Pomelo: calories, benefits and harms of large citrus. Various facts about the beneficial and harmful properties of pomelo. Pomelo - useful properties and contraindications

Botanical name: Pomelo or Pompelmus or Sheddock (Citrus maxima). Representative of the genus Citrus, Rutovye family.

Homeland pomelo: China.

Lighting: bright, diffused light.

The soil: a mixture of sand, clay, limestone and ordinary earth, enriched with sea water salts, or a special substrate for citrus fruits.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 15 m.

Average life expectancy: 100 years.

Landing: seeds, grafting, seedlings.

Leaves and fruits of pomelo

Pomelo is an evergreen tree, reaching 10 - 15 m in height. The crown is compact, spherical, with branches covered with small spines. The leaves are large, oblong-ovate, smooth, glossy, dark green above, slightly lighter below, slightly pubescent. The length of the leaf plate is 10 - 20 cm. The petiole is thick, cordate-winged. The flowers are white, 2.5–3 cm in diameter, grow singly or in clusters of 6–10 pieces. The fruit is round, oval or pear-shaped, 17-20 cm long, about 30 cm in diameter, weighing 1 kg or more. The peel is thick, shiny, bright yellow or orange. The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, fragrant, divided into large slices, separated from each other by a dense white partition. Each lobule contains seeds. This crop blooms and bears fruit 2-4 times a year. The fruits ripen within 5 - 7 months.

What a pomelo looks like can be seen in the photo in our gallery:

Citrus pomelo is not a grapefruit hybrid

There is an opinion that pomelo is a hybrid of grapefruit, but this is not so. These plants are close relatives, but the pomelo is superior in size and many of its properties.

The birthplace of the pomelo tree and its photo

The homeland of the pomelo tree is Southeast Asia and China, where it was known as early as 100 BC. In European countries, the fruit appeared only in the 14th century thanks to navigators.

The second name of the pomelo "sheddock" is associated with the name of the English captain Sheddock, who brought citrus in the 17th century to the West Indies. According to one version, in a different climate, a mutation occurred with a pomelo, resulting in a grapefruit. After some time, the plant began to spread in South and Central America, Japan, and Hawaii.

Currently, pomelo citrus is cultivated in China, Japan, Vietnam, Israel, Indonesia, and on the island of Tahiti. There are small plantations of it in America in California.

The use of citrus and candied pomelo

The fruit is eaten mostly fresh, or is used to make national dishes in some countries. At home, candied fruits are made from pomelo.

Before eating citrus pomelo for food, with a sharp knife, the pulp is peeled from a thick peel and the white core is removed, then the pulp is divided into slices.

Fruits keep in the refrigerator for about 3 weeks. The peeled citrus is edible for 2 days.

Pomelo fruit today can be bought in almost every supermarket, but not all buyers know how to recognize a high-quality, ripe fruit.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the aroma of citrus, it should be pronounced and felt even at a distance. The peel should not have any spots, seals, damage and streaks. The skin color can vary from bright yellow to green depending on the variety. Burgundy circles will indicate improper storage of this product.

How to grow pomelo fruit from seed

An exotic pomelo plant can also be grown at home, then it will delight with healthy, tasty fruits all year round and decorate the room.

Since a humid, hot climate prevails in countries where pomelo grows, it is necessary to create conditions for this exotic that are close to its usual ones, that is, to provide an abundance of sunlight, warmth, and constant soil and air moisture.

At home, citrus is often grown from a seed (stone) taken from a ripe, high-quality pomelo fruit. Before spring planting, it is recommended to germinate the seeds. To do this, several large, intact seeds are removed from the selected fruit, dried and placed in a container with warm water for 12 to 16 hours. Any material that absorbs moisture is placed at the bottom of the container, and sphagnum moss is also suitable for this. The seeds are placed in a bowl and covered with material or moss on top. The container with seeds is cleaned in a warm place. After the seeds germinate, you can begin preparing the soil mixture.

A pot or container made of any material is suitable for planting, provided it has holes for water to drain. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom of the dishes, for this you can use pebbles, expanded clay, charcoal, a small amount of manure. The soil substrate should consist of leafy soil (1 part), soddy land (2 parts), sand (1 part), humus (1 part). Sprouted seeds are planted with roots down to a depth of 2 - 3 cm. Place the container in a lighted place, but away from direct sunlight. An earthen ball is watered as it dries. After the grown sprouts have 3 - 4 leaves, they can be transplanted into separate containers with a diameter of 15 - 20 cm. When the tree grows and gets stronger, you can transplant it into a large wooden tub.

In order to grow a healthy, fruitful crop, it is not enough to know how to grow a pomelo from a stone; in addition, you must follow the rules for caring for whimsical citrus.

