Regulations on the I Far Eastern Festival of Circus Arts. Festival regulations

"Talent Marathon"

General provisions

1.1. This provision regulates the procedure for holding the competition circus art and the original genre “Buffoonery”, within the framework of the I Interdistrict Festival of Children and Youth Creativity “Marathon of Talents” for students of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School, Educational Institution, School of Children’s Education, and Children’s Educational Institution.

Goals and objectives of the competition


Creating conditions for identifying new talented performers and groups among children and youth in the areas of circus art and original genre;

Popularization pop art;


Creating conditions for creative self-realization of children and youth, promoting their creative development;

Acquiring skills public speaking;

Establishing creative interaction between competitors;

Creating conditions for the exchange of experience and skills of managers and teachers;

Identification of talented and gifted children with a view to further attracting them to participate in the activities of the State Budgetary Institution of Preparatory Education Center Central region.

Founders and organizers of the competition

3.1. The founder of the competition is the education department of the Central District Administration. Organizer of the competition –

3.2. The organizer of the competition is a state budgetary institution additional education Center for extracurricular work with children, youth and adults in the Central District of St. Petersburg (hereinafter referred to as the Center for Extracurricular Activities).

Participants of the competition

4.1. The following are allowed to participate in the competition:

Students secondary schools and other educational institutions

Students creative teams UDOD and ODOD

4.2. All competition participants are divided into the following age groups:

1st age group - 7-10 years

2nd age group – 11-13 years old

3rd age group – 14-17 years;

4th age group -18 and older.

Conditions of the competition

5.1. Participants can submit competition numbers in accordance with the proposed nominations (pairs, group, solo):

-circus art

-original genre

5.2. Speech time limit is up to five minutes.

5.3. The number of numbers presented is no more than two from a participant or team.

5.4. The competition organizers reserve the right to make additions and changes to this provision.

5.5. Musical accompaniment for the competition is provided on a flash card or CD, CD-RW disk with high-quality recording. The phonogram can be sent in advance along with the application form for participation in the competition by e-mail to: address: konkurs@cvrcr. com or provided to the sound engineer of the GBU DO TsVR on the day of the competition no later than 30 minutes before the start. It is allowed to accompany the speech with a presentation made in the program Microsoft PowerPoint.

Dates of the competition

6.1. January 19, 2018 V 13.00 – competitive viewings will take place at the address: st. Pravdy, 8 lit. D.

March 30, 2018 at 15:00 – Closing of the I Interdistrict Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity "Marathon of Talents". Gala – concert of the winners. Ceremonial award ceremony.

6.2. Applications (Appendix 1) for participation in the competition are accepted from 04.12.2017 to 17.01.2018. at the address: st. Pravdy, 8, lit. D (room 203), also by fax: 315-48-81 or by email: [email protected]

Evaluation criteria

7.1. The evaluation of competitive works is carried out according to criteria with scores assigned for each criterion from 1 to 10.

7.2. The performances of the participants will be assessed in accordance with the level of their professional training.

7.3. Criteria:

Technical complexity of the performed repertoire:

The Moscow International Youth Festival-competition of circus art is conducted with the purpose of popularization of the best achievements of domestic and foreign circus art and its role in harmonious education of the younger generation and propagation of a healthy lifestyle.

Regulation of the Festival conduct

The conduct regulation of the XVII Moscow International Youth Festival-Contest of circus art XVII Moscow International Youth Festival-Contest of circus art is held with the aim:

  • to advertise best achievements of Russian and foreign circus art;
  • to increase its role in teenagers’ harmonious education and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

1. The Festival Founders:

  • Moscow Nikulin circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard

2. Administration:

  • The Festival Directorate
  • Autonomous non-profit organization “The Center of circus art festivals”
  • Training artistically group
  • Fn International Fest Jury

2.1 The Directorate prepares and conducts the Festival.

2.2 Training artistically group develops the script, prepares staging and musical arrangement, organizes the rehearsals, conducts the competitive programs and gala performances.

2.3 An International Fest Jury is formed by the Festival Directorate and approved by the International Jury Chairman, Nikulin M. and the Festival Director, Fedotov B., which consists of outstanding people in circus art and culture. The participants taking part in creating art performance cannot be included to the Fest Jury. The Jury’s decision is the only Jury’s mind and it may not be reviewed and appealed. The Jury votes only after reviewing the festival whole program.

