageya’s own dad feel about all this?

He didn't care about the fact of her birth. Not to mention everything else. Svetka was pop singer- performed in restaurants and discos. Hence the corresponding lifestyle. Well, it turned out that she gave birth to some scoundrel who never cared about his daughter.

Lovers national stage and fans of the singer Pelageya know that she married Ivan Telegin and gave birth to a child from him. Her husband is a famous hockey player, in the photo with his wife Ivan looks happy, which means family life is going well. Many are interested in his biography and personal life, this will be discussed in the article.

Ivan Telegin was born in Novokuznetsk in 1992, Pelageya’s future husband was born later than his future wife for six years. Although the fact that she is older than him cannot be said from the photo.

The boy in the early childhood began to be attracted to hockey, and together with his father he attended games of the local hockey club "Metallurg". When Ivan reached the right age, his parents sent him to the youth sports school of this club. Telegin showed great diligence in his training and soon began to reach heights in this sport.

Soon Ivan achieved such success that he even took part in the game as a captain. In 2009, the hockey player became the champion of Russia among juniors.

Pelageya’s future husband does not stop there and leaves for the USA to play for the Saginaw Spirit hockey club. He spends two seasons in Canada, which were successful for this team and for Telegin himself personally. A young talented hockey player is immediately noticed and offered to join the Young Stars Team, to which he immediately agrees.

Ivan's sports career

Then Ivan’s career goes uphill - he plays for the Atlanta Thrashers team and in the Canadian club Barry Colts. Soon, the Atlanta Thrashers invite Telegin to play one more game at the St. John's Ice Caps club, to which the hockey player agrees. At first the game went well, but at one point Telegin received an injury, which caused him to have a concussion. They wanted to send the hockey player to the 2011 World Championship, but the trip was postponed due to a concussion.

After treatment, Atlanta decides that Ivan is not cured and leaves him on loan for another year. Telegin does not agree with this decision, leaves the team and moves to Russia. But this act backfired on him - the hockey player was disqualified for a year, so only in 2014 Ivan joined CSKA, where he still plays and is very successful.

In 2015, he played in the World Championship and became a silver medalist, and the following year he played for the first time for the Russian national team in the Czech Republic. Pelageya’s future husband is tall – almost two meters (193 cm) and weighs about 92 kg.

Hockey player Ivan Telegin has a left grip and is currently a right winger in the CSKA team.

One can argue about the attractiveness of his appearance, because everyone has different tastes. Some people like tall and slender men, others the opposite. But, of course, all women like athletic, strong and fit men.

Personal life

Despite his very young age, Telegin has a wealth of experience in love relationships with women. In 2013, Ivan met a stripper Evgenia in a nightclub and simply lost his head at her attractiveness. The young beauty reciprocated, and soon they began to live together. In February 2016, the lovers had a son named Mark.

Their relationship was complicated from the very beginning; even before the birth of the child, Ivan wanted to break up with Evgenia, but did not do this, because he was sure that the child would strengthen their love. But after the birth of the long-awaited first child, the quarrels did not stop, and living together has become completely impossible. Therefore, in the spring, Ivan and Evgenia broke up, and the child remained to live with his mother.

In the spring, the hockey player meets Pelageya. Some fans said that famous singer separated Ivan from ex-wife, but this is not true. At the time of the meeting with the singer, Telegin had long ago decided to break up with Evgenia.

Pelageya was also seen several times at hockey games, she was rooting for Telegin. She even had a T-shirt with his last name written on it. English language. Sweet couple appeared in restaurants, at parties. And in June a photo appeared from the registry office, where Pelageya is in wedding dress walks cheerfully arm in arm with Telegin. The couple carefully hid their wedding; only close relatives and friends were present at the wedding. They spent their honeymoon on the beach Mediterranean Sea in Greece.

In January, the singer became a mother for the first time; the couple named their daughter rare name Taisiya. Now the couple are enjoying marital bliss, which they expect will last for a long time. For Pelageya, her husband and children currently come first; she has said several times on television that she feels like a happy mother.

But the singer also does not intend to leave her career; a month after giving birth, she already appeared in Crocus City at the anniversary of Nikolai Rastorguev. Then Pelageya led anniversary concert in honor of the fifth anniversary of the show “The Voice”.

Beloved wife - Pelageya

A sunny, joyful, loving singer, without whom there would be no happiness for Ivan Telegin, who made a huge contribution to our stage, was born in 1986 in Novosibirsk. The Siberian girl first bore the name Polina. So they decided to change her “outdated” name, which was given to her in honor of her grandmother. But when the girl received her passport, she replaced her name with her real name - Pelageya.

Singer Pelageya: photo

She got the surname Khanova from her stepfather, because the girl doesn’t even remember her father, who gave her life. Mom, Elena Khanova, was a good jazz singer. But then a misfortune happened - she lost her voice after an illness. However, the woman passed on her singing talent and love for music to her daughter. From the early age the girl repeated certain musical phrases after her mother. At three years old, child prodigy Polya could read!