Pomelo fruit (photo below in the gallery) prefers bright diffused light, under direct rays the leaves can get burned, and with a lack of light, the plant will develop more slowly and bear fruit worse. From May to September (before the onset of cold weather), it is recommended to keep a container of citrus in the fresh air. The optimum temperature for its cultivation is + 24 ... + 27 ° С. During the heating season, you can not put the plant on the windowsill, under which there is a battery, since hot air will destroy the leaves of the pomelo and negatively affect its well-being.

Exot requires compliance with the irrigation regime and a limited amount of moisture. For irrigation use settled water at room temperature. As practice shows, excess or lack of moisture in the soil is reflected in its development. When the earth dries up, the roots die off, the leaves fall off, in some cases the tree dies. With an excess of moisture, the soil turns sour, begins to mold. The plant can also die if the transplant is not carried out in time.

Dry air is very harmful to the crop, especially for young individuals, so it is useful to spray the leaves with a spray gun 1-2 times a week, which will increase the humidity in the room, make it easier for the leaves to evaporate water, and help the root system absorb moisture better. Spray the tree with soft settled water.

Fertilizer and pomelo transplant

Fertilizers play an important role in the successful development of pomelo. For growth, flowering and fruiting, macronutrients are required: nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, sulfur and others. Young plants require nitrogen to promote shoot development and healthy, high-quality foliage. Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system and the formation of ovaries, and hence on productivity. Potassium improves nitrogen absorption. In addition, it accelerates the ripening of shoots, ripening of fruits, helps to increase the yield and resistance of citrus. With a lack of calcium, growth and root formation slow down.

From October to February, the tree is dormant. In late February - early March, a transplant is carried out in a fresh substrate. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment. In large crops, instead of transshipment, the top layer of soil is changed to a new, nutritious one. Transplantation is required in order to make up for the lack of nutrients, as well as to normalize the acidity of the soil, since its initial acidity changes over time.

Pomelo, like other citrus crops, reacts painfully to transplantation, for this reason the transshipment method is more often used. This keeps root damage to a minimum. The new container should be slightly larger than the previous one. The plant is transplanted only when its roots are completely entwined with an earthen ball, or if the tree grows very slowly and does not bear fruit well.

Transplantation and transshipment can be carried out at any time of the year, with the exception of the dormant period, flowering, budding and fruiting. Pomelo is handled carefully, along with a clod of earth, so as not to damage sensitive roots. Damage to the root system leads to a slowdown in the development of the tree, and sometimes to its death.

The features of the pomelo tree are well seen in the photo gallery below.

Pomelo is the fruit of an evergreen citrus tree. The peel of the pomelo is quite dense, the slices are large, separated by harsh white partitions with a bitter aftertaste. Ripe citrus has a color from light green to yellow-pink. The pink shade of the fruit is due to the sun, usually it is only one side turned to the sun.

Fruit - breaks all records among citrus fruits. In diameter, a pomelo can reach 30 cm and in weight 10 kg.

Used to be pomelo considered one of the varieties of grapefruit, but its pulp is not so juicy and there is no bitter aftertaste, and when cleaning, the internal partitions are easier to separate from the pulp.

The birthplace of the pomelo is China (southeast Asia, Malaysia, the islands of Tonga and Fiji). Even today pomelo in Asia is one of the symbols of a prosperous life and prosperity. It is a traditional gift for the New Year.


The fruit is incredibly enriched with vitamins, macro- and microelements. Its components also include organic acids and essential oils. According to the content of vitamins A and C, it far ahead of grapefruit. 100 grams of product contains:

Vitamin A 15.2 IU 0%
Vitamin B1 0.1 mg 4%
Vitamin B2 0.1 mg 3%
Vitamin B3 0.400 mg 2.5%
Vitamin B6 0.1 3%
Vitamin C 116 mg 193%
Vitamin E 0.11 mg 1%
Vitamin K 4.7 mcg 4%

Beneficial features

    In cases of iron deficiency anemia, when hemoglobin synthesis is impaired due to iron deficiency, it is recommended to take any iron supplements or eat foods rich in iron. The effect of these drugs can be enhanced when combined with foods rich in vitamin C. Scientific findings have shown that vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron in the body. Pomelo can be considered as a prevention of such anemia.

  1. Heart Health

    Pomelo contains a large amount of potassium 12% of the daily requirement in one hundred grams of the product. This mineral is essential for the normal functioning of the heart. Potassium regulates blood pressure and lowers bad cholesterol levels in the body. Pomelo helps to cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol layers, thereby reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack. Potassium helps in regulating blood pressure levels, which improves blood circulation, oxygenation of organs and systems, reduces the load on the heart and reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attacks and strokes.

  2. Consuming one pomelo fruit daily can prevent the harmful effects of free radicals attacking the body. It stimulates antibodies and immune system cells to protect the body from bacteria that cause colds, flu, asthma and allergies.