3. Conditions and time of the Festival:

3.1. The Festival will be held from September, 7-10 2017.

September, 2-3 2018 – the Arrival of the Festival participants, the installation of props

September, 4-5 2018 – the practice

September, 6 2018 – Program A at 7 p.m. the Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard

September, 7 2018 – Program B at 7 p.m. the Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard

September, 8 2018 – Program A at 2.30 p.m. Program B at 7 p.m. the Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard

September, 9 2018 – Gala Concert at 2.30 p.m. Gala Concert and Rewarding. The Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard at 7 p.m.

September, 10 2018 – the Departure of the Festival participants.

3.2. According to the Committee appointed by the Directorate the circus performance and the circus groups (professional or amateur) may take part in Festival.

Physical-acrobatic genre performances – at the age not over 30

Taming performances – at the age not over 35

Clownery and musical eccentric performances – at the age not over 40

There will be held a contest of young performers at the age of 14 during the whole Festival.

3.4. The Festival participants’ registration:

If you are not from Russia and want to take part in Festival you should send all necessary applications and other documents till April, 15 2018 and if you are from Russia or CIS till May, 15 2018. These documents are:

  • The contract for foreign participants
  • The contract for Russians and the participants from CIS
  • Video recording or DVD (3 months not later)
  • The pictures of your performance
  • The description of musical arrangement (soundtrack or orchestra)

Documents and video recordings mentioned above cannot be returned back.

3.5. The selection criteria are novelty, uniqueness and high performance skills.

3.6. The Festival participants agree with the conception and the rules which are written in the Regulation of the Festival conduct.

3.7. All Festival participants have to respect and follow the internal regulations of Festival both during the practice and performances. The participants have to take part in parades-beginning, parades-ending and gala performances. The prizewinners, laureates should take part in gala performances at the discretion of the Festival Director.

3.8. The Festival participants must take part in performances and TV shows with the aim of Festival promotion.

3.9. Air gymnastics performances must be only if there are certificates for rope equipment and technical certificate for hanging devices dated 2018.

3.10. The Festival Directorate should provide foreign participants with accommodation and meal, if it is necessary to pay for transportation to Moscow and back and guarantee visa support.

4. Awards:

4.1. Those participants who won’t get awards are The Diploma Winners of the XVI Moscow International Youth Festival-Contest of circus art.

“The Golden Elephant” award for children performances – 1 Prize

“The Silver Elephant” award for children performances – 1 Prize

“The Bronze Elephant” award for children performances – 1 Prize

“The Golden Elephant” award and The Laureate Title of the First Degree – 3 Prizes

“The Silver Elephant” award and The Laureate Title of the Second Degree – 3 Prizes

“The Golden Elephant” award and The Laureate Title of the Third Degree – 3 Prizes

The Jury's Festival Award – 1 Prize

The Laureate Titles – 10 Prizes

4.2. The unique and consolation prizes may be awarded by the Festival Directorate including cash bonuses.

"I affirm"

Director of MAU TsKSiRM "RADOST"


"____" ___________________ 2015


Open competition-festival circusart



The festival is held with the aim of promoting circus art, demonstrating

creative achievements of children's circus groups, aesthetic education the younger generation, organizing leisure activities for the population and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The founder of the festival-competition is the “Municipal Autonomous Institution Center for the Culture of Sports and Work with Youth “Radost”. The festival of amateur circus groups “Circus 21st Century” is held at the House of Culture in the village of Ashitkovo.

The festival includes a competition of children's and youth circus groups of Moscow and the Moscow region; acquaintance with the exhibition children's creativity"Circus through our eyes." General organizational support for the competition is provided by the founders of the festival. The festival ends with the awarding of laureates and participants of the competition. The competition-festival takes place in one day.


The main goals and objectives of the festival are:

    preservation of the traditions of the Russian Circus; fostering a sense of collectivism and responsibility for a common cause; development of creative connections between educational institutions districts; organizing interesting leisure time for children; identifying and supporting talented teams, increasing the level of performing skills; education of tolerance, instilling family values, ideals of justice, kindness, sensitive attitude towards others; popularization of pedagogical work aimed at the development of individual creativity students.


The organizing committee carries out the preparation and holding of the festival.
The organizing committee determines the composition of the festival jury. Directly organizes and coordinates the competitive events. Approves the festival script. Amateur children's circus groups and performers from Moscow and the Moscow region are invited to participate. in the following genres:

§ Acrobatics

§ Juggling

§ Equilibrium

§ Illusionary genre

§ Clowning

§ Musical eccentricity

§ Original genre

§ Air-parterre (ring-parterre, tightrope walkers)

For technical reasons, the suspended air genre is not available.