Pelageya made her first debut on stage at the age of four: the little singer performed several songs at the St. Petersburg exhibition. She fell in love with the stage and has since performed regularly in kindergarten on holidays. At the age of eight, the girl went to a music school, which was located at the conservatory. For the first time in history, an eight-year-old singer appeared on the stage of the Conservatory Assembly Hall!

They obeyed, and as a result, the country heard about a new young star. Even Western leaders learned about Pelageya, who won the competition: J. Chirac, H. Clinton. Everyone admired her talent, and Yeltsin even shed tears.

After that, singing career Pelageya's career rose rapidly: she began performing all over the country. When the girl sang in the Kremlin, she was blessed for further creativity by Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II. This significant event in the singer’s life, which others could only dream of, significantly influenced her future career.

In 1997, Pelageya appeared in the KVN team of Novosibirsk University. The little rising star brought great success to his team. Further, Pelageya was expected to win competitions and perform frequently. Her mother taught her vocals and tried to educate her in different musical styles.

If at the beginning of your creative path Pelageya sang mostly folk songs, but her mother taught her to perform bel canto. It wasn't easy, but her stunning four-octave range, which some singers could only dream of, allowed her to perform the most difficult pieces of music.

Soon the family had to move to the capital due to the young singer’s frequent performances. Pelageya enters the Gnesin school and records her first album, which included folk and Cossack songs.

In 1999, having finally conquered her country, Pelageya went abroad. Her performance at the competition in Scotland was highly praised, and the famous singer José Carreras even invited the young singer to perform with him at concerts. Pelageya, of course, agreed.

The rising star graduated from school as an external student at the age of fourteen! Then she entered the Institute of Theater Arts, from which she graduated with honors in 2005.

She appeared on the movie screen in an episode of the TV series “Yesenin”. The plump village girl with a mischievous character managed to attract the attention of the audience with her impromptu image, even in the background. Then the singer organized her own group “Pelageya”, with which she performed at concerts.

Then the singer participated in the show “Two Stars”, where she won together with Dasha Moroz. They performed the song “Olga” by Sukachev in the show “Property of the Republic”. In 2009, Pelageya became the winner in the Chart's Dozen hit parade. The following year, the singer participated in the production of B. McFerrin's opera Bobble.

In 2012, Pelageya was invited as a mentor to the show “The Voice,” where she spent several seasons. Two years later, she became a mentor in a similar children's “Voice”. In 2014, Pelageya voiced the cartoon “Fly Your Wing.” In 2015, the singer appeared in KVN as a member of the jury.

The singer's first husband was a member of the KVN team, in which Pelageya and early years, Dmitry Efimovich. He was eleven years older than her, but that didn't stop them love relationships. Dmitry is known as the director of Comedy Woman. However, the couple did not have a happy family life, and they separated in 2012. Then the singer remained in splendid isolation, hiding her relationship until she met Telegin.

Pelageya is an original Russian vocalist who performs compositions in the folk-rock genre. The singer began performing in early childhood and became the winner of many popular vocal competitions. Now the girl has own group, and tickets to her concerts are instantly sold out. The singer is known for her cheerful disposition and bright stage outfits in folk style. For recent years the artist is also a member of the jury of the show “The Voice”. Contestants love the singer for her sincere emotions and soulful approach to music.

All photos 12

Biography of Pelageya

The future singer Pelageya was born in 1986 in the city of Novosibirsk. At the time of registering the birth certificate, the registry office staff made a mistake and registered the girl as Polina. Only at the age of 16, when she received a passport, the singer was able to regain the name that her parents had originally given her. By the way, this is a family name: the child was named after his grandmother.

The artist also did not bear the surname Khanova from birth; She received it from her stepfather, who raised her as his own daughter. The little girl practically didn’t know her own father – she and her mother broke up very early. Mother future star She was once a famous jazz vocalist, but after a long illness she lost her voice. Svetlana had to start working in the theater. Now she is a director and teaches acting, and is also a producer for his daughter.

Pelageya Khanova's career began in early childhood. At the age of four, the girl took part in a kindergarten production. The child really enjoyed performing on stage, and four years later the mother enrolled her daughter in a music school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. It is noteworthy that by that time the school had been operating for 25 years, but only instrumentalists, not vocalists, studied there. At one of the performances at the conservatory, the girl was noticed by Dmitry Revyakin, lead singer of the Kalinov Most group. He invited the young vocalist to go to Moscow and become a participant in the Morning Star program. The girl managed to win this competition, and in 1996 the 10-year-old performer was recognized as the best folk vocalist of Russia.

After this, the artist was noted in some other prestigious music competitions. In addition, the girl began to play in KVN for the university team of her native Novosibirsk. During the same period, Pelageya was lucky enough to sing in front of the presidents of Russia, France and Germany at a trilateral summit of the heads of these states.

At the age of 14, the girl graduated from school early and settled in the capital, entering the Academy of Theater Arts. That same year, the singer became the lead singer of the group of the same name, which soon released its first album, “Lyubo!” The group sang in a very unusual style, but perhaps it was thanks to this that the disc quickly became popular.