  3. Cancer Prevention

    The pomelo peel contains a large amount of bioflavonoids, an antioxidant that reduces the risk of bowel, pancreatic and breast cancer. These antioxidants remove excess estrogen from the body, preventing the spread of cancer. Pomelo also contains a high amount of fiber, which protects the body from colon cancer.

  4. healthy skin

    Vitamin A present in pomelo thickens the dermis and improves blood flow to the surface of the skin. Regular use of pomelo increases collagen synthesis and slows down the breakdown of collagen and elastin, helping skin look young and healthy. Collagen also promotes faster wound healing, self-healing and reduces signs of skin aging. Also pomelo helps to reduce the production of sebum, which reduces acne.

  5. Pomelo contains vitamins A, C, B1, which are useful for maintaining healthy hair. It also contains minerals such as sulfur, calcium, iron, zinc and calcium which are essential for hair growth. Vitamins A, C, B1 and zinc contained in pomelo are good for hair health. Minerals such as sulfur, calcium, potassium and zinc contribute to their growth. Vitamin C soothes the scalp and prevents dandruff. Pomelo juice improves blood circulation and strengthens hair capillaries, which makes your hair stronger and thicker.

  6. Health of teeth and gums

    Bleeding gums and loose teeth can be a sign of a vitamin deficiency. Collagen is necessary not only for the skin, but also for the formation of healthy teeth and gums.

  7. healthy bones

    Osteoporosis is characterized by a decrease in bone density caused by the depletion of calcium minerals in bone tissue. Thanks to potassium, pomelo helps the body to better absorb other minerals necessary for strengthening bone tissue, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

  8. healthy digestion

    One pomelo contains about 25% of your daily fiber requirement. It promotes healthy digestion and eliminates problems such as constipation and diarrhea. The high fiber content stimulates the secretion of digestive and gastric juices, which in turn aid in the breakdown of complex proteins and fats.

  9. Promotes weight loss

The valuable qualities of the fruit are also used in cosmetic procedures. Face masks containing pomelo have nourishing and moisturizing properties. In order to prepare a mask, take a pomelo slice, grind it, add honey, lemon juice, the resulting mixture is applied for a quarter of an hour on the face. After a while, wash off the mask with green tea. Then use a moisturizer. It is better to apply a pomelo mask in the evening before going to bed to allow the skin to recover.

To give your face freshness, you can wipe the skin with freshly squeezed pomelo juice in the morning. The procedure gives the skin tone and eliminates oily sheen. Experts from the field of cosmetology say that if such procedures are carried out in winter, then by spring the skin will become noticeably younger and fresher. Oily skin should be wiped with concentrated juice, and dry skin with juice diluted with boiled water in a ratio of one to one.


Traditionally, in cooking, the fruit is consumed raw or used as an ingredient in the preparation of dishes of national Asian cuisine. The pulp of the fruit can be part of salads, marmalade, fillings for pies, garnish for meat and fish dishes. From the peel of the pomelo, you can make jam, candied fruit or flavoring for tea.

Below are a few possible recipes that include pomelo.

Pomelo Shrimp Fantasy


  • Pomelo (1 pc)
  • shrimp (10 pcs)
  • celery greens (50 g)
  • sour cream
  • sugar.


The pomelo is neatly divided into 2 parts. Carefully remove the pulp from the peel and chop. Shrimps should be boiled and cut. Finely chop the celery. Mix all the ingredients, add sour cream, put in two halves of the remaining peel, so serve. You can also decorate with herbs or olives.

Salad "Oh, pomelo!"


  • Small pomelo (1 pc)
  • green salad (1 bunch)
  • olive oil
  • pepper.


Pomelo cut into pieces. Tear lettuce with your hands or cut with scissors and knead so that it does not taste bitter. Mix the ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste. Fill with olive oil.

Dessert "Miracle - pomelo"


  • Pomelo (half)
  • orange (1 pc)
  • banana (1 pc)
  • kiwi (2 pcs)
  • apple (2 pcs)
  • pear (2 pcs)
  • ice cream ice cream (200 g)
  • coconut flakes
  • chocolate.


Cut fruit into pieces, mix, add ice cream. Divide into creamers. Sprinkle with coconut flakes or grated chocolate.


  • Pomelo, like all citrus fruits, is a strong allergen, if you are prone to various allergies, then you should use it with caution - a couple of slices will be enough for one time.
  • In case of stomach problems, it is better not to overeat pomelo, the fruit can adversely affect the disease.
  • All the benefits of the fruit will be in it if you choose a fully ripened fruit. The fruit should be slightly soft to the touch, fragrant and shiny. You should not take too large fruits, it is better to pay attention to the fact that they are heavy, which means that they have more pulp and juice.