Performers aged from 3 to 21 years are allowed to participate in the festival.
The results are summed up according to the following criteria:

o mixed age groups;

· solo numbers;

· paired numbers

· group compositions.

Age of participants up to 21 years, number of participants from one team

unlimited. One participant over 21 years of age is allowed to participate. And in group and pair compositions the participation of one participant of any other age category.

(but in this performance the performance is judged by the senior performer).

It is advisable to present a performance by the group with a total duration of no more than 20 minutes (violation of the time limit of 3-4 minutes is allowed)

A team can present 4 performances in each age category, but no more than 20 minutes per team in 1 age category. A maximum of 3 performers can take part in group performances. The duration of the number is no more than 5 minutes.
The performance of the group must be performed with a soundtrack, the musical accompaniment must be recorded on a flash drive.


The festival-competition is held

The application for participation in the festival must indicate:

1) Name of the institution representing this team

2) Last name, first name, patronymic of the head of the institution

3) Name of the group

4) Last names of managers

5) Contact numbers.

6) Name of the numbers.

8) Program timing

9) Applications are filled out for each number.

Upon arrival at the festival-competition, team leaders present
organizers a copy of the birth certificate or passport of the team members and a copy of the participant’s life insurance or a copy of the health insurance policy. Original application for the competition.

The program prohibits the use of numbers dangerous to life and health

performers (without means of insurance; fire hazards) Responsibility for the serviceability of the apparatus, as well as for the life and health of the performer, lies with the head of the circus group.

All work on the installation of additional equipment or props is carried out

only under the control and with the participation of DC employees

Responsibility for the serviceability of the team’s equipment and the quality of its work lies with the head of the circus team.

Travel, accommodation and meals for participants are at the expense of the sending party.

The order of performance of participants of the festival-competition “Circus 21st century”

Soloists, pair compositions, group compositions.

Soloists, pair compositions, group compositions.

Paired compositions, group compositions.


aesthetics and performing level of the repertoire presented at the competition;

correspondence of the age of the participants to the number being performed, accessibility to perception;

the level of physical development and creative training of the competition participants;

stage culture and technical performance, diversity of the presented program;

emotionality, stage presence, degree of acting skills of the performers;

modernity of directing and production work, originality, individuality and innovation of ideas;

unity of musical design, stunt part of the program (number) and costumes of the performers;

quality of musical material;

originality and design of circus props.

complexity of the trick part of the performance.


The jury of the festival-competition includes professional circus performers, representatives of culture and sports (as agreed), representatives of the organizing committee of the festival-competition.

Evaluation criteria (10 point system)

· Stage direction

· Originality of the number

· Trick difficulty of the act

· Execution technique

· Artistry of the performers

· Stage culture


In accordance with the decision of the jury, teams and individual performers are awarded the following titles:

Age groups of performers:

o 3 - 9 years, ( Best Performer, best performer, best pair composition, best group composition)

o 9-15 years (Best performer, best female performer, best pair composition, best group composition)

o years (Best performer, best female performer, best pair composition, best group composition)

Mixed age groups (best pair composition, best group composition)

“Festival Grand Prix” - 1st prize

“Festival participant” To all groups and participants.

The jury and festival organizers have the right to establish special prizes.

Special Jury Prizes

· Directing


· Originality

· Artistry

The organizers of the festival-competition can establish their own prizes

The founders of the festival wish everyone success and hope for fruitful cooperation.

Composition of the festival organizing committee:


1. The Organizing Committee of the festival-competition includes representatives of the “Municipal Autonomous Institution Center for the Culture of Sports and Work with Youth “Joy”.

2. Representative from the city Sports. Committee


4. Representative of the Circus genre

4.2. Email address for applications: dkashitkovo. mail. ru

Tel/fax: ____________________ fax _____________



to participate in open festival– circus art competition

"Circus 21st century"


Name of the institution representing this team

o Address and tel. Representative institutions

Last name, first name, middle name of the head of the representative institution

Full name of the team

Last name, first name, patronymic of the team leader


Contact numbers of the team leader.

Number name.

Number timing


Names, surnames and ages of performers

Names, surnames and ages of performers


Names, surnames and ages of performers


Names, surnames and ages of performers

4.Number of participants___________


7. (If necessary) indicate the time for changing clothes__________________________

8. Musical accompaniment: __________________________________________

(flash media)

Necessary technical means and equipment (including light) _______________________________________________________________________

9. Contact numbers: (institution)_____________________ (head)___________________________

If necessary, fill in:

Director of the institution __________________ / ____________________

Team leader _________________/ _____________________

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