Thus, from the age of 14, the singer began touring and recording compositions in the studio. The artist managed to work in several directions at once, and with constant success. For example, in 2003, the vocalist graduated with honors and simultaneously recorded her second album. In 2006-2009, Pelageya Khanova actively performed at concerts in Russia and other countries former USSR, took part in many competitions and famous festivals. During this period she released two more studio albums, which found a response in the hearts of many listeners and experts.

In 2009, the singer's fifth album was released. She got unusual name- “Siberian Drive”. In the same year, the girl took part in television program"Two Stars" where famous singers performed compositions in duets with non-professional vocalists. Actress Daria Moroz became the singer’s partner. After this, the performer took part in other musical television projects, including the show “Property of the Republic”.

Today Pelageya Sergeevna actively performs at concerts, festivals and works in the theater. In addition, she has been a permanent mentor in the show “The Voice” for several years now. Children". The audience fell in love with the mentor’s sincere emotions and her feelings for all the contestants without exception. Being the only populist among all the mentors, the singer often gives folk songs to her wards.

Previously, the artist was also on the jury of the adult “Voice”, but recently she was replaced by Polina Gagarina.

Personal life of Pelageya

In 1997, during the KVN games in Novosibirsk, Pelageya met Dmitry Efimovich, who later became the director of the television project “Comedy Woman”. At that time, Dmitry played for one of the teams, but the guys did not become friends.

Many years later, the singer and director met by chance in Moscow, and tender feelings arose between them. In 2010, the couple legalized their relationship. This was the girl’s first serious novel, since in her youth she was not particularly popular with young people. Fans sincerely hoped that the marriage with Efimovich would be successful.

After the wedding, the singer took the surname of her husband, who, by the way, is 11 years older than her. However, after 2 years, the vocalist again began to appear in the world as Pelageya Khanova. Soon the public learned that the singer and her husband were officially divorced. According to one version, the reason for the separation was Dmitry’s betrayal. According to another version, the husband already wanted a child at that time, and the singer threw herself into work and was in no hurry to have a baby.

The artist was very worried about the divorce. She found salvation in active work and in searching for new material for musical creativity. Gradually, the pain from the failed marriage passed, and the singer again began to believe that she would meet her true love.

In the second season of the show “The Voice,” one of the members of her team, Dmitry Sorochenkov, drew the attention of Pelageya. It is noteworthy that the young man is not only the namesake ex-husband singer, but also looks like him. Dmitry publicly stated that the mentor turned his heart, and the singer also admitted more than once that she was not indifferent to her ward. However, rumors about their romance were not confirmed.

Pelageya Khanova was also credited with another romance on the “Voice” project - this time with colleague Dima Bilan. The basis for such guesses was a photograph in which the singers tenderly embrace in one of the bars. As in the case of Dmitry Sorochenkov, the rumors turned out to be groundless.

In the summer of 2016, it became known that Pelageya was dating the famous hockey player Ivan Telegin. During one of Telegin’s matches, the paparazzi caught the “Voice” mentor on the podium, who had an engagement ring on her ring finger. Then the athlete’s relatives confirmed: there will be a wedding! It would seem worth rejoicing for Pelageya. However, following the news about the new boyfriend, information appeared that Khanova had taken the guy away from the family. In February, Ivan and his girlfriend Evgenia had a son, Mark, but the child did not save the union from collapse.

Pelageya refused to comment on this shocking statement. But after some time, a message from a representative of the group (presumably Svetlana Gennadievna Khanova) appeared on its official website under numerous questions from fans.

"First and last time I’ll answer here,” the comment reads. - Vanya was not married. When they met Polya, he was no longer in a relationship. All. I suggest we end here."

On June 16, 2016, Pelageya and Ivan Telegin played secret wedding. Their wedding took place in the Kutuzovsky registry office, and the banquet took place in one of the Rublevsky restaurants. Among the guests of the event were only the closest relatives and friends. Among the star people are Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov.

A month after the wedding, everyone noticed that Pelageya was in an interesting position. On January 21, 2017, she gave birth to a girl, whom she and Ivan named Taisiya.

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In 1943, Karachais were illegally deported from their native places. Overnight they lost everything - their home, their native land and...

When talking about the Mari and Vyatka regions on our website, we often mentioned and. Its origin is mysterious; moreover, the Mari (themselves...

Introduction Federal structure and history of a multinational state Russia is a multinational state Conclusion Introduction...

General information about the small peoples of RussiaNote 1 For a long time, many different peoples and tribes lived within Russia. For...
Creation of a Receipt Cash Order (PKO) and an Expenditure Cash Order (RKO) Cash documents in the accounting department are drawn up, as a rule,...
Did you like the material? You can treat the author with a cup of aromatic coffee and leave him a good wish 🙂Your treat will be...
Other current assets on the balance sheet are the economic resources of the company that are not subject to reflection in the main lines of the report of the 2nd section....
Soon, all employer-insurers will have to submit to the Federal Tax Service a calculation of insurance premiums for 9 months of 2017. Do I need to take it to...
Instructions: Exempt your company from VAT. This method is provided for by law and is based on Article 145 of the Tax Code...