At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, tree seedlings were brought from Malaysia to the West Indies by the captain of the English ship Sheddock, after which the fruit was brought to Europe. In some European countries, citrus is still called in honor of the brave captain - sheddock.

Some believe that pomelo is one of the varieties of grapefruit. But, according to experts, this grapefruit is a degenerate descendant of the fruit. In general, the pomelo bypasses the grapefruit in almost all respects - it does not taste bitter, it is easier to peel, it is difficult for them to get dirty, the peel of the pomelo can be used both in cooking and in decoration. In China, pomelo is used for ceremonies at religious celebrations.

What else is useful?

The beneficial properties of the pomelo fruit for the body and its possible harm are similar to the characteristics of other citrus fruits. But there are features.

What it is?

Pomelo is Pompelmus, or Sheddock ( Citrus maxima) is a woody evergreen plant of the Rutaceae family ( Rutaceae) of the genus Citrus ( Citrus).

Homeland - Southeast Asia, the Far East. Initially, the fruit was distributed in Thailand, Malaysia, and southern China. Now it is cultivated in many regions of the world with a humid warm climate.

How the pomelo tree grows can be seen in the photo.

When the fruit ripens, it is the largest among all citrus fruits on our planet.

Peak season is in February. But the first batches arrive on store shelves at the beginning of winter.

The taste is similar to grapefruit, but much softer.

Many believe that this fruit is a hybrid of some fruits, such as grapefruit. Everything is quite the opposite.

Citrus maxima- one of the four "original" citrus fruits, from which all other varieties went. A pomelo was crossed with a sweet orange and got a grapefruit.

There is also the sweet fruit (oroblanco). It is a hybrid of grapefruit and pomelo. The difference between suite and Citrus maxima in that it is a little smaller in size, from grapefruit - in the absence of bitterness.


The chemical composition of pomelo per 100 grams of fresh pulp includes:

  • 89 grams of water;
  • 9.6 grams of carbohydrates, of which 1 gram is fiber (this is 4% of the daily requirement);
  • 102% of the daily dose of vitamin C;
  • 6% potassium;
  • 2% vitamins B1, B2, B6, phosphorus and copper.

Calorie pomelo per 100 grams - 38 kcal.

It may seem that the nutritional value of the pomelo is low. But this data is calculated per 100 grams. The pulp of a medium-sized fruit weighs about 600 grams.

The fruit also contains other biologically active compounds. One of them is the polyamine spermedine, which supports the survival of cells in the body. Antioxidants of the polyphenolic group are presented in abundance.

Beneficial features

  1. Strengthening immunity. This is the most important explanation of why pomelo is useful. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, which plays a key role in the functioning of the immune system. One fresh fruit contains over 600% of the daily requirement of this vitamin. But you should not be afraid. Since an overdose of vitamin C without the use of dietary supplements, but simply including foods rich in this compound in your diet, is possible only with severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  2. Improvement of the digestive tract. One fruit contains almost 25% fiber, which nourishes the beneficial intestinal microflora and normalizes peristalsis. And, therefore, helps to avoid both the development of chronic constipation and recurrent diarrhea.
  3. Normalization of blood pressure. One fruit contains 36% of the daily dose of potassium. The lack of this trace element is the cause of the development of hypertension and many other serious diseases. People are often wary of injecting too much sodium into the body. But in fact, a lack of potassium, leading to a violation, is a great danger. And citrus helps to avoid this imbalance.
  4. Improving the condition of muscles and bones. Potassium is essential to prevent cramps, relieve muscle stiffness, and maintain good bone mineralization. It is a key micronutrient for the prevention of osteoporosis. That is why pomelo has a special benefit for postmenopausal women.
  5. Increased collagen biosynthesis. Vitamin C provides collagen synthesis. Therefore, the fruit strengthens the connective tissue of the body. Strengthens ligaments. Prevents the loss of teeth that fall out due to the weakening of the ligamentous apparatus in the gums. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. This is another pleasant quality of the fetus for women.
  6. Anemia treatment. Due to the high content of vitamin C, pomelo enhances the absorption of iron. It is useful both for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia, and for its treatment. Again, this is especially important for women, as they suffer from anemia more often than men.
  7. Anti-inflammatory activity. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system. And it helps fight inflammation. At the same time, vitamin C is a strong antioxidant. And every compound that has antioxidant activity fights inflammation.

According to current scientific information, chronic sluggish processes in the body underlie many serious diseases. Pomelo has anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore is useful for:

  • cancer prevention;
  • protection against cardiovascular diseases, primarily atherosclerosis;
  • treatment of acne and acne;
  • diabetes prevention, etc.

If you start comparing pomelo and grapefruit and try to find out which is more useful, then you will not be able to identify the leader. Both fruits have approximately the same biological activity. Grapefruit has several more useful properties, but more contraindications.

What is useful pomelo for weight loss?

  1. The fruit contains carnitine palmitoyl transferase, a fat-burning enzyme that is hard to find in other foods.
  2. Reduces the release of insulin. And prevents rapid rises in blood sugar levels after eating. This helps fight resistance to this hormone, which underlies the development of type 2 diabetes, and weight gain.
  3. Provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety. This makes it possible to avoid unhealthy snacks that make you fat and reduce the total number of calories consumed per day.
  4. Helps to normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora. This is important for weight loss, since overweight people always have a disturbed composition of the intestinal biocenosis.
  5. The anti-inflammatory activity of citrus suppresses sluggish inflammatory processes in the body that occur when gaining excess weight and contribute to a further increase in body fat.
  6. In clinical trials, it has been noted that pomelo suppresses cravings for carbohydrates, especially for easily digestible, cravings for sweets.
  7. Increases overall physical endurance. That is, it makes it possible to move more, and, consequently, burn more calories.

How to use correctly?

So, we figured out the beneficial properties of the fruit for weight loss, now let's understand how to eat a pomelo for weight loss.

This citrus is a low fructose fruit and has a low glycemic load (4.2). However, this does not mean that the fruit can be introduced into the diet in large quantities.

A normal daily dose is considered to be 1.5-2.0 cups of peeled pulp.

Fans of losing weight at night can be advised not to lean on the pomelo before going to bed. At observance of "dosage" to a set of excess weight it will not lead. However, it can cause gastrointestinal side effects. Because the fruit is sour. Even if it seems sweet.

It is correct to eat pomelo as a snack in the daytime. It is also good to add to salads, smoothies. The main thing is not to mix with sugar. Including "natural", for example, with honey.

How to choose a pomelo?

It is important to know not so much how to choose a ripe fruit in a store, but how to pick up an unspoiled one. Like other citrus fruits, this fruit is usually ripe on store shelves. But because of its large weight and high cost, it diverges poorly. They might collapse.

When choosing, pay attention to the following features.

To determine the degree of maturity of a pomelo, you need to put pressure on its upper ass. It should push inward slightly. If it is absolutely hard, then the fruit is a little unripe. But it's better than if the ass is completely soft. In this case, the fruit is rotten.

There should be no spots on the peel, especially purple. The skin should be shiny.

A light citrus aroma should come from the fruit. If the smell is very strong, the fruit is overripe.

The fruit must be heavy. If it is lighter than it seems, then either it has already shrunk or it has not ripened.

How to clean a pomelo?

There is no single instruction on how to properly clean and cut the fruit. You can try peeling it like an orange or a tangerine. But this is not very convenient, since its peel is very thick.

That is why this fruit is not as popular as other citrus fruits - it is not profitable to purchase, there are too many rests.

To remove the peel as easily as possible, cut off the butt of the fetus, and then cut the peel lengthwise. Then she will be removed without problems.

After the peel has been removed, it is still too early to eat pomelo. Now you need to completely clean each slice of all white films. They can be carefully removed with your hands, or you can cut them off with a knife. The second method is faster, but inevitably leads to the loss of some amount of pulp.

Contraindications and side effects

  1. The harm to the health of some people is associated with the high content of vitamin C in it. For this reason, it should not be included in the diet for those who suffer from kidney or liver failure.
  2. In large quantities, citrus can lead to a decrease in blood pressure.
  3. The fruit is forbidden for those who are allergic to citrus.
  4. It should be used with caution in diseases of the stomach. The fruit can increase acid reflux. With stomach ulcers and pancreatitis, it is better to exclude it from the diet altogether.
  5. Pomelo is eaten quickly. Do not keep each slice in your mouth for a long time or slowly sip the juice. Prolonged contact of citrus acid with tooth enamel can lead to its destruction.
  6. A common side effect of eating the fruit in large quantities is bloating, which can be accompanied by nausea and diarrhea. These unpleasant phenomena are associated with the introduction of a large amount of plant fiber into the body and do not pose a threat to health.

Can diabetics use it?

If you are in doubt whether or not you can eat pomelo with diabetes, then know that you can. The fruit reduces the secretion of insulin.

  • Helps reduce the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • Prevents a sharp rise in blood sugar after eating.
  • At the same time, pomelo in diabetes also has an influence that can be called indirect.

Patients with diabetes often suffer from severe complications of this disease on the cardiovascular system. And the fruit helps prevent these complications. He:

  • has diuretic activity and contributes to the normalization of water-salt balance;
  • reduces pressure;
  • boosts immunity, destroys free radicals and fights chronic inflammation.

All this is especially useful for people with diabetes. But what about the fact that the glycemic index of the pomelo is quite high and is 72-78?

According to a study published in October 2017, the fruit's relatively high glycemic index is offset by its low glycemic load of 4.2. This enables diabetics to fearlessly consume the fruit in the amount of 100 grams per day.

Is it possible for pregnant women?

Pomelo during pregnancy works the same way as tangerine.

The fruit is useful for women in position, because:

  • raises immunity;
  • saves from anemia;
  • prevents constipation;
  • strengthens ligaments, muscles, bones.

However, the benefits of the fetus are not unconditional, because it often causes allergies and can lead to heartburn.

Therefore, there are no strict prohibitions on the use of pomelo during pregnancy, as there are no universal indications for its inclusion in the diet. A pregnant woman should be guided by her well-being.

Is it possible with GW?

And again the situation is similar with .

The fruit is rich in vitamin C. And it is very useful for the baby. However, a pomelo is a citrus. And this means that in some children it can cause colic and allergies.

Therefore, the fruit should be introduced into your diet a little bit. And keep a close eye on the health of the baby. If he has even the slightest signs of intolerance to the product, citrus should be immediately abandoned.

At what age can children be given?

Not earlier than one year.

It is possible to introduce a pomelo from the child's diet when the baby's digestive system is already ready to cope with the acid of the fruit. This happens no earlier than 12 months.

Since the fetus is a strong allergen, it should be introduced into the baby's diet in very small portions. Children from one to six years old should not eat more than 100-160 ml of pulp completely cleared of white films per day.

You should carefully monitor the condition of the child. At the first signs of an allergic reaction, citrus should be excluded from the diet.

The benefits and harms of pomelo for the body: conclusions

The beneficial properties of Citrus maxima are due to the presence in its composition of a huge amount of vitamin C and other antioxidants, as well as trace elements, the main of which is potassium.

The fruit strengthens the immune system, strengthens bone and muscle tissue, helps prevent cancer and atherosclerosis.

There is a special benefit of pomelo for weight loss, which is explained by the presence in its composition of an enzyme that accelerates the burning of body fat.

However, the healing qualities of the product do not yet mean that it can be eaten in gigantic quantities. We must remember how many calories are in a pomelo. One piece of fresh fruit contains more than 200 kcal.

Large spherical fruits of an exotic pomelo plant today can be found in almost any Russian supermarket. The conservative domestic consumer has ceased to look at this mysterious fruit with caution and is increasingly supplementing his rather monotonous northern diet with it. Moreover, at giant mandarin there were their devoted fans among the Russians, who no longer imagine their menu without this overseas fruit.

Where did the sultry foreigner, known to many as pamela fruit, come to Russian shelves, how is it useful, what harm can it do to the inexperienced organisms of compatriots?

A bit of history

The pomelo fruit has several names: pompelmus, sheddok, or more familiar to the Russian ear, but incorrect - pamela. The plant belongs to the genus Citrus. China, Southeast Asia, Malaysia, the islands of Tongo and Fiji are considered the birthplace of an exotic fruit. The fruit came to Europe in the 14th century thanks to the efforts of navigators who were actively engaged in intercontinental trade. Pomelo is growing today in most regions with a warm climate.

In their historical homeland, sheddock fruits reach 10 kilograms, although, alas, such heroes cannot be found in our supermarkets. Unlike other overseas fruits, the pomelo perfectly tolerates transportation, which makes it possible to deliver sunny fruits to the most remote and coldest corners of the planet.

Outwardly, the pomelo resembles a large grapefruit - with the same thick peel and juicy slices inside. But in terms of taste, it still differs from its relative in a softer “sound”. However, the taste of the fruit depends on its variety. Spherical dark green fruits have a pink, very sweet pulp, and yellowish flattened fruits are sour with a slight bitterness. Both of them have their devoted admirers, and in terms of their usefulness they are in no way inferior to each other.

Useful properties of an overseas guest

Like all citrus fruits, pompelmus- the record holder for the content of vitamin C. But not only this, it stands out among other exotic fruits. Pomelo contains many beneficial nutrients that make it truly the king of citrus fruits. So what is in this unique fruit?

  • Fiber - dietary fiber that improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Vegetable protein is a building block for body cells.
  • Potassium is an essential element for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, nervous and excretory systems of the body.
  • Calcium is the main building block for human bone tissue.
  • Iron is a microelement involved in hematopoiesis, energy metabolism and metabolism.
  • Sodium is a component responsible for the water and electrolyte balance of the body.
  • Vitamin C is a vitamin of youth, beauty and health, a "fighter" against colds.
  • Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant.
  • B vitamins are essential vitamins for the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems of the body.

Juicy fruit is able to quench your thirst and saturate at the same time. A large amount of fiber contained in the fruit helps to normalize digestion and eliminate constipation. A rich vitamin and mineral complex makes pomelo a herbal medicine that can increase the body's defenses, resist viral diseases, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle. In addition, pompelmus is a good prophylactic against caries, strengthens tooth enamel and prevents the development of periodontitis.

Pompelmus is considered an effective prophylactic against diabetes, hypertension, and a number of oncological diseases. Due to its low calorie content (only 35 kcal per 100 g), fruits can be used as a dietary product for everyone who wants to lose weight. It is recommended to use it in mono-diets, as well as supplement your daily diet with it, replacing fatty and sweet desserts with juicy fruit. Pomelo is also used in cosmetology: on its basis, moisturizing and nourishing masks, cleansing lotions, and body scrubs are made.

Contraindications: who should not eat pomelo

Despite the obvious benefits of the overseas fruit, some categories of people need to limit its use, and it is better to completely abandon it. Who can't eat pompelmus?

Among other things, pomelo has a mild laxative effect, so its use should be limited to those who are prone to diarrhea. And, of course, even an absolutely healthy person should not eat it in kilograms, so as not to provoke indigestion.

How to choose a fruit on the counter

An unripe pomelo can be very sour or bitter. Therefore, the first criterion when choosing an exotic fruit is its ripeness. You can determine it by smell: the richer and more aromatic the peel of the fruit smells, the more juicy and tasty its pulp will be. Different varieties of pomelo differ in taste:

  • pear-shaped yellow fruit has a pleasant sweetish taste;
  • yellow slightly flattened fruit has a sweet taste with a slight sourness;
  • greenish pear-shaped fruit has a pronounced sweet and sour taste;
  • dark green spherical citrus - the sweetest representative among other varieties.

There are no signs of mechanical damage on a high-quality pomelo: cracks, dents, cuts, punctures. The peel is dense, smooth, shiny. When pressed, it should not leave marks. The heavier the fruit, the more juice it contains. Unpeeled pompelmus can be stored out of the refrigerator for more than 30 days. But how only the peel will be removed from it, the expiration date of the product will begin to be calculated in hours. Cut fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

How to Eat and Get the Most Benefits

In the homeland of pomelo, the fruit is eaten as a main dish, seasoned with hot spices, or candied fruit, marmalade, and jams are made from it. All restaurants in the world use juicy ripe fruit as an addition to salads, pastries, desserts and sweet and sour sauces. Even the peel is used: it is dried and added to tea as a useful ingredient rich in essential oils.

But, of course, it is most useful to eat the pomelo in its pure form, without subjecting it to heat treatment, in order to preserve the maximum of useful substances and vitamins. It is enough to peel it like a regular grapefruit, divide it into slices and enjoy the wonderful taste of amazing citrus.

Pomelo is an affordable, healthy and incredibly tasty fruit that deserves more attention than the Russian consumer currently pays to it. This solar miracle will not only strengthen your health and add strength, but will also cheer you up on the grayest and most cloudy autumn day.

An exotic citrus called "pamela" appeared in our country relatively recently, but quickly managed to gain popularity and love. This is a relative of our usual oranges, tangerines and lemons. There are whole legends about the beneficial effects of culture on the human body. What is citrus really, what are the benefits and harms of pamela? Let's figure it out.

Pamelo - a description of where and how the fruit grows

An exotic fruit called "pomelo" or "pamela", or "sheddog" belongs to the citrus family. This is a rounded fruit of a yellow-green color, and a rather large size: it can weigh 2-3 kg, but there is also a pomelo weighing 10 kg.

The culture is a large tree (it can reach 10 meters in height). The plant blooms with large white flowers, ripens from August to November.

The birthplace of culture is the Pacific Islands and China. The pomelo was brought to Europe by the English navigator Sheddock, after whom the name of the fruit was fixed in some countries. In China, the plant is especially popular, the pomelo is presented as a gift for the New Year, the culture is a symbol of prosperity and good luck.

Pamela fruit looks like a grapefruit, only larger.

There are different varieties of such a culture. Depending on the variety, fruits differ from each other in shape and color. They can be round, flattened, pear-shaped. Inside, citrus is yellow, greenish, white and pink. Pamela fruit tastes like an orange.

Important! Unripe fruits are the most valuable. It is recommended to use them only plucked.

Now the plant is cultivated on an industrial scale in many countries and regions.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Low calorie citrus. This explains its popularity in weight loss diets. 100 g of the product contains only 35 kcal. But in terms of its nutritional properties, the culture is very valuable. Only 300-400 g of fragrant and tasty pulp can saturate a person, without any additional dishes.

Citrus contains a large amount of calcium and potassium, sodium and phosphorus, as well as iron. It contains valuable vitamins of group B, as well as A and C.

The benefits of pamela for the human body

Such an exotic fruit from the citrus family has a beneficial effect on the human body. Its benefits are really great.

As part of a delicious product, there are many vitamins, essential oils and trace elements that have a positive effect on human health:

  1. A huge amount of vitamin C helps to quickly and effectively cope with any cold.
  2. The presence of vitamin A and antioxidants help prevent the division of cancer cells, stop the growth of tumor diseases.
  3. Trace elements prevent the aging of the body.
  4. Enzymes perfectly break down fats and proteins, which prevent obesity and activate digestion.

You can learn about the benefits of culture from the video:

Important! The most valuable part of citrus is the veins. Although they have a slightly bitter taste, they cannot be thrown away. It is the veins that effectively cleanse the intestines.

Citrus with regular use has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Culture increases physical activity, performance and endurance. Therefore, it is also very popular among athletes.

The fruit increases hemoglobin and is a natural antibiotic.

Particular attention is paid to the issue of the benefits and harms of culture in diabetes. Pomelo lowers blood sugar levels, so it is recommended to use it for diabetes. The potential harm in this case lies only in a possible allergic reaction of the body.

Citrus improves eyesight and lowers blood pressure.

For women and men

The fruit is useful for both women and men. It stops the aging process in the body, effectively cleanses the intestines and helps to activate the protective properties of the body.

Attention! Studies have shown that pomelo cures asthma.

So there are people who got rid of such a disease after a 3-year pamela diet.

Pomelo is actively used in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

Pamela improves blood circulation, which is an excellent prevention of prostatitis in men.

For pregnant women and while breastfeeding

The benefits of pamela for pregnant women are undeniable. Vitamins and trace elements in citrus contribute to the full development of the unborn child and the normal course of pregnancy in general.

Important! Nursing mothers can also eat pomelo, but in moderation and in the absence of individual intolerance to citrus fruits.

Like all its citrus relatives, pomelo is a fairly strong allergen.

For weight loss

Women especially appreciate pomelo for its low calorie content. Pamela is an important element in various weight loss diets. The pamela diet will help you lose weight and not deplete the body, but, on the contrary, will saturate it with useful substances.

How to eat pomelo fruit

Pomelo is consumed raw. To do this, you need to peel it from the top peel, divide it into slices and enjoy the aroma and sweet taste with a pleasant bitterness. Veins also need to be eaten, they are very useful and effectively cleanse the body of toxins.

fruit application

Pamela is used not only in all kinds of diets, but also simply for a healthy diet, in traditional medicine and in cosmetology.

Use in traditional medicine

For our latitudes, pomelo is still considered an exotic fruit. Therefore, in folk medicine, its use is not yet so popular. But still, some traditional healers recommend using this fruit for burns, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colds, and a strong cough.

In cooking

Even the thick peel of the pomelo is used in cooking. Candied fruits and sweets are made from it, and also added to soups and side dishes as a natural flavor.

At home, a fragrant and healthy tea can be brewed from the dried peel of pamela.

The fruit is added directly to various salads. Pomelo also makes a very tasty and healthy freshly squeezed juice.

In cosmetology

For cosmetic purposes, the pulp of the fruit, its peel, and even the leaves of the plant are actively used.

Pamela peel contains many bioflavonoids and vitamin C. Together, these beneficial substances prevent the destruction of hyaluronic acid in the skin. It is this acid that is responsible for the youth and beauty of the skin. Therefore, the peel of the culture is actively used both in professional beauty salons and at home. It makes a variety of face masks.

In the winter cold, it is very useful to wipe the skin of the face with citrus slices. Pomelo juice will help tighten the oval of the face.

Harm and contraindications pomelo

The harm from such a fruit is minimal. The use of the product is contraindicated only in some cases:

  1. Individual intolerance to citrus fruits, in which an allergic reaction on the skin is possible. Such a reaction is manifested by itching and urticaria.
  2. Significantly increased acidity of the stomach.
  3. Nephritis and hepatitis in acute form.
  4. Acute form of gastrointestinal diseases: ulcer, pancreatitis, colitis.
  5. Taking certain medications. Pamela can either enhance or weaken the effect of medications.

How to choose and store pamela

Choosing a product is quite difficult. It's just that it's hard to judge its ripeness by eye. It is important to pay attention to the peel. In a ripe fruit, the peel is slightly with a glossy, shiny sheen, without spots, cracks, or damage.

Particular attention should be paid to the aroma of citrus. The stronger the aroma, the riper and tastier the fruit.

Keeping citrus is also not difficult. Pamela stays fresh for up to two weeks even without refrigeration. The peeled fruit is stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.


An exotic fruit is indeed a storehouse of useful substances for humans. It is recommended to use it for many diseases, as well as to activate the immune system and quality weight loss. A minimum of contraindications makes citrus suitable for consumption by both adults and children.